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Euro Zone Crisis and its Possible Contractual Consequences

26 August 2012

The Club Droit Public at Sciences Po, together with the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a meeting on 18th September on the theme of "Euro Zone Crisis and its possible contractual consequences". The Foundation Chairman, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, as well as representatives from the legal and academic world will be debating this issue.

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Enrol for the first EU-Korea Forum on 19th September in Brussels!

27 August 2012

On 19th September 2012 the Robert Schuman Foundation, the Korea Foundation and the Yonseil University are organising the first EU-Korea Forum. On this occasion both European and Korean speakers will be reviewing relations between the EU and Korea in various areas one year after the signature of the free trade agreement between the EU and South Korea. It is obligatory to enrol.

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An uncertain general election in the Netherlands

26 August 2012

On 12th September the Dutch are being invited to elect the 150 members of the Tweede Kamer early (The Chamber of the States General). The outgoing government coalition (VVD, CDA and SGP), which sits in the minority, collapsed over the 2013 budget. The Netherlands, which are rated AAA however, have entered recession; the populist parties (SP on the left and PVV on the right) are trying to take advantage of this by challenging the main political parties and the European Union. The voting method (completely proportional) fosters the existence and the representation of a greater number of parties and makes the task of putting a clear, sound govenrment majority together increasingly difficult. An ever growing number of political parties is required to govern. Just one month before the election the Maurice de Hond Institute is crediting the SP (Socialist Party) with 37 seats, the Liberals (VVD) with 31, the Freedom Party (PVV) 17, the Centre Left (D66), Labour (PvdA) with 15 and the Christian Democrats with 14. This means that it might take time before we know what the next government will comprise.

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General Elections that neither free nor transparent in Belarus

26 August 2012

On 23rd September next the Belarusians are being called to ballot to renew the 110 members of the Chamber of Representatives, the lower chamber of Parliament. This general election will however be just a sham since Belarus has not seen free, transparent elections since 1994. Hence 103 of the 110 members of the outgoing Chamber of Representatives are officially independent but in reality they obey the "President of the Republic", Aleksander Lukashenko. The last dictatorship in Europe has been isolated by the EU and the USA.

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Financial Crisis

2013 & 2014 Budget approved by the Spanish Government

26 August 2012

Mariano Rajoy's government approved the draft 2013 and 2014 budgets on 3rd August 2012 and these are now due to be submitted to the European Commission. It anticipates measures to reduce the budgetary deficit to 4.5% in 2013 and to 2.8% in 2014.

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Contraction of the British GDP

26 August 2012

According to a press release by the British Office for National Statistics published on 24th August the UK's GDP contracted by 0.5% in the second quarter of 2012. Industrial output contracted by 0.9% and services by 0.1%. Domestic consumption declined by 0.4%.

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Recession in Cyprus

27 August 2012

The Republic of Cyprus estimates that its economy will contract by 1.5% in 2012, which is higher than previously forecast (0.5%) since the budgetary deficit will be higher than 3% of the GDP indicated the government spokesperson on 23rd August. "We believe that according to the present situation, that if no austerity measures are taken the deficit will lie at around 4.5% of the GDP", indicated Stefanos Stefanou. According to figures published last week, the Cypriot economy, that is already in recession, contracted by 2.4% over the second quarter 2012 in comparison with the same period last year.

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GDP declining in Finland

27 August 2012

Finland's GDP declined in the second quarter by 1% in comparison with the third, according to a first estimate by the Finnish statistics institute that was published on 14th August. The GDP has declined by 0.3% over one year said the institute that is due to publish detailed figures on 5th September.

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GDP Contraction in Greece

27 August 2012

Greece's GDP contracted by 6.2% in the second quarter of 2012 after a 6.5% contraction in the first quarter of 2012, , according to the first estimates published on 13th August by the Greek statistics authority.

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Recession in Italy

27 August 2012

The Italian economy plunged further into recession in the second quarter with a 0.7% contraction of its GDP, in comparison with the previous quarter according to a first estimate published on 7th August by Istat, the statistics institute.

