The Newsletter46529 nov. 2010

La Lettre

Nicolas-Jean Brehon

29 November 2010



1 January 1970

According to results that are still incomplete (95.5%) three of the four parties in the outgoing coalition Alliance for European Integration - the Liberal Party (PL) led by interim President of the Republic Mihai Ghimpu, the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM), led by outgoing Prime Minister Vladimir Filat and the Democratic Party (PDM) led by Marian Lupu won 50.9% of the vote taking 57 of the 101 seats in Parliament. The Liberal Democratic Party made a breakthrough with 28.6% of the vote. The Democratic Party won 12.9% of the vote, the Liberal Party 9.3%. Support for the Communist Party declined and it won 40.5%. According to some estimates the four remaining seats required by the Coalition for a majority could be won with the vote from polling stations abroad. This would put an end to the political crisis to elect the President of the Republic (a 3/5 majority is required ie 61 seats).

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1 January 1970

Approved by the State by the decree on 18th January, 1992 published in the Journal Officiel on 21st February, 1992, the Robert Schuman Foundation can receive donations from private persons and companies. Tax payers benefit from an income tax rebate equal to 66% of the amount donated. It is limited to 20% of taxable income (art. 200-3 C.G.I). Companies liable to income tax or company tax benefit from a rebate of 60% limited to 0.5% of their turnover. (art. 238 bis 2 CGI). Private parties who pay solidarity tax on wealth can deduct 75% of the total of their donation up to a limit of 50,000 euro (art 885-0 V bis A C.G.I). Support the Robert Schuman Foundation - it works every day to improve understanding about Europe and facilitate access to it. You can make a secure, on-line donation on the Foundation's site.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development on 22nd November the OECD area's GDP rose by 0.6% in the third quarter of 2010. The GDP in the euro area and the EU increased by 0.4% - down by 1% in comparison wih the previous quarter. With 0.7% growth Germany is still relatively strong but declining in comparison with the record 2.3% witnessed in the second quarter of 2010. GDP growth slowed in France (0.4%), in Italy (0.2%) and in the UK (0.8%). However it accelerated in Japan (0.9%) and slightly in the USA (0.5%).

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1 January 1970

The Irish government revealed its austerity plan on 24th November to the backdrop of a political crisis and under constant pressure from the markets. This plan should lead to savings of 15 billion euros and bring the Irish public deficit down to 3% of the GDP by 2014. The latter rose to 32% of the GDP this year. To do this Dublin will raise VAT which will gradually go up to 23%; the government will also do away with nearly 25,000 civil servants' positions. Apart from budgetary cuts the official retirement age will be delayed. Moreover unemployment and family benefits will be reduced by 5% and the minimum salary will be cut by 12%. At the same time the plan is said to include a higher income tax and also other new taxes.

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1 January 1970

On 26th November the Portuguese Parliament finally adopted an austerity budget for 2011 which should lead to a drastic reduction in the country's deficit. "This budget includes extremely difficult, demanding measures for all Portuguese declared Prime Minister José Socrates after the vote. The adoption of this austerity plan aims to bring the deficit of 7.3% of the GDP this year down to 4.6% in 2011.

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1 January 1970

The Swedish statistics institute published a study on 23rd November undertaken in October with regard to Swedish industrial investments in 2011. Although investment was down 5% in 2010 in comparison with 2009 it will probably be up by 10% in 2011 in comparison with 2010. This rise should notably involve the paper industry (40% increase in 2011 against 18% in 2010) and the chemical industry that will rise by 34% in 2011 equal but higher in volume to the 2010 rate.

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1 January 1970

The Icelandic statistics institute announced its forecasts for the Icelandic economy in 2010-2015 on 23rd November. The study forecasts a contraction in the economy of 3% in 2010 followed by recovery of growth over the entire period 2011-2015, on condition that industrial investment takes off as from 2012. Inflation will decrease progressively: an average rate of 5.4% is expected in 2010; and it should total 2.3% in 2012.

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1 January 1970

The EU-ECB-IMF troika congratulated the Greek government "for having achieved the goals set with regard to budgetary savings" by reducing its enormous deficit by 6 points in just one year. But it advised to continue structural reform. The EU and IMF representatives said that the third payment (9 billion euros) of the 110 billion euro loan given to the country over three years in May will be paid after the December approval of the joint financial monitoring report on the country's finances.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 23rd November by the Finnish statistics institute, Statistics Finland, the unemployment rate in Finland totalled 7.4% in October in comparison with 8.2% previously. In October 2010 2,450,000 people were in a job - 47,000 people more than in October 2009.

