The Newsletter4666 déc. 2010

La Lettre

Philippe Huberdeau

6 December 2010



1 January 1970

According to the polls the Democratic Party (PDK) is due to take the lead and consolidate its hold on Parliament on 12th December next. The Democratic League (LDK) may record a decline and lose its place as second party of Kosovo. Without its leader Ramush Haradinaj, the Alliance for the future of Kosovo led by Ukë Rugova is well placed according to the polls. Two other parties are due to make a breakthrough : the Movement for Self-Determination (Vetvendosje) and New Spirit (Fryma e Re). Whatever the result it seems that the general elections on 12th December will renew in part the political landscape in Kosovo.

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1 January 1970

The Warsaw Economic Forum and the Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the Johns Hopkins Univesity are organising a seminar on 9th and 10th December in Washington on the feasibility of "Forging a Transatlantic Consensus on Russia: Recommendations for Action." Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, will speak on the theme "Political Values and Traditions: Commonalities and Differences."

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Support the Foundation

1 January 1970

Approved by the State by the decree on 18th January, 1992 published in the Journal Officiel on 21st February, 1992, the Robert Schuman Foundation can receive donations from private persons and companies. Tax payers benefit from an income tax rebate equal to 66% of the amount donated. It is limited to 20% of taxable income (art. 200-3 C.G.I). Companies liable to income tax or company tax benefit from a rebate of 60% limited to 0.5% of their turnover. (art. 238 bis 2 CGI). Private parties who pay solidarity tax on wealth can deduct 75% of the total of their donation up to a limit of 50,000 euro (art 885-0 V bis A C.G.I). Support the Robert Schuman Foundation - it works every day to improve understanding about Europe and facilitate access to it. You can make a secure, on-line donation on the Foundation's site.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

According to the forecast by the Bundesbank for 2011 and 2012, as published on 3rd December, economic recovery in Germany is due to continue over the next two years with GDP growth of 2% in 2011 and 1.5% in 2012; 2010 growth is estimated at 3.6%. Unemployment in Germany is due to decrease again and total 6.9% in 2012. Consumer prices may rise in 2011 by 1.7% and by 1.6% in 2012 on average. According to figures published on 30th November by the Federal Employment Agency (BA) the number of job seekers in Germany declined in November. Down by 14,000 (in gross data) in comparison with October the figure now totals 2,931 million (7%).

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1 January 1970

According to figures adjusted to seasonal variations published on 2nd December by the national statistics institute, Statistics Denmark, the unemployment rate remained stable in October in Denmark at 4.2% of the working population. The number of unemployed did increase slightly though and lay at 115,700 said the institute in a press release. Gross unemployment in October was 170,300 people (6.2%) against 169,100 (6.2%) in September.

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1 January 1970

According to a report published on 1st December under the title: "World Economic Situation and Prospects for 2011" the UN estimates that a decline in economic recovery has been visible since the middle of 2010, and that a slowing in world economic activity is to be anticipated. The latter is evaluated at 3.1% in 2011 and 3.5% in 2012 - levels which are too low to recreate jobs destroyed by the financial crisis. The report deplores the decline in the spirit of cooperation between the main economies and the "lack of coordination in monetary policies, which has become a source of turbulence and uncertainty on the financial markets."

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1 January 1970

According to the latest quarterly statistics published by the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on December 1st the value of world merchandise trade only increased by 18% in the third quarter between 2009 and 2010, in comparison with 26% in the second quarter. With regard to the EU trade towards third countries increased more than intra-community trade.

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1 January 1970

The number of unemployed rose in Spain by 24,318 people in November the lowest increase over the last 12 months. In a press release on 2nd December Secretary of State for Employment Mari Luz Rodriguez indicated that this was not a cause for joy but the trend should be interpreted as a "normalisation in the labour market."

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1 January 1970

The Portuguese government adopted a draft revision of the budgetary law on 2nd December aiming notably to establish a limit to the deficit of administrations and to create an independent council on public finances. The draft law adopted in the council of ministers plans to define a limit to the deficit of public administrations in the budget so that Portugal's commitments to Europe can be respected said the government in a press release.

