The Newsletter46422 nov. 2010

La Lettre

Florent Parmentier

22 November 2010



1 January 1970

Only four of the 12 parties registered for the general election on 28th November in Moldova are due to rise above the 4% threshold of the votes cast to be represented in Parliament: the Communist Party is due to win 25.6% of the vote; the Liberal Democratic Party 21.4%; the Democratic Party 9.9% and the Liberal Party 8.6%. The Our Moldova Alliance led by Serafim Urechean is only due to win 0.6% of the vote. One quarter of the electorate (26%) say this still have not made their choice.

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1 January 1970

The Belarusians are being called to vote on 19th December to appoint their President. 10 people are standing according to the Central Electoral Commission. "President" since 1994 Aleksander Lukashenko modified the rules so that he could stay in power - which he exercises with an iron fist and in an authoritarian - or rather a dictatorial manner. Vladimir Nekliayev, 64, poet and leader of the movement 'Tell the truth' is seen as the only truly credible rival even though all observers are expecting a first round victory for Aleksander Lukashenko. Mr Nekliayev asked international observers to stay longer in the country to avoid any infringements.

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1 January 1970

The day following the announcement of the aid programme set up by the EU and the IMF to save the Irish banks the chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation Jean-Dominique Giuliani published an editorial on the Irish case which he qualifies as "the bad boy in the European class".

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1 January 1970

The town of Saint-Maur-des-Fosses is organising the second edition of its festival from 25th-28th November together with the Robert Schuman Foundation - "Saint-Maur en toutes libertés" devoted this year to Korea and Japan. The high point of the programme: the exclusive broadcast in Europe of "Kimjongilia" a documentary of singular truth on North Korea by N C Heikin. Experts, journalists and politicians will debate the latest events in Korea and Japan. The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani will take part in a round table on 28th November devoted to relations between the EU and Korea.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

The Spanish economy recorded 0.2% GDP growth in the third quarter of 2010 - the same as in the previous quarter. Spain came out of recession in the first quarter showing GDP growth in comparison with the previous quarter - 0.1% (against 0.3% in the euro area). It continued recovery in the second quarter with +0.2% (1% in the euro area). Over the entire year the government is reckoning on a contraction of 0.3% of the GDP then growth in 2011 of 1.3%.

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1 January 1970

In Iceland the government and the parliamentary opposition convened a group of experts on 15th October to try to settle the issue of household debt. This group led by Sigurður Snævarr, economic advisor to the Prime Minister delivered his report on 15th November. It made an assessment of the debt and estimates the feasibility and effectiveness of 11 measures that might help to settle the situation.

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1 January 1970

According to the latest "Economic Outlook" published by the OECD on 18th November economic activity should gradually gather pace over the next two years (increase of 2.3% in the GDP in 2011 and 2.8% in 2012 in the OECD countries), but recovery will be uneven and unemployment will remain high. Growth will be the most dynamic in the USA with a 2.2% rise in activity growth in 2011 and 3.1% in 2012 in comparison with 1.7% and 2% in the euro area and 1.7% and 1.3% in Japan.

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1 January 1970

On 18th November the draft finance law 2011 was approved 169 votes in favour, 68 against and 2 abstentions by the National Assembly, the lower Chamber in Parliament. The entire draft budget 2011 plans to reduce the State's deficit by 60 billion euros, down from 162 to 92 billion euros. The goal is to bring the public deficit down to 6% of the GDP in 2011 against 7.7% in 2010. The forecasts rely on the hypothetic growth of 2% in 2011 against 1.5% in 2010. The text is now being assessed by the Senate, the Upper Chamber of Parliament.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 15th November by the National Statistics Office - Statistics Finland - inflation increase to 2.3% over one year in October against 1.4% in September. Over one month - September to October, the Finnish consumer price index increased by 0.4%, "mainly due to an increase in food and clothes prices," said the office.

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1 January 1970

According to the latest monthly report by the Bundesbank published on 18th November Germany's economic recovery is due to continue. These forecasts are notably based on a healthy pace of exports and the rise in domestic consumption. The OECD announced its most recent "Economic Outlook" on 18th November saying that it was now forecasting growth of 3.5% in Germany in 2010 against 1.9% in a forecast dating back to the spring. In addition to this it is forecasting 2.5% growth in 2011 and 2.2% in 2012 for Germany.

