The Newsletter4944 juil. 2011

La Lettre

Emmanuel Sales

4 July 2011

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1 January 1970

On 6th July the chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, will be taking part in a conference at the Assemblée Nationale entitled "Donner un nouvel élan à l'action de l'Europe dans le Monde" (Giving Europe new Impetus in the World) which will be organised by the French Association of the Communities and Regions Council of Europe. He will be speaking at a round table on the following issue: "Is there a European model for peace and stability?"

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1 January 1970

On 22nd June the Robert Schuman Foundation and Edelman-the Centre organised a conference in Brussels on the future of the European budget after the crisis. The Foundation has published a report of the conference.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

According to an estimate provided by the Spanish national statistics institute, the rise in the consumer price index is due to lie at 3.2% in June 2011, which is equal to a decline of 0.3 points in comparison with the previous month (3.5% growth in May 2011).

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1 January 1970

On 30th June the Italian government adopted a severe austerity plan to save around 47 billion euros by 2014 and in order to achieve almost budgetary balance and to reassure the markets. This austerity plan should help Italy to honour its commitment towards Brussels in achieving the goal of a 0.2% GDP deficit in comparison with 4.6% in 2010. This plan will now have to be approved by Parliament. The President of the Italian Council Silvio Berlusconi announced that he was about to ask for a confidence vote.

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1 January 1970

On 28th June the Pôle Emploi (Employment Agency) announced a 1% increase in the number of job seekers in May, in comparison with April 2011,a rise of 3.8% in comparison with the previous year. INSEE announced on 29th June that it had revised the GDP forecast down slightly in the first quarter to 0.9%, against 1% announced previously. Finally on 30th June INSEE published a report on France's public debt at the end of the first quarter of 2011. According to this report the public debt had increased by 54.9 billion euros between the fourth quarter of 2010 and the first quarter of 2011, bringing the public debt up to 1,646.1 billion euros, which is equal to 84.9% of the GDP. This rise can be explained by the State's increased debt together with that of the social security, whilst the various central administrative bodies and local administrations had reduced theirs.

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1 January 1970

On 30th June the Bulgarian Parliament announced an amendment to the budget law as part of the Financial Stability Pact which sets the limit of the public deficit at 2% of the GDP as of 2012. According to the budget that is currently in application the deficit is due to decrease to 2.5% in 2011 whilst it had reached 4.5% of the GDP in 2010. The Deputy Prime minister and Bulgarian Finance Minister, Simeon Djankov stressed that these rules would guarantee the stability for the country's growth and would give Bulgaria a new outlook from an international point of view.

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1 January 1970

According to data published on 30th June by the Federal Employment Agency, unemployment has continued to decline in Germany. Indeed 2,893 million job seekers were registered in June, ie 67,000 less than in May. In one year there were 225,000 more people in paid work or in a job.

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1 January 1970

On 29th and 30th June the Greek Parliament voted successively (155 votes out of 296) in approval of the framework law and the law pertaining to the implementation of the austerity plan. Whilst they contested it in a first vote the Greek opposition accepted the privatisations and the reductions in public spending "on principle", although it voted against the law because of the fiscal measures it included. In a letter addressed to the President of the European Commission Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou asked for the rapid implementation of the aid offered by the European Commission to boost Greek growth.

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1 January 1970

According to the most recent calculations by the Austrian statistics institute made public on 30th June the Austrian government's debt totalled 210.3 billion euros in the first quarter of 2011 which is equal to 72.8% of the national GDP. It has therefore increased by 2.5% in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2010.

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1 January 1970

Croatia has to "make more decisive" reforms, notably in the area of competitiveness and public administration, which are vital for the recovery of its economy that has been severely affected by the world crisis, said the IMF on 1st July. Welcoming the progress Croatia has made on its path to the EU the IMF's adminsitrative council stressed in a press release that "major challenges still needed to be overcome to guarantee the vigorous recovery" of the local economy.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd July the 17 Finance Ministers of the Euro Area Member States welcomed the progress made by the Greek authorities in implementing the policies decided jointly by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF. Hence the Greek parliament adopted reforms relative to taxation and privatisation. Moreover the 17 ministers approved the Commission's report on the respect of commitments made by Greece and the signature of the Memorandum Agreement. They also gave the go ahead for the payment of the fifth part of the loan to Greece which is due to take place on 15th July.