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1 January 1970

The Federal Statistics Office, Destatis, confirmed provisional data on 23rd November that indicated that the GDP had progressed by 0.7% in the third quarter in Germany in comparison with the 2nd. "German economic recovery is continuing although at a slower pace after the record figures in the second quarter," (+2.3%) explained Destatis in a press release. According to IFO figures published on 24th November its index which measures the business climate in Germany reached 109.3 points in November in comparison with 107.7 points in October.

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1 January 1970

According to the Commission's autumn forecasts published on 29th November GDP growth of 1.75% is expected in 2010-2011 and this figure is due to lie at around 2% in 2012. This year economic results were better than expected and growth forecasts made in the spring for 2010 were revised upwards. However given the slowing of the world economy and the start of budgetary stabilisation activity is still due to decline at the end of year and in 2011. But it is due to gather pace again in 2012 thanks to an improvement in private demand. With the economic recovery en route the labour market situation should gradually improve also. The unemployment rate should fall to below 9% in 2012 whilst public deficit should decline to around 4.25% of the GDP.

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1 January 1970

With Ireland facing market tensions, austerity measures, and an EU/IMF bailout, the two European Commissioners most heavily involved with handling financial and debt matters addressed the EP's Economics Committee on Monday night. Both stressed the need for bold steps to ensure tight economic coordination and strong EU-level regulation. MEPs are continuing their work as co-legislators on six decisive texts on the structure of economic governance. Their reports should be officially presented in a committee for economic and monetary affairs in January 2011.

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1 January 1970

The number of job seekers in mainland France (without work and obliged to seek actively) registered with Pôle Emploi at the end of October lay at 2,676,800 people. This number is down in comparison with that recorded at the end of September (-0.8% ie -20,300). Over one year the figure had grown by 1.8%. The total number of unemployed registered with Pôle Emploi lay at 3,985,500 in mainland France in October (4,234,300 in France including overseas territories). This figure had decreased by 0.3% (-13,700). Over one year it had increased by 5%.

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European Council


1 January 1970

On 23rd November the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy travelled to Sweden and spoke with Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt about the economic situation.

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1 January 1970

One European in four has a subscription to broadband internet, a technology that is gathering speed according to the latest statistics published on 25th November by the European Commission. Broadband is continuing to spread across the EU - 25.6% of the population now has a subscription to this (in comparison with 23.9% last year). Mobile broadband is also growing spectacularly with a 45% rise, meaning that 6% of private parties have a specific means to accessing mobile broadband. But the EU is far from having achieved its goals that aims for 100% broadband coverage (the basic kind - such as ADSL) by 2013.

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1 January 1970

The EU will try to triple the number of women in posts of responsibility in five years in major companies that are dominated at present by men, said the Commission Vice-President, Viviane Reding on 22nd November. "Only one member in ten of the boards of companies floated on the stock exchange is a woman," whilst women comprise 60% of university graduates, regretted Ms Reding. "My goal is to reach 30% in 2015 and 40% of women on the boards of major companies in 2020," she declared. On 24th November the European Commission welcomed the notification by four countries (Germany, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia) of measures taken in view of transposing European rules banning discrimination in employment based on gender and notably to guaranteeing equal treatment of both men and women in the workplace.

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1 January 1970

On 26th November the Commission adopted a new draft budget for 2011 after the failure to achieve conciliation between Parliament and the Council on 15th November last. The new draft plans for the payment of up to 126.5 billion euros (+2.9% in comparison with 2009), which is the level accepted by both Parliament and Council. At the same time the President of the Commission addressed a letter to the Presidents of the Parliament and Council calling on them to draw up the rules of the cooperation on future budgetary issues as planned for in the Lisbon Treaty - ie joint work as part of the future financial framework.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the UN resolution on women, peace and security on 24th November MEPs adopted a resolution calling on Member States to support women's participation in the foreign and security policy by means of greater financial and human resources. Resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council re-confirms the role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peace negotiations, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and post-conflict reconstruction. It also asks for special measures to be taken to protect women and their daughters from gender based violence particularly rape and other types of sexual abuse in situations of armed conflict. Only Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK have written national action plans to enable the implementation of this resolution ie 10 countries out of 27.

