The Newsletter46713 déc. 2010

La Lettre

Thierry Chopin, Camille Lépinay

13 December 2010



1 January 1970

According to still incomplete results the Democratic Party (DSK) of outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaci won the early general elections in Kosovo on 12th December. He won 31% of the vote ie 3.3 points less in comparison with 17th November 2007. It came out ahead of its rival the Democratic League (LDK) led by the Mayor of Pristina, Isa Mustafa, which won 25% of the vote (+2.4 points). The Movement for Self-Rule (Vetvendosje) led by Albin Kurti came third with 16% of the vote. It was followed by the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) led by Ramush Haradinaj, at present imprisoned in the ICTY, which won 12% of the vote. However New Spirit (Fryma e Re) did not succeed in rising above the 5% threshold of the votes necessary to be represented in Parliament. Total turnout rose to 47.8% ie 7.7 points more than that recorded during the previous elections on 17th November 2007.

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1 January 1970

10 candidates have been retained to run in the election on 19th December but the matter is almost settled! Indeed Aleksander Lukashenko is standing for the fourth time running and given the nature of the regime he leads all observers believe that the other 9 candidates have little chance of asserting themselves.

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1 January 1970

The permanent Secretary of the Moral and Political Science Academy, Michel Albert also a member of the board of the Robert Schuman Foundation gave a speech on "the Frenco-German couple as seen from the Coupole" on the occasion of the academy's annual public session.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

The Bank of France raised its GDP growth forecast by 0.1% in the fourth quarter to +0.6% according to its monthly economic bulletin published on 8th December. According to the Bank industrial activity increased overall in November. In services the outlook for the next few months are oriented towards continued growth.

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1 January 1970

On 8th December Prime Minister Brian Cowen gave a speech to the chamber of deputies (Dail) on the 2011 budget. On the previous day the Dail approved the technical measures which opened the way to the budget's adoption. In his speech the Prime Minister recalled the need to adopt this budget that aims to attenuate the deficit (from 11.6% of the GDP to 9.4%) whilst attempting to be fair to the Irish population. The adoption of the Irish budget should still take a few weeks. The examination of the most sizeable piece of legislation - the finance law - is only due to start mid-January and the process is not due to be finalised until then or the following month.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Economy and Finance Ministers confirmed on 7th December that there would be financial aid to a total of 85 billion euros for Ireland. This aid includes a restructuring of the Irish banking system and Ireland's commitment to correct its budgetary deficit by 2015. Ministers came to an agreement to enable fiscal adminstrations to exchange data to reduce the risk of tax fraud in a context of increasing European mobility. They also adopted a directive maintaining the minimal VAT rate at 15% until 2015. Ministers took no decision over the management and prevention of crises contrary to market and IMF expectations.

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1 January 1970

The Central Bank of Denmark reviewed its growth forecasts upwards for 2010 and 2011 to 2% and 1.9% of the GDP respectively in comparison with 1.6% and 1.7% in a previous estimation according to a provisional report by the bank published on 9th December. This report also indicates that in 2012 the bank is planning for 1.9% growth in Denmark. According to figures published on 9th December by Statistics Denmark, the trade surplus in Denmark dropped by 10.9% in October in comparison with the previous month down to 5.7 billion crowns (765 million €). These figures have been adjusted according to seasonal variations and exclude ships and airplanes.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 9th December by the national statistics institute, Statistics Finland, the Finnish GDP increased by 3.7% in the third quarter in comparison with the same period one year ago. On a quarterly basis the GDP growth was 0.5% between July and September. Exports remained the same in the third quarter in comparison with the previous quarter but they have risen by 9.4% in one year.