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Record Unemployment in Portugal

27 August 2012

Unemployment in Portugal reached the record level of 15% in the second quarter, whilst it already lay at 14.9% in the previous quarter said the National Statistics Institute on 14th August (INE). The Portuguese government anticipates that over the entire year the unemployment rate will total 15.5% before peaking at 16% in 2013.

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Poor economic results in Spain

27 August 2012

In 2011 Spain finally recorded growth of only 0.4% of the GDP instead of the 0.7% that was originally announced announced the national statistics institute 'INE' on 27th August; this confirms the weakness of the country's economy that has plunged back into recession since. The institution also reviewed a sharper decline of the GDP in 2010, believing it dropped by 0.3% and not 0.1% as previously published, whilst the 2008 figures (-3.7%) and those in 2009 (0.9%) remain unchanged. The fourth economy in the euro zone, that has been deprived of its growth motor since 2008 ie the construction industry, has been struggling to recover ever since and fell back into recession recently - barely two years after it had emerged from its difficulties.

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Safe landing for Curiosity

26 August 2012

On 6th August 2012 the mobile laboratory Curiosity landed successfully on Mars and started its first operations. This robot will be exploring part of the red planet's surface to reveal any possible traces of elements necessary for life as we know it, notably water. This programme led by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the US has the support of the European Space Agency in the shape of a probe that is being used to relay information between the robot and Earth.

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Reduction of Fishing Quotas in 2012

26 August 2012

The European Commission announced on August 1st deductions from 2012 fishing quotas of those Member States that had exceeded their quotas in 2011. Through deductions the Commission can immediately address the damage done to the stocks overfished in the previous year and ensure a sustainable use by all Member States of a common fishing resource. This year, for the first time, deductions were increased by 50% for Member States that had repeatedly (in 2009, 2010 and 2011) overfished the same stock.

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27 August 2012

According to a survey published by the Commission on 20th August that was undertaken amongst European companies, some of whom invest most in R&D, the European businesses that are amongst the first in this area are expecting an average increase of 4% in their R&D investments per year over the period 2012-2104. The results show the importance given by these businesses to R&D, which they deem to be a decisive factor for their growth and future prosperity, in spite of the present economic difficulites. With an average 11% investment growth in R&D per year, the software and IT services sector are the most committed on this route. The businesses surveyed quote internal R&D as the main driver of innovation, ahead of market studies and activities associated with the preparation of new product launches.

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The ECB opens the way to a possible intervention on the debt market

26 August 2012

The European Central Bank (ECB) left its key interest rate as it stood on 2nd August 2012 at 0.75%. Moreover the European Central Bank said it was prepared to intervene on the bonds markets in a bid to contain the euro crisis. The ECB is ready to intervene on the debt market, given the high rates at which some euro zone countries are having to borrow thereby preventing the successful transmission of its monetary policy, said its president Mario Draghi. The monetary institution "can undertake operations on the bonds market that will be enough to reach its goal", declared Mr Draghi, calling however on governments to prepare to use to the European rescue fund the EFSF and the ESM on the bonds market and to continue implementing the necessary stabilisation measures.

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Franco-German Meeting

26 August 2012

On 23rd August 2012 German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted the President of the French Republic, François Hollande. On this occasion the two leaders looked into the progress achieved in the fight against the economic, banking, financial and budgetary crisis focusing notably on Greece. Whilst they want the country to remain in the euro zone they reminded the Greeks of the extent of the measures they will have to implement if they want to succeed. They also discussed the options open to Europe in the face of the Syrian crisis. Finally they repeated they wanted to launch the next step in the Elysée Treaty, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary that will be celebrated in January 2013, thereby confirming the key role played by Franco-German friendship in European integration.

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Good Economic Results for Germany

26 August 2012

The German Federal Statistics Office announced on 23rd August that the government had achieved a budgetary surplus of 0.8% of the GDP for the first time since 2008. The social protection system achieved a significant surplus (11.3 billion euros) that will enable the Federal State and the Länder to pay off their deficit (3.3 billion euros). The public deficit is due to rise to 0.5% over this year and growth lay at 0.3% in the second quarter. These excellent figures can be explained by high exports, high domestic consumption and a dynamic labour market.

