The Newsletter5453 sept. 2012

La Lettre

Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin

3 September 2012

On 25th January the European Commission published a draft regulation on the protection of personal data which reformulates the entire European legal framework that resulted from the 1995 directive. Although the project includes a number of improvements, notably in terms of strengthening citizens' rights and the compliance of businesses, the regulation mechanism put forward which is based on the "main establishment" criteria is not adapted to the digital environment. It is therefore suggested that another type of governance be introduced, drawing on the best Latin and Anglo-Saxon legal approaches thereby turning personal data protection into an asset for businesses, a new area of rights for the citizen and an opportunity to take European integration forwards.

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Front page!

Europe: why the crisis continues

2 September 2012

The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an editorial on his site in which he explains why the crisis is still raging in Europe.

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Enrol for the first EU-Korea forum on 19th September in Brussels!

2 September 2012

On 9th September the Robert Schuman Foundation, the Korea Foundation and the Yonsei University are organising the first EU-Korea Forum. On this occasion both European and Korean speakers will be presenting an overview of relations between the EU and Korea in various areas one year after the signature of the free trade agreement between the EU and South Korea. It is mandatory to enrol.

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The euro zone crisis and its possible contractual consequences

2 September 2012

The Public Law Club at Sciences Po, together with the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a meeting on 18th September on the theme of "The Crisis in the euro zone and its possible contractual consequences." The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation Jean-Dominique Giuliani as well as representatives from the legal and academic spheres will be debating this issue.

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Analysis of the general elections in Georgia one month before the election

3 September 2012

On 1st October 2012, 3.6 million Georgians will be appointing the 150 members of their Parliament (73 elected by a majority vote in constituencies and 77 appointed by proportional voting within one national constituency). Two electoral coalitions and 21 political parties are running in the election. Head of State, Mikhail Saakachvili will be facing businessman Bidzina Ivanichvili, the founder of the Georgian Dream-Democratic Georgia movement. One month before the election the United National Movement led by Mikhail Saakachvili is due to win 46% of the vote, the coalition, Georgian Dream-Democratic Georgia, 24%, the Christian Democratic Party (KDM) led by Giorgi Targamadze, 5% and New Rights led by Davit Gamkrelidze, 3%.

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Financial Crisis

The recession continues in Spain

2 September 2012

According to a press release by the Spanish National Statistics Office (INE) published on 28th August 2012 the recession worsened in the second quarter of 2012 and the GDP contracted by 0.4%. This downturn is due to a "decrease in demand on the domestic market", notably in terms of household consumption and public spending, says the release. On September 1st 2012 a further increase in VAT came into force, the main rate of which has risen from 18 to 21%, as part of an unprecedented austerity policy designed to reduce the public deficit to 6.3% of the GDP this year.

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Euro Zone: net decline in economic confidence in August for the fifth consecutive month

2 September 2012

According to figures published by the European Commission on 30th August 2012 the economic sentiment indicator declined in August in the euro zone, for the fifth consecutive month. The indicator lay at 86.1 points, down by 1.8 points in comparison with July, to lie at its lowest level in nearly three years. Across the entire EU the indicator has lost 2 points and is down to 97.

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France: an extremely sharp rise in unemployment in July

2 September 2012

According to figures published on 27th August 2012 by Pôle Emploi and DARES, the number of registered job seekers with no work at all increased by 41,300 in July, which represents a total of 2.98 million people. This is the sharpest rise seen since April 2009. The number of unemployed who work more or less part time increased by 58,300 at the end of July. In all the number of job seekers registered with Pôle Emploi in all categories lay at 4,453,800 in mainland France at the end of July 2012 (4,733,000 if the overseas territories are included). On 2nd September French labour minister Michel Sapin announced that the threshold of 3 million of people who had no work at all had to been reached, likewise the level of 10% unemployed.

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Downturn in the German labour market

2 September 2012

The gross unemployment rate in Germany that started to rise again in July 2012 after several months of decrease remained stable at 6.8% in August according to the federal agency for German employment on 30th August. In gross data the number of unemployed increased by 29,000 over one month. In all the jobless total 2.905 million.