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1 January 1970

On 1st July the free trade agreement between the EU and South Korea entered into force. It is based on the EU's strategy that was confirmed by the European Commission's communication "A competitive Europe in a Globalised World" dating back to 4th October 2006. The agreement aims to eliminate 98.7% of customs duties and to double trade between the two countries. Moreover the removal of technical and regulatory barriers is included in this. Currrently the EU is Korea's second most important trade partner and the latter is the EU's fourth most important trade partner. Finally the agreement includes a safety clause that is applicable in the event of rapid, significant growth in imports from Korea. This mechanism will only be applicable five years after the entry into force of the agreement.

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Mobile Phone

1 January 1970

As of July 1st 2011 until 30th June 2012 EU mobile phone operators will again be obliged to reduce tariffs on roaming calls, in line with the rules adopted by the EU in 2007 and modified in 2009. Consumers who are travelling in a Member State other than their own will pay - if they opt for the Eurotarif" a maximum of 35cts per minute for calls made and 11cts per minute for calls received. This reduction is the latest in the series of price reductions included in the roaming regulation that is currently in application and which will expire at the end of June 2012.

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1 January 1970

On 29th June the Commission put forward its proposal for a multi-annual budget for 2014-2020. It suggests stabilising the European budget at its present level of 1.05% of the EU GNI ie a package of €1,025 billion in commitments over the period 2014-2020, instead of the 975 billion spent between 2007 and 2013 (an increase of 5%). In terms of income the Commission suggests the extension of the present rebate scheme to all countries and to index this against each country's prosperity levels; the establishment of a tax on financial transactions of 0.01% on derivated trade and of 0.1% on sovereign bond trade and the establishment of a European VAT. On spending, the Commission suggests freezing spending on the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) and a reduction of 5% in staff and an increase in the funds for external relations and internal affairs. Amongst responses to this London and Berlin have been particularly critical of the Commission's proposal whilst France has insisted on the need to stabilise the CAP.

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1 January 1970

When questioned by the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, the President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet justified his support of the Parliament's position for a reverse qualified majority in the package of proposals on economic governance. He blamed the euro area's current problems on non-sustainable policies employed by certain governments and pleaded in support of a fiscal consolidation strategy in the Member States. He again said he was opposed to Greece's default or the obligatory involvement of the private sector. He recalled the ECB's firm intention to maintain inflation below the 2% threshold.

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1 January 1970

On 28th June the 27 Agriculture Ministers met to discuss the European Commission's communication on fishing opportunities. The need to monitor mackerel fishing was also debated. Hence Iceland and the Faroe Islands have access to unlimited fishing ressources. According to the Council the European Fundpost 2013 must be adapted to a sustainable development policy vis-à-vis natural resources. Moreover 27 Ministers said they welcomed the Commission's rapid intervention on financial compensation for vegetable producers affected in the wake of the e-coli bacteria epidemic.

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1 January 1970

On 27th June the eighth meeting between the EU and the OPEC countries (Oil Exporting Countries) took place in Vienna. Participants were satisfied with the progress made in terms of dialogue on energy that started in 2005. This dialogue is vital because of the volatility of prices on the oil market. The EU stressed the effects of the Arab spring on oil prices and energy policy. Both sides said that it was important to share information and data on the supply and demand of oil. The conclusions of two joint studies were also discussed. These were studies on the effects and use of bio-fuels on refinery and on the specific features of oil published in 2009; the second study focused on the effects of the economic crisis on oil investments.

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1 January 1970

On 27th June 25 European countries took further steps towards creating unitary patent protection with a political agreement on its means of enforcement. Spain and Italy, who refused to take part in the initiative, are challenging this at the European court. Ministers also adopted a general approach to extend the present nuclear energy framework programme (Euratom) by two years for research and training activities. Finally they noted the recent agreement by the European Parliament on a new directive that will aim to improve consumers' rights in terms of distance and off premises purchases.

