The Newsletter46315 nov. 2010

La Lettre

Alain Fabre

15 November 2010



1 January 1970

The Chairman of the Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an article on the EU's foreign policy in the latest issue of "Diplomatie".

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1 January 1970

On 2nd November interim President Jakup Krasniqi (Democratic Party PDK) dissolved the Kosovar Parliament and convened early general elections for 12th December after the vote of a motion of censure. The Kosovar Parliament which is monocameral has 120 MPs elected for four years by proportional representation, with 20 seats being reserved for the minorities. Five political parties are represented in Parliament: the Democratic Party (PDK), led by outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaci; the Democratic League (LDK), the party of former President Fatmir Sejdiu led by Isa Mustafa; the Alliance for a New Kosovo (AKR); the Democratic League Alliance of Dardania-Christian Democratic Party (LDD-PSDK); the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK). Ten parties represent the minorities. Relations between the two main parties (PDK and the LDK) are very tense. The Parliament that will emerge from the urns on 12th December will be called to elect the new Kosovar President.

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1 January 1970

The EPP group in the European Parliament is organising a conference on 16th November in Brussels on the Balkans in which the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani will take part.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

Portugal's GDP recorded an increase of 0.4% in the third quarter (against 0.2% in the previous quarter) and 1.5% over one year thanks to exports, announced the national statistics institute (INE) on 12th November. Year on year growth rose slightly in comparison with the previous quarter (+1.4%) "thanks to the positive contribution of external demand." This development "is above all the result of a significant rise in exports of goods and services," said INE in a first estimate. For the entire year the Portuguese government is forecasting growth of 1.3%.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 12th November by the Federal Statistics Office - Destatis - the German GDP rose by 0.7% in the third quarter in comparison with the second. The growth figure in the second quarter was revised to 2.3% against an initial 2.2%. On an annual level the German economy rose by 3.9% in the third quarter. On 8th November Destatis published provisional figures on Germany's external trade in September. According to these results German exports rose by 22.5% and imports by 18% in September in comparison with September 2009. The German trade surplus reached 15.6 billion euros in September 2010.

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1 January 1970

Contrary to economists' forecasts the Spanish economy did not contract in the third quarter: according to a press release by the National Statistics Office published on 11th November the development in economic activity remained stable. Quarterly growth lay at 0.2% between April and June. In the third quarter - on an annual basis - the Spanish GDP increased by 0.2% in comparison with an expected growth rate of 0.1%.

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1 January 1970

According to provisional estimates published on 12th November by INSEE GDP growth in France reached +0.4% in the third quarter. Household consumption rose by +0.6% ie twice as fast as in the second quarter. Business investments continued to rise (+0.5%). Christine Lagarde, the French Economy, Industry and Employment Minister believes that the growth figure in the third quarter confirms the start of the post-crisis period in spite of a slowing in the international economic context. She believes that the outlook for the fourth quarter is still following a positive trend.

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1 January 1970

Greece's public deficit totalled 17,405 billion euros over the first ten months of 2010 ie a decrease of 30% over one year, less than that foreseen in its recovery plan according to provisional estimates published on 10th November by the Greek Finance Ministry. In addition to this the Greek GDP contracted by 1.1% in the third quarter and by 4.5% over one year announced the Greek statistics authority ESA on 12th November in its provisional estimates. Finally the Greek Finance Minister said on 15th November that the Greek public deficit would reach 9.4% of the GDP in 2010 after the Eurostat announcement of a review upwards of the country's 2009 deficit to 15.4%, the highest level in the entire EU.

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1 January 1970

The leaders of the G20 countries renewed their commitment to work together towards the planet's prosperity on 12th November in Seoul after high tension between the USA and China who were determined not to give up anything that might compromise their growth. They warned after the G20 summit against any "un-coordinated" economic policies which would necessarily have disastrous consequences for everyone. The Heads of State and Government also agreed to refrain from any "competitive devaluation" and to "promote exchange rates that were rather more determined by the market."

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1 January 1970

Growth slowed sharply in Italy in the third quarter with the GDP only rising by 0.2% in comparison with 0.5% recorded in the third quarter according to a first estimate published on 12th November by Istat. Year on year the GDP increased by 1% added the statistics institute in a press release.