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1 January 1970

On 30th November the Slovenian Statistics Office announced a sharp slowing in the GDP which recorded growth of 0.3% in comparison with 1% the previous quarter. The reason for this is the decline in investments and low consumption said the Office. Exports are still the main driver behind economic growth. The inflation rate, calculated according to the ECB's harmonised European index lay at 1.6% in comparison with 2.1% the previous month.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd December the ratings agency Standard and Poor's announced that it was planning to reduce Greece's long term debt rating because of creditor uncertainty over the EU's plan for debt for countries in the euro area. The Greek State's rating (BB+) was placed "under negative surveillance", this means that S&P is allowing three months to see whether the plan announced on 28th November will affect its solvency appreciation of the country. S&P forecasts that Greece "may be a candidate for additional funding" after 2013, "in addition to the funds already received from the IMF and other euro area governments".

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1 January 1970

The Swedish economy witnessed record growth in the third quarter of 2010. According to a press release from the Swedish statistics office on 29th November the Swedish GDP increased by 2.1% in comparison with the previous quarter and by 6.9% over one year ie the biggest annual rise in 17 years. According to a press release by the same office on 2nd December, in addition to this Swedish foreign merchandise trade increased sharply in the third quarter of 2010 in comparison with 2009. The rise in exports which reached a volume of 16.6% was especiallyt beneficial to the car industry which experienced a rise of 42%. Imports experienced a rise of 19.2% which benefited all sectors particularly the mechanical and transport industries.

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1 January 1970

The unemployment rate in France remained stable at 9.3% on the mainland. Over one year according to figures published by the INSEE on 2nd December unemployment was up by 0.1% to 2,631,000 on the mainland. However unemployment amongst the 15-24 year olds has increased much more to reach 24.2%.

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1 January 1970

During its meeting on 2nd December the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) decided that its main rates would remain unchanged: interest rates on main refinancing operations as well as those on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility would remain at 1% and 1.75% and 0.25% respectively. In 2010 the ECB reviewed its growth forecast in the euro area slightly upwards to 1.7%. In 2011 growth is due to be 1.4% and inflation 1.8%; in 2012 growth is due to be 1.7% and inflation 1.5%. ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet said that the economy was "improving gradually quarter after quarter." The ECB is also to continue its bond purchase programme said Mr Trichet who refused to say anything further about the amounts planned. The ECB decided to extend its refinancing facility at a fixed, unlimited rate over three months in support of banks until the end of March 2011.

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1 January 1970

On 1st December the Irish government published the document detailing the rescue agreement which the EU/IMF adopted on 28th November for a total of 85 billion euros. This is designed to reassure the markets and boost the Irish banks. Of the 85 billion euros in loans over three years, 35 billion will be given to the banking sector that is heavily indebted after the collapse of the real estate bubble which plunged the country into a recession and pushed the national public debt to new heights. 10 billion euros will be used for "immediate recapitalisation measures" and 25 billion for support measures to banks if necessary. The remaining 50 billion euros will be used to cover Ireland's budgetary requirements.

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1 January 1970

Poland's GDP increased by 1.3% in the third quarter of 2010 in comparison with the previous quarter according to data adjusted to seasonal variations and by 4.7% in comparison with the third quarter of 2009 announced the National Statistics Bureau on 30th November.

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1 January 1970

The 2010 growth forecast was officially revised upwards on 29th November - which is good news for the British government. According to the Budgetary Responsibility Office, the country's GDP will increase by 1.8% this year whilst the previous forecast dating back to June counted on a rise of 1.2% only.

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1 January 1970

The rating agency Moody's announced on 6th December that it had reduced Hungary's sovereignty rating from Baa1 to Baa3 due to "increasing concern" over the mid and long term budgetary situation which may lead to a downturn. Moody's may reduce this rating again "if the government does not succeed in stabilising its financial situation," indicates a press release. This decrease in the rating attributed to Hungarian bonds in foreign currency and forints - the local currency - was also decided because of the country's greater vulnerability with regard to external shocks" in comparison with most of the other countries that are ranked notes the agency.

