The Newsletter57225 mars 2013

La Lettre

Josef Ackermann

25 March 2013

As the Cyprus aid plan highlights the necessary restructuring of the island's banking sector, the Robert Schuman Foundation publishes an article by Josef Ackermann entitled "Banking Union: sound in theory difficult in practice". This article is taken from the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2013" published by editions Lignes de Repères and now also available for ebook readers and tablets.

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Front page!

Ici l'Europe receives Joaquin Almunia

25 March 2013

Within the context of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF), the Foundation is broadcasting on its website the latest "Ici l'Europe" programme, for which the guest is Joaquin Almunia, vice-president of the European Commission and European Commissioner responsible for Competition, interviewed by Jean-Paul Betbèze, member of the Robert Schuman Foundation Scientific Committee.

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Cyprus or a few lessons from Aphrodite...

25 March 2013

In an editorial published on its website, the President of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, draws the first lessons from the effects of the Cypriot crisis. He believes that the European Union "must head resolutely towards more complete economic and financial integration". Decisions must be taken by "a single authority". Clearly this will require political re-founding of the Union with Member States and their populations accepting a new sharing of sovereignty.

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Financial Crisis

Reforms are necessary to "restart" the Slovenian economy

24 March 2013

In a report published on 20th March, following a mission to Ljubljana, the International Monetary Fund calls on Slovenia to implement reforms to get out of a prolonged recession and to restart its economy. "Financial difficulties, budgetary consolidation and weak corporate results are creating a negative spiral that will prolong the recession. Rapid political measures are necessary in order to break out of this loop and restart the economy", warns the international body. However, the latter also estimated that the Slovenian economy could return to growth in 2014, as long as the necessary reforms are implemented.

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Increase in the unemployment rate in Poland in February

24 March 2013

The Polish Central Statistics' Office (GUS) published the latest unemployment figures on 22nd March 2013. The unemployment rate reached 14.4% in February 2013, i.e. a 0.2% increase compared to January. By comparison, in February 2012 the unemployment rate in Poland was 13.4%.

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France: INSEE forecasts 10.6% unemployment by mid-2013

24 March 2013

In its note on the economic climate published on 21st March 2013, the National Statistics and Economic Studies Institute (INSEE) forecasts that the unemployment rate should continue to rise to reach 10.6% of the active population in continental France by mid-2013 and 11% when overseas departments are included. "This is indeed a high level, but it is the direct consequence of lack of growth", said Cédric Audenis, head of the economic climate department. Moreover, according to other INSEE figures, the French economy should see "almost nil" growth throughout the entire first half of 2013.

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Irish economic growth in 2012

24 March 2013

On 21st March 2013, the Irish Central Statistics Office (CSO) announced economic growth of 0.9% in 2012, the second year of growth after three years of recession. It was mainly the sectors of distribution, transports, I.T. software and communication that contributed to this increase. Exports were up 2.9% compared to 2011. On the other hand, household consumption was down 0.9% and public spending fell back by 3.7%. Due to this positive development, Ireland hopes to be free from the aid plan by the end of this year.

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A plan to save Cyprus

25 March 2013

On 25th March 2013, the Eurogroup announced that it has found an agreement for Cyprus, to avoid the island going bankrupt and being forced to leave the euro zone. The agreement between the European Commission, the ECB, the IMF and the Cypriot authorities was reached at the price of heavy losses for creditors of the country's largest bank, the Bank of Cyprus, and the pure and simple closure of the second largest bank, Laïki Bank, in exchange for aid of up to 10 billion euros. After an initial failed attempt, which provided for the levy of a tax on all bank deposits, the Eurogroup and the IMF, which were demanding that Cyprus must put 7 billion euros on the table in exchange for their assistance, changed their demands and excluded any kind of tax on deposits of less than 100,000 euros. Bank deposits of over 100,000 euros at the Bank of Cyprus will be subject to a tax of around 30%. Meeting in extraordinary session on 22nd March 2013, Cypriot MPs approved the restructuring of the country's banking sector, the creation of a solidarity fund and the limitation of capital movements, to avoid putting too much pressure on the banks when they reopen on 28th March.