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I want Europe

27 August 2012

Eleven German foundations launched a communication campaign on 23rd August to strengthen the European ideal, believing that it has declined in Germany during the crisis; this initiative was welcomed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. "I want Europe" (Ich will Europa), sponsored by the President of the Federal Republic Joachim Gauck was launched by eleven foundations including some which are private eg Alliance, Bertelsmann, BMW and Mercator. In her message the German Chancellor says that "we are experiencing one of the most serious European crises ever" but that she "firmly believes that at the end of the day the euro zone and the EU will be sustainably strengthened."

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The Bundeswehr allowed to intervene in Germany against terrorism

27 August 2012

On 17th August the German Constitutional Court gave the Bundeswehr permission to its use military capabilities in Germany, but under strict conditions, against possible terrorist threats, thereby breaking the post-war taboo. This decision that has been the focus of debate for the last few years was welcomed by the German political class excpet for the far left, Die Linke. Until now armed intervention in Germany in the event of a terrorist threat was reserved to the police forces, in order to make a clear separation between national defence operations undertaken by the army and domestic security operations. According to the Constitutional Court the army will now be able to intervene in Germany "in the event of an exceptional situation of catastrophic proportions," a first since the end of the Second World War.

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New European Treaty

27 August 2012

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is demanding a new European treaty for the EU and is trying to convince her partners of this says the daily "Der Spiegel" that was published on 27th August. "The Federal Government wants to take European integration forwards" says the magazine that explains that the Chancellor would like "the heads of State and government to hold a meeting to set a new legal foundation for the EU."

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Roma Integration

27 August 2012

On 22nd August French Prime Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault announced various measures designed to improve Roma integration into French society. Notably an improvement in reception and housing capabilities are being set out in conjunction with the local authorities, as well as an interministerial work group on education. The list of professions open to Romanians and Bulgarians will also be extended and taxes owed by employers to the French Immigration and Integration Office will be abolished. On 22nd August the European Commission welcomed the announcements made by the French government regarding Roma integration and encouraged France to "lift all restrictions still in vigour as soon as possible".

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Greece asks for additional time

27 August 2012

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras travelled to Berlin on 24th August and to Paris on 25th to put forward his suggestions to German Chancellor, Angela Merkel and French President, François Hollande regarding the sovereign debt crisis that is affecting his country and threatening the euro zone. He repeated the Greek government's desire for the country to stay in the euro zone whilst implementing a series of measures designed to revive the Greek economy. Privatisations should notably continue. The Prime Minister did however ask for more time to implement these measures so that austerity does not worsen social tension. The German Chancellor said she wanted Greece to stay in the euro zone. She said that no decision about aid to the country should be taken before the international creditors' report has been delivered.

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Romanian President Traian Basescu stays in power

26 August 2012

Romanian President Traian Basescu will remain as Head of State. On 21st August the Constitutional Court of Romania invalidated the attempted impeachment procedure launched last month against him by the centre left coalition in office since May. Indeed, although a large majority of voters (more than 80%) voted in support of impeachment, the quorum was not reached, since turnout was below 50%. The election was also marked by a number of irregularities. The European Commission said it was concerned about what it believes to be threats being made to the independence of the judiciary.

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Reshuffle of the Romanian Government

27 August 2012

On 6th August Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta announced a reshuffle of his government after the resignation of Interior Minister Yoan Rus, who is the focus of a scandal concerning the organisation of the referendum to impeach President Traian Basescu. Mr Ponta notably appointed a new Interior minister in the shape of Mircea Dusa, former Minister for Parliamentary Relations. Justice Minister Titus Corlatean was appointed as Foreign Minister replacing Andrey Marga, whilst his portfolio was given to a judge, Mona Pivniceru. A senator from the Social Liberal Union (USL, the majority in power), Dan Sova, formely Mr Ponta's spokesperson will be responsible for Parliamentary Relations.

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The Reform of the House of Lords abandoned

27 August 2012

During a press conference on 6th August Prime Minister Nick Clegg announced the withdrawal of the controversial plan to reform the upper house of Parliament, the House of Lords. The reform which the Liberal Democrats held dear was part of the coalition agreement between the LibDems led by Nick Clegg and the Conservatives led by David Cameron. This heralds a "rift" in the coalition agreement said the LibDem leader who then said that LibDem MPs would not approve the project to redefine the electoral constituencies, dear to the Conservatives.

