The Newsletter47521 févr. 2011

La Lettre

Gaëlle Pério

21 February 2011



1 January 1970

On 1st February the President of the Republic of Ireland, Mary McAleese dissolved the Oireachtas (Parliament) on the request of Prime Minister Brian Cowen (Fianna Fail, FF) and convened a snap election (about one year ahead of time) for 25th February. Fianna Fail has been credited with 12% of the vote by the most recent polls by MillwardBrown Landsdowne, published in the daily The Irish Indepedent on 16th February. Fine Gael is in the lead with 38% of the vote (78 of the 166 seats in the chamber of representatives) and would thereby become the country's main party for the first time in its history. The Labour Party is due to win 23% of the vote; Sinn Fein, 10% of the votes and the Greens 1%. Those who are undecided (which represents around 20%) will determine whether the next government will be formed by Fine Gael alone or by a coalition with the latter and the Labour Party.

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1 January 1970

The Agence Internationale Diplomatie et Opinion Publique (AIDOP)(International Agency for Diplomancy and Public Opinion)together with the Catholic Institute for the Mediterranean is organising a debate with the support of the Robert Schuman Foundation on the theme of: "La Médterranée, convergences et différences culturelles". The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani will take part in the debate on the theme of "Organisation des Nations Unies, Union européenne et Méditerranée, quelles coopérations pour la paix?"

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1 January 1970

The Strategic and International Relations Institute (IRIS) is organising the third Europe Meetings in Enghien on the theme of "The European Union and the Crises: What are the answers?" on 5th March together with the Robert Schuman Foundation. Jean-Paul Betbèze, chief economist of the Crédit Agricole and member of the Foundation's Scientific Committee, together with Joachim Bitterlich, Executive Vice-President for International Affairs for Veolia and Member of the Foundation's Scientific Committee, will take part in the round-table. It is obligatory to enrol.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

Growth in Italy slowed to 0.1% in the fourth quarter of 2010 and rose to 1.1% over the entire year of 2010, a figure lower than the government's forecast of 1.2% according to preliminary figures published on 15th February by the statistics institute, Istat. The Italian GDP rose by 1.3% over one year in the fourth quarter after 1.2% in the third (revised). Over 2010 the GDP grew by 1.1% after a contraction by -5.1% in 2009. The country's trade deficit soared to 27.3 billion euros last year marking a record high. In December 2009 the deficit lay at 5.9 billion euros.

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The Netherlands

1 January 1970

The Netherlands' GDP was up by 2.4% in the fourth quarter of 2010 in comparison with the same period in 2009 and increased by 1.7% in 2010 according to the Central Statistics Office published on 15th February. The Netherlands' trade surplus totalled 3.2 billion euros in December 2010 ie +1.2 billion euros in comparison with the same period in 2009.

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1 January 1970

In 2010 Belgium recorded growth of 2% according to the annual report published by the National Bank on 16th February. Belgian exports increased by 10% after a decline of 11.4% in 2009 whilst inflation rose sharply to 2.6%. In 2010 unemployment lay at 8.4% whilst the debt level lay at 97.5%. On 18th February the National Bank also published a table of the country's main economic indicators.

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1 January 1970

The German Gross Domestic Product increased by 0.4% in seasonally adjusted data in the fourth quarter of 2010 said the federal statistics office, Destatis on 15th February; this confirms that German growth for the entire year lay at 3.6%. In an article published in the daily "Die Welt", Economy and Technology Minister Rainer Brüderle said that German growth had expanded and stabilised. "Employment is at its highest level since reunification," he added. According to Destatis on 17th February the number of people in paid work in Germany had reached a record 41,04 million in the fourth quarter of 2010. This figure increased by 1% (+422,000 people) in one year.

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1 January 1970

France's GDP increased by 0.3% in the fourth quarter 2010 in comparison with the three previous months. Lower than expected this figure limits growth to 1.5% over the entire year 2010 according to initial national accounts figures published on 15th February by the INSEE. This slight rise in the GDP for 2010 is also very much below German growth estimated at 3.5%.

