The Newsletter56321 janv. 2013

La Lettre

Gérard Saint-Paul

21 January 2013

On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Elysée Treaty, the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a text by Gérard Saint-Paul, journalist and member of the Foundation's Scientific Committee, on the "Golden Wedding" of the Franco-German couple. On 22nd January 1963 in Paris Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer signed the friendship and cooperation treaty between the two countries. Gérard Saint-Paul reviews the nine Franco-German couples who have set the pace of 50 years of Franco-German relations.

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Front page!

I want Europe

20 January 2013

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty, the "I want Europe" initiative in partnership with the Robert Schuman Foundation and other think-tanks are organising a conference "Franco-German friendship, the motor of European integration" on 23rd January with Jacques Barrot, member of the Constitutuional Council, member of the Administrative Board of the Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chair of the Foundation, Philippe Herzog, Confrontations Europe and Dominique Moïsi IFRI in attendance. A forum on Europe rallying the associations and institutes taking part in the initiative will take place on the same day. Entry is free of charge.

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"France, Germany and us?"

20 January 2013

"France, Germany and you" was the title of the questionnaire that more than 25,000 French and Germans answered regarding the relations between the two countries and the future of Europe, between 5th July and 8th November 2012. The survey was designed by Radio France, Arte, ARD and Deutschlandradio and supported by the Robert Schuman Foundation as well as other foundations. The results and experts' comments - including Pascale Joannin, General Manager of the Robert Schuman Foundation - are presented in a book entitled "Germany and us" published on 15th January.

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France, Germany: a couple for the future

21 January 2013

In an editorial published on his site, Jean-Dominique Giuliani recalls the importance of Franco-German dialogue and how vital this relationship is for the future.

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Presidential election in Cyprus

21 January 2013

The first round of the Cypriot Presidential election will take place on 17th February next. Although 11 people are running in this election three candidates stand out from the rest: Nicos Anastassiades, leader of the Democratic Assembly (DISY) ; former Healthcare Minister (2011-2012), Stavros Malas, member of the Progressive Workers' Party (AKEL) and former Foreign Minister (2006-2007), George Lilikas, supported by the Social Democratic Movement (EDEK) led byYiannakis Omirou. Outgoing Head of State, Demetris Christofias (AKEL), Head of State since the election of 17th and 24th February 2008 indicated in May last that he did not want to run for a second mandate. He is the first President of the Cypriot Republic not to run for a second term. If none of the candidates win the absolute majority on 17th February a second round of voting will take place on 24th February.

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Presidential Election in Armenia

21 January 2013

On 18th February next the Armenians will be appointing the President of the Republic. In Armenia the latter is elected by direct universal suffrage for a five year term in office which is renewable only once. Eight people are running as candidates: Serzh Sarkisian, outgoing President of the Republic, former Prime Minister (2007-2008) and leader of the Republican Party (HHK); Raffi Hovannisian, leader of Heritage (Zharangutiun, Z); Hrant Bagratian, former Prime Minister (1993-1996) leader of the Freedom Party (Azatutuyn) ; Paruir Hairikian, leader of the Union for National Self-Rule; Arman Melikian ; Aram Harutinian, chair of the National Solidarity Party; Andreas Ghukasian ; Vardan Sedrakian.

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50 years/Elysée Treaty

Publications on the Franco-German Relationship

20 January 2013

Several books have just been published on the occasion of the 50th annivesary of the Elysée Treaty. The Docmentation Française has published a paper by Cécile Calla and Claire Demesmay entitled "Que reste-t-il du couple franco-allemand?" in the series "Réflexe Europe". The authors explain that although the Franco-German couple was the motor of European integration after the Second World War, it can no longer be considered as such. Bordeaux University Press has published a paper entitled "Les relations franco-allemandes dans une Europe unifiée. Réalisations et défis" as part of their series "Perspectives européennes", managed by Hans Stark, Martin Koopmann and Joachim Schild. This collection reviews Franco-German relations over the last two decades.

