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1 January 1970

On 30th June the Germany Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung) that rallies 1,224 members including the 612 members of the Bundestag, the Lower Chamber in Parliament and an equal number of representatives from the 16 Länder, MPs from the regional parliaments and personalities from civilian society will elect the President of the German Federal Republic. The election is being fought out between Christian Wulff (CDU/CSU/FDP) and Joachim Gauck (SPD/Greens). This presidential election is the focus of unusual interest in Germany. The CDU/CSU and the FDP have 21 seats more than their adversaries within the Federal Assembly. This is enough for Christian Wulff to be elected in theory. But Joachim Gauck is attracting attention from beyond his camp. Is a surprise possible on 30th June?

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

On 21st June the President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Jean-Claude Trichet gave his support to the position of the European Parliament with regard to economic governance and asked for close surveillance of economic policies, almost automatic sanctions and greater powers for the European Commission on budgetary corrections that Member States are to undertake. He said that without a prudent budgetary attitude that made it possible to win back the populations' confidence recovery would be impossible. He justified the purchase of European bonds by the ECB in May because of the need to counter instability that came from the rapid rise in risks over sovereign debts. On 22nd June MEPs adopted two resolutions on remunerations in financial services and on the management of cross-border banking crises.

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1 January 1970

Spanish MPs approved the law/decision adopted by the Council of Ministers, 168 votes in favour, 8 against, 173 abstentions on 22nd June - this focused on the reform of the labour market. IMF Director General, Dominique Strauss-Kahn believed during his visit to Spain on 18th June that this reform was vital. The governor of the Spanish bank, Miguel Angel Ordonez believes this new legislation inadequate, notably criticising the financial penalisation of short term work contracts. In addition to this the Spanish government decided to freeze the price of electricity by suspending an increase of 4% planned for July to help households and companies to face the crisis, it announced on 24th June.

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1 January 1970

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne presented the first emergency budget drawn up by the Cameron government to parliament on 22nd June - it is designed to eliminate structural deficit within five years. Amongst the main measures to be taken feature the freezing of the highest salaries in the civil service for the next two years, speeding up the transfer over from 65 to 66 years with regard to state retirement pensions, the rise of VAT from 17.5% to 20% as from January 2011 and the introduction of a capital gains tax rising from 18 to 28% for the wealthiest.

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1 January 1970

According to data broadcast by the National Statistics Institute (Istat) during the first quarter of 2010 employment decreased by 0.8 points in comparison with the same period the previous year to lie at 56.6% and the number of people looking for work increased by 14.7%. The unemployment rate now lies at 9.1% in comparison with 7.9% in 2009. In addition to this in May exports to third countries increased by 15.8% and imports by 35.5% in comparison with the same period in 2009, according to figures published by Istat on 21st June. Italy records a trade deficit of 1.416 million euros whilst in May 2009 it achieved a surplus of 464 million euros.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June the INSEE published its economic paper. After slight recovery in the second quarter (+0.5%) the French economy will now recover moderately (+0.4%) in the third and fourth quarters. This growth will place France between Germany and the countries in the south of the euro area. Activity is due to grow by 1.4% in 2010. The depreciation of the euro will cause inflation to rise in France as in the rest of the euro area via the rise in prices of imported goods. However unemployment will remain stable in 2010 at 9.5% in mainland France. According to figures published by INSEE on 24th June the number of those registered as unemployed in mainland France increased in May by 0.8% (+22,600) to 2.699 million and by 0.4% (+16,700) to 3.942 million if those working on reduced time are included. Long term unemployment continues to rise.

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1 January 1970

Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann declard on 22nd June that the last European Council had shown that discussion on the regulation of the financial markets were vital. "However in the EU we are still far from achieving common economic governance," he added. In his opinion a single agreement on fiscal measures is still not on the agenda.

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1 January 1970

According to an economic report by the Finnish Finance Minister published on 23rd June the Finnish economy is due to grow in 2010 thanks to a recovery in domestic demand and exports. In 2010 growth is due to reach 1.5% and 2.5% the following two years. However the employment market will continue to worsen. Across the entire year of 2010 the government is forecasting an unemployment rate of 9.5% and 8.9% in 2011. The budgetary situation is due to "strengthen significantly" in 2011 thanks to growth but the public deficit will continue on into 2011 and 2012.