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1 January 1970

As part of its work in creating a more transparent and stable financial system, the European Commission launched a consultation on 8th December on the review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) which provides a comprehensive framework for investment firms offering services in relation to financial instruments, as well as rules to protect investors. To achieve this it intends to enhance transparency in the shares market and the supervision of raw materials derivated markets. The range of measures planned to counter this type of "scandalous hyperspeculation" means that traders will have to publish the investments they make, limit the highest investment positions on markets and regulators will be able to bring speculators to heel if they make food and energy prices rise too much. The Commission also adopted a communication on 8th December on the means to enhance sanctions regimes in the EU's financial services sector. At present the rules applied in the Member States vary greatly and do not provide the means for effective dissuasion to counter financial infringements.

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1 January 1970

Europe's economic situation is still "of great concern" because the consequences of the crisis are "far from over" warned the head of the IMF in Geneva on 8th December, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. "The IMF's director made an appeal "to rebuild" everything as quickly as possible.

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1 January 1970

The Finance Ministers of the 16 Euro area members listened to a report by the Director General of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn on 6th December with regard to the euro area's economic, financial and monetary situation. The Eurogroup and the IMF observed major convergence in points of view with regard to growth prospects in the euro area. Ministers spoke at length on Ireland's financial and budgetary situation, together with that of Spain and Portugal. With regard to Greece the decision to extend the length of repayment time of the loans granted to Greece was postponed until 2011. In preparation for the European Council on 16th and 17th December Eurogroup looked into the issue of enhancing economic governance generally and in the euro area in particular.

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1 January 1970

On 6th December the German Finance Minister indicated in a press release that the country's public deficit in 2010 was due to be lower than forecast lying at 3.7% of the GDP. Next year the minister is reckoning on a deficit reduction of 92 billion euros ie around 17 billion less in comparison with the July forecast. The minister is planning that the country's public deficit will be brought down to 3% in 2011. Moreover and according to data published on 8th December by the German statistics office, Destatis, Germany exported goods to a total of around 86.8 billion euros and imported goods to a total of around 72.6 billion euros in October. According to non-adjusted, year on year data exports in October were up by 19.8%. The trade surplus lay at 14.3 billion euros in data adjusted to seasonal variations. According to a Destatis press release on 9th December consumer prices rose in Germany by 1.5% in November 2010 in comparison with November 2009.

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1 January 1970

On 10th December the Greek government launched two unpopular reforms that have been requested by the EU and the IMF - the liberalisation of the labour market and the reduction of salaries in state companies. The adoption of these reforms after a first set of austerity measures that aim to reduce the deficit, was set as a condition by the EU and the IMF for the payment - to be decided on in February - of the fourth 15 billion euro payment of a total 110 billion euros granted to the country over three years in May to save the country from bankruptcy.

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1 January 1970

The Hungarian Parliament adopted the key figures of the 2010 budget on 7th December 249 votes in favour, 83 against and no abstentions. The finance law was adopted thanks to the two-thirds majority which Prime Viktor Orban's party enjoys in parliament. According to final figures adopted on 7th December the Hungarian state can count on 13.151 billion forints (47 billion euros) in revenues and is planning expenditure of 13.839 billion euros (49.4 billion euros). Budgetary deficit is therefore 687 billion forints (2.4 billion euros). In addition to this the Hungarian central statistics bureau announced on 9th December that the Hungarian GDP increased by 0.8% in the third quarter in comparison with the previous quarter. The figures published confirm the country's growth, which came out of recession in the first quarter of 2010. The bureau also said that in the second quarter, the economy grew by 0.4%.

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1 January 1970

A relapse in the euro area crisis and delays in the adoption of the European currency by Latvia could threaten the recovery of the Latvian economy - victim of one of the deepest recessions in the world said the IMF on 9th December. "The present dangers are much more serious than last year, but mid-term challenges are still valid for the adoption of the euro" said an IMF report with regard to this Baltic State of 2.2 million inhabitants. This referred to Latvia's capability to reduce unemployment to two figures, to maintain the pace of reform and to continue reducing expenditure.