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The euro zone's 6000 banks progressively moving towards European supervision

3 September 2012

In an interview granted on 31st August 2012 in the newspaper "Les Echos" the European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier, indicated that the financial supervision of the 6000 European banks would progressively come into shape as of January 1st 2013 and would be complete by January 1st 2014. Banks that have benefited from public support and then systemic banks would be the first to be affected. The European Central Bank will play a central role in this supervision but a specific committee will have to be established - this will be under the control of the European Parliament in order to guarantee its democratic legitimacy.

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Growth slows in Poland

2 September 2012

According to figures published by the Polish Statistics Office on 30th August 2012 the country's GDP grew by 0.4% in the second quarter compared with the first quarter of 2012 (according to figures adjusted to seasonal variations) and by 2.5% compared to the second quarter of last year.

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The unemployment rate remains stable in Italy in July

2 September 2012

According to figures published by the Italian Statistics Institute (Istat) on 30th August the unemployment rate in Italy lay at 10.7% in July, as it did in June (revised figures). Unemployment has risen by 2.5 points since July 201, says Istat. Amongst young people (15-24 year olds) unemployment lay at 35.3% in July ie 1.3 points more than in June and 7.4 points more than a year ago.

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IMF Report on Finland

3 September 2012

In a report published on 31st August 2012 the IMF believes that the Finnish economy is threatened by the euro crisis. Finland enjoys "a strong economic base and has a sound political management" says the report but "as a small open economy, that is dependent both from a financial and trade point of view, the country is sensitive to the negative fallout caused by the euro zone crisis." It is necessary to "strenghen supervision between countries and introduce frameworks to settle the crisis in response to the increase in cross border banking activities ad the major role played by big international groups," notes the IMF. Finnish growth is slowing and forecasts have been revised downwards. Moreover the country is facing the challenge of an ageing population and a slowing in productivity.

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Revision of economic forecasts downwards

3 September 2012

The British business lobbying organisation (CBI) made a drastic revision of its economic forecasts on 30th August 2012 and is now counting on a GDP contraction in the UK over the entire year. The CBI that represents 240,000 companies is expecting a contraction of 0.3% this year, whilst it was still banking on growth of 0.6% in May it said in a press release. Trapped between the government's austerity plan and the neighbouring euro zone crisis, the UK fell into recession in the first quarter and plunged further into it in the second.

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European Council

Herman van Rompuy meets Mariano Rajoy

2 September 2012

On 28th August 2012 the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, and the President of the Spanish government, Mariano Rajoy met to discuss the economic crisis in Europe and more particularly Spain's predicament. Herman Van Rompuy lauded the number of reforms undertaken by the Spanish government and the solidarity illustrated by other Member States, insisting on the need to reform in depth the Spanish financial system. He also stressed the urgent need for unified banking supervision Europe wide.

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Economic Symposium in Alpbach

2 September 2012

On 30th August 2012 the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso presented his point of view on the crisis during a speech delivered at the Economic Symposium of Alpbach. He recalled the three main causes of the crisis: excessive debt in some Member States; a failing financial system, and a lack of competitiveness. The answers given to date will suffice short term but the long term greater political, economic and budgetary integration has to be taken on board. He announced the Commission's proposal on 12th September to form a base to establish banking union. It is also necessary to improve the internal market and to provide the EU with the budget it needs if Member States really want it to fulfil all of its obligations.

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Take the Floor!

3 September 2012

European citizens still have until 9th September 2012 to take part in the public consultation initiated by Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Citizenship. This consultation allows European citizens to say what they expect and what they think about the future of European integration, the shape that this should take and what political priorities should be defined. This consultation notably aims to have a better appreciation of the difficulties that European citizens encounter in exercising all of their rights within the European Union.