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1 January 1970

The euro area balance of payments revealed a deficit of 5.1 billion euros in April after a surplus of 1.5 billion euros in March according to provisional figures published on Tuesday by the European Central Bank. The balance of payments is the most important measure of trade between the euro area and other countries.

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1 January 1970

The eight most industrialised countries (G8) met in Huntsville, Canada on 26th June. They condemned the bellicose attitude of North Korea and demanded that Iran "hold transparent dialogue" with regard to its controversial nuclear programme. They also demanded that Afghan forces make real progress "within the next five years". With regard to the economy the G8 countries re-iterated their commitment to reaching a successful conclusion to the so-called "Doha Round" on the liberalisation of world trade. They also noted that the world economic recovery was still "fragile" and noted that the crisis had "compromised" certain Millenium Development Goals. The next G8 summit will take place in Nice in spring 2011.

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1 January 1970

On 25th June the Greek government adopted unanimously the reform of the retirement system, one of the pillars of the economic policy agreed upon with the EU and the IMF in exchange for massive financial aid. The text will now be submitted to parliament where the socialist party and its allies have 155 of the 300 seats. To be able to receive the 110 billion euros in EU and IMF aid the project has to be adopted by the end of September.

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1 January 1970

The Romanian government announced new measures associated with the IMF and the EU to reduce the budgetary deficit whilst part of its austerity plan was deemed non-constitutional on 25th June. As a consequence the government decided to increase VAT from 19% to 24% to limit the budgetary deficit and to achieve a new part of the vital IMF aid said Prime Minister Emil Boc.

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1 January 1970

The German Federal State will have to borrow much less this year than initially forcast since Europe's leading economy is doing better than forecast said the Finance Minister on 22nd June. The minister indicated that the structural budgetary deficit, the difference between the spending and the revenue the State has to fund with a loan will be 15 billion euros less than in the budget adopted in March. The structural budget is therefore due to be brought down to 53 billion euros.

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1 January 1970

The leaders of the G20 countries, who met on 26th and 27th June in Toronto maintained, in a final press release that their "priority" was to "protect and enhance" world economic recovery, qualified as "fragile and unequal". They promised to reduce deficits by half by 2013 and reduce public debt in a ratio with the GDP before 2016. Plans to reduce deficts should be adapted to the specific conditions of each country. The G20 has given up the idea of establishing a specific coordinated tax on the banking sector; some EU Members (Germany, France and the UK) plan to implement this tax to force the financial sector to contribute "in a just and consequential" manner to the cost of public interventions thereby leading to a restoration of the banking system or the funding of a settlement to financial crises. The G20 hope "for greater flexibility in exchange rates in some emerging markets." The next G20 meeting will take place in Seoul in November.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd June during the meeting of the South East European Cooperation Process, Enlargement and Foreign Policy Commissioner, Stefan Füle welcomed the progress made by the region and the significant successes this year achieved in each of these countries. He recalled that enlargement depended on the respect of the criteria and conditions set by the EU and invited the countries of the South East Europe to undertake final work to meet European requirements. This meeting highlighted the importance of regional cooperation with the re-election of Hido Biscevic as Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, the coordination body of the South East European Cooperation Process.

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1 January 1970

In 2008 and 2009 a record number students benefited from EU aid to study or to train in companies abroad in one of the 31 countries taking part in the Erasmus programme (EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey). According to figures published on 21st June nearly 200,000 students in higher education received a grant to study or to train abroad which represents an overall increase of 8.7% in comparison with the previous university year and brings the number of young Europeans who have benefited from the Erasmus programme's support to over 200 million since it was created in 1987. This sharp rise involves the number of students participating in company training schemes which increased by over 50% in comparison with the previous year. Last year over 36,000 staff members from higher education establishments went abroad to teach or take part in training sessions in one of the 31 countries.

