The Newsletter5364 juin 2012

La Lettre

Antoine Frérot

4 June 2012

This article has been published as Green Week 2012 organised by the DG Environment comes to an end - the theme this year was water. Water is a renewable resource. However it is one that we should protect. Wastewater is not pumped back into the place it was taken from, which can cause local structural imbalances. To remedy this and to make water sustainable technical solutions exist and imply the frequent use of alternative resources, particularly the re-use of treated wastewater.

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Front page!

Talking Europe receives Philippe de Fontaine-Vie

4 June 2012

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the AEF, the Foundation is broadcasting the most recent programme, Talking Europe, on its site whose guest was the Vice-President of the European Investment Bank, Philippe de Fontaine-Vive. The EIB comprises Europe's financial dimension. Whilst European debate today focuses on the means to revive growth, the idea of increasing the bank's capital to provide it with greater lending capacity, is moving forwards.

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Death of Jean-Michel Floc'hlay, Chairman-Founder of Fenêtre sur l'Europe

4 June 2012

On 29th May Jean-Michel Floc'hlay, the chairman-founder of "Fenêtre sur l'Europe", passed away. Fenêtre sur l'Europe is a site devoted to European information and news of which the Foundation is a partner. After a career with the Bank of France where he was notably advisor to Jean-Claude Trichet, Jean-Michel Floc'hlay, a fervent European, created "Fenêtre sur l'Europe" ten years ago. The Robert Schuman Foundation has lost a dear friend and addresses its warmest thoughts to his family and the 'fenetreeurope' team.

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The Irish vote "yes" to the budgetary pact

4 June 2012

Irish voters approved the European budgetary pact by a wide majority on 31st May: 60% of them voted "yes" to the ratification of the treaty on stability, coordination and governance signed on 2nd March 2012 in Brussels by the Heads of State and government of 25 EU Member States (all except the UK and the Czech Republic. Less than four voters in ten (39.71%) rejected the European text. Farmers and the middle classes voted in support of ratification whilst workers, employees (and the unemployed) and also the youngest voters rejected it. Turnout was low: only one voter in two went to ballot: (50.60%).

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1st round of the General Elections in France

4 June 2012

Five weeks after having elected François Hollande (Socialist Party, PS) as President of the Republic, 46 million French citizens are being called to ballot on 10th and 17th June next to renew the 577 members of the National Assembly, the lower chamber of parliament. The French are due to provide François Hollande with the majority he needs to govern for the next five years. According to the most recent poll by Ipsos on 25th and 26th May the UMP is due to win 35% of the vote and the PS 31%. The FN is due to win 15%, the Left Front, 8% and the EELV, 6%. The IFOP poll published on 30th May credits the PS with 34% of the vote, the UMP 32%. The FN is due to win 15.5%, the Left Front 7% and the EELV 3.5%.

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Financial Crisis

The IMF forecasts a rise in the Slovakian GDP

3 June 2012

The IMF announced on 29th may that it was forecasting a 2.6% rise in Slovakia's GDP in 2012 and 3.5% in 2013. Encouraging the country on the same day "to focus on the promotion of growth", the IMF approved the stabilisation measures taken in Slovakia. Bratislava indeed promised to reduce its public deficit below the 3% mark of the GDP in 2013, in line with European criteria. With this in view the Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico announced on 28th May that his government was going to introduce a speical tax on banks and extend the tax that already exists on bank deposits to reduce the public finance deficit.

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Lithuania review of its GDP estimates

3 June 2012

According to the most recent revised figures published by the national statistics bureau on 30th May, Lithuania's GDP increased by 3.9% between the first quarter of 2011 and the first of 2012. In comparison with the last quarter of 2011 it experienced a decrease of 7.3% however.

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British government's U-turn on unpopular fiscal measures

4 June 2012

On 30th May the British government cancelled one of the measures announced in the "austerity budget" in March. It concerned the capping of tax rebates granted to donations made to charitable organisations which until now could not total more than £50,000 (around 62,000 euros) or 25% of income. Some days earlier British Finance Minister George Osborne was forced to cancel other budgetary measures such as the taxation of "Cornish Pasties".

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Unemployment drops again in Germany in May

4 June 2012

Unemployment declined further in Germany in May, the gross rate lying at 6.7% against 7% the previous month, but its decrease has slowed significantly according to figures published on 31st May. "The positive trend is still there", commented the Employment Agency in its press release as it published figures but "the development has slowed over the last few months."

