The Newsletter49327 juin 2011

La Lettre

27 June 2011

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1 January 1970

Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, has published an editorial on his site entitled "Dancing on the Edge of the Abyss". To emerge from the present crisis he suggests "a true European budget" and "strict common budgetary rules", as well as the creation of the post of "Secretary of State for the Treasury".

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1 January 1970

Are you for or against the dissolution of parliament?" This is the question which 1.5 million Latvians are being called to answer in a referendum that will take place on 23rd July. This popular consultation follows the announcement made by outgoing President Valdis Zatlers on 28th May requesting the dissolution of the Saiema (the only chamber in the Latvian Parliament). To enter force dissolution must absolutely be confirmed by a popular referendum. If the Latvians answer "yes" on 23rd July the Saeima will be dissolved and new general elections will be organised, probably in September. In the event of the contrary the head of State will have to resign and the parliament will remain.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

In a report published on 21st June French Budget Minister, François Baroin reviewed the French debt forecast upwards. It is due to reach a total 85.4% in 2011, peaking at 86.9% in 2012. This development is the result of the new calculation method employed by the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) on the public debt in 2010 deemed to lie at 82.3% instead of 81.7%.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd June after having won the Parliament's vote of confidence, the new Greek government decided to settle the modalities of the law that is to implement a new austerity regime. Delivered to the parliamentary groups on 24th June, the law will be submitted to a vote on 30th June in Parliament.

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1 January 1970

The national statistics institute in Portugal announced on 21st June that the consumer price index had decreased in May 2011 to 3.8%

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1 January 1970

According to a press release published on 21st June by the national statistics institute (Statistics Finland), the uemployment rate totalled 9.8% in May in Finland. This had dropped by 0.7% in comparison with the previous year.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd June the Norwegian National Statistics Office, Statistics Norway, announced an unemployment rate of 3.4% in April 2011.

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1 January 1970

The Maltese national statistics office announced on 22nd May that there had been a clear improvement in the balance of the current payments deficit dropping from 150 million euros in the first quarter of 2010 to 79.8 million euros in the first quarter of 2011.

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1 January 1970

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) of Ireland published the official quarterly growth statistics on 23rd June, showing a rise of 1.3% in the GDP after a decline of 1.4% in the previous quarter. The CSO explains the result by an increase in Irish exports, which have enabled the economy to avoid recession. It stresses however that a there is a more problematic 4.3% fall in the GNP, since this is a more reliable gauge of economic activity as it does not take into account the profits made by the great many foreign companies established in Ireland.

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1 January 1970

According to the initial conclusions of an assessment mission undertaken in Spain by the IMF, which were published on 21st June, "the economy's recovery is incomplete and the risks significant." In spite of an economic policy deemed "strong and comprehensive" last year, the IMF is recommending greater budgetary consolidation, especially with regard to the regions, labour market reform and the banking sector.

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1 January 1970

According to the Spanish national statistics office the industrial price index lay at 6.7 in May 2011 (against 7.3 in April). This decline in comparison with the previous month mainly concerns intermediary goods and energy.

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1 January 1970

According to a press release published on 24th June by Ifo, its business index rose in June in Germany to lie at 114.5 points in comparison with 114.2 points in May.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June the Belgian Debt Agency published its annual 2010 report in which it says that the Belgian State's debt increased by 11.15 billion euros ie 96.8% of the GDP. In spite of this increase the result seems to be positive because there had been more pessimistic forecasts of the debt rising above the 100% GDP threshold.