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1 January 1970

On 24th June the European Commission issued a motived opinion as part of a Court of Justice procedure between Hungary and Slovakia. Hungary is accusing Slovakia of having refused access by its President to Slovakian territory on 21st August 2009. The Hungarian authorities then turned to the Commission before turning to the Court of Justice, believing that Slovakia had not respected its obligations in virtue of Community law. The Commission finally concluded that the measures of EU law were not applicable to visits by Head of Member States since these are governed by international law. The free movement of citizens only applies to "a person as a private citizen".

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Open Sky

1 January 1970

The USA and the EU signed the "Open Sky" agreement on 24th June in the area of aviation. It opens up new trade paths and enhances the cooperation framework with regard to issues such as the environment, social protection, competition and security. It also offers additional possibilities for investment and access to future markets. Within this context the Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas said, "Today we are taking an important step forwards in our mutually advantageous relationship with the USA in the area of aviation." The implementation of the entire agreement should boost the economy to a total of 12 billion euros and create up to 80,000 new jobs.

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European Law

1 January 1970

On 24th June the European Commission started legal proceedings against all Member States for the non-respect of the Union's legislation in various areas. In particular the Commission asked 20 Member States to apply the rules designed to create a single gas and electricity market to the full so that this is transparent, interconnected and effective to guarantee competition and the security of supplies. It also decided to apply to the Court of Justice for legal action against 13 Member States which have not correctly implemented legislation on the opening up of the European railway market to the competition. The Commission also moved on to a new stage in the infringement procedure against 12 Member States which still have not completed the implementation of the "Services" directive. Finally several decisions have been taken against the States that do not respect European environmental standards.

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Structural Funds

1 January 1970

On 24th June the EU adopted measures that are designed to simplify the management of structural funds and cohesion to help European regions rise to the crisis. The Commissioners responsible for regional policy, Johannes Hahn and for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Laszlo Andor welcomed this decision pointing out that these measures will help meet problems related to liquidity and that they will reduce administrative restrictions with regard to access to European funds. The three funds in the cohesion policy are investing a total 347 billion euros in European regions over the 2007-2013 period.

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1 January 1970

As from 1st July consumers no longer have to fear astronomic bills when they use internet if they connect onto mobile networks in the EU by means of a telephone or a computer. Thanks to rules established by the EU in terms of roaming a limit of 50 euros before VAT will automatically be set for roaming data services (except if the user has opted for a higher or lower limit). Operators will have to send a warning to users when their consumption has reached 80% of the planned limit. The maximum tarif to make a roaming call will be brought down to 39 cents per minute (before VAT), instead of 43 at present whilst to receive a call it will cost a maximum of 15 cents per minute (before VAT) instead of 19 at present. The cost of calls sent or received abroad within the EU will therefore have decreased by 73% in comparison with 2005 when the EU started to take steps against excessive tarifs practised with regard to roaming.

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European Council

1 January 1970

On 23rd June during an extraordinary plenary session MEPs debated the results of the EU summit last week with the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy. The economic competitiveness strategy of Europe 2020 and the improvements to make to the Union's economic governance were the main issues addressed. Only an economic governance based on the European Commission that is able to control and punish the Member States will lead to the effective stabilisation of the Union insisted a great number of MEPs as they spoke to Mr van Rompuy.

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1 January 1970

On 21st and 22nd June the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek met the Russian President Dmitri Medvedev in Moscow. Mr Buzek, who is the first President of the European Parliament to travel to Russia in the last eleven years, confirmed the need for Russia to enhance democracy and the protection of civil and political rights. He also expressed his support for the modernisation of Russia and called for the respect of the Energy Charter and the Transit Protocol. With regard to visas he said he understood the expectations of the Russian authorities, but certain conditions had to be fulfilled before the total liberalisation of the system could take place.

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1 January 1970

The 18 additional MEPs planned for in the Lisbon Treaty will soon be able to take up their seats in the European Parliament. The modification of the treaty was approved by Member States' representatives during an intergovernmental conference on 23rd June; European Parliament gave its greenlight. The 18 new MEPs will be able to take up their seats as soon as the national parliaments of the 27 Member States have ratified this modification.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June Parliament approved its support to Albania and Kosovo's accession to the Union in two resolutions on condition that the two countries fulfil the admission criteria. Parliament pointed to the progress that both countries have made in terms of reform but insist on the enhancement of measures to counter corruption and organised cirme, notably in Kosovo. Parliament gave a favourable opinion to the Commission's proposals to lift visas on Albania by the end of the year. MEPs called also on all Member States to acknowledge the independence of Kosovo to "enhance a common approach" towards this unstable country.