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1 January 1970

The Portuguese' budgetary deficit had decreased by 58.6% in January in comparison with the same period one year ago said Prime Minister José Socrates on 19th February who implemented a stringent austerity plan in order to stabilise the country's public finances. Moreover the Portuguese economy recorded growth of 1.4% in 2010 in spite of the decline in the GDP of 0.3% in the fourth quarter said the national statistics institute 'INE' on 14th February. However the unemployment rate in Portugal reached 11.1% in the last quarter of 2010 against 10.9% in the previous quarter with a rising number of unemployed +9.9% over one year said the INE on 16th February.

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1 January 1970

On 14th February the 17 euro area Finance Ministers looked into the latest economic developments with regard to financial stability in the euro area. They decided to double the weight of the future Support Funds to countries in difficulty to 500 billion euros thereby reassuring the market of their ability to respond to the debt crisis at a time when fears are on the rise again. Moreover ministers analysed work by Cyprus and Finland to put an end to their excessive debt situation. Ministers chose a new member of the Board for the European Central Bank, a position which will become vacant in March 2011. The person chosen is Peter Praet, director of the Belgian National Bank.

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1 January 1970

According to a press release by the Finnish statistics institute, Statistics Finland, published on 15th February, employment and unemployment in 2010 remained almost the same as in 2009 in Finland. The employment rate lay at 67.8% and had decreased by half a point in comparison with 2009. The number of people in employment totalled 2,447,000 in 2010 (-10,000). Inflation in Finland reached 3% in January over one year in comparison with 2.9% in December announced Statistics Finland on 18th February. Over one month, from December to January the consumer price index increased by 0.4%.

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1 January 1970

The Greek GDP contracted by 1.4% in the fourth quarter of 2010 in comparison with the third quarter and by 6.6% in comparison with the last months of 2009 according to figures published on 15th February by the Greek statistics authority. The average annual decline in growth now lies at 4.5% and growth is falling rapidly for the third consecutive year. The decrease in consumption has contributed to the decline in the GDP whilst the improvement in the trade balance partially compensated for these negative effects. Moreover the Bank of Greece (BdG) is forecasting a further decrease in Greek revenues of nearly 5% in 2011 after a 9% decline recorded in 2010 according to estimates published on 15th February in its annual report on the country's economy.

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1 January 1970

According to provisional figures published by the Austrian Institute for Economic Research (Wifo) on 15th February, Austria's GDP increased by 0.6% in the fourth quarter in comparison with the third. Growth therefore slowed in comparison with the previous two quarters which showed increases of 0.9% for the third and 1.2% for the second respectively said the institute in a press release. Over 2010 as a whole Austria recorded growth of 1.9%.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish national statistics office announced on 16th February that GDP growth had risen by 0.2% in the fourth quarter of 2010 but that it remained in the negative for the whole of 2010 recording a decline of 0.1%. Spain is therefore one of the three euro area economies to have declined in 2010 with Ireland and Greece.

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1 January 1970

According to statistics published on 16th February the unemployment rate reached a record level amongst young Britons rising to 20.5% in comparison with a rate that mainly remained stable at 7.9% for the entire population. The number of unemployed lay at 2.49 million at the end of December. The 16-24 year old group is the hardest hit representing 965,000 unemployed, a record since the start of the compilation of statistics in 1992.

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1 January 1970

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc declared on 17th February that the government's goals were to emerge from the recession and to achieve growth of at least 1.5% to 2%. He said he was confident, believing that the end of the economic crisis was possible as of April. However Romania's economy recorded a contraction of 1.2% in 2010 suffering a second consecutive year of recession indicated the national statistics institute on 15th February (INS).

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1 January 1970

The Irish government published a revised version of the 2011 public services spending plan. The document now provides more detail of the amounts that will be allocated for each sector. Principally spending is to be devoted to social protection (38%), healthcare (27%) and education (16%).