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1 January 1970

The Portuguese national statistics institute announced on 9th December that the country's economy had grown by 0.3% in the third quarter and by 1.4% over one year. These figures were welcomed with surprise by analysts who were expecting stagnation in the economy due to the effect of the austerity measures which entered into force this summer.

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1 January 1970

In his speech delivered on 10th December to the Italian Parliament the European Commissioner for Economic Affairs Olli Rehn said that Italy had to reduce its public debt, improve employment and enhance growth via structural reform. He insisted on the need to eliminate bureaucracy and to promote the liberalisation of the labour market - vital measures to guarantee the country's economic growth. In addition to this growth of the Italian economy was reviewed upwards to 0.3% in the third quarter in comparison with the previous one instead of a first estimate of 0.2% said the statistics institute Istat in a press release on 10th December.

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1 January 1970

The Cypriot economy that has been badly affected by the international crisis seems to be recovering quicker than forecast said the Central Bank of Cyprus on 6th December - which is now expecting growth of 0.7% for 2010 and 1.8% in 2011. "Growth forecasts in Cyprus's GDP were reviewed upwards to 0.7% in 2010 with an even better result in 2011 and 2012, when growth is due to reach 1.8% and 2.4% respectively, declared the governor of the Central Bank, Athanasios Orphanides.

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1 January 1970

On 8th December the Icelandic Central Bank reduced its main rate for the eighth time this year from 5.5% to 4.5% . In addition to this the Icelandic economy came out of recession in the third quarter for the first time since the collapse of its financial system in October 2008 according to official statistics published on 7th December. After having declined for seven successive quarters - from the fourth quarter of 2008 to the second quarter 2010 the Icelandic GDP rose between July and October by 1.2% in comparison with the previous quarter said the National Statistics Office in a press release.

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1 January 1970

The Lithuanian Parliament adopted an austerity budget for 2011 on 9th December 73 votes in favour, 56 against and 7 abstentions - which plans for a reduction in the public deficit down to 5.8% of the GDP just as the economy of this Baltic country is starting to recover.

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1 January 1970

On 8th December the European Commission presented a draft regulation that aims to prevent market manipulation and insider trading in the wholesale energy market. The aim is to guarantee market transparency by obliging traders to abide by clear rules. From a wider point of view this proposal aims control the sector better since its prices are sensitive to production capability and transport availability, thereby often affecting the consumer.

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1 January 1970

On 9th December the Commission presented the European strategy for the Danube region that will benefit some 115 million inhabitants who are already amongst the 14 States committed to the cooperation process (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Moldova, Ukraine). This strategy encourages the development of the economic use of this river whilst protecting ecological balance and its cultural heritage. This strategy should play a vital role in enhancing sustainable transport, energy systems, and also in protecting the environment and water resources. Focusing on sustainable growth it will also represent a major contribution in the achievement of the Europe 2020 goals.

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1 January 1970

On 9th December the European Commission submitted a draft regulation to clarify contractual relations in the milk and dairy products sector. The texts suggests the enhancement of the dairy product manufacturer's position within the supply chain to help stabilise the milk market and revenues. It gives greater negotiating power to producers, plans for specific rules applicable to inter-professional organisations and measures to enhance market transparency in this sector. The Commission also adopted a report on the same day on the dairy product market as part of the gradual abolition of the milk quota system.

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1 January 1970

Mobile phone tarifs that are invoiced to the user during travel abroad are not always competitive and the European Commission is thinking about how these can be reduced further. On 8th December it launched a survey to see what consumers, companies and telecommunications operators thought about this. The aim is to achieve a single market by 2015 in the telepone industry with an almost near to zero difference in domestic mobile communication prices and roaming abroad.

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1 January 1970

The President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek travelled to Moldova on 10th December in view of encouraging the country to continue its reforms. He said that Moldova had the potential to "become a modern, prosperous nation where young people could fulfil their dreams in their country and not only abroad." During this visit he notably met Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat and interim President Mihai Ghimpu. He re-iterated the EU's support for work undertaken by Moldova.