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1 January 1970

The High Representative for the EU for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton visited India on 22nd to 25th June to foster and strengthen relations with this country which the EU considers a key partner. During the EU/India Ministerial conference which took place on 22nd June the two parties addressed bilateral and global themes such as terrorism, piracy, climate change, energy, international trade and the financial criss as well as regional issues (Afghanistan, Pakistan). The ministerial meeting led to preparations of the summit between the EU and India that will take place in October next. The High Representative also met various political personalities and representatives of civil society during her trip.

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1 January 1970

On 21st June the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy, Catherine Ashton signed an agreement with representatives of the Commission, Parliament and the Council on the organisation and running of the European External Action Service (EEAS). The aim is to have an operational EEAS in time for the first anniversary of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, even if, for budgetary reasons European civil servants will only join it on 1st January 2011. The Parliament, determined to play its role to the full, achieved the right to view the EEAS's operational budget and to have the power of codecision with the Commission with regard to development aid, a vital chapter in the Union's diplomatic work, notably from a financial point of view.

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1 January 1970

The EU and the States of Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) signed the revision of the Cotonou Agreement on 22nd June; this treatyt aims to reduce poverty, promote sustainable development and integrate these States into the world's economy. The new text steps up the fight against the proliferation of light arms, organised crime, human trafficking, drugs trafficking and AIDS. The agreement also facilitates the aid provided for adapting to climate change and highlights the sectors of aquaculture and fishing and regional cooperation.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Transport Ministers signed a protocol on 24th June modifying the "Open Sky" agreement with the USA to step up the opening of markets and opportunities for investment in the aviation industry. Ministers also discussed the contribution of the transport sector to the new European strategy for growth and employment and adopted the conclusions on an action plan that aimed to help local and national authorities achieve the goal of sustainable, healthy, safe urban mobility. They reviewed the measures taken to rise to the aviation transport crisis caused by the irruption of the Icelandic volcano and invited the Commission to continue work to establish joint risk management procedures and to improve the sector's financial situation.

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1 January 1970

The business climate improved in June in Germany to achieve its best level since May 2008. This is what the monthly results of the Economic Institute IFO show after a survey amongst 7,000 companies. The IFO index for June rose to 101.8 in comparison with 101.5 in May whilst economists were expecting a decline. However the lowering of expectations on the part of businesses revealed an increased risk of a slowing in recovery for the end of the year. According to a press release by the Federal government on 22nd June the implementation of economic measures helped to overcome the effects of the financial and economic crisis. The German economy is recovering, industrial orders are on the rise, external trade is gathering pace and thanks to reduced working hours it has been possible to avoid dismissals.

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1 January 1970

Belgium is due to have a new government for the new parliamentary year in October declared the winner of the general election Bart de Wever (N-VA) on 23rd June. "We aim to form the new government by October," he declared during a press conference in Brussels. "We hope to have formed it by the start of the new parliamentary term" which falls on 12th October this year he said.

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1 January 1970

The number of births in Spain declined for the first time in ten years in 2009 said the National Statistics Institute (INE) on 22nd June whilst the government announced the abolition as from 2011, of 2,500 euros in aid on the birth of a child. In 2009, 492,931 births were recorded in Spain ie 5% less than in 2008 against a backdrop of severe economic crisis with an unemployment rate of over 20% according to an INE press release.

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Prime Minister

1 January 1970

On 22nd June Mari Kiviniemi was appointed Prime Minister of Finland in replacement of Matti Vanhanen who resigned; she thereby becomes the second woman to lead the government of this country. After the vote by parliament with a majority of 155 votes for Ms Kiviniemi the Finnish President Tarja Halonen officially confirmed this appointment and also announced a new government, which remains unchanged except for the replacement of Mari Kiviniemi by Tapani Tölli at the Ministry for Public Administration.