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1 January 1970

The Finance Ministers of the G20 who met in Paris on 18th and 19th February avoided setting any restrictive goals to reduce world economic imbalance prefering to recommend "simple guidelines" in the face of opposition on the part of China. They adopted several economic performance indicators that are supposed to measure world imbalances. The first two indicators will measure internal imbalance (deficit and public debt on the one hand, savings and private debt on the other). The third indicator will measure external imbalance (comprising the trade balance and net flows of investment revenues and transfers, which include the balance of current transactions, "taking full acount of exchange rates and budgetary, monetary and other policies).

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1 January 1970

Recovery might gather pace in Cyprus in 2011 where economic growth may reach 2% of the GDP according to the IMF. "A progressive economic recovery is ongoing with growth that is due to reach 1.5% to 2% this year and there is a favourable outlook for this to continue in 2012," declared the IMF. But this outlook is subject to risk, particularly because of the "financial turbulence" that other countries in the euro area are experiencing, which has included the Republic of Cyprus since 2008. After a decline of 1.7% in 2009 Cypriot GDP growth was estimated at 0.8% 2010.

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European Council

Baltic States

1 January 1970

On his visit to the three Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) on 17th and 18th February the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy spoke with the Latvian and Estonian Prime Ministers, Valdis Dombrovskis and Andrus Ansip and also with Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite. Herman Van Rompuy notably mentioned Europe's economic situation and the main measures that will be necessary in order to face the present crisis.

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1 January 1970

On 15th February the European Commission presented the EU's programme that aims to enhance children's rights by way of implementing the principles mentioned in the EU's fundamental rights charter. This programme includes a series of specific measures whereby the EU can provide added value to policies governing children's well-being and security, notably by aiming to promote a legal system that is better adapted to children - by providing better information to children with regard to their rights and making the internet safer for them. Moreover MEPs of the Civil Liberties Committee declared on 14th February in a series of amendments to the EU's rules that any pedopornographic content on the internet had to be removed at its source in all EU countries.

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1 January 1970

On 20th February the EU launched an aid operation for Italy to help it face the inflow of migrants from Tunisia, notably on the island of Lampedusa - to monitor the borders said the European Commission. "The Frontex (the European border surveillance agency) Operation Hermes is being deployed to help the Italian authorities manage the flow of migrants from Northern Africa and in particular those coming from Tunisia to the island of Lampedusa," said European Commission, Cecilia Malmström who is responsible for this issue. Frontex experts are being deployed to help the Italian authorities receive and interview the migrants on their arrival. Frontex is also providing naval and air support to monitor the borders.

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Europe 2020

1 January 1970

On 17th February the Commission launched an action plan advising universal access to quality pre-school education. The Commission's proposals aim to contribute to two of the headline targets of the Commission's 'Europe 2020' strategy – reducing the share of early school leavers to under 10% and to lift at least 20 million people out of the risk of poverty and social exclusion. On the same day MEPs adopted a joint resolution on the "Europe 2020" Strategy calling for stronger economic governance, budgetary commitments in support of real action and more quality jobs for Europeans.

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1 January 1970

On 18th February the European Commission published two reports on progress made by Romania and Bulgaria with regard to the cooperation and verification mechanism. It insisted on analysing the reform of the judicial system and the fight to counter corruption which may impede the effective application of legislation, the implementation of a new legislative framework as witness in cases of high level corruption and suggests the establishment of close cooperation between the various political and judicial players. In a joint declaration on 16th February the Romanian and Bulgarian parliamentary Foreign Affairs committees both said that they wanted to join the Schengen Area.

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1 January 1970

On 18th February the European Commission launched a public consultation on electronic signatures, identification and authentication. It aims to lead to the establishment of safe, reliable and easy to use on-line services in the EU's 27 Member States in order to contribute to the completion of a single European digital market.

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1 January 1970

On 15th February MEPs adopted a regulation on bus and coach passenger rights which will cover all regular long distance services, both national and transnational (250km and more) as of spring 2013. The new legislation notably plans for compensation to a total of 50% of the purchase price in addition to the full reimbursement of the ticket if the operator cancels a service and cannot honour his transport contract if there is more than a 2 hour delay in departure. Moreover beyond a 90 minute delay passengers will have to be offered snacks and refreshments.