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New Opportunities of the Sea

3 September 2012

On 29th August 2012 the European Commission presented its Green Paper on "knowledge of the marine world". It notably proposes the creation of a database on the maps of seabeds that would include topographic, geological and biological information. The oceans hold a great deal of resources that the Commission would like to see used ecologically. Apart from its scientifiic interest a tool like this would stimulate maritime economic activities and create jobs in the environmental area. The Commission has launched a public consultation on this subject which is open until 15th December.

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Meeting with the Bulgarian Prime Minister

3 September 2012

On 31st August 2012 the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov met the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso in Sofia. The latter congratulated the Bulgarian authorities on the measures taken in terms of budgetary consolidation, which have enabled Bulgaria to emerge from the excessive deficit procedure. Both leaders also discussed how the remaining structural funds should used - since they total 1.5 billion euros. President Barroso also repeated his support to Bulgaria's accession to the Schengen area so that its citizens can benefit fully from European citizenship.

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Mario Draghi supports exceptional measures

2 September 2012

In an interview granted to the German newspaper "Die Zeit" on 29th August the President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, repeated his arguments in favour of exceptional measures taken by the ECB. Indeed he anticipates the possibility of the ECB to reviving its public bond purchase programme. He did say however that he ECB would only intervene within the terms of its mandate and that it would adhere to its main objective which is to counter inflation.

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Angela Merkel on an official visit to China

2 September 2012

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was guest in Beijing on 29th August 2012 to Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. This is Angela Merkel's second visit to China this year. The German Chancellor notably visited the Airbus assembly factory in Tianjin. On 30th August, the Chinese State Bank ordered 50 A320 Airbuses for a total of 3.5 billion euros.

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Mariano Rajoy and François Hollande speak n support of the euro

2 September 2012

On 30th August 2012, Mariano Rajoy was host to French President François Hollande. Both spoke in support of the euro, since both believe in that "it is impossible to go back on the single currency". Mariano Rajoy recalled that he wants the European Union to move forwards working actively in favour of banking and budgetary union Europe wide. For his part the French president welcomed the amount of work achieved in terms of austerity and reform undertaken by Spain. In regard to the decision to activate the European Financial Stability Facility, the French President believes that it is up to Spain to decide. Both leaders also spoke of international issues, notably the situation in Syria; in their opinion the departure of Bachar El-Assad will help to settle the Syrian crisis. Finally they announced that there would be a Franco-Spanish summit on 10th October in Paris.

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The Spanish gtovernment approves banking reform

2 September 2012

On 31st August the Spanish government approved a reform to consolidate its banking sector in exchange for a loan granted in June by the euro zone. This reform notably anticipates a further increase in the solvency ratios that are being demanded of the sector (the level of own funds will rise from 8 to 9%) and banks that are deemed to have inadequate funds will be able to be taken over more easily by the state. It also includes the creation of a "bad bank" for the placement of real estate assets that are considered to be dangerous and which have to be sold. Finally the reform limits bank executives' salaries, who have received state aid, to 500,000 euros per year instead of the previous 600,000. Spain's fourth bank, Bankia that was nationalised in May because of its problems, published a net loss of 4.45 billion euros in the first semester thereby forcing the public aid fund to announce an immediate injection of money.

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The Estonian Parliament ratifies the European Stability Mechanism

2 September 2012

On 30th August 2012 the members of the Estonian parliament ratified the European Stability Mechanism. 59 MPs voted in favour, 34 against. The entry into force of the ESM planned for July has been delayed because the German constitutional court wants to look into the complaints lodged by various opponents who believe that the ESM might deprive the German Parliament of some of its budgetary sovereignty.

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The creation of two Franco-German work groups

3 September 2012

The French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici and his German counterpart, Wolfgang Schäuble, announced on 27th August in Berlin that they were creating a joint work group on the euro zone crisis. This work group will be looking into the "implementation of the decisions taken on Greece and Spain." There are also more "structural" questions, ie everything which involves banking supervision, banking Union, and European integration" said Mr Moscovici. According to several articles published in the press on 30th August 2012, a Franco-German initiative to revive economic and industrial cooperation will soon be established. It will be chaired by Jean-Louis Beffa, the former CEO of Saint-Gobain and Gerhard Cromme, Chair of the Supervisory Boards of ThyssenKrupp and Siemens.