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1 January 1970

According to a press release by the Office for National Statistics published on 17th November the employment level in the UK reached 70.8% in the third quarter of 2010 which implies a 167,000 rise in the number of people working. This increase is mainly due to the number of independent workers which increased by 112,000 to reach a total of 4,03 million and part time workers whose numbers increased by 94,000 (6.67 million in all).

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1 January 1970

The draft budget 2011 presented on 18th November plans for a deficit of 7.4% of the GDP. This budget aims to respect the conditions for the payment of a loan of 110 billion euros over three years granted by the EU and the IMF. The austerity measures planned for in the 2011 budget are 6.13 billion euros in excess of the requirements planned for in the loan agreement since the govenment plans to bring the public deficit down to 7.4% of the GDP next year. The additional investment will target state company deficits, healthcare and fiscal fraud. It matches Eurostat's review of an upward trend in the public deficit for 2009 that leads to a rise in 2010, now estimated at 9.4% of the GDP against 8.1% desired by those granting the loans. The country's debt totals -152.6% of the GDP. Inflation that has risen sharply over the last few months totalled 5.2% in October and this has to be brought back down to 2.2%.

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1 January 1970

On 16th November the Finance Ministers of the 16 euro area Member States looked into the latest developments in terms of financial stability in the euro area. They welcomed "the announcement made by the Irish authorities that their four year budgetary strategy will include a 6 billion euro adjustment as of 2011 with regard to a total consolidation effort of 15 billion euros". With regard to Portugal the Ministers lauded the "government's recent statement about of its commitment to guaranteeing a reduction in the public deficit to a total 4.6% of the GDP in 2011 and the recently published draft budget. With regard to the situation in Greece Ministers welcomed the effort made by the Greek government to fall in line with the adjustment programme in view of reducing the deficit in 2010 and putting an end to the excessive deficit by 2014.

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1 January 1970

The Irish Council of Ministers decided on 21st November to ask for an aid plan established by the EU and the IMF said the Irish Finance Minister, Brian Lenihan. The aid plan was accepted at the beginning of the evening by the EU and the IMF; the envelope could total 90 billion euros. In addition to this the Irish Finance Minister confirmed that a new austerity plan would be announced "at the beginning of next week" prior to the payment of international aid. This plan aims to save 15 billion euros overs four years ie nearly 10% of the whole Irish GDP. It aims to bring the public deficit - at present at 32% of the GDP down to 3% in line with requirements set by the EU.

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1 January 1970

The Director of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn called on 19th November for the EU to "to break away from low growth" thanks to greater cooperation and integration of its economies. "Cooperation is moving forward too slowly" in the EU said Mr Strauss-Kahn in Frankfurt/Main taking for example the "slow recovery of the financial sector". "A joint European vision with regard to budgetary policy, domestic balance and the labour market also," he declared.

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1 January 1970

Although in the euro area inflation forecasts and expectations are well established in line with the stability of prices an extremely ambitious reform of economic governance is necessary to avoid the repetition of the present problems experienced by the markets and public finances said the President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet on 19th November during the European Banking Congress in Frankfurt. Lauding the imminent creation of the European Systemic Risk Council which he will chair personally Mr Trichet said he believed that it should improve regulations and create a more stable financial system.

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1 January 1970

Italian MPs adopted the austerity budget for 2011 on 19th November which now has to be presented to the Senate in view of its final approval at the beginning of December before the fate of the Berlusconi government, disrupted by the rift with Gianfranco Fini, can be decided. Supporters of the leader of the Chamber of Deputies, Gianfranco Fini, former ally and now adversary of the Cavaliere, promised to approve the budget to show their "sense of resposibility" whilst the euro area is suffering due to the Irish crisis. This budget is based on an austerity cure of 25 billion euros focusing on 2011 and 2012.

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1 January 1970

Latvia, which emerged from the most serious recession in the world, may make less draconian budgetary cuts in 2011 than it had previously anticipated said the Latvian Finance Ministry on 15th November. According to the ministry budgetary spending will be reduced by 280 million lats (398 million euros) in 2010 compared with a reduction of an initially planned 350 to 395 million lats. The announcement was made after discussions with the representatives of the IMF which together with the EU is helping the country to stabilise its finances in virtue of a rescue plan adopted in 2008 that totals 7.5 billion euros.