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1 January 1970

On 16th February MEPs approved 569 votes in favour, 12 against and 7 abstentions a new directive that aims to prevent counterfeit medicines entering the legal supply chain. Sales on the internet will be covered by the new legislation that also introduces new safety and traceability measures as well as sanctions against counterfeiters, with the aim of preventing the sale of counterfeit medicines to EU citizens.

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1 January 1970

On 16th February MEPs adopted a resolution on the progress report on Croatia 548 votes in favour, 43 against and 52 abstentions, indicating that membership negotiations with Croatia may be finalised by the end of 2011 if Zagreb continued its reforms. They stressed that "major progress" had been accomplished but recalled the need for work in terms of international judicial cooperation.

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1 January 1970

After accepting the Strategy and Action Plan for the Danube Region on 14th February which was presented by the Commission in December 2010 MEPs adopted a resolution on 17th February 549 votes in favour, 41 against and 18 abstentions in order to ask the Member States to adopt real measures for its implementation in June. The SDR plans for the establishment of better coordination and sychronisation in projects cofunded by the EU in neighbouring areas, multi-level cooperation and improved strategic investments in Central and Eastern Europe.

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1 January 1970

On 15th February the European Parliament approved the use of the enhanced cooperation procedure to create a community patent system. In December 2010 12 Member States said they wanted to use this procedure that enables some countries in the EU to move forward with new common rules, after observing that all 27 Member States could not agree on the implementation of a system for the European patent. All of the Member States except for Italy and Spain finally decided to take part. These two countries will be able to take part in the initiative at any time if they so wish. The report on the European patent was adopted 471 votes in favour, 160 against and 42 abstentions.

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1 January 1970

On 17th February MEPs approved the most ambitious free trade agreement ever negotiated by the EU: 465 votes in favour, 128 against and 19 abstentions. This vote comes after Parliament negotiated safeguard measures guaranteeing the protection of European industry as well as a guarantee on the part of Seoul that a new Korean law on CO2 emissions by cars would not damage EU car manufacturers. This vote concludes 30 months of negotiations; it finalises the ratification procedure of the agreement which will enter into force on 1st July 2011.

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1 January 1970

On 17th February MEPs adopted a resolution which reveals their concern about the growing number of human rights infringements in Russia and the lack of independence of the Russian legal system. The resolution particuarly mentions the questionable conviction of the former head of the Yukos oil company, Mikhail Khodorkovski and his associate Platon Lebedev. MEPs asked for an independent legal investigation into the appeal procedure. They said they were worried about the repeated arrests of opposition members and the non-respect of the right to rally peacefully. Finally they called for questions linked to democracy and the rule of law to play a leading role in the new partnership and cooperation agreement between the EU and Russia that is being discussed at the moment. This vote comes just one week before the arrival of the main Russian ministers in Brussels - including the head of government Vladimir Putin for a meeting on energy and trade.

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Citizens' Initiative

1 January 1970

The Council formally adopted the regulation relative to the citizens' initiative on 14th February. It defines the procedures and conditions with regard to the implementation of the citizens' initiative. In particular a proposed initiative must feature amongst the EU's competences and fall within the Union's values. This year the Robert Schuman Foundation is undertaking awareness raising work amongst women in Europe with the support of the European Commission and in partnership with the Karamanlis Institute and the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation. Three conferences are being organised on this theme: 7th March in Warsaw, 6th May in Athens and 21st September in Brussels. You may also complete our on-line questionnaire on the citizens' initiative.

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1 January 1970

On 14th February the 27 Education, Youth, Culture and Sport's Ministers stressed the role of education and training in the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy and the European Semester. They invited Member States to undertake national reform programmes and to enhance horizontal cooperation to exchange experiences and good practice. With regard to enhanced cooperation for a European patent, the Council decided to ask for the consent of the European Parliament. They adopted at first reading a draft directive modifying the 1999 directive with regard to the tolls applicable to heavy goods vehicles (Eurovignette).

