The Newsletter49220 juin 2011

La Lettre

Nicolas-Jean Brehon, Daniele Bianchi

20 June 2011

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1 January 1970

On 22nd June in Brussels the Robert Schuman Foundation and Edelman - the Centre are organising a conference on the future of the European budget after the crisis together with Alain Lamassoure (Chair of the Budgets Committee at the European Parliament), Marc Lemaître (chief of cabinet for the Budget Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski), Olivier Debande (Managerial Adviser of the Institutional Affairs Department of the European Investment Bank) and Pascale Joannin, Director General of the Foundation. On this occasion The Schuman Report on the State of the Union 2011, published in French by Lignes de repères, and in English by Springer, will be presented.

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1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation and the Permanent Representation for France at the EU are organising a debate in Brussels on 27th June on the theme of "Immigration, borders, asylum: which European policies?" between Jacques Barrot, former Vice-President of the European Commission for Transport, then Justice, Freedom and Security and Carlos Coelho, MEP (EPP/PT). On the invitation of Ambassador Philippe Etienne, the debate will be introduced by Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation. On this theme the Foundation has just published a European Interview with Jacques Barrot.

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1 January 1970

Bernard Bourget, general engineer, General Council for Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas at the Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry will take part on 24th June in the 4th visio-conference in a series of six "Dialogues for the Future" organised with the support of the Robert Schuman Foundation; these will be broadcast in Bransat and Bamako. This conference will be broadcast live on our site and will focus on "Food Geography".

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Our Publications


1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published the proceedings of the seminar "Saint-Maur en Toutes Libertés" which took place in November 2010 on Japan and South Korea and their relations with the EU. Order them!

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1 January 1970

The Foundation for Political Innovation and the Robert Schuman Foundation have published the 12th edition of the "European Opinion" with Lignes de Repère. This book, published under the management of Dominique Reynié, is prefaced by the Chair of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani. It is available in all good bookshops and on the Foundation's site.

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1 January 1970

Alain Fabre, economist and business financial advisor, has published an article in the "Echos" explaining "Why shouldn't we restructure the Greek debt?". Alain Fabre works with the Foundation and has published a European Issue entitled "The challenges of a European Fiscal Strategy."

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

According to the six-monthly financial stability report publshed on 15th June by the European Central Bank (ECB) the economic and financial situation in the euro area has improved but remains vulnerable. Of course the banking sector and insurance sectors' resistance has increased but risks continue to threaten recovery. More importantly the public finance crisis continues in some euro area countries. Given this the ECB has repeated its proposed solutions, such as structural adjustments in countries which are struggling, external aid and the recapitalisation of the banking sector, with an improvement of its transparency.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June the Maltese national statistics office (NSO) announced a 1.3% rise in the harmonised consumer price index in May. Annual inflation rose to 2.5%.

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1 January 1970

The national statistics institute, Istat, announced on 16th June that the inflation rate has risen by 2.6% over one year in May 2011. The harmonised consumer price index (HCPI) gathered pace to lie at 3%.

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1 January 1970

On 14th and 19th June the 17 European Finance Ministers of the Eurogroup discussed the modalities of a second rescue plan for Greece. They agreed on the principle of additional funding with the voluntary and informal participation of the private sector via a "roll-over" of Greek bonds that are coming to maturity. However they delayed the decision on a second rescue plan until July - this is conditioned by the adoption of fiscal and privatisation measures by the Greek Parliament. The Ministers called on all Greek political parties to support the government's austerity programme and to stand together just before the confidence vote submitted by the Greek government for 21st June.

