The Newsletter46025 oct. 2010

La Lettre

Maxime Lefebvre, Christophe Hillion

25 October 2010



1 January 1970

EUscope the new iPhone and iPad tool launched by the Robert Schuman Foundation offers you all the news on Europe, analyses of elections in Europe, studies and policy papers by the best experts, positions on European policies and decisions. Download it, it's free!

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1 January 1970

The Institute for Higher Science and Technology Studies (IHEST - European Ampère Group) is organising a conference on 26th October entitled "Sciences, Education and Citizenship: the cradle of creativeness in Europe" at the Ministry for Higher Education and Research. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation will summarise his work.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

According to autumn forecasts by the German government published on 21st October Germany's growth is due to reach 3.4% this year then 1.8% in 2011. Unemployment is due to continue to decrease and fall below the symbolic 3 million mark. During the presentation of these forecasts German Economy Minister Rainer Brüder said that economic recovery depended on two mainstays: domestic demand and foreign trade. On 21st October the Finance Minister announced in his monthly report that there was a public deficit of 4% of the GDP this year against a previous estimate of 4.5% that dated back to the summer. Next year Berlin is planning to return to below the 3% mark, the upper limit set by the European Stability and Growth Pact.

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1 January 1970

In Deauville on 18th and 19th October France and Germany declared they wanted to enhance European Economic government. The two countries stress that procedures to guarantee budgetary surveillance and coordination of economic policies should be strengthened and stepped up. France and Germany both believe that it is necessary to review the treaty and that the president of the European Council should present this, after close work with members of the European Council - in the shape of concrete options that will lead to the establishment of a strong crisis resolution tool before the March meeting in 2011.

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1 January 1970

Prior to legislative measures planned for the spring of 2011 that will lead to a global framework on crisis management for banks and investment companies, Michel Barnier, Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services presented his European framework project on 20th October for the management of crises in the financial sector which is included in the measures recommended by the G20. With regard to banks he explained that although bankruptcy was still possible and should remain so they must not threaten the entire financial system nor lead to the taxpayer having to pay for this. The new framework therefore aims to provide authorities with common, effective tools and power so that they can face banking crises.

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1 January 1970

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) published the latest version of its report on Regional Economic Perspectives devoted to Europe on 20th October. The organisation forecasts growth of 2.25% in 2010."These results are rather encouraging although recovery is still weak and unequal, it comprises a turning point for Europe, after fears of insolvency born of sovereign debt issues in May 2010 which threatenend monetary union," indicated the IMF.

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1 January 1970

The Chancellor of the Exchequer (the British Finance Minister), George Osborne, revealed an unprecedented austerity programme on 20th October that will help the UK save £81 billion (92 billion euros) over 4 years. The biggest cuts will involve the Finance Ministry whose budget will be reduced by 33%, Foreign Affairs which will lose 24% and the Home Office and Justice Ministry.

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1 January 1970

According to a paper by the national Spanish statistics office published on 21st October that reviews the provisional results of the 2010 report on living standards in Spain, the average annual income of Spanish households totalled 25,732 euros in 2009 ie a decrease of 2.9% last year. In addition to this 20.8% of people in Spain live below the poverty line in comparison with 19.5% a year previously.

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1 January 1970

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc was host to representatives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on 19th October. Mr Boc thanked the delegation explaining that Romanian companies had benefited from the means made avaiable to them by the EBRD. According to the Prime Minister the funds provided by the EBRD had enabled the recovery of the Romanian economy which was affected by the world economic crisis. The EBRD announced that it would support a project to modernise roads near Sibiu to a total of 11.5 billion euros.

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1 January 1970

The financial crisis marked the limits of self-regulation and calls for a true economic governance of Europe, coordinated surveillance and policies say two resolutions adopted by the European Parliament on 20th October. MEPs added to the debate over the EU's economic governance that is part of the European Council's priorities. The resolution over the financial crisis highlights the importance of bringing Member States' deficits under control - it deplores the fact that the application of the Stability and Growth Pact was inadequate and suggests the creation of an effective incentive and sanction tool with regard to the pact's implementation. MEPs also voted in favour of a European monetary fund.