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Annual Report on the European Neighbourhood Policy

24 March 2013

On 20th March 2013 European Union High Representative Catherine Ashton and European Commissioner Stefan Füle presented the annual report on European Neighbourhood Policy and the situation of each of the partner countries. Commercial relations have been intensified, in spite of economic difficulties. The reports by country show diverging political development: although some are making a great deal of progress, others are not and are even moving backwards, which is the case for Ukraine. European Union action is seen in a positive light by the citizens of partner countries, although those in southern countries are more optimistic than those in the east. Most believe, however, that they are not sufficiently well informed about this action. Stefan Füle insisted to MEPs on the need to continue with efforts in terms of the European Neighbourhood Policy.

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Strengthening economic coordination, convergence and competitiveness

25 March 2013

On 20th March 2013, the European Commission presented two proposals intended to deepen and strengthen economic and monetary union. The first proposal was aimed at ensuring better prior coordination of economic policies. This coordination, part of the European Semester, would concern notably competitiveness, employment, market functioning, taxation provisions and financial stability policies. The second proposal concerns the setting up of a convergence and competitiveness instrument. The latter would help countries in difficulty to implement reforms in terms of growth and competitiveness, thereby strengthening the economic solidity of the European Union as a whole.

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Cooperation between Russia and the European Union

25 March 2013

On 22nd March 2013, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso met with the Russian President and Prime Minister in Moscow. They restated the importance of commercial links between the European Union and Russia, calling for continued cooperation, notably within the World Trade Organisation. The European Commission President insisted on the need for Russia to continue with modernisation, both economic and political, with more transparent rules for companies and for greater attention paid to civil society. Despite a few differences of opinion, the leaders agreed to a roadmap for energy cooperation until 2050. They displayed their confidence in the rapid signature of an agreement on a visa-free regime.

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Start of negotiations on a free trade agreement between the EU and Japan

25 March 2013

On 25th March 2013 the European Union and Japan began negotiations with a view to a free trade agreement, intended to have a positive impact on the growth of these two economies. "This is an historic day in relations between Japan and the EU" declared the European Trade Commissioner, Karel De Gucht, speaking of an agreement that will be "global", and will concern in particular customs and non-tariff barriers, public contracts and intellectual property. The Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry Minister, Toshimitsu Motegi, underlined the fact that together Japan and the EU represent "around 30% of the world economy and 40% of world trade".

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Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy

24 March 2013

On 18th and 19th March, the 27 Agriculture Ministers agreed on a compromise ahead of important negotiations on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). This agreement concerns mainly direct payments to farmers, a common organisation of agricultural product markets, aid with rural development and financing and CAP management and follow-up. 25 Member States agreed to the compromise, whilst Slovenia and Slovakia refused it. With regard to fisheries, ministers reached an agreement on total authorised catches for 2013; they also passed a decision authorising the opening of negotiations for the renewal of the partnership between the Union and the Comoros.

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Single banking supervisor

24 March 2013

The European Parliament and the Irish presidency of the Council agreed on 19th March 2013 to single supervision of banks in the euro zone, under the aegis of the European Central Bank, a first step towards banking union. They approved the general framework for the future banking supervisor, notably articulation between the European Banking Authority (which concerns the EU) and the ECB (which concerns only the 17 members of the euro zone). Certain technical aspects are still to be specified, however, and the agreement has yet to be approved by the 27 in order to come into force in March 2014. "The establishment of a single banking supervisor opens the way for the European Stability Mechanism to recapitalise the banks directly", said the Irish Finance Minister, Michael Noonan. This mechanism will mean that banks can be helped without increasing State debts.

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Energy on the menu at the Environment Council

25 March 2013

On 21st March 2013, the 27 environment ministers debated the proposed directive on generalising the use of cleaner, more efficient biofuels. They passed a regulation on energy infrastructures in order to modernise the existing network and increase the competitiveness, durability and security of the offer in Europe. They examined the reworking of the directive on evaluation of the environmental impact, the "ILUC" proposal (indirect land use change) and the proposal for a regulation on access to genetic resources and fair and equitable sharing of their benefits. Also, on 20th March the Council, the Parliament and the Commission reached an informal agreement on temporary dispensation for the emissions quotas exchange system for 2012.