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1 January 1970

The unemployed will be deprived of their benefits for three months if they refuse a job offer and for three years if they reject three offers according to a British government project announced on 11th November which is part of a White Paper that reforms benefits. This tightening up on sanctions together with an obligatory work programme for the unemployed should "get people back to work" according to Prime Minister David Cameron. The project will deprive an unemployed person of his benefit of £65 (76€ or 104$) per week for three months if he refuses an offer, for six months if he refuses two offers and for three years if he rejects three offers.

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1 January 1970

The IMF announced on 14th November that it intended to release the fifth part of its aid to Iceland. "Discussions with the Icelandic authorities are to continue over the next few weeks" with the goal of "reaching an agreement that should enable a release of funds at the end of 2010 or the beginning of 2011," writes the IMF in a press release.

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1 January 1970

On 15th November the Irish authorities admitted having "international contacts" with regard to the country's economic situation. "Contacts are continuing on an official level with international leaders in light of the present market conditions," declared a Finance Ministry spokesperson. The latter however repeated that "Ireland was not asking for external aid."

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European Council


1 January 1970

The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, was invited to deliver the first "Speech on Europe" on 9th November - an event that will now be organised each year in Berlin. In his speech he spoke in favour of accession to the EU by the Western Balkans. With regard to G20 Mr Van Rompuy stressed the importance of a transfer over to a more flexible exchange system based on sound data. German Chancellor Angela Merkel also made a speech during this event in which she again pleaded for a permanent crisis management mechanism within the EU. She said that the euro's stability was decisive not only for economic growth but also for social peace and European cohesion.

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1 January 1970

On 9th November the European Commission launched the first call for tender for the biggest investment programme in the world in support of low carbon demonstration projects and projects based on renewable energies. Using this initiative as a start - NER 300 - eight projects focused on technologies to capture and store CO2 and 34 other projects that implement innovative technologies linked to renewable energies will benefit from significant financial support. Companies that want to put proposals forward have three months to deliver their offer nationally.

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Energy 2020

1 January 1970

On 10th November the Commission presented its new strategy for competitive, sustainable, safe energy. The "Energy 2020" communication defines the priorities in terms of energy for the next decade and the actions to undertake to succeed in saving energy, effective competitiveness of prices on the market and the security of supplies. As part of the fight to counter climate change the strategy establishes three goals for 2020: reduce CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases by 20% in comparison with their levels in 1990, bring the share of renewable energies up to 20% and make up to 20% savings in energy. The Commission also called on the States to invest 1000 billion euros by 2020 to prepare themselves for the rise in price of fossil resources and to reduce their dependency with regard to foreign supplies.

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1 January 1970

On 9th November the European Commission revealed its project for the EU's trade policy the aim of which is to help boost the European economy. The Commission is suggesting a strategy to reduce impediments to trade, to open world markets and to obtain fair conditions for European companies. The new strategy also advises on closer relations with strategic partners such as the USA, China, Russia, India and Brazil to facilitate trade and investment. The European Commission wants better reciprocity in the access to public markets with the emerging countries and is planning relaliation measures.

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1 January 1970

In view of the EU-Africa Summit that will take place on 29th and 30th November in Libya the Commission put forward proposals on 10th November that aim to consolidate the EU-Africa partnership, which still has to develop further. In effect although the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals (MDO) are still at the heart of the joint EU-Africa strategy the Commission acknowledges that it is necessary to help Africa strengthen its political and economic governance as well as the regulatory, budgetary and economic environment that will enable the mobilisation of the continent's forces long term. With this in mind the Commission is suggesting that the focus be on initiatives that may help to start off inclusive, sustainable growth long term. The EU-Africa partnership is the only strategic, continent to continent partnership in the world. It involves 1.5 billion inhabitants from 80 countries.

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1 January 1970

The European Commission inflicted fines on 11 air freight carriers (Air Canada, Air France-KLM, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Cargolux, Japan Airlines, LAN Chile, Martinair, SAS, Singapore Airlines and Qantas) to a total of 799,445,000 euros for having implemented worldwide an agreement that focused on freight services within the European Economic Area. The carriers indeed coordinated their action with regard to over taxing fuel and security whilst refusing any price reductions over a period of six years.

