The Newsletter57118 mars 2013

La Lettre

Alain Lamassoure

18 March 2013

On 13th March 2013 the European Parliament announced its rejection of the draft EU budget (multi-annual financial framework), for the period 2014-2020 adopted by the European Council on 8th February last. A resolution adopted 506 votes in support, 161 against and 23 abstentions ("the European Parliament rejects this agreement as it stands because it does not reflect the priorities and concerns that it expresses"), demands modifications (and therefore negotiations) in view of an approval in July. Alain Lamassoure, chair of the European Union's Budgets Commission describes what he deems to be a real European budget.

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Front page!

Franco-German Seminar on Industrial Competitiveness

17 March 2013

The "Forum du Futur", the centre for geoppolitical analysis and research, is organising a Franco-German seminar on industrial competitiveness on 20th March 2013 with some prestigious speakers from the political and industrial world in attendance. The event will take place at the Bourbon Palace. It is obligatory to enrol.

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Union policy and legal issues in Europe

17 March 2013

On 22nd March Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation will be speaking on the Union's policy during a seminar "European legal issues". This event is being organised by the Forum Trans Europe Experts at the Chamber for Trade and Industry in Paris; it will bring together many people from the academic and political world including Alain Lamassoure, Chair of the European Parliament's Budgetary Committee and Luuk van Middelaar, Advisor to the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy.

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Talking Europe hosts Lucinda Creighton

18 March 2013

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF), the Foundation is broadcasting its latest programme "Talking Europe" on its site, whose guest this week is Lucinda Creighton, the Irish European Minister. Her country is ensuring the rotating presidency of the EU at present. Lucinda Creighton, who is promising to place growth and employment at the heart of her programme, is interviewed by Pascale Joannin, the Foundation's General Manager.

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First European Elections in Croatia

18 March 2013

The Croats are being called to ballot to elect 12 MEPs on 14th April next. At present the country is represented in the European Parliament by 12 observers who were elected in March 2011 by the members of the Hrvatski Sabor, the only Chamber in the Croatian Parliament. The MEPs elected on 14th April will only sit for one year since the next European elections - in which Croatia will be taking part after it becomes a member of the European Union on 1st July next – will take place on 22nd-25th May 2014. The Croatian political parties had to hand in their candidate lists before 18th March. The election will take place according to a proportional vote with open lists on which the electorate will be able to indicate their 1st, 2nd etc... preferences. The Croatian electoral law obliges political parties to put forward at least 40% of women on each list.

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Financial Crisis

3.2% GDP contraction in 2012

18 March 2013

According to final data published on 11th March 2013 by the INE, Portugal's GDP fell by 1.8% in the fourth quarter of 2012 and by 3.2% over the entire year. The recession totalled 1.6% of the GDP in 2011. Moreover Portugal managed to negotiate an extra year to reduce its public deficit, which is only due to fall below 3% in 2015. During a press conference on 15th March 2013 Portuguese Finance Minister, Vitor Gaspar announced, "the new limits for the deficit are 5.5% of the GDP in 2013, 4% in 2014 and 2.5% in 2015," as he presented the conclusions of the 7th quarterly assessment of the reforms to be implemented in exchange for the EU and IMF's aid.

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The OECD announces an improvement in the economy in the euro zone

17 March 2013

The composite leading indicators, designed to anticipate areas of recovery in economic activity, published on 11th March 2013 by the OECD, show diverse economic perspectives between the main economies. In the euro zone these indicators show a recovery in growth especially in Germany. In France and Italy, the second and third most important economies in the euro zone after Germany, the indicators show a stabilisation of activity. On a world scale the composite leading indicators show sustained economic growth in the US and in Japan whilst in China and India - and to a certain degree in Brazil, growth is anticipated to be below the trend.

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New record of the Spanish debt

17 March 2013

According to figures published on 15th March 2013 by the Bank of Spain the public debt reached a new record of 84.1% of the GDP in the fourth quarter of 2012. The central administrative debt (State and social security) represents 72.3%, the debt of the 17 autonomous regions 17.6% and that of the local authorities 4%. However these figures are below the forecasts made by the government (85.3%). We should note that in 2013 the government was already forecasting a 6.4% increase in the debt.