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A further rise in unemployment in Italy

3 June 2012

According to provisional data communicated on 1st June by the Italian statistics institute, Istat, the unemployment rate rose again to lie at 10.2% in April 2012. The employment rate lay at 57% in the same month. Moreover the estimated unemployment rate for March was reviewed upwards at 10.1% against a previous 9.8%.

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The rise in the number of job seekers continues in April

3 June 2012

According to figures released by the French Employment Ministry on 30th May the number of job seekers without any work at all in mainland France rose by 0.1% in April for the 12 consecutive month to reach 2,888 million people, ie 4,300 more than in March. With those working at a reduced rate the total number of job seekers reaches 4.318 million people (4.592 including overseas territories), (+9,200), ie an increase of 0.2%.

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7 States out of 25 have ratified the European budgetary pact

4 June 2012

7 States out of 25 have ratified the European Budgetary Pact Submitted to referendum on 31st May the Irish approved the treaty on stability, coordination and governance in the Economic and Monetary Union (TSCG), more commonly known as the European budgetary pact - by 60.29% of the votes cast. In addition to Ireland, two countries have ratified it via parliament over the last few days. Hence on 31st May the Latvian MPs approved it, 67 votes in favour, 29 against. On the same day the Danish MPs approved the text, 80 votes to 27. To date 7 EU States have ratified it. The Robert Schuman Foundation has produced a summary table of the ratification procedures in the various countries.

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A decline in Unemployment in Austria

4 June 2012

According to figures published on June 1st by the Labour and Social Affairs Ministry, the unemployment rate in Austria declined in May to 6.2% of the working population, in comparison with 6.8% the previous month. The number of job seekers totalled 231,077 or 301,715 if the number of people following training is included, said the ministry.

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Reform progress in Portugal

4 June 2012

The aid plan to Portugal "is still on course, even though there are still challenges to rise to" said its international creditors on 4th June after a further assessment of the austerity programme and the reforms that was agreed in May 2011. "This assessment confirms that the programme is making significant progress," declared the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF, in a joint press release. The EU-ECB-IMF mission recommends the payment of further aid of 4.1 billion euros as part of a total loan of 78 billion.

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Recommendations per country for growth on the part of the Commission

3 June 2012

On 30th May the European Commission adopted budgetary measure and economic reform recommendations to be implemented in order to strengthen financial stability, boost growth and support the creation of jobs in every EU country. The Commission also adopted measures for the entire euro zone. It has published the results of indepth analyses of 12 Member States that are exposed to the danger of economic imbalance. It finally suggests the closure of the excessive deficit procedure launched against Germany and Bulgaria. According to the President of the Commission José Manuel Barroso, "we are on the right path, we now need to step up work, both on a national and European level, so that we can move faster and go further."

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The European Commission addresses the increase in asylum requests

3 June 2012

On 30th May the European Commissioin presented new proposals for EURODAC, the system to record asylum seekers' fingerprints. Taking into account that the increase in asylum seekers might endanger the reception capacities of some Member States the Commission has suggested improvements to the system via the clarification of the transmission of data, total compatibility with the most recent legislation, and even the possibility for law enforcement services to consult the EURODAC database. This will be done in the "full respect of fundamental rights and private life," declared Cécilia Malmström, the European Commission responsible for Internal Affairs.

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EU/USA agreement on air cargo transport

4 June 2012

On June 1st the European Commission and the American Transport Security Administration have declared that they mutually recognise their respective air cargo security regimes. This agreement enables the suppression of repeated checks and will set a single regime on all operators, thereby reducing significantly their costs and deadlines. The EU and the US are mutually each other's main partner in terms of air cargo with a volume of merchandise representing around 100 billion euros per year.

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Road Safety

4 June 2012

On 31st May the members of the transport committee at the European parliament adopted a report planning for the implementation of further measures regarding tachographs. These instruments designed to record vehicles' speeds and drivers' rest times will become common place and modernised by 2020. The connection to a satellite location system will enable the control of vehicles without stopping them. Member States will also have to ensure that their agents are trained so that they can detect fraud more easily. The vote in plenary session on first reading is planned for September 2012.

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Support by the Commission of the Project Bonds budgets

4 June 2012

The members of the Budgets Committee at the European Parliament approved the EU's allocation for the "Project Bonds" on 31st May. Totalling 230 million euros, it will enable the support of massive investments in infrastructures, notably transport, energy and communication. Transport will receive the greater share with 200 million euros. The entire measure will be managed by the European Investment Bank. The final vote in plenary session will take place in July.