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1 January 1970

On 27th June the second meeting on Iceland's accession to the EU took place at the Council of the European Union. It aimed to open negotiations on chapters five and ten involving public markets, IT and the media respectively. Chapter 25, relative to science and research, and chapter 26 on education, culture were openend and provisionally closed. Negotiations started on 27th July 2010. According to the Council the analysis of the implemention of the acquis had moved forwards. Moreover Member States decided on 30th June to finalise membership negotiations with Croatia. Hence, the signature of the membership treaty should take place within the next six months and Croatia's integration is planned for 1st July 2013. Three days earlier Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor pointed to how proud her country was at having completed the EU accession negotiations in time for the 20th anniversary of its indepedence.

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1 January 1970

On 29th June the European Court of Auditors published its first special report on the Single Payment Scheme, which is part of the Common Agricultural Policy. The SPS is the main mechanism enabling the provision of financial support to farmers in the EU. It aims to help farmers respond better to market demand and to promote agricultural methods that are respectful of the environment. The SPS is applied in 17 of the 27 Member States of the Union at present. In 2009 spending rose to 28.8 billion euros. The report mainly focuses on beneficiaries, terms of access to the scheme and on the definition of eligible land.

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Near East

1 January 1970

On 2nd July the Middle East Quartet comprising the UN, Russia, the USA and the EU said that it was concerned about the living conditions of the civilian population in Gaza. Some work has however been accomplished, such as increasing exports. The Quartet members have called on Israel to improve the situation in Gaza in coordination with the the UN Security Council's 1860 resolution. They also acknowledged the legitimate concern for Israel's security which has to be protected.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd July Serbia and Kosovo signed three agreements in Brussels thanks to the help of the European Union. These were the first agreements since Kosovo's declaration of independence in 2008. The first agreement regarding civilian registers will facilitate the EU's mission EULEX to certify the copies of original civilian registers to establish a future Kosovar civilian register. The second agreement will facilitate the freedom of movement between Kosovo and Serbia via the acknowledgement of identity cards, insurance and registration plates on border crossings. The third agreement concerns the principle of mutual recognition of school and university diplomas. The European Union has played the role of facilitator in this dialogue that was part of the 64/298 UN resolution.

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1 January 1970

Under increasing pressure of public opinion after the Fukushima catastrophe German MPs voted by an overwhelming majority to abandon nuclear energy, 513 votes of the 600 possible. The last of the 17 German reactors will be shut down on 31st December 2022 at the latest.

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1 January 1970

Two weeks after MPs, the Belgian Senators adopted a law on 30th June setting a 30% quota of women on public company boards and on the boards of companies listed on the stock market, thereby following the example of other countries such as Norway and France.

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1 January 1970

The European Interior Ministers of the G6 group (France, Italy, Spain, Germany, UK and Poland) and American Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano met on 30th June in Madrid to discuss the anti-terrorist fight notably in the Sahel and organised crime. The EU's anti-terrorist coordinator, Gilles de Kerchove, also took part in the meeting.

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1 January 1970

For the first time since his election Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen travelled to Estonia on 27th June to meet Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves. During this meeting the two men discussed cooperation between the two countries and they called for greater work together to counter cybercrime. The Estonian president said he was pleased to cooperate with Finland at the Centre of Excellence for Cooperative Cyber Defence that has its HQ in Tallinn.

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1 January 1970

Following the appointment of Christine Lagarde as the IMF's Director General the French government underwent a reshuffle on 29th June. François Baroin has replaced her as Economy, Finance and Industry Minister. Valérie Pécresse was appointed Budget, Public Accounts and State Reform Minister and has also become the government's spokesperson. After this reshuffle the French government now has one woman less - 6 of the 25 members of government. The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a table on its site summarising women's presence within the 27 European governments.

