The Newsletter45627 sept. 2010

La Lettre

Franck Lirzin

27 September 2010



1 January 1970

On the occasion of the Swedish elections on 19th September, which were marked by the breakthrough of the far right party, Sweden Democrats, the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an editorial on his site entitled "The far right in Europe". A study by Magali Balent, Project Manager at the Foundation is also available on this theme.

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1 January 1970

The IFRI (French Institute for International Relations) and the EDAM (Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies) are organising a conference on 29th September entitled "France-Turkey: an exchange of views" in which Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation will take part.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd October next Latvians will be appointing the one hundred members of the Saiema, the only Chamber in Parliament. Austerity measures taken by the government to counter the crisis are starting to produce results. The "Unity" coalition of Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis is ahead in the surveys, running neck and neck alongside the "Harmony Centre". In third position comes "The Greens and Farmers' Union" followed by "For a Good Latvia" and finally the "National Union". Nearly half of the electorate says it has not yet decided which way it will vote. Whatever the outcome the next government will have to continue to take difficult decisions. Latvia, is at the crossroads in terms of economic and political development and must imperatively make structural reform to guarantee its future.

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1 January 1970

3.1 million voters in Bosnia-Herzegovina will renew the three members of their Collegial Presidency on 3rd October together with the 42 MPs in the Chamber of Representatives, the lower Chamber of the Central Parliament of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The inhabitants of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (51% of the territory) will also elect the 98 members of the Chamber of Representatives of their Parliament and those who sit in their regional assemblies; the inhabitants of the Serb Republic (Republika Srpska, 49% of the territory) will elect their president and vice-presidents as well as the 83 members of their National Assembly. More than 8,000 candidates from 47 political parties and 14 independent candidates are standing. At the heart of these elections features the issue of the country's future. Debate is vigorous between the supporters of greater centralisation and those, notably the Serbs of Bosnia, who support greater autonomy for the two entities that make up the country (Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska).

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

On 22nd September MEPs adopted a series of reforms introducing fundamental changes to the bank, stock exchange and insurance company supervision systems. The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) now have the power to sanction and are allowed to settle disputes between national authorities. They can temporarily prohibit financial products that are deemed too dangerous. The European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) will be launched and this will make it possible to prevent the emergence of financial risk. Finally the European Parliament will maintain the democratic control of the surveillance system as a whole.

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The Netherlands

1 January 1970

On 21st September the Dutch government presented a draft budget that plans for a 3.2 billion euro reduction in state spending in 2011. The draft budget 2011 is based on the hypothesis of 1.5% GDP growth. It will bring the public deficit down from 5.8% of the GDP this year to 3.9% at the end of 2011. The public debt level will rise from 64.5% to 66.2% of the GDP. In addition to this the government is anticipating a rise in unemployment from 4.8% in 2009 to 5.75% in 2010 and 2011. On 23rd September the national statistics institute (CBS) published figures which announced that the Netherlands recorded slightly better annual growth in the second quarter than was previously forecast: it totalled 2.2% in comparison with 2.1% in a first forecast. The Netherlands' economy grew by 1% in the second quarter in comparison with the first quarter.

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1 January 1970

According to the monthly report by German Finance Minister published on 20th September economic recovery continues but at a slower pace. The slowing in industrial impetus reflects in part a decrease in the rate of the expansion of the external economy. Given the positive employment figures recovery in consumption should continue to consolidate said the minister. The German Central Bank, the Bundesbank, is forecasting that the recovery of the German economy will continue. According to monthly survey results by IFO, the index measuring the business climate in Germany settled at 106.8 in September after 106.7 in August.

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1 January 1970

The Slovakian government approved an austerity package on 22nd September that is designed to reduce the country's public deficit down to 4.9% of the GDP in 2011. The package includes a rise in VAT from 19% to 20% as from January 2011. Tax increases on alcohol and cigarettes are also being planned as well as 10% cuts in Ministers' and MPs' wages.

