The Newsletter46820 déc. 2010

La Lettre

Thierry Chopin, Camille Lépinay

20 December 2010



1 January 1970

As expected Aleksander Lukashenko won the pseudo-election that took place on 19th December in the first round with 79.7% of the vote. He came out ahead of former Foreign Minister and European opposition leader Andrey Sannikov and poet and leader of the "Govori Pravdou" movement (Say the truth!)Vladimir Neklyev who won 6.1% each! None of the other seven candidates won over 5%! Turnout rose to 90.66% ie slightly below that recorded during the pseudo-election on 19th March 2006 (-1.9 points). Many demonstrations took place in Minsk. The opposition was muted and imprisoned. The EU and the USA denounced the undemocratic attitude of those in power.

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1 January 1970

In an editorial published on his site entitled "The Euro, Europe and the Markets", Jean-Dominique Giuliani looks into the crisis in Europe and the need for more assertive European integration.

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1 January 1970

Approved by the State by the decree on 18th January, 1992 published in the Journal Officiel on 21st February, 1992, the Robert Schuman Foundation can receive donations from private persons and companies. Tax payers benefit get tax back equal to 66% of the amount donated. It is limited to 20% of taxable income (art. 200-3 C.G.I). Companies liable to income tax or company tax benefit can get 60% of this back, limited to 0.5% of their turnover. (art. 238 bis 2 CGI). Private parties who pay solidarity tax on wealth can deduct 75% of the total of their donation up to a limit of 50,000 euro (art 885-0 V bis A C.G.I). You can make a secure, on-line donation on the Foundation's site.

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1 January 1970

Whilst the draft Citizens' Initiative created by the Lisbon Treaty has just been approved by the European Parliament the Robert Schuman Foundation is launching in 2011 with the support of the European Commission and in partnership with the Karamanlis Institute and the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation work to raise awareness of this new tool amongst women in Europe. The site will be improved in the coming weeks to allow the greatest number to take part. The European Citizens' Initiative will enable citizens to put forward new legislative measures directly to the Commission. To launch an iniative seven citizens from seven different countries rallied in a organisers' committee will be adequate. To be admissible the initiative will then have to collate, within one year, at least one million signatures from European citizens of voting age from at least one quarter of the 27 EU Member States.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

According to figures published on 14th December by the national statistics insitute, Statistics Finland, the annual inflation rate lay at 2.5% in November in Finland in comparison with 2.3% in October. Consumer prices notably increased because of a rise in telephone costs and major fluctuations in air travel.

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1 January 1970

According to a press release by the Danish Finance Minister on 13th December the Danish economy is recovering after the world economic recesssion. The ministry says that economic growth is returning and that - in comparison with other countries - the unemployment rate is still low. GDP growth in 2010 was reviewed upwards to 2%. It is due to continue with 1.7% in 2011 and 1.5% in 2012. The budgetary deficit in 2010 is estimated at 3.6% of the GDP - 4.7% in 2011 and 3.4% in 2012. In 2013 the ministry is forecasting a deficit below 3% of the GDP. According to a press release by the IMF on 16th December Denmark is recovering after a deep recession. Moreover world economic recovery as well as the stabilisation of the financial markets have stimulated exports and confidence.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish public administration's debt reached 611.19 billion euros in the third quarter ie 57.7% of the GDP, the highest proportion since 2000 according to figures published on 17th December by the Bank of Spain. In addition to this slow recovery started in Spain in the first half of 2010 but growth is due to remain "weak" because of the necessary adjustments to the housing sector and the high level of private debt said the OECD on 20th December. In its latest forecasts the organisation is reckoning on a rise in the Spanish GDP of 0.9% next year, after a decline of 0.2% this year and on an unemployment rate of 19.1% after 19.8% in 2010.

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1 January 1970

The Irish Parliament approved the EU and IMF's rescue plan 81 votes against 75 on 15th December - it totals 85 billion euros concluded last month. For its part on 16th December the IMF's executive bureau validated its contribution to the rescue plan to a total of 22.5 billion euros in the shape of a three year loan.