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European Council


1 January 1970

On 23rd and 24th June the 27 EU Heads of State and government approved the results achieved by the Economy and Finance Ministers (ECOFIN) on 20th June particularly concerning recommendations made by countries as part of the European Semester. They asked finance ministers to decide on a second aid plan to Greece in July. They also officially appointed Mario Draghi as future president of the European Central Bank, who is to take office on 1st November 2011. They also set guidelines for the development of a European migratory policy and notably a mechanism enabling the Schengen Area to respond to exceptional circumstances. They gave their green light to Croatia's EU membership and approved a report on Roma integration. On the southern neighbourhood they approved the revision of the European Neighbourhood Policy and condemned the ongoing violence in Libya, Syria and in Yemen. They also supported renewed negotiations in the Middle East.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd June the European Commission put forward a new directive on energy efficiency, targeting a 20% improvement by 2020 in energy savings in the EU. The measures are presented to enable Member States to step up their work towards using energy more efficiently, from its transformation to its final consumption. This draft directive succeeds the Commission's communication on 20th June which set out the Union's strategic guidelines for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012, Rio+12. This communication lays out specific measures on the transition towards a green economy in the context of sustainable development and the eradication of poverty; and also on the improvement of governance in terms of sustainable development. The communication still has to be discussed with the Council and the European Parliament.

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Maintenance Payments

1 January 1970

On 21st June the new rules designed to guarantee the interests of children born of divorced, international couples has now entered into force. It facilitates the recovery of maintenance payments and enables faster payment of this by the parent who is no longer living with the children, due improved cooperation between Member States. From now on each decision relative to maintenance obligations delivered in one Union country can be executed in another Member State without having to resort to a special procedure.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd June, on behalf of the Commission, the European Space Agency signed the last two of six contracts relative to the implementation of Galileo, the European world satellite navigation system. These contracts enable the creation of the necessary infrastructure for Galileo to be able to provide three initial services by 2014: open free, regulated public service, search and rescue. Thanks to these signatures the first two satellites should be launched on 20th October next.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June the European Parliament and the European Commission created a common transparency register for lobbyists and other interest groups. The latter merges existing registers at the two institutions. Hence interest groups will have to register just once. Registration will be obligatory for lobbyists who want to access the Parliament buildings. Moreover this register will comprise a one-stop shop for citizens looking for information on lobbyists. This transparency register will also give more information than its predecessors did. Finally it will set procedures to deal with complaints and sanctions. Moreover the Council has said it supported the Parliament and the Commission's initiative.

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1 January 1970

On 20th June the European Commission decided to reduce the funds allocatd to the framework programme 2012 in terms of food distribution to the poorest in the EU. The amount of these funds totalled 113 million euros in comparison with 500 millions allocated over the last few years. This decision found its origin in a court decision published in April last which states that the food covered by this regime must come from public EU stocks. As a result the 2012 programme plans to use the existing, available stocks only. Many people have criticised the Commission's decision including French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd June the EU approved a compromise text guaranteeing greater transparency in terms of food. Hence labels on food will now present vital information in a clear, legible manner. In the future they will mention the energy value, fat, as well as saturated fat, carbohydrate, sugar, protein and salt content. Moreover the new legislative act strengthens the ban on misleading information. The Commission also adopted a new draft regulation on consumer information on 20th June. It concerns baby food, food for young children and products for medical purposes.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June MEPs approved legislation relative to consumer rights, which notably enables them to change their mind after an on-line purchase within the two weeks following the reception of the goods. The right to withdrawal does not apply however to all products, digital (films, music, IT programmes) or to objects from small craft shops - these are not included. This new law is the result of a three year negotiation with the Council of the Union and the European Commission. It is due to enter into force in two years time.