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1 January 1970

Romanian President Traian Basescu defended an austerity plan on 22nd September that was challenged by demonstrators in Bucharest. The plan includes 25% decreases in salaries in the civil service and a 5% rise in VAT that will go up from 19% to 24%. The government has taken steps that aim to control the public deficit and receive further aid from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the EU and the World Bank. The president, who is concerned about reducing social spending that is deemed excessive, declared that via this action he wanted to send a message abroad and to continue the reform process. On 22nd September the Commission paid out the third part of the 5 billion euro loan to a total of 1.15 billion euros which was originally granted to Romania in May 2009. On 24th September the IMF released the sum of 884 million euros for Romania.

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1 January 1970

The WTO is planning this year for an increase of 13.5% in the volume of world trade. "This new rise in trade offers us an opportunity to emerge from the painful economic recession and to re-create jobs. It also shows the wisdom governments have shown by rejecting protectionism," declared WTO Director General Pascal Lamy. These forecasts are more optimistic than previous ones and are linked to economic recovery after the crisis as seen in the first two quarters of the 2010 in developed and also emerging countries. After a sharp rise in world merchandise trade in the first half of the year, a slowing in growth is to be anticipated in the second half when fiscal recovery measures expire and the inventory cycle comes to an end.

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1 January 1970

According to the estimate made by the National Statistics and Economic Studies Institute (INSEE), GDP growth in France in the second quarter of 2010 increased by 0.7% and was reviewed upwards by 0.1%. During the release of the first results the forecast lay at 0.6%. The GDP rose by 0.2% in the first quarter. The Employment Minister also announced on 24th September that the number of people registered as unemployed had risen in August in mainland France to 2.69 million (people with no work - +15,900 in one month) and to 3.97 million if those working part time are included (+7,100).

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1 January 1970

According to figures released by the Finnish statistics institute, Statistics Finland, published on 21st September, the unemployment rate in the country rose to 7.3% in August. It dropped by 0.3% in comparison with August 2009. In August 2010 the number of people without work lay at 197,000.

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1 January 1970

The Economy and Foreign Trade Minister for Luxembourg Jeannot Krecké and Labour and Immigration Minister Nicolas Schmit presented the work of the Economic Committee on 22nd September. This Committee has analysed the situation of the labour market. The unemployment rate rose to 5.8% in August 2010. In comparison with the previous month the number of unemployed officially registered increased by 1.1%. In comparison with August 2009 the number of job seekers increased by 6.8%. Mr Krecké declared: "Even though activity is starting again we are far from the figures we have been used to seeing for the last 10-15 years".

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1 January 1970

On 23rd September the Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said that the Greek government was "extremely determined to follow the path" of reform. He also repeated that "it was possible that at the end of the year the economy would be doing better than the 4% decline which is being forecast" at present. On 23rd September the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou excluded any further increase in VAT saying that the government would find alternative solutions to increase State revenues.

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Czech Republic

1 January 1970

The Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas announced the adoption by the government of a draft budget for 2011. The draft which was adopted in the night of 22nd to 23rd September, limits the public deficit to 4.6% of the GDP. The draft will be submitted to the lower Chamber of Parliament where the final adoption is planned mid-December. The deficit in public finances must be reduced to 3.5% of the GDP in 2012 and 2.9% in 2013. Mr Necas said that the draft budget 2011 includes significant cuts in social spending as well as a reduction in civil servants' salaries. Around 40,000 Czech civil servants demonstrated in Prague against the planned cuts. The Prime Minister announced he will continue negotiations with the unions whilst maintaining that the government would not give up its plan for budgetary rigour.

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1 January 1970

Cypriot Finance Minister Charilaos Stavrakis announced on 24th September that Cyprus still has to find 150 million euros if its deficit is not to rise above the European objective of 4.5% of the GDP. It is expected that the deficit will reach 5.4% of the GDP which is still higher than the maximum established by the EU. As he described the 2011 budget the minister indicated that it will be the most critical one established in recent years. Cyprus has committed to reducing its deficit to 3% of the GDP by 2012.

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1 January 1970

On 24th September the Spanish government approved a draft budget for 2011 that aims to reduce the deficit to 6% of the GDP. The draft plans for a reduction in the ministries' budget by 16%. Maria Fernandez de la Vega, the first Vice-President stressed that the government wants education, research, development and innovation policies to be much less affected by the austerity plan because it is convinced that they are "vital to consolidate a new, productive model that would withstand crisis better." Elena Salgado, Economy Minister, described the budgetary programme as one of the severest of the last few years.