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World Bank

1 January 1970

The economies of the ten countries in Central and Eastern Europe, which were once in the fold of the USSR are recovering after the serious crisis which affected them - but recovery depends on the situation in the western part of the continent said the World Bank on 18th November. "Recovery is starting across the region," declared the World Bank in its "EU10" report indicating that each of the 10 economies should be growing next year. After contracting by 3.5% as a whole in 2009 this zone is due to grow by 1.8% this year and by 3.2% in 2011.

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1 January 1970

Within the context of the next presidency of the Council of the European Union held by Hungary the President of the Commission José Manuel Barroso met Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban on 17th November. President Barroso said he was delighted with the coherence of the priorities announced by the Hungarian Presidency in line with the European Commission's programme. The Hungarian Presidency has said that it wants to devote its work to issues such as energy security, the partnership with the Balkans, the regional cohesion policy, the Danube strategy and the EU's enlargement. The Hungarian government has set itself the priority of guaranteeing the macro-economic stabilisation and consolidation of the EU.

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1 January 1970

On 15th November the European Commission adopted a strategy to remove the daily impediments that affect nearly 80 million handicapped people in Europe. This plan includes measures such as the use of the national handicap charter in all Member States and a better acknowledgement of handicapped people in their daily lives, in public markets, and with regard to state aid. According to the Commission these measures would be beneficial from a social point of view but they would also have an impact on the European economy leading to the development of the European equipment and services markets estimated at 30 billion euros per year.

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1 January 1970

On 17th November the European Commission launched a last reminder to nearly half of the Member States who still have not implemented (since 2007) the European emergency number 116 000 designed for lost/kidnapped children. It is a unique number that enables lost children and their parents to obtain aid across the entire Union. The Commission suggested common minimal standards to guarantee the quality of this service in the EU that should enable the Member States to make this special number operational before envisaging the adoption of legislative measures.

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1 January 1970

To achieve the goals set by the energy savings strategy the European Commission presented its priorities with regard to energy infrastructures for the next two decades on 17th November. The Commission has defined priority corridors, supply networks in the EU for electricity, gas and oil. This list will serve in the future to provide authorisations and funding on real European projects. To achieve these energy and climate goals the EU needs to invest around 200 billion euros in energy transport alone (gas pipelines and electric networks).

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1 January 1970

On 18th November the European Commission adopted a Communication on the future of the CAP entitled "The CAP towards 2020: Meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future". The Commission document describes three options for the future reform: a radical reform leading to the end of revenue subsidies and the abolition of most market intervention measures; a status quo with regard to limited improvements such as a fairer redistribution of subsidies; an intermediary solution establishing a more balanced, better targeted and more sustainable aid regime. The European executive will present formal legislative proposals mid-2011 after discussions between Member States and the European Parliament.

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1 January 1970

On 19th November the European Commission presented the European Parliament and the Council with a report on the application of the regulation relative to the status of the "European company" ("Societas Europaea" or SE). In theory the status offers companies established in more than one member State the possibility of establishing themselves in the shape of a single company answerable to EU law. This enables them to undertake their activities in the entire EU applying one corpus of rules and a unified company management and financial information system. The report presented on 19th November is part of the revision procedure of SE regulation. It describes the positive and negative factors that influence the establishment of an SE and highlights the trends with regard to the distribution of SE's in the Union. It also analyses the main problems encountered during the establishment and management of an SE.

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1 January 1970

The EU budget is in stalemate. On 15th November negotiators from the European Parliament and the Member States did not succeed in reaching agreement over the EU budget for 2011. The European Parliament did however take the first step by accepting that the rise in the European budget should be limited to 2.9% in comparison with 2010 - a demand made by the Member States. In return it asked for a 'serious' agreement on the future funding of the EU, protecting the role of the Parliament and planning for budgetary margins to gain greater flexibility. A new project is due to be put forward by the European Commission and the Parliament's negotiators hope that the December European Council will lead to an agreement.