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1 January 1970

The European financial system is still weak and exposed to the danger of further crisis in spite of recent signs of recovery on the markets estimated the European Commission on 14th December in its quarterly report on the Euro Area. "Although the dangers are less systemic and are more focused on specific EU Member States, the possibility of it spreading to extremely interconnected markets means that the EU's financial system remains exposed as a whole." The Commission adds that economic recovery is more than ever before the condition to achieve maximum confidence on the European State debt market.

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1 January 1970

According to the latest data by the Economic Research Centre and the Research Centre on European Economy (ZEW), growth is due to continue in Germany in 2011. The ZEW spoke of positive economic development and stronger growth. Its six-monthly forecast index rose by 2.5 points to reach 4.3 points in December. According to Ifo the Germany economy will continue to recover at a strong pace and growth is due to lie at 2.4% in 2011. The unemployment rate is due to decline to 7%.

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1 January 1970

An OECD study published on 13th December concludes that the euro area is emerging at present from recession which it experienced after the financial and economic crisis and is forecasting growth of 1.5% and 2% over the next two years. However according to the same report major economic, budgetary and financial imbalance has emerged, making it necessary to implement coherent reform programmes. In addition to this the OECD report of 15th December stresses a worsening in youth unemployment (15-29 age group) in spite of economic recovery. This is due to remain at 18% in 2011 ie more than twice the average unemployment out of all age ranges. The report invites governments to take precise action by using existing examples and by giving priority to young unqualified people who are of immigrant origin living in poor areas.

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1 January 1970

The European Central Bank announced on 16th December the launch of the European Systemic Risk Committee, an independent body responsible for monitoring financial stability in the EU. It is chaired by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank and its HQ will be in Frankfurt. Its Deputy Chairman Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England was appointed on 16th December by the General Council of the ECB. The creation of this financial surveillance committee was decided by the European Commission after the G20 summit in London last year. Its task is to step up 'macro-prudential' surveillance of the European financial system to try and avoid a financial crisis such as the one that occurred in 2008. The first general meeting of this committee will take place on 20th January during its inaugural ceremony.

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1 January 1970

On 15th December the Portuguese government announced a series of measures to improve the competitiveness of its economy and to enhance the control of its public accounts. Fifty measures were planned for to make the labour market more flexible, reduce company costs and to support exports.

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1 January 1970

On 17th December the International Monetary Fund (IMF)approved the release of around 2.5 billion euros as part of the aid plan to Greece. According to the IMF the programme started well but difficulties continue notably in the public sector and investors are still reticent about Greece. The plan has reached a crucial stage. The IMF therefore stressed that the next decisions that the Greek government takes will be decisive for the success of the aid programme.

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1 January 1970

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) welcomed in its annual report on 13th December Estonia's success on its road to the euro which means that its moderate economic policy in application for the last two decades had been correct. Estonia's membership of the Euro Area planned for 1st January 2011 should not be a problem. On the contrary it will enable it to make more of investments, push aside the spectre of the devaluation of the Estonian currency and make the country more accessible to economic partners most of whom come from the Euro Area.

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1 January 1970

"Belgium's economic results in 2010 were better than expected," concluded the annual IMF report published on 13th December. The Belgian economy, with a growth rate higher than the European average continues to recover from the shock of the financial crisis and the global recession, but in order to succeed Belgium must "immediately" stabilise its economic situation" says the IMF report.

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1 January 1970

The International Monetary Fund and the European Commission asked Latvia to save more than planned in its draft budget 2011. The aim is to get below the 3% GDP mark in 2012. Sudden developments in the crisis in the euro area and delays in adopting the European curency by Latvia may threaten the recovery of the Latvian economy said the IMF. This is why the IMF and the European Commission have asked "for additional structural measures of at least 50 million lats (70 million euros)" which "are still necessary to achieve the right adjustment for 2011."

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1 January 1970

Cypriot MPs adopted the severest budget in the island's history on 16th December in order to bring its budgetary deficit below the 4.5% GDP mark as demanded by the European Union. Finance Minister Charilaos Stavrakis said that Cyprus was on the right road to reduce its 2011 deficit below the 4% GDP mark.

