The Newsletter53711 juin 2012

La Lettre

Thierry Chopin, Jean-François Jamet

11 June 2012

Just as the German Chancellor Angela Merkel is calling for a several speed political Europe to solve the crisis, the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a text by Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation and economist Jean-François Jamet, who looks into the issue of European political integration. This analysis is an updated, improved version of their article, which appeared in the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union in 2012" entitled "Europe afterwards. From crisis federalism to pragmatic federalism". The authors draw up recommendations to implement a "global solution" to the euro zone crisis. They also look at the development of a two speed Europe and the pertinence of a differentiated integration model.

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Front page!

France has to speak out

10 June 2012

Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation has published an editorial on his site entitled "France has to speak out". At a time when many European political leaders like Angela Merkel, Mariano Rajoy, Mario Monti and others have already given their vision of the future of the EU, France, which is still in an electoral campaign, remains silent and he invites its leaders to say what their vision is and to take a stance. He advises them to focus "exclusively on one goal, and that is recovering confidence, stability and growth" avoiding all partisan divisions and achieve "temporary national union" "on a realistic but ambitious vision of a truly integrated European Economic Union."

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Debate: "More Europe, Yes, but how?"

10 June 2012

The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani will be travelling to Berlin on 12th June to take part in the debate organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation on the topical theme "More Europe! Yes, but how? Current Challenges in Germany and the EU for the Consolidation of European Cooperation". Franco Frattini, former Minister and former European Commissioner, Chair of the Fondazione Alcide de Gasperi and Gunther Krichbaum, Chair of the European Affairs Committee at the Bundestag will be taking part.

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Conference: "From euro-crisis to the European crisis"

10 June 2012

Jacques Rigaud, the Foundation's Deputy Chair will travel to Mönchengladbach on 15th and 16th June to take part in a conference on the theme "From Euro-Crisis to the European Crisis". He will notably be speaking on the question of Political Europe, a new challenge for the EU in the context of the crisis.

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Europe and the Crisis

10 June 2012

On 12th June the European Movement -Lyon-Rhône is organising a debate with Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Foundation. He will be presenting the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2012" of which he is the joint director, with Michel Foucher.

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High Tension Elections in Greece on 17th June

11 June 2012

The Greeks are being called to ballot on 17th June to renew the 300 members of the Vouli, the lower chamber of Parliament, because the election on 6th May did not lead to the formation of a majority government coalition. Will it be different after this election? Everyone is watching Greece. Will it stay or leave the euro zone? According to the most recent polls the battle is a bitter one between SYRIZA (radical left) and New Democracy (centre-right) which, according to the polls, are ahead in the voting intentions. Nothing is certain though and all analysts agree to say that the competition between these two parties will be a tightly run one.

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Results of the first round of the French General Elections

11 June 2012

The leftwing came out ahead in the first round of the French general elections that took place on 10th June. The Socialist Party (PS) of new President, François Hollande won 29.21% of the vote. Its allies in Europe Ecology-the Greens (EELV) won 5.46% of the vote. The Left Front led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon won 6.94%. The Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), the main opposition party won 26.62% of the vote and the National Front (FN), a populist party that stood under the banner "Rassemblement bleu marine" won 13.77%. We should note the almost total disappearance of the centre, embodied by MoDem. Turnout was the lowest ever recorded in a general election in France: 57.23%, i.e. -3.21 points in comparison with the first round of the previous elections on 10th June 2007.

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Financial Crisis

A rise in the Slovakian GDP

11 June 2012

According to the official data published on 6th June by the National Statistics Office Slovakia's GDP increased by 4.4% between the first quarter of 2011 and the first quarter of 2012. Compared with the last quarter of 2011 the GDP increased by 0.7% in the first quarter of 2012.

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An increase in unemployment to 21.9% in Greece

10 June 2012

According to the latest figures published by the Greek Statistics Authority on 7th June the unemployment rate in Greece continued to rise in March and now lies at 21.9% in comparison with 21.4% in February. Young people and women are the main victims. Youth unemployment (15-24 year olds) totalled 52.8% in March 2012. Moreover 25.8% of women are without work against 18.9% of men.