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1 January 1970

The 27 Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Ministers have set their priorities until 2014 - these include the importance of intercultural dialogue, the creation of cultural companies, but also the development of the cultural aspect of external affairs. The role of culture was also highlighted as a means to counter poverty and also as a means for social inclusion. They recalled the importance of sport as a vector for social inclusion identifying three priorities: accessibility to sport for all citizens, the use of sport as a means to build communities and the transnational exchange of strategies.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Economy and Finance Ministers gave the greenlight on 17th November to the creation of a financial surveillance system to prevent the problems that arose during the economic crisis. The reform includes the creation of a European Systemic Risk Committee and three authorities responsible for the surveillance of European banks, insurance companies, real estate prices. The new system will be operational as of 1st January 2011.

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1 January 1970

On 20th November the EU and the USA re-iterated their call to the major economies not to launch on a path of devaluation of the most important currencies or to manipulate exchange rates. "Competitive devaluation policies which do not reflect economic fundamentals have to be avoided" they said in their address to the G20 partners in a joint declaration after the EU-USA summit in Lisbon. On 19th November a EU-USA energy council notably asked Kiev to step up its implementation of the joint declaration on the modernisation of the Ukrainian gas pipeline networks.

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The Netherlands

1 January 1970

On 18th November German President Christian Wulff visited the Netherlands where he was guest to Queen Beatrix. During this visit he highlighted the excellent relations between Germany and the Netherlands. On 19th November German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in Berlin. They addressed topical issues with regard to the EU, notably the establishment of a permanent crisis management mechanism as well as the question of the EU budget for 2011. In addition to this they spoke of immigration as well as the trade relations between their two countries.

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1 January 1970

The European car manufacturing leader, Volkswagen announced on 19th November that it intended to invest 51.6 billion euros by 2015 to fulfil its ambition of taking over Toyota as world leader by 2018. To this sum we should add 10.6 billion additional euros invested by the group's co-companies in China over the same period which will be funded by their own sources.

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1 January 1970

On 17th November the German government decided to adhere to the law passed in 2007 with regard to raising progressively the age of retirement by 2029 to 67. "In the last 50 years life expectancy has been extended by 11 years in our country," declared Employment Minister Ursula von der Leyen during the presentation of a report on work amongst the over 60's that was adopted by the government.

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1 January 1970

On 15th November German Chancellor Angela Merkel was re-elected as chair of her party, the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) for another two year mandate. She won 90.4% of the vote against 94.8% in 2008. She was the only candidate running in this election organised during the federal congress in Karlsruhe.

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1 January 1970

The Danish government decided to extend the contribution made by its navy to the NATO Mission to counter piracy in the Gulf of Aden until 1st March 2011 said Foreign Minister Lene Espersen on 18th November because "piracy of the Horn of Africa is still a threat to the freedom to sail on the seas of the world." "I also wanted Denmark to be able to help (the NATO mission) during a second semester in 2011," added Defence Minister Gitte Lillelund Bech.

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1 January 1970

The President of the Spanish government José Luis Zapatero announced on 18th November that there would be an action plan to counter unemployment and to transform the production model. The plan is due to be adopted during an upcoming council of ministers on 26th November. It includes a series of commitments for the next 15 months with regard to the reform of employment policies, the collective negotiation system and even the fostering of innovation.

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1 January 1970

The number of workers is said to have risen by 0.3% (+44,600 jobs) in the third quarter of 2010 and by 0.6% (+98,600 jobs) over one year according to the estimation of salaried work undertaken by the INSEE and DARES. In companies of ten workers and more across the entire economy except agriculture and civil service, the basic monthly salary indicator (SMB) increased by 0.3% in the third quarter of 2010 and by +1.7% over one year.

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1 January 1970

On 19th November the French President Nicolas Sarkozy received Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for an interview devoted to the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU that starts on January 1st next and to Franco-Hungarian bilateral relations. They expressed their support at Croatia's entry into the EU. They also spoke of Romania and Bulgaria's entry into the Schengen area. The Hungarian Prime minister met his French counterpart, François Fillon on 18th November to discuss European and bilateral issues.