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1 January 1970

On 15th February the 27 European Finance Ministers presented their conclusions on the European Semester the aim of which is to define macro-economic and budgetary guidelines necessary to put a halt to the debt crisis in the EU Member States. They also adopted a directive that aims to enhance administrative cooperation with regard to taxation in order to counter fraud in the EU; they defined their priorities for the future adoption of the 2012 budget.

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1 January 1970

On 21st February the 27 Foreign Ministers re-iterated that the EU was resolutely attached to the promotion and the protection of religious freedom and belief without the slightest notion of discrimination. Religious freedom or belief is intrinsically linked to the freedom of opinion and expression as well as other Human Rights and fundamental freedoms which together contribute to the establishment of pluralist, democratic societies.

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Middle East

1 January 1970

The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton travelled on 14th, 15th and 16th February to Tunisia then to the Middle East (Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon). In Tunisia she indicated that the Union supports the population's hopes for greater freedom and more democracy. In Israel and Palestine she recalled the importance of re-establishing stability in the region. In Lebanon she called on the leaders to facilitate the formation of a representative government and re-iterated the EU's support to a "sovereign, independent, democratic, peaceful and stable Lebanon".

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Auditors Court


1 January 1970

The European Commission is distributing its development aid rather too freely and without any clear criteria nor adequate assessment of needs; it is paid directly into the budgets of poor countries and this was deplored on 16th February by the European Court of Auditors in its report.

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1 January 1970

On 15th February Deutsche Börse and the NYSE Euronext announced their merger to create the first "global exchange group, creating the world leader in derivatives trading and risk management, and the largest, most well known venue for capital raising and equities trading." The new entity will have two HQ's - one in New York and the other in Frankfurt/Main and will be owned by Deutsche Börse shareholders to a total of 60% and by 40% of Euronext shareholders. The two operators believe that this merger will generate cost synergy to a total of 300 million € as well as major growth opportunities in turn over.

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1 January 1970

German Chancellor Angela Merkel appointed one of her main advisors, Jens Weidmann 42, as successor to Axel Weber in the position of president of the Bundesbank, the German central bank on 16th February. Jens Weidmann is due to be seconded by Sabine Lautenschläger of the banking regulation authority, Bafin, who is due to become the Bundesbank's Vice-President.

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1 January 1970

On 15th February for the first time ever a woman was appointed to the board of the German car manufacturer Daimler. Christine Hohmann-Dennhardt who was a judge at the Constitutional Court will be responsible for the respect of "law and integrity". This appointment comes just as the debate over the possible introduction of quotas of women into German companies is in full swing.

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1 January 1970

On 16th February King Albert II extended Didier Reynders' information mission until 1st March; the outgoing Finance Minister was mandated to do this on 2nd February. Just a few hours prior to that Mr Reynders who is responsible for finding possibilities of an institutional agreement presented his report to the king. The next two weeks are to "enable the completion and greater definition of his report." Belgium has been without a government since the general elections on 13th June 2010.

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1 January 1970

Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet travelled to Berlin on 16th February where he met his German counterpart Guido Westerwelle. They said that Estonia and Germany agreed on the necessary steps to take to guarantee the stability of the euro. Mr Paet reiterated the Estonian government's opinion that Germany should be amongst the new permanent members of the UN Security Council. Ministers discussed recent developments in North Africa and in the Middle East.

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1 January 1970

The Court of Accounts published its annual public report on 17th February. The report draws up a list of observations made by the legal jurisdictions and analyses the answers which have been provided. It addresses finances, management, and public policies. With regard to public finance the situation of which is believed to be "worrying" the report observes that there has been a durable decrease in revenues, made worse by inadequate reductions in spending. As a result it suggests "more ambitious rules and goals" for the period 2014-2020, likewise an increase in obligatory payments, the decrease in spending and the implementation of more rigorous rules.