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Growth maintained in Finland in the first quarter of 2012

11 June 2012

According to initial data released on 5th June by the Finnish Statistics Institute GDP grew by 0.8% in the first quarter of 2012 in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2011 and by 1.7% over one year, ie in comparison with the first quarter of 2011. As far as the elements comprising the GDP are concerned, exports rose by 3.7% in the first quarter of 2012 but decreased by 0.2% over one year. Conversely imports decreased by 1.3% over one quarter but increased by 0.9% over one year. Private consumption was up by 2.7% in the first quarter of 2012 and by 5.8% over one year. Finally investment increased by 0.3% over one quarter and by 1.5% over one year.

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Recession in Romania

11 June 2012

Romania returned to a state of recession after a 0.1% decline in its GDP in the first quarter said the Romanian Statistics Institute on 6th June thereby confirming the first estimates published in May. Romania had already recorded a decline in its economy in the fourth quarter of 2011. The decline in the GDP was caused by a major reduction in amount of activity in the civil service and the defence sector says the INS. Industry also witnessed a contraction in its activity (04%), likewise the construction sector (-1.2%).

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A rise in unemployment in France in the first quarter of 2012

10 June 2012

On 7th June the National Statistics and Economic Studies Institute 'INSEE' released the latest figures on unemployment in France. The unemployment rate in mainland France in the first quarter of 2012 totalled 9.6%. It totals 10% if unemployment in overseas territories are taken into account. This is a 0.3 point increase in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2011. This therefore represents 3.5 million people who are actively looking for a job.

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The ECB expects clarification over the vision of the euro

10 June 2012

The European Central Bank (ECB) left its key rate unchanged on 6th June at 1%. This decision was expected by most economists in spite of the return of the crisis in the euro zone fed by Greek uncertainty and the fragility of the Spanish banking system. ECB Chair Mario Draghi repeated his call to European leaders to "clarify what they thought the euro would be in 5 or 10 years" saying that at the next European Council on 28th and 29th June he was expecting a "clarification of this vision". A certain number of euro zone countries have embarked on deep reform but this "is not enough". European citizens "cannot see what these reforms are bringing," he said but "their benefits may be used to the full if we can clarify where the euro will be in 5 to 10 years time." "Just having a goal will help to stabilise the financial situation in Europe," he explained.

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Greenlight on the part of the Czech MPs regarding the European Stability Mechanism

11 June 2012

On 5th June Czech MPs gave the greenlight to the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), a common permanent structure to fund the countries that are in difficulty in the euro zone. The mechanism was approved by 140 MPs of the 189 present. Since the Senators had already approved the creation of the ESM the Czech ratification now only depends on the promulgation of the law by the President Vaclav Klaus.

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Growth forecasts reviewed downwards in Cyprus

10 June 2012

On 7th June the Central Bank of Cyprus announced a 1.1% contraction in the GDP in 2012, a forecast that is more pessimistic than that made in December 2011 (0%). It is also forecasting growth of 0.3% of the GDP in 2013. This announcement came two days after the governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus spoke of a serious possibility of asking the EU for aid to support its banking system that is exposed to the Greek crisis, where Cypriot banks have a high profile. This contraction in growth was confirmed by the Cypriot government's statistics service on 8th June, revealing a contraction of 1.5% in the GDP in the first quarter of 2012.

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A rise in Irish unemployment up to 14.8% in the first quarter of 2012

11 June 2012

The Central Statistics Office unveiled the most recent unemployment figures on 7th June for the first quarter of 2012 that totalled 14.8%, representing the fourth highest unemployment rate in the euro zone after Spain, Greece and Portugal. The government is counting on exports in the new technologies sector, which was however the most affected by the rise in unemployment in the first quarter of this year, to support economic recovery. The drop in employment focuses mainly on"professional, scientific and technical activities", as well as on the 20-24 and 25-34 age groups.

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UN reviews its growth forecasts downwards

10 June 2012

In its report on "situations and prospects for the world economy 2012" published on 7th June the UN reviewed its growth forecasts for the world economy downwards. The world's gross GDP is due to grow by 2.5% in 2012 and by 3.1% in 2013 after having reached 2.7% in 2011. Growth in world trade will slow in 2012 to reach 4.1% against 13.1% in 2010 and 6.6% in 2011. The report stresses that "most developed countries are still struggling to overcome their economic problems caused by the world financial crisis of 2008-2009." Experts are calling on struggling countries to change their approach to their budgetary policy and are recommending that monetary policies be better coordinated across the world.