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Progress in Serbia-Kosovo dialogue

25 March 2013

On 20th March 2013, the European Union High Representative Catherine Ashton praised the open-mindedness and determination of the Serbian and Kosovan Prime Ministers at the end of a seventh meeting. She believed that major progress could be made at the next meeting, to be held on 2nd April, after the two governments have held consultations in their respective countries.

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Strengthening of the common diplomatic service

25 March 2013

On 23rd March 2013, 14 European countries called for a strengthening of the EU diplomatic service, which has often been criticised for its complexity and weakness since its creation in 2010. The EEAS "must be strengthened further" in order to make EU foreign policy more "coherent, complete and integrated", say the 14 countries in a statement. The statement suggests giving the EEAS a greater role in international negotiations, increasing bridges between the diplomatic services of each country and drawing greater benefit from the EU's network of 140 delegations worldwide. Better use must be made of this network, whilst many countries are reducing their number of embassies for budgetary reasons. A report on the reform of the EEAS will be passed to European leaders by Mrs Ashton in July.

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European Agencies

A European team of astrophysicists unveils the oldest light in the Universe

24 March 2013

On 21st March 2013, a European team of astrophysicists, under the aegis of the European Space Agency, unveiled a photograph showing the oldest light emitted by the Universe, only 380,000 years after its creation. Satellite Planck, which created this image, is studying radiation from the cosmic microwave background (CMB): light from the first moments of the universe, that enables an understanding of what happened just after the Big Bang, over 13.5 billion years ago. Information extracted from the Planck photograph will now be used as a benchmark for the inventory of the contents of the universe. However, Planck's map is so precise that it also shows certain enigmatic characteristics which ionly further scientific progress will enable us to explain.

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Drugs, the crisis and the internet benefit organised crime

24 March 2013

On 19th March 2013, Europol announced that it had identified 3 600 active groups within organised crime. Drug trafficking is still the main illegal activity, but new forms of criminality are developing rapidly, linked to the crisis and the internet. Europol's annual report on serious and organised crime recommends attacking the latter as a priority, along with clandestine immigration, human trafficking, counterfeiting and money laundering.

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The wages gap in Germany

24 March 2013

For wages equality day on 21st March, the German Federal Statistics Office, Destatis, published data showing the pay difference between men and women in Germany. According to these figures, recorded last year, the gross hourly wage earned by German women was 22% below that of men, in absolute terms. According to Destatis, the difference can be explained in part by the fact that women are more often employed part time, and in less well paid jobs and sectors of activity. However, at equal levels of qualifications and job, the difference is still 7%.

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Strengthening competitiveness in Europe

24 March 2013

On 18th March 2013, French President François Hollande, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met in Berlin with representatives of the European Round Table (ERT), a group of 50 of the largest European multinational companies. Meeting together for the first time, they explored the means by which to restart the growth and competitiveness of a Europe in crisis. Subjects such as energy, information and communication technologies, research and environmental protection were addressed from the point of view of competitiveness.

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Austria launches a new website to combat corruption

25 March 2013

On 20th March 2013, Austrian Justice Minister Béatrix Karl presented a new website enabling citizens to report anonymously on cases of corruption or financial crime ('Whistleblower Homepage'). This new measure to combat corruption is already used successfully in Germany.

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Franco-Belgian cooperation on cross-border criminality

25 March 2013

French and Belgian Interior Ministers Manuel Valls and Joëlle Milquet, signed a new agreement on 18th March 2013 aimed at strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the combat against cross-border crime. This agreement is a review of the Tournai agreement already in existence, which dates back to 2001. After ratification the new text will extensively reinforce the powers of mixed patrols, made up of French and Belgian police, who will now be able to "exercise their operational powers, including arrest, when they are on the territory of the other party", according to a joint press statement.

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Greenland government agreement

25 March 2013

Aleqa Hammond, social democrat leader, announced on 19th March 2013 that the Greenland social democrats will form a government with the liberals and a small section of the left. Aleqa Hammond, whose party won the general elections on 12th March, stated "Negotiations are continuing but we have reached an agreement on several essential points: the introduction of royalties on raw materials and fishing, the implementation of zero tolerance on uranium and the introduction of the Greenland language as the most important language in the country", declared Mrs Hammond at a press conference. She will be the first woman ever to run the government in Greenland, a Danish autonomous territory.