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1 January 1970

Ireland had to take on more bad news on 23rd September with the announcement of a totally unexpected contraction in its economy in the second quarter reviving concern about the markets and the rest of the euro area over the country's solvency. The Irish GDP, which started to grown again at the beginning of the year after a serious recession, contracted by 1.2% in comparison with the previous quarter and by 1.8% over one year according to official statistics.

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1 January 1970

On 21st September the Commission adopted a strategy for equality between men and women. This project aims to improve the use of women's potential and to help to achieve the general socio-economic goals of the EU. Elements of this new strategy are based on five priorities: a guarantee for equal pay, encouragement for the economy and the employment market, encouraging women to take up posts of responsibility, the fight against sexist violence and the promotion of equality outside of the EU. In this manner the EU hopes to attract more women onto the labour market. It hopes to raise awareness with regard to the fact that women earn 18% less than men and finally it hopes to counter violence against women.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd September the Commission published the 2007-2008 report on airtime of European TV programmes. It reveals that 2/3 of programmes broadcast in Europe are of European origin ie 63% on average. The promotion of European works on TV in the Union is the goal of the EU's Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMS). This directive imposes a threshold of at least 50% airtime for European programmes and a minimum of 10% airtime for independent producers. The report observes that three countries do not abide by this rule: Cyprus, Sweden and Slovenia which must now broadcast more European programmes.

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Internal Market

1 January 1970

On the occasion of the publication of its most recent scoreboard on the transposal of directives the European Commission reminded Member States of the need to continue to apply directives relative to the internal market on time. On average 0.9% of them still have to be applied which is more than in March 2010 but the figure is below the ceiling of 1% established by the Commission. In all 18 Member States respect the 1% goal. The most effective Member States with regard to transposal of directives are Denmark and Malta. The poor performers include 9 States which have not succeeded in respecting the 1% goal: Austria, Italy, France, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal and Greece.

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1 January 1970

On 24th September the European Commission said it was pleased with Ukraine's entry into the European Community of Energy. The membership protocol was signed on the same day as the ministerial council of the Energy Community in Macedonia. European Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger said that it was "major step for the Energy Community as well as for Ukraine." The latter will now have access to the pan-European energy market which is based on the principle of solidarity and transparency.

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1 January 1970

On 21st September the European Parliament adopted new legislation that will lead to better coordination in Europe to cope with crises in gas supplies as well as interconnection plans between networks. The goals to reduce the dangers of shortages and boost infrastructure development were welcomed by Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy. This new tool is based on three pillars: the guarantee of supplies by the companies; preventive measures by States and emergency measures that will enable cross border access to storage facilities. A dispensation was granted to Luxembourg which will have to fall in line with standard infrastructures.

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1 January 1970

On 21st September MEPs adopted 604 votes in favour, 11 against and 26 abstentions new legislation with regard to inquiries and the prevention of accidents in civilian aviation. It comprises the guarantee of the independence of inquiries into plane accidents without pressure on the part of the authorities responsible for air operations. It aims to guarantee better care for the families of victims. Short term the final goal is to establish a European network of authorities responsible for inquiries into security in civil aviation that can share information, establish common methodologies and make recommendations on EU policies and regulations. On the same day the European Commission approved legislation that aims to track information relative to air passengers with a view to countering serious forms of crime and terrorism.

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1 January 1970

During the plenary session on 21st September last the European Parliament expressed its deep concern with regard to the loss of biodiversity. MEPs approved new legislation that hopes to put an end to the loss of biodiversity by 2020. It also entails restoring ecosystems and increasing the protection of biodiversity in order to decrease the rate of species extinction. MEPs also spoke of the social responsibility of companies which should in the future invest in the conservation of biodiversity and integrate the damages caused to biodiversity into the end prices of their products.

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1 January 1970

On 21st September MEPs approved new legislation designed to overcome obstacles to on-line trade. The establishment of an e-trade confidence label based on community law and which will be supervised by the Commission will help to encourage cross-border e-trade, re-establish consumer confidence thanks to the reliability of approved products. This new legislation will thereby put an end to geographic discrimination and guarantee greater transparency between suppliers and consumers. Long term the competitiveness of the European economy and its internal market will be improved.

