The Newsletter4612 nov. 2010

La Lettre

2 November 2010



1 January 1970

Moldova has been deprived of a President of the Republic for the last year. In effect he is elected by a majority of 3/5 of the MPs, ie 61 of 101. The communists lost their majority and the four parties in the government do not have the necessary majority. On 5th September last although 87.8% of Moldovan voters approved the constitutional reform that entailed the modification of article 78 of the Constitution to enable the election of the President of the Republic by direct universal suffrage, the referendum was invalidated due to a low turnout. The failure of the referendum obliged the Moldovan authorities to dissolve Parliament which the interim President of Republic Mihai Ghimpu (Liberal Party, PL), did on 28th September. He announced that a general election would take place on 28th November next.

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1 January 1970

4.8 million Azeris will be renewing the 125 members of the Milli Majlis, the only chamber of their parliament on 7th November. Apart from the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) led by President of the Republic Ilham Aliev five electoral blocs are standing in the general elections: Karabakh (Qarabag); For the Good of the People (Insan Namine); Democracy (Demokratiya); Reform (Islahat); the bloc formed by the People Front Party and Musavat. 704 people are officially registered as candidates. 22,000 people including 581 international observers will monitor the election on 7th November since the last general election in 2005 was marred by infringements.

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1 January 1970

The Austrian Institute for European Policy and Security is organising a conference on the future of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) on 5th November in Vienna as part of the Lisbon Treaty. Jean-Dominique Giuliani Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation will be taking part.

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1 January 1970

In an editorial published on his site Jean-Dominique Giuliani interprets and analyses the recent European decisions and puts them into context.

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1 January 1970

On 6th November French think-tanks are organising a debate forum on the political, social, economical and environmental issues which France, Europe and the world of the future will have to face. Thierry Chopin, Study Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation will speak on the theme of citizenship in Europe. It is vital to register to take part in this day of debate.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

According to statistics published on 26th October by the National Statistics Office the British economy grew almost twice that forecast in the third quarter driving out perspectives of further monetary flexibility measures by the Bank of England mid-term. The GDP increased by 0.8% over the quarter, notably thanks to the building industry. This rise is less than the one observed in the second quarter (+1.2%). The pound recovered in the face of the dollar and the euro and State borrowing fell. Over one year the GDP grew by 2.8% - the biggest rise in three years after a 1.7% increase in the previous quarter.

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1 January 1970

On 26th October the Irish government set how much it will take using austerity measures, budget cuts and tax increases to face the country's public deficit and to reduce it to 3% of the GDP in 2014. It has been established at 15 billion euros over 4 years. Dublin may privatise a series of state companies such as the national gas and electricity board (Bord Gais) and increase VAT presently set at 21% on most products.

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1 January 1970

The Federal Employment Agency (BA) announced on 28th October that the number of job seekers had dropped below the 3 million threshold in Germany. It dropped by 86,000 in October to reach 2,945 million. Hence unemployment has reached its lowest level in October since 1992. The gross unemployment rate lay at 7% in October against 7.2% the month before. The unemployment rate in figures after correction due to seasonal variations totalled 7.5% in October.

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1 January 1970

According to figures released by the Finnish Statistics Institute (Statistics Finland) on 26th October the unemployment rate in Finland lay at 7% in September 2010. This rate decreased by 0.3% in comparison with September 2009. In September 2010 183,000 people were unemployed in Finland.

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1 January 1970

On 28th October the OECD published a report that looks at the regulation policies to be implemented to support sustainable growth. On 27th October the OECD published its quarterly report on world trade. This report reveals a major increase in the trade deficit between the OECD countries and the rest of the world. The deficit rose from 37.4 billion dollars in the first quarter of 2010 to 62.2 billion dollars in the second quarter. This rise is primarily due to a 2.1% increase in goods imports that cancels the 0.8% rise in goods exports. With regard to services exports record a decrease lower (1.5%) than that experienced in imports (2.5%).

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 28th October by the national Danish statistics institute, Statistics Denmark, the unemployment rate in Denmark rose to 4.2% of the working population in September 2010 after stabilising at 4.1% over the previous two months. The number of unemployed increased by 3,500 in September to 115,000 people against 111,500 in August.