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1 January 1970

The fight for women's rights is the "foundation" of the 21st century said Hillary Clinton, the head of American diplomacy during a meeting of the Community of Democracies event in Vilnius. "You can see that the 19th century, the great human rights struggle was against organized slavery; the 20th century, the great struggle was against totalitarianism; the great struggle of the 21st century is to ensure that women are fully given the rights they have as human beings – in their families, in their societies, and in the world," she declared guaranteeing the USA's support in this fight, during a conference devoted to women.

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The Netherlands


1 January 1970

On 30th June the Dutch statistics institute, CBS, published a survey that reveals the constant increase of the number of women with a higher level of education than their partner. This phenomenon that now involves one million women in the Netherlands and one couple in four is particularly visible amongst the 25-45 year olds with 30% women who are more educated than their partner against only 15% amongst the over 65's. What do you think of male/female equality, answer our survey!

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EU Presidency

1 January 1970

The Polish Presidency of the Council of the Union started on 1st July. On this occasion the Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, declared that during this presidency the Polish government was going to ensure that it "maintained Poland's image" as a highly appreciated State in debates that take place within the EU." The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a European Interview with Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, Polish Secretary of State for European Affairs.

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1 January 1970

The government's programme which was delivered on 28th June to the leader of the Portuguese Assembly, Assnunçao Esteves, was presented on 30th June by the new Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho in a speech given to all MPs. Whilst taking on board the commitments made via the EU's and IMF's aid plan the Portuguese Prime Minister decided to take "more ambitious steps in the adjustment process of the Portuguese economy," notably with "extraordinary measures" such as the suspension of the construction of a high speed line between Lisbon and Madrid.

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Czech Republic


1 January 1970

Czech President, Vaclav Klaus appointed two new Ministers on 1st July as part of the government coalition. Karolina Peake has become Deputy Prime Minister and Chair of the Legislative Council and Pavel Dobes succeeds Radek Smerda as Transport Minister.

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Retirement Pensions

1 January 1970

Hundreds of thousands of angry civil servants rallied in the UK in protest against the reform of the public sector retirement scheme. This is the biggest social movement since David Cameron took office as Prime Minister. Given these demonstrations David Cameron recalled that this reform was "vital" for the future of the UK. On this issue the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a table that summarises the retirement systems in the 27 Member States of the EU.

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1 January 1970

Three Slovenian Ministers: Darja Radic, responsible for the Economy, Irma Pavlinic Krebs, public administration and Majda Sirca, responsible for Culture - resigned from Borut Pahor's government on 27th June, in line with the decision taken by their party, Zares to quit the government coalition that has been weakened since the rejection of a retirement pension reform.

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1 January 1970

On 30th June the 14th meeting of the Regional Cooperation Council in Budva, Montenegro, brought together the heads of government and state of the countries of South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania and Turkey); they welcomed the establishment of a strategy and work programme 2011-2013 and approved the annual report by the Secretary General. They also re-iterated their determination to continue their strategic partnership to ensure prosperity and development in the region.

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EU Tour

1 January 1970

Between 24th and 28th June Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao travelled to Hungary, the UK and Germany. In Budapest he met his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban and Hungarian President Pal Schmitt; both parties signed investment cooperation and infrastructure agreements to a total of 1.8 billion dollars. In London he met Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg; they signed trade agreements to a total of 1.4 billion dollars. The Chinese Prime Minister finally met Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin and German President Christian Wulff to sign trade and investment agreements (that are due to rise to 280 billion dollars by 2015).

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1 January 1970

On 27th June the International Criminal Court issued three arrest warrants against Mouammar Kadhafi, his son, Saif Al-Islam Kadhafi and former Secret Service Head Abdullah Al-Senussi for crimes against humanity committed in Libya between 15th February and 28th February via the Libyan State and the security forces.

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Director General

1 January 1970

On 28th June French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde was appointed Director General of the IMF for a five year mandate that will start on 5th July. She succeeds Dominique Strauss-Kahn and is the first woman to have been appointed to this post.

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1 January 1970

According to a flash estimate published by Eurostat on 30th June the annual inflation rate in the euro area lay at 2.7% in June 2011. In May the rate was also 2.7%.