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1 January 1970

On 14th December the Hungarian Parliament adopted a law that nationalises private pensions funds - 250 votes in favour, 58 against and 43 abstentions; this should enable the country to improve significantly the state of its public finances. The law gives the three million Hungarians who have been contributing to a private pension until the end of February to decide whether they will join the state system with the money they have saved until now.

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1 January 1970

Italy's public debt is one of the highest in the world in total values reaching a new record in October of 1.867 billion euros against 1.844 billion in September, its previous record announced the Bank of Italy on 14th December. The Italian debt which reached 115.8% of the GDP in 2009 is due to rise to 118.5% this year according to government forecasts then to 119.2% in 2011 before dropping to 117.5% in 2012 and 115.2% in 2013.

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1 January 1970

The Diet, the lower Chamber in the Polish Parliament, adopted the finance law 2011 on 16th December - reckoning on GDP growth of 3.5% and on public finance deficit of 6.5%. The State budget was approved by 235 MPs, 187 against and three abstentions. Revenues are due to rise next year to 273.3 billion zlotys (68.33 billion euros) and spending to 313.5 billion zlotys (78.38 billion euros). The GDP in the third quarter of 2010 increased by 1.3% in comparison with the previous quarter and by 4.7% in comparison with the third quarter of 2009. The public finance deficit expected in 2010 was revised by the Finance Ministry to 7.9% of the GDP.

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Czech Republic

1 January 1970

The Chamber of Czech Deputies adopted at third reading on 15th December an austerity budget for 2011, with a public finance deficit limited to 4.6% of the GDP. The text includes significant cuts in social spending as well as reductions in civil servants' salaries and in the State's bonus for holders of a savings account. The public deficit is expected to reach 5.3% in 2010. The government is hoping to bring it down to 2.9% in 2013.

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1 January 1970

On 16th December French Parliament adopted the draft finance law for 2011 that plans to bring the public deficit down to 7.7% of the GDP at the end of 2010 and to 6% at the end of 2013. The 2011 budget will involve an unprecedented effort to control spending.

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European Council


1 January 1970

The 27 heads of State and government of the EU who met on 16th and 17th December agreed to modify the Lisbon Treaty in view of creating a Permanent Rescue Fund to protect the Euro Area's financial stability as a whole. They called to step up the pace in work relative to economic governance and welcomed the Commission's intention to present proposals with regard to a new multi-annual framework by June. With regard to the external policy they welcomed recent significant development with the Union's strategic partners. They decided to grant Montenegro the status of candidate country which the country had been working towards since 2008. Condemning the violence that has occurred since the second round of the Presidential election in Côte d'Ivoire they called on all civilian and military leaders to place themselves under the authority of the democratically elected Alassane Ouattara.

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1 January 1970

Five European leaders Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Mark Rutte and Mari Kiviniemi addressed a letter on 18th December to the European Commission demanding a freeze in the EU budget in the name of austerity. "European public spending cannot be exempted from significant effort by the Member States which are aiming to bring their public spending under control," write the five European leaders. "The implementation of ambitious European policies at the service of its citizens is possible but with a stable amount of spending. It demands a better use of the funds available," they believe. In real terms the five leaders advise that "payment appropriations" do not increase "more than inflation ongoing during the period covered by the next multiannual financial framework."

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1 January 1970

On 15th December the European Commission presented 40 measures in view of improving access to on-line public services. Amongst these measures administrations will have to enable private parties and companies to register with the chamber of commerce, to ask for social and healthcare services, to enrol for university study or to make an offer as part of public procurement. According to the Commission on-line administration can enhance European competitiveness and enable State authorities to offer better quality, cheaper services in these times of budgetary restrictions. This programme is part of the digital strategy whose goal it is to bring the usage rate of on-line administrative services by citizens up to 50% and up to 80% by companies by 2015.