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1 January 1970

After the debate on 23rd November with the President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet MEPs adopted a resolution assessing the ECB's activities in 2009 and put forward measures to take in the present economic context. Given the continuing problem of debt the resolution encourages the ECB to purchase public debt like in the UK and the USA. The resolution also emphasises that an economic governance system is vital for a real Economic and Monetary Union. Finally the text adopted warns against austerity plans "which should not include measures that might significantly impede economic recovery.

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1 January 1970

Give the failure of the conciliation procedure between the Council and the Parliament on 15th November the negotiations on the 2011 budget did not move forwards. In a resolution adopted 486 votes in favour, 64 against and 21 abstentions, MEPs re-iterated on 25th November that they were prepared to conclude an agreement according to the limits set by the Council on condition that the governments accepted the budget's flexibility and a future working method. Given that the institutions did not manage to agree the Commission therefore suggested a new draft budget. The Budget's Committee at the European Parliament will look into it and the issue should be addressed at the European Council on 16th and 17th December.

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Electronic Waste

1 January 1970

Electronic equipment sold in the EU which generates millions of tonnes of waste when it is no longer in use should contain less toxic materials in the future according to a decision taken by the European Parliament on 24th November. Materials such as lead and mercury the use of which has been strictly regulated until now will be totally banned from electronic equipment. Legislation which applies to TV, fridges and computers already will also apply to laboratory equipment and gadgets. However photo-voltaic solar panels which contain cadmium - considered as carcinogenic - will be not be affected by this text. This new directive, an up-date in legislation still has to be adopted officially by the European Council which is due to meet in December.

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1 January 1970

On 24th November MEPs accepted Moldova's participation in several European programmes and agencies, notably in the area of transport, food safety, customs and air security. This progress may help to promote the country's modernisation. Moreover the European Investment Bank (EIB) granted its first loan to fund projects in Moldova as part of the Eastern Partnership thereby encouraging the development of Moldovan companies and the economy.

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1 January 1970

The EU would be acting in its own interests if it brought its 2020 goal to reduce CO2 to 30% according to a European Parliament resolution approved on 25th November; this also stresses the need to move forwards in vital areas such as the protection of forests and commitments to help with climate issues in developing countries during the international negotiation in Cancun in Mexico (29th November-10th December).

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the "Rose Revolution" the Georgian President was the guest of honour at the European Parliament on 23rd November. He reviewed the democratic changes that had taken place in his country stressing that its "destiny was European" and solemnly renounced the use of force against Russian troops who in his opinion still occupy 20% of Georgian territory. After the visit of the President of the European Commission to Georgia on 18th November the Georgian President intends to develop his country's European potential.

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1 January 1970

During the EU-Ukraine Summit on 22nd November Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich achieved the promise of a simplified procedure with regard to the attribution of travel visas for Ukrainians who want to enter the EU. In exchange for this guarantee the EU demanded that Ukraine make an effort, including addressing the issue of the permeable nature of its border with Russia. However on 25th November the European Parliament expressed its concern over the government's increasing influence in the media, political interference in the secret services and the rushed adoption of new electoral rules. It should be noted that two issues were carefully taken out of the debate: the constitution of a free trade area EU-Ukraine and the issue of European environmental, healthcare and property standards.

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1 January 1970

On 25th November the 27 European Industry Ministers discussed the tools implemented in the employment and growth strategy 2020. Unanimity was not found in the Council over the linguistic issue for the European patent. Ministers voted unanimously for Taiwan's inclusion on the list of countries which benefit from a visa request exemption with the EU in order to enhance trade relations between Taiwan and the EU. In addition to this on the occasion of the 7th "Space" Council the 27 Ministers stressed the importance of developing the European space sector.

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Foreign Affairs

1 January 1970

On 22nd November the 27 Foreign Ministers congratulated Iraq on its agreement of 11th November on the appointment of the Iraqi President and Prime Minister; this comprises the first step towards forming a stable and representative government - which is vital for the country's reconstruction. They welcomed the liberation of Aung San Suu Kyi, Noble Peace Prize winner and asked for the immediate liberation of all political prisoners help in Myanmar.