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1 January 1970

The G20 Finance Ministers agreed on 23rd October to limit current account imbalance and to refrain from intervening to devaluate their currencies in a bid to support world growth according to a final release. They committed to "taking a series of measures that aim to reduce excessive imbalance and to maintain the imbalance in their current accounts at sustainable levels." In addition to this they agreed on reform that will lead to a redeployment of the representation within the IMF in favour of major emerging countries and dynamic development. They agreed on doubling the quota-shares ie financial contributions that define the percentage of votes each country holds within the IMF. This doubling will lead to a transfer of votes towards dynmaic emerging and developing countries.

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1 January 1970

Access to bank loans has been less of a worry to SME's in the euro area over the last few months according to a study delivered on 22nd October by the European Central Bank (ECB). From March to September 2010 the share of SME's declaring a worsening in access to bank loans (24%) diminished nearly by half in comparison with the previous study (42%) which covered the period from October 2009 to March 2010 said the study.

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1 January 1970

The Austrian coalition government agreed on 23rd October on tax increases and reductions in spending to a total of 2.8 billion euros as part of the 2011 budget. The government decided to raise taxes on petrol and tobacco and to set new levies on banks and air transport. As the same time it decided to reduce family allowances, health spending and pensions.

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1 January 1970

The President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy delivered a report on 21st October to the Heads of State and Government on economic governance - the result of the work by a task force established in the spring of 2010. The recommendations include five orientations: tax discipline notably with the introduction of a so-called 'inversed majority' procedure in view of enhancing the automatic implementation of sanctions in the context of the Stability and Growth Pact, increasing economic surveillance, greater coordination between Member States as part of the so-called "European Semester", a strong tool to manage crisis situations and an enhancement of European and national institutions.

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European Council


1 January 1970

During his regional tour of the Balkans the President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy was in Skopje (FYRM) on 20th October where he met Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, whose country hopes to open membership negotiations shortly with the European Union. He then travelled to Sarajevo where he said he wanted "a united Bosnia that was able to speak with one voice". He invited the countries' leaders to speed up reform to draw closer to the Union. In Montenegro Herman van Rompuy highlighted the close relations between this country and the EU. In Tirana the President of the European Council encouraged Albania to continue its work to reform and stressed the positive role played this country in the region adding that the Commission was soon going to present an opinion with regard to Albania's membership application to join the European Union.

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1 January 1970

On 20th October the European Commission presented real measures to improve the efficacy and effectiveness of the surveillance of European seas. In a roadmap the Commission reveals how to link competent Member States with each other in the various maritime sectors in view of exchanging data relative to maritime surveillance: coast-guards, authorities responsible for monitoring traffic, the environment, for preventing pollution, for watching over fisheries, the borders, the tax authorities, serivces responsible for the general application of the law and the naval forces.

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1 January 1970

On 19th October the Vice-President of the European Commission, Viviane Reding, suggested not to pursue the infringement procedure against France which Brussels was threatening to launch in the wake of the controversial explusion of the Roma. She believes that the guarantees given by Paris, as requested by Brussels, at the end of last week are "inadequate" with regard to the modficiation of its national law so that the European 2004 directive on the freedom of movement of European citizens could be applied better. In addition to this given the 'Task Force Roma' established by the Commission a European framework for national integration strategies for Roma will be presented in April 2011.

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1 January 1970

On 21st October the European Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik announced that the towns of Vitoria-Gasteiz and Nantes had respectively been appointed the green capitals of Europe for 2012 and 2013. They succeed the first winner Stockholm chosen in 2010 and Hamburg which has been selected for 2011. The title "Green Capital of Europe" established in May 2008 is given every year by the EU and a jury of experts to the town which has fulfilled "ambitious" goals with regard to the environment, sustainable development and which can act as "models" for other towns.