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1 January 1970

According to statistics published on 27th October by Pôle Emploi and DARES the number of job seekers registered with Pôle Emploi lay at 3,999,200 in mainland France in September 2010 (4,249,100 in France including the DOM). This number grew by 0.7% (+28,300) in September. Over one year it has increased by 6.5%.

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1 January 1970

Unemployment in Spain declined slightly in the third quarter for the first time in the last three years dropping to 19.8% of the working population according to figures communicated by the National Statistics Institute on 29th October. This slight decline is due to an increase of around 70,000 in the number of people with work.

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1 January 1970

The IMF and the EU gave the green light on 1st November to the release of new payments in aid to Romania - a country that remained in recession in 2010 - if Bucharest rapidly applies a series of reforms: final adoption of a reform of the retirement system, at present under discussion in Parliament and also the harmonisation of the salary grid in the civil service. If the measures agreed on with the authorities are applied the conditions for payment of more aid to a total of 1.2 billion euros will be fulfilled," said the European Commission.

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1 January 1970

Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou believes that Greece's public deficit in 2009 "will be around 15% of th GDP in comparison with 13.6% that had initially been forecast.

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1 January 1970

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) delivered a mitigated report on 25th October with regard to Hungary describing the government's economic programmes as "courageous but risky" whilst Budapest is trying to control its budgetary deficit.

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1 January 1970

The unemployment rate that had been decreasing in Italy over the last few months started to rise again in September to 8.3% of the working population in comparison with 8.1% in August according to an estimation after correction due to seasonal variations which was published on 29th October by the Italian Statistics Institute. In September the number of people looking for work rose to 2,071 million ie a rise of 2.1% in comparison with August and 1.1% in comparison with September 2009 - a month during which time unemployment lay at 8.2% said the National Statistics Institute, Istat, in a press release.

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1 January 1970

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) revealed its growth forecasts for 2010 and 2011 that have been brought up to 4.2% and 4.1% for the region it covers extending from Central Europe to Central Asia - however it notes that there are major discrepancies. "Overall the EBRD notes in its new growth forecasts published in London that the countries of Central Asia are doing much better than those in Eastern Europe".

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1 January 1970

The Central Bank of Sweden raised its main interest rate by 0.25 percentage points on 26th October for the third time since July to 1% - a rise that was possible due to the good health of the Swedish economy.

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1 January 1970

The Portuguese government and the opposition signed an agreement on 30th October guaranteeing the adoption of a budget "imposing sacrifices on the Portuguese" in 2011, which is believed to "be very important" in order to restore market confidence. After weeks of uncertainty and a temporary break in negotiations that led to fears of a financial and political crisis, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) promised to abstain during the vote on first reading of the draft finance law on 3rd November. The government is due to put forward additional measures to compensate for the loss of 500 million euros in fiscal revenues due to concessions made to the PSD.

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Czech Republic

1 January 1970

The Czech Finance Minister announced on 1st November that he had revised his growth forecasts upwards in 2010 to 2.2% against 1.6% previously. In 2011 growth is due to lie at 2%, down by 0.3 points in comparison with the growth previously expected, before reaching 3.2% in 2012 and 3.8% in 2013.

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European Council


1 January 1970

The 27 European Heads of State and Government adopted an unprecedented action plan on 28th October to enhance their joint budgetary discipline and believed it necessary to establish a support fund for countries in the euro area. To this end they agreed to look into a limited change to the Lisbon Treaty. The European Heads of State and Government asked the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy to undertake consultations by December in view of this targeted change in the treaty. Finally they exhorted the world's "big" countries "to avoid" a currency war. According to a declaration adopted on 29th October the EU "stresses the need to avoid any form of protectionism and to avoid launching movements in exchange rates that try to gain short term competitive advantages."

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1 January 1970

At just two weeks from the G20 in Seoul the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy and the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso asked in a joint letter for the major countries to avoid "competitive devaluation of currency" and emerging countries to let their currencies gain in value. They insist on "the need to avoid any form of protectionism and to avoid starting movements in exchange rates that aim to take short term competitive advantage." With regard to the issue of climate change they recalled that the EU will present a full report in Cancun on the financial implementation of its commitments. They hope to open the way for a global, legally binding framework, including the Copenhagen agreement.