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1 January 1970

The Hungarian government accepted the amendment of its law governing the media on 16th February. On the same day the European Commission's Vice-President responsible for digital strategy, Neelie Kroes, said she was pleased with this decision. The amendments concern four points noted by the Commission and deemed contrary to European legislation: the creation of a surveillance committee, and particularly its members; the obligation imposed on the various Hungarian media, including bloggers to provide "balanced coverge" of news; demands in terms of the registration of the media with the new media authority deemed "out of proportion" and rules regarding offending individuals. However the main Hungarian daily 'Nepszabadsag' still believes that this is not totally satisfactory.

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150 years/Unity

1 January 1970

On 18th February the Council of Ministers finally reached agreement and they decreed that 17th March would now be a holiday in commemoration of the 150 years of Italy unity. On 17th March 1861 Victor-Emmanuel II was proclaimed King of Italy thereby becoming the first head of a unified Italian state.

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1 January 1970

On 16th February Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite hosted her Polish counterpart Bronislaw Komorowski in Vilnius. They discussed economic and cultural cooperation. The two heads of State agreed that their governments will cooperate in view of setting out real proposals to put to the European Commission with regard to funding a gas pipeline and electricity networks between Lithuanian and Poland.

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The Netherlands


1 January 1970

The heads of French and Dutch diplomacy, Michèle Alliot-Marie and Uri Rosenthal spoke on 14th February in support of the "creation of a European border guard system" in order to improve the control of illegal immigrant flows. The two ministers said that "various situations encountered today on the EU's external borders plead in favour of stepping up the governance of the Schengen Area whether this means an increased role for the Frontex agency or the creation of a European Border Guard system." With regard to any future enlargements of the Schengen Area they said they wanted a European framework that defined clear stages that had to be fulfilled and which could be checked in the field.

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Czech Republic


1 January 1970

The Czech government announced on 18th February a new pension reform establishing the participation of private funds. "I can confirm that we have come to a framework agreement on a new stage in the reform of pensions that mainly comprises the establishment of a fund system," declared Prime Minister Petr Necas. The new system will enable people under 35 to contribute 3% of their social insurance into private funds. The over 35's will be able to opt for this new regime until the end of 2012. The government also decided to harmonse the VAT rate to 20% to reduce the present distribution system - only the reduced rate of 10% will be maintained on basic foodstuffs.

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1 January 1970

British Prime Minister David Cameron gave a speech on 17th February on the reform of the social protection system; this came on the same day as the law was presented by his government. He defended the establishment of a simplified system that will protect the most vulnerable and the most needy better and which will support those who want to work and find employment. In exchange the Prime Minister is expecting British citizens to adopt a responsible attitude.

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1 January 1970

A referendum to change the electoral system in the UK will be organised on 5th May after the adoption of a draft law authorising the consultation on this issue by the House of Lords on 16th February. At present British MPs are elected by a majority single list vote in one round (first past the post system). The referendum will suggest the country passes over to an alternative vote or preferential vote -a means of voting in which the voters rank the candidates in order of preference. The votes taken by the candidate with the least votes are then redistributed between the best placed candidates. British Prime Minister David Cameron is calling to vote "No" whilst his Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is calling for people to vote "Yes".

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1 January 1970

The leaders of the four "Visegrad Group" countries (Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland) opened a summit on 14th February in Bratislava devoted to European issues on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the group's creation. Iveta Radicova, the Slovakian Prime Minister who is chairing the group at present welcomed her Hungarian Polish and Czech counterparts, Viktor Orban, Donald Tusk and Petr Necas. They adopted the Bratislava declaration. On 15th February the meeting was extended to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann and Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov. Six leaders (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia) denounced the regime of Belarussian President Aleksandr Lukachenko in a declaration on 15th February in Bratislava; they called on Minsk to "free and rehabilitate all political prisoners and put a stop to the repression of the opposition, independent media and civil society."