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1 January 1970

On 14th June the Swedish Statistics Institute announced that inflation rose to 3.3% in May, an increase of 0.2% since April.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 14th June by the national statistics institute, Statistics Finland, the inflation rate lay at 3.3% in May. In April it lay at 3.2%.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the Austrian Central Bank (OeNB) reviewed its growth forecast for 2011 upwards by one point to 3.2% of the GDP. It plans for growth of 2.3% in 2012 and of 2.4% in 2013. According to figures published on 16th June by the national statistics institute (Statistik Austria), 4,071,800 people were employed and 194,200 were unemployed in Austria in the first quarter of 2011. Hence the number of working people (according to international definitions) clearly increased in the first quarter of 2011 in comparison with the previous year (+48,700). Moreover Statistik Austria indicated on the same day that the inflation rate lay at 3.2% in May, against 3.3% in April and 3.1% in March.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June British Finance Minister, George Osborne, launched a major reform of the banking sector. In his speech he said he wanted to draw the lessons of the financial crisis and demands that banks make a clear demarcation between their various activities to avoid further public rescue operations. Mr Osborne also announced the privatisation of Northern Rock that had been repurchased in 2007.

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The Netherlands

1 January 1970

The Dutch central bank announced on 17th June a balance of payments surplus of 17 billion euros for the first quarter of 2011. It is up by 4 billion in comparison with 2010.

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1 January 1970

According to a report published on 16th June by the National Bank of Belgium economic forecasts for 2011 and 2012 reveal higher GDP growth than that of the euro area but also an increase in inflation. Indeed the report indicates that growth lay at 2.1% in 2010 and is due to reach 2.6% in 2011, declining slightly in 2012 to 2.2%. Prices rises progressed from 2.3% in 2010 to 3.4% in 2011 - and are forecast to decline to 2.2% in 2012.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the IMF published an update on its six-monthly economic, financial and budgetary forecasts. In this report the IMF reviewed its growth forecasts for the USA downwards. It is now only counting on 2.5% in 2011 in comparison with a 2.8% forecast in April and 3% in January. For the entire euro area the IMF raised its forecast to 2.0% in 2011 against 1.6% previously. Germany will have the highest growth amongst the G7, standing at 3.2%. France's growth will rise to 2.1%. The IMF also estimated that Europe had little time left to settle its global public debt problem and the fragility of its banking sector, given increasing concern on the part of investors and public opinion.

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1 January 1970

Spain's public debt increased sharply to 63.6% of the GDP in the first quarter ie 8 points more than one year ago (55%), according to figures published by the Bank of Spain on 17th June. Public debt at the end of March lay at 679.779 billion euros, which represents 63.6% of the GDP in comparison with 60.1% three months ago. This is three points more than the limit set by the EU's Stability and Growth Pact (60%).

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1 January 1970

On 15th June the IMF announced that measures taken in Hungary since the 2008 agreement have proven effective in terms of strengthening the economy and stabilising the markets. However, it was more reserved as far as macro-financial monitoring and financial aid to banks was concerned. Finally given the high public debt and major funding requirements the IMF recommended the implementation of enhanced consolidation measures.

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European Council


1 January 1970

On 16th June the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, gave a speech at the annual conference of the "European Policy Centre" on the State of the European Union. Given alarmist remarks about differences of opinion over Libya and the Schengen Area, Herman Van Rompuy called for a little objectivity; he recalled that the Union had been been built gradually and that decision making in the Union takes time. However on the sovereign debt crisis he spoke of the strengths of the euro area and the recent progress that has been achieved. Speaking of "euroland" instead of the euro area he also called to take better note of the interdependence of European economies. The Schuman Report 2011 includes an exclusive interview with the President of the European Council who gives his view of the future of the EU.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy met Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny. The interview focused on Ireland's economic situation and the euro area, thereby preparing the European Council of 23rd and 24th June. Herman Van Rompuy declared that he supported and admired the efforts undertaken by Ireland. The 85 billion euro loan on the part of the EU and the IMF in financial assistance has effectively been implemented. Herman Van Rompuy recalled that these reforms facilitated the guarantee of the stability of the euro area.

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Raw Materials

1 January 1970

On 14th June, during a conference organised by the European Commission on raw materials, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, recommended the G20 as the international cooperation framework on this issue. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the present president of the G20, warned against price rises on raw materials, one of the main threats to world growth. He pleaded in favour of greater transparency and regulation of the markets. On raw agricultural materials, the Commissioner for Agriculture, Dacian Ciolos, promised to publish regular short-term market forecasts as of this autumn. Finally the Commissioner for the Internal Market, Michel Barnier advised on enhancing transparency both in the derivative, as well as the physical markets, for the regulation of all players and for a strengthenig of supervisors' powers and tools.