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Greater competitiveness in Europe

4 June 2012

On 30th May the 27 Competitiveness Ministers came to an agreement to foster the competitiveness of SMEs, which notably plans for lines of funding. They also debated the integration of the single market and the support to provide to research-development and innovation, notably as part of the 2014-2020 programme. They adopted a new ruling designed to reduce roaming tarifs on mobile phones. This ruling notably plans for the introduction of more competition so that roaming contracts are not linked to operators, and a progressive ceiling system that by 2014 will enable sharp reductions in the cost of calls, text messages and the transfer of data that are made in the EU.

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Long term free trade agreements

4 June 2012

On the occasion of a Council devoted to trade on 31st May the 27 Member States approved the signature of the free-trade agreement between the EU-Colombia-Peru. Bolivia and Ecuador might join it later. They also adopted a decision enabling the European Commission to start negotiations in view of such an agreement with Vietnam. Ministers also approved the continuation of negotiations in view of a concluding such agreements with Japan and Canada. The Cypriot delegation finally indicated that in its upcoming presidency it intended to promote the role of international trade in growth and to support the environmental trade of goods, notably starting negotiations in view of bilateral agreements to do away with tarif and technical obstacles.

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Conclusions of the General Affairs Council

4 June 2012

On 29th May the 27 European Affairs Ministers looked into the Multiannual Financial Framework covering the period 2014-2020 on the basis of a negotiation framework, which, for the first time covers all aspects of the MFF, both from the point of view of spending to revenues. They welcomed the work achieved by the Danish presidency, which enables the continuation of discussions on a sound base. They also recalled the future MFF should stimulate employment, growth and investments. They concluded that the quality of spending had to be improved, which did not necessarily mean spending less but which does not impede budgetary consolidation.

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EU/Africa Security

4 June 2012

On 29th May the 5th consultative meeting took place between the Political and Security Committee of the EU and the Peace and Security Council of the African Union. In a context of continued instability in the Horn of Africa and a serious political crisis they said that the present ongoing process in Somalia was the most adapted to re-establish peace. The Union recalled that it supported the African Union in ending the conflict in Sudan and South Sudan, but it also condemned the coups d'état in Mali and Guinea-Bissau. The two entities ended this meeting by agreeing on the continuation of their cooperation especially in the area of the fight against terrorism.

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EU-Russia Summit

4 June 2012

During the EU-Russia Summit on 3rd and 4th June the EU and Russia discussed the Syrian issue in spite of their differences over how to prevent civil war in Syria. Both believe that the plan of international emissary, Kofi Annan, is the best means to achieve a settlement, declared the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy. "We have to work towards an immediate halt to all types of violence in Syria and to a political transition process," he said. Mr Putin, whose country is the mainstay to the Syrian regime and who refused in Paris and Berlin to change his stance, did not react, notably on the mention of "transition policy", ie the departure of Bashar Al-Assad. "We have discussed the most important international issues. Of course this means the situation in Syria, Iran and in the Near East. I would like to stress that discussions were productive."

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The ECB report on the future euro zone Member States

3 June 2012

On 30th May the European Central Bank indicated in its annual report on the convergence of future euro zone members, that none of the eight countries involved fulfilled membership criteria for the time being. Inflation and budgetary deficits are beyond tolerated thresholds in most countries. There are also legal shortcomings, notably with regard to the independence of the national central banks and the impossibility for them to fund the State. However, except for Hungary, all have a GDP debt below 60%. The report notes however that progress has been made on these different points since the release of the last report.

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European Agencies

The launch of a European internet site on the secondary effects of medicines

4 June 2012

On 31st May the European Medicines Agency announced the launch of an internet site that catalogues the secondary effects of medicines. This is part of the plan to improve transparency with regard to the public. Information,which comes from a European database, EudraVigilance, involves around 650 medicines that are authorised in the EU (a database comprising information communicated by the State healthcare authorities as well as by pharmaceutical groups).