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Weimar Triangle

1 January 1970

Foreign Ministers of the Weimar Triangle and Russia met in Paris on 23rd June. This was the first meeting of this type between the partners of the Weimar Triangle (Germany, France, Poland) and Russia. Ministers addressed the real implementation of the partnership for the modernisation of the EU and Russia. This is a joint programme that aims to foster reform in the economic and social spheres in the respect of democracy and the rule of law. In addition to this Germany, France and Poland pleaded in favour of the creation of a visa exemption scheme for citizens who live in the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad in Polish border regions. Ministers discussed the situation in Kyrghyzstan and in Afghanistan as well as the Transnistrian issue in Moldova.

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Public Finances

1 January 1970

French Prime Minister François Fillon received the report by Michel Camdessus on 25th June on the constitutional reform of the balance of public finances. This report will directly inspire the government in preparation for this vital reform for the sustainable recovery of French public accounts.

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1 January 1970

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban put forward Pal Schmitt, Chair of the National Assembly of Hungary, as candidate for the post of President of the Republic. 68 years old, former olympic fencing champion and member of the Prime Minister's party, FIDESZ, Mr Schmitt should replace Laszlo Solyom, elected in 2005 and whose mandate is now coming to an end (5th August). Parliament, in which FIDESZ has two thirds of the seats since April, is due to elect the new President of the Republic on 29th June.

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1 January 1970

Italian Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini, met his Ukrainian counterpart Kostyantyn Gryshchenko on 23rd June. He welcomed the new Ukrainian policy that aimed to maintain good relations both with Russia and the EU. The two ministers said they wanted to increase bilateral relations since Italy is Ukraine's third most important trade partner. Mr Frattini guaranteed Mr Gryshchenko Italy's support with regard to developing relations between Ukraine and the Union, notably as part of negotiations for a new Association Agreement and an Action Plan for the liberalisation of visas.

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1 January 1970

The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) organised its first conference in Vilnius on 21st June. The aim of this institute is to provide support to Member States and European institutions in their work to foster gender equality, fighting discrimination based on gender and raising EU citizens' awareness with regard to equality issues.

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Electoral Campaign

1 January 1970

Bronislaw Komorowski (PO) and Jaroslaw Kaczynski (PiS) faced each other during a TV debate on TVN24 on 27th June just one week before the second round. After this debate Mr Komorowski's performance seems to have been better appreciated than that of Mr Kaczynski. According to a poll undertaken on 24th June by GfK Polonia amongst 1000 people for the daily Rzeczpospolita the second round of the presidential election that will take place in Poland on 4th July is due to won by Mr Komorowksi with 53% against 42% for Mr Kaczynski. According to this poll 5% of those interviewed are still undecided. Turnout is due to be 48%. A second TV debate is planned for 30th June.

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Czech Republic

Prime Minister

1 January 1970

Czech President Vaclav Klaus appointed Petr Necas head of the ODS party, as Prime Minister on 28th June after the general elections that took place on 28th and 29th May. Petr Necas must now form a government. The outgoing Czech Prime Minister Jan Fischer presented the resignation of his interim cabinet on 25th June.

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1 January 1970

Following the request made by the Romanian President to look into the law on the reform of the National Integrity Agency the chamber of deputies adopted all of the amendments put forward on 22nd June. This vote came just before the publication, by the European Commission, of a report on the assessment of the justice reforms undertaken by Romania. On 21st June Romanian President Traian Basescu addressed a letter to Parliament asking MPs to approve this law reform before they went off on holiday in order to respect the commitments that had been made with regard to the European Union.

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1 January 1970

On 26th June British Prime Minister David Cameron paid tribute to the work of the armed forces. On board aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal, David Cameron spoke to members of the Royal Navy. He lauded the work of the British armed forces and notably their "devotion" and their "courage" saying that public service was a "vital element" for the UK.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd June Slovakian President Ivan Gasparovic asked the leader of the Democratic and Christian Union-Democratic Party (SDKU-DS) Iveta Radicova to form a new government after outgoing Prime Minister Robert Fico acknowledged that he could not form one. Although the outgoing Prime Minister's party, Direction-Social Democracy (SMER-SD) came out ahead in the general elections on 12th June the latter did not succeed in forming a coalition. The new government should bring together four centre-right parties. President Gasparovic said that he was giving Iveta Radicova until 8th July, the day when the parliamentary session is due to meet, to form a new government.

