The Newsletter56214 janv. 2013

La Lettre

Patrick de Rousiers

14 January 2013

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a European Interview with General Patrick de Rousiers who, since 6th December 2012, has chaired the European Union's Military Committee (EUMC). He explains that the European Union "has become a kind of expert in conflict prevention" and that "it distinguishes itself via its extremely specific approach to defence."

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Front page!

"Talking Europe" hosts Guy Verhofstadt

14 January 2013

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF), the Foundation is broadcasting the most recent programme on its site "Talking Europe" whose guest is Guy Verhofstadt, former Belgian Prime Minister and presently Chair of the Group of Democrats and Liberals for Europe Alliance at the European Parliament. The latter calls for the creation of a truly Federal Europe. He explains why euroscepticism is the wrong answer to the present crisis. He warns the UK against leaving the EU and calls on the Italians to put an end to the Berlusconi years.

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France-Germany: a joint repsonsibility for Europe

14 January 2013

On 16th January 2013 the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani is taking part in a debate at the auditorium of the daily "Le Monde" on the theme of "France-Germany: a joint responsibility for Europe." He will be debating with Hubert Védrine, former French Foreign Minister, and Susanne Wasum-Rainer, Ambassador for Germany in Paris. It is obligatory to enrol.

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Special Franco-German Day at Sciences-Po

13 January 2013

On 15th January 2013 Radio France, together with Arte and ARD, are inviting you to a special day at Sciences Po in Paris from midday to 8pm to debate your experiences and proposals for the future of Europe and the Franco-German relationship. More than 26,000 people answered the survey "L'Allemagne, la France et vous?" supported by the Robert Schuman Foundation. The Foundation's General Director Pascale Joannin is speaking live on France Culture in the programme 'La Grande Table' from midday to 2pm. She will then be taking part in the round-table at 2:20pm on "Français et Allemands, une affection de raison?".

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Women in Europe: more women in leading positions

13 January 2013

The Genreral Manager of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Pascale Joannin signed an article in the review, European View vol11 number 2 (December 2012). It is called "Women in Europe: more women in leading positions".

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The UK and Europe

13 January 2013

In an editorial published on his site, Jean-Dominique Giuliani describes the European dilemma suffered by British Prime Minister David Cameron, as he is faces populism English style.

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50 years/Elysée Treaty

50 years of Franco-German Friendship

13 January 2013

France and Germany are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty with the Franco-German Year and many events. More information is available on the special internet site "Anniversaire du Traité de l'Elysée". On 22nd January 2013 a solemn commemoration by both the French and German governments will take place in Berlin with the National Assembly and the Bundestag as well as with the Senate and the Bundesrat on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty.

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Franco-German Friendship via the Caricature

13 January 2013

Until 15th January 2013 the CIDAL (Centre d'information sur l'Allemagne) and the Goethe Institut in Paris are jointly presenting an exhibition "Pas de deux/Paarlauf" - the Franco-German friendship via the Caricature. The exhibition is in two parts. The first, presented at the Goethe-Institut, reviews fifty years of Franco-German history via drawings by famous French and German cartoonists. The second party, presented at the CIDAL shows work by young cartoonists who are offering a vision of the future: Franco-German Friendship - and in 50 years time?

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The Franco-German Year on the TV and the Web

14 January 2013

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty Arte is devoting a special series of programmes to this historic event and to Franco-German relations between 15th and 22nd January 2013. On 15th January at 7:50pm Arte is having a "Thema" evening presenting the results of the survey "France, Germany and You?" undertaken by ARTE, Radio France and DeutschlandRadio and supported by the Robert Schuman Foundation.

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Franz Hessel Prize

13 January 2013

The Franz Hessel Prize 2012 has been awarded to Andreas Maier for "Das Haus" (Suhrkamp Verlag 2011) and Eric Vuillard for "La Bataille d'Occident et Congo (Actes Sud, 2012). Awarded by a Franco-German jury, the prize aims to help revive literary and intellectual dialogue between the two countries. The award ceremony will take place on 21st January 2013 at the Allianz Forum in Berlin. The prize will be given by Bernd Neumann, the German Deputy Minister to the Federal Chancellor and by Aurélie Filipetti, the French Minister for Culture and Communication.

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The first round of the Czech Presidential Election

15 January 2013

The first presidential election to take place by direct universal suffrage was the source of surprise in the Czech Republic. Although Milos Zeman, former Social Democratic Prime Minister (1998-2002), now honorary chair of the Citizens' Rights Party (SPOZ) which he created in 2010, won the election with 24.21% of the vote, second place went to Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg (Tradition, Responsibility, Prosperity 09, TOP09), who won 23.40% of the vote. Milos Zeman won eight of the fourteen regions in the Czech Republic (winning many votes in Moravia and North Bohemia), Karel Schwarzenberg won in the capital, Prague and amongst the Czechs living abroad. He also won the highest scores in the country's major towns whilst the former Prime Minister won the support of the rural areas and the smallest towns.