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1 January 1970

On 27th October José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission presented the new working programme for 2011 that focuses on five main points: helping the European social market economy to emerge from crisis and to establish itself sustainably; boost employment growth; continue the project for citizens (rights, freedom and justice); ensure that Europe can take on its role in the world to the full; draw the best from the EU policies (proposal relative to the next pluriannual financial framework).

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1 January 1970

As part of the Europe 2020 Strategy to emerge from the crisis and prepare the European economy for the next decade the Commission presented one of the seven strategies that aim to stimulate growth and create jobs by maintaining a strong, diversified, competitive industrial base in Europe that can offer well paid jobs whilst emitting less CO2. To do this the services of Vice-President Antonio Tajani identified ten action areas that notably aim to develop SME's. It should be noted that this Commission communication goes with a results' report on competitiveness in the 27 Member States and an annual report on European competitiveness.

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1 January 1970

The 2010 dashboard on investments in industrial R&D published by the Commission on 26th October shows that the biggest European companies are not reducing their R&D investments as much as American companies even though globally there was a decline of 2.6% in 2009. Indeed the difference between American companies in areas such a software and biotechnologies and the continued growth of Asian countries shows how urgent it is to innovate. On reading the results Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science hopes that the 27 will commit in December to taking the necessary steps to reach the goal in the Europe 2020 Strategy that comprises bringing R&D investments up to 3% of the European GDP.

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1 January 1970

A European Commission study published on 26th October focusing on the 27 EU Member States and the countries of the EFTA/EEA (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) observes that the flexibility of working hours is an advantage both for the employers as well as the workers. The result of work by a group of experts the study confirms that there are major discrepancies between the Member States in terms of the flexibility of working hours and also the idea of flexibility as a whole with regard to working hours which has become a priority in several countries. It also reveals that the increase in flexibility of working time is not always an advantage for equality between men and women.

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1 January 1970

On 27th October the Commission examined the funding of 92 major infrastructure projects for trans-European networks. The goal of this assessment is to enhance the follow-up to the funding process to check that the funds provided by the EU are used correctly. More than half (52.2%) of these major pan-European projects are on the right path for completion in December 2013 in spite of a difficult financial context. For the remaining projects the mid-term assessment applies the "use it or lose it" principle in the strictest possible manner. An additional two years has been granted to credible projects that are facing difficulties associated with the economic crisis so that their completion can be guaranteed. However projects that are no longer credible will not receive any further EU funding and the monies will be re-distributed.

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Single Market

1 January 1970

To stimulate the single market and growth the European Commission presented the pact for the single market on 27th October aiming to facilitate the life of all players in the market. It also presented a report on European citizenship that aims to simplify the citizen's life, who in the context of exercising the rights that the Union gives them, wish to marry, buy a house or licence a car in another EU Membe State.

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Speculative Funds

1 January 1970

An agreement was finally reached on 26th October on the "hedge funds" directive between the 27 Member States. It should be approved by a vote by MEPs in a plenary session in November. This agreement will introduce for the first time ever a European regulation for the managers of alternative funds. The regulation on speculative funds is part of the commitment made since the crisis by the G20. Due to credibility Europeans want to arrive at the G20 summit in Seoul with final legislation.

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1 January 1970

On 26th October the 27 Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers came to a political agreement on the regulations establishing fishing quotas in 2011 for EU ships in the Baltic Sea. This legal act includes a decrease in fishing quotas with regard to herring and even salmon. Conversely the quota for cod in the Baltic Sea was raised.

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General Affairs

1 January 1970

After months of stalemate the EU accepted to allow the European Commission to study Serbia's application to join the EU. The opinion of the Commissioner for Enlargement, Stefan Füle is expected in the second half of 2011. The Council also approved the last two legal decisions necessary to make the European External Action Service (EEAS) operational, ie its financial regulations and its status.

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Foreign Affairs

1 January 1970

The 27 European Foreign Ministers decided on 25th October to extend restrictions on movement in Europe with regard to some civil servants from Belarus. In addition to this and in line with a principle agreement dating back to last July they adopted new restrictive measures with regard to Iran that target technologies associated with balistic and nuclear programmes. They discussed the situation in Sahel and the role played by the EU in stabilising the region. European ministers also addressed the issue of the Middle East, Lebanon, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Moldova.