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New Attacks on Democracy

27 August 2012

On 22nd August the Belarus authorities registered the candidates for the "general elections" that will take place on 23rd September rejecting opposition leader, Aleksander Milinkevich but accepting that of opponent Anatoli Lebedko. "They said that 28.3% of my signatures were invalid" indicated the leader of the opposition party "For Freedom", Aleksander Milinkevich, who stood in the presidential election in 2006 but not in 2010 when it was won by Aleksander Lukashenko in office in this former Soviet Republic for the last 18 years. "In my opinion it is clear that this is a political decision," he added.

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The Kremlin toughens its stance against its opponents

26 August 2012

In an article published by the World Affairs Journal on 15th August, Vladimir Kara-Murza reviews the first 100 days of Vladimir Putin's new mandate as President, although he has headed the country as Head of State or government for the last 13 years. Extremely severe measures have been taken against demonstrators, opponents and NGO's, most of whom receive funding from abroad. This increased severity comes after the recent demonstrations in support of democracy and political pluralism that rallied 100,000 people in Moscow. Since March Vladimir Putin's popularity has fallen 11 points, dropping to 44% according to a poll undertaken in August.

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Russian Orthodox Patriarch Krill visits Poland

27 August 2012

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Krill and the head of the Catholic Church in Poland, Mgr Jozef Michalik signed an historical appeal on 17th August calling for Polish-Russian reconciliation and against the secularisation of Europe. "We call on our followers to pray for their sins , for the injustice and all of the ills that have been mutually inflicted to be forgiven" proclaims the text signed in the historic royal castle of Warsaw.

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Yulia Tymoshenko will not lead her list in Ukraine

26 August 2012

On 8th August 2012 the Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine refused the request made by former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko to be placed as lead candidate in the upcoming general elections in October. Ten members of the fifteen are against it, arguing that her conviction and imprisonment made it impossible. Yulia Tymoshenko was appointed head of her list by a coalition of opponents to the present government at the end of July. Her party announced that it would appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court. On 24th August several hundred demonstrators turned out in Kyiv in support of Yulia Tymoshenko on the occasion of Independence Day.

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Council of Europe

PACE welcomes the release of Valery Ivashchenko

26 August 2012

On 17th August 2012 the co-rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for Ukraine, Mailis Reps (Estonia, ALDE) and Mariette de Pourbaix-Lundin (Sweden, EPP/CD) welcomed the release of Valery Ivashchenko, former Defence Minister in the cabinet of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko on 14th August. They also said they hoped that this release would soon be followed by that of Yuri Lutsenko and Yulia Tymoshenko whose continued imprisonment is worrying the Assembly.

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WTO now has 157 Members with the accession of Russia and Vanuatu

26 August 2012

On 22nd August the World Trade Organisation (WTO) welcomed two new Member States, Vanuatu and above all Russia, bringing the number of members to 157 of this forum where international trade rules, notably the reduction of customs duties, are discussed. After 18 years of negotiations Russia has joined the WTO, and its G20 and BRICS partners; with this it hopes long term that this will facilitate its accession to the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development). The Russian agricultural and automotive sectors benefit from special clauses and extended periods of transition since they are not ready to face world competition straight away.

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Record Trade Surplus

26 August 2012

According to a Eurostat estimate published on 17th August 2012, the euro zone and the European Union registered trade surpluses in June to a total of 14.9 billion euros and 0.4 billion euros respectively. The trade balance has improved significantly over one year, since, in June 2011 the euro zone recorded a surplus of only 0.2 billion euros and the EU, a deficit of 15.3 billion euros. Germany, the Netherlands and Ireland have a better trade balance whilst the UK, France and Spain have recorded the most significant deficits. The export of manufactured goods and the import of energy resources have increased sharply.

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Stabilisation of Inflation Rates

26 August 2012

According to figures published by Eurostat on 16th August the annual inflation rate remained stable in July both in the euro zone and the EU at 2.4 and 25% respectively. Sweden, Greece, Germany and Latvia recorded the lowest rates (under 2%), and Hungary, Malta and Estonia, the highest rates (over 4%). Alcohol, tobacco, housing and transport were the sectors experiencing the highest price rises, whilst in the communications sector they decreased by more than 3%.