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European Council


1 January 1970

African and European leaders who met on 29th and 30th November in Tripoli adopted a joint three year action plan to stimulate investments, economic growth and create jobs. This plan also focuses on peace and security, democracy and human rights, trade and infrastructure, energy, immigration and employment. The 80 countries represented in this EU-Africa summit committed to a new rapprochement strategy in view of their next meeting in 2013.

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1 January 1970

The European Commission would like to see the roll-out of electronic invoices the use of which instead of paper invoices would save 240 billion euros over six years. In a communication dated 2nd December it stresses that it is necessary to guarantee legal security and harmonised norms with regard to electronic invoices in the EU.

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1 January 1970

On 4th December the Commission launched a website enabling public authorities and all of those who want to act in support of the environment to choose the cleanest, most energy efficient car. The site provides information about European and national legislation with regard to clean, energy efficient vehicles. It enables access to the biggest European database of technical data about vehicles and facilitates joint procurement.

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1 January 1970

The European Commission started a public consultation on 1st December that will last until May 2011 to launch the reform of VAT. The goal is to give all of the parties involved the opportunity to express their opinion over VAT problems and the means to remedy them. After this consultation the Commission will offer a more stable, stronger, more effective VAT system for the future.

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1 January 1970

Europeans came to an agreement of principle to bring the ratings agencies active in the EU under the supervision of a pan-European authority that has investigational and punitive powers according to parliamentary and diplomatic sources. The agreement was reached on 1st December during a meeting of "three" between representatives of the European Parliament, EU governments, the European Commission said the parliamentary rapporteur Jean-Paul Gauzès (EPP, FR).

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Citizens' Initiative

1 January 1970

The representatives of the Member States and the European Parliament came to an agreement on 30th November on the outlines of the citizens' initiative that with 1 million signatures will oblige the Commission to look into a legislative issue. Until now the Commission had total power over the legislative initiative - ie the power to formulate proposals that are then submitted to Council and Parliament. But thanks to the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty citizens will now be able to influence directly the European legislative process. It should be noted that the admissibility of a request will be examined by the Commission's legal services as soon as it is recorded. The signatories, who must be of voting age in European elections will have to come from at least one quarter of the Member States for a petition to be valid. The agreement still has to be approved formally by the Member States as well as by MEPs who will vote in the plenary session on 16th December.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd December the 27 Ministers of Justice adopted negotiation directives in view of agreements with Australia, Canada and the USA on passengers' personal data which aims to prevent and fight terrorism. They decided to step up the control over air freight. They approved the simplification of divorce procedures in 14 Member States for transnational couples, enabling them to choose the legal regime of the EU which will govern their divorce. They also spoke about banning the manufacture and trade in Europe of mephedrone, a synthetic drug that resembles cocaine and ecstasy. Finally they approved a regulation to guarantee suspects the right to information in legal procedures. People accused of a crime will have to be informed of their rights in a language they understand.

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1 January 1970

Just after the official launch of the European External Action Service the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy, Catherine Ashton confirmed two new appointments in the EU's diplomatic service on 2nd December. She appointed Robert Cooper as Counsellor to the European External Action Service and Agostino Miozzo as Managing Director for Crisis Response. The European External Action Service led by Pierre Vimont is due to be fully operational in 2011.

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1 January 1970

From now on infringements committed on the road when drivers are abroad will not go unpunished, notably with regard to the four most fatal crimes which are at the origin of 75% of deaths on the road: speeding, non-respect of traffic lights, the non-respect of wearing seat belts and drunk driving. This decision follows an agreement on the part of the 27 Transport Ministers on 3rd December. In addition to this the ministers discussed the creation of a single European rail transport area that is due to modernise the railway sector. Finally the German, Luxembourg, Belgian, Swiss, Dutch and French Ministers signed an agreement to create the Functional Airspace Block – Central Europe, a key stage in completing the Single European Sky.