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Creation of an internet site devoted to the 50 years of the Elysée Treaty

20 January 2013

On 16th January 2013 the AFP and the German Infomation Agency (DPA) launched an internet site devoted to the 50 years of the Elysée Treaty, which covers the story of bilateral relations from 1949 to modern times. This bilingual site notably featues period press releases by both agencies relating the major stages in the rapprochement of the two countries.

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Commemoration Ceremony of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty

20 January 2013

On 22nd January 2013 a solemn commemoration by the French and Germany governments is being held in Berlin with the National Assembly and the Bundestag, as well as with the Senate and the Bundesrat on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty. At the end of the day there will be a concert at the Berlin Philharmoniker on the invititation of Joachim Gauck, President of the German Federal Republic. Robert Schuman Foundation Chairman, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, will be attending the ceremony.

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Franco-German Cooperation at the Heart of the European Project

20 January 2013

As part of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty the Economic, Social and Environmental Council has published a report entitled "Franco-German Cooperation at the Heart of the European Project". This study highlights the unique nature of the Franco-German relationship, which is based on permanent dialogue in all respects and on close links between civil society. The study also stresses the importance of renewed impetus which is required in terms of Franco-German cooperation.

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50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty

21 January 2013

The French President, François Hollande, is travelling to Berlin on 21st and 22nd January to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. On 21st January the French President spoke with the Chancellor; they then met a group of young French and German citizens. On 22nd January François Holland met German President Joachim Gauck. A plenary session took place in the Bundestag together with a delegation from the Bundesrat and representatives of the National Assembly and the Senate. A join declaration was then adopted. Festivities were completed by a concert at the Philharmoniker in Berlin.

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Special Offer by the SNCF and the Deutsche Bahn in celebration of Franco-German Friendship!

21 January 2013

The French and German railway companies, SNCF and Deutsche Bahn announced on 18th January 2013 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty between France and Germany, that there would be a special offer on tickets to both countries. From 22nd and 29th January travellers will be able to purchase second class return tickets for 50 euros on lines linking Paris-Frankfurt, Munich-Paris. This offer is valid for journeys that take place over 50 days as of 1st February to 15th March. This information appeared in a press release issued by the SNCF and the Deutsche Bahn. For a first class trip the return ticket will cost 99 euros.

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The Elysée Treaty

21 January 2013

On 22nd January 1963 French President Charles de Gaulle and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer signed a cooperation treaty that was designed to seal the reconciliation between France and the Federal Republic of Germany. This bilateral treaty sets the goals of greater cooperation between France and Germany in areas of Foreign Affairs, Defence as well as Education and Youth. This treaty sealed Franco-German reconciliation that was started a few years earlier with the declaration delivered by Robert Schuman on 9th May 1950 which "placed the entire Franco-German production of coal and steel under a Common High Authority."

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Franco-German Friendship on Google Cultural Institute

21 January 2013

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty, two exhibitions organised by the Franco-German Institute of Ludwigsburg on the theme of Franco-German friendship were put on line by the Google Institute. From 1963 to 2013 they suggest that viewers review the main moments which have marked the history of the friendship between the two countries. From the development of twin towns, the birth of the TV channel ARTE, the Franco-German brigade and the symbolic handshake in Verdun, nothing has been left out. The "visit" can be undertaken in French or German.

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Financial Crisis

Portugal: payment by the IMF and Central Bank forecasts

20 January 2013

On 16th January 2013 the IMF approved the payment of an aid tranche to Portugal totalling 838.8 million euros as part of the rescue plan of 78 billion euros decided upon by the international community in May 2011. The IMF's greenlight brings the total aid paid to date by the institution to Portugal to 22.16 billion euros. Moreover on 15th January 2013 the Bank of Portugal reviewed its economic forecasts for 2013 downwards - counting on a GDP contraction of 1.9% in comparison with 1.6% in its previous estimates. This contraction in the economy can notably be explained by the severe austerity measures implemented by the country, by slower world growth that is impeding export demand and also by declining domestic consumption.