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French government reshuffle

24 March 2013

On 20th March 2013, Bernard Cazeneuve was appointed deputy minister to the Minister of the Economy and Finance, with responsibility for the budget, replacing Jérôme Cahuzac. This appointment of a minister who was previously Minister for European Affairs follows the resignation on 19th March 2013 of Jérôme Cahuzac, after the opening of court investigations against him for "money laundering and tax fraud". Thierry Repentin replaces Bernard Cazeneuve at European Affairs.

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Pier Luigi Bersani asked to try and form a government in Italy

24 March 2013

On 22nd March 2013, the president of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano officially asked the leader of the democrats party, Pier Luigi Bersani to look at whether the conditions are met for him to be able to form a government. After forty-eight hours of consultation with all the party leaders, Mr Napolitano gave Mr Bersani his chance. Mr Bersani is leader of the main political force in Parliament and has an absolute majority in the Lower House of Parliament but only a relative majority in the Senate. He has been entrusted with "the task" to check whether "he has a safe majority that will enable him to win the confidence of both chambers". The left-wing leader announced that he would begin consultations with the other parties immediately.

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Poland wants to modernise its defence

24 March 2013

The Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, has announced to the Polish parliament that he wants to increase Poland's weight in Europe. Over a period of ten years, Poland will spend 140 billion zlotys (33.6 billion euros) to modernise its army and provide it with "forces of dissuasion" declared Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski on 20th March 2013. "Modernisation of the armed forces is our priority for the coming decade. Over the course of this decade we intend to devote almost 140 billion zlotys for this purpose. We will build up forces of dissuasion - we are going to procure missiles, helicopters, armoured vehicles, submarines and drones", he said, as he presented the priorities of his policy to Parliament.

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Czech Republic

New Defence Minister in the Czech Republic

25 March 2013

Czech President Milos Zeman appointed Vlastimil Picek, former top ranking career army officer, to the position of Defence Minister on 19th March 2013. The appointment of Mr Picek, 56, head of the military desk in the President's office from 2003 to 2007, puts an end to a three-month vacancy, created by the dismissal of Mrs Karolina Peake in December.

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Presentation of the British budget for 2013-2014

24 March 2013

Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne presented the British government's budget for 2013-2014 on 20th March 2013. He announced that growth forecasts for the UK had been revised downwards at 0.6% for 2013 and 2014, compared with the previous forecast of 1.2% made in December 2012. Reduction of the debt will also take longer than initially planned, explained the Minister, only starting to fall in 2017-2018. He also announced a review of the Bank of England's mandate, to enable "monetary policy to play a more active role in supporting the British economy" and presented measures to kick-start the property market.

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The Scots will vote on independence in September 2014

24 March 2013

Scottish Prime Minister Alex Salmond announced on 21st March 2013 that the Scots will vote on 18th September 2014, by referendum, on the question of their independence from the United Kingdom. The three main political parties in the UK - the Conservative and Liberal-Democrat parties in power, and the Labour party opposition - have all announced that they will campaign against independence.

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The Slovenian Parliament votes for investiture of a centre-left government

25 March 2013

The Slovenian Parliament voted on 20th March 2013 for investiture of the government of Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek. Amongst the 88 MPs present, 52 voted for and 35 against, with 1 abstention. This new government, made up of four parties (Positive Slovenia, the SD social-democrats party, the DL civic list and the Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (DeSUS)) is headed by a woman for the first time. There are 13 ministers, 2 of whom are women.

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Francis' reign as Pope placed under the sign of humility

25 March 2013

On 19th March 2013, Pope Francis celebrated his inaugural mass as Pope in front of over 200 000 faithful Catholics from all over the world, including several sovereigns and heads of State and government. In his address, he called for the fight against "signs of destruction" and for "respect for creation and the environment". On 23rd March 2013, the new Pope met with his predecessor Benedict XVI at Castel Gandolfo.