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1 January 1970

On 29th November the 27 Agriculture Ministers discussed the Commission's communication entitled "The CAP in 2020" thereby opening the institutional debate on this issue. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) must be reformed if sustainable food security and the rural economy are to be maintained. The debate over the CAP reform will be discussed during the European Council on 16th and 17th December next. With regard to fishing Ministers came to a political agreement over fishing opportunities affecting certain deep-sea stocks in 2011 and 2012. They decided on slight quota restrictions on deep-sea fish.

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1 January 1970

The Council and the European Parliament which met on 30th November within the Conciliation Committee came to an agreement over passengers rights in coach travel with regard to compensation and assistance in the event of an accident, non-discrimination, assistance for the handicapped or for those with reduced mobility, rights in the event of cancellation or delay, information to give to passengers and the processing of complaints. The agreement now has to be validated by the European Parliament (by the majority of votes cast) and by the Council (voting by a qualified majority) for the regulation to be adopted.

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Côte d'Ivoire

1 January 1970

On 3rd December the head of the EU's diplomacy Catherine Ashton acknowledged the victory of Alassane Ouattara in the presidential election in Côte d'Ivoire and issued a warning to the supporters of his adversary, Laurent Gbagbo. "I congratulate Mr Ouattara on his victory," indicated Ms Ashton in a declaration in which she "called on all parties in the electoral process to respect the will of the people" and to "accept the results, as certified by the special representative of the UN's Secretary General Youn-jin Choi". On 4th December the President of the Commission, José Manuel Barroso re-iterated his support of Alassane Ouattara whom he considers to be the "legitimate victor" of the presidential election in Côte d'Ivoire. "I join with the messages of congratulations on the part of the international community sent to Mr Alassane Ouattara and I hail him as the legitimate winner of these democratic elections," he declared in a press release.

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1 January 1970

From 27th to 30th November German President Christian Wulff visited the Near-East where he met his Israeli counterpart, Shimon Peres on 28th November. The two presidents stressed the close relations between Germany and Israel. On 30th November Mr Wulff spoke with the President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas. The themes of discussion were the peace process in the Near East and German support of the establishment of State structures in Palestinian regions.

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1 January 1970

On 30th November the German government adopted a new aerospace strategy that aims to consolidate the German position in this technological sector. Economy and Technology Minister, Rainer Brüderle said, "Via this new strategy the government is highlighting the importance it is giving to aerospace - a key technology for the future of our country."

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1 January 1970

On 2nd December the Bundestag, the lower Chamber in the German Parliament, extended three of the Bundeswehr's mandates. These were the German army's participation in the NATO operation, "Active Endeavour" in the Mediterranean (extended until end of 2011), operation "Althea" undertaken by the EU in Bosnia-Herzegovina as well as operation "Atalanta" off the Somalian coast also undertaken by the EU (extended by one year).

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Charlemagne Prize

1 January 1970

The President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Jean-Claude Trichet is the winner of the Charlemagne Prize 2011 for his work in support of the stability of the euro in spite of the crisis that is ongoing in the euro area said the people who organise this German award on 4th December. The prize that will be delivered in Aachen was given "to this European executive" for having vigorously helped "in these difficult times towards the cohesion of monetary union, the stability of the euro and the maintenance of competitiveness in Europe," said the Charlemagne Prize organisation in a press release.

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1 January 1970

On 6th December the Finance Minister of the German Federal Republic and Member of the Board of the Robert Schuman Foundation was appointed Finance Minister of the Year by a jury of economists interviewed by the Financial Times (FT). Right through the year the German minister "acted courageously" comments the newspaper which ranked the major Finance Ministers from 19 of the most important European economies for the 5th time running. On 1st December the first "Grand Economy Prize" a rewards for the person "who embodies the most remarkable economic event" of the year was given in Paris by Valéry Giscard d'Estaing together with his French counterpart Christine Lagarde. The distinction was awarded by the daily "Les Echos" and Radio Classique together with the Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer consultancy "for real action undertaken in the public domain, world affairs or the academic sphere in France or abroad," stressed the Echos press release.

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1 January 1970

The Bulgarian government announced on 30th November an agreement with a Greek-Italian company for the construction of a gas pipeline linking the Bulgarian network to Greece by 2013 - this heralds a further step towards the security of gas supplies to the country.