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Financial Crisis

The Bank of France confirms the recession in France in 2012

13 January 2013

On 10th January 2013 the Bank of France confirmed its estimation of a slight recession at the end of 2012 in France, with a contraction of 0.1% in economic activity in the fourth quarter, after an equivalent contraction in the third quarter.

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Improvement in Italian Public Accounts in 2012

13 January 2013

On 9th January 2013 the Italian statistics institute, Istat, published the public accounts figures for 2012. The public deficit in the third quarter lay at 1.8% of the GDP totalling 3.7% of the GDP over the first nine months of the year, ie 0.5 points less than in 2011. Notably thanks to better fiscal revenues Italy's public accounts indeed improved over the first nine months of 2012.

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Greece decides to toughen up taxation on liberal professions

14 January 2013

On 12th January the Greek parliament approved a draft law that aims to toughen up the tax regime on liberal professions, a prior condition for the continued payment of loans by the EU to Greece. The text was approved by 162 MPs of the tripartite coalition out of the 300 which sit in Parliament. An amendment also reforms the controversial regime of shipowners sailing under foreign flags. This is a prelude to a major reform in April and aims to refill the State's coffers reaping in around 2.5 billion euros in tax revenues in 2013 - it also plans for tax increases in the liberal professions who are the champions of tax evasion.

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Unemployment rises in Poland

14 January 2013

Unemployment levels rose in Poland in December to 13.3% of the working population compared to 12.9% in November and 12.5% in October announced the Labour Ministry on 7th January 2013. The number of unemployed at the end of December totalled 2.14 million according to an official press release. In all the number of unemployed increased by 155,000 during 2012.

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The IMF recommends Portugal to implement strict savings measures

14 January 2013

An IMF report published recently should help the Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho's project to reduce public spending by 4 billion euros over the next two years thanks to a reform of the State. Drafted with the World Bank and the European Commission the IMF report recommends Portugal (under financial assistance) to reduce the number of some 700,00 civil servants by 20% whilst a 7% reduction in their wages would lead to savings of 760 million euro. These proposals immediately led to a wave of criticism on the part of the unions and the government hurriedly said that these were "suggestions and not decisions."

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Economic and Social Situation in Europe

13 January 2013

On 8th January 2013 the European Commission adopted the 2012 report on the development of employment and the social situation in Europe. According to this report "unemployment and the deteriorating social situation combined in 2012 to set a further difficult year for Europe." This document observed increasing divergence in the euro zone as far as unemployment rates were concerned, gross available household revenues, as well as the design and size of the national social protection systems. This report also analyses the role of wages in the Member States' economies and raises the issue of the discrepancy between competences and jobs available on the labour market.

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More entrepreneurs for more growth and employment

13 January 2013

On 9th January 2013 Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the European Commission responsible for Entrepreneurship presented an action plan that aims to support entrepreneurship, deemed to be the vital vector of growth revival. New businesses are also those which employ the most and therefore support employment. The "Entrepreneurship Action Plan 2020" anticipates measures for education and training, as well as action for certain specific segments of the population such as, youth and women. It also puts forward various financial and administrative simplifications.

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The European Commission unveils the beneficiaries of Humanitarian Aid for 2013

13 January 2013

On 10th January 2013 the European Commission unveiled its plan for the payment of some 661 million euros for humanitarian aid in 2013. According to this document the five most ambitious humanitarian operations will be deployed in the Sahel, Mali, Sudan and in South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan and in Somalia. Moreover the Commission will devote further financial means to "forgotten" populations such as in Algeria, Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Colombia, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Yemen.

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New EU project to fight against piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

14 January 2013

The European Commission announced on 10th January 2013 the launch of a new programme "CRIMGO" that aims to guarantee the safety of maritime routes crossing the Gulf of Guinea. This programme includes training sessions for coast-guards in seven African countries as well as the establishment of an information exchange system between them. According to the Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs, the aim of this programme is to boost trade by making maritime transport safer. These routes are regularly disrupted by pirates and arms, drugs and human traffickers.