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Further IMF aid to Greece

20 January 2013

On 16th January 2013 the IMF released to aid tranches to Greece totalling 3.2 billion euros. These had been frozen for the last few month because of fears over the viability of the enormous debt accumulated by Athens. After long months of negotiations the IMF came to an agreement with Athens and its partners in the troika at the end of November 2012 to release further funds. This payment brings the total of aid paid by the IMF as part of the rescue plan to Greece to a total of 4.8 billion euros.

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German Growth slows in 2012

20 January 2013

Germany's growth was marked by a clear slowing in 2012 (+0.7%) against a backdrop of recession in the euro zone. In the fourth quarter the German GDP contracted by 0.5% in comparison with the third quarter. The trend continued downwards for the German economy across the entire year with growth of 0.5% in the first quarter, 0.3% in the second and 0.2% in the third.

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3% Inflation Rate in Spain

21 January 2013

Inflation remained high in Spain in 2012 ending at 3% over one year in December after a sharp rise in VAT in September according to final figures published on 15th January 2013 by the National Statistics Institute (INE). According to this index inflation is higher than in the euro zone (2.2%) in a country whose economy has continued to contract since the end of 2011.

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New European Driving Licence

20 January 2013

Since 19th January 2013 the new European driving licence has been in force. This licence, which looks like a credit card and bears a number of security details, will progressively replace the hundred or so existing licences in the EU. This step forward goes together with harmonised measures for the administrative modernisation of the licence and a minimum common base for the training of instructors. These measures should help to counter false licences and step up road safety more effectively.

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Trade Agreement with East Africa

21 January 2013

On 17th January MEPs approved an interim agreement for an economic agreement with Madagascar, Mauritius, the Seychelles and Zimbabwe. This agreement anticipates the lifting of EU duties and contingencies affecting exports by these four countries, mainly coffee, sugarcane and tobacco. In exchange these countries are promising to open their markets to European exports over the next 15 years.

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Stricter rules for ratings agencies

21 January 2013

On 16th January 2013 MEPs approved a regulation and a directive that steps up the legal framework governing ratings agencies. These new rules notably plan to regulate the timing of the publication of sovereign debt ratings, the possibility for investors to turn against the ratings agencies in the event of negligence, to push financial establishments to improve the information they provide to the agencies by assessing this information themselves, to limit participation in ratings agencies and financial establishments. These rules will make the markets more transparent, and the agencies more responsible and also avoid conflicts of interest.

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Irish Priorities presented to the European Parliament

20 January 2013

On 16th January 2013 Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny presented the priorities of the Irish presidency of the Council of the European Union to the European Parliament. The crisis will be the central issue; the Irish government intends to fight youth unemployment, complete banking union and define an ambitious yet realistic multi-annual financial framework. Most of the heads of the political groups provided their support to the Irish programme.

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Guarantee for Youth

21 January 2013

On 16th January 2013 MEPs adopted a resolution, 546 votes in support, 96 against and 28 abstentions inviting Member States' governments to implement a guarantee for young people as soon as possible. This measure is designed to counter youth unemployment enabling any young person under 25 or any graduate under 30 to be offered work, training or an apprenticeship, four months after graduating or after having ended his/her last job. This programme would be partly funded by the European Structural Fund.

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Cohesion and Energy Policy

21 January 2013

On 16th January 2013 MEPs adopted a resolution that highlights the role played by the cohesion policy in the implementation of the European energy policy. Investments planned to foster regional development and cross border cooperation are beneficial for growth, employment and the environment. MEPs have called for improved administrative and financial capabilities in order to facilitate the achievement of the EU's goals. They are also asking for Member States to cooperate more and to help their regions use less fossile energies.

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European Redemption Fund

21 January 2013

MEPs adopted a resolution, 361 votes in support, 268 against and 33 abstentions calling on the Commission to put forward various options to pool sovereign debts. They stress that the single currency is not completed at present by a common bonds market or a common budgetary policy, which is a source of instability. They notably suggest a European Redemption Fund and plan for a reform of the Treaties in order to enable the joint issue of national bonds or the creation of euro bonds.