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1 January 1970

On the request of the Romanian prosecution office for anti-corruption MEPs decided to waive parliamentary immunity on Adrian Severin (NI, RO), who is suspected of passive corruption and/or influence peddling, following the publication of articles in the Sunday Times in March. Parliament's Bureau agreed on Wednesday evening to EP President Jerzy Buzek's proposal to make public the report drawn up in 2008 by the EP's internal auditor on the operation of the parliamentary assistance allowance in 2004-06. The entire system for employing MEPs' assistants has since been replaced and steps have been taken where necessary to recover sums unduly paid. The Parliament points out however that this system was reformed in 2009.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June MEPs approved an initiative report on the Common Agricultural Policy. They ask for the EU agricultural budget to remain unchanged until 2020 in order to encourage farmers to guarantee supplies whilst protecting the environment. They also want adequate financial resources for rural development. They have asked for direct aid to be distributed more fairly between the Member States and between the various categories of farmers. On agricultural prices they suggest a world warning system on the state of stocks in order to counter speculation on agricultural products. Parliament has therefore positioned itself before the Commission's proposal on the CAP reform for the next bugdetary period 2014-2020 in the autumn. On 20th June the Robert Schuman Foundation published two studies providing specific views on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June MEPs adopted their position on the Union's 2012 budget, 379 votes in favour, 128 against and 94 abstentions. MEPs support the Commission's proposal to raise payment appropriations by 4.9%, stressing that the level suggested matches the minimum necessary to honour commitments made a year ago. They warn Member States against any horizontal budgetary cuts exhorting them to assess real needs precisely. Finally Parliament wants the budget to reflect the priorities of the Europe 2020 better by continuing key investments in education and social inclusion, the reduction of poverty and the development of a knowledge society.

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Economic Governance

1 January 1970

On 23rd June MEPs adopted their position at first reading of the "package of six" texts on economic governance, just before the European Council. The six resolutions include improvements of the last negotiation session but not the proposals made by Ecofin which were deemed inadequate. Parliament notably asks for the increased use of the reverse majority vote to make warnings and sanctions more automatic, increased transparency, legal codification of the European Semester, enhanced powers for the Commission, a fine of 0.2% of the GDP for the declaration of false statistics, a sanction of the non-respect of recommendations by a Member State by a deposit totalling 0.1% interest of the GDP. However many points are pending and were the focus of political debate whilst three reports were adopted by a very narrow majority. Negotiations between Parliament and the Council are to continue.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June the Council of the European Union and European Parliament came to agreement on the amendment to the regulation relative to the Frontex agency. This text was negotiated by the Hungarian Presidency, the Parliament and the European Commission. It still requires the vote of the Council of the EU and of Parliament which will probably take place in September. This new regulation extends Frontex's operational competences. Hence the protection of fundamental rights and personal data will be stepped up. A constultative forum on fundamental rights will soon be established.

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Foreign Affairs

1 January 1970

On 20th June the 27 Foreign Ministers agreed on the EU's position vis-à-vis Sudan and South Sudan, before the declaration of the latter on 9th Juy next. They also welcomed the revision of the European Neighbourhood Policy put forward in May by the Commission and High Representative, Catherine Ashton, and notably the proposal for a special representative for the South Mediterranean. They asked the Commission and the High Representative to work on the prevention of conflict. They condemned the violence in Libya, Syria and in Yemen and gave their greenlight to an extension of sanctions against Syria and against Belarus. At the same time as the Council they met their Balkan counterparts during the Annual Western Balkans Forum, notably to discuss regional cooperation.

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1 January 1970

On 21st June the 27 environment ministers looked into a proposal that would enable Member States to ban or restrict GMO crops on their territories; however they preferred to wait for complementary analyses on the comptability of rules with the WTO. Moreover ministers came to agreement on several points of the draft proposal SEVESO III. They also adopted the conclusions on the EU Strategy on biodiversity in 2020, on the protection of EU water resources and on the roadmap towards a competitive, low carbon economy by 2050.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June the European heads of State and Government officially appointed Mario Draghi as future president of the European Central Bank (ECB) for the period covering November 1st 2011 to 31st October 2019. Mr Draghi, governor of the Bank of Italy, is 63 years old and will succeed Frenchman Jean-Claude Trichet after his 8 year term in office. European Parliament approved this appointment 499 votes in favour, 72 against and 89 abstentions.

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1 January 1970

On 21st June, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the signature of the good neighbourhood and friendly cooperation treaty of 17th June 1991, the German and Polish governments met in Warsaw. On this occasion they notably adopted the German-Polish Cooperation Programme that includes around one hundred projects in various areas. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk spoke of "exemplary" relations between the two countries, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed that they represented a "strong sign for Europe".