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1 January 1970

The 27 Employment and Social Policy Ministers refused on 6th and 7th December to extend maternity leave to 20 weeks as proposed by European Parliament. Ministers adopted two texts with regard to gender equality notably in the area of work and pay. They agreed on a regulation governing consumer information about foodstuffs. Finally Ministers addressed the healthcare systems in Europe and agreed to invest in medical staff.

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1 January 1970

On 9th December the 27 European Defence Ministers agreed on stepping up cooperation in the area of defence. They welcomed the text that Germany and Sweden addressed them in November "with satisfaction" for its contribution to thought on "the European imperative" that is "increasing military cooperation in Europe". They invited the European Defence Agency (EDA), to do more work to help pinpoint areas that may give rise to a pooling and sharing of resources." The training of a "group of experts" under the EDA's guidance has been suggested by the Ministers. High Representative Catherine Ashton is due to deliver a report on the progress made by mid-2011. Catherine Ashton did not succeed in reaching a unanimous decision on the part of Ministers for the appointment of the EDA director. Frenchwoman Claude-France Arnould's candidature was rejected by the Italian delegation who also has a candidate, Carlo Magrassi.

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1 January 1970

During the EU/Russia Summit on 7th December Russian and European leaders signed a protocol agreement which heralded the completion of bilateral negotiations over Moscow's membership of the World Trade Organisation. The agreement settles the main bilateral trade disputes which still existed and prevented, from Europe's point of view, Russia's entry into the WTO. It notably plans for a reduction in customs duties regimes in the trade of wood and the use of the railways. After 17 years of negotiations Russia's entry into the WTO may take place in the first half of 2011. The summit was however less productive in another area believed to be priority by Moscow. Indeed the President of the European Commission intimated that the abolition of visas for Russians was not on the immediate agenda since Europeans believed that Russia is still not up to speed with regard to border control or secure passports.

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1 January 1970

Progress was made during the 11th EU-India summit on 10th December. This should lead to the signature of a free-trade agreement in 2011 which will have impact on 1.5 billion individuals. Progress was also made with regard to energy and cultural issues. The EU and India agreed to step up cooperation in the fight against terrorism and to refuse giving asylum to extremists, whilst New Delhi regularly accuses Pakistan of serving as a refuge for radical groups.

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1 January 1970

The Council finally approved the new draft 2011 budget presented on 26th November by the Commission. This decision opens the way for the budget's final adoption by the end of the year. The issue is now in the hands of the MEPs who will vote on 15th December during a plenary session in Strasbourg. This agreement will avoid the implementation of the provisional 12th's system which would have a notable effect on major policies and programmes.

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1 January 1970

On 10th December the 27 European Ministers responsible for competitiveness discussed the strengthening of European consumer rights. They hope to develop an innovative, integrated industrial policy. They adopted 50 proposals for the Single Act for the recovery of the European domestic market. They aim to improve work, companies and trade. Finally European leaders addressed the legal context of games and gambling in the EU enabling national authorities to check on the integrity of practices in sporting wagers generally, to analyse the impact on society and the effects on health and consumer behaviour.

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1 January 1970

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal on 11th and 12th December Wolfgang Schäuble, German Finance Minister intimated that Germany may accept additional steps to move towards fiscal Union in order to improve the governance of the euro area if it was necessary. He said he was totally decided to defend the euro which had helped Germany overcome the recessions of the recent past. On 7th December former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt said that "Europe and the single currency are suffering a lack of leadership."

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1 January 1970

During the 13th Franco-German Council of Ministers on 10th December in Freiburg-im-Breisgau the governments of both countries discussed the strengthening of bilateral cooperation as well as the preparation for the European Council in Brussels on 16th and 17th December. Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy said they agreed with regard to the euro and the on-going reforms; they again said they were against the idea of European borrowing. The Chancellor said "Sharing interest rates and risks will not help us structurally," setting as a prior conditon "more political" integration and "coherence" with regard to economic policies. Nicolas Sarkozy added,"States must be made to feel responsible, and not the contrary" and he said it was necessary to have "more political integration".