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The EU creates a civilian mission in Mali

20 January 2013

On 17th January 2013 the 27 Foreign Ministers approved the launch of a European mission in Mali in line with the resolutions 2071 and 2085 of the UN Security Council. This mission named "EUTM" is to ensure the military training of the Malian armed forces in terms of command, control, logistics, human resources and civilian protection. Ministers appointed the General of the French Brigade, François Lecointre as Commander of the EUTM Missioni. The budget will extend over 15 months totalling 12.3 million euros. Hence 450 trainers and instructors from 10 EU Member States will be deployed. The Ministers said they supported the deployment of the international mission in Mali (AFISMA) on the inititiave of the African Union and the ECOWAS.

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Mediation between Belgrade and Pristina

21 January 2013

After the fourth meeting between the Serb Prime Minister Ivica Dacic and his Kosovar counterpart Hashim Thaçi the President of the European Council Hermann van Rompuy declared that the European Union would "keep its promises regarding Serbia." As a result the European heads of State and government will assess the progress achieved in the normalisation process between Belgrade and Pristina in the spring and may decide to open accession negotiations for Serbia to the EU if progress proves conclusive. The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton deemed that the discussion had been "constructive" and was pleased that the two men had come to a provisional agreement over customs duties, taxes and VAT along their common border.

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European Patents Office

Record number of patent requests in 2012

20 January 2013

According to figures published on 17th January 2013 the European Patents Office registered a record number of patent applications in 2012 - the total rose to 258,000 in comparison with 244,000 in 2011 - ie an increase of 6%. Nearly two thirds of these applications were made on the part of non-Europeans; Japan, China and South Korea made half of the applications. The USA retained firstplace with nearly 64,000 applications. Germany came third, France 6th and the UK 8th. The increase in the number of applications which involves all countries reveals both a great capacity for innovation and a desire to protect inventions on the European market.

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German Population Up

20 January 2013

On 16th January 2013 the Federal Statistics Office (Destatis) announced an increase in the number of inhabitants in the Federal Republic in 2012 for the second year running. The low birthrate has not disappeared as a problem but it has been compensated for by immigration. Thanks to this the country had around 200,000 people more at the end of the year. Germany has around 82 million inhabitants. The German government is pleased with this development since the influx of foreigners will help to slow the effects of the ageing German population.

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Slightly more women on German administrative boards in 2012

20 January 2013

On 16th January the German institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) announced an increase of 1% in the number of women on administrative boards. On the boards of the 200 largest German companies the figure rose from 3% to 4% at the end of 2012. More notable progress was seen on boards in the DAX group of companies rising from 3.7% to 7.8%. The figures should be relativised however since this only involves 30 companies which are subject to extremely high public pressure. The Robert Schuman Foundation's General Manager Pascale Joannin recently wrote an article on this issue in the review, European View.

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Election in Lower Saxony

21 January 2013

Although it won 36% of the vote on 20th January during the elections in the Land of Lower-Saxony, the CDU will not be able to stay as head of the region - since the FDP won 9.9% of the vote only. The SPD, with 32.6% of the vote and the Greens 13.7%, are planning to form a coalition that will just hold a majority over the CDU/CSU and the FDP.

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Referendum on the Military Service

21 January 2013

On 20th January 2013 59.8% Austrians voted in a referendum in support of the upkeep of obligatory military service. The Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann "noted this result" which "he has to respect" and indicated that his government would proceed to a reform of the army "but as part of the military service".

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Ministerial Reshuffle in the Belgian Government

20 January 2013

On 17th January 2013 Paul Magnette, the Belgian State Companies, Scientific Policy Cooperation and Development Minister resigned in respect of his promise to become the Burgermeister of Charleroi. Jean-Pascal Labille, former CEO of the Socialist Mutuality Insurances replaced him in the government as the Minister for State Companies, Cooperation and Development. Philippe Courard, Secretary of State for Social Affairs, Families and Handicapped People, responsible for Professional Risks is responsible now for Scientific Policy.

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French Parliament ratifies the Croatia's accession treaty to the EU

20 January 2013

On 17th January 2013, after a unanimous vote by the National Assembly, the French Parliament adopted Croatia's accession treaty to the EU. The Senate approved the treaty on 15th January. On July 1st Croatia will become the 28th Member State of the European Union.