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1 January 1970

According to an initiative report adopted on 21st September by the European Parliament trade relations between the EU and Turkey must be improved. Obstacles such as the non-acknowledgement of certification, the repetition of trials and controls, obligatory standard and technical regulations must be abolished. On the other hand Turkey should abolish cumbersome import procedures and avoid discrimination with regard to foreign companies. Moreover it will have to respect the additional protocol on association agreements with all EU countries including Cyprus.

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1 January 1970

MEPs are impatient to start budgetary negotiations for 2007-2013. The interim report by Reimer Böge (EPP, DE) adopts a critical position with regard to the Council's proposal which it believes unequal to the political challenges set by the Lisbon Treaty. MEPs are not only demanding additional means to intervene in targeted areas (external action, climate change, energy, civil protection, sport, space), they intend to achieve greater flexibility in the use of funds. MEPs are suggesting the establishment of positive and negative priorities taking into account the European added value of these priorities. Finally discussions will only start when the Commission and the Council have finished their interim assessment of EU spending and resources which has been ongoing since 2009.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd September the European Parliament approved a report on the harmonisation of copyright on the internet in Europe in which it asks the Commission to set up a strategy with regard to this. It would aim to do away with impediments to the creation of a single on-line market and facilitate access by industry to the borderless digital market. This is due to be achieved via multi-territory licences and via the harmonisation of legislation in terms of copyright Europe wide. Moreover Parliament is demanding the creation of intellectual property helpdesks in third countries to help European entrepreneurs to enforce their intellectual property rights.

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1 January 1970

A new plan to protect patients was approved on 22nd September by the European Parliament. This involves a better monitor of damage incurred by some medicines. Patients will be better protected and better informed with regard to the use of medicines and their side effects. The creation of national and European websites will lead to the collation of all the necessary information by issuing assessement reports, product feature summaries, as well as information brochures. A unique database "pharmacovigiliance" will issue information on secondary effects with regard to medicines. In the wake of this project Parliament also asked the Commission to produce a report on the environmental effects of medicines.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd September the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek expressed his concerns and expectations with regard to the presidential election in Belarus on 19th December next. Mr Buzek said he was pleased that observers from the bureau of democratic institutions and human rights (OSCE/ODIHR) were going to be present to monitor voting and said he hoped they would be able to work freely without impediment. The President of Parliament also said he was worried about the freedom of the press and access to information.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd and 24th September during the informal EU Defence Ministers meeting the Belgian Defence Minister Pieter de Crem stressed during a final press conference that in spite of difficulties because of the present socio-economic context and national budgetary restrictions, European armies must enhance their mutual cooperation.

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Near East

1 January 1970

On 21st September the Quartet for the Middle East published a declaration in which it expresses its support for the start of negotiations again between Israelis and Palestinians. It re-asserted its commitment with regard to the success of the negotations for an agreement that would put an end to the occupation started in 1967 and which would enable the creation of an independent, democratic, viable Palestinian State that would live in peace and security alongside Israel and its other neighbours. In addition to this the Quartet confirmed its determination to support the parties during negotiations as well as the implementation of an agreement.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Agriculture Ministers who met on 19th to 21st September exchanged views over the future of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2013. During discussions a wide consensus emerged in favour of the upkeep of the CAP. However ministers insisted on the need to communicate better on this subject amongst farmers and citizens. They also said they were against any re-nationalisation of agricultural subsidies and insisted on the fact that they wanted have security nets that would compensate for price variations which farmers' fall victim to.

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20 years/Unity

1 January 1970

During the presentation of the report on 22nd September on two decades of German unification, German Interior Minister, Thomas de Maizière said that the Germans could be proud of what had resulted from German unity. With regard to the disparity that remains between the East and the West he said that in no way did this cancel out the fact that "the story of unity is a major success and an important joint effort achieved by all Germans." In addition to this he stressed that the unemployment rate in the East of the country which is usually double that in the West fell to 11.5% in August. As far as the younger generations were concerned "equal opportunities have never been so good," maintained the minister.