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1 January 1970

On 15th November the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou travelled to Paris where he met with French President Nicolas Sarkozy for a working lunch. He also met French Prime Minister François Fillon. During these two interviews Greece's economic situation, the reforms in view to re-establish Greek public finances, economic exchange between France and Greece and the outlook for defence and arms cooperation were all issues on the agenda.

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1 January 1970

Energy was at the heart of the meeting between the Bulgarian President Gueorgui Parvanov and his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias on 17th December in Sofia whilst perspectives diminished with regard to the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline project. "We discussed cooperation in the domain of energy - a strategic area of importance for Greece," declared Mr Papoulias. Mr Parvanov mentioned the strengthening of the interconnection of gas pipelines between Dimitrovgrad and Komotni and a speeding up of the "construction of liquified natural gas terminals in Greece which might provide for the entire region."

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Political Crisis

1 January 1970

The fate of Silvio Berlusconi's centire right government - disrupted by its rift with former ally Gianfranco Fini who quit government this week with his ministers and secretaries of State - will be sealed on 14th December by two votes in Parliament. Two motions will be voted on simultaneously; one with regard to confidence in the Berlusconi government in the Senate and the other will be a motion of censure in the Chamber of Deputies. These decisions were taken by the leaders of both chambers as they came out of an interview with President Giorgio Napolitano.

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The Netherlands


1 January 1970

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg travelled to the Hague on 15th November to meet Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as well as Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation Minister, Maxime Verhagen and Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal. The meeting was notably about initiating a strategic dialogue between Dutch and British companies that might join together to win new markets. From a European and foreign point of view ministers declared their desire to pool forces during the EU's budget negotiations. They also mentioned the situation in Afghanistan, Yemen, Iran, the Middle East and in Turkey.

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1 January 1970

On 18th November in Warsaw the head of Polish diplomacy, Radoslaw Sikorski hosted Belarus poet and opposition candidate, Vladimir Nekliayev, who is running in the presidential election on 19th December in which authoritarian President Aleksander Lukashenko will also be making a bid to take office again. "I want Belarus to know that we stand together with the Belarus people. If these elections are honest, Poland is prepared, whoever the winner, to become the advocate of Belarus interests in Europe," declared Mr Sikorski. "And this is not just from a political point of view because we know that the economic situation in Belarus is far from being brilliant," he added.

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1 January 1970

On 19th November the British government published on the internet - with a concern for transparency upper most - details of its spending over £25,000 (29.300 euros) since it came to office in May.

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House of Lords

1 January 1970

Nearly fifty personalities from all political trends are to make their entry into the House of Lords according to an announcement on 19th November. The Queen appoints the lords of the Kingdom but they are put forward by the political parties and the government.

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1 January 1970

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev was host to his Slovenian counterpart Danilo Türk in Moscow on 17th November. They discussed Russo-Slovenian and Russo-European cooperation with regard to energy, security and defence. Danilo Türk said he was pleased with the progress of the gas pipeline project South Stream that should make safe European energy supplies.

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1 January 1970

The White House announced on 17th November in a press release that the American President Barack Obama will award the highest American civilian medal - the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" to 15 recipients including German Chancellor Angela Merkel. According to a White House press release Barack Obama will deliver these awards attributed in particular to "people who have contributed to the security or national interests of the USA" during a ceremony at the beginning of 2011.

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1 January 1970

Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat travelled to Rome where he met his Italian counterpart Silvio Berlusconi. Mr Filat stressed that Moldova would like to receive more Italian investors in the future. He also thanked Mr Berlusconi for having supported Moldova in its work to draw closer to the EU.

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1 January 1970

The quest to find Ratko Mladic is not just restricted to Serbia but extends to "other regions" declared the ICTY Prosecutor Serge Brammertz in Belgrade on 15th November. "Operational activities are not just focused on Serbia but in other regions" indicated the Prosecutor after an interview with the Serb Prosecutor for War Crimes, Vladimir Vukcevic. Mr Brammertz is to present his report to the UN in December with regard to cooperation on the part of the various Balkan countries with the ICTY in the search for war criminals.

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1 January 1970

On 18th November Serb Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic met his British counterpart William Hague in London. He said he wanted to work closely with the EU; he announced continued negotiations for rapid accession by his country to the EU. The two ministers concluded that 2011 would be a vital year for the integration of the Western Balkans into Europe.