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Demographic Overview 2012

20 January 2013

On 15th January 2013 the National Statistics and Economic Studies Institute (INSEE) published a demographic overview of France in 2012. According to these estimates France totalled 65.8 million inhabitants on 1st January 2013, 63.7 million of whom were living in mainland France and 1.9 million in overseas departments (DOM). 13% of the EU's population lives in France which places the country second after Germany. Life expectancy has stagnated for men at 78.4 years and has declined by two months for women at 84.8 years. The number of people aged 65 and over is estimated at 11.5 million representing 17.5% of the population in comparison with 17.1% in 2011. There are 16 million under 20 year olds ie 24.7% of the French population.

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The Dutch Finance Minister becomes Eurogroup President

21 January 2013

On 21st January 2013 the euro zone Finance Ministers met within the Eurogroup and elected their Dutch counterpart, Jeroen Dijsselbloem as the successor to Jean-Claude Juncker. The President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy, paid tribute to the latter who was the first Eurogroup chair and who led it at the height of the crisis.

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Delay of David Cameron's speech on the European Union

21 January 2013

Following the incident in Algeria in which some Britons were killed Prime Minister David Cameron decided on 17th January 2013 to delay his speech on his country's renegotiaion of relations with the EU, which was initially planned for 18th January in Amsterdam. The Prime Minister's office did however release some excerpts of the speech in which Mr Cameron says that the "UK might move towards exiting the EU if reform did not take place." The British Prime Minister explains that he sees three challenges for the Union: the euro zone crisis, the lack of competitiveness in the face of emerging countries and above all the gulf that has grown between the EU and its citizens over the last few years. The speech was delayed to 23rd January in London.

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Iceland suspends part of its membership negotiations to the EU

21 January 2013

On 14th January 2013 the Icelandic government announced that part of the negotiations which condition its entry into the EU had been suspended. This decision was justified by the run-up to the general elections that are to take place on 27th April next. The prospect of these elections may bring a eurosceptic government to power and has pushed the majority to suspend the most difficult subjects in the negotiations, which notably focus on agriculture and fisheries.

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Heavy fine against Kyiv for violence inflicted on prisoners

20 January 2013

On 17th January 2013 the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) condemned Ukraine to pay an overall fine of 425,000 euros for the poor treatment of 17 prisoners. The affair involved the treatment of a group of prisoners in January 2007 in the prison of Izyaslav during and after a search and security operation that aimed to punish them for their political hungerstrike. The Court qualified the violence inflicted on the prisoners as "serious". On the basis of article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights ("no one should be subject to torture nor inhuman or degrading treatment") the judges condemned Ukraine to pay 25,000 euros to each of the prisoners.

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Airbus surpassed its goals in 2012

20 January 2013

On 17th January 2013 Airbus CEO Fabrice Brégier announced that the company's 2012's goals had been surpassed. Airbus, a European company delivered 588 planes to 89 clients and had surpassed its goal of 650 orders, claiming a total of 914 gross orders.

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First stage in the EU-USA partnership for spaceflight and exploration

20 January 2013

On 16th January 2013 the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) announced a partnership for a pilotless flight around the moon in 2017, the first stage in promising international cooperation for the exploration of space. As part of this agreement the European ATV (Automatic Transfer Vehicle) will be modified to become a service module of the American Spaceship Orion designed to transport astronauts towards an asteroid and Mars in the 2030's.

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The Euro Zone's Annual Inflation Rate Stable at 2.2%

20 January 2013

According to figures published on 16th January 2013 by Eurostat the annual inflation rate in December 2012 remained stable in the euro zone at 2.2% and declined in the EU to 2.3% in comparison with the previous month. Greece had the lowest rate at 0.3% whilst it rose to above 5% in Hungary. Inflation is tending to rise in the main due to alcoholic drinks , tobacco, housing, foodstuffs and education (3% at least) and is declining in the area of communications (by nearly -4%).