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1 January 1970

On 20th June the President of the Republic of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov, met Austrian President Heinz Fischer during an official visit to Austria. They spoke of bilateral relations, as well as economic and cultural cooperation. On the issue of the dispute with Greece over the country's name Mr Fischer said that this should not comprise an impediment to the start of membership negotiations by Macedonia to the EU.

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1 January 1970

During a plenary session in Finnish Parliament on 22nd June the leader of the National Coalition Party, Jyrki Katainen was elected Prime Minister with a majority of 118 votes. He took over the coalition government that rallies six parties ie the National Coalition Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Left Alliance, the Greens, the Swedish People's Party, as well as the Christian Democrat Party. This government which comprises 19 ministers was appointed by the Finnish President, Tarja Halonen on the same day.

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G20 Agriculture

1 January 1970

On 23rd June the G20 Agriculture Ministers met in Paris to set out a real action plan to counter agricultural price volatility. Welcoming this "historic agreement" French Agriculture Minister Bruno Le Maire said he was pleased with the creation of a "Rapid Reaction Forum", the aim of which is to warn of food crises. The twenty ministers also decided to increase world food production to counter the malnutrition of nearly 900 million people and to respond to world population growth which will total nearly 9 billion by 2050. Moreover the G20 has created a non-binding information system on markets called AMIS, the aim of which is to increase agriculture stock transparency, but it did not succeed in setting in place measures to fight speculation.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite travelled to Berlin where she met Federal President Christian Wulff. They discussed energy security, bilateral cooperation (notably in the areas of economy and training) as well as financial policy issues in the EU. During this visit the Lithuanian President said that energy independence was a key priority for Lithuania.

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1 January 1970

On 21st June the Lithuanian Parliament adopted a law on compensation for Jewish community property that was confiscated during the Second World War in acknowledgement of the contribution made by this community to Lithuanian culture and social progress.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd and 23rd June Slovakian President Ivan Gasparovic hosted his Polish counterpart, Bronislaw Komorowski in Bratislava. The two men spoke of the priorities of the future Polish presidency of the Union, the common market; trade and cooperation policy. They also focused on topical issues and insisted notably on energy security and the Union's budget as of 2014.

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1 January 1970

Assunçao Esteves, member of the Social Demcocrat Party, was elected leader of the Portuguese Parlimanent on 21st June. She is the first woman to take on this position. In our survey devoted to women's position in Europe, 45% of those interviewed say that European policies devoted to women's rights are inadequate. What do you think? To taken gender equality forwards answer our grand survey!

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Czech Republic

1 January 1970

On 23rd June British Prime Minister David Cameron travelled to Prague to meet his Czech counterpart, Petr Necas. They discussed trade and investment cooperation, bilateral relations and NATO missions in Afghanistan and Libya. During his visit Mr Cameron also met Czech President Vaclav Klaus.

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1 January 1970

The political crisis in Slovenia moved on to a new stage on 20th June with the departure of a second party from the government coalition led by Borut Pahor, which has been greatly weakened by the rejection of a reform of the retirement pensions. The head of govenment indicated that he would try to "continue with a minority government until the end of the mandate", in the autumn of 2012. The three ministers from Zares will be replaced he said.

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1 January 1970

In the conclusions adopted after the European Council on June 24th in Brussels, European leaders announced that negotiations with Croatia would be complete by the end of June and that the membership treaty could be signed at the end of this year. Croatia has to continue work as far as justice and fundamental rights are concerned, in order to meet membership requirements fully, otherwise the Commission will be obliged to take "appropriate action."

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1 January 1970

On 21st June, during Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin's visit to Paris, his French counterpart François Fillon announced that France wanted to develop "industrial synergy with Russia". It is within this context that Alstom signed a series of agreements on 21st June in the Russian electricity producing sector. By investing in Russian industry and by transferring leading-edge technologies Alstom, wants to enhance its growing participation in the electricity production market and confirm its strong commitment to the development of the Russian energy sector.