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1 January 1970

During his visit to Afghanistan on 26th September Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen showed his determination to "bring the mission" undertaken by the Danish soldiers in the country "to an end" just as the opposition is demanding withdrawal by next summer. "It is important for me to tell you that we are determined to end our mission," said the head of government to around one hundred Danish soldiers in Camp Price in the province of Helmand.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish electricity group Endesa announced on 21st September that it had come to an agreement with Mitsubishi Corporation, the Japanese conglomerate. The two companies will work together on the development of an electric car that is one of the Spanish government's priorities. The press release followed the announcement of negotiations between the Spanish economy minister and Mitsubishi Motors, the Japanese car manufacturer so that the Japanese company can set up a components factory for electric cars in Vigo.

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1 January 1970

Andrus Ansip, the Estonian Prime Minister hosted a delegation from the International Monetary Fund on 22nd September. They re-asserted their desire to continue a partnership whose results have proven extremely positive. IMF representatives lauded Estonia for its accession to the euro area believing that this was justified.

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1 January 1970

The Greek government announced on 24th September that it had concluded a cooperation memorandum with Qatar in view of Qatari investments in Greece to a total of 5 billion euros in several areas including tourism and energy. "The Qatar Investment Authority certifies its intention to invest in Greece to a total of five billion euros in areas of tourism, transport, infrastructure, real estate and energy," indicated a press release by the Greek Minister for Investments, Haris Pampoukis.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd September "toute l'Europe" launched a new site "Tweet your MEP" thanks to the technology on that is based on the principle of the micro-blog. European citizens can now contact their MEP more easily and directly. The MEP has a modern means to inform the public of his/her work and the positions he/she take adopts. This site is available in four languages: French, English, German, Dutch.

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1 January 1970

Alessandro Profumo, the Director General of Unicredit, the biggest Italian bank resigned on 21st September on the request of the Board. This resignation is linked to the confidence crisis that emerged this summer between Mr Profumo, shareholders and the bank's chairman Dieter Rampl after the Bank of Libya's entry into the capital of Unicredit's, thereby becoming its chief shareholder. Mr Profumo informed no one of the Libyan entry into the bank's capital and this led to a crisis between himself and the board. Dieter Rampl will occupy the post temporarily until the appointment of a new Director General.

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1 January 1970

The Prime Minister of Portugal José Socrates spoke on 20th September on the European digital agenda for 2015. He declared that a change in the areas of IT and communcation was vital for a successful economy, for innovation and the modernisation of the country. The agenda's goals that are part of the Europe 2020 strategy include providing European citizens with broadband access, the creation of a single digital market and the development of research and information.

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1 January 1970

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc met British Europe Minister, David Lidington on 20th September together with German Secretary of State for Europe, Werner Hoyer in Bucharest. They discussed cooperation from an economic and European point of view. The Romanian Prime Minister encouraged German and British companies to invest in Romania. EU policy in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Neighbourhood were also addressed.

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1 January 1970

Romanian President Trajan Basescu travelled to Bulgaria on 23rd September on the invitation of his counterpart Gueorgui Parvanov. During the meeting the two heads of State reviewed relations between the two countries and they looked at the state of their partnership within the EU and NATO. They studied the possibilities to boost energy cooperation and also trade and economic exchange. At a joint press conference Gueorgui Parvanov said that Bulgaria and Romania were doing their best to cover the criteria for membership of the Schengen area. Trajan Basescu said that Romania supported the creation of a European strategy for the Roms, and since the right to free movement of applied to every European citizen the problem did not just concern the country of origin.

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1 January 1970

Romanian Interior Minister Vasile Blaga announced on 27th September that he had handed in his resignation three months after the "illegal" demonstration by 5,000 policemen who brandished slogans insulting the Romanian President Traian Basescu.

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1 January 1970

The annual Lib-Dem conference took place in Liverpool from 18th to 22nd September. Given their participation in the present government the conference attracted record turnout this year with some 6,500 participants and 60% journalists more than last year. During his speech delivered on 20th September the party's leader and Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, justified his decision to take part in the coalition government in spite of the austerity plan and state savings measures that have been established by the latter. He also said he was satisfied to have taken several issues that were dear to the Lib-Dems forward (promise of a referendum on the reform of voting methods, income tax exemption for the poorest households ...).

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1 January 1970

On 25th September Ed Miliband was elected leader of the Labour Party by a narrow margin winning against his brother David (50.65% against 49.35%). At 40 he succeeds Gordon Brown who left his post as party leader in May after the Labour defeat in the general elections against Conservative David Cameron. Mr Miliband will now become the opposition leader.