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1 January 1970

The generalisation of the single payment system in the euro area - SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) is to be stepped up said the European Commission on 16th December as it gave its draft regulation to the Member States and MEPs. The Commission wants to plan for the establishment of deadlines across the EU for the abolition of the present national systems of credit transfers and direct debits to replace them by the new tools of the Single Payments Area (SEPA). This system will enable the reduction of payment costs, enhancement of competition by making cross-border payments as simple as national ones (ie a delay of one working day for credit transfers in Europe for no charge at all). 20 million companies and more than 500 million of citizens would be concerned by this development that may become a reality in 2012.

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1 January 1970

With the adoption of new guidelines and two exemption regulations on 14th December the European Commission reviewed its rules for cooperation agreements between competing companies - the so-called "horizontal agreements". The Commission hopes to help competing companies to join forces to achieve synergy or to manufacture at lower prices. This authorisation is part of the Europe 2020 strategy which aims to improve innovation and competitiveness.

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1 January 1970

On 17th December the European Commission launched a new equal opportunities strategy for the period leading up to 2014. This strategy is based on three principles: developing a balanced labour force; promoting a more flexible working environment; ensuring the appropriation of the strategy at the highest level. New goals will be established with regard to the number of women within the intermediary and higher management sector and for the recruitment of women to adminstrator posts. Each Commission service will have to develop its own action plan to achieve these goals and regular reviews will be given by the human resources directorate general.

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1 January 1970

On 14th December the European Commission presented a proposal opening the way to an enhanced cooperation agreement between the greatest possible number of Member States in view of creating a single European patent. This system of unified protection will help Member States who so wish to create the vital patent by way of one request which will be valid in all participating countries. Obtaining a patent at present is more expensive in Europe than in the USA because of national validation and translation costs. This situation has been indeed dissuasive for European research, development, innovation and competitiveness.

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1 January 1970

On 20th December the Commission published a communication in which is lays out the most serious fiscal problems that Union citizens have to face in cross-border situations and announced its plans to remedy this. When individuals set up home, work and invest abroad they can be subject to double taxation and encounter other difficulties notably in requesting tax reimbursements or obtaining information about foreign tax rules. In its Communication the Commission plans for new measures to be taken both on an EU level as well as in the Member States so that citizens are no longer dissuaded in taking up cross-border activities.

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1 January 1970

On 15th December the European Parliament adopted the Union's 2011 budget which it rejected last month. MEPs accepted a moderate increase of 2.91% with regard to payment appropriations which total 126.5 billion euros, commitment appropriations (which define future spending) totalling 141.8 billion. MEPs succeeded in securing their future participation in negotiations with regard to the financial prospects for the period 2014-2020, but this still has to be defined. They also said they were pleased with the holding of a debate in 2011 on the opportunity of creating new own resources. An agreement between Parliament, the Commission and the Council includes the release of additional funds during the year to honour the EU's legal obligations by means of corrected budgets.

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Citizens' Initiative

1 January 1970

European Parliament adopted the Citizens' Initiative by a wide majority on 15th December. Part of the Lisbon Treaty the Citizens' Initiative will enable European citizens to put forward new legislative measures for the EU directly to the European Commission. To launch this initiative it will be enough for seven citizens from seven different countries to come together in an organisers' committee. To be admissible the initiative will then have to collate in the space of one year at least a million signatures from European citizens who are old enough to vote from at least one quarter of the Union's 27 Member States. Safeguards designed to prevent abuses and fraud have been planned for such as the ban on demeaning "European values". The Council is due to adopt the new legislation formally in the next few weeks.

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1 January 1970

Consumers should be informed of new misleading, intrusive advertising techniques used on the internet according to a resolution adopted by the European Parliament on 15th December. MEPs also asked for special measures to be taken to protect vulnerable groups. The framework of this directive on unfair trading practices dating back to 2005 now appears to out of date in the opinion of the MEPs because new practices have developed since then on the internet. This resolution which was supported by Philippe Juvin (EPP, FR) asked for the insertion of the phrase "clearly legibile behavioural advertising" in on-line advertising as well as an information window explaining what this practice is.