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1 January 1970

On 14th June the European Commission gave the greenlight for a grant of emergency funds totalling 210 million € to vegetable producers, victims of the consumer confidence crisis in the wake of the ECEH bacteria epidemic. The next stage involves declaring the volumes of vegetables withdrawn from the market by 22nd July in order to start compensating farmers.

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1 January 1970

The Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Cecilia Mallström, inaugurated the seat of the European Asylum Support Office on 19th June in the Maltese capital, La Valette. Created by a regulation on 19th May 2010 this office was opened to enhance practical cooperation on all aspects of asylum request assessment and the reception of seekers in the Member States. The office will notably aim to organise training sessions Europe wide and to improve access to information for Member States. In addition to this it will offer technical and operational support by deploying teams of asylum experts. Hence the aim is to set down a more comprehensive, more protective common European asylum regime.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the pilot phase of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps was launched in Budapest by the European Commission. Hence, the first European volunteers will be able to follow indepth training in order to help communities which are vulnerable to humanitarian hazards. Later in the year volunteers will be dispatched to third countries. The two main goals are to enable European citizens to play a decisive role in the world and to give collective value to the individual desire to be as a volunteer in humanitarian work. The European Commission will put forward a regulation relative to the structure of the European Volunteer Corps and its role in 2012.

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1 January 1970

On 14th June the European Commission launched a public consultation on detention in the Union. The aim of this Green Paper is to improve relations between legal authorities in each country by the development of exchanges between national administrations. The consultation focuses on detention conditions, children, remand, and mutual acknowledgement between States. Answers should be sent before 30th November next.

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1 January 1970

Although the quality of bathing waters in Europe declined slightly between 2009 to 2010, it is not denied that overall their quality is good. More than nine bathing areas in ten now satisfy minimal requirements. In Cyprus, where 100% of its sites were declared to match requirements has beaten all records; then comes Croatia (97.3%), Malta (95.4%), Greece (94.2%) and Ireland (90.1%). These results come from an annual report on bathing waters established jointly by the European Environment Agency and the European Commission, which compares water quality in over 21,000 bathing areas, both on the coast and inland, in the various countries of the Union. The Commission also adopted a new range of signs and symbols designed to inform the public on the ranking of the bathing waters and on bathing restrictions.

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1 January 1970

On 14th June the "Economic and Monetary Affairs" Committee at the European Pariament received Mario Draghi for an audition in his bid to succeed Jean-Claude Trichet as president of the European Central Bank. When questioned about Greece he recalled the ECB's opposition to a restructuring of the debt and said he was optimistic about reform in Greece. On economic governance he suggested that there was a need to integrate fiscal policies, he supported the European Parliament's position for automatic sanctions in the event of the non-respect of the rules and insisted on financial supervision. He also recalled that the ECB's mission was to maintain price stability. His competences were appreciated by MEPs who supported his appointment, 33 votes in favour, 2 against and 4 abstentions.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June the 27 Transport Ministers agreed on a position for negotiations on the reform of European railway legislation which will establish a single railway area in Europe. The aim of this directive is to simplify the regulatory framework to foster investment, competition and market monitoring. At the same time ministers reached agreement on the EU's membership of the International Railway Transport Convention, changes in the competence of the Europaean Maritime Safety Agency, the creation of a new river transport programme, NAIADES II and the signature of an agreement on air transport with Brazil.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June, the 27 Employment and Social Affairs Ministers met to discuss the proposed amendment relative to the directive on maternity leave. More over in 2012 it will be the year of active ageing and solidarity between generations. Indeed these policies play an important role in the Europe 2020 Strategy. Ministers adopted conclusions in support of fostering work amongst young people. Hence the education and training system has to reflect the needs of the employment market.

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1 January 1970

On 15th June the German government adopted a new strategy on Africa. It aims to open a new partnership chapter between Germany and Africa. The government said it wanted to implement a coordinated, convincing policy focused on goals achieved in Africa.

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1 January 1970

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy declared their agreement with regard to a rapid solution to the Greek debt with the voluntary participation of private creditors.