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1 January 1970

Relations between Parliament and the Commission reached a new stage with the adoption on 20th October of a revised Framework Agreement that establishes working relations between the two institutions within the context of the Lisbon Treaty. Amongst other improvements the revised agreement plans for rules and a timetable for enhanced, structured political dialogue between the two institutions that allows the Commission to benefit from Parliament's input when the Commission is preparing its Work Programme as its contribution to EU programming. It also establishes detailed rules with regard to the procedure the Commission will follow to inform Parliament of the negotiation and conclusion of international agreements when this responsibility lies in the Commission's hands.

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1 January 1970

On 19th October the European Commission tabled several options for the creation of new budget resources for the EU and to reduce national contributions by the States - amongst these were the creation of a European VAT. It suggests the progressive introduction of "one or several new resources, for example a share of the revenues generated by the financial transaction tax or financial activities, on the sales of the CO2 emissions quotas, a tax associated with air transport, a separate European VAT, a share of the revenues generated by an energy tax or company tax." The aim is to "reduce contributions made by the States," said the Commission in a press release.

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Budget 2011

1 January 1970

On 20th October MEPs approved the 2011 budget. They called for greater investment in research, innovation, education, energy and support for Palestine, but for the upkeep of an overall restricted spending plan. MEPs also asked for negotiations on new funding sources for the EU and commitment to fund new work and priorities that resulted from the Lisbon Treatyadequately.

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1 January 1970

A majority of MEPs (390 votes in favour, 192 against and 59 abstentions) supported the extension of the minimum maternity leave from 14 to 20 weeks. They also voted in support of paternity leave of at least two weeks. By agreeing to 20 weeks MEPS went beyond the Commission's proposals of 18 weeks. The draft law aims to set minimum rules across the EU.

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1 January 1970

On 20th October Parliament approved the agreement concluded with the Council that revises the directive on late payment. For over a year Parliament has pushed for stricter, more transparent rules on payment deadlines. The new rules should guarantee that SME's no longer face financial problems due to the late payment of invoices addressed to public authorities or to companies; this will support solvency, innovation and employment. MEPs approved a general 30 day payment deadline with regard to invoices.

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1 January 1970

On 20th October the European Parliament adopted the necessary modifications to the EU's financial regulations - staff regulation and the 2010 budget in order to establish the European External Action Service (EEAS). MEPs succeeded in increasing the Parliament's right to scrutiny over the service and to guarantee recruitment which respects geographical and gender balance. Budgetary rules within the EEAS (the financial regulation) were changed to guarantee financial transparency and responsibility. The amendments made include strict measures with regard to traceability and to budgetary and financial accountability.

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1 January 1970

On 21st October MEPs spoke in support of taking up trade negotiations again with the countries of Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay), the EU's main competitor with regard to agricultural products. But MEPs who have the power to approve trade agreements are also asking that "only imports of agricultural products which respect a miniumum social and environmental protection, animal well-being, and consumers should be allowed to be admitted into the EU." If it is signed this agreement would comprise "the most ambitious bi-regional agreement in the world," according to MEPs. The European Commission started these negotiations again after a first failure in 2004. A second series of negotiations has been held in Brussels since they started again in the spring.

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Minimum Income

1 January 1970

In a report adopted on 20th October MEPs voted in favour of the introduction of a minimum income scheme to counter poverty. Adequate minimum income schemes must be established at 60% of the median revenue in the State concerned, says the text which invites the Commission to put forward an initiative in this area that should lead to a European action plan.

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Ban Ki-Moon

1 January 1970

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon spoke on 19th October to MEPs at the European Parliament. He notably spoke of progress made in view of achieving the Millenium Goals for Development, the fight against poverty and climate change in view of the December conference in Cancun.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Finance Ministers came to a unanimous agreement on 19th October with regard to the European draft directive on managing the activities of executives running hedge and other alternative funds. France and the UK - which seriously disagreed over this text for the last few months - each made a step in order to come to a compromise. Paris accepted the creation of a "European passport" system that will enable executives based outside of Europe to market their funds across all of Europe thanks to a single national supervisor. In exchange London agreed to guarantee enhanced powers to the ESMA, the future European financial markets authority which the Union is to launch by the end of 2011. Now MEPs have to be convinced.