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The Bundesbank reviews its growth forecasts

11 June 2012

The German Central Bank, the Bundesbank, raised its growth forecast for the German GDP on 8th June to 1% in 2012 against 0.6% to date, but it reduced its forecast for 2013, to 1.6% against a previous 1.8%. The Bundesbank believes of course that "the German economy is having problems" because of the difficulties experienced by its euro zone partners, but it sees many positive signs for the country such as the vitality of its labour market, its domestic demand and its facility to refund on the markets. It says that its new growth forecasts are shrouded in "uncertainty and particularly high risk".

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The Eurogroup's support to Spain

11 June 2012

On 9th June the Eurogroup announced that it was prepared to help Spanish banks. The European Financial Stability Facility, then the European Stability Mechanism may lend up to 100 billion euro to the banking system. Eurogroup also said it was pleased with the work undertaken by the Spanish government in its bid to settle the financial crisis and called for a continuation of these reforms, notably budgetary, so that balance could be found again. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on 10th June that he "was extremely satisfied" with this decision.

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For European Banking Union

11 June 2012

In a press release on 6th June the European Commission said that it wanted to make banking union a reality. In a context of crisis, the Commission is convinced that a long term perspective has to be adopted via greater economic integration, which would mean significant value added to our monetary Union. The main ideas are to make safe capitalisation, facilitate the restructuring of the banking sector, to strenghten the security of bank deposits and govern State subsidies. Banking Union will be the focus of a report by the President of the European Council, the Commission, Eurogroup and the European Central Bank on 28th and 29th June next.

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New regulation for electronic signatures

10 June 2012

On 4th June the European Commission adopted a regulation on the identification of the electronic signature and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market. The aim of this regulation is to guarantee mutual recognition and acceptance of electronic identification over borders and to provide trust services with a binding effect and mutual recognition, notably by improving the present rules governing the electronic signature. This is the foundation stone in the construction of a regulatory framework in terms of electronic identification for the European Commission.

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More growth thanks to better governance of the single market

11 June 2012

On 8th June the European Commission adopted an action plan to improve the functioning of the rules governing the single market. The aim of this programme is to boost the single market, a driver of economic growth, to foster both growth and job creation. Since the services covered by the "services" directive generate 45% of the Union's GDP alone, the Commission has also taken steps to improve the functioning of this sector. According to Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for the Internal Market, "economic growth is our priority and we cannot afford to miss a single opportunity to promote it."

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Fishing quotas in 2013?

11 June 2012

On 7th June the European Commission presented a communication to the Council on fishing opportunities in 2013. The Commission is putting a new approach forward in terms of setting the admissible capture quotas based on less demanding assessment procedures for qualitative opinions. The most recent information regarding the fisheries policy is included in this document, based, amongst other things, on economic data communicated by the Member States. This document also shows that the elimination of overfishing must still be a priority otherwise there might be commerical collapse. Paradoxically this will enable the capture of more fish with reduced activity, leading to "a maximum sustainable yield" set for 2015.

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Schengen: no real progress

10 June 2012

On 7th and 8th June the 27 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers agreed on two draft proposals concerning the Schengen area: common rules on the temporary reintroduction of border controls, and common rules to check on the application of the acquis. They also addressed the issue of solidarity between States to face possible pressure that results from migratory flows, mentioning in particular the situation in Greece. They adopted various regulations over succession rights in Europe to facilitate these matters especially when they are cross-border, or on the more effective use of the Europol system in the fight to counter crime. They finally looked into the 10th annual Eurojust report 2011.

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New Transport Infrastructures and Funds for EGNOS and Galileo

10 June 2012

On 7th June the 27 Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Ministers came to agreement over the draft regulation, the "Connecting Europe Facility", the future investment tool for the trans-European transport network. The proposal lays out the methods, procedures and conditions of the EU's participation in the funding of projects in the transport, telecommunications and energy sectors. Ministers also agreed on a draft regulation that defines a financial framework for the satellite navigation systems in Europe. Both of these proposals are incomplete and their approval will depend on negotiations involving the multi-annual financial framework.

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Conclusions of the Environment Council

1 January 1970

On 11th June 2012 the 27 Environment Ministers adopted conclusions regarding the 7th European Action Plan for the Environment. The latter is set to establish the key measures of the future environment policy associated with the goals of the "Europe 2020" Programme. Other conclusions were adopted regarding the preparation of two meetings on biodiversity and biosafety, which will take place in Hyderabad, India in October 2012 and which will enable the Union to take a significant stance in the negotiations. They finally addressed the adoption of responsibility rules or action plans regarding CO2 emissions.