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The OECD reduces its growth forecast for France

24 March 2013

According to a report published on 19th March 2013, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has revised its 2013 growth forecast for France downwards. Growth should reach 0.1% in 2013, compared with the previous forecast of 0.3%. On the other hand, the OECD has maintained its forecast for 2014 at 1.3%. With this very gradual recovery, unemployment should "stabilise by the end of 2013" at around 11.25%. According to these forecasts, public deficit should be around 3.5% of GDP this year and will only return to 3% (the ceiling level authorised by European treaties) in 2014. In spite of all this, the organisation does not recommend that the government should take further stringency measures. The report's authors believe that recent measures in favour of competitiveness and relating to the labour market "are encouraging signs".

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Increasing private sector awareness of corruption

25 March 2013

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) regrets a "lack of awareness" of transnational corruption amongst the Czech Republic private sector, in a report published on 21st March 2013. "The lack of awareness in the private sector is regrettable and hinders the combat against transnational corruption in the Czech Republic", pointed out the OECD. "To date, the Czech Republic has never brought any legal proceedings for transnational corruption, although two enquiries are on-going", says the report. The OECD deplored the fact that in spite of repeated requests no Czech company was willing to meet with the assessment team which visited the country in October 2012.

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Increase in the number of asylum seekers

24 March 2013

Eurostat figures published on 22nd March 2013 indicate that 332 000 people submitted a request for asylum in the European Union in 2012, compared to 302 000 in 2011. 90% are new asylum seekers, and 10% withdrew their requests. Afghanistan is still the main country of origin, with 8%, whilst Syria is now in second place (7%), just behind Russia. 70% of requests are made in Germany (23%), France (18%), Sweden (13%), the United Kingdom and Belgium (8% each). Amongst the decisions taken, 14% granted refugee status, 10% subsidiary protection and 2% authorisation to stay for humanitarian reasons. 73% of first instance decisions are negative.

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Major disparities in regional GDP

25 March 2013

On 21st March 2013 Eurostat published the GDP of the various European regions for 2010. Amongst the 10 richest regions, 8 correspond to capital regions. The regional GDP varies from one quarter of the European average in the Severozapaden region in Bulgaria, to more than triple the European average in the centre of London. One in 7 regions has a GDP at least equal to 125% of the European average, and one in 4 a GDP equal to or less than 75% of that figure, notably in Bulgaria and Romania.

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Bundesbank comparative study of European households

25 March 2013

German households are less wealthy than Spanish and French households. That is what is shown in a study entitled "Households and their finances", carried out between September 2010 and July 2011 and published on 21st March 2013 by the German Federal Bank. According to this study, Germans own on average assets worth 195 000 euros, less than the Spanish (286 000 euros) and the French (229 000 euros). In addition, this amount is more unequally distributed, the median amount being 51 000 euros in Germany compared with 178 000 euros in Spain and 114 000 euros in France. Moreover, the richest 10% of German households own 60% of private wealth. According to the Bundesbank, this relative poverty in Germany is due to the fact that only 44% of citizens are home-owners, compared to 57.9% in France and 82% in Spain.

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European Union Institutions law

24 March 2013

The Presses universitaires de France (PUF) have published the 4th, up-dated edition of Jacques Pertek's book "Droit des institutions de l'Union européenne" which sets out European institutions law and their reciprocal relations. A large part of the study is also devoted to European citizens and to democratic life within the Union. This 4th edition comprises three sections: the major stages between 1945 and 2010, EU stakeholders and the constitutional charter and its guarantee.

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Demilitarisation of Europe - strategic suicide?

24 March 2013

Argos editions have just published an essay by Jean-Baptiste Vouilloux entitled "La démilitarisation de l'Europe, un suicide stratégique?". The author shows how unilateral disarmament of Europe is resulting in capacity and operational deficits, whereas the rest of the world is not following this trend. He therefore asks that the new strategic environment should be reconsidered and that military capacity and long term interests should be put back into perspective. Taken from a dissertation written by a high-ranking army officer, a graduate from the Canadian Forces College, the essay is highly topical with the news dominated by debates over the White Paper on defence and national security in France, which will end in June 2013.

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Germany between 1800 and 1939 at the Louvre

24 March 2013

Between 28th March and 24th June 2013 over 200 works linked to the major themes that structured German thought between 1800 and 1939 will be presented at the Louvre. Artistic productions wll be replaced within the intellectual context of their creation and confronted with the writings of the great thinkers, such as Goethe. The exhibition will thus analyse the way in which the arts of that period played their part in the search for and the "reinvention" of a German tradition, when faced with the difficult construction of its political unity between the end of the 18th century and the eve of the Second World War.