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1 January 1970

The European Union "firmly condemned" North Korea's attack as it bombarded a South Korean island killing two and injuring 18 others said its diplomatic chief Catherine Ashton on 23rd November. "I am deeply concerned about the events in the Korean peninsula which have claimed victims amongst the military and the civil population in South Korea" and "I condemn firmly this attack by North Korea," wrote Ms Ashton.

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1 January 1970

Finance Ministers in the euro area validated an aid plan on 28th November by the EU and the IMF for 85 billion euros for Ireland (45 from the EU, 22.5 from the IMF and 17.5 from Ireland itself). They also came to an agreement over the means of the future EU permanent Rescue Fund after 2013 particularly with regard to the "individual" involvement of private banks in this fund.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd November the German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg announced that the number of soldiers engaged in the Bundeswehr which total 240,000 at present will be reduced to between 180,000 and 185,000 men. He is also planning to abolish positions in his ministry that will now employ less than 2000 people. In addition to this he confirmed that he intended to do away with obligatory military service by 1st July 2011.

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Czech Republic

1 January 1970

On 22nd November German President Christian Wulff travelled to the Czech Republic. He met his Czech counterpart Vaclav Klaus; the two presidents stressed that relations between the two countries have never been so good. Christian Wulff met Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas. They addressed the subject of border control between the two countries, economic relations, euro area membership and the situation of the euro.

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1 January 1970

On 26th November the Bundestag adopted the German federal budget 2011 which is supposed to help Berlin achieve its goals to reduce the budgetary deficit. This budget plans for expenditure of 305.8 billion euros in 2011 in comparison with 319.5 billion euros in 2010 and a new package of loans of 48.4 billion ie less than originally planned. "We have succeeded in turning the situation around in terms of financial and budgetary policy," declared Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble as he spoke to the Bundestag.

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1 January 1970

The Upper Chamber in the German Parliament - the Bundesrat - ratified a series of laws confirming the federal government's new austerity policy which many have criticised quite sevrely, notably the policy with regard to nuclear activities. The Bundesrat validated the decision to extend the life span of German nuclear power plants.

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1 January 1970

On 24th November the Royal Mediator Johan Vande Lanotte put forward a summary of 33 pages to the seven parties involved in the discussions over the reform of the State for the last five months. On 29th November King Albert II received Johan Vande Lanotte who made a third report on his mission and more particularly on the progress made with regard to the finance law and the transfer of competence.

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1 January 1970

The Bulgarian Foreign Minister, Nikolai Mladenov travelled to Vienna on 23rd November. He stressed Bulgaria's participation in the construction of the gas pipeline network, Nabucco - an energy supply project supported by the EU. He recalled that the Bulgarian government was supporting progress on the project.

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1 January 1970

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) took part in dismantling the biggest cigarette counterfeiting ring of all time. Directed from Spain in close collaboration with the Spanish customs and excise this operation led to the seizure of 90 million counterfeit cigarettes and the arrest of six people. It will prevent the loss of 10 million euros in tax revenue. Since the start of the economic crisis in 2008 there has been an increase in the illegal trade of tobacco products in Europe.

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1 January 1970

The centre right nationalist party, Convergencia i Unio won the elections in the Parliament of Catalunya on 28th November. With 38.47% of the vote and 62 seats it came out ahead of the Socialist Party (18.32% of the vote and 28 MPs) which has governed Catalunya since 2003 and the Catalan PP (12.33% and 18 seats). The Nationalist Party leader, Artur Mas will therefore be the next President of the region. With a 6 seat absolute majority it can govern Catalunya without resorting to a coalition.

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1 January 1970

French Foreign Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie met her German counterpart, Guido Westerwelle, on 25th November in Berlin. On this, her first visit abroad, she indicated "the close relations" enjoyed by France and Germany and their "strength of alliance" notably during the financial crisis.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd November Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen announced the dissolution of the Irish Parliament and the organisation of early general elections after the approval of the budget set for 7th December. This announcement came just as the government announced the promulgation of an austerity plan for the next four years which is desigend to reduce the country's deficit by 15 billion euros by 2014.

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1 January 1970

The Italian government announced an action plan on 26th November for the south of the country based on around 100 billion euros in European or national resources that have already been planned for - this is to stimulate the development of these poor regions. "After a lengthy amount of work that took up a major part of the summer we have defined the plan for the Mezzogiorno based on really important figures (...) With this plan the government will do everything it can to keep Italy together," declared the Head of government during a press conference in Rome.