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GDP decline

26 August 2012

On 14th August 2012 Eurostat announced that the euro zone and the EU GDP had declined (0.4% and 0.2%) in the second quarter of 2012 in comparison with the second quarter of 2011. Greece recorded a decline of more than 6% whilst Italy, Cyprus and Portugal faced contractions of more than 2%. The three Baltic countries have the best results with growth over 2.5%.

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Study of Military and Private Security Businesses

26 August 2012

In a study published by the Centre for European Studies, Nikolaos Tzifakis analyses the effects of the growing trend to use the services of military and private security businesses. The author notably recommends greater competition between these companies and thought about all of the government services involved, so that these contracts are not automatically systemized but continue to meet efficacy requirements . He finally calls on governments to improve the responsibility of these companies vis- à-vis the law.

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The EU, a growing Security Community

27 August 2012

In an article published by the Collège d'Europe, Vincent Laporte explains that although the European security community is growing it is not a consequence of the saying "si vis pacem para bellum" but on the contrary, it is because the EU, due to its origins and ambitions, aims to develop peace. According to the author the EU's security policy is closely linked to the European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Policies. Although there is a multi-speed security Union we can see that in the centre it is strong but weaker on the periphery.

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What will the European budget be from 2014-2020?

27 August 2012

The "Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik" has published a study by Peter Becker who analyses the negotiation procedures governing the European 2014-2020 budget. The author shows the negotiation procedures and the need for reform. He makes recommendations to reform the European budgetary system in the future.

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The EU, Olympic Games Champion

26 August 2012

During the Summer Olympic Games that took place in London in August the sportsmen and women from the 27 EU Member States won 304 medals, 92 of which were gold, 103, silver and 109, bronze, far ahead of the USA and China. Of the ten countries that won the most medals five are EU members: UK, Germany, France, Italy and Hungary.

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Exhibition on Cyprus

26 August 2012

On the occasion of the Cypriot Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the BOZAR Museum in Brussels is hosting an exhibition entitled "Mapping Cyprus: Crusaders, Traders and Explorers." This exhibition reviews Cyprus' long history, at the cross-roads of the East and the West it was coveted by traders and warriors from all horizons because of its strategic position.

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Turner, Monet, Twombly

26 August 2012

The Tate in Liverpool is hosting an exhibition devoted to the late work of three European painters, Britons, Turner and Twombly and Frenchman, Monet until 28th October. It focuses on the similarities and differences in style, theme and artistic motiviation that emerge in the last works undertaken by these painters.

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Aarhus, culture capital in 2017

27 August 2012

Aarhus was appointed European Capital of Culture in 2017 to shared jointly with a Cypriot town that still has to be selected; either Nicosia or Paphos. Marseilles in France and Kosice in Slovakia will be the European Capitals of Culture in 2013.

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27 August 2012

The Parlamentarium, the visitors centre at the European Parliament in Brussels, is hosting a new temporary exhibition until 31st October entitled "Art@europarl". The European Parliament is revealing some of the most beautiful work it has in its art collection to the public.

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The 69th Venice Film Festival

27 August 2012

The 69th Venice Film Festival 2012 - the Mostra will take place on 29th August to 8th September 2012. It is headed this year by Alberto Barbera. 18 films are running in the competition to win the prestigious Golden Lion.

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Architecture Biennale in Venice

27 August 2012

As part of the Architecture Biennale in Venice the thirteenth international architecture exhibitioin will open its doors on 29th August until 25th November. Entitled "Common Ground" it will be presenting 69 projects undertaken by architects, photographers, critics, artists and students. 55 countries will also have national pavilions.

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29th & 30th August

Informal European Affairs Ministers' Meeting (Nicosia)

6th September

Council of the ECB Governors (Frankfurt/Main)

7th & 8th September

Informal Foreign Ministers' Meeting (Nicosia)

les 10th-13th September

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

10th & 11th September

Informal Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers' Meeting (Nicosia)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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