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European festivities in celebration of R. Wagner

25 March 2013

To mark the bicentennial of the birth of German composer Richard Wagner, Opera Bastille is presenting "The Ring" in its entirety. Alongside these representations, Opera Bastille will hold a series of conferences entitled "A la rencontre de Richard Wagner". The next one, addressing the friendship between the composer and the philosopher Nietzsche, will be held on 10th April. Paris is not alone in celebrating the bicentennial of this famous composer; from 24th March to 8th April 2013, the Opera du Rhin will celebrate Wagner with several representations of "Tannhäuser".

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First Easter Festival in Aix en Provence

24 March 2013

The first Aix en Provence Easter Classical Music Festival will be held from 26th March to 7th April 2013. Around twenty concerts will bring together recognised artists such as Radu Lupu and Hélène Grimaud, and some of the world's most famous orchestras: the Saint Petersburg Mariinsky and the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra.

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Leonardo da Vinci's genius exhibited in Brussels

24 March 2013

Through until 1st September 2013, the Brussels Stock Market will host the Da Vinci - The Genius exhibition, a complete evocation of Leonardo da Vinci's genius. Over 200 fascinating objects created or imagined by de Leonardo da Vinci are on show: identical replicas of his works of art, 70 life-size 3D machines created specially for the exhibition (robot, flying machine, catapult, tank, submarine...), the secrets of the Mona Lisa, a 45 minute film on the Master of Florence and the possibility of touching and working many of the objects on show.

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Art Paris Art Fair 2013

24 March 2013

From 28th March to 1st April 2013, Art Paris Art Fair welcomes 144 galleries from 20 countries under the roof of the Grand Palais, with Russia as guest of honour. A spring meeting of modern and contemporary art, the Art Paris Art Fair reaffirms its unique identity as a European Fair oriented towards the promotion of Eastern art scenes (Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia). With 74 new participants, 20 countries represented and 43% foreign participation, the 2012 selection has undergone major renewal and is strongly international.

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From Beckmann to Warhol

25 March 2013

240 works of art taken from the private collection of Bayer Group, which is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, are on public display for the first time at the Martin-Gropius-Bau Gallery in Berlin in an exhibition entitled "From Beckmann to Warhol: 20th and 21st century art". A major section of the exhibition, scheduled until 9th June, is devoted to the Paris School with, for example, black and white figures created by Pablo Picasso between 1947 and 1948. These are placed alongside massive pictures by Juan Miro and drawings by Marc Chagall dedicated to Paris.

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Bonaparte and L'Escaut

25 March 2013

An exhibition entitled "Bonaparte et l'Escaut", retracing the spectacular development of Antwerp during the Napoleonic period, is held at the Aan de Stroom museum until 30th June 2013. The exhibition presents French creations and the Napoleonic influence in the form of pictures, maps, engravings, model ships, everyday or decorative itmes and archives, a total of 250 objects. During the 20 years of French administration, between 1794 and 1814, the city was booming, notably due to the re-establishment of free navigation to the North Sea, which enabled Antwerp to regain its rank in world trade. The French era in Antwerp played a crucial role in the development of the port, which is currently Europe's second biggest port, after Rotterdam.

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David Bowie at the V&A in London

25 March 2013

Curators at London's Victoria & Albert Museum, Victoria Broackes and Geoffrey Marsh have selected over 300 objects from the 75 000 stored in the personal archives of David Bowie, stage costumes, manuscripts, photographs, films, music videos, instruments and album illustrations, which have been brought together for the first time for the most ambitious retrospective every presented on the rock star and his work. The museum will present until 11th August 2013 an exhibition dedicated to David Bowie, whose new album "The Next Day" has just been released.

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4th April

ECB Board of Governors Meeting (Frankfurt)

7th April

Presidential Election - Montenegro ()

les 10th-11th April

Meeting of G8 Foreign Ministers ()

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest ,Alexandre Brecx, Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert,Victor Delage, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Cyprus; Editorial; Schuman Report/Ebook; EU/Japan Trade


The Newsletter n°572- version of 25 mars 2013