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1 January 1970

A solar power plant generating 70 megawatts - making it the biggest in Europe - was launched on 23rd November in the north east of Italy said the American group SunEdison in a press release. "The plant which is now the biggest photo-voltaic power station in Europe was completed and linked to the network within 9 months," said SunEdison.

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1 January 1970

British Prime Minister, David Cameron has asked his government to assess the nation's well-being as of 2011. In a speech delivered on 25th November he recalled that economic prosperity could not lead to happiness alone and said that it was also the new coalition's task to guarantee a better quality of life for the British. A debate will be undertaken shortly by the Office for National Statistics to determine the key-sectors that are important for the improvement of individuals' quality of life.

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1 January 1970

During a long speech delivered on 23rd November the Secretary of State for the Interior Theresa May committed to limiting workers' immigration by the end of the present term in office and to restore British confidence in the immigration system. Amongst the measures announced feature immigration by entrepreneurs and researchers into the UK, the fight against definitive establishment in Britain by students who come to the UK, an extremely strict regulation of immigration on the part of unqualified workers.

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1 January 1970

During a joint press conference on 25th November British Prime Minister David Cameron and Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt agreed to work together on the creation new green jobs. Economic recovery, the European budget and Afghanistan were also on the agenda in this meeting.

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1 January 1970

The leaders of the two parts of Bosnia - Serb and Muslim-Croatian - said on 26th November they wanted to form a government whose aim would it be to take up with the country's rapprochement to the EU. "We intend to settle certain issues that are barring the way for Bosnia to European integration," declared the Serb leader of Bosnia, Milorad Dodik.

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1 January 1970

On 24th November the Croat and Serb Presidents, Ivo Josipovic and Boris Tadic committed in Zagreb to settling the issue of people who disappeared during the coflict between 1991-1995. This decision heralds a new step towards reconciliation between the two countries, desired by the EU. Ivo Josipovic declared that the issue of missing people was a priority for Croatia. Boris Tadic said that it was not possible to build stable relations in the region without strong lines existing between Serbia and Croatia.

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1 January 1970

According to results that are still incomplete the outgoing coalition is said to have a good chance of winning the 3/5ths majority in Parliament after the general election organised on 28th November. This will put an end to the recurrent politic crisis on-going for the last 16 months and which has been preventing parliament from electing the President of the Republic due to an insufficient majority. The OSCE indicated on 29th November that the election had taken place according to international standards.

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1 January 1970

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met in Berlin on 26th November. The Chancellor welcomed the fact that negotiations between Russia and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) were progressing. She stressed that there was still great potential in economic relations between Germany and Russia particularly and the EU generally. In addition to this the two leaders spoke of Mr Putin's proposal to create a free-trade area between Russia and the EU. Before the meeting with the Chancellor, the Russian Prime Minister discussed with the heads of some major German companies with regard to the partnership between Germany and Russia. He notably spoke of in-depth cooperation in the areas of energy and industry.

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1 January 1970

An agreement between the EU and Russia that was reached in Brussels on 24th November may be a major step forwards in Russia's membership negotiations of the WTO. According to an official press release on the part of the European Commission and the Russian delegation both sides "ended bilateral discussions with regard to key details that had been pending on Russia's accession to the WTO." In addition to this "both sides were confident that this agreement will help the general accession process for Russia to the WTO." Russia's accession to the WTO was started in 1993.

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1 January 1970

On 26th November the adoption by the lower chamber of the Russian Parliament -the Douma- of a declaration acknowledging the massacre of Polish officers by the NKVD in 1940 in Katyn as a "crime" ordered by Stalin was welcomed as a "major" step by leading political leaders in Poland. "It is an extremely important political gesture," declared Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. The Russian Douma admitted that the massacre of thousands of Polish officers in Katyn in 1940 had been ordered by Stalin and this is the first official, clear acknowledgement of the Soviet regime's responsibility at a time when Moscow and Warsaw are drawing closer together. "The documents published do not just reveal the size of this terrible tragedy but also bear witness to the fact that the crime in Katyn was committed on Stalin's personal order and on that of other Soviet leaders," indicated the declaration adopted by the Douma.