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Council of Europe

Human Rights

1 January 1970

The(PACE)Legal Affairs Committee which met in Paris on 17th November adopted unanimously its seventh report on the implementation of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. The report points its finger at 9 countries where Human Rights' infringements occur repeatedly: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine. Measures must be taken rapidly in these countries to put an end to this abuse. The main problems mentioned are the excessive length of legal procedures (Italy) the non-execution of legal decisions (Russia, Ukraine), prisoner deaths and poor treatment by policemen (Russia, Moldova) and illegal detention and excessive length of provisional detention (Moldova, Poland, Russia, Ukraine). The report will be debated by the Assembly in January 2011.

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1 January 1970

The Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers adopted two texts with regard to justice on 17th November. The first is a recommendation to Member States on independence, effectiveness and responsibility of judges; the second is a series of guidelines that aim to develop a legal system that is better adapted to children's rights and needs.

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1 January 1970

At a meeting in Venice on 15th November under the chairmanship of Renato Brunettaen, Italian Minister for the Civil Service and Innovation, the OECD Economy Ministers spoke of reforming public sectors. They insisted on the need to stimulate the sector's productivity and to achieve maximum return on technological investments to boost growth. "Firm, political determination and dynamism will be vital to reform the public sector" declared Aart de Geus, Deputy Secretary General of the OECD. "Ministers acknowledge the role they have to play to guarantee more effective public services." The question of transparency and the confidence of opinion in the authorities was also addressed.

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1 January 1970

On 19th and 20th November in Lisbon NATO country leaders adopted a new strategic concept that will be used as a road map by the Alliance for the next ten years. The new strategic concept calls on the Allies to face up to new threats and to defend themselves against balistic missile attacks and cyberattacks. It also confirms the preponderant place of nuclear dissuasion in the organisation's strategy. NATO members said that the anti-missile shield supported by the USA backs this choice. NATO leaders also said they agreed on the need to ratify the disarmament treaty START to enhance security. With regard to Afghanistan they gave their go-ahead to an exit strategy for most of their troops by 2014 by transferring the responsibility for combat over to the Afghan army - and they committed to supporting the Kabul government long term.

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1 January 1970

On 20th November NATO and Russia met in Lisbon for their first summit since the Georgian crisis in 2008. Russian President Dmitri Medvedev believed that the period of tension between the Alliance and Russia was "over" and confirmed that Moscow was going to work with NATO on the anti-missile shield aiming to guarantee the protection of populations in Europe. Moscow is also to re-launch cooperation, suspended since the beginning of 2008 on a protection programme for soldiers involved in anti-missile operations. He also gave his support to western allied action in Afghanistan on the same day of the approval by the latter of an exit strategy from this country for most of their troops.

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FAO/North Korea

1 January 1970

Five million North Koreans are said to have suffered a lack of food in 2010 and 2011 in spite of a satisfactory harvest and a slight growth in food availability according to a report published on 16th November by the FAO (UN Food and Agriculture Organisation). The country will need cereal imports to a total of 867,000 tonnes for November 2010 to October 2011 but the govenrment is only counting on importing 325,000 tonnes ie a deficit of 542,000 tonnes according to a joint FAO-PAM harvest assessment and food situation committee (World Food Programme) that travelled to the country in September.

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Intangible Cultural Heritage

1 January 1970

The Aalst Carnival in Belgium, the Spanish Flamenco, Lithuanian folksongs - the so-called "Sutartinés", the ginger bread from Northern Croatia, the lace from Alençon, the French gastronomic meal etc ... are amongst the 46 elements included on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity set up by UNESCO.

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Transatlantic Trade

1 January 1970

On the occasion of the EU-USA summit on 20th November in Lisbon Eurostat published data confirming that the USA is still the EU's main trade partner both with regard to goods and services. The two partners also trade in significant flows of investment. In its analysis Eurostat reveals however a constant decrease in the USA's share in total goods trade with the Union. Hence in 2000 the USA represented 28% of all EU exports against 19% in 2009. The USA's share in all EU imports has decreased over this period dropping from 21% in 2000 to 12% in 2008 before recovering slightly to 13% in 2009.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat figures published on 15th November the public deficit and public debt increased in 2009 in comparison with 2008 both in the euro area and the EU whilst the GDP decreased. The public deficit/GDP ratio increased in the euro area rising from 2% in 2008 to 6.3% in 2009, just as in the EU rising from 2.3% to 6.8%. the public debt/GDP ratio increased in the euro area from 69.8% at the end of 2008 to 79.2% at the end of 2009 an din the EU it rose from 61.8% to 74%.