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1 January 1970

During the fifth summit on TICs on 7th December nearly 700 political leaders, company heads and scientists met in Dresden together with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Vice-President of the European Commission, Neelie Kroes. Thought and debate focused on the implementation of the new German strategy in support of the digital economy (Deutschland Digital 2015).

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1 January 1970

During a meeting on 11th December in Berlin Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that Germany and India wanted to increase the volume of external trade to 20 billion euros by 2012. The two leaders also said they were going to work closely together as non-permanent members of the UN Security Council in 2011 and 2012, to improve the effectiveness of the Security Council and to promote an extension of permanenet members of the Council.

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1 January 1970

German President Christian Wulff travelled to Warsaw on 7th December. He reminded his Polish counterpart, Bronislaw Komorowski of the importance of the historic gesture made by Chancellor Willy Brandt as he kneeled before the Memorial of the Jewish Ghetto of Warsaw in December 1970. He also discussed the importance of the Warsaw Treaty for German-Polish reconciliation. They discussed the meaning of history in the construction of the future between Poland and Germany to an audience of 60 German and Polish pupils.

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1 January 1970

On 10th December ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet called on Spain to "step up the reform of its labour market" and to reform its retirement system, "two vital details for the prosperity of the economy." "In all countries structural reform is vital not only to consolidate financial positions but also to raise growth potential," said Mr Trichet who was speaking in Madrid during the conclusion to a seminar on the central banks in Europe and Latin America. "It is extremely important for the deficit goal to become a reality this year and next thanks to concrete steps," he added insisting on the fact that his ideas did "not just concern Europe".

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1 January 1970

The Spanish government announced a plan on 10th December to make industry "a driver of growth and a creator of jobs" with an investment of 83 billion euros over the period 2011-2015 - which is spending that is compatible with the goal to reduce the deficit." The strategic plan which extends to 2020 "includes 24 initiatives on the part of ten ministries in 26 areas associated with industry, with a direct budgetary impact estimated at nearly 83 billion euros over the period 2011-2015," a figure which correpsonds with the "financial effort to be made by the State administration" said the Industry Ministry in a press release.

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1 January 1970

On 10th December Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis met his Estonian counterpart Andrus Ansip in Riga as part of the conference on cooperation between the two countries. They stressed the good relations shared by their two countries but they also said there was room for improvement in cooperation on all levels.

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1 January 1970

Finnish Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi travelled to St Petersburg on 10th December. She spoke with her Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin with regard to economic and trade relations between Russia and Finland, the world economy, cooperation between the EU and Russia as well as themes associated with the sea and the Baltic.

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European Patents

1 January 1970

On 8th December France, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Sweden wrote to Brussels asking for the establishment of an enhanced cooperation agreement to create a "European patent" that will reduce costs to protect innovation in the EU which are ten times higher than those in the USA. They explain that "Europe is the only major economic area where companies do not have a single patent and this leads to high costs in protecting intellectual property.

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1 January 1970

On 8th and 9th December French Prime Minister François Fillon undertook an official visit to Moscow to take part in the 15th meeting of the Russo-French Committee for Bilateral Cooperation and to review the Cultural Year France-Russia with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Economic exchange increased by nearly 38% over the first ten months of 2010 between the two countries. France went from being the ninth to the fifth foreign investor in Russia. Several Russo-French agreements and cooperation memoranda were signed notably in the area of aeronautics (Sagem Défense Sécurité) and energy (Alsthom) including the creation of a Russo-French Centre for Energy Efficiency.

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Baltic Countries

1 January 1970

On the occasion of his visit to Riga and Vilnius on 10th December Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban met the leaders of the three Baltic States notably to discuss the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the Union in the first half of 2011.