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8th Stabilisation and Association Council with Croatia

11 June 2012

On 6th June during the 8th Stabilisation and Association Council between the European Union and Croatia, the European Commissioner for Enlargement and the Neighbourhood Policy, Stefan Füle announced that this might be last meeting before Croatia's accession. In spite of the progress observed, Stefan Füle did however recall that Croatia still had to implement all of the measures pinpointed in the most recent report dated 24th Apri regarding reform efforts, in particular in key areas such as competition policy, judiciary and fundamental rights as well as justice, freedom and security, and in pursuing further economic reforms. Stefan Füle encouraged Croatia to keep up its work to set in place a real civil service. Finally the Stabilisation and Association Council invited Croatia to focus more particularly on the right to establishment, on the freedom to provide services, agricultural and rural development, food safety, regional policy and the coordination of structural instruments as well as on climate change.

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Angela Merkel calls for political union at varying speeds

10 June 2012

Just as the situation in Spain is becoming increasingly critical German Chancellor Angela Merkel revived debate over a several speed Europe in a TV interview given to the German public channel ARD on 7th June. To emerge from the crisis she is requesting a stronger Europe that has to be achieved at different speeds. The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a special Letter in which it offers readers all of the analyses it has published on these two questions.

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Germany wants to attract foreign graduates

10 June 2012

With a high growth rate and a low unemployment rate Germany is finding it hard to recruit qualified labour and is turning to foreign graduates who do not always find work that corresponds with their qualifications in their own country. Several German Ministers have launched an internet site to facilitate foreigners' entry onto the German employment market. According to a study by the Engineers Federation (VDI) and the German Economic Institute (DIW), the regions with the greatest demand are Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland and Bavaria. 92,000 enginereeing posts are available, 37,000 of which are in mechanics and automotive and 27,000 in electronics.

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The Bank of France reviews French growth forecasts downwards

11 June 2012

On 8th June the Bank of France reviewed its growth forecasts for the second quarter of 2012 downwards. It is now expecting a contraction of 0.1% of the GDP instead of stagnation at 0% that had initially been forecast. Its forecasts are based on its monthly survey of industry and services whose activity was down in May 2012. If the forecast proves true it will be the first month of contraction in France since the end of the country's recession in 2009. However "forecasts reveal an improvement in activity short term," in industry and a "tightening up" in the services sector.

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Latvia congratulated on its austerity policy

10 June 2012

The Director General of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, paid tribute on 5th June to the austerity policy implemented in Latvia, qualified as a model for the countries of the EU that are under threat of the debt crisis. In just one year the country has achieved a budgetary adjustment of 8% of the GDP thanks to austerity measures that were introduced together with an IMF rescue plan. According to IMF estimates economic growth is due to rise to 3.5% in 2012. On 5th June during his meeting with Olli Rehn, the European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis also re-iterated his country's desire to adopt the single currency in 2014.

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The EU extends its EULEX mission in Kosovo by two years

10 June 2012

On 5th June the EU announced that it was extending its EULEX, police and justice mission in Kosovo by two years and that it was allocating a budget of 111 million euros for the extension of this short mission until 14th June 2014. "I am pleased that the biggest civilian mission launched by the EU will be extended by an additional period of two years. Eulex Kosovo, whose mandate it is to help policemen, judges and customs officers accomplish some remarkable work," maintained the EU's head of diplomacy, Catherine Ashton. The mission's main goal is to help and support the Kosovo authorities in areas linked to the rule of law, particularly the police, justice and customs officers.

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The Ukraine is not a Rule of Law State

10 June 2012

On 6th June the newspaper "The Ukrainian Week" published an interview with the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani. On this occasion he reviewed the positions adopted by the Foundation since the beginning of Yulia Tymoshenko's hunger strike: the call for the boycott of the Euro 2012 and the request for Member States to refuse entry of leading Ukrainian politicians into Europe. In his opinion the imprisonment of former government members comprises political manipulation that the Union cannot condone. However, since he is greatly attached to this country, he deplores the fact that there is no rule of law and that Human Rights are being infringed, issues that the entire EU is particularly sensitive to.