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Key interest rate unchanged and new five euro notes

13 January 2013

On 10th January 2013 the President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, announced that the key ECB interest rate would remain unchanged at 0.75%. Moreover he stressed that inflation was likely to drop below the 2% mark by the end of the year. On the same day the European Central Bank unveiled the new five euro note. This is the first in a new series of notes which will look the same and be similar in colour to the existing series, but it will include more security systems designed to prevent counterfeiting. Moreover two faces of Europa will now feature on the notes. The old notes will be progressively withdrawn from circulation by the banks but will remain valid.

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European Agencies

Inquiry into Aspartam

13 January 2013

The European Food Safety Authority launched a wide ranging public consultation into aspartam on 8th January 2013. Aspartam is a sweetner used in many foodstuffs and can be a threat to the health of some people, notably pregnant women. A first report minimised these risks, but the European Commission has asked the agency to reassess them more rapidly than previously planned. The interested parties have until 15th February to respond to the questionnaire before the group of experts from the agnecy deliver a final report in May 2013.

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Inauguration of the European Cybercrime Centre

13 January 2013

On 11th January 2013 the European Cybercrime Centre EC3 was inaugurated in the Hague, . This agency will notably be working with the EU's other police and legal agencies, as well as with it counterparts in the Member States and some third countries, notably the USA. The aim is to put an end to the "age of cybercriminals".

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Angela Merkel receives Antonis Samaras in Berlin

13 January 2013

During a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel the Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said on 8th January in Berlin that Greece was "making an enormous effort" to emerge from the crisis. Mr Samaras took part in an economic forum in Berlin, as did Ms Merkel, organised by the Germany daily "Die Welt". The two leaders took advantage of this occasion to have an "informal talk" at the Chancellery. For her part Ms Merkel said she was happy to have had an opportunity to talk with her counterpart about the implementation of reforms in Greece.

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Inauguration of the high speed line Barcelona-Figueres

13 January 2013

On January 8th 2013, Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, Prince Felipe of Spain, Public Works Minister Ana Pastor and Artur Mas, President of Catalonia inaugurated the High Speed Line between Barcelona-Figueres, which connects the two cities which are 131km apart, in 56 minutes. This foreshadows the Perpignan-Barcelona rail link that is expected to be completed by April 2013. Mariano Rajoy stressed that it was the "first cross border rail link of international calibre," and an historic success.

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Tallinn, the EU's first capital to inaugurate free public transport

13 January 2013

On 9th January 2013, Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, inaugurated free public transport on all bus and tramway lines for all of its inhabitants. The local authorities explained that revenues from the sales of tickets would only cover one third of the functioning costs of the network. It is also a measure to limit the use of cars in town. The 419,830 citizens living in the Estonian capital and all of the future residents can use this free transport after having paid for a special green card costing two euros.

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Strengthening links between France and Estonia

14 January 2013

On 7th January 2013 the Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves travelled to Paris where he met his counterpart, François Hollande. The two presidents recalled their desire to set up banking union, to continue the deepening of economic and monetary union, to implement the tax on financial transactions and to negotiate a fair budget. The Estonian president added that "European cooperation in defence should continue." Moreover the Rear-Admiral Arnaud Coustillière, the General Officer responsible for cyberdefence issues at the Chief of Staff of the French Armed forces travelled to Estonia between 9th and 11th January 2013 to formalise France's membership of the NATO Centre of Excellence for Co-operative Cyber Defence in Tallinn, CCDCOE).

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Military Intervention in Mali

13 January 2013

Following the request for help by the interim Malian President, Dioucounda Traoré, French President François Hollande declared on 11th January 2013 that the French armed forces would provide their support to Malian units to counter the terrorists. Their mission, in line with the UN Security Council resolutions, is to support the Malian army against terrorist attacks that are threatening West Africa. It comprises the preparation of the deployment of an African intervention force to enable Mali to recover all of its territory. The UK is to provide military logistics assistance to France during its intervention in Mali said Prime Minister D. Cameron on 12th January: "The Prime Minister has decided that the UK will provide military logistics assistance to help transport foreign troops and equipment rapidly to Mali.

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Official launch of the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union

13 January 2013

The programme of the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union entitled "For stability, growth and employment" was officially launched on 9th January 2013 in Dublin with the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy in attendence. On 10th January 2013 the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso and the college of commissioners also travelled to Dublin. The three priorities of the presidency will be to guarantee economic stability, to invest in growth and sustainable employment and to help towards strengthening the European Union's profile in the world.

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Silvio Berlusconi gives up his bid for the Presidency of the Italian Council

13 January 2013

On 7th January 2013 Silvio Berlusconi announced that he was withdrawing from the race for the Presidency of the Italian Council. This decision is the result of the condition of an alliance between his party - the People of Freedom with the Northern League in the general elections that will take place on 24th and 25th February next. However he did say to the press just a few days later that he will be running for the Senate; and if the righting were to win the elections, he is offering to become Finance Minister.