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Regional Policy

1 January 1970

The Commission, which is obliged to present a report every three years on the progress made in terms of economic, social and territorial cohesion, took advantage of the presentation of the fifth report of this type on 10th November to reveal its vision of the future cohesion policy after 2013. The report insists on the fact that future funding should focus on a limited number of priorities in line with the goals set by the Europe 2020 strategy. To do this the Commission suggests establishing an overall strategic framework that will set out the priorities, objectives and necessary reforms to maximise the effect of investments made in terms of cohesion. Another idea put forward is to create incentives to make the implementation of cohesion programmes more effective and as ambitious as possible. The report also suggests ideas to simplify operational means by reducing administrative constraints.

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1 January 1970

On 11th November the European Commission presented its proposals for fishing quotas in European waters in 2011. It suggests reductions of up to 50% with regard to cod in the North Sea and the Atlantic. In several key fishing areas of this particular fish "there is no sign of improvement in the stocks". This is the case in the Irish Sea, West Scotland and in the Kattegat (a bay between Denmark and Sweden). For all species in all zones the Commission is suggesting a 10% reduction in fishing quotas next year representing a volume of 89,400 tonnes. Brussels believes that only 40% of fish stocks in European waters are in a satisfactory situation.

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1 January 1970

On 9th November the Commission published the first results of its EU anti-drug action plan (2009-2012). The Commission is trying to put an end to the free distribution of "legal highs" and it suggested on 20th October to ban across the entire Union, mephedrone, a drug like ecstasy which is already illegal in 15 Member States. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction published its annual report on 10th November on the use of drugs in Europe. It notably draws attention to the fact that the economic crisis and budgetary austerity threatened the work to counter drugs leading to fears of a deterioration in the care of and a rise in consumption by the most vulnerable.

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1 January 1970

The European Commission published its enlargement strategy for 2010/2011 on 9th November. This document includes a summary of progress - or not - achieved over the last 12 months by Croatia, Iceland, Macedonia, Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Kosovo. With regard to Turkey the Commission draws a poor picture with regard to progress in membership negotiations. It also presented an opinion on Albania and Montenegro's ability to start membership negotiations. The European Commission suggests to grant Montenegro with the status of candidate country. With regard to Albania the Commission believes that this country has "already made progress on the road to EU integration" and spectacular economic progress. But is still has to overcome political problems to move onto a new stage towards membership.

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Citizens Initiative

1 January 1970

As part of their report on the citizens' initiative, the new tool introduced by the Lisbon Treaty thanks to which one million EU citizens can now ask the European Commission to propose new legislation, two MEPs appointed by the European Parliament, Alain Lamassoure (EPP, FR) and Zita Gurmai (S&D, HU) have put forward solutions that could facilitate the procedure. They suggest a reduction from 9 to 6 with regard to the number of countries whence the signatories must come. Likewise the admissibility of an initiative should be checked as soon as it is registered on the Commission site and not after 300,000 signatures have been collated, as suggested by the Commission. Another suggestion is to do away with the obligation to give an identity card number on signing which is being challenged by a Counicil representative who has said that Member States should be able to check the authenticity of the signatures.

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Alternative Funds

1 January 1970

The European Parliament finally approved legislation on 11th November with regard to enabling the control of speculative fund activities in the EU - since these have been accused of having amplified the financial crisis. The text was adopted 513 votes in favour, 92 against and 3 abstentions. The new legislation includes the creation of a "European passport" for fund managers whether they have their HQ in Europe (as of 2013) or elsewhere (as from 2015). This passport will enable them to market products across the entire EU, in exchange for good practice rules (transparency, risk management). The measure will not only apply to speculative funds but also to the so-called "alternative" funds - capital risk or private equity for example.

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1 January 1970

As the EU/USA summit approaches on 20th November MPs have delivered their recommendations to the Council on the way to manage trans-Atlantic issues such as econommic cooperation, personal data protection, the introduction of a travel tax and the leakage of classified American military documents on Iraq.

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1 January 1970

On 11th November the European Parliament voted in support of a financial instrument that will enable the release of 146 million euros in non-committed loans in view of funding energy saving projects, energy efficacy and renewable energies.

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1 January 1970

The European Union ought to rethink radically its exit strategy from Afghanistan recommend the MEPs of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee in a report that will be debated in a plenary session in December. In their opinion Europeans and their allies have to acknowledge the continued worsening in the country's security and socio-economic situation in spite of nearly a decade of international commitment and they should understand the need to involve the Afghans fully in an exit strategy, including the Taliban. MEPs suggest that this new strategy should focus on four key elements: improvement in coordinating international aid; the refining of the EU's role and the participation of Afghan players in the peace process, improvement in the quality of the training of the police and the fight to eliminate the culture of opium.