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Two emissaries to observe the appeal trial of Yulia Tymoshenko

10 June 2012

On 6th June the European Parliament appointed Pat Cox, one of its former Presidents and former Polish President Aleksandr Kwasnievski as emissaries to observe the appeal trial of Yulia Tymoshenko. Her conviction, which has led to the exclusion of the opposition leader from the next general elections in the autumn, caused a wave of protest and led the EU to withold the signature and ratification of an association agreement with Kyiv, which included a major chapter on trade. Mssrs Cox and Kwasnievski may follow the appeal and will have "full access to all of the documents linked to the affiar, likewise to the lawyers, prosecutors and other officials involved," in the procedure stressed the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, adding "I hope that their mission will provide a breakthrough to help Ukraine settle the problems associated to the rule of law and the independence of judicial power."

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The euro zone and the Eu recorded zero growth in the first quarter of 2012

10 June 2012

The euro zone recorded zero growth in the first quarter of 2012 after a decline in its GDP of 0.3% in the previous quarter and thereby avoided recession said the EU's statistics office, Eurostat on 6th June. Amongst the components of the GDP household consumption remained stable (after a decrease of 0.5% in the fourth quarter 2011), exports increased by 1% and imports by 0.1%. However investment (gross fixed capital formation) declined by 1.4% in the euro zone.

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The EU's Trade Deficit in the first Quarter of 2012

10 June 2012

According to figures published on 8th June by Eurostat the EU's current account recorded a deficit of 8.8 billion euros in the first quarter of 2012. Over the same period the EU's goods account recorded a deficit of 26.8 billion euros. The services account recorded a surplus of 25.2 billion euros.

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Humanitarian aid stronger than the economic crisis

10 June 2012

On 8th June the European Commission published two Eurobarometer studies. The first observes an increase in humanitarian aid in Europe in spite of the economic crisis. Out of around 30,000 respondents across the entire EU it reveals that 88% of them believe it important for the EU to provide financial aid in this area and 84% believe that this aid has to continue in spite of the crisis. The second shows that 75% of European citizens interviewed support coordinated action on the part of the EU in the face of disasters caused by Man and 84% of them even believe that the Member States should be legally obliged to establish disaster prevention management plans.

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Report on the fight to counter corruption

10 June 2012

In a report presented on 6th June entitled "Money, power and politics: corruption risks in Europe", the NGO Transparency International analyses the state of play in terms of the fight to counter corruption in 25 European states and draws up a mitigated picture. Hence 75% of parliaments do no have effective mechanisms to counter their members' corruption. Moreover results vary from country to country. Scandinavian Europe and the north have the best guarantees, whilst Bulgaria and Romania trail at the end of the ranking.

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Measures to enhance the automotive industry

10 June 2012

On 6th June the European Commission published a report entitled CARS 21 on the strategic importance of the automotive industry. On the occasion of this publication it puts forward measures in answer to the present economic crisis. Amongst these measures are: the provision of Union funding for research, the intelligent application of regulation principles and support to the globalisation of the industry. Hence as an example it should be possible to sell a car anywhere in the world wherever it is made. According to Antonio Tajani, the Commissioner for Industry "in order for this vision to become a reality the automotive industry has to be healthy, this is why we have to act now and decisively."

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And what about Latin America?

10 June 2012

The Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies (FAES) has published a report on Latin America, entitled "America Latina: une agenda de libertad 2012". The study offers a round up of the economic and political situation on the continent highlighting the progress made in terms of democracy and economic development, and mentioning the challenges that still have to be risen to: the future of the middle classes, the fight to counter violence and the region's insertion in international affairs.

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Turkey - the gateway for illegal immigration into Europe

10 June 2012

The 2012 report by Frontex (the European Agency for operational cooperation management on the external borders of the EU Member States) published on 7th June, positions Turkey as the gateway for illegal immigration into Europe. Frontex highlights the Greek/Turkish border, which is totally porous because of Turkey's policy which supports the granting of visas and the development of low cost airlines. The report believes that the situation is due to stay the same in 2013 in view of the number of people intercepted as they crossed the border illegally (between 40 and 57,000 in 2011). Greece, the first host of this flow, has asked the EU to put pressure on Turkey to stop illegal immigration.