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1 January 1970

On 24th June the Ukrainian courts opened proceedings against Yulia Timoshenko, former Prime Minister, accused of abuse of power during the signature of gas agreements with Moscow in 2009 and for the poor use of funds received by Kiev in exchange for CO2 emission quotas. Ms Timoshenko rejects the accusations saying that she is the victim of a political trial orchestrated by President Viktor Yanukovich. The latter said that he wanted to enforce the fight to counter corruption but Europeans have expressed their concern about this political trial.

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1 January 1970

On 21st June the UN General Assembly re-elected Ban Ki-Moon for a second five years in office term as UN Secretary General. By adopting this resolution the General Assembly followed the recommandations of the UN Security Council, which on 17th June, said it supported the re-election of the South Korean.

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1 January 1970

Brazilian José Graziano da Silva was elected Director General of the UN Organisation for Food and Agriculture on 26th June. Deputy Director General of the FAO and Regional Representative of the Organisation for Latin America and the Caribbean since 2006, he is the first representative from this region to access a post like this. His mandate takes effect as of January 1st 2012 until 31st July 2015.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June American President, Barack Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and on 26th June, Belgian Defence Minister, Pieter de Crem announced the progressive withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. In view of the progress achieved the US President said that he wanted to withdraw 30,000 men by the summer of 2012. The French President welcomed this decision and announced a withdrawal of troops to a proportional degree. P. De Crem announced the withdrawal of 300 men by the beginning of 2012. The transition process of handing responsibility over to the Afghan authorities will continue until 2014.

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1 January 1970

The two candidates running for the post of Director General of the IMF, French Economy and Finance Minister, Christine Lagarde and President of the Mexican Central Bank, Agustin Carstens were auditioned on 21st and 23rd June by the IMF Administrative Council. The appointment should be made on 30th June.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat estimations on 21st June, for the year 2010, the GDP per capita varied from 43% to 283% of the EU average. In Spain, Italy and Cyprus, the GDP per capita lies in the EU average, whilst it was 5% above the average in France. Germany, Belgium, Finland and the UK lie between 10% and 20% above the average, whilst Denmark, Ireland, Austria and Sweden were all around 25% above the average. The Netherlands lay around one third above the average, whilst the high GDP level per capita in the Union is in Luxembourg.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat estimates on 22nd June that the new industrial orders index rose by 0.7% in April 2011 in the euro area after a decrease of 1.5% in March 2011. In the 27 Member States this rise totalled 0.2%, in comparison with a decrease of 1.7% in March 2011. In April 2011, in comparison with April 2010, new industrial orders increased by 8.6% in the euro area and by 6.9% in the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 22nd June, food production provided jobs to over 48 million people in the EU in 2008, more than one fifth of all employment. Food production comprising 17 million companies generated 750 billion euros in value added ie around 6% of the EU's GDP. Four-fifths of the companies in food production were farms. The latter created most jobs (56%) in food production.

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North Africa

1 January 1970

On 16th June the Bertelsman Stiftung published a report that was put on line by the Centre for Applied Research in Munich (Das Centrum für Angewandte Politikforschung) entitled, "The Arab World in Transition: Prospects and Challenges for a Revitalized Relationship between Europe and North Africa." The authors, Michael Bauer and Christian-Pierre Hanelt, look into the role that the EU should play in North Africa in the wake of the spring revolutions to encourage its political, economic, social and environmental development.

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Personal Data

1 January 1970

In June 2011 the Centre for European Policy Studies published a study by Evelien Brouwer entitled "Ignoring Dissent and Legality: the EU's proposal to share the personal information of all passengers". The author looks into the draft directive by the Commission relative to the use of passenger data for the prevention of terrorism. This use might lead to infringements of both the personal data protection principle and also the principle of proportionality, which is one of the Union's fundamental rights.

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1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) published a study on 21st June by Pier Luigi Parcun entitled, "The surprising convergence of antitrust and regulation in Europe". The author looks into the influence of competition law and the Union's governance methods, observing that the European regulatory framework is increasingly marked by economic reglementation principles.