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1 January 1970

Consumers should be warned about "behavioural advertising" and be warned when they are being targeted says a report by MEP Philippe Juvin (French EPP) adopted by a wide majority by MEPs of the European Parliament's Internal Market and Consumer Committee. Although the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive of 2005 provides a vital legislative framework to counter misleading or aggressive advertising it is not enough in the face of greater technological developments. The report demands a clearly visible mention of "behavioural advertising" in the advertisements involved next to a window explaining briefly what this practice is. The consumer should also receive full information on the way data is collated and used. The vote in plenary session is planned for December.

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1 January 1970

The creation of a patent shared by the 27 States of the Union stumbled again over the issue of languages during the European Industry and Research Ministers meeting on 10th November. Spain and Italy believe it "discriminatory" that their national languages are not acknowledged in the same way as English, French and German. The compromise proposals by the Commission suggested that the new industrial patents should be registered in one of the three languages together with a summary translated into the two others which would bring translation costs to around 680 euros. The European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Michel Barnier regretted the absence of a compromise on the issue that has been poisoning Europe for the last 10 years, declaring that this decision was not a good sign during the economic crisis because the absence of a European patent is impeding European competitiveness, innovation, research and development.

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1 January 1970

On 8th November the 27 European Interior Ministers continued their discussions on the joint European asylum regime and planned the upcoming opening of the European asylum support bureau without however saying exactly when this would happen. In addition to this they decided to set down a policy to counter major international organised crime. This should establish annual action plans based on a strategy defined by the Commission. This system should lead to optimum cooperation between the competent services in each Member State, together with the EU institutions and agencies as well as other countries and organisations involved. Finally they gave their go-ahead to the liberalisation of visas for citizens from Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina as from 15th December next.

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1 January 1970

In spite of the work undertaken on 11th November the Council and the European Parliament did not reach agreement on the 2011 budget. This is the first budget negotiated in the context of the Lisbon Treaty. The latter gives the Parliament the same powers of decision as the States with regard to spending; the same applies to own resources that feed the budget with regard to which the Parliament is simply consulted. The Parliament said it is ready to accept the limitation of spending demanded by the States in the 2011 budget ie 2.9% (equivalent to 3.5 billion euros) on condition that it is involved in the future funding of the EU. This position is deemend unfortunate by several Member States that do not want to commit to a discussion over own resources.

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Court of Justice


1 January 1970

In the context of an affair that involves Turkish asylum seekers of Kurdish origin who were connected to the PKK and the DHKP/C, two organisations that are on the European list of organisations involved in terrorist acts, the EU Court of Justice decided on 9th November that a person can be excluded from the status of refugee if he/she is individually responsible for acts committed by an organisation that applies terrorist methods. From another view point the conditions in which this registration on the European list was made cannot be compared with the individual assessment of precise details which should precede any decision to exclude a person from the refugee status in virtue of the Council directive 2004/83/CE.

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1 January 1970

The EU Court of Justice deemed on 9th November that the publication by Member States of the names of the beneficiaries of agricultural subsidies contravene the respect of private life and invited the European Commission to amend this measure. As part of an initiative that aims to enhance transparency with regard to the use of European funds the European Commission decided in 2005 to publish, according to each country involved, the list of the beneficiaries of aid, revealing the name, address and the total amount of aid received on the internet. The publication of the beneficiaries' names, notably, is undoubtedly unnecessary suggests the judgement, which accuses the Council and the Commission of having "exceeded the limits set by the principle of proportionality."

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1 January 1970

The number of births in Germany fell in 2009 to an historic low of 665,126 ie 17,388 less than in 2008 according to figures published on 12th November by the Sstatistics office, Destatis. This decline is notably due to a decline in the number of women of child bearing age (15 to 49 years), explained Destatis. Hence in the main economy of the euro area there are half as many children born now as in 1964.

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1 January 1970

German MPs adopted a new reform of the healthcare service on 12th November after months of dispute. The reform will "settle issues in 2011 and start the transfer over to a better, fairer system," indicated Healthcare Minister Philipp Rösler. On the day before, 11th November, the Bundestag adopted a law that is to limit the prices of medicines which are much higher in Germany than in most other countries.