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Iberia/British Airways

1 January 1970

The shareholders of the two airlines British Airways (BA) and Iberia approved their merger in Madrid on 29th November. The new company was baptised "International Airlines Group" (IAG) but BA and Iberia will continue to fly under their own colours. The merger will be effective in January after the publication of all of the legal documents and its HQ will be in London. The merger should enable the generation of 400 million euros in annual savings. The transaction is to take the shape of an exchange of shares and provide around 55% of the capital of the new group to BA shareholders and 45% to those of Iberia - reflecting their respective weight in the stock exchange.

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1 January 1970

Spanish Prime Minister José Luiz Rodriguez Zapatero announced a "series of measures" designed to reduce the State's financial requirements in 2011 down from 45 billion euros to 31. Amongst these feature the suppression of exceptional benefits for the unemployed who no longer have the right to payments (non-renewal as from February of the 426 euro benefit for long term unemployed), a tax reduction on SME's, a rise in tobacco prices as from 1st January and a series of partial privatisations (49% of Aena - a company that manages 47 Spanish airports and up to 30% of the state lottery company). In addition to this anti-crisis arsenal Madrid is making a step towards an area which is dear to the IMF in particular: the reform of retirement pensions which it has been talked of for over a year. It also plans to delay the age of retirement from 65 to 67.

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1 January 1970

French President Nicolas Sarkozy started a four-day working visit on 4th December in India - Bangalore, New Delhi and Bombay to address issues related to the civilian nuclear industry and defence. India is the first G20 country that he has visited since he took over the presidency. His visit marks France's acknowledgement of the "second biggest driver behind world growth" after China (around 9% growth per year). On 6th December in New Delhi the president spoke with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and met President Pratibha Patil as well as the French community. France also signed two framework agreements with India for EPR type reactors in the west of the country. These agreements were signed by the leader of the French nuclear company, Areva, Anne Lauvergeon, and by the chair of the state company NPCIL (Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited).

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1 January 1970

The number of migrants who entered the EU illegally via the Greek-Turkish land border decreased by 44% in one month after the introduction of European border guards at the beginning of November according to the European agency responsible for monitoring the borders (Frontex). After the deployment of some "205 border guards from 26 EU countries as well as from Iceland and Switzerland," at the beginning of November together with policemen from Greece the number of illegal crossings over the land border between Greece and Turkey was reduced by some 250 per day in October to 140 in November declared the deputy director of Frontex on 30th November, Gil Arias Fernandez at a press conference in Athens.

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1 January 1970

The Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament comprising the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek and the leaders of the parliamentary groups travelled to Hungary on 1st December to discuss the Hungarian agenda for the presidency of the European Council that will start on January 1st next. Mr Buzek was guest to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi. On this occasion Mr Orban repeated the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency which include Croatia's accession and Roma integration.

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1 January 1970

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was host to his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban on 30th November in Moscow. They stressed the close economic relations between Russia and Hungary, notably with regard to direct investments.

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1 January 1970

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk hosted his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban in Warsaw on 1st December. They discussed the priorities of the future Hungarian presidency of the European Council and European issues. They also discussed the Eastern Partnership.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd December the UN's Organisation for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) dispatched a team of experts to Pompei to look into the state of conservation of the world heritage site after the destruction of certain historic monuments at the beginning and end of November. The team aims to define possible threats that weigh on other buildings on the site. The organisation announced that a report is due to be presented in June 2011.

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The Netherlands


1 January 1970

On the occasion of his visit to French President Nicolas Sarkozy on 29th November Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte stressed his government's commitment to greater cooperation with France in a bilateral and European agreement notably in terms of nuclear and wind-powered energy and immigration.

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1 January 1970

The Diet, the lower chamber in the Polish Parliament, adopted a law on 3rd December that guarantees women a 35% quota on candidate lists in elections - in part a response to the claim made by feminists who are demanding 50/50 parity. The new law approved by 241 MPs in favour, 154 against also guarantees a minimum 35% of places for masculine candidates.