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1 January 1970

On 21st October the 27 Employment Ministers adopted new guidelines for Member States as part of the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy for employment. Just as a reminder amongst the five goals adopted by the Union for the next 10 years three involve employment policy: participation in the labour market, the fight against social exclusion and poverty as well as the quality and results of the education and training systems.

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1 January 1970

On 25th October the EU High Representatives for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton appointed Pierre Vimont, the present Ambassador to France in Washington, as head of the new European diplomatic corps (EEAS). She also decided to appoint David O'Sullivan, as operational director general of this body in charge of administration.

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Private Copy

1 January 1970

"The application of the 'private copying levy' on reproduction media acquired by companies and professionals for purposes other than private copying is not compatible with European Union law" said the judges in Luxembourg on 21st October according to a press release. Some taxes on CD's, DVD's and on other electronic media that are supposed to compensate for the loss of copyright associated with "private copies" should not be applied when the purchase is made by a company for professional reasons said the European Court on 21st October. The European Court of Justice which was addressed by the Spanish court gave its decision on "levies on private copy" which were added in the 1960's to traditional copyrights to compensate for a loss of money due to "in-house recordings" at the time when audio cassettes were in use. They now affect a variety of media: CDs, DVD's, memory sticks, external hard drives, memory cards, MP3 players, photocopiers, multi-media mobile phones.

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1 January 1970

As part of his five day trip to Turkey German President Christian Wulff gave a speech to the Turkish Parliament in Ankara on 19th October. In his speech he said "A Turkey that is established in the West and which undertakes an active, stabilising neighbourhood policy in the East is like a bridge between the East and the West and an advantage for Europe." He also said, "Turkey can show that Islam and democracy, Islam and the rule of law and pluralism do not necessarily contradict one another. Your country allies a modern idea of the State with living Islam." In his opinion Germany has a particular interest in Turkey's attachment to the EU."

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1 January 1970

On 22nd October NATO's Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen travelled to Berlin where he met German Chancellor Angela Merkel as well as Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle. They notably discussed the NATO summit in Lisbon that will take place on 19th and 20th November next together with an idea for a new Alliance strategy.

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Rare Earths

1 January 1970

On 20th October the German government adopted a series of measures to diversify its supply in raw materials and notably in "rare earths" vital for the production of a number of technological products. "The supply of industrial raw materials at reasonable prices is decisive for the future of Germany as a production site of high technology," stressed Economy Minister Rainer Brüderle.

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1 January 1970

Ilse Aigner and Niki Berlakovich, the German and Austrian Agriculture Ministers confirmed on 19th October in Vienna their joint position on the future orientation of the EU's Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) as laid out by the Commission. They spoke in support of a "limited" re-balancing of European aid for countries in Eastern Europe. They also highlighted their attachment to two CAP mainstays (production aid and rural development).

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1 January 1970

The king of the Belgians Albert II appointed a new mediator on 21st October - Johan Vande Lanotte who will try to bring the country out of the political crisis in which it has been plunged for the past few months because of French and Dutch speakers' inability to form a government. The Flemish Senator will have to try and prepare the way for further negotiations. He was "asked to undertake a conciliation mission" between the seven parties involved in these discussions since the 13th June elections said a Palace press release. The text added that "the mission's main objective will be to find confidence again" based on the work already undertaken by these parties.

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1 January 1970

Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero announced the reshuffle of his government on 20th October. Six ministers have been replaced including the government's vice-President Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Véga, whose position will be taken by Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, who adds this new responsibility to his present portfolio of Home Minister; Foreign Minister and Cooperation Miguel Angel Moratinos, is replaced by Trinidad Jiminez who until now was Healthcare Minister. The other ministerial posts involved are the Environment, Presidency and Social Affairs portfolios. At the same time this reshuffle puts an end to male-female parity since there are now only 7 women left amongst the 16 government members.

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1 January 1970

During a press conference on 21st October in Berlin with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip the former indicated that both heads of government had discussed bilateral relations and joint work within the EU and NATO. With regard to the European Council she said "With regard to changes to the treaty we convene that what was agreed upon between France and Germany (in Deauville) must also be agreed on by the European Council. This means that we need a clear mandate for the implementation of changes to the treaty by the spring so that these can be ratified by the Member States by 2013." Mr Ansip said that Estonia would support the proposals put forward by Germany.