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The choice of the company: how France might find inspiration in Germany

10 June 2012

The Enterprise Insitute has published a paper by Alain Fabre, an author of several studies for the Robert Schuman Foundation, entitled "The choice of the company: how France might find inspiration in Germany". Comparing the French and German economic models, the author explains that the main difference between the two countries, which is the source of their differences in terms of competitiveness and performance, lies in the place granted to the company. Indeed, whilst in Germany businesses have a key role to play, in France it is the role of the State that dominates. The paper asks for the "business" to be made key in the French economic strategy and to strengthen businesses' financial structure to encourage investment and innovation.

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Spending on arms down

11 June 2012

The 2012 annual report by the International Peace Research Institute in Stockholm (Sipri) published on 4th June revealed that in 2011 the nuclear threat was still very much alive in spite of a reduction in world spending on arms, a first since 1998, and even though there is not so much conflict and the battles were shorter and less bloody. Annual arms spending totalled 1,738 billion $ (1,398 billion €), experiencing their lowest ever growth rate (+0.3%) which can mainly be explained by the economic crisis. They represent 2.5% of the world's GDP or 249$ (199.4€) per person.

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Sharp Rise in Protectionism within the G20

11 June 2012

In a report published on 6th June the European Commission noted a sharp rise in protectionism in the world. 123 new trade restrictions have been introduced over the last eight months, i.e. over 25%. The total number of restrictive measures in place now totals 534. The report notes that the G20 countries did not succeed in reducing the number of obstacles to trade and demands that they step up work to prevent any further impediments and to modify the protection measures adopted since the start of the crisis. Restrictions to trade can take the shape of higher import or export duties, or quotas introduced on a country's borders. They can also include "technical obstacles to trade", leading to a stricter application of conformity assessment measures or certification standards.

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Raphaël on show at the Prado

10 June 2012

The Prado Museum in Madrid is showing more than 70 works (40 paintings and 30 drawings) by the Italian artist Raffaello Sanzio, otherwise known as Raphaël, from 12th June to 16th September. The exhibition focuses on the artist's work in the last years of his life, from the start of the pontificate of Leo X in 1513 until the painter's death in 1520. Visitors can notably admire the altar painting of Saint Cecilia or the portrait of Baldassare Castiglione. Work by Raphaël's main assistants, Giulio Romano and Giovanni Francesco Penni who worked with Raphaël towards the end of the master's life are also on show.

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Gerhard Richter at the Pompidou Centre

10 June 2012

The Pompidou Centre in Paris is exhibiting a retrospective until 24th September of the work by Gerhard Richter, a German painter who has just celebrated his 80 birthday. Born in Dresden in 1932 and emigrating to the West in 1961, after having experienced Nazism, then socialism in the GDR, the artist successively adopted all types of style without losing his coherence and strength of belief. In each turn he takes his work asserts a new view of painting and the history of art. Paris is the third and final stage of a show that started in the Tate Modern in London and which then went on to the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin.

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Art 43 Basel

11 June 2012

From 14th to 17th June an international modern and contemporary art fair, Art 43 Basel is taking place in Basel. During this event the collections of over 300 art galleries from North and Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa will be on show. The work of over 2,500 artists including paintings, sculptures, drawings, installations, photos and videos will be on view.

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"Documenta" in Kassel

11 June 2012

The "Documenta" of Kassel's doors are now open to the public until 16th September. This five yearly exhibition launched in 1955 is believed to be the biggest European non-commercial event linked to the visual arts. It is one of the most important and best known modern art exhibitions. In 2007 it attracted 750,000 visitors. The 13th Documenta is the venue this year for 150 artists from 55 different countries on the theme of "Collapse and Recovery". The Documenta 13 privileges four themes: politics, feminism, archeology and universal knowledge, which it addresses from an artistic point of view.

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11th June

"Environment" Council (Luxembourg)

from 11th to 14th June

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

12th June

Agriculture and Fisheries Council ()

12th June

Conference "More Europe!" Yes but how?" organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Berlin)

15th June

Conference: "From euro crisis to political crisis" (Mönchengladbach)

15th June

Energy Council (Brussels)

17th June

General elections in Greece ()

17th June

2nd round of the general elections in France ()

18th and 19th June

G20 Summit (Los Cabos (Mexico))

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Perle Baillard, Fabrice Laffargue, Mélanie Laplace, Camille Stephan, Marion Zosi.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial;Eurogroup/Spain;Banking Union;Germany/Union Policy


The Newsletter n°537- version of 11 juin 2012