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1 January 1970

On 5th December Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk met the heads of government of the Baltic States in Warsaw. During the meeting the four leaders advised on joint action with regard to energy security particularly as far as the nuclear power plant in Lithuania is concerned. The EU's financial policy was also on the agenda.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd December the British government published the progress made in November with regard to structural reform for each of the departments targeted. These measures were announced in June last by the new government and intend to eliminate the UK's structural deficit left behind by the Labour Party. It should lead to savings on tens of billions of euros notably by reducing State intervention and the number of civil servants.

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1 January 1970

On 6th December the Russian President Dmitri Medvedev arrived in Poland for the first State visit in nine years. He spoke with his Polish counterpart Bronislaw Komorowski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk. During their talks they mentioned the Katyn Massacre, recently acknowledged by Russian MPs as being Stalin's responsibility, they also discussed energy and defence.

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

The Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe, Thomas Hammarberg spoke on 1st December about the discrimination that continues in Bosnia-Herzegovina with regard to national minorities. He called on the country to bring its legislation and practices into line with Human Rights. In spite of the adoption of a law against discrimination in 2009 together with the appointment of an ombudsman rifts continue to grow between the various ethnic groups notably in the schools where pupils of Bosniak origin who are separated off from their Croatian counterparts.

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Human Rights

1 January 1970

The EU's membership of the Council of Europe's Convention with regard to the fight against human trafficking would guarantee "the uniform application of its high standards and its approach to Human Rights right across Europe," said participants in a Conference "Parliamants united against Human Trafficking" on 3rd December in Paris, organised by the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 'PACE'. To this end participants decided to address this issue in their relations with the EU's institutions particularly with the European Parliament." The final declaration highlights "the effective implementation of the Convention's measures by the States is the main challenge to be met," and expresses the belief that "national parliaments must play an active role in monitoring its implementation."

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1 January 1970

The 56 member States of the Organisation for the Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) which met in a summit in Kazakhstan on 1st and 2nd December did not succeed in adopting an action plan to enhance this institution because of disagreements over conflicts in the former USSR, notably over Georgia. The Kazakh President Noursoultan Nazarbayev announced the adoption of the "Astana Declaration" that "re-iterates" the OSCE's principles to guarantee joint security.

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1 January 1970

During the 3rd quarter of 2010 the euro area GDP increased by 0.4% and that of the EU by 0.5% in comparison with the previous quarter according to figures published by Eurostat on 2nd December. During the 2nd quarter 2010 the growth rate lay at 1%.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat figures published on 30th November unemployment lay at 10.1% in October 2010 in the euro area against 10% in September. It lay at 9.9% in October 2009. In the EU the unemployment rate totalled 9.6% in October 2010 - stable in comparison with September. It lay at 9.4% in October 2009.

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1 January 1970

According to a rapid estimate published by Eurostat on 30th November the annual inflation rate in the euro area lay at 1.9% in November 2010. In October the rate was also 1.9%.

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1 January 1970

A new survey undertaken amonst employers in Europe shows that during graduate recruitment the so-called "non-technical" competences are just as important as specific technical ones and IT. A major share of employers surveyed answered that a worker's ability to work in a team (98%), his/her ability to adapt to new situations (97%), communication skills (96%) and knowledge of foreign languages (67%) played an important role in recruitment. Nearly half of the companies with a high profile on the international market believe linguistic skills as the main advantage for the future.

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1 January 1970

The Swedish Institute for European Studies has published a report by Christophe Hillion on the EU's enlargement policy entitled "The Creeping Nationalisation of the EU Enlargement Policy".

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1 January 1970

The National Assembly's European Affairs Committee (the lower chamber of French Parliament) delivered an information report on 23rd November on "international negotiations relative to climate change." It relates the disappointing result of the Copenhagen Conference with regard to European ambitions and details its expectations of the conference in Cancun that is taking place from 29th November to 10th December and which is due to lead to the adoption of a series of balanced decisions.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd December the Bertelsmann Foundation published a study by Guy Verhofstadt, former Belgian Prime Minister, MEP and chair of the ALDE group entitled "How can we save the Euro?" which looks into the impact of the financial crisis in the EU.