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The German President, Joachim Gauck, visits Israel

3 June 2012

On the occasion of a four day visit to Israel, Joachim Gauck's first official trip outside of Europe, the German President re-iterated Germany's solidarity with the Hebrew state on 29th May. "Defending Israel's security and its right to exist is decisive for German policy. Israel must live in peace within safe borders," he declared after an interview with Israeli President Schimon Pérès in Jerusalem. The German President also met his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas on 31st May, together with the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, Salam Fayyad in Ramallah on the West Bank. During a common press conference with Mr Abbas, Mr Gauck declared that Germany energetically 'supported the solution of two States and the establishment of an autonomous Palestinian State.'

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9th Summit of the Heads of Government of the Baltic Sea

3 June 2012

On the invitation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the heads of government of the 11 states of the Baltic Sea (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Russia) met on 30th and 31st May in Straslund. During this the 9th Summit they notably decided to launch various pilot budgetary support projects covering the period 2013-2015 in order to increase the region's competitiveness and attractiveness. Energy and demography were also the focus of discussion. The foundations for closer cooperation in the area of energy has been laid. The heads of government insisted on the importance of monitoring the impact of demographic change on economic activity.

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A 5.5% reduction in the population since 2000

4 June 2012

The number of inhabitants of Estonia has declined by 5.5% since 2000 announced the Estonian Statistics Bureau on 31st May based on the initial results of the national census. According to this data the population of this Baltic country, an EU member since 2004, fell to 1.29 million inhabitants ie 75,816 people less than in 2000. The figures published have confirmed the decrease in natality. The share of children aged 0-14 declined by 18% in 2000 to 15% this year. Conversely the number of people aged 65 and over simultaneously rose from 15% to 18%.

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The French Government boycotts the 2012 Euro

4 June 2012

On 31st May the French Minister for Youth and Sport, Valérie Fourneyron, announced the boycott by the French government of certain Euro 2012 matches. "No member of the government will be present at the matches in Ukraine," she declared before saying that the Ukrainian and Polish government organisers had been informed of the decision the day before - likewise the sporting managers of the event. She also explained the reasons for this boycott. This position was adopted in view of Yulia Tymoshenko's situation; the head of the Ukrainian opposition has been in prison since October 2011 for abuse of power.

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The World Shipping Exhibition

4 June 2012

The two-yearly exhibition, Posidonia, the world's biggest shipping event opened its doors on 4th June in Athens against a morose world economic back-drop and growing concern about Greece's future in the euro zone. This year the event, which is rallying some 1,870 businesses from over 87 countries until 8th June, is taking place in a difficult context that weighs over the Greek shipping industry, the world's most important, whose profits dropped by 8.6% in 2011 to 14 billion euros according the Greek Shipping Union (EEE).

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Further Hungarian concessions over a controversial law

4 June 2012

The Hungarian parliament approved series of modifications to the law governing the central bank on 29th May, as requested by the European Commission, the IMF and the ECB. But some crucial points were not taken into consideration. Amongst these is the independence of the central bank, which is the source of concern. Indeed it is being questioned by the draft reform since it is a non-negotiable condition to integrate the euro zone (a commitment made by Hungary when it joined the Union). The law was due to be approved definitively on 4th June but the Hungarian negotiator, together with the IMF and the EU asked for the postponement of the vote on 3rd June since this is a source of concern for Hungary's European partners.

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Reform of the labour market approved by the Senate

4 June 2012

The reform of the labour market undertaken by Mario Monti's government, which intends to facilitate dismissals and to reduce precarity in order to boost employment, won the green light from the Senate on 31st May. This reform was approved 231 votes in support, 33 against and 9 abstentions. With this reform the government intends to make the labour market more flexible, by facilitating economic dismissals via a change to article 18 of the workers statutes, by attacking precarity and by reviewing unemployment insurance via the creation of a single system for all employees whilst some do not benefit from it at present. Final approval of this text by MPs is expected by the end of June.

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The age of retirement rises to 67

4 June 2012

The Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski promulgated a law on June 1st on the raising of the retirement age which will progressively be taken up to 67. According to the new law, retirement, which is 60 at present for women and 65 for men, will progressively rise as of 2013 to reach 67 in 2020 for men and 2040 for women. The law plans that women, as of 62 and men as of 65, will be able to retire if they want at a reduced rate of 50%. Women will however have to accumulate 35 years in terms of contributions and men 40 years. The reform also involves career soldiers and policemen of various kinds who will have to work 25 years against 15 at present in order to acquire the right to retire.