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1 January 1970

After Pierre Vimont, who was appointed Secretary General on 25th October last, the European External Action Service is gradually taking shape. Catherine Ashton, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission announced on 29th October the appointment of two Deputy Secretary Generals: Helga Schmid as Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs and Maciej Popowski, Deputy Secretary General for inter-institutional affairs.

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1 January 1970

During their meeting on 27th October in Bern, the Swiss Federal Councillor Hans-Rudolf Merz and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble signed a joint declaration with regard to the opening of negotiations on taxation between Switzerland and Germany. Ministers also signed the revised convention against dual taxation in line with OECD standards. They thereby re-iterated their desire for both States to continue deepening their work together in the fiscal and financial areas and to enhance long term judicial security.

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1 January 1970

On 28th October German MPs adopted the main points in a vast austerity plan for the years 2011-2014 aiming to save tens of billions of euros over the next four years. This plan means cuts in social spending and introduces a air transport tax. In addition to this MPs approved the creation of a bank tax.

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1 January 1970

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron addressed sensitive issues in the European budget and also anti-terrorist cooperation on 30th October. The two heads of government agreed "to maintain their close cooperation" with regard to countering terrorism. David Cameron and Angela Merkel "totally agreed on the need to contain European spending." The European budget 2011 "must not increase by more than 2.9% and over the next few years it has to reflect the budgetary cuts that national governments have had to make."

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1 January 1970

The German Defence Minister presented a draft reform for the army on 26th October which aims notably to reduce the numbers of soldiers in the German army from 250,000 to 180,000 and increase the contingent available for missions abroad. "We shall not manage it with cosmetic measures (...) the problem has to be addressed at the root," said Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg on the occasion of the delivery of the report by a committee of experts on the reform of the Bundeswehr.

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1 January 1970

During the Austrian National Day on 26th October Austrian President Heinz Fischer delivered a speech as is the tradition each year. Having started his term in office in July 2010 he promised to stand firm in his role as mediator over the political parties. The President demanded that the Austrian immigration policy together with the asylum policy be made more human since they have been highly criticised in the media over the last few weeks. He addressed the reform of the armed forces and the education system in Austria.

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1 January 1970

In order to reach agreement on the finance law Johan Vande Lanotte - the mediator appointed by the King of Belgium whose goal it is to come to agreement on the reform of the state - set up a new method, the principle of which was accepted by the seven parties which are at the negotiating tables. On 26th October he asked each of them to deliver their own memorandum on the finance law. These will be studied by the National Bank of Belgium, the Planning Bureau and the Scientific Committee that has been created specially in response to demands made by the N-VA which questioned the independence of the other two public institutions. A first report is expected for 8th November - the final version was delivered four days later.

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1 January 1970

The Bulgarian government signed an agreement with unions and employers on 1st November focusing on a vast reform of the retirement system that aims to reduce its deficit which is on the increase. The agreement achieved after months of bitter negotiations still has to be approved by Parliament. It plans for a gradual increase as from 2012 for the length of time contributions have to be made in order to be able to retire. Hence the period of contribution will increase by three years to rise to 37 years for women and 40 for men in 2020 said Prime Minister Boiko Borissov. The retirement age - 60 for women and 63 for men - will officially remain unchanged until 2020. However the increase in the contribution period will oblige most workers to take retirement later if they want to receive a pension.

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1 January 1970

On 27th October the National Asssembly adopted the draft law on the reform of retirement pensions 336 votes in favour, 233 against. The main measure brings the legal age of retirement up from 60 to 62 (65 to 67 for a pension without tax relief).

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1 January 1970

France and Kazakhstan signed contracts to a total of over 2 billion euros on 27th October after lunch between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his Kazakh counterpart Noursoultan Nazarbaev. The two heads of State looked closely into issues relative to the OSCE, the presidency of which Kazakhstan has taken over for 2010. The OSCE Summit that will take place in Astana on 1st and 2nd December will herald a new stage in the construction of a global, undivisible security community within the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian sphere.