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Aid Plan for Cyprus

18 March 2013

An agreement was found on 16th March 2013 to implement an aid plan for Cyprus which is now the fifth euro zone country to benefit from an aid plan. The support provided to Cyprus is due to be around 10 billion euros. In exchange certain fiscal measures are expected as well as bank restructuring and privatisations. In particular an exceptional tax on bank deposits will be introduced - this will lie at 6.75% on savings below 100,000 euros and at 9.9% beyond that. It is the first time that savers are being obliged to contribute. The Cypriot Parliament is due to meet on 19th March for the ratification of this aid plan, presented by President Nicos Anastasiades as the "least painful option". He did however say he hoped for an amendment to the plan to limit its effects on small Cypriot savers.

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European Council

Growth, social situation, economic outlook, strategic partnerships

18 March 2013

During the European Council on 14th and 15th March 2013 the 27 Heads of State and government noted that national budgetary policies took account of the efforts required in terms of budgetary austerity and support to recovery but that this work had to continue. Some measures, both in terms of revenues and spending are necessary to support growth and employment short term. Fiscal austerity notably must be even stricter. They indicated three areas of action: the fight to counter unemployment, greater integration of the single market and the simplification of regulations for businesses. They stressed the need to implement all measures necessary for better economic governance of the euro zone and of the European Union. They agreed to meet to discuss the following areas: innovation, defence, energy, the digital economy and competitiveness.

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First ground location for Galileo!

17 March 2013

It was an historic day for the satellite navigation system Galileo which determined its first ground location on 12th March 2013. This was enabled by four Galileo satellites that are in orbit at present and by the ground installations which they are connected to. This first position fix of longtitude, latitude and altitude was achieved with a precision of 10 to 15 metres. To do this a new European infrastructure was employed including satellites in space and two control centres established in Italy and Germany, which are also connected to a network of ground stations across Europe. Long term this programme is due to include 30 satellites with a fully operational system in 2018. The first delivery of services is expected at the end of 2014.

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The end of cosmetics testing on animals

18 March 2013

Since March 11th 2013 the sale of cosmetics that have been tested on animals is totally banned in the EU. This is the enforcement of a decision taken in 2003 but which was postponed by 10 years. The European Commission says that it wants to continue to support research and innovation in the sector whilst promoting animal welfare internationally and by encouraging third countries to imitate the EU. In the absence of any alternative means at present the Commission committed to supporting the development of methods which substitute animal experimentation. The Commission undertook research totalling nearly 238 million euros between 2007 and 2011 which is in addition to the contribution made by the cosmetics industry.

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The Commission wants to strengthen air passenger rights

17 March 2013

On 13th March 2013 the European Commission presented a draft regulation in view of strengthen and updating air passenger rights. This proposal targets passengers who find themselves trapped in airports, to improve their right to information as well as their care and re-direction. The aim is to get passengers to their destinations in the best possible time whilst allowing airlines the time to settle problems.

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The Commission launches trade talks with the USA

17 March 2013

On 12th March 2013 the European Commission approved the draft mandate on the conclusion of a "Transatlantic Trade and Investment" agreement with the USA. The latter will be handed over to the Council, since the Member States have to approve it in order for negotiations to start. According to the Commission the final agreement might lead to a 28% rise in EU exports to the US. The European Union and the USA do not only want to abolish customs duties (4% only on average), believing that 80% of all potential benefits of the trade agreement will come from the reduction in costs associated to bureaucracy and regulations, as well as from the liberalisation of the trade of services and procurement markets.

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European Elections 2014: earlier, fewer MEPs

18 March 2013

The European Elections of 2014 will be brought forward so that they do not take place during the Whitsuntide weekend. They will take place from 22nd to 25th May 2014, instead of 5th-8th June. This will enable higher turnout and therefore greater legitimacy for the European Parliament. This will also enable a more efficient appointment of the Commissioners before the start of the summer. This decision still has to be approved by the Council. Moreover on 13th March 2013 the MEPs suggested a reduction in the number of seats: 12 States will lose one seat (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic), Germany will lose three. This reduction aims to respect the maximum number of MEPs, set by the Lisbon Treaty at 751. This measure does not take on board Member States' demographic reality.

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Approval of the "two pack" on economic governance

18 March 2013

On 12th March 2013 MEPs approved, 528 votes in support, 81 against and 71 abstentions, followed by 526 votes in support, 86 against and 66 abstentions, two reports approving the "two pack" on economic governance. These reports both include clauses that aim to support growth and employment and to guarantee greater transparency and more democratic responsibility. The Commission's work should notably be subject to greater monitoring on the part of the Council and the Parliament. The Council still has to approve this text, which might enter into force rapidly.