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Jubilee of the Queen of England: Elizabeth II celebrates her 60 reign

4 June 2012

From 3rd to 5th June Queen Elizabeth II of England is celebrating her 60th anniversary. The UK capital celebrated the diamond jubilee with a sumptuous river parade on 3rd June, in which more than 1000 boats took place, accompanying the Queen's royal barge. The last river parade dates back to 1662. Festivities gave rise to a special bank holiday for Britons. Queen Elizabeth II has still not equalled the longest reign (63 years), a record held by Queen Victoria, who sat on the throne from 1837 to 1901.

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Serbia is prepared to integrate the EU but not without Kosovo

4 June 2012

On 31st May after being sworn in before the Serb Parliament the new Serb President Tomislav Nikolic declared that he wanted his country to join the EU but without having to relinquish any of its territories. This nationalist who was once against his country joining the EU recalled with this declaration that he could not imagine Serbia without "Kosovo". On the previous day the European Commission and Kosovo officially launched "structured dialogue on the rule of law" the aim of which is to help Kosovo rise to the challenge its faces over fighting crime, corruption and more generally judicial issues. This measure is part of Kosovo's plan to join the EU.

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Vladimir Putin in Berlin and Paris

4 June 2012

Russian President Vladimir Putin travelled to Berlin and Paris on June 1st. Although the Russian President and German Chancellor Angela Merkel "agreed" on the Syrian issue it was not the case with the French president, François Hollande. Their disagreement notably focused on the sanctions to be taken against Bashar Al-Assad's regime, whose departure President Hollande is requesting. However the two presidents agreed on the need to tighten Franco-Russian economic links during an upcoming intergovernmental seminar.

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Women demonstrate for the right to abort

4 June 2012

Several hundred women demonstrated in Istanbul on 3rd June against a draft law that aims to reduce the time in which an abortion can be undertaken. Women shouted slogans and brandished banners on which one could read "Abortion is a right" and "It is our body" during the demonstration in which some men also took part. The Party of Justice and Development in office, which emanates from the Islamic movement, is preparing a draft law designed to reduce the number of abortions. The practice of abortion is legal in Turkey, where women can, at present, undertake an abortion during the first ten weeks of their pregnancy. But in the future law the AKP wants to reduce this time down to four weeks.

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"L'Ukraine, impossible démocratie?"

4 June 2012

On 29th May the Franco-German TV channel ARTE broadcast a documentary entitled "L'Ukraine, impossible démocratie?" (Ukraine, impossible democracy). The programme is divided into two: "The fight for democracy" and "From democracy to chaos". It covers the country's history, from its birth on the rive Dniepr to the present day covering the Orange Revolution and now the organisation of the Euro 2012, and the imprisonment of the opposition leader, Yulia Tymoshenko. The documentary draws the portrait of a repressive State and a powerful oligarchic system. The Robert Schuman Foundation invites you to watch or record these two programmes when they are broadcast again on 12th June at 10.35 am and 11.25 am on ARTE.

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Tom Enders replaces Louis Gallois as head of EADS

3 June 2012

Frenchman Louis Gallois handed over the management of EADS to German Tom Enders on 31st May - EADS is the European aviation and defend giant. Tom Enders, the present chair of Airbus was appointed CEO. Arnaud Lagardère is now chairman of the board. EADS, a manufacturer of planes, helicopters, balistic missiles and the Ariane rocket, has growth rates of between 8% and 10% per year. It employs 130,000 people and intends to employ 9,000 more this year. It has between seven to eight years of orders on its books. The European giant was created in 2000 to compete against the American groups, notably Boeing.

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Unemployment at 11% in the euro zone

3 June 2012

According to figures published by Eurostat on June 1st unemployment reached 11% in the euro zone and 10.3% in the EU in April 2012. This represents 24,667 million men and women in the Union as a whole, 17 million of whom are just in the euro zone. The lowest unemployment rates are in Austria (3.9%), Luxembourg and the Netherlands (5.2%). The highest rates have been recorded in Spain (24.3%), Greece (21.7%) and Portugal (15.2%).

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Drop in the annual inflation rate in the euro zone

3 June 2012

According to an estimate published by Eurostat on 31st May the annual euro zone inflation rate dropped in May 2012, to lie at 2.4% whilst it lay at 2.6% in April 2012. It is the 18 consecutive month that the rate has been over the 2% threshold established by the European Central Bank. In spite of this slightly negative point, the decrease has been greater than expected by specialists.