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Sakharov Prize

1 January 1970

In the ilk of the Nobel Peace Prize 2010 an empty chair also remained empty on 15th September at the European Parliament during the award of the Sakharov Prize given to Cuban regime opponent Guillermo Farinas. The latter however did send MEPs a pre-recorded message. Director of the illegal agency Cubanacan Press and member of the illegal movement "Cuban Democratic Alliance" Guillermo Farinas, 48, is the third Cuban opponent to win the Sakharov Prize after Oswaldo Paya in 2002, the Women in White, wives of political prisoners in 2005.

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1 January 1970

In virtue of the new regulation adopted by MEPs on 15th December international couples who divorce will soon be able to choose the legal regime of the EU which will govern their separation. These new rules will enable a Franco-German couple living in Belgium to choose which law - French, German or Belgian will apply to their divorce. Fourteen Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Austria, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia) which via an enhanced cooperation agreement between States have decided to implement these rules. Other Member States may join at any time.

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1 January 1970

In line with the Lisbon Treaty the European Parliament consolidated its role as co-legislator by approving a new control mechanism on 17th December which will give it the right of scrutiny over the European Commission's projects. If Parliament believes that a measure taken by the Commission goes beyond its competence it may oblige it to re-examine its text. This new mechanism will replace "comitology" (committees comprising representatives from the Member States) by two new procedures (advisory and examination procedures) that will apply when the Parliament and the Council intend to confer implementing powers on the Commission. This new mechanism is due to enter into force on March 1st 2011.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Agriculture Ministers reached a political agreement on 13th and 14th December on the fishing quotas for 2011, this notably involves a reduction of 10% in total allowable captures (TACs) with regard to turbot and sprat. They also planned for significant reductions for cod and herring, fish which have been over-fished for several years. Also Ministers accepted the Commission's proposal allowing milk producers to meet to negotiate prices with industrialists. They debated the CAP on the horizon of 2020 welcoming the Commission's proposal for an agricultural quality package.

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1 January 1970

The 27 Foreign Affairs Ministers declared on 13th December that they were ready to acknowledge the State of Palestine and to provide vital European aid for the recovery and economic development of Gaza. They also congratulated Alassane Ouattara on his election as President of Côte d'Ivoire and called for calm. They welcomed the completion of the enrolment procedure for voters in Sudan which is a major stage in preparation work for the referendum on self-rule in South Sudan that will take place on 9th January. Finally the High Representative Catherine Ashton informed ministers of the negotiations she had undertakn on behalf of France, Germany, the UK, China, Russia and the USA with the negotiator of the Iranian nuclear question on 6th and 7th December last.

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General Affairs

1 January 1970

On 14th December European Ministers approved the 30th November agreement on the Citizens' Initiative with the European Parliament. In its next meeting the Council plans to adopt a draft regulation. They discussed the enlargement policy, encouraging Turkey to continue negotiations for membership to the European Union. The Council also said that Croatia had reached the last stage in negotiations for the membership treaty. Finally they re-iterated their commitment for the economic and political stabilisation of the Balkans in view of EU membership.

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1 January 1970

The European Union firmly condemned the repression organised by the Belarus authorities led by Lukashenko against the opposition that was the target of violence and who were almost all imprisoned (7 of the 9 other candidates).

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Court of Justice


1 January 1970

For the very first time on 16th December the Court of Justice decided on behalf of public safety and with the goal of fighting against drug terrorism to restrict the freedom of movement of European citizens. Indeed it believes that the Dutch authorities have the right to ban foreign tourists entry to the "coffee shops". This restriction of freedom of movement was believed acceptable in that these products are illegal in other states. Non-residents in the Netherlands will not be able to benefit from this trade. The Court pointed to the practical aspects of checking identity with the Dutch court.

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1 January 1970

On 16th December the European Central Bank decided to increase its subscribed capital by 5 billion euros. Hence it rises from 5.76 billion euros to 10.76 billion as of 29th December 2010. The ECB's Governing Council took this decision in line with the statutes of the European Central Banks System and the ECB as well as Regulation No 1009/2000 of the Council dated 8th May 2000 which stipulates that the ECB can increase its capital to a maximum of this amount.