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Comparative Analysis of Social Protection Systems in France and Germany

2 September 2012

The executive management of the "Trésor Français" has made a comparative analysis of the social protection systems in France and Germany focusing on 9 themes: the funding of social protection, health insurance, long term health insurance, family policy, poverty and social minima, the retirement system, retirement savings measures, employment policies, partial unemployment. The analysis shows the strong and weak points of the social protection systems in both countries.

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20th Ambassadors' Conference

2 September 2012

On 27th August 2012 the 20th Ambassadors Conference took place at the Elysee Palace. On this occasion French President François Hollande recalled what the main international threats are from the French point of view: firstly the economic crisis, then terrorism, drug trafficking, pandemics and nuclear proliferation. He also re-iterated the attachment of French diplomacy to international rules, insisting on the role played by the UN in settling diplomatic and military crises. He also stressed the importance of the European/Trans-Atlantic partnership. In his opinion France's diplomatic priorities are the settlement of the crisis in Europe, pacification in the Near and Middle East, as well as in the Sahel.

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Mario Monti meets Angela Merkel

2 September 2012

On 29th August 2012 German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the President of the Italian Council, Mario Monti met in Berlin to discuss the euro zone crisis. Both expressed their satisfaction at the progress made both by the euro zone and Italy in overcoming the difficulties set by the sovereign debt crisis. They did however express their difference in opinion over the European Stability Mechanism, since Angela Merkel believes that granting a banking licence would be contrary to the treaty, whilst Mario Monti believes it would strengthen it.

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The Court of Cassation rejects former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's appeal

2 September 2012

On 29th August 2012 the Ukrainian Court of Cassation announced that it had rejected the appeal made by former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko thereby confirming its seven year sentence for abuse of power. High Representative Catherine Ashton and European Commissioner for the Neighbourhood Policy, Stefan Füle spoke of their disappointment and called on the Ukrainian authorities to implement the necessary judicial reforms so that the system might become impartial and transparent. The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Jean-Claude Mignon and the co-rapporteurs on Ukraine, Mailis Reps (Estonia)and Marietta de Pourbaix-Lundin (Sweden), also expressed their dismay. On the invitation of President Yanukovich the co-rapporteurs intend to travel to Ukraine before the Assembly's next session in order to look into the political paths available to settle this issue according to the norms set by the Council of Europe.

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Inflation in the euro zone at 2.6%

2 September 2012

According to an estimate published by Eurostat on 31st August 2012 inflation in the euro zone lay at 2.6% in August in comparison with 2.4% in July.

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Increase in unemployment

2 September 2012

On 31st August 2012 Eurostat indicated that in July the unemployment rate lay at 11.3% in the euro zone and 10.4% in the EU. Austria has an unemployment rate below 5% whilst it is over 20% in Spain and Greece. These two countries are also the ones where the rise has been the sharpest over the last year, whilst the main decreases can be seen in the Baltic States. 25 million Europeans are unemployed, including 5 million under 25.

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The European Union and the Middle East

2 September 2012

The Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue (FRIDE) has published a collective paper entitled "Europe in the reshaped Middle East". 18 months after the start of the Arab revolutions the authors present the new challenges that face the region and future prospects as well as the role that European countries could play in this transition phase.

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Analysis of the Franco-British Defence System

2 September 2012

The German think-tank "DGAP" (Deutsche Gesellschaft fûr Auswärtige Politik e.V) has published a study by Ronja Kempin, Jocelyin Mawdsley and Stefan Steinicke who analyse Franco-British cooperation in the areas of defence and security. The authors plead in support of greater cooperation and commitment on the part of Germany in order to avoid a split in this area in Europe.

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Proposals for a new Golden Rule

2 September 2012

The German Foundation "Bertelsmannstiftung" has developed, togther with Prognos AG, a new golden rule that would, according to the study's authors, be better adapted to the various economic situations in the countries of Europe and that would enable growth in spite of the austerity measures. According to the study's authors the present golden rule that is part of the budgetary pact is preventing growth in indebted countries.