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Future of Near and Middle East

17 March 2013

On 12th March 2013 Israeli President Shimon Peres spoke to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, presenting his vision of the future of the Near and Middle East that is threatened by various crises. He first re-iterated the solution of guaranteeing two States for two nations and said that peace might be achieved rapidly taking the "European miracle" as an example. He also stressed the destabilising role played by Iran in the region, qualifying the political regime there as an "increasing threat to peace in the world." He then asked for the Arab League under the aegis of the UN to be allowed to intervene directly in Syria, both militarily and politically.

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Rejection of the multi-annual financial framework by the Parliament (2014-2020 budget)

18 March 2013

On 13th March MEPs adopted the European Parliament's position as part of the budgetary negotiations for the period 2014-2020 (506 votes in support, 161 against and 23 abstentions). They rejected the conclusions of the European Council dated 8th February. MEP's opposition became firm since they deemed that the payment appropriations were inadequate and that they threaten the effectiveness of some European policies. They also asked for greater flexibility and the possibility of a mid-term review and also the establishment of own resources.

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The European Parliament adopts its vision of agriculture in the future

18 March 2013

On 13th March 2013 MEPs adopted a position on the future CAP (Common Agriculture Policy). According to the European Parliament the new CAP is due to make greening measures obligatory, but they will be flexible and support farmers who face market challenges in order to guarantee stable, quality agricultural supply and the respect of the environment at the same time. Young farmers and smallholders will also benefit from increased aid. MEPs also support the European Commission's proposal to cap direct aid. The final form of the CAP will be decided at the end of March during tripartite negotiations between the European Parliament, European Agriculture Ministers and the European Commission.

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A point- based immigration system to attract qualified workers

18 March 2013

On 14th March 2013 the European Parliament adopted a report in view of reforming the European immigration system. It pleads in support of a common approach to the social security given to people working abroad and the introduction of a point-based system as in Australia. The aim is to attract highly qualified workers to rise to the challenges of the EU's ageing population.

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Crisis solution, anti-dumping and intellectual property

17 March 2013

On 11th March 2013 the 27 European Affairs Ministers prepared the European Council of 14th and 15th March, which was devoted to economic and social policies to end the crisis, relations with the main diplomatic partners and international affairs. The ministers also set anti-dumping measures on Chinese steel and aluminium. They finally concluded an agreement on legislation that will allow customs to protect intellectual property better via the simplification of goods destruction, notably counterfeit or pirated goods. This text is now to be assessed by the European Parliament.

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Better connected, cleaner transport

17 March 2013

On 11th March 2013 the 27 Transport Ministers discussed the Commission's proposal to lift technical and administrative obstacles in order to accelerate the inter-operability of the European railway systems, as part of the fourth railway package. They also discussed the Commission's proposal on a guarantee of clean energy for transports by making the use of alternative fuels more widespread and by building appropriate infrastructures across the European Union.

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Situation in Syria, sanctions against Iran, partnership with Russia

17 March 2013

On 11th March 2013 the 27 Foreign Ministers held talks with Lakdhar Brahimi, the UN and Arab League's Special Representative regarding the situation in Syria. They insisted on finding a political solution and promised sustained assistance to the population. They also decided on further sanctions against the regime in Iran due to its repeated infringements of Human Rights. They then debated the strategic partnership with Russia, that was to be assessed at the European Council of 14th and 15th March 2013, stressing the need to continue cooperation in areas of common interest, but also reminding the Russian authorities of their international commitments in terms of democracy.

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Paris and London may deliver arms to the Syrian opposition

18 March 2013

Two years after the start of the Syrian conflict Paris and London are about to ask the EU to bring forward the meeting on the arms embargo for Syria which had initially been planned for the end of May. If no agreement is found arms will be delivered as a national gesture to the Syrian rebels, announced the head of French diplomacy, Laurent Fabius on 14th March 2013. On 12th March British Prime Minister David Cameron indicated to a liaison committee at the House of Commons that his country could dissociate itself from the EU's embargo by providing arms to the Syrian opposition to fight against President Bachar Al-Assad. The question was raised at the European Council but no decision was taken.