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1 January 1970

Irish Parliament approved the decrease in the minimum salary, 79 votes in favour, 74 against on 10th December together with a decrease in the wages of members of the government. The minimum hourly rate earned by around 50,000 people in Ireland will be reduced by one euro to 7.65€. The law also confirms the decrease in the salaries of the Prime Minister and other members of the government by around 6% down to 214,000 euros and 181.000 euros per year respectively. The approval of this new law which follows the approval of several other budgetary measures this week will enable the 2011 budget to move onto a new stage in view of its final adoption.

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1 January 1970

During the 10th round of bilateral talks on 6th December in Berlin Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and a majority of his government exchanged views with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and their German counterparts on on-going European issues. Ms Merkel said that with regard to major issues on the European political agenda Germany and Poland were aiming for the same goals. Donald Tusk declared after these talks that relations with Germany had reached a satisfactory level of confidence and friendship.

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1 January 1970

Polish President Bronisław Komorowski was guest to his American counterpart on 8th December, Barack Obama at the Whitehouse. The two heads of State stressed the importance of the partnership between the USA and Poland, notably within NATO. Mr Obama thanked Mr Komorowski for Poland's commitment in NATO's military operation in Afghanistan. The two Presidents also said they were pleased with the new strategic idea for the Atlantic Alliance that was drawn up at the Lisbon Summit.

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1 January 1970

A reform raising the age of retirement in Romania was adopted on 7th December by Parliament thereby responding to one of the IMF's conditions in view of the payment of further aid to this country in crisis. The law plans for the age of retirement to rise progressively to 65 for men and to 63 for women by 2015. Initially the text planned that both men and women would retire at 65 by 2015 instead of 59 for women at present and 63 for men.

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1 January 1970

British Prime Minister David Cameron started up debate again on 8th December with regard to the reform of university fees during a conference in London. He maintained that the rise in fees would be "acceptable, competitive and fair" and would lead to improvements in the quality of teaching and the dynamism of British universities. The reform put foward by the government plans for an increase in enrolment fees to unversity from £3000 to £9000 (3600 to 10,800€). The day before this reform caused a violent exchange of opinion in the House of Commons between the Prime Minister and the Labour leader, Ed Miliband. The draft law on the increase in university fees was however adopted by a short majority on 10th December by MPs leading to clashes between the police and some students. 22 people were arrested during the fighting, particularly for attacks on policemen. The Prime Minister vehemently condemned the student violence.

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1 January 1970

British Prime Minister David Cameron travelled to Afghanistan on 6th December. He acknowledged the progress achieved in 2010 and spoke of withdrawing troops. Some 10,000 British soldiers are fighting in Afghanistan. He believed that troops would start withdrawal in 2011 and promised that all troops would be withdrawn by 2015.

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1 January 1970

On 8th December the German Chancellor Angela Merkel received Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt in Berlin. The two leaders spoke of preparations for the European Council, an agreement over the 2011 budget as well as the creation of a permanent crisis management mechanism in the euro area. In addition to this they addressed the issue of the economic recovery of Germany and Sweden. In the press conference that followed with regard to the idea of the creation of European bonds Ms Merkel declared, "In my opinion this proposal does not create good economic incentives.... In our opinion it is not compatible with the treaties in force."

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1 January 1970

Former Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader fled his country on 9th December just hours before the lifting of his parliamentary immunity. He led the Croatian government from 2003 to 2009 and is at present under suspicion of misuse of power. Following an announcement of an international arrest warrant the former Prime Minister was arrested in Austria on 10th December. He may be extradited to Croatia within the next few days.

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1 January 1970

On 9th December Iceland announced a full reimbursement as of 2016 of its 5 billion dollar debt (3.8 billion euros) to the UK and the Netherlands. This sum is equal to the amount the two countries have paid out in damages to citizens who fell victim to the bankruptcy of the Icelandic on-line bank, Icesave.