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1 January 1970

Ukraine will chair the OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) in 2013. The representatives of 56 Member States of the OSCE came to agreement on 23rd November in Vienna. The OSCE is chaired by Kazakhstan at present; in 2011 it will be Lithuania and then Ireland in 2012.

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

Mevlut Çavusoglu, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) travelled to Finland on 24th to 27th November where he met Finnish President Tarja Halonen, the Finnish Prime Minister, Mari Kiviniemi, the leader of Parliament, Sauli Niinistö, Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb and members of the Finnish delegation at the Assembly. Speaking during a conference at the Finnish Institute for International Relations, the PACE President lauded Finland for the role it has played in the defence of democracy and the Council of Europe's fundamental values. He also travelled to Inari, in the country's far north to meet the representatives of local authorities and notably Klemetti Näkkäläjärvi, President of the Sami Parliament.

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1 January 1970

In its report published on 24th November the OECD declared that the reduction of the public deficit must be a priority task for the Slovakian govenment in order for the country's economy to recover. The OECD welcomed the austerity programme approved by the government stressing that consolidating the reduction of the deficit must continue beyond 2011 when the deficit is due to lie at 4.9% in order to meet European criteria.

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Eastern Europe

1 January 1970

The countries of Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus were severely affected by the economic crisis and will find it hard to recover previous growth rates believes the OECD in a report made public on 26th November in Bucharest. "The economic crisis, the second economic shockwave, to hit Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus after the collapse of the Soviet Union was a warning and called for action," believes the OECD.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the third EU-Africa Summit on 29th and 30th November in Libya, Eurostat the EU's statistics office, published data relative to the trade of goods between the 27 EU Member States and the 53 countries of Africa. After a clear decline in the trade of goods between Africa and the EU the first nine months of 2010 revealed that trade had recovered between the two continenets. France, Italy and Germany represent more than half of the EU's trade with Africa. South Africa, Algeria and Libya are the EU's main African trade partners.

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1 January 1970

According to a Eurostat study published on 24th November the industrial new orders index decreased by 3.8% in September 2010 in comparison with August 2010. In spite of an increase in August of 3.5% new orders entering the EU declined by 2.5% in September 2010. However in September 2010 in comparison with September last year new industrial orders were up by 13.5% in the euro area and by 13.4% in the EU.

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1 January 1970

In view of the EU-Africa Summit in Libya on 29th and 30th November a Eurobarometer survey published on 25th November shows that European citizens approve the major cooperation focus between the two partners. They believe that the main priorities in cooperation are poverty 38%), peace and security (34%) and Human Rights (33%).

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1 January 1970

Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) presented the organisation's annual report on the development of the international trade environment on 24th November. The text points to three potential dangers for the world's economy: the "increase of protectionist pressure" in a context of world imbalance and high unemployment; the progressive accumulation of measures that restrict or distort trade and investment" and the "difficulty in managing incidents in trade and investment as far as recovery and rescue measures in response to the crisis were concerned.

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Near East

1 January 1970

The Austria Institut für Europa -und Sicherheitspolitik (AIES) has just published a paper on the EU's policy in the Near East. Author, Michael Fuker studies the different approaches and tools included in this policy.

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1 January 1970

The Jean Jaurès Foundation published a study on 24th November entitled "The Crisis, an opportunity for European women?". Using the work of experts and political leaders as a base author Ghislaine Toutain offers ideas with regard to how we can change the traditional approach to women's work during the present crisis.

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1 January 1970

"Notre Europe" has published a study entitled "Comment réformer la PAC pour améliorer la contribution de l'agriculture à la Stratégie Europe 2020?" (How should the CAP be reformed to improve agriculture's contribution to the Europe Strategy 2020?). This document intends to contribute to the public debate on the future of the EU's policies and the budget by putting forward an assessment of the EU's most integrated policy compared with its contribution to mid-term growth objectives.

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1 January 1970

A study co-funded by the Commission and undertaken by the international association for the assessment of education published on 22nd November revealed that European pupils have better knowledge than the international average. Young Europeans have a highly developed sense of European identity and democratic values such as equality, freedom of movement within the Union.