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European Agencies

Resignation of the European Ombudsman

17 March 2013

On 13th March 2013 the European Ombudsman P. Nikiforos Diamandouros informed the President of the European Parliament that he wanted to step down as of 1st October 2013 after ten years in office. The next Ombudsman, who notably ensures the respect of ethics in Europe's institutions and policies, is due to be appointed by the European Parliament.

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Certificatio of Airbus A400M

18 March 2013

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) announced on 13th March 2013 that it had delivered a certificate which will enable the military air transport plane A400M to become part of the civil air traffic. "The A400M is the first turboprop transporter in its category to receive the EASA certification," declared the Director of EASA's certification department, Norbert Lohl.

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Draft budget and financial plan for 2014-2017

17 March 2013

On 13th March 2013 the German Council of Ministers adopted a draft budget for 2014 as well as a financial plan for 2017. Standing at 6.4 billion euros the additional debt in 2013 will be the lowest in the last 40 years. According to the financial plan the structural deficit will be zero by 2015, whilst it still totalled 46 billion euros in 2010. In 2016 a surplus of 5 billion is now being forecast.

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A government of experts until 12th May

17 March 2013

On 13th March 2013 the Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev appointed a new expert government, that is due to lead the country until the early elections on 12th May 2013. Marin Raykov, former deputy Foreign Minister and Ambassador to France, has been appointed to head this government. "The government of experts will work so that citizens have confidence in their institutions again and it will ensure greater transparency and civic control. The government will be the guarantor of free elections," declared the President as he announced the members of government.

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General Elections in Greenland

17 March 2013

The Social Democratic Party "Siumut" led by Alequa Hammond won the elections in Greenland on 12th March 2013. However with 42.8% of the vote and 14 of the 31 seats in Parliament, he did not win the absolute majority. The formation of a coalition will therefore be necessary to govern the country. The far-left secessionist party (Inuit Ataqatigiit) led by outgoing Prime Minister Kuupik Kleist, only won 34.4% of the vote, ie 9.3% fewer than in 2009. The central theme of these elections was the management of Greenland's mining resources. In this context Alequa Hammond pleaded for greater surveillance and the taxation of mining companies.

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Entrepreneurship and employment strategy for young people

17 March 2013

On 12th March 2013 the head of the Spanish government, Mariano Rajoy, gave details of 15 measures from around 100 that are part of his strategy for entrepreneurship and to counter youth unemployment which is affecting more than one Spanish worker in two under the age of 25. This plan that notably anticipates the upkeep of unemployment benefits or its payment in one instalment to help create businesses totals 3.485 billion euros over four years and is funded by the EU to a total of 32%. Mr Rajoy declared that this fund "would benefit more than one million young people." This strategy is in line with the aid programe "Guarantee for Youth" approved by Brussels in February.

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Spain: further measures on pensions

18 March 2013

On 15th March 2013 the Spanish government approved measures that aim to limit the effects of early retirement and partial pensions on public finances. With this decision the Spanish government hopes to bring the legal age of early retirement up from 61 and one month to 63. Moreover this decision enables the retired who continue to work to receive 50% of their pension in addition to their professional income. Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, the Vice-President of the Spanish government, declared that the low birth rate as well as life expectancy" required an adaptation to legislation in order to guarantee the viability and maintenance of a retirement system similar to the one that is in place at present."

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General mobilisation against the reduction of the defence budget

17 March 2013

"The country is in danger because its defences are under threat" - Danton (1792) This idea was taken up by Jean-Louis Carrère, chairman of the Senate's Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces Committee thereby expressing the Senate's concern at France's "possible reductions in terms of defence spending." Supported by the leaders of all of the political groups represented in the upper chamber, except for the ecologist party, he said that if the bill on military programming for the army anticipateed a budget below 1.5% of the GDP "we might not approve it." At a time when France is reviewing its approach to defence, to a backdrop of severe budgetary restrictions and just as a new White Paper on defence is being drafted, the Sentators believe that a "decrease in defence spending from 1.56% in 2011 to 1.1% in 2025, as planned would no longer allow France to "maintain" its role at the level it should have.