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1 January 1970

According to the annual report by the Council of Experts for the appreciation of overall economic development ("five Sages") that was delivered to German Chancellor Angela Merkel on 10th November, the rise of the German economy is likely to continue long term. Economists are forecasting a growth rate of 3.7% in 2010 and 2.2% in 2011. The report comforts the government in continuing its reform and mentions amongst other matters the consolidation of budgets and the reform of the social security systems.

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External Missions

1 January 1970

On 9th November the Austrian government decided to extend its authorisation for Austrian military and civilian forces to take part in EU and also UN security and defence missions. According to Michael Spindelegger, the Austrian Foreign Minister, Austria will continue with its commitment in 15 peacekeeping missions around the world. The minister lauded the stabilising successes of the Austrian forces in the Balkans, notably in Kosovo.

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1 January 1970

Bulgaria and Russia signed an agreement on 13th November for the creation of a mixed company for the construction and use of the Bulgarian section of the gas pipeline South Stream. Bulgarian Prime Minister Boïko Borissov qualified South Stream as a "truly European project". The group, Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Russian gas giant Gazprom will each hold 50% of the new company which will undertake studies and the construction and will also use the Bulgarian section of the Russian-Italian gas pipeline project that will bring Russian gas to western Europe over 3,600km and avoid transit via Ukraine.

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1 January 1970

Finnish President Tarja Halonen undertook a State visit to Russia from 8th to 11th November. On 9th November she met Russian President Dmitri Medvedev with whom she spoke about cooperation between the two countries, the situation in the Baltic Sea and the Arctic as well as relations between the EU, NATO and the OSCE. They also addressed the issue of abolishing visas between Russia and the EU. With Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Ms Halonen discussed perspectives of development in Russia and cooperation in the areas of energy and the environment.

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1 January 1970

Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip travelled to Finland on 9th November where he discussed cooperation between the two countries, economic perspectives and energy issues with Finnish Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi.

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1 January 1970

On 14th Novembe French President Nicolas Sarkozy re-appointed François Fillon as Prime Minister, who presented the previous day the resignation of his government. On the same evening the new government was formed. It comprises 30 members ie seven less than the previous one, 22 Ministers and 8 Secretaries of State. It also includes 11 women in comparison with a previous 13.

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1 January 1970

On 9th November the Constitutional Council validated the law with regard to the reform of retirement pensions that progressively raises the legal age of retirement from 60 to 62 and from 65 to 67 for full retirement. The next day French President Nicolas Sarkozy promulgated the law.

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1 January 1970

The President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite took part in the solemn commemoration of the independence of Poland in Warsaw on the invitation of the Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski. After the ceremony the two heads of State spoke about the possibilities of enhancing bilateral relations; this notably involved the most important issues of cooperation within NATO, the EU and OSCE. The two presidents discussed the preparation for the NATO summit on 19th November next.

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1 January 1970

Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski announced on 12th November a project to amend the Polish Constitution that should notably simplify his country's accession to the euro area. The project that is due to be submitted to Parliament plans for a series of adapatations of the Polish Fundamental Law in line with measures set out in the Lisbon Treaty. It is due to make the running of Polish institutions more effective within the structures of the EU," said the press release on the part of the Polish presidency. Mr Komorowski is reviewing, amongst other matters, "organisation issues within the Central Bank (...), its role and its independence as well as its participation in the European central bank system that will make it possible in the future to introduce the single currency into Poland," said the press release.

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1 January 1970

Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat and Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi signed a treaty in Bucharest on 8th November "on the State border regime, collaboration and mutual assistance with regard to border issues." The treaty regulates, amongst other matters, the maintenance of border installations and infrastructures, procedures for activities that take place near the border and the monitoring of border marks. The agreement aims to harmonise border regulations between Moldova and Romania with the Schengen regime standards which Romania is due to join shortly.

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1 January 1970

British Prime Minister David Cameron undertook an official visit to China from 9th to 11th November. He declared that Chinese economic growth should be seen as an opportunity and not as a threat by the rest of the world. As he spoke to students at the University of Beijing he pleaded for a strengthening in Sino-British relations with regard to trade, investment and dialogue. He also met President Hu Jintao. On this occasion the Chinese President suggested that "new energy, new materials and high quality products" should be the areas of growth in Sino-British cooperation.

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1 January 1970

The IMF confirmed on 9th November its support for the British government's austerity policy saying that it did not threaten "moderate" economic recovery expected over the next few years. "Economic recovery is now on-going in the UK" says the IMF in its annual report on the country.