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1 January 1970

The Center for European Studies (CES) published a study on 2nd December on its site "GDP and its enemies. The Questionable Search for a Happiness Index". Its author Johan Norberg speaks of the confidence crisis that is affecting the GDP at present - a traditional indicator to gauge growth and wealth of the States and shows the different attempts at putting forward other indicators that take into a account the well-being of society rather than the level of production alone.

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Human Rights

1 January 1970

The work entitled "The Council of Europe and Human Rights - an Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights" has just been published. Author Martyn Bond explains via specific examples what Human Rights is and what the Council of Europe does to protect them.

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1 January 1970

The work by Jean-Luc Sauron on "Procédure devant les juridictions de l'Union européenne et devant la CEDH" has just been published. He shows via various summaries and tables all of these procedures.

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1 January 1970

The Kunsthalle of Hamburg is showing the first retrospective in 30 years devoted to Philipp Otto Runge (1777-1810) until 13th March. This artist, was together with Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840), one of the initiators of Romantic painting in Germany. Thanks to 35 paintings and 200 drawings the exhibition "Kosmos Runge" pays tribute to this genius and offers a vast overview of his work.

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1 January 1970

The 2010/2011 season at the Scala theatre in Milan will be launched on 7th December with the opera "The Valkyries" by Richard Wagner. On the programme this season are "Swan Lake" by Tchaikovsky, "Attila" by Verdi, "Death in Venice" by Britten and "The Magic Flute" by Mozart.

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1 January 1970

The Palazzo Ducale in Genoa is putting an exhibition entitled "Mediterranean: Corot, Monet and Matisse" until May 1st. The main theme of this exhibition - the Mediterranean - is represented in around 80 paintings undertaken by painters such as Jean-Baptiste Corot, Claude Monet and Henri Matisse, Edvard Munch and Vincent Van Gogh. The works come from museums and collections the world over.

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1 January 1970

The Hunterian Art Gallery in Glasgow is putting on an exhibition "Blue and Silver: Whistler and the Thames" until 8th January. This exhibition brings togeter oil paintings, drawings and prints by James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903)and bears witness to this artist's fascination with the Thames.

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1 January 1970

The Pompidou Centre in Paris is offering a unique exhibition entitled "Mondrian/De Stijl" until 21st March - the central theme is the work by the father of geometric abstract art - Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) the most famous figure of the De Stijl group of artists. The exhibition interlinks the artist's life and the De Stijl movement and presents around 700 works and objects.

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1 January 1970

The film "The Ghost Writer" directed by Roman Polanski won six awards including that of best film in the European Cinema Prize ceremony on 4th December in Tallinn.

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1 January 1970

The Museo del Novecento devoted to 20th century art in general and Italian art in particular, from futurism to arte povera, opened its doors to the public on 6th December at the Milan Cathedral Square. More than 400 works are on show. Entry will be free until 28th February 2011.

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1 January 1970

The extension of the Museum of Modern Art in Rome, the MACRO - an audacious red and black building designed by French architect Odile Decq opened its doors to the public on 4th December. For a total cost of 27 million euros the MACRO ( that already existed within the old Peroni brewery - a classical building that was re-converted into a museum, offered itself an extension of 10,000 m2. The museum entrance that lies to the north of the Eternal City near the Porta Pia is evocative of a Japanese Atrium garden. Thanks to this new wing the museum has tripled its exhibition surfaces to which can be added conference rooms, a library, a cafeteria and an underground car park.

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6th December

Eurogroup Meeting ()

les 6th-7th December

"Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer" Council ()

7th December

EU-Russia Summit ()

7th December

"Economy-Finance" Council ()

9th December

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Defence) ()

10th December

Franco-German Ministers Council ()

10th December

"Competitiveness" Council ()

10th December

EU-India Summit ()

12th December

General Elections Kosovo ()

13th December

"Foreign Affairs" and "General Affairs" Council ()

les 13th-16th December

Plenary Session - European Parliament ()

13th and 14th December

"Agricultural and Fisheries" Council ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°466- version of 6 déc. 2010