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1 January 1970

The 2010 report on employment in Europe that was presented on 25th November provides an all-inclusive overview. It analyses the steps taken in support of the labour market by the Member States - such as part-time unemployment measures or benefits to complete workers' incomes - the possibilities to enhance existing measures and the need to give these up progressively as the crisis fades - especially in the event of budgetary stabilisation. The 22nd of its kind, the 2010 report analyses the effects of the labour market's segmentation between permanent and interim workers notably for young people. It also presents possible solutions to remedy both the weak transition rates between temporary and permanent jobs as well as the differences in wages that are significant between these two types of contract.

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1 January 1970

The Finnish Institute of International Affairs published a paper on 24th November by Tanja Tamminen entitled, ""High expectations, limited resources: The bottlenecks of EU civilian crisis management in Kosovo". In this study the author looks into the EULEX mission in Kosovo, the biggest ever civilian mission undertaken by the EU as part of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP).

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1 January 1970

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute has published a paper entitled "Governing the Bomb: Civilian Control and Democratic Accountability of Nuclear Weapons." The authors describe the governance process with regard to nuclear arms in eight states that have nuclear arms: the USA, Russia, UK, France and China as well as Israel, India and Pakistan.

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1 January 1970

Jean-Luc Sauron has published his fourth manual entitled "Le puzzle des institutions européennes" in which he describes clearly and precisely institutional realities and the decision making procedures of the various European organisations. This fourth edition provides an opportunity to present new institutional practices and the modifications introduced in the wake of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.

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1 January 1970

The work by Thierry Pouch, a specialist in agricultural economy, on "La guerre des Terres. Stratégies agricoles et mondialisation" has been published by Choiseul. The author analyses the entry of agriculture into the merciless age of global economic war.

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Exhibition Munich

1 January 1970

From 3rd December to 27th February twelve portraits of prestigious groups from the Golden Age of Dutch painting on loan from the Historic Museum of Amsterdam will be on show at the Alte Pinakothek in Munich. The portrait "Governors of the Amsterdam Wine Dealers' Guild" by Ferdinand Bol (1616-1680) is one of the masterpieces in this exhibition.

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1 January 1970

The 51st edition of the International Film Festival in Thessaloniki - the biggest cinema event in Greece and South East Europe will take place from 3rd to 12th December.

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1 January 1970

The Rodin Exhibition - "The Origins of Genius" at the Palazzo Leone da Perego in Legnano in Italy is showing 65 sculptures, 26 drawings and 19 paintings by Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) until 20th March. Amongst these works are some of the sculptor's masterpieces such as the "The Thinker" and the "Kiss". More than half of the work on show has never been presented in Italy.

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LUX Prize

1 January 1970

During a solemn ceremony on 24th November in the hemicycle in Strasbourg the European Parliament awarded the LUX Cinema Prize to the film "Die Fremde" (Germany) directed by Feo Aladag, the first woman to have run for the prize. The film raises the issue of "crimes of honour" by describing the drama of a Turkish family living in Germany.

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Cervantes Prize

1 January 1970

Spanish writer Ana Maria Matute won the Cervantes Prize 2010 - she is believed to be the Nobel winner for Hispanic literature - announced the Spanish Culture Minister Angeles Gonzalez-Sinde on 24th November. Ana Maria Matute aged 85 is from Barcelona and is the third woman to have won this prize after Maria Zambrano (in 1988) and Dulce Maria Loynez (in 1992).

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1 January 1970

The Borghese Gallery in Rome is devoting a retrospective to Renaissance painter Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553), entitled "Cranach. The other Renaissance" until 13th February. This exhibition aims to give an overall idea of the German painter's artistic work. An artist at court and associated with the Flemish tradition Lucas Cranach the Elder was also an innovative artist - inspired by Italian art. The exhibition brings together 90 of the artist's paintings and engravings.

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les 29th-30th November

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council ()

les 29th-30th November

EU-Africa Summit ()

les 29th November-10th December

UN Summit on Climate Change in Cancun (Mexico) ()

1st and 2nd December

OSCE Summit-Astana (Kazakhstan) ()

2nd December

Meeting of Governors of European Central Bank ()

les 2nd-3rd December

"Justice-Internal Affairs" and "Transports, Telecommunications and Energy" Councils ()

les 2nd-4th December

EU-ACP Parliamentary Assembly ()

6th December

Eurogroup Meeting ()

les 6th-7th December

"Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer" Council ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°465- version of 29 nov. 2010