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1 January 1970

The Nobel Peace Prize 2010 was symbolically placed on an empty chair during the award ceremony that took place on 10th December in Oslo. The winner, the former leader of the Tianamen movement in 1989, Liu Xiabo is at present serving an 11 year prison sentence for "subversion to State power" after co-writing the "Charter 08" - a text which demands the democratisation of China. The President of the Nobel Committee, Thorbjoern Jagland called on China to release the dissident. "Liu only exercised his civic rights. He did nothing wrong. He must be freed," he declared stressing that the Chinese Constitution officially guaranteed the freedom of expression and the right to criticise the State. Three people have missed the ceremony in the past - Andrey Sakharov in 1975, Lech Walesa in 1983 and Aung San Suu Kii in 1991. China does itself no service by refusing permission to Liu Xiabo's wife to travel to collect the prize.

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1 January 1970

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev travelled to Poland on 6th and 7th December where he was guest to his Polish counterpat Bronisław Komorowski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk. The two presidents said they were pleased with the "new chapter" that had been started in Russo-Polish relations - which have been much more relaxed over the last few months. In this context they noted the recent work undertaken by Russia to throw light on the historic background to the Katyn Massacre in 1940; the Russian Duma has just declared that the murder of thousands of Poles near Smolensk was committed by the Stalinian regime.

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1 January 1970

The Presidents of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed a declaration on 9th December in Moscow on the creation of a Common Economic Area. Other documents also adopted plan for the harmonisation of macroeconomic and monetary policies in these States. Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan created a Customs Union just one year ago aiming to do away with tarif barriers between the three countries.

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1 January 1970

Following his meeting on 9th December with the European Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule, Serb Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic said that Serbia wanted to achieve the status of candidate country in 2011. Mr Cvetkovic mentioned the measures the government is implementing as part of work for Serbia's possible integration into the EU. The measures include a reform of the legal system and the finalisation of the Commission's questionnaire - which is vital for the continuation of membership negotiations.

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1 January 1970

On 8th December the Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey was elected by Swiss MPs as President of the Helvetic Confederation 2011. She already assumed this role in 2007. Ms Calmy-Rey will take over from Doris Leuthard and will retain her post as Foreign Minister.

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1 January 1970

The PISA 2009 survey undertaken by the OECD was published on 7th December. It assesses the competences of young 15 year-olds (in maths, science and reading) in 75 OECD Member countries or partners of the organisation. It assesses the acquisition of knowledge and vital know-how for daily life at the end of the obligatory schooling period. The results are not very good for France: its school system seems obsolete and does not rise adequately to the challenges of the 21st century. French 15 year olds have an extremely average school standard and there are major inequalities that increase depending on the social background. Finland is still the European winner and German and Portuguese pupils are improving.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat figures published on 10th December the EU's current account recorded a deficit of 25.5 billion € in the third quarter of 2010 compared to a deficit of 19.3 billion in the third quarter of 2009 and a deficit of 37.1 billion in the second quarter of 2010. In the third quarter of 2010 the services balance in the EU revealed a surplus of 15.1 billion € compared with a surplus of 15.4 billion in the third quarter of 2009 and 19.3 billion in the second quarter of 2010.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 7th December over the last decade the rate of unemployment of women aged 15-64 in the EU has decreased regularly dropping from 39.9% in 2000 to 35.7% in 2009 which means that five million women entered the labour market. Amongst the Member States the rate of unemployment for women aged 25 to 54 is lowest in Slovenia (12.1%), Sweden (12.9%) and Denmark (13%) and the highest in Malta (51.1%), Italy (35.5%), Romania (29.4%) and Greece (29%).

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 9th December in 2009 12% of EU companies faced IT security issues because of problems in computing equipment or software. Incidents which led to the destruction or alteration of data in the wake of virus infection by malicious software or unauthorised access were reported by 5% of companies. In January 2010 half of EU companies used a strong password and token hardware for user authentification and identification.