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1 January 1970

British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy signed two cooperation treaties of an unprecedented nature on 2nd November during a defence summit in London. According to the Elysée the first treaty plans for the two countries to simulate the functioning of their nuclear arsenals in a joint establishment in Burgundy as from 2014. The new laboratory will be completed with a joint Franco-British research centre. This "unprecedented cooperation", according to the Elysée, will be undertaken "in the total respect of the independence of the dissuasion forces of both countries". A second treaty focuses on the creation of a joint expeditionary military force integrating terrestrial, maritime and air capabilities. With a brigade from each country (around 5,000 men) it will not be a "permanent" force but will remain "permanently available" for bilateral operations or under the aegis of the UN, NATO or the EU.

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1 January 1970

Lithuania, a NATO member, signed a military cooperation agreement with Belarus on 27th October said the Lithuanian Defence Minister. "We have made an historic step forwards. For the first time Lithuania and Belarus signed a cooperation agreement" in the military area said the Lithuanian Defence Minister Rasa Jukneviciene in a press release. The two neighbours, whose joint border extends over 600km, are to cooperate amongst other matters in the training of executives, the surveillance of air space and military medicine.

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1 January 1970

Romanian President Traian Basescu received his Polish counterpart, Bronislaw Komorowski in Bucharest on 26th October. The latter also met Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc who welcomed the signature of the action plan that represents "an extraordinary opportunity for the realisation of the Romanian-Polish Strategic Partnership." The two men expressed their opinions with regard to the measures to reform or boost economic recovery. They pointed to the major role played by the European absorption funds in economic recovery and on the fact that Romania still had a lot to learn form Poland's experience in this area.

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1 January 1970

Poland and Russia signed an agreement on 29th October in Warsaw on the delivery of gas by Russia until 2011. "I am happy that negotiations on additional deliveries of gas to Poland were finalised successfully. This agreement will also lead to cooperation in new areas," declared Polish Deputy Prime Minister Waldemar Pawlak, after signing the document with his Russian counterpart Igor Setchine.

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1 January 1970

In a three monthly information report on the situation of British troops in Afghanistan presented to the House of Commons on 27th October Foreign Minister William Hague spoke of specific progress made by the international troops in Afghanistan, notably in the Helmland province where British troops are stationed. This progress will enable the Afghan government to gain ground. The minister also confirmed that British troops would depart by 2015. This information procedure on the situation in Afghanistan was established in June last by David Cameron's new government to consolidate support on the part of the public opinion with regard to British troops' commitment in this war.

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1 January 1970

The UK and Switzerland agreed to start negotiations on taxation aiming to impose interest on the Swiss accounts of British residents said George Osborne, the British Finance Minister on 26th October after negotiations with his Swiss counterpart Hans-Rudold Merz. "The aim is that British residents with Swiss bank accounts will be taxed on the interest they receive."

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1 January 1970

David Cameron's government announced on 1st November that there would be a support plan for SME's to encourage entrepreneurship in the UK. This plan will make access to funding easier and encourage start-ups.

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1 January 1970

On 26th October Slovakia and Norway signed a cooperation agreement in Bratislava. Slovakia will benefit from a fund of 80.75 million euros made available over a period 2009-2014 by Norway and the other Member States of the European Economic Area - ie Iceland and Switzerland. This fund will target, as a priority, protection against flooding, climate change, violence and the development of civil society. Emphasis will also be placed on improving the situation of Roma in the region.

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1 January 1970

Once the most firmly closed dictatorship in Europe, Albania has increased its economic peformance which is now acknowledged worldwide and is a surprise to the EU. It has gained 39 places in the Transparency International ranking on corruption lying 87th amongst the 158 countries that were examined. It received the second UN prize for digitising 100% of its calls for tender after Germany. It is recognised by the World Bank for the ease it has experienced in developing its economy and serving as a host for foreign investment - it has been distinguished in the Euromoney 2010 Country Risk Report and by the Wall Street Journal as being one of the vigourous growth economies in Europe. Since 2005 fiscal revenues have doubled, the size of its civil service has been reduced by one third and the cost of this brought down from 3 to 1.8% of the GDP. Albania that does not fear comparison with its neighbours should win its ticket to enter the EU very shortly.