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1 January 1970

The Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb received Štefan Füle, European Enlargement Commissioner on 18th October. Mr Stubb congratulated the Commissioner on his work for the Union's enlargement policy believing that this was "the key to the EU's success". He pinpointed three pillars in this policy: the Western Balkans, on which the Commission would like to decide on 9th November, Turkey and finally Iceland which he qualified as "easier".

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1 January 1970

In a final declaration on 19th October French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and German Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed their commitment to enhancing the EU/Russia Strategic Partnership. They expressed their support to on-going negotiations with regard to the new EU/Russia agreement, the implementation of the "Partnership for Modernisation" initiative as well as cooperation in areas such as security and foreign policy. They said they really hoped there would be progress in defining the outline of a regime for visa-less travel at the EU/Russia Summit in December.

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1 January 1970

After the Constitutional Council on 30th July then the European Court of Human Rights on 14th October the Appeal Court delivered the final blow to the French police custody system on 19th October declaring that it was not in line with European law. The modifications set by three decisions on the part of the Appeal Court mainly involve the possibility for someone who has been arrested to remain silent and above all to have the assistance of a lawyer in every situation, including those who until now have been submitted to a "dispensation" - cases involving drugs, terrorism and organised crime. "Anyone under suspicion of having committed a crime must be informed of his right to remain silent and to have the benefit of help from a lawyer from the very beginning of the period of arrest," stipulates the Appeal Court which does not tolerate any exceptions - except for "imperious reasons" that are not connected to the "nature of the crime alone".

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1 January 1970

The Euronaval exhibition that is open from 25th to 29th October brings together professionals in naval defence at a vital time for a sector that is counting more than ever on exports in the face of foreseeable decreases in budgets in France and Europe generally. Nearly 400 exhibitors and professionals from across the world are expected to attend this major two yearly meeting.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd October in Greece around 15 countries that lie on the Mediterranean including Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Greece and Turkey overcame their differences to sign a joint declaration to counter climate change which threatens us all. Global warming is a particular threat to this region of the world and its way of life.

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1 January 1970

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on 21st October that he hoped for a lifting of obstacles that the Greek-Turkish-Cypriot conflict was posing for cooperation between the EU and NATO. "In the field NATO and the EU must be in a position to cooperate" stressed the head of the Alliance after an interview with the Greek Foreign Minister, Dimitris Droutsas. "In terms of military capabilities we must cooperate to avoid wasting tax payers' money," he insisted. He maintained that there was "a problem" with the fact that "until now the EU was unable to agree" on Defence with Turkey and on the other hand that "Turkey does not accept that the EU has 27 members" since it refuses to acknowledge Cyprus.

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Yearbook 2010

1 January 1970

The 2010 Statistical Yearbook of Ireland was published on 20th October by the Irish Statistics Office. It presents an excact picture of the country's situation via tables, graphs and data covering a wide range of subjects: demography, education, healthcare, economy, services, housing, transport, tourism and environment.

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1 January 1970

Belarus President Aleksander Lukashenko was host to his Lithuanian counterpart Dalia Grybauskaite on 20th October in Minsk. The two heads of State intimated that there would be closer trade relations between their two countries notably in the area of energy supplies. Ms Grybauskaite said that Lithuania was prepared to support a rapprochement between Belarus and Europe during the Lithuanian presidency of the OSCE in 2011. She also pleaded in support of a free presidential election on 19th December next.

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Czech Republic


1 January 1970

The Czech Social Democratic opposition (CSSD) became the majority in the Upper Chamber after a second round of Senatorial elections on 22nd and 23rd October. The CSSD won 12 of the 27 seats available and now holds 41 within the Upper Chamber that comprises 81 seats. The ODS led by Prime Minister Petr Necas only obtained 8 seats and TOP09 won 2 during an election that intended to renew one third of the seats in the Senate.