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1 January 1970

According to a Eurostat study published on 1st July the unemployment rate, adjusted to seasonal variations, totalled 9.9% in the euro area in May 2011. It lay at 10.2% in May 2010. In the EU the unemployment rate totalled 9.3% in May 2011, against 9.7% in May 2010. Hence 22,378 million men and women were unemployed in May 2011 in the EU, of whom 15,510 million were in the euro area. In comparison with April 2011 the number of job seekers decreased by 5,000 in the EU and increased by 16,000 in the euro area. The lowest unemployment rate lay in the Netherlands at 4.2%. The highest was in Spain, 20.9%.

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1 January 1970

A Eurobarometer survey, undertaken for the European Parliament on "Europeans and the economic crisis" suggests that 61% of Europeans support the principle of taxing financial transactions and 81% support the introduction of this on a European level. It also appears that 57% of those interviewed think that the euro did not attenuate the negative effects of the crisis overall. 56% want coordinated measures to be taken in answer to the crisis Europe wide. 51% think that the fight to counter exclusion and poverty should be the European Parliament's first priority.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the publication of a communication by the European Commission on 29th June on the multi-annaul financial framework post 2013, which will put foward proposals on development cooperation the Foundation for International Relations and Extneral Dialogue (FRIDE) together with several think-tanks specialised in development has published a round up of European work in this area and analyses the various options available to improve European external actions tools.

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1 January 1970

The Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS) has published a study by Filipa Figueira and Jorge Nuñez Ferrer entitled "Achieving Europe's R&D Objectives". Looking at European strengths and weaknesses in R&D the authors plead in favour of a strong role for the EU both as coordinator and fund provider.

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1 January 1970

The Egmont Institute has published two studies on the European Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). In a first study entitled "Europe deploys towards a civil-military strategy for CSDP", Sven Biscop and Jo Coelmont set out detailed recommendations for a civil-military strategy for the EU. In a second study entitled "Worse not Better? Reinvigorating Early Warning for Conflict Prevention in the Post-Lisbon European Union", John Brante, Chiara de Franco, Christoph Meyer and Florian Otto suggest that the new post-Lisbon system may lead to slowing response to conflict and advise on an early warning system to remedy this.

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1 January 1970

Peter Lang publishing has released a book written under the management of Sylvain Schirmann, "Quelles architectures pour quelle Europe?" The project of a United Europe, as it has been created until now, carries with it the ambition of making safe and pacifying a continent that until recently has been subject to repetitive, murderous conflict. Apart from this first goal was it not also a question of fostering economic growth via a unification process and of social protection and even fighting the decline of European States in the international arena?

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1 January 1970

From 5th to 25th July the Aix-en-Provence Festival will be taking place - there will be 22 concerts and recitals. Chostakovich will be the musician of honour but the repertoire extends to Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Mahler.

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1 January 1970

On 13th July the International Modern Dance Festival of Vienna, "Impulstanz" will start - it first took place in 1984 on the initiative of Austrian Karl Regensburger and Brazilian dancer/choreographer, Ismael Ivo. Every summer this festival brings together the greatest choreographers from all over the world for a four week period where they can produce shows on some of the most prestigious stages.

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1 January 1970

The Royal Albert Hall and the BBC are organising the next "BBC Proms 2011" festival from 15th July to 10th September in London. The concerts bring together the biggest names in classical music.

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1 January 1970

The 65th Avignon Festival 2011, the main European event in theatre, will take place from 6th to 26th July. The Cité des Papes will host many shows, exhibitions and concerts.

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les 3rd-4th July

NATO-Russia Council Ambassadors' Meeting ()

4th to 7th July

European Parliament Session ()

5th July

3rd European Summer University organised by the European Studies Centre of the University of Szeged ()

6th July

AFCCRE Seminar "Giving new impetus to European action in the world" ()

7th July

Informal Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumers Council ()

7th July

ECB Governors Council ()

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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The Newsletter n°494- version of 4 juil. 2011