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1 January 1970

On 16th February Icelandic MPs approved the agreement to reimburse the UK and the Netherlands to a total 5 billion $ (3.8 billion €) linked to the bankruptcy of the Icesave Bank. London and Amsterdam covered the losses of British and Dutch savers after the collapse of the on-line bank Icesave in October 2008 and have been trying since then to recover what they spent from Reykjavik. On 20th February the Icelandic President, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson convened a referendum on the new agreement concluded with London and The Hague.

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1 January 1970

The Serb Deputy Prime Minister and Economy and Development Minister, Mladjan Dinkic resigned on 15th February in anticipation of his dismissal by Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic. The latter had communicated his lassitude vis-à-vis criticism of the Deputy Prime Minister. Mr Dinkic's resignation will be looked into by Parliament. His resignation will be confirmed if 126 MPs approve it.

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1 January 1970

On 16th February Ariane 5 took off from the European Spaceport in Kourou on its 200th flight to deploy the European Space Agency's (ESA) second automated transfer vehicle (ATV) named "Johannes Kepler". This unmanned supply vessel is on a four month mission to service the International Space Station.

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1 January 1970

The OECD published a report on 18th February on the economic situation in Slovenia. The document analyses the way the country is progressively emerging from the crisis. It puts forwards measures to stimulate long term growth such as retirement reform, improving education, the promotion of innovation and the establishment of a better environment for foreign direct investment.

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1 January 1970

Europeans say they are badly informed over issues concerning European policy. Hence nearly 3/4 of Europeans (73%) believe that citizens in their country are badly informed about European issues. This observation is strongest in Spain (85%), Cyprus (85%), France (81%), Greece (81%), in the Netherlands (81%), and in Sweden (80%). Luxembourg is an exception with 55% saying they believed that the country's inhabitants were well informed. Moreover the decline in positive opinions about the benefits of belonging to the EU is continuing. 50% of Europeans believe that their country benefited from belonging to the EU, ie a decline of 3 points in comparison with the spring of 2010. The most dramatic declines were recorded in the UK (-9 points), Spain (-9), in Ireland (-8) and in Greece (-8).

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat estimates published on 15th February for December 2010 the euro area recorded an external trade deficit of 0.5 billion euros with the rest of the world. In 2010 the euro area recorded an external trade surplus of 0.7 billion euro against 16.6 billion in 2009. The EU recorded a deficit of 143.3 billion in 2010 against a deficit of 108.1 billion in 2009.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 15th February the GDP in the euro area grew by 0.3% and in the EU it grew by 0.2% in the fourth quarter of 2010 in comparison with the previous quarter. Over the entire year 2010 the GDP in the euro area and the EU grew by 1.7%.

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1 January 1970

The German Institute for International Policy and Security has published a study by Annegret Bendiek on the transatlantic fight to counter terrorism entitled "An den Grenzen des Rechtsstaates: EU-USA Terrorismusbekämpfung." Amongst other subjects the author addresses problematic issues in this transatlantic cooperation.

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1 January 1970

The Centre for Stategic Analysis (CAS) has published a paper entitled "De Kyoto à Durban: l'invention d'une nouvelle coopération climatique" by Dominique Auverlot and Blandine Barreau. The authors notably look at the Cancun agreement signed in December 2010 and at the priorities of the next climate talks.

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1 January 1970

In spite of the economic recession that marked 2009 the combined arms sales of the 100 biggest armaments companies increased by 14.8 billion dollars since 2008 reaching 401 billion dollars in 2009 ie an increase of 8% in real terms according to new data published on 21st February by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute(SIPRI).

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Social Law

1 January 1970

The book "Droit social européen et international" written by Sylvie Hennion-Moreau, Muriel Le Barbier-Le Bris and Marion Del Sol has just been published in the series "Thémis" by the Presses Universitaires of France (PUF). It aims to address the various facets of law governing the mobility of people in the EU when this leads them to work abroad and call on social protections systems of the various Member States.

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1 January 1970

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published its report "National Accounts at a Glance" on 15th February for 2010. This work makes it possible to compare OECD countries based in indicators that reflect the wealth of the national accounts beyond the GDP alone (revenues, spending, output, capital).