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1 January 1970

After his meeting in Brussels with Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso expressed his hopes for Croatia's membership of the European Union as of 2011. Echoing what was said last week by Jean de Ruyt, the EU's Ambassador for Belgium Mr Barroso refers to chapter 23 of Croatia's membership negotiations with regard to the fight against corruption (entitled "Legal and Fundamental Rights) as being a key test for the country's accession. Believing that the membership date will be set once negotiations have been completed, Mr de Ruyt added that Croatia should also convince the Union's countries of its full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

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1 January 1970

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin travelled to Ukraine on 27th October. He was received in Kiev by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich. He said he was pleased with the "totally different atmosphere" that now reigned between Russia and Ukraine and that this will lead to "great" cooperation between the two countries, notably on an economic and social level. Mr Yanukovich said he was pleased with the progress achieved towards an agreement on Russian-Ukrainian relations by 2020.

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

The Council of Europe's Commission for the Efficiency of Justice published its fourth assessment report on 25th October with regard to European judicial systems. The report observes the budgetary pressure that weighs at present on European judicial systems - emerging in the West by a reduction in the number of courts. The reports notes however that the number of judges remains stable and that the number of lawyers increased between 2004 and 2008. This number remains highest in the States in the south which have a more extensive judicial system than the States in the north. Europe is, in addition to this, divided over the use of popular juries - with Western Europe being in favour and the East being more reticent.

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1 January 1970

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) delivered three decisions against Romania with regard to the conditions in which people are held in detention after a court decision. These conditions were deemed "incompatible" by the Court "with the dignity of a human being" according to the article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Overcrowding in prisons, the personal space granted to prisoners, hygiene conditions and notably inadequate access to drinking water, air and food were all brought into question.

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1 January 1970

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen announced on 29th October that the total number of men in the Peacekeeping Force in Kosovo (KFOR) would progressively be reduced to 5000 men given the improvement in security conditions in the country. The KFOR mission will remain unchanged.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 28th October in the second quarter of 2010 the investment level of companies adjusted according to seasonal variations as well as their share in benefits in added value have increased in comparison with the previous quarter both in the euro area and the EU. In the euro area stocks remained almost stable after five quarters of destocking. In the euro area the gross non-financial company investment rate increased because the gross creation of fixed capital increased more rapidly (+2.7%) tha the added value (+1.2%). Material stocks, supplies and finished products remained almost stable after five quarters of destocking.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 25th October the new industrial orders index rose in August 2010 in comparison with July by 5.3% in the euro area and by 3.6% in the EU. In July the index decreased by 1.8% in the euro area and by 1.6% in the EU. In August 2010 compared with August 2009 new industrial orders increased by 24.4% in the euro area and by 22.6% in the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 28th October in the second quarter 2010 household savings levels adjusted according to seasonal variations continued to decline both in the euro area and in the EU whilst the household investment rate rose slightly. In the euro area the income avaiable to housholds diminished by 0.3% in real terms.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat figures published on 29th October the unemployment rate in figures corrected according to seasonal variations rose to 10.1% in September 2010 in the euro area in comparison with 10% in August and 9.6% in the EU, a figures which has been stable since August. According to Eurostat 23,109 million people were unemployed in September 2010 in the EU of whom 15,917 million were in the euro area. The lowest unemployment rates were recorded in the Netherlands (4.4%) and Austria (4.5%) and the highest were in Spain (20.8%), Latvia (19.4% in the second quarter of 2010), Estonia (18.6% in the second quarter of 2010) and in Lithuania (18.2% in the second quarter of 2010).

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1 January 1970

In October 2010 the annual inflation rate in the euro area lay at 1.9% in comparison with 1.8% in September 2010 according to an estimate published on 29th October by Eurostat.

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Civil Justice

1 January 1970

Eurobarometer has published a study on civil justice. The survey results indicate that most Europeans (56%) believe that access to civil justice in another EU Member State is difficult. Three EU citizens in four believe that steps should be taken to improve access. The study shows that citizens' personal experience in terms of civil justice abroad is limited and that lack of knowledge of the laws and legal procedures is believed to be the main impediment to starting proceedings in another Member State. Nearly two thirds of European citizens feel that the EU should launch initiatives with regard to family law in a cross border context.

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1 January 1970

The Centre for European Policy Studies has just published a policy brief on the changes made to the EU treaties entitled "How to Change the EU Treaties - an Overview of Revision Procedures under the Treaty of Lisbon", written by Peadar ó Broin.