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1 January 1970

The Croatian and Bosnian goverments committed on 21st June to increasing relations between the two countries during a first joint meeting qualified as "historic" on 21st June. "It is an historic moment because it is a time of greater cooperation between Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina that is starting," said Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor adding "we want to step up economic and cross-border cooperation." The two governments signed two agreements on police cooperation in the fight against cross-border crime and in the area of electronic communications.

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1 January 1970

On a visit to Kosovo British Minister for Europe, David Lidington expressed what the EU felt about the future of Kosovo's relations with Serbia. On behalf of all Member States he invited Kosovo and Serbia to start "constructive dialogue on practical themes," leaving aside their differences over the status of Kosovo. In a declaration on 25th June the American Ambassador in Serbia, Mary Warlick insisted on the need to establish dialogue on issues linked to daily life: refugees, education, customs. The USA is not expecting Serbia acknowledge the independence of Kosovo but is asking Belgrade to accept discussions with the Kosovar authorities for the good of the populations. This announcement by the EU and the USA come just a few days before the publication of the decision of the International Court of Justice on the conformity of the declaration of the independence of Kosovo in the eyes of international law.

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1 January 1970

The United Nations signed a "strategic partnership" with Serbia in order to foster its European integration with various aid programmes to a total of 202 million euros between 2011 and 2015 said the Serb government on 25th June. This strategy includes investments in projects linked particularly to sustainable development, social inclusion and the promotion of regional cooperation said the Serb Foreign Minister in a press release.

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1 January 1970

On 24th June during a visit by the Ukrainian Foreign Minister to Iceland, Ukraine signed a free trade agreement with the European Free Trade Association that rallies Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The first trade document signed by Ukraine since its entry into the WTO in 2008 this agreement was qualified by the minister as "being particularly important" in view of greater integration by Ukraine into the European economic and political area.

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

Invited as a guest to the opening of the plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic gave a speech in which he thanked the Council of Europe for its "active support" in the process of his country's modernisation. Montenegro, the 47th and most recent State to have integrated the Council, representd by its Prime Minister presented the progress achieved to establish rule of law and sustainable economic development. Mr Djukanovic said he wanted to make his country an example of European integration and he committed to continuing close cooperation with the institutions of the Council of Europe and invited them to step up their technical aid.

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1 January 1970

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a recommendation on 22nd June focusing on greater investment by the Organisation in Kosovo alongside the OSCE and the European Mission Eulex. The Assembly believes that the Council has a role to play in fostering democracy and the respect of law by diversifying its activities in Kosovo whilst maintaining its neutrality. The goal of this recommendation is to encourage the Council of Europe to increase the aid it provides to the country as part of the process to modernise it.

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GDP/Per Capita

1 January 1970

According to a Eurostat estimate published on 21st June the GDP per capita varied in 2009, from 41% (Bulgaria) to 268% (Luxembourg) of the EU average amongst Member States. In Finland, France, Spain, Italy, Cyprus and Greece the GDP per capita lay around the 10% mark of the EU average. In Ireland, Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, UK, Germany and Belgium lay between 15% and 35% above the average whilst the highest GDP per capita rate in the EU was seen in Luxembourg. Latvia, Romania and Bulgaria were between 50% and 60% below the EU average.

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1 January 1970

According to estimates published on 24th June by Eurostat the index of new industrial orders in the euro area increased by 0.9% in April 2010 compared with March 2010. In March the index grew by 5.1%. In the EU new industrial orders decreased in April by 0.2% after a rise of 7.1% in March. Excluding shipbuilding as well as railway and aerospace equipment whose variations tend to be more volatile new industrial orders recorded a rise of 1.1% in the euro area in 0.9% in the EU. Year on year new industrial orders increased respectively by 22.1% and 21.8%.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat figures published on 24th June Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) by the EU in third countries decreased by 24% in 2009, dropping from 348 billion euros in 2008 to 263 billion in 2009 whilst FDI from the rest of world into the EU increased by 12%, rising from 199 billion to 222 billion euros.