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1 January 1970

Fredrik Reinfeldt's centre right coalition was two seats short of taking the majority in Parliament in Sweden according to the final results of the general elections announced on 23rd September after there was a recount in this extremely tightly run election. According to these results the alliance of the four centre-right parties won 173 seats (for a majority of 175), the coalition of the three leftwing parties won 156 seats and the far right which now can enter Parliament for the first time won 20.

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1 January 1970

On 20th September German Deputy Foreign Minister Werner Hoyer and his British counterpart, David Lidington visited Moldovan Foreign and European Integration Minister, Iurie Leanca. During their visit to Chisinau they welcomed the reforms adopted by the government and announced their support for Moldova's integration into Europe. They also spoke of an opportunity for a positive development in the conflict in Transnistria in which the EU is playing the role of mediator.

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1 January 1970

European countries agreed on 24th September in Norway on the creation of six protected marine areas in the Atlantic Ocean beyond national jurisdiction said the Ospar Commission, an organisation that aims to protect the North East Atlantic. Representatives of 15 European countries that lie on the shores of the North East Atlantic and the European Commission defined six areas in the high seas totalling 285,000 Km2 in which human activities will be restricted. These zones are home to a "variety of vulnerable deep sea habitats and species" said the Ospar Commission in a press release saying that it wanted to create "a precedent" in the world.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd and 23rd September on the occasion of the International Forum on the Arctic the head of the Russian Federal Hydrometerological and Environment Service, Alexander Frolov announced the Russian strategy for the Arctic. It plans for greater Russian presence in the region based on geopolitical considerations and practical goals that may be achieved by improved infrastructures that are already in existence. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin spoke at the end of the Forum.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd September the election of Simonette Sommaruga now brings the number of women on the Federal Council to four - the Collegial Government of 7 ministers, which already includes three women: the present president of the Confederation, Doris Leuthard, Foreign Minister, Micheline Calmy-Rey, and Police and Justice Minister, Eveline Widmer-Schlumpfa. This election takes Switzerland into the pages of history - since giving the majority to women in government is a symbol in the last democracy in Europe to grant them the voting right - 1971.

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1 January 1970

At a meeting in New York as part of three day international conference on the Millenium Development Goals the UN maintained its "determination to work towards improving the economic and social conditions of all people." In a joint declaration adopted on 22nd September UN Member States recalled the progress achieved in the area of development whilst regretting that the objectives included in the Millenium Declaration have not been achieved. Signed in 2000 this declaration established eight goals for 2015: reducing extreme poverty and hunger, guaranteeing primary education for all, promoting equality between the sexes and women's autonomy, reducing infant mortality rates, improving maternal health, fighting HIV/Aids, malaria and other diseases, protecting the environment, establishing a world partnership for development.

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

In an article published on 22nd September the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Thomas Hammarberg points to the failings in the European asylum system, the so-called "Dublin System". Established in the 1990's this system stipulates that the examination of asylum requests is the responsibility of the States that lie on the EU's borders. In practice this system does not work. Indeed it does not allow for a fair distribution of the asylum burden between the European States nor does it guarantee good procedural conditions for asylum seekers. Over the last few years countries such as Greece and Malta have found themselves in deep trouble since the number of requests has risen beyond what they can deal with. In addition to this seekers are increasingly detained whilst waiting for transfer to these countries. This situation has led to an increase in complaints lodged with the National Supreme Courts as well as with the European Court for Human Rights.

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1 January 1970

The Supreme Court of Belarus rejected the requests put forward on appeal by two prisoners who have been sentenced to death. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, said he was "deeply saddened" by this decision. He stressed that the Council of Europe had condemned executions undertaken by Belarus on several occasions and asked that the death penalty be abolished.