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1 January 1970

The French Institute for International Relations (IFRI) has published a report by Tatiana Kastoueva-Jean on Russia, entitled "Russian 'Soft Power': Discourse, Tools, Impact."

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1 January 1970

Transparency International, the main civil society organisation in the fight against corruption has just published its report on corruption in the world. Results are based on the degree of corruption within the public sector in 178 countries which leads to a ranking based on this data. France is ranked 25th.

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1 January 1970

According to the report "The 2010 Legatum Prosperity Index" by the Legatum Institute, published 26th October, Norway (1st), Denmark (2nd) and Finland (3rd) are at the head of the ranking according to wealth and well-being criteria. The index is based on 89 different variables and comprises 8 sub-indexes that represent fundamental aspects of prosperity that range from living standards to political stability, entrepreneurial capacity, the quality of education, healthcare, security (national and individual), freedom and solidarity. In all 110 countries were assessed by the Legatum Institute.

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1 January 1970

The European Migrations Committee at the Council of Europe has just published two new studies on Member States' policies and practices with regard to legal migration. The aim is to pinpoint and assess national experiences with regard to regularisation procedures and also to set out new proposals with regard to the treatment of illegal migrants and to improve cooperation between the home and host countries. Volumes I and II cover Armenia, Germany, Greece, Italy and Russia. Volumes III and IV cover France, Portugal, Poland, Spain and the UK.

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1 January 1970

The Grand Palais in Paris is devoting an exhibition to the key period between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance until 20th January 2011 - this period comprised the reigns of Charles VIII (1483-1498) and Louis XII (1498-1515). More than 200 major works - paintings, sculptures, stained glass windows, tapestries, gold work, books, enamels from French State museums and collections as well as from many foreign, prestigious establishments have been brought together in this exhibition entitled "France 1500. Between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance."

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1 January 1970

This year the JazzFest in Berlin will reveal the European jazz scene in all its splendour from 3rd to 7th November. This year it will bring together many international jazz musicians and amateurs. It is one of the biggest jazz festivals in Europe.

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1 January 1970

During work to transform the Städel Museum of Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany) a selection of 130 works from its unique collection is on show at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao (Spain) until 23rd January. The exhibition "the Golden Age for Dutch and Flemish Painting" in the 17th century offers a thematic journey which takes the visitor through five major sections: History, Portrait, Allegory, Landscape and Still life that reveals the tastes of the Dutch elites.

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1 January 1970

The exhibition "The World of Lucas Cranach. An artist in the Age of Dürer, Titian and Metsys" will be held until 23rd January at the Palais des Beaux-Arts (Bozar) in Brussels. Devoted only to the painter and engraver of the German Renaissance, Lucas Cranach (1472-1553) it brings together around 50 of his paintings, a great number of his drawings and around forty engravings and puts the work achieved by Lucas Cranach in its social, cultural and artistic context. In addition to this it shows the close links that associated him with his contemporaries in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, such as Dürer and Metsys.

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1 January 1970

The Manin Villa in Passariano di Codroipo is presenting an exhibition until 6th March focusing on "Munch and the Spirit of the North. Scandinavia at the end of the 19th Century" bears witness to painting in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark in the second half of the 19th century. Amongst some 130 works in the exhibition 40 were painted by the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch. Work by Scandinavian painters such as Vilhelm Hammershoi, Theodor Philipsen, Karl Nordstrom, Albert Edelfelt and Ellen Thesleff are also on show.

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1 January 1970

The 5th edition of the Rome Cinema Festival created in 2005 by the mayor at the time, Walter Veltroni, is offering six avant-première showings. In all no less than 146 films and documentaries will be presented to the public.

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1 January 1970

The National Theatre Festival of Romania, one of the leading events in the Balkans is putting on its 20th show from 30th October to 7th November.

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2nd November

Franco-British Defence Summit - London ()

4th November

Governors Council of the European Central Bank ()

7th November

General Election in Azerbaijan ()

les 8th-9th November

Justice and Internal Affairs Council ()

les 8th-9th November

Education, Youth, Culture Council ()

11th and 12th November

G20 Summit -Seoul ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°461- version of 2 nov. 2010