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1 January 1970

The number of births increased by 1.9% in 2010 in Germany, a country that faces an ageing population said the Federal Statistics Office on 17th June. 678,000 babies were born last year ie an increase of 13,000 in comparison with 2009 which recorded the lowest number of births ever, according to provisional Destatis data.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June during a plenary session, the MPs in the Chamber of Representatives adopted, 71 votes in favour, 54 against and 16 abstentions, a draft law that makes it obligatory to have one third of women on public company boards or on boards of companies floated on the stock exchange. The Senate still has to approve the proposal so that it can enter into force. With this vote Belgium has joined other European countries on this issue, such as Norway and France. On the issue of parity the Robert Schuman Foundation has launched a project called "Women for Europe and the Citizens' Initiative". Answer our opinion poll on women and Europe, we need to know what you think.

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1 January 1970

The new Finnish Prime Minister, Jyrki Katainen, announced on 17th June that he had formed a new coalition government of 19 ministers bringing together six of the eight parties represented in Parliament two months after the elections on a detailed programme. The coalition parties came to a consensus on three points: the stabilisation of public finance, encouraging economic growth and the improvement of revenues of the poorest and most marginal segments of society.

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1 January 1970

From 20th to 26th June the 49th International Air Show is taking place at the Bourget, France. It was inaugurated on 20th June by French President Nicolas Sarkozy. 2,100 exhibitors are expected and the show has notably planned for the participation of the solar plane "Solar Impulse", as well as the opening of the Air and Space Museum.

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1 January 1970

Russia and France signed a sales contract for two French-built Mistral class amphibious assault ships.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou announced a reshuffle in his government. George Papaconstantinou has lost his post as Finance Minister and is now Environment Minister. He has been replaced by Evangelos Venizelos, former Defence Minister, who has also been promoted to Deputy Prime Minister. Panos Beglitis has become Defence Minister.

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1 January 1970

On 14th June the European Commission gave the greenlight to project to acquire the Italian dairy group, Parmalat by the French dairy company Lactalis. Hence this concentration should not significantly impede competition according to the Commission. After acquiring 23.97% of Parmalat's social shares, Lactalis made a public bid to buy all of the shares on 23rd May 2011.

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North Africa

1 January 1970

On 15th and 16th June, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski travelled to Egypt and Tunisia. In Cairo he met Prime Minister Sharaf Essam and Foreign Minister Nabil El-Araby, as well as representatives of the political parties that emerged after the Revolution on 25th January. In Tunisia he spoke with Prime Minister Beji Caïd Essebsi and Foreign Minister Mouldi Kefi, together with representatives from youth and intellectual movements. Discussions mainly focused on Poland and the EU, notably within the context of the democratic developments in Egypt and Tunisia and the preparation of the Polish Presidency.

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1 January 1970

On 15th June the Portuguese President Anibal Cavalco Silva appointed Pedro Passos Coelho, head of the Social Democratic Party, as Prime Minister. Allied with the People's Party, Mr Coelho has an absolute majority in Parliament and has promised to respect the austerity associated with the financial rescue plan negotiated with the EU and the IMF. On 17th June Mr Coelho presented a reduced government of 11 ministers including economist Vitor Gaspar, former advisor to the European Commission and the ECB, appointed to the Finance Ministry. This government has four ministers from the Social Democratic Party (PSD - centre-right), 3 members of the People's Party CDS-PP and 4 independents according to a list published by the Presidency of the Republic. The new government will enter office on 21st June.

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1 January 1970

The British government said on 17th June that it intended to align civil servants' age of retirement with that of the general regime - ie to 66 in 2020 instead of 60 in most cases at present. The Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander said in an article published by the Daily Telegraph on the same day that the unions would be making a "colossal mistake" if they believed they could force the government to change its mind.

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1 January 1970

The Swedish Parliament voted a three month extension of the Swedish forces' commitment to Libya on 17th June - this was due to come to an end on 22nd June; its force comprises five fighter planes and a maximum of 250 soldiers.

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Prime Minister?