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Mid-term review by D Cameron and N Clegg

13 January 2013

British Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg reviewed their mid-term results on 7th January and presented the reforms that are to take place in the second half of the legislature. At a time when the UK is ensuring the presidency of the G8 and is questioning its position in the EU, the duo maintained its intention to focus on domestic policy and the economy. Although the austerity policy will not be relaxed the team in office will however try to reconcile the goal of reducing debt whilst introducing new growth paths. Hence emphasis will be focused on the creation of jobs by way of major infrastructure projects, especially in the domain of transport and encouraging employment in the private sector.

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Plea for the UK to remain in the EU

13 January 2013

The possible exit of the UK from the EU is worrying Europe and the rest of the world. On 9th January 2013 Phil Gordon, the US Secretary of State for European Affairs declared that the USA wanted the UK to remain in the EU and feared that its exit would go against American interests. This concern is also expressed in the UK itself. Hence in a letter sent on 9th January 2013 to the Financial Times, ten major British business leaders, including Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin group and Chris Gibbson-Smith, CEO of the London Stock Exchange expressed their concern over the economic effects a possible British exit from the EU would have. This strategy would, in their opinion, be damaging for all British businesses exporting to the other EU countries and for the Union as a whole.

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Corruption of the Slovenian Political Elites

13 January 2013

On 8th January 2013 the Slovenian Commission for the Prevention of Corruption announced that it had decided to investigate all of the parties' leaders in the wake of the elections of 11th November and 2nd December last. Hence it revealed that it had detected irregularities in the assets and bank accounts of Prime Minister Janez Jansa and of the Mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Jankovic. The Prime Minister said after a press conference that he had been unjustly accused and that he would put forward his resignation as his party's leader (SDS), and even his resignation as Prime Minister. The Citizens' List "as a coalition partner" is calling for Janez Jansa to resign within ten days from his position as Prime Minister or request a confidence vote in Parliament indicated the party.

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Yulia Tymoshenko starts "disobedience" action in prison

14 January 2013

On 9th January 2013 the Ukrainian authorities indicated that former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko had started a "civil disobedience action" by refusing to return to her room in protest against President Viktor Yanukovych's regime. In an open letter published on her blog to the Ukrainian President, whom she is accusing of "having usurped power in the country", that she intends to denounce this "Ukrainophobic, kleptocratic" regime. She said that she would no longer speak with the prosecutors and the judges and would refuse to go to court for her trial.

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Unemployment up in the euro zone, stable in the European Union

13 January 2013

According to figures published by Eurostat on 8th January 2013 unemployment in the euro zone, adjusted to seasonal variations totalled 11.8% in November 2012, up in comparison with 11.7% in October. In the EU the unemployment rate lay at 10.7% in November 2012, stable in comparison with October. Amongst the Member States the lowest unemployment rates are in Austria (4.5%), Luxembourg (5.1%) in Germany (5.4%) as well as in the Netherlands (5.6%), the highest are in Spain (26.6%) and in Greece (26% in September 2012).

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Panorama of European Innovation

13 January 2013

According to a survey published by Eurostat on 11th January 2013 more than 60% of businesses in Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium say they undertake innovative activities in comparison with less than 30% in Bulgaria and Poland. More than one quarter of innovative companies undertook projects with partners in their own State whilst more than 10% of these businesses established cooperation agreements with organisations established in other member Member States or candidate countries.

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A decline in industrial output

14 January 2013

Industrial output adjusted to seasonal variations decreased by 0.3% both in the euro zone and in the EU in November 2012 in comparison with October 2012, according to estimates published by Eurostat, the EU's statistics office on 14th January 2013. In October output declined by 1% and 0.8% respectively. In November 2012 in comparison with November 2011 industrial output declined by 3.7% in the euro zone and by 3.3% in the EU.

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For a European Air Quality Policy

13 January 2013

Eurobarometer has published a survey revealing that European citizens would like European policies for the protection of air quality to be developed. Most notably believe that they are not adequately informed about the quality of the air and that this has worsened over the last few years, thereby becoming a cause for concern. Local and national action are approved by one quarter of those interviewed, whilst half believe that it is on a European level that the most effective measures would be taken.

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2013 Challenges facing the European Foreign Policy

14 January 2013

The Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue (FRIDE) is devoting its annual publication to the challenges which will dominate the EU's foreign policy over the next twelve months. Entitled "Challenges for European Foreign Policy in 2013. Renewing the EU's role in the wolrd", the central issue this year is Europe's assets and the means the EU has to distinguish itself in the face of other powers at work internationally.