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1 January 1970

The Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP) has published a study entitled "How a Permanent Crisis Fund can Promote European Solidarity". The author of this analysis Douglas Voigt stresses that the development of a permanent crisis management fund would have long lasting effect on relations between the Member States of the European Union.

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1 January 1970

The Austria Institut für Europa-und Sicherheitspolitik (AIES) has just published a paper on NATO and its new strategic concept in which author, Arnold Kammel describes the content of this concept and analyses what this means for the Euro-Atlantic security community.

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1 January 1970

The ageing of populations in the new EU Member States and Croatia is growing more acute according to a study published on 9th December by the World Bank which calls on these countries to take emergency steps to safeguard their health and social security systems. This document on Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia and Poland presented in Sofia predicts a constant increase in the number of inhabitants aged 65 and over in the next few decades. In 2025 more than 20% of Bulgarians will be over 65 in comparison with 13% in 1990 whilst the average age in Slovenia will be around 47. Simultaneously the working population will decrease sharply. In Bulgaria in 2010 there are four workers per pensioner - in 2050 the ratio will be less than two to one.

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EU Budget

1 January 1970

The Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS) has published a study entitled "The EU Budget: Responsibility without accountability?". Author, Gabriele Cipriani, director for structural policy, energy and transport at the European Auditors' Court looks into the issue of the "responsibility deficit" in the European budget and explores the factors that are at the root of this such as expenditure opaqueness and the irresponsibility of the bodies which manage the budget on a European level.

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Turner Prize

1 January 1970

The Turner Prize, awarded every year to a British artist under 50 was given to Scotswoman Susan Philipsz on 6th December for her work "Lowlands". For the first time ever this prize was given for a sound installation. Susan Philipsz is the fourth woman to win the Turner Prize.

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1 January 1970

For the 12th year running the Short Film Festival (KuFiFe) in Stuttgart is being organised by the High School for Media (HDM) with films by young producers on show. On 17th December the public will choose - after having watched a selection of films selected by the festival's organising committee - three of the best short films this year.

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1 January 1970

The Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck is exhibiting around 80 pieces of work by Johann Evangelist Holzer (1709-1740) - these include portraits, oil paintings, drawings and retables - one of the greatest masters of the 18th century. The "Johann Evangelist Holzer, painter of light" exhibition will be open until 13th March 2011.

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1 January 1970

The "From Canova to Modigliani, the face of the 19th Century" exhibition is being held at the Zabarella de Padua Palace until 27th February 2011. It reviews the development and history of the portrait in art in the 19th century via the work achieved by Canova, Modigliani, Ingres, Tito, Appiani and Thorvaldsen in particular.

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European Book Prize

1 January 1970

The European Book Prize 2010 was awarded on 8th December to Roberto Saviano in the essay category and to Sofi Oksanen in the novel category. The Italian writer was lauded for his essay "Beauty and Hell" whilst the Finnish writer who has already won the Femina foreign prize and the Fnac novel prize was rewarded for her novel "Purge". The jury was chaired this year by German film maker and writer Volker Schlondörff.

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Franco-German Prize

1 January 1970

As part of the Franco-German Council on 10th December German and French Culture Ministers Bernd Neumann and Frédéric Mitterand awarded the first France-German Franz Hessel literary prize to Kathrin Röggla, who received the award for her work entitled "Die Alarmbereiten" and Maylis de Kerangal for her novel "Naissance d'un Pont". The prize totalling 10,000 euros and given by the Genshagen Foundation and the Villa Gillet aims to "enhance literary dialogue between Germany and France and encourage modern authors" explained the German Minister in a press release.

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13th December

"Foreign Affairs" and "General Affairs" Council ()

les 13th-16th December

Plenary Session - European Parliament ()

13th and 14th December

"Agricultural and Fisheries" Council ()

les 16th-17th December

European Council ()

19th December

Presidential Election- Belarus ()

December 20th 2010

EU "Environment" Council ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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The Newsletter n°467- version of 13 déc. 2010