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1 January 1970

The British Prime Minister David Cameron announced on 19th October that the UK was going to delay modernising its nuclear defence system, reduce the number of soldiers that it could deploy in combat missions and abolish 17,000 posts in the army as part of a vast defence reform. Priority will be given to countering terrorism, cyberattacks, intervention in the event of natural catastrophes and the prevention of dangers associated with epidemics. The Prime Minister also announced the postponement until 2016 - after the elections planned in 2015 - of a £20 billion programme (22.8 billion euros) to replace four British nuclear submarines.

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1 January 1970

3000 representatives from 70 States involved in "Francophonie" - the French speaking communities - met on 22nd to 24th October in Montreux for the 13th Francophonie Summit on the theme of "Challenges and visions of the future for "Francophonie". Three main themes - Francophonie and its place in world governance, sustainable development, the French language and education - were the focus of in-depth debates. French speaking heads of State and government pleaded for more space to be granted to Africa in international bodies, notably witin the UN Security Council. The Secretary General of "Francophonie", Abdiou Diouf, was re-elected for a new mandate. The 14th summit will take place in Kinshasa in 2012.

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

The Council of Europe celebrated the 60th anniversary of the European Convention of Human Rights on 19th October together with Ban Ki-Moon, the UN Secretary General. Opened for signature on 4th November 1950 in Rome the European Convention of Human Rights protects the rights of 800 million people in the 47 Member States of the Council of Europe.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat's second estimate on current external trade published on 20th October the EU's current account with third countries recorded a deficit of 37.1 billion euros in the second quarter of 2010 in comparison with a deficit of 42.1 billion in the second quarter of 2009 and a deficit of 31.8 billion in the first quarter of 2010. In addition the EU's foreign direct investments rose to 50.1 billion euros in the second quarter of 2010 in comparison with 75 billion in the second quarter of 2009. A disinvestment of 12 billion euros was witnessed with regard to foreign direct investments in the EU in the second quarter of 2010 in comparison with an investment of 81.4 billion euros in the second quarter of 2009.

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1 January 1970

In celebration of "World Statistics Day" Eurostat, the EU's statistics office, published a statistical portrait of Europe in the world on 20th October. This portrait that covers a wide range of socio-economic areas notably reveals that the EU represents 7% of the world's population. It produces 30% of the world's GDP.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd October Eurostat, the European Statistics Office published data on the deficit and public debt 2009 in all EU Member States except for figures regarding Greece which will be published mid-November.

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1 January 1970

The Research Committee for Franco-German Relations, (CERFA) has published a paper entitled "Germany and the Parliamentary Control of the Intelligence Services", written by Thorsten Wetzling, a visiting researcher at the Rand Corporation (USA).

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1 January 1970

The German Marshall Fund of the United States have published a study by Jennifer Hillman and David Kleimann on the implications of the Lisbon Treaty on the EU's trade policy.

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1 January 1970

Chatham House has published a report by Paul Cornish entitled: "Strategy in Austerity: the Security and Defence of the United Kingdom."

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1 January 1970

The International Telecommunications Unioin that is the UN's institution specialised in new technologies published its annual report on 19th October entitled "The World in 2010: facts and figures on information, communication and technologies". According to this document "the number of internet users in the world doubled over the last five years and will rise above the 2 billion mark in 2010." Of the 226 new internet users in 2010 162 million were citizens of developing countries where their number is growing rapidly. 71% of the on-line population comes from developed countries in comparison with 21% in developing countries. In addition to this 65% of citizens enjoy internet access at home in developed countries in comparison with only 13.5% in developing countries where internet access in schools, the workplace and public areas remains vital.

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1 January 1970

On 20th October the UN published the 2010 edition of the report "Women in the World: Trends and Statistics". This report focuses on the gap between men and women in a certain number of areas as well as on the situation of women themselves. In politics only seven women occupied the position of head of state in 2009 in comparison with 143 men. According to this report in 2009 there were only 11 female heads of government out of a total of 192. With regard to national parliaments women only achieve the critical 30% threshold in 23 countries. With regard to these issues the Robert Schuman Foundation has published three tables presenting the ranking of the EU States according to the share of women in government and Parliament.