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Resumption of trade between the EU and Russia in 2011

4 June 2012

According to figures published on June 1st by Eurostat the goods trade between the EU and Russia increased significantly in 2010 and 2011, after a sharp reduction in 2009. EU exports towards Russia increased by 108 billion euros in 2011 and imports rose to 199 billion. The trade deficit lay at 91 billion euros in 2011. Regarding the Member States, Germany is the leading export state with 34 billion euros (34% of exports), then Italy with 9% and France 7%. Generally 85% of Union exports to Russia involved manufactured goods, whilst energy represents over three quarters of imports.

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How the Europeans perceive asylum and immigration

4 June 2012

According to a Eurobarometer study published on June 1st a wide majority of European citizens believe that the EU Member States should harmonise their immigration and asylum rules more in order to be able to improve their reception of migrants if need be. The free movement of people is also approved by two thirds of those interviewed. A wide majority believes that immigration enriches the EU culturally and economically and helps it to rise to demographic challenges, notably the ageing population and low birth rates. 80% think that the EU must intervene more to help States suject to sudden or uncontrolled migratory pressure.

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Confidence in Europe

4 June 2012

According to a study by the Pew Research Centre published on 29th May European citizens' confidence in the EU's ability to face the crisis is not the same everywhere. Hence in the most economically weakened countries, doubt is the greatest regarding EU membership. However approval of the single currency remains high: it is seen as a bastion against the crisis and a vector of solidarity.

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The conquest of Space

3 June 2012

The 61st issue of the review "Géoéconomie" has just been published. Entitled "La reconquête de l'espace" it notably reviews the European space policy and looks into what is at stake and the future. There are articles devoted to the space policies of the US, Russia, China, India and Japan.

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Europe and Insecurity

3 June 2012

The 19th issue of the review "Sécurité globale" has just been published. Entitled "L'Europe des insécurités" - it looks into the various types of threat that the EU has to face and the policies that aim to counter them. The various chapters look into the issue of drugs trafficking and the EU's internal security policy.

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Helene Schjerfbeck

3 June 2012

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Finnish artist Helene Schjerfbeck (1862-1946), one of the most famous Nordic artists, the Ateneum Museum of Helsinki is presenting over 300 of the artist's works . On show are paintings according to an historic theme dating back to the 1880's, as well as later works which are minimalist and modern.

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Damien Hirst at the Tate Modern

4 June 2012

The Tate Modern Gallery is presenting a selection of work by Damien Hirst until 9th September. The collections on show include sculptures that belong to the "Natural History" series, showcases, pharmaceutical cabinets and paintings made from matierals that are out of the ordinary.

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Bonnard, amongst Friends. Matisse, Monet, Vuillard ...

3 June 2012

Until 17th September the Bonnard Museum in Le Cannet is organising an the exhibition of more than fifty works devoted to the relations entertained by Pierre Bonnard and the major painters of his time such as Vuillard, Monet, Matisse and Manguin. Bonnard's works, and also paintings by these artists, who were all his friends, are contrasted against one another. The exhibition focuses on three themes that were common to all of the artists: portraits, Normandy, windows.

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Molière Month in Versailles

3 June 2012

Until 30th June it is Molière Month in Versailles. As part of this event more than 300 open air shows will be performed. This will include musical shows, dances and theatre plays (including some works by classical authors like Molière or Beaumarchais) being performed at a variety of sites spread across the town. Access to most of these shows will be free of charge.

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Film Festival Transylvania

4 June 2012

Until 10th June Cluj-Napoca (Romania) is hosting the 11th Transylvanian International Film Festival. Organised by the "Romanian Film Promotion" association, the biggest film festival in Romania offers more than 200 films every year in all types of category. Many other special events such as concerts, first-showings, workshops and exhibitions are organised as part of this cinematographic event. Sibiu will then open its doors to TIFF from 13th to 17th June.

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les 3rd-5th June

Informal "Agriculture and Fishing" Council (Denmark)

les 3rd-4th June

EU-Russia Summit (Saint-Petersburg)

6th June

European Central Bank Governors' Council ()

les 7th-8th June

"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council (Brussels)

les 7th-8th June

"Transport, Telecommunications, and Energy" Council ()

10th June

First round of French general elections ()

11th June

"Environment" Council (Luxembourg)

from 11th to 14th June

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Perle Baillard, Fabrice Laffargue, Mélanie Laplace, Camille Stephan, Marion Zosi.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Yes/referendum-Ireland; EU/Russia; Commission: Recommendations/Growth


The Newsletter n°536- version of 4 juin 2012