1 January 1970

The Central Collegial Presidency of Bosnia appointed Slavo Kukic as Prime Minister on 14th June announced the Serb member of the Presidency, Nebojsa Radmanovic to the press. It is now up to Bosnia's Central Parliament to confirm this nomination during its next meeting.

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1 January 1970

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced on 15th June that unemployment had decreased in the OECD area in April 2011, down to 8.1% after stagnating for two months at 8.2%. The unemployment rate in the euro area lies at 9.9%.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the OECD presented the results of a new report on the economies of Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus. According to the study's results the economies should "become more competitive if they aim to attract more, better targeted foreign investment." The report recommends that government implement reform to overcome the challenges facing competitiveness such as "educational systems that do not prepare workers for the modern employment market adequately, limited access by SME's to funding and the lack of judicious incentives to attract diversified investment."

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1 January 1970

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen travelled to the UK on 15th June. On this occasion he met Prime Minister David Cameron and Foreign Secretary William Hague with whom he exchanged views on the various ongoing NATO operations. To an audience of experts at the Royal United Services he recalled the need to develop defence capabilities by means of balistic missiles for the Alliance. He then travelled to Madrid on 16th June where he met the Head of Government, José Luis Zapatero, Foreign Minister Trinidad Jimenez, Defence Minister Carme Chacon. Discussions focused on NATO's relations with Russia, the NATO reform and ongoing operations in Libya and Afghanistan. During a speech to the Senate he recalled the major role played by NATO in the Mediterranean.

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1 January 1970

According to estimates published by Eurostat on 15th June industrial production rose by 0.2% in the euro area in April 2011 in comparison with March 2011. In the 27 EU States the increase in industrial production reached 0.1%. In April 2011, in comparison with April 2010, industrial output progressed by 5.2% in the euro area and by 4.7% in the Member States.

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1 January 1970

Since 2011 is International Forest Year Eurostat has decided to publish a report on the forest in Europe and the world. Hence, forest covers around 40% of the EU's area. Half of the EU's renewable energy consumption comes from wood. In 2010 three-quarters of the forest area was being used for the supply of wood. Moreover the wood industry in 2008 comprised around 7% of the total added value of the industry in the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to provisional estimates based on national data published by Eurostat, in the first quarter of 2011, the number of people who had work in the euro area and in the EU remained stable in comparison with the previous quarter. Estimates indicate a rise of 0.1% and 0.3% for the euro area and the EU in comparison with the first quarter of 2010. The data also shows that 222.9 million men and women had a job in the EU in the first quarter of 2011 of whom 146.5 million were in the euro area. Estimates also show that employment had mainly grown in financial and business service areas and in the manufacturing industry.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June a study published by Eurostat indicated that the annual inflation rate in the euro area was down slightly to 2.7% against 1.7% a year ago and to 3.2% against 2.1% in 2010 in the EU. The study also noted that the lowest annual rates in May 2011 were seen in Ireland (1.2%), Sweden (1.7%) and in the Czech Republic (2%). Moreover the highest rates were in Estonia (5.5%) and Lithuania (5%).

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 17th June the euro area recorded an external trade deficit of 4.1 billion € with the rest of the world compared with -0.7 billion in April 2010. As far as the EU is concerned the external trade deficit totalled 15.9 billion €.

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Rail transport

1 January 1970

On 15th June Eurobarometer published a survey on passenger satisfaction in terms of the various apsects of rail transport services, including stations. Rail passengers were defined as being those who had travelled on trains between towns in their coutnry over the last 12 months. Amongst the results the three aspects of transport services which were the source of greatest satisfaction were peronsal safety on board trains, the time taken to complete a journey and the comfort of the seats. In stations the most positive details were the simplicity in ticket purchase, information on train times and platforms, together with safety in stations.

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Data protection

1 January 1970

On 16th June the European Commission published a Eurobarometer survey on citizens' behaviour and atttitudes on identity management, data protection and private life. Amongst its conclusions the report notably reveals that three Europeans in four agree to giving their personal data but they are concerned about the way companies use this information. On 15th June the European Data Protection Supervisor, Peter Hustinx published his annual report 2010. He noted an improvement in the effectiveness of data protection generally but stresses that it is necessary to step up work to protect personal data. To do this the EDPS is planning to revise the directive on data storage in 2011.