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1 January 1970

The French Insitute for International Relations (IFRI) has just published a study entitled "European Defence Economy Afflicted by the Crisis". The author, Olivier Jehin analyses the shrinking European defence market and notes the major discrepancies in military spending in various areas of the world.

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1 January 1970

The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) has published a study entitled "Consolidating African and EU assessments in view of the Implementation of the Partnership on Peace and Security" by Nicoletta Pirozzi and Valerie Vicky Miranda.

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1 January 1970

On the eve of the presentation of the major outlines of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) by European Commissioner Dacian Ciolos, the four co-presidents of the French senatorial working group on the CAP reform, Jean Bizet, Jean-Paul Emorine, Oddette Herviaux and Bernardette Bourzai presented their information report on 16th November entitled "Providing the CAP with new sense". In their opinion agriculture aims primarily to provide quality foodstuffs.

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1 January 1970

Although from the Balkan governments' point of view the will to integrate the EU is clear, with several of them already enjoying the official candidate status, this desire is more relative within the populations themselves. According to results by the Gallup Institute working together with the European Funds for the Balkans, published on 17th November only 25% of Croats think that EU integration is a positive thing. The Croatian case is however isolated since results are positive with regard to this issue in all of the other countries surveyed - although some decline, sometimes major in terms of positive opinions - can be seen amongst the Balkan populations between 2009 and 2010.

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1 January 1970

The Louvre launched an appeal for donors for the purchase of the work by painter Lucas Cranach the Elder, "The Three Graces" painted by the German master in 1531 and ranked as a "national treasure". "We have rallied three-quarters of the sum which means a last effort has to be made (...) so that the picture can be put into the national collections," explained Henri Loyrette, Chairman of the Louvre, on the web site specially made for this operation. One million euros has to be brought together on 31st January next.

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1 January 1970

The Picasso Museum of Barcelona is showing an exhibition "Picasso looks at Degas" until 16th January - exploring the influence of the French painter Edgar Degas (1834-1917) on the work of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973).

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1 January 1970

The "Ensor Revealed" exhibition was put together on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Belgian painter James Ensor (1860-1949) by the Royal Fine Arts Museum of Anvers, the Fine Arts Palace of Brussels and ING. It takes the visitor to the painter's workshop and reveals his way of thinking and his artistic development. 60 pictures and over 140 drawings by the artist are on show in the ING cultural centre until 13th February. In addition to this the Fine Arts Palace of Brussels is presenting its exhibition "Ensor, composer and writer" until 23rd January which includes autographs, publications, documents and photographs of the artist.

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Exhibition/Van Gogh

1 January 1970

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) was a great admirer of naturalist painters. He collected the illustrations of paintings by these artists so that he could study their techniques and be inspired by them in the creation of his own work. A selection of these illustrations as well as a number of works by Van Gogh are on show until 16th January at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam in the exhibition "Vincent van Gogh and Naturalism."

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1 January 1970

On 18th November the European Commission lauded the development of Europeana, Europe's digital library that now provides access to over 14 million works to the entire world. There were only 2 million works on its launch just two years ago. Two thirds of the Europeana collection comprises photographs, maps, pictures, museum pieces and other digitised images, the other third comprises digitised texts except for the video and audio content that represents less than 2% of the collection.

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1 January 1970

Swiss writer Paul Nizon was awarded the Austrian European Literature Prize 2010 in Vienna on 15th November.

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les 22nd-26th November

European Parliament Plenary Session - Strasbourg ()

22nd November

"General Affairs" and "External Relations" Council ()

22nd November

EU-Ukraine Summit ()

les 25th -26th November

Competitiveness Council ()

28th November

General Elections - Moldova ()

les 29th-30th November

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°464- version of 22 nov. 2010