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1 January 1970

The FRIDE (Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue), based in Madrid, published a study on 22nd June entitled "Why the EU needs to engage Russia on Asian Security?" Its author Marlène Laruelle, looks into relations between the EU and Russia which has been improving since 2010. The conflict in Asia (Sino-Japanese tension, security crisis on the Korean Peninsula), offers in her opinion, a chance for a Euro-Russian partnership. The EU may also, with Russia's help, since it has a Pacific coastline, play a role to encourage multi-lateral, regional initiatives in these conflicts.

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European Public Prosecutor's Office

1 January 1970

The Council of the French State has published a study on the creation of a European Public Prosecutor's Office made possible by the Lisbon Treaty. The analysis ordered by French Prime Minister François Fillon lays out the advantages of this idea and shows that "the European penal area" would be strengthened by this. However given the barriers and uncertainties that remain, the study presents the various forms that this new institution might take and explains how it would work with national law.

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1 January 1970

The Bruegel Institute has published a paper by Zsolt Darvas entitled, "Debt restructuring in the euro area: a necessary but manageable evil?". The author analyses two possible answers to the Greek crisis: either we continue with public loans by involving the private sector voluntarily or debt restructuration is implemented. Acknowledging that both options were a gamble he says that the second will undoubtedly become inevitable.

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EU/10 Lessons

1 January 1970

In its collection "Les Cours de droit, economie, gestion" Archétype publishing has released two pamphlets by Professor Alain Redslob which explains "L'Union Europeéenne en 10 Leçons". This is the 8th edition of these two pamphlets.

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1 January 1970

The Circle of Future Entrepreneurs, a joint programme by the National Centre for Entrepreneurship of the CNAM and the Strategic Foresight and Innovation Foundation has enabled the translation into seven languages (English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arab and Chinese) of the introductory book on strategic foresight by Michel Godet and Philippe Durance "Strategic Foresight for Corporate and Regional Development", with the active participation of its members.

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1 January 1970

Fayard publishing has released a study entitled "Un monde sans Europe" managed by Philippe Esper with contributions by Christian de Boissieu, Pierre Delvolvé, Christophe Jaffrelot. The work is prefaced by Pierre Hassner.

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1 January 1970

The Château of Versailles is organising a festival devoted to Venice and to the greatest works by Vivaldi (Venice, Vivaldi, Versailles) from 24th June to 17th July. Audiences will be able to attend a water and firework show as well as the production of tragedies and operas by the composer, ending in a masked ball, inspired by the Venice Carnaval.

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1 January 1970

From July 1st to 16th October an exhibition is being held at the Picasso Museum in Barcelona entitled "Picasso 1900-1907, devorar Paris"; the exhibition is a joint project with the Van Gogh Museum of Amsterdam. It is showing Picasso's artistic development from his arrival in Paris in 1900 where he discovered an flourishing, international artistic community, to 1907, when he became the leader of the Paris avant-garde.

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1 January 1970

From 30th June to 3rd July the Roskilde Festival, one of the biggest rock festivals in Europe, will be taking place. Created in 1971 its organisation is mostly undertaken by volunteers; every year it brings together over 150 artists and groups from the across the world. Moreover the Roskilde Festival Charity Society, the organiser of the event, commits to donating any profits made to humanitarian and cultural associations.

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1 January 1970

The 89th version of the Verona Festival is producing a selection of operas from 17th June to 3rd September. Audiences can see the Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi, Romeo and Juliet by Charles Gounod, La Bohème by Giacomo Puccini and the Barber of Seville by Gioacchino Rossini.

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1 January 1970

The 45th edition of the Montreux Jazz Festival will be hosting jazz musicians from 1st and 16th July but also other artists from different artistic horizons.

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27th June

Debate on "Immigration, Borders, Asylum : which European policies?" ()

les 27th-28th June

Agriculture and Fisheries Council ()

27th June

"Competitiveness" Council devoted to the future European patent ()

July 1st

Polish Presidency of the EU Council of Ministers ()

July 3rd

Extraordinary Eurogroup Meeting devoted to Greece ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°493- version of 27 juin 2011