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1 January 1970

In his work "Qui sont les Allemands?" (Who are the Germans?) published by Editions Max Milo, Jean-Louis de la Vaissière draws a picture of Germany and its population 20 years after reunification. Film maker Volker Schlöndorff wrote the preface to the book on "Identité allemand: un itinéraire singulier." (Germany identity: a unique journey).

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1 January 1970

In a book entitled "Le Monde à l'Horizon 2030" and published by Perrin - Nicolas Tenzer give us his version of the world in 20 years time.

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1 January 1970

The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an article entitled "Constantly Changing Europe" in the new issue of "Constructif".

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1 January 1970

The National Gallery in Oslo is offering visitors an exhibition "Rubens, van Dyck, Jordaens. Baroque Painting of Anvers" until 22nd May. The paintings show various themes including Counter-Reformation imagery, mythological and allegorical motives, portraiture from Antwerp, still-life motives, and genre paintings including representations of landscapes, cities and the sea. In addition to Rubens, Van Dyck and Jordaens 15 other painters are on show amongst which are Jan Breughel the Elder, Jan Fijt, Theodor Rombouts and Frans Snijders.

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1 January 1970

28 transnational cultural projects supported by the EU were presented on 15th February in Brussels on the occasion of the conference "Culture in Movement: Pathways to EU2020." The EU's programme for culture provides for an investment to a total of 400 million euros for the period 2007-2013 in order to promote the mobility of people working in the cultural industry in Member States. This sector represents 2.6% of the EU's GDP at present.

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1 January 1970

In partnership with the Van Gogh Museum of Amsterdam the Ateneum Museum of Helsinki is presenting the exhibition "Illusions of Reality - Naturalist Painting, photography and cinema 1875-1918" until 15th May. This exhibition explores the various aspects of naturalism via various themes. It shows works of art (paintings, photos and films) amongst others by Jules Bastien-Lepage, Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret and Emile Friant, which come from 31 museums and private collections in the USA.

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1 January 1970

The Carnavals of Venice and Rome will take place this year from 26th February to 8th March. In Venice the carnaval will pay tribute this year to the unification of Italy and to women. The theme will be "The 19th Century - From Senseo to Sissi - The City of Women". On 4th March the traditional carnaval of Verona (Bacanal del Gnoco), which dates back to the Middle Ages, is presenting a sumptuous parade in the streets of the historic centre.

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1 January 1970

The National Centre for Art and Exhibitions in Bonn will host the exhibition "Classics in Bonn: Arp, Beckmann, Munch, Kirchner, Warhol ... The Unknown Collection from Bielefeld" until 27th March. A selection of 120 pictures, work on paper, sculptures, photographs, films and some creations dating from between 1904 and 2007 are on show.

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1 January 1970

The Belvedere Palace in Vienna is presenting an exhibition devoted exclusively to portraits and self-portraits by Expressionist painter Egon Schiele (1890-1918) until 13th June. 95 canvasses of which 22 are on show for the first time in Austria review Schiele's artistic development.

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1 January 1970

The Beaux-Arts Palace (Bozar) in Brussels is presenting an exhibition of 75 works by Flemish artist Luc Tuymans until 8th May; the latter is known for his work on the Holocaust, post-colonialism, the attacks of 11th September 2001 - quite a disillusioned vision of the world.

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21st February

Foreign Affairs and General Affairs Councils ()

les 21st-22nd February

Agriculture and Fisheries Council ()

les 22nd-23rd February

Informal "Sport" Council ()

les 24th-25th February

Justice and Internal Affairs Council ()

les 24th-25th February

Informal "Defence" Council ()

24th February

EU-Russia Meeting in Brussels ()

25th February

Early general elections in Ireland ()

28th February

"Transport, Telecommunications, Energy" Council ()

3rd March

Debate "Mediterranean, Past and Present, Convergence and Cultural Differences", Paris ()

5th March

"The Europen Union and the Crises" European Interviews, Enghien les Bains ()

6th March

General Elections in Estonia ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°475- version of 21 févr. 2011