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1 January 1970

According to a Eurobarometer report published on 21st June nearly 80% of Europeans say they are interested in scientific discoveries and technological developments whilst 65% say they are interested in sport. More than 70% of Europeans think that EU funding in support of research will become greater in the future. 57% think that scientists should make greater effort to communicate on their work and 66% think that governments should encourage more young people to take an interest in scientific subjects. In the main Europeans acknowledge the benefits and the importance of science but many also express their fears about the dangers of new technologies and the power that knowledge provides to scientists.

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1 January 1970

Eurobarometer has published a study on the social effects of the crisis. According to the survey's results, one European in six says that they are constantly in difficulty with regard to paying their household bills; three quarters of citizens think that poverty has increased in their country over the last year. 73% of Union citizens explicitly forecast a decline in their retirement pension or believe that they will have to work longer and save more for their old age; one European in six is not very sure or not sure at all that they will retain their job over the next twelve months. On 17th June EU leaders set themselves the goal of helping 20 million Europeans to overcome poverty and social exclusion over the next decade.

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1 January 1970

The Dutch International Relations Institute "Clingendael" has published an analysis of Russia's security policy entitled "Russian Security Policy and Cooperation with the West." Author, Marcel de Haas looks into the development of the Russian security policy as well as the continuity in ideas and work by Messrs Putin and Medvedev.

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Euro Area

1 January 1970

The second edition of the euro area's quarterly report in 2010 published by the European Commission on 24th June focuses on "Euro area exports, pre-crisis results and future challenges". Over the ten years prior to the crisis euro area exporters enjoyed vigorous growth amongst emerging markets and achieved high specialisation in key sectors that served to drive exports along. These are now facing a certain number of challenges that have emerged because of the crisis.

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1 January 1970

On the eve of major reforms to the retirement system in France the report by Frenchman Arnaud Robinet entitled "Retraites: l'Europe à l'heure de la réforme" offers a summary of the various European experiences in this area. The Robert Schuman Foundation invites you to consult its summary table on retirement systems in the 27 EU Member States.

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1 January 1970

On 20th June the Albertinum Museum in Dresden opened its doors once more after six years of renovation and enlargement work. According to the Minister President of Saxony, Stanislaw Tillich the Albertinum "has become one the most modern museums in Europe, an ark for art." It brings together old masters' works and offers a panorama of modern art.

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1 January 1970

The Fesch Museum of Ajaccio which is home to the biggest collection of Italian paintings in France after that of the the Louvre officially re-opened its doors on 24th June after two years of work which now places it amongst the biggest Fine Arts Museum in France. For its re-opening the museum is hosting three exhibitions. The first is organised on the museum's key work "The man with a glove" by Titien. Another is devoted to "Lucien Bonaparte, a free man" the younger brother of Napoleon and a great collector and the third is devoted to "Drawing in Florence in the time of Michelangelo".

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1 January 1970

The Maeght Foundation at Saint-Paul-de-Vence is putting on a "Giacometti & Maeght 1946-1966" exhibition until 31st October. Using more than 170 works as a base; some of these are exceptional and on show for the first time, surrealism and the post-war period are illustrated via a great number of stretched, long-limbed sculptures including that of "The Walking Man". Paintings, on canvass, wood or cardboard as well as various drawings and intimate letters are also on display.

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1 January 1970

Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494) was a major portrait painter of the "Quattrocento" in Italy and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid is paying tribute to the Florentine artists in an exhibition which will go on until 10th October. The retrospective "Ghirlandaio and the Renaissance in Florence" brings together about 60 works of art focusing on the artist - who notably painted the Sixtine Chapel with Sandro Botticelli - and his main piece of work, "the Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni".

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1 January 1970

The Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts will be presenting the works of artists such as Ed Ruscha, Gillian Ayres and Tracey Emin until 22nd August.

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Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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