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1 January 1970

The government's assessment report on the situation in Afghanistan has just been published. It describes Germany's commitment and goes over the three main areas in which the international community is being deployed: security, governance and development. "As part of the transfer of security responsibilities the government intends to reduce some military presence that will no longer be required by the end of 2011 - beginning of 2012 - without however being able to set a specific date," says the report. Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg travelled to Afghanistan on 13th December and Chancellor Angela Merkel on 18th December.

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1 January 1970

The Heinrich Heine Prize awarded by the town of Düsseldorf was attributed this year to Simone Veil, former French Minister and former President of the European Parliament. "In line with Heinrich Heine's approach Ms Veil has helped to give a soul to Europe," explained the Jury. During the award ceremony on 13th December Simone Veil expressed her thanks stressing the importance of Franco-German friendship. The prize is one of the most prestigious awards in Germany rewarding writers or public personalities.

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1 January 1970

On the eve of the European Council, German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave a speech to the Bundestag in which she stressed "The euro is our joint goal and Europe is our joint future." She said she was confident that Member States would succeed in coming to agreement at the European Council over the adoption of a new crisis management mechanism in the Euro Area. In addition to this she also declared that the euro had resisted quite well to the crises and that the single currency was stable. "Europe is a community of responsibility," continued the Chancellor saying that it was necessary to assume this responsibility together.

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1 January 1970

The head of the Spanish government José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero inaugurated the new high speed line Madrid-Valence (LGV) on 18th December with King Juan Carlos; this should enable the country - which is in crisis - to become the European leader in this sector.

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1 January 1970

On 12th December the Finnish President Tarja Halonen participated in the opening ceremony of the new high speed train "Allegro" that shortens the journey time between Helsinki and St Petersburg by around 5.5 hours down to 3.5 hours. The president went on board the train in Helsinki and was joined by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in Vyborg, a Russian town in the North West. They continued their journey together to St Petersburg and discussed cooperation in the border area of Vyborg as well as economic and cultural relations. The Finnish Transport Minister Anu Vehviläinen said that Finland and Russia were entering a new era with the launch of the rapid train service.

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1 January 1970

Michèle Alliot-Marie, French Foreign Minister was the guest of her Spanish counterpart Trinidad Jimenez on 17th December. During this interview they addressed bilateral issues including cross-border cooperation as well as the European patent, economic governance, financial perspectives, the Union for the Mediterranean and enlargement. Topical international news was addressed also: the peace process in the Middle East, Sahel, Western Sahara and Afghanistan as well as issues of security and defence.

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1 January 1970

On 14th December the Italian Chamber of Deputies rejected the motion challenging the President of the Council Silvio Berlusconi thereby confirming the Senate's vote that gave its confidence to the government 162 votes in favour, 135 against and 11 abstentions. The score was even tighter with 314 MPs voting for, 311 against and 2 abstentions. Several demonstrations took place in Rome and elsewhere in the country on the same day in protest against the government.

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Post Communism

1 January 1970

The Foreign Ministers of Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and the Czech Republic addressed a letter on 14th December to the Vice-President of the European Commission, Viviane Reding to establish European legislation that will punish any negation of communist crimes as was the case with the Holocaust. They are asking for the "public approval, the negation and banalisation of totalitarian crimes" to be punishable by law whatever government was responsible. The negation the crimes committed by Nazi Germany is prohibited in many European countries but the six countries who signed the letter want new measures to be taken to include crimes committed by the Soviet Union and satellite communist regimes.

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1 January 1970

On 15th December Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski attended a meeting of the Lower Chamber of Parliament on the draft amendment of the Constitution designed to simplify Poland's future membership of the euro area. This draft put forward by Mr Komorowski revises the organisation of the Central Bank of Poland (NBP), its role, its independence as well as its participation in the European Central Bank system. When it joined the European Union in 2004, Poland committed to joining the euro area long term but no deadline was ever set.