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The ingredients of Swedish success

2 September 2012

The Institute of Economic Affairs in London has published an article by Nima Sanandaji who looks into the elements behind the success of the Swedish economic model. According to the author Sweden's economic results can mainly be explained by the liberalisation of the markets, that supports businesses. Social policies of course support a certain kind of cohesion but also pose problems sometimes in terms of the dependency of some communities vis-à-vis others. Hence the integration of non-Western foreigners remains very weak.

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Beethoven Festival in Bonn

2 September 2012

The Beethoven Festival in Bonn is taking place between 7th September and 7th October this year. This festival devoted to Ludwig van Beethoven born in Bonn in 1770 will be hosting some 2000 international artists over the next month. Amongst them are conductors Andris Nelson, Michael Tilson Thomas and Kent Nagano, the quatuor Artemis, violonists Gilles App and Isabelle Faust, and pianists Andras Schiff and Pierre-Laurent Aimard.

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"Elisabeth" at the Raimund Theater in Vienna

2 September 2012

The Raimund Theater in Vienna will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the play "Elisabeth" on 5th September in the shape of a musical. The show that covers the life of Empress Sissi was produced in 1992 and has travelled the world, attracting nearly 8.5 million spectators, from Austria to Finland, Japan and South Korea.

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Sevilla hosts the 17th Flamenco Bienale

2 September 2012

From 3rd to 30th September Sevilla is hosting the 17th Flamenco Bienale with nearly 70 shows in the most famous locations in the town. The bienale is devoted this year to "Dance Literature"; hence texts by Federico Garcia Lorca and Shakespeare will echo in the streets of Seville to the beat of Andalusian guitars.

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Exhibition on "Catherine the Great"

2 September 2012

On the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the rise of Catherine II of Russia to the throne - otherwise known as "Catherine the Great", the National Museum of Scotlad together with the Ermitage in Saint Petersburg is devoting an exhibition to this remarkable monarch until 21st October. The exhibition brings together some 600 objects including a monumental sculpted wooden sleigh and a 1000 piece Sèvres porcelain dinner service that recalls Catherine II's taste for the arts.

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Duchamp and Picasso together in Stockholm

3 September 2012

For the very first time the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm is putting on an exhibition showing Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp - two emblematic artists of the 20th century believed to be total opposites. This exhibition that opened on 3rd March is called "Picasso/Duchamp: he was wrong", a comment Picasso made when Duchamp died.

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1912 - Modern Mission, the Centernary of the "Sonderbund"

3 September 2012

The "Sonderbund" was an organisation founded at the beginning of the 20th century with the aim of distributing and democratising modern art. The Sonderbund held a very big exhibition in Cologne in 1912. It brought together avant-garde artists like Van Gogh, Cézanne, Gauguin and Munch. To celebrate the exhibition's centenary the Wallraf Museum in Cologne is reviewing the period and reveals the progress that was made by the Sonderbund regarding the acknowledgement of modern art. The exhibition is open until 30th December 2012.

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3rd September

Draghi-Juncker Debate - European Parliament Economic Affairs Committee (Brussels)

6th September

Council of the ECB Governors (Frankfurt/Main)

les 7th-8th September

Informal Foreign Ministers Meeting (Pafos)

les 10th-13th September

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

10th & 11th September

Informal Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers' Meeting (Nicosia)

12th September

General Elections in the Netherlands ()

les 14th-15th September

Informal Economy and Finance Ministers' Meeting (Nicosia)

17th September

Informal Energy Ministers' Meeting (Nicosia)

19th and 20th September

Justice-Internal Affairs Council (Brussels)

19th September

First EU-Korea forum organised by the Robert Schuman Foundation, the Korea Foundation and the Yonsei University ()

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial; Enrolment/EU-Korea; Banking Supervision; ECB/New Measures?


The Newsletter n°545- version of 3 sept. 2012