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Publication of the Annual Report by the World Economic Forum

13 January 2013

The World Economic Forum (WEF) delivered its report on 8th January 2013 on the global dangers facing the planet over the next few years. It emphasises that the world seems increasingly vulnerable notably due to financial crises and natural disasters. WEF experts say however that the dangers of the financial crisis will divert attention from "climate change, whilst extreme weather conditions are on the increase". The experts also point to a new phenomenon: "wild cyberfires", caused on the internet by events such as a "critical film about Islam on YouTube" and which lead to riots across the entire world. Finally another risk pointed to by the WEF is that of health. Experts are notably concerned about the spread of pandemics and increased resistance to antibiotics.

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Financial Engineering and State Aid

14 January 2013

In an article published by the Collège d'Europe, Phedon Nicolaides looks into how financial engineering tools, such as guarantees and loans which are used increasingly by public authorities in support of business, can be included as State aid under European legislation. Two problems emerge however: it is not always possible to qualify nor to quantify public intervention which can however be considered as a traditional investment, the effects of which are hard to assess. The biggest Memer States have notably succeeded in using these instruments with the benediction of the European Commission.

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Study on the Pharmaceutical Industry

14 January 2013

The general reputation of pharmaceutical companies declined between 2011 and 2012 according to an independent study, "The corporate reputation of pharma in 2012: the patient perspective", undertaken by the patients' organisation PatientView. This organisation, which brings together 600 patient groups, focused on the reputation of 29 pharmaceutical businesses and the industry in general amongst patients. The study took place between November and December 2012. 34% of the 600 patient groups answered in 2012 that multinational pharmaceutical companies enjoyed an "excellent" or "good" reputation in comparison with 42% in 2011. 40% declared that the pharmaceutical industry's reputation had deteriorated in 2012. Nearly half of the 600 groups said that the industry's results were mediocre.

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Towards geopolitical transition

13 January 2013

Rowman and Littlefield Publishing has released "A World Recast, an American Moment in a Post-Western Order" by Simon Serfaty. The author suggests that the geopolitical transition that is underway in a transition from a unipolar to a multi-polar world in which the West is vascillating, must not be considered as the decline of the West and more particularly that of the USA. He states that American power is still superior and as a result vital, even if it is no longer decisive.

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1989 and beyond

13 January 2013

Former Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki has published "1989 and beyond", an anthology of texts, speeches, interviews and sketches which present his political philosophy. Unique texts including an interview with Andrzej Urbanski for Polish television complete this work.

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"The Geopolitics of the European Borders. Enlarge, but to where?"

14 January 2013

Argos publishing has recently released "Géopolitique des frontières européennes. Elargir jusqu'où?" by Pierre Verluise. This book which is illustrated with around 20 maps provides a geopolitical view of the borders of Europe. It offers clear answers to these questions: just how far does the European Union intend to enlarge? What relations does the EU have with the countries in the East which were once considered as enemies? How is it organising its relations with the South?

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Marseilles-Provence 2013: European Capital of Culture

14 January 2013

On 12th and 13th January the first events linked to the appointment of Marseilles as European Capital of Culture took place. With the theme of the Mediterranean as a leitmotif several hundred events are announced throughout the year notably including a number of exhibitions. Amongst these amateurs of art and history will discover the exhibition on "the Mediterranean, from the major cities of yesterday to the men of today". On 19th January the town of Kosice in Slovakia will be inaugurating the festivities associated with its appointment.

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Warhol - his first drawings

13 January 2013

The Louisiana Museum in Copenhagen is devoting an exhibition to the artistic beginnings of Andy Warhol (1928-1987) and his 1950's drawings which were discovered after his death. The exhibition is entitled "Warhol-early drawings". There are over 250 drawings from the 1950's, most of which are on show for the first time in a museum. Warhol was inspired by films, photos, and fashion magazines. The exhibition is on until 21st February 2013.

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Exhibition "Cindy Sherman: Early Works"

14 January 2013

The Gucci Museum in Florence is presenting the temporary exhibition "Cindy Sherman Early Works" until 9th June 2013. The first works by the photographer, acknowledged as being one of the most influential artists in contemporary art are, on show.

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14th and 17th January

Plenary Session-European Parliament (Strasbourg)

21st January

Euro Zone Finance Ministers Meeting (Brussels)

22nd January

Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty ()

22nd January

Economy-Finances Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Pierre Thibaudat ,Clara Coornaert, Louis Hancisse, Gaudérique Traub, Laurène Vernet

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial; UK/EU?; Mali; Businesses/EU;New 5 € note


The Newsletter n°562- version of 14 janv. 2013