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Czech Republic


1 January 1970

On 16th December the Czech opposition (CSSD) delivered a motion of censure against Petr Necas' (ODS) government after a suspected corruption scandal within the Environment Ministry. Environment Minister Pavel Drobil (ODS) announced his resignation on 15th December after revelations whereby he is said to have asked for the destruction of compromising documents over the manipulation of calls for tender. The vote has been set for 22nd December.

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1 January 1970

The British government presented the next stages in the reform to the healthcare system on 15th December. This initiative comes after the publication of a White Paper in July 2010 and sets a timetable for its implementation. This reform suggests improving the performance of the healthcare system by simplifying administrative structures and by reducing waiting time.

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1 January 1970

The British government presented a series of proposals on the reform of the electricity market on 16th December. This should help the UK launch itself into the electricity investment competition, to facilitate the development of industries using clean energy and to offer the best possible compromise to consumers. With regard to this David Cameron recalled that he wanted his country "to have clean, reliable, cheap energy." He notably promised to offer consumers prices that are lower than those pracicised on the present market.

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1 January 1970

On 15th December the Swedish Parliament extended the Swedish troops' manadate in Afghanistan until the end of 2011. "The Swedish forces in Afghanistan has an extended mandate of one year. Sweden is "placing a maximum of 855 people at the International Assistance and Security Force's disposal," according to a decision by Parliament.

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1 January 1970

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich travelled to Latvia on 15th December; he was guest to his Latvian counterpart Valdis Zatlers in Riga who said he supported "unquestionably" the establishment of a free trade agreement between the EU and Ukraine.

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

The European Court of Human Rights which was called upon on 16th December to give a decision on the compatibility of the ban on abortion in Ireland with the right to private and family life, gave a nuanced opinion. In effect the judges believed that in both instances where the life of the mother was not directly in danger that the ban on abortion was not an infringement to their rights. Believing the case of a third mother suffering from cancer the judges did however believe that Ireland was guilty. Indeed the Irish Constitution allows abortion since 1983 if the mother's life is directly threatened, but no law has yet been adopted to enable the implementation of this amendment.

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1 January 1970

Belarus still has a "significant way to go" before elections are judged to be free said the OSCE on 20th December in its assessment of the election that was marked by the arrest of a number of opposition candidates. "This election did not help to give the country the new start it needed," regretted the head of the electoral observation mission of the OSCE in Europe, Tonly Lloyd in a press release. "The counting of votes lacked transparency" he stressed.

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1 January 1970

According to statistics published by Eurostat on 15th December the GDP per capita varied in 2009 according to the Member States by between 44% and 271% of the Union average. The GDP per capita in Luxembourg was two and half times higher than the EU average. This high level is partly due to the important share of border workers in total employment. A brief overview of these figures reveals that in 2009, Ireland, Austria and Denmark lay between 20% and 30% above the EU average whilst Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Finland and the UK were between 10% and 20% above the average.

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1 January 1970

The number of people with employment remained stable in the euro area and in the EU in the third quarter of 2010 in comparison with the previous quarter according to provisional estimates published by Eurostat on 15th December. In the second quarter of 2010 employment increased by 0.1% in both areas. These figures have been adjusted to seasonal variations.

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1 January 1970

70% of European households now have access to internet. This figure was not above 50% in 2006; these are the revelations of the most recent Eurostat study published on 14th December with regard to the use of ICTs. Enormous disparity still remains. Hence although 91% of households in the Netherlands and 90% of households in Luxembourg have an internet access there are only 33% in Bulgaria, 42% in Romania and 46% in Greece. However says Eurostat if the 2010 data is compared with that of 2006 the level of internet access tripled in Romania and doubled in Bulgaria and Greece, likewise in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. The survey also covers other indicators such as on-line shopping, on-line administration, internet security and advanced communication and information services.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 17th December the Euro Area recorded an external trade surplus of 5.2 billion euros with the rest of the world compared with 4.8 billion more in October 2009. In October 2010 in comparison with September 2010 exports adjusted to seasonal variations decreased by 0.1% and imports by 1.3%.