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Funamental Rights

1 January 1970

On 15th June the EU's Fundamental Rights Agency published a report on key legal and political developments in 2010. With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights acquired new, binding legal value. This report criticises the marginalisation of the Roma in Europe. Hence this community is still the minority group which faces the most discrimination in the EU. The report deplores "the deterioration in the living conditions of asylum seekers" in Greece and Italy. Moreover it recalls that all Member States except Denmark had been condemned by the European Court of Human Rights for the infringement of the EU's fundamental rights.

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1 January 1970

Notre Europe has just published a contribution made by 16 European think-tanks to the Polish, Danish and Cypriot Presidency troïka - the study was coordinated by Elvire Fabry. Like the previous two editions, "Think Global - Act European (TGAE)", this report is devoted to a mid-term scenario covering the trio of the Polish, Danish and Cypriot Presidencies, extending from July 2011 to December 2012.

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1 January 1970

Jean-François Humbert and Simon Stutour published a report on 15th June on behalf of the European Affairs Committee at the Senate - it focuses on the economic and financial crisis in Greece. This report reviews the situation in Greece one year after intervention by the EU and the IMF. It throws light on the perennity of funding problems, as well as on the social cost of the austerity measures adopted by the government. Although the Union has progressed in terms of economic governance over the past year it has to move on to the next stage to focus on the sovereign debt crisis.

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1 January 1970

The Bruegel Institute has published a paper by Philippe Aghion, Julian Boulanger and Elie Cohen entitled "Rethinking industrial policy". Given that there is under investment in green technologies and the manufacturing sector and in the face of the emerging countries the authors call for European sectoral policies that respect competition and sources of growth.

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1 January 1970

Until 21st August the Beyeler Foundation in Basel, Switzerland is hosting the works of two sculptors, Constantin Brancusi (1876-1957) and Richard Serra (born in 1939). Around 40 pieces of work by C. Brancusi, as well as a selection of 10 sculptures and several works on paper by R. Serra are on show together.

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1 January 1970

In London in its exhibition "Treasures from Paradise: Saints, relics and devotion in Medieval Europe" the British Museum has brought together, for the very first time, some of the most important holy treasures of the Middle Ages. This exhibition includes more than 150 objects from 40 institutions and notably from the Vatican, European and American museums, as well as from its own collection. The exhibition will take place from 23rd June to 9th October.

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1 January 1970

The Quai Branly Museum is putting on an exhibition entitled "Maya, de l'aube au crépuscule" (Maya from Dawn to Dusk). 150 pieces of work from the national collections of Guatemala, some of which have never been on show outside of the home country before, are on exhibition and enable the public to form a better and more complex idea of the Maya civilisation, thanks to the most recent archeological discoveries.

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1 January 1970

On 18th June the 9th "In the Palace" International Festival of short films was inaugurated in Balchik in Bulgaria. This festival brings together film makers, both amateur and professional, from all around the world. The films running in the competition will then be selected by an international jury.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the first modern art museum of Bulgaria, the Sofia Arsenal Museum of Contemporary Art, was inaugurated in Sofia. It presents a Norwegian exhibition of applied art alongside its own collection, which includes Bulgarian paintings, as well as prints by the American-Bulgarian artist Christo, Marc Chagall, Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso.

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19th and 20th June

Eurogroup Meeting ()

20th June

Economy and Finance Council Foreign Affairs Council ()

21st June

"General Affairs" and "Environment" Councils ()

22nd June

Conference with Edelman-The Centre on the future of the European budget after the crisis. ()

les 22nd-23rd June

Mini plenary session of the European Parliament ()

les 22nd-23rd June

G20 Agriculture ()

23rd and 24th June

European Council ()

24th June

4th Visio-Conference of "Dialogues d'avenir" with Bernard Bourget ()

27th June

Debate on "Immigration, Borders, Asylum : which European policies?" ()

les 27th-28th June

Agriculture and Fisheries Council ()

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°492- version of 20 juin 2011