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1 January 1970

On 19th October Senators Pierre Bernard-Reymond and Richard Yung delivered a report on behalf of the European Affairs Committee at the Senate entitled "European Economic Governance". After illustrating the role played by the crisis in strengthening European solidarity and governance they put forward several ideas designed to enhance this further.

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1 January 1970

Organised crime generates around 85 billion euros per year in the world - with drug trafficking being the most lucrative said the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) on 18th October. Organised crime increased "to take on global proportions", said director Yuri Fedotov in a press release published on the occasion of the launch of a meeting on the results of the Palerme Convention against organised crime.

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1 January 1970

The Swedish Institute for European Studies has published a study entitled "Strengthening the Institional Underpinnings of the Euro." Author Stefan Gerlach pleads for the enhancement of the institutional support given to the euro. He suggests amongst other things to enhance the Stability and Growth Pact via the introduction of a sanction mechanism and to create an agency for fiscal stability in European States.

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1 January 1970

According to a new report published by the European Commission the EU's main trade partners have established over 330 trade restriction measures since the start of the financial and economic crisis in 2008. In spite of the economic recovery and contrary to commitments made at the G20 barely 10% of these measures have been abolished in the mean time. As the G20 approaches in Seoul the European Commission is inviting its trade partners to lift remaining restrictions in order not to impede recovery.

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1 January 1970

The publication "France and Germany in the face of European Crises" has just been released by Bordeaux University Press. Written under the management of Claire Demesmay and Andreas Marchetti as part of the Franco-German research project undertaken by the Research Committee for Franco-German Relations (Cerfa) and the Zentrum für Europaïsche Integrationsforschung 'ZEI', it analyses the positions of France and Germany with regard to European integration and their response to overcome the European crises.

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1 January 1970

Choiseul publishing has released an issue of the review "Global Security" that addresses strategies to counter drugs.

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1 January 1970

In an exhibition, entitled "Rubens, Poussin and the Painters of the 17th century" that brings together around 60 pictures from major European private and State exhibitions, the Jacquemart-André Museum in Paris reveals the links between Flemish baroque painting of which Pierre-Paul Rubens (1577-1640) was the lead artist and classical French painting led by Nicolas Poussin( 1594-1665). This exhibition is on show until 24th January.

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1 January 1970

The "Picasso to Julie Mehretu: Modern Drawings in the British Museum Collection" exhibition in London is presenting works by major 20th century artists until 25th April: Pablo Picasso, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Otto Dix and Matisse and modern artists: Anselm Kiefer, Gerhard Richter and William Kentridge and Julie Mehretu.

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1 January 1970

The "Edvard Munch" (1863-1944) exhibition is on show at the Kunsthal Rotterdam until February 20th 2011. It brings together around 150 paintings and drawings by the Norwegian painters who had major influence over the development of expressionism at the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century.

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1 January 1970

The Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna is showing "Hans von Aachen. Artist at the Court of Europe" until 9th January 2011 - it brings together, for the first time ever, the complete works by the painter of the imperial court - Hans von Aachen (1552-1615) and shows the various facets of his work in Italy, Germany and at the court of Prague.

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1 January 1970

The Bode Museum in Berlin is presenting the most sumptuous jewel of Medieval religious art in Europe in its exhibition "Treasures of Faith". Due to renovation work in their source museums the works of the treasure of the Hildesheim Cathedral and that of the Welfs will jointly be on show until 30th September 2012 in Berlin.

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1 January 1970

The Kunsthaus of Zürich that is celebrating its 100 year anniversary is paying tribute to the first retrospective of Pablo Picasso's work (1881-1973) which was shown in 1932 and which comprised a decisive event in the history of modern art. The "Picasso" exhbition reviews the start of his work via some 70 exceptional paintings from renowned international collections. It is open to the public until 30th January.

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25th October

"General Affairs" and "Foreign Affairs" Councils ()

25th and 26th October

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council ()

les 28th-29th October

European Council ()

2nd November

Franco-British Defence Summit - London ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°460- version of 25 oct. 2010