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1 January 1970

On an official visit to Ukraine on 20th to 22nd September the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Mevlüt Çavusoglu congratulated the Ukrainian President on his ambitious reform programme and renewed support and assistance on the part of the Council of Europe. "After years of political instability the holding of a democratic presidential election and the formation of a new government coalition provides Ukraine with a unique opportunity to undertake the reforms that the country urgently needs," he declared. The freedom of the press and minority rights were also under discussion together with Ukraine's integration of the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat the industrial new orders index in the euro area decreased by 2.4% in July 2010 in comparison with June 2010. In June the index rose by 2.4%. In the EU new orders declined by 2.3% in July 2010 after a rise of 2.5% in June. In July 2010 in comparison with July 2009, new industrial orders increased by 11.2% in the euro area and by 12.5% in the EU. Eurostat published these figures on 22nd September.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the European Languages Day celebrated every year on 26th September Eurostat published data on learning languages. According to these figures 79% of pupils in primary and 83% in secondary education were studying one foreign language in 2008 in the EU. In both cases English was the first foreign language that had generally been studied. A second foreign language was studied by 10% of pupils in primary and by 39% by those in secondary education, French and German being the most frequently studied languages. In 2008 the highest share of pupils in primary studying a foreign language were in Luxembourg and Sweden (100% each), Italy (99%) and Spain (98%) and the lowest were in Ireland (3%), Netherlands (32%) and Hungary (33%).

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1 January 1970

The review "Politique étrangère" (Foreign Policy) published by the Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI) is devoting its autumn issue to the "L'Union européenne, la crise, l'euro - Au-delà des Etats: les nouveaux acteurs internationaux" (European Union, the Crisis and the Euro - Beyond the States: new international players).

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1 January 1970

The German Foundation, Bertelsmann has published a study by Isabell Hoffmann entitled "Bundestag auf europäisch" (European Bundestag) which addresses the issue of power in terms of European policy as well as the German Parliament's responsibility with regard to integration.

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1 January 1970

The Italian International Affairs Institute (Istituto Affari Internazionali) has published a study by Roberto Aliboni on the Union for the Mediterranean entitled "The State of Play of the Union for the Mediterranean in the Euro-Med Context".

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Human Rights

1 January 1970

The "European Council for Foreign Relations" has published two studies on the European Union and Human Rights: "The EU and Human Rights at the UN: 2010 Review" and "Towards an EU Human Rights Strategy for a Post-Western World".

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1 January 1970

The Swedish National Museum is holding a grand exhibition starting on 29th September on the main leaders of the start of the 19th century entitled "Staging Power. Napoleon - Charles John - Alexander". This extensive exhibition explores themes such as international policy and the family links between dynasties. Around 400 works will be on show until January 2011 mostly by Jacques-Louis David and François Gérard.

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1 January 1970

The National Gallery of Ireland is presenting an exhibition until 5th December entitled: "Gabriel Metsu. Rediscovered Master of the Dutch Golden Age." This exhibition pays tribute to the Dutch painter Gabriel Metsu (1629-1667) and offers visitors around 40 of his most famous works including some that have recently been restored.

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1 January 1970

For the first time in the UK in over 50 years the Tate Modern Museum in London is putting on a retrospective devoted to French impressionist Paul Gauguin (1848-1903). From 30th September to 16th January the museum is showing canvasses and drawings from across the world. Sumptuous, colourful pictures of women in Tahiti as well as Brittany landscapes are amongst the some of the most popular in modern art.

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1 January 1970

The Albertina Museum in Vienna is holding an exhibition until 16th January entitled "Picasso. Frieden und Freiheit" (Picasso. Peace and Freedom). This exhibition shows how Picasso illustrated war and peace in his work (1881-1973) during the Cold War. His work at that time reflects his deep interest in politics and society.

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1 January 1970

On 24th September Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth presented a new strategy that aims to help European cinemas to transfer over to the digital system. This new strategy will enable small cinemas to install digital equipment equal to an investment of 75,000 euros. Various types of financial support are being put forward such as State aid and support from the European Regional Development Fund and the MEDIA programme. The aim of digitisation is to protect better old films for future generations and to reduce the cost of distribution at the same time.

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1 January 1970

Four metres under the paving stones of the lively old market square in Krakow medieval life has been re-recreated in an underground multimedia museum which has called for the use of the most recent technology. Krakow inaugurated this impressive museum on 23rd September that extends over 4,000 m2 under the city's central square, one of the biggest in Europe.

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27th September

EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council ()

28th September

EU-South Africa Summit ()

30th to 1st October

Informal EU "Economic and Financial Affairs Council ()

2nd October

General Elections in Latvia ()

3rd October

Presidential and General Elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°456- version of 27 sept. 2010