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1 January 1970

The three members of the new Bosnian Collegial Presidency showed an unusual desire for dialogue between the various communities in the country on 10th November as they took up their new positions and they maintained their ambition to see Bosnia move forwards towards the EU. "The time has come for a positive solution (...) We have only one way, all of the others are deadends. The way we are talking of is that of integration, unification, reconciliation (...)," declared the new Muslim member of the tripartite presidency Bakir Izetbegovic.

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Regional Yearbook

1 January 1970

On 11th November the EU's statistics office (Eurostat) published the 2010 edition of its regional yearbook. This publication provides an overview of the most recent economic, social and demographic developments in the 271 regions of the EU. The greatest rise in the population was seen in Guyana, the Balearic Islands, Murcia and Valenciana. The highest employment rates amongst the 55-64 age group were in the nordic regions of Aland, Smaland and Stockholm. Finally the regions with the highest mortality rates due to road accidents were the Greek regions of Peloponnisos, Sterea Ellada and Dytiki Ellada.

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1 January 1970

A new Eurostat survey published on 10th November and undertaken in the 27 EU Member States, Norway and Croatia reveals that more than half of companies innovate. Amongst these companies one third cooperate with external partners (other companies, universities and/or public research institutes). The highest shares of cooperation in terms of innovation were seen in Denmark (57% of all innovative companies), Cyprus (51%), Belgium and Estonia (49% each) and the lowest rates were in Romania (14%), Italy (16%), Bulgaria and Latvia (17% each). It should be noted that 11% of innovative companies cooperate with a partner in another EU Member State, in an EFTA country or with a candidate country in comparison with 3% who work with an American company and 2% with a partner from India or China.

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1 January 1970

During the third quarter of 2010 the GDP in the euro area and that of the EU increased by 0.4% in comparison with the previous quarter according to estimates published by Eurostat on 12th November. Over the second quarter of 2010 the growth rate lay at +1%. In comparison with the same quarter one year ago the GDP adjusted according to seasonal variations recorded a rise of 1.9% in the euro area and 2.1% in the EU over the third quarter of 2010, against +1.9% and +2% in the previous quarter.

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1 January 1970

Industrial production adjusted according to seasonal variations decreased in the euro area by 0.9% and by 0.5% in the EU in September 2010 in comparison with August 2010. In August production increased respectively by 1.1% and by 0.9%. The Eurostat study published on 12th November revealed that production of non-durable consumer goods diminished 6% in the euro area and by 0.3% in the EU. Energy production declined respectively by 0.9% and by 0.7%. Intermediary goods declined by 1.3% and 0.7%. Investment goods diminished respectively by 1.3% and 0.8%. Durable consumer goods recorded a decline of 3% and 2.5%.

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1 January 1970

A new survey by Eurobarometer on life sciences and biotechnologies shows that Europeans have an optimistic view of this sector. 53% of those interviewed think that biotechnologies will have positive effects in the future and 20% only think that they will have negative effects. The survey also reveals major gaps in knowledge, which stresses the need to enhance communication; most people interviewed had never heard of some areas addressed in the survey, notably nanotechnologies (55%), biobanks (67%) and synthetic biology (83%); scepticism and concern continue to be expressed with regard to some areas such as genetically modified foodstuffs.

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International Trade

1 January 1970

According to a new Eurobarometer survey published on 8th November two thirds of Europeans think that Europe benefits greatly from international trade. European citizens are aware of the origin of products they buy, notably in the food sector. They also seem to have confidence in the EU's economic potential since they consider it to be the biggest world partner in international trade and think that it can compete with those on the outside. The EU, the world's leading trade power, represents 20% of the total volume of imports and exports worldwide. However European citizens want the trade policy to lead to the creation of jobs rather than the simple exchange of capital between States.

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1 January 1970

"Notre Europe" published a study on 4th November entitled "Les partis politiques européens: le chaînon manquant" (European Political Parties: the Missing Link). Author, Julian Priestley, former secretary general to the European Parliament from 1997 to 2007 suggests several vital reforms for European political parties if they want to play their role in the building of democratic institutions in Europe and take part in enhancing interest for European elections.

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Monetary Union

1 January 1970

The Centre for European Policy Studies has published a paper by Christian Fahrholz and Cezary Wojcik entitled "The European Council Summit and the Political Economics of the EMU Crisis". In this paper the authors notably address the weakness of the present governance of the EMU.