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Fourth amendment to the new Hungarian Constitution

17 March 2013

On 11th March 2013 the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban's party, which holds a 2/3 majority in Parliament adopted a further reform of the Constitution which implies a fourth amendment in two years - the amendment was approved 265 votes in support, 11 against and 33 absentions. The Socialists, representing the biggest opposition party boycotted the vote. The amendments notably withdraw most of the competences from the Hungarian Constitutional Court and have been strongly challenged by the USA, the Council of Europe, the EU and many NGOs. On 11th March 2013 the Commission spokesperson, Pia Ahrenkilde-Hansen said that the "Commission would not hesitate to use all of the legal instruments at its disposal" to ensure the respect of the community law.

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Election of two leaders of Parliament but still no government

17 March 2013

The election on 16th March 2013 of the leaders of the two Chambers of the Italian Parliament by the left still leaves the country without a government majority. In the chamber of representatives where the left has the absolute majority, Laura Boldrini from the SEL, journalist and former spokesperson for the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) was elected with 327 votes (the majority required 310 votes). In the Senate Pietro Grasso, a former anti-mafia prosectuor, was elected with 137 votes.

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New government led by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat

17 March 2013

Following the victory of the Labour Party (LP) during the general elections on 9th March 2013 in Malta the new Prime Minister Joseph Muscat announced on 13th March 2013 the formation of his government. On the previous day he declared that this government would be a "mix of innovation and experience, a competent team that would take Malta forwards." Of the 15 members the government only includes two women: Helena Dalli, Social Dialogue, Consumption and Civil Liberties Minister and Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, Family and Social Solidarity Minister.

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New government in Slovenia?

17 March 2013

The Slovenian Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek sent the future composition of her government to Parliament on 14th March 2013. The day before Alenka Bratusek announced that she had concluded a government agreement between her party, Positive Slovenia (PS) and three other parties: the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS), the Citizens' List (DL) and the Social Democratic Party (SD). Her government will have a majority of 49 MPs (27 PS and 10 SD, 7 DL and 5 DeSUS) in a Parliament comprising 90 seats. The government comprises 13 members and will be the focus of a vote in Parliament on 20th March next.

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The Cardinal of Buenos Aires Begoglio elected Pope under the name of Francis

17 March 2013

Argentinian Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected Pope on 13th March 2013. The 266th Pope chose to reign under the name of Francis. He is the first non-European, from Latin-America and a Jesuit to become Pope. The election by 115 cardinals, who met in the Sixtine Chapel, was announced by the ritual emission of white smoke and by the ringing of the bells of in Saint Peter's Basilica.

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Airbus signs the biggest ever civilian aviation contract

18 March 2013

European aircraft manufacturer Airbus won the biggest contract in the history of civil aviation on 18th March 2013 with an order for 234 A320 planes for a total of 18.4 billion euros by the Indonesian airline Lion Air. The contract was signed at the Elysée Palace, the seat of the French presidency, by the CEO of Lion Air, Rusdi Kirana and that of Airbus, Fabrice Brégier. The order, which totals 24 billion euros overall (the currency in which aviation transactions are undertaken), is split between 109 A320 Neo planes, the plane's future more ecological version, the 65 A321 Neo and 60 A320's, which is the present model.

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Trade: 3.9 billion euro deficit in the euro zone

18 March 2013

According to the first esitmates published on 18th March 2013 by Eurostat in January the euro zone recorded a deficit of 3.9 billion euros in terms of its external trade, after a surplus of 10.8 billion euros in December. In January in comparison with December exports, adjusted to seasonal variations, increased by 2% and imports by 3.1% says Eurostat. A year earlier in January 2012 the euro zone recorded a bigger trade deficit, totalling 9.1 billion euros. In January the EU recorded a deficit of 16.5 billion euros.

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Employment down by 0.3% in the euro zone

17 March 2013

According to estimates published by Eurostat on 14th March 2013 the number of people in work decreased by 0.3% in the euro zone and by 0.2% in the European Union in the fourth quarter of 2012 in comparison with the previous quarter. Amongst the Member States in which data is available major increases in the fourth quarter of 2012 in comparison with the previous quarter were recorded in Latvia (+0.8%), in Luxembourg (+0.6%), Poland (+0.4%) and the most significant decreases were seen in Lithuania and Portugal (-2% each), in Bulgaria (-1.5%) and Spain (-1.4%). We should note that over 2012 as a whole employment contracted by 0.7% in the euro zone and by 0.4% in the European Union.