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1 January 1970

116 million European citizens, ie nearly one quarter of the EU's population were threatened by poverty or social exclusion in 2008 according to a study published on 13th December by Eurostat. The European Commission has shown its aim via the EU2020 strategy to reduce the number of people facing the danger of poverty and social exclusion by ten million in ten years time. Amongst the Member States Bulgaria (45%), Romania (44%), Latvia (34%) and Poland (31%) have the greatest shares whilst the Netherlands, Sweden and the Czech Republic (15% each), Luxembourg and Denmark (16%) each have the lowest percentages.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 16th December the annual inflation rate in the Euro Area lay at 1.9% in November 2010, unchanged in comparison with October. One year ago it lay at 0.5%. The monthly inflation rate lay at 0.1% in November 2010. The EU's annual inflation rate lay at 2.3% in November 2010 unchanged against October. One year ago it lay at 1%. The monthly inflation rate lay at 0.2% in November 2010.

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1 January 1970

The Franco-German Relations Studies Committee (CERFA) at the French International Relations Insitute (IFRI) has just published a study by Rémi Lallement entitled "L'économie allemande en sortie de crise. Une surprenante résilience". (The Germany economy emerging from the crisis. Surprising resilience).

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1 January 1970

The draconian austerity decided upon by the British government will throw nearly one million people into total poverty said the Institute for Budgetary Studies on 17th December. By the end of 2014 900,000 people will be plunged into the "total poverty" category that includes families with a real revenue of less than 60% of the average 2010/11 revenue calculates the IFS.

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1 January 1970

Nomos publishing has released the 2010 book of European Integration (Jahrbuch der Europaïschen Integration 2010), under the management of Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels. For the last thirty years this work has reviewed the major developments in European integration every year. Around 90 authors contribute to it.

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1 January 1970

New work on the EU's external action entitled "European Development Aid" has just been published. Its author Corinne Balleix describes the functioning of the European cooperation development policy and its articulation with the various cooperation policies of the various Member States. She also looks into the aid goals that transcend the issue of development alone, aid that helps to defend trade, political and geostratetgical interests of the Union.

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1 January 1970

On 31st December and 1st January the traditional New Year's concerts will take place in Vienna, organised by the Viennese Orchestra of Hofburg. The concert programme notably includes the best known music in waltzes and operettas by Johan Strauss as well as airs and duos from operas by Wolfgang Mozart.

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1 January 1970

The exhibition "Napoleon and Europe-the dream and Trauma" will be on show at the Centre of Art and Exhibitions of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bonn until 25th April before moving to the Military Museum in Paris in 2012. This exhibition comes under the high patronage of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkzoy.

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1 January 1970

The National Galleries of Scotland are offering an exhibition "The Young Vermeer" until 13th March. This exhibition brings together three of the 36 paintings that exist by the grand Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675). This artist created three of the works between 1653 and 1656: "Diane and her Nymphs", "Christ in the House of Martha and Mary" as well as the "Procuress".

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1 January 1970

The Farnèse Palace which is home to the Embassy of France in Rome is opening its doors to the public for four months to reveal the treasures of the Farnèse collection. This exceptional exhibition entitled "Palais Farnèse - De la Renaissance à l'Ambassade de France (Farnese Palace from the Renaissance to the Embassy of France) is showing around 150 works (drawings, sculptures, paintings and works of art)that belonged the Farnèse, a famous Roman family until 27th April.

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Louis Delluc Prize

1 January 1970

The 68th Louis Delluc Prize was awarded on 17th December to the film "Mystères de Lisbonne" by Franco-Chilean film-maker Raoul Ruiz. Inspired by a novel by Portuguese writer Camilo Castelo Branco - the feature film by Raoul Ruiz is particularly long since it lasts 4 hours 26 minutes. It looks into the fate of an orphan raised by a priest in Lisbon in 19th century.

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December 20th 2010

EU "Environment" Council ()

January 1st 2011

Membership by Estonia of the Euro Area ()

January 1st 2011

Launch of European Volunteers' Year ()

January 10th 2011

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°468- version of 20 déc. 2010