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EU/ Court of Auditors

1 January 1970

For the first time in sixteen years the European Court of Auditors has given a favourable opinion to the execution of the European budget. This was decided by the Court's President, Vitor Caldeira on the occasion of the annual Court of Auditors report on 9th November delivered to the European Parliament. Errors in the budget for spending relative to Cohesion, he explained, are much lower than in the previous years. He said that the Commission had improved the quality of the information with regard to recovering unduly paid sums of money, noting however that this information was still not totally reliable.

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1 January 1970

Combat planes have comprised one third of world transfers in major weapons over the last five years, with the USA as one of the main suppliers and India, the Arab Emirates and Israel as the leading purchasers according to the Sipri. In a report published on 10th November the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) notes that from 2005-2009 the USA sold 341 machines (in comparison with 286 over the five previous years), Russia 219 (against 331) and France 75 (58).

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1 January 1970

As part of the draft finance law for 2011 Roland Blum, MP for the Bouches du Rhône has written a report on France's participation in the EU's budget. He notably mentions the issue of the French contribution and the importance of relations between France and Germany within the Union.

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Raymond Barre

1 January 1970

The proceeding from the seminar organised in June 2009 in tribute to Raymond Barre, former French Prime Minister, have just been released by publishing house Fallois under the title "Raymond Barre. Un homme singulier dans la politique française." Amongst other things the firm international and European commitment of this statesman is highlighted.

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Jacques Rigaud

1 January 1970

Jacques Rigaud, an honorary advisor to the State and member of the Robert Schuman Foundation board has published a book entitled "Quand les ombres s'allongent. Petit traité de sagesse et d'impatience à l'usage des générations montantes" (When the shadows grow longer. A small treaty of wisdom and impatience for the use of the future generations). He recalls the heritage of values of the old world that should be passed on and gives his vision of a complex and contradictory world.

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1 January 1970

From 17th to 28th November the 21st International Film Festival of Stockholm will be presenting 180 films from 50 countries. The "Visionary Award" is given this year to American film maker Gus Van Sant. American actress Holly Hunter will chair the jury. 18 films are running in the competition for the prestigious "Bronze Horse".

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Exhibition/Middle Ages

1 January 1970

The National Middle Ages Museum in Paris is devoting an exhibition to art in Slovakia at the end of the Middle Ages until the 10th January. This is the first review of this size of the medieval period in Slovakia. This exhibition "Out of Gold and Fire" takes the public on a journey to discover this cradle of art in Europe in the 15th century. This exhibition is being organised by the Rmn and the National Middle Ages Museum together with the National Gallery of Bratislava.

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1 January 1970

Three of the five paintings by Paul Cézanne illustrating card players together with the preparatory studies and drawings have been included in the new exhibition at the Courtauld Gallery in London. This exhibition is open to the public until 16th January.

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1 January 1970

The art and culture of the Renaissance of the towns and countryside along the Rhine are being presented in a major exhibition at the Rheinisches Landmuseum in Bonn until 6th February. Around 300 items from Germany and abroad review the time of humanism, the Reform and the Counter Reform.

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1 January 1970

From 15th to 22nd November the town of Pessac will be hosting the 21st International Festival of Film History. This year on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the independence of the 18 countries of black Africa this event will focus on this complex subject that heralded the end of the colonies.

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1 January 1970

The Rodin Museum is devoting an exhibition to English sculptor Henry Moore (1898-1986) until 27th February. This exhibition is the first major retrospective to be organised in Paris in the last thirty years and is the occasion to re-establish links with the sculptor whose story with the Rodin Museum goes back to 1956, notably during the international exhibitions organised in the gardens of the Hotel Biron and then the two exhibitions that were devoted to him in 1961 and 1971.

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1 January 1970

The Groeningemuseum of Bruges is presenting an exhibition until 30th January entitled "De Van Eyck to Dürer" bringing together over 150 paintings, illuminated manuscripts, miniatures, engravings, sculptures from the biggest museums in Europe and America.

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16th November

Eurogroup Meeting ()

17th November

"Economy-Finances" Council ()

les 18th-19th November

"Education, Youth and Culture" Council ()

18th November

ECB Governors' Council ()

les 19th-20th November

NATO Summit ()

20th November

EU-USA Summit ()

les 22nd-26th November

European Parliament Plenary Session - Strasbourg ()

22nd November

"General Affairs" and "External Relations" Council ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°463- version of 15 nov. 2010