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Slowing of inflation at 1.8% in February in the euro zone

17 March 2013

On 15th March Eurostat published inflation figures for February. The EU's statistics office indicates a reduction in annual inflation in the euro zone to 1.8% in February against 2% in January and 2.7% a year ago. In the EU this rate has dropped from 2.1% in January to 2% in February. It lay at 2.9% in February 2012.

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Knowledge of electoral rights and turnout

17 March 2013

The Eurobarometer survey on electoral rights published on 12th March 2013 shows that 72% of those interviewed know that a European citizen living in their country has the right to vote and to stand in the European elections, which is an increase of 18% in comparison with 2007. However 54% wrongly think that European citizenship offers such rights in national legislative elections, whilst this share only totalled 26% in 2007. 84% believe that turnout in the European elections would be higher if people were better informed about these elections, on the impact of the European Union in their daily lives and on the programmes of the candidates and the European political parties; and 62% believe this turnout would be higher if the European political parties put forward a candidate for the post of President of the European Commission.

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IISS Annual report on military balance

18 March 2013

On 14th March 2013 the International Institute for Strategic Studies published its annual report on military balance in the world. The document analyses nations' military capbilities as well as the defence policies and economies of the countries with the most important defence budgets. This year the report looks into the wars in Syria and Afghanistan, as well as the strategic effects of the "Arab Spring". The report also reveals that for the first time military spending in Asia has risen above that of the European NATO member states.

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Report on barriers to trade and investments

17 March 2013

The European Commission published a third report on 14th March 2013 on its efforts to counter protectionism and to improve trade and investments for European businesses. This report mainly focuses on the EU's main trade partners (China, India, Brazil, Argentina/Mercosur, Russia and the USA) and on the progress achieved by the Commission in 2012 in terms of opening markets. Barriers continue to exist however and some of the EU's parnters continue to implement protectionist measures. The report on barriers to trade and investments was presented to the European Council on 14th and 15th March.

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Berlin pays tribute to Richard Wagner

17 March 2013

As part of the Berlin Festtage and on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Richard Wagner the German capital is paying tribute to the Romantic composer in the shape of a series of concerts in the "Ring des Niebelungen" cycle. There will be four evenings of stimulating opera conducted by Daniel Barenboim, one of the world's Wagner specialists, from 23rd March to April 1st 2013.

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Picasso at the Klovicevi Dvori Gallery in Zagreb

17 March 2013

From 23rd March to 7th July 2013 around one hundred works from the National Picasso Museum in Paris including 56 paintings and sculptures will be on show at the Klovicevi Dvori Gallery of Zagreb. Selected by the Parisian museum's curator Anne Baldassari this exhibition, presented as the biggest ever organised in Croatia is due to attract a record number of visitors. Moreover, according to Marina Viculin, curator of the Klovicevi Dvori Gallery, this will be the last journey to be taken by these works which, after this exhibition, will not leave the Parisian museum again.

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Easter Festival Salzburg

18 March 2013

The Salzburg Easter Festival, one of the world's most famous classical music opera festivals, will take place from 23rd March to 1st April 2013. It will open this year with the opera "Parzifal" by Richard Wagner, which will be interpreted by the Staatskapelle of Dresden, one of the most prestigious European orchestras.

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Easter Festival in Baden-Baden

18 March 2013

The town of Baden-Baden is organising an Easter Festival from 23rd March to 1st April 2013; it is one of the biggest opera and classical music festivals in Germany. Several high points will mark this year's event notably Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Magic Flute", the "Resurrection" symphony by Mahler and "Cinderella" by Pauline Viardot - this will be accompanied by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.

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Paris Book Show

18 March 2013

From 22nd to 25th March 2013 the 33rd edition of the Book Show will be taking place in Paris. Tribute this year is being paid to Romanian literature; 27 Romanian authors have been selected to take part in this event. On this occasion a central pavilion will be set up in which many Romanian works in a variety of genres will be presented: from the novel and poetry to the essay, theatre and the cartoon. Moreover after Buenos Aires in 2011 and Moscow in 2012, Barcelona will be the guest city in 2013.

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18th and 19th March

EU Agriculture Council (Brussels)

21st March

Environment Council (Brussels)

25th March

EU-Japan Summit (Tokyo)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Pierre Thibaudat ,Alexandre Brecx, Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert,Victor Delage, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°571- version of 18 mars 2013