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European Foreign Policy in the 21st Century

20 January 2013

In an article published by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs and the European Policy Centre, Kristi Raik and Rosa Balfour look into the emergence of a European Foreign Policy in the 21st century. The decline of traditional diplomacy and financial constraints associated to the crisis limit the capabilities of national diplomatic services. The authors insist on the need to take advantage of the Lisbon Treaty to place the European External Action Service at the heart of the global European diplomatic system and to turn it into a structure with its own dynamic.

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Guaranteeing geographical and gender balance within the EEAS

21 January 2013

The European Parliament has just published a study entitled "Guaranteeing geographical and gender balance within the European External Action Service" (EEAS) as part of the assessment of the EEAS planned for mid-2013. Although recruitment within the EEAS should, in principle, be made according to merit, taking on board a geographical and gender balance, this study stresses that in practice these balances do not exist. The text analyses what the obstacles might be preventing the achievement of these balances and advises on a certain number of measures that aim to settle this problem.

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France, Germany and European Defence

20 January 2013

Just as we are celebrating the week of 50 years of the Elysée Treaty the IFRI has published a study by Claudia Major on the stakes of Franco-German cooperation in terms of defence. The author recalls the need, given international developments and the economic crisis, for a revived, improved continuation of the bilateral relation in this area.

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The launch of Kosice, European Capital of Culture

20 January 2013

On 19th and 20th January 2013 the celebrations linked to the appointment of the town of Kosice as "European Capital of Culture 2013", were launched - one week after the inauguration of events in Marseilles. The inauguration ceremonies, with fireworks and a great number of internationally renowned artists, referred to the industrial past of Kosice, Slovakia's second most important town. Nearly 200 cultural events are being organised in 2013 in 70 places around the town and its environs.

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An internet site devoted to Austrian writer Peter Handke

21 January 2013

In January the Austrian National Library launched Handkeonline, a site devoted to the Austrian writer, playwright, scenarist, film director and translator Peter Handke. This site that is based on a research project supported notably by the FWF (Austrian Funds for the Support of Scientific Research) enables accession to a great number of archives.

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The Reina Sofia Museum holds a Robert Adams Exhibition

21 January 2013

The Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid is putting on a temporary exhibition from 16th January to 20th May 2013 entitled "Robert Adams: el lugar donde vivimos (Robert Adams the place we live in), which is the photographer's first retrospective in Spain. Known the world over, the artist looks particularly into the changes that have occurred in the American west over the last few decades under the influence of human activity.

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Retrospective Max Ernst at the Albertina Museum of Vienna

21 January 2013

The Albertina Museum in Vienna is putting on an exhibition entitled "Max Ernst, retrospective" from 23rd January to 5th May 2013. Organised in chronological order, the latter presents a selection of 180 paintings, collages and sculptures by the artist as well as some documents and representative work in its various technical and creative phases.

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Windows in Art, from the Renaissance to the present

21 January 2013

The Hermitage Foundation in Lausanne is devoting an exhibition from 25th January to 20th May 2013 entitled "Windows, from the Renaissance to the present". Via 150 works of art it presents the primordial role played by windows in art. Organised according to a thematic schema covering 500 years of art history, the exhibition brings together major artists such as Dürer, Monet, Hammershoi, Munch, Delaunay, Chirico, Mondrian, Matisse, Ernst, Klee and Picasso.

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21st January

Euro Zone Finance Ministers Meeting (Brussels)

22nd January

Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty ()

22nd January

Economy-Finances Council (Brussels)

24th January

EU/Brazil Summit (Brasilia)

25th and 26th January

Czech Presidential Election (2nd round) ()

26th and 27th January

EU-Community of Latin-American and Caribbean States Summit (Santiago (Chili))

27th January

Referendum on the future of nuclear energy in Bulgaria (Bulgaria)

28th and 29th January

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Pierre Thibaudat ,Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert, Louis Hancisse, Gaudérique Traub

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Ceremonies/50 years of the Elysée Treaty; Mali/EU;European Driving Licence; Pate...


The Newsletter n°563- version of 21 janv. 2013