The Newsletter44621 juin 2010

La Lettre

Alain Fabre

21 June 2010


Club Rhénan

1 January 1970

Joachim Bitterlich, Deputy Chairman of Notre Europe and Jean-Dominique Giuiliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation are organising the Franco-German forum, the Club Rhénan's, sixth meeting on the future of Europe on 22nd June in Paris with the support of the Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman Foundations. This meeting will focus on the French and German economies and the establishment of a European economic government to recover from the economic and financial crisis. Anne-Marie Idrac, Secretary of State for External Trade chair the dinner-debate.

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1 January 1970

On 4th July next the Poles will have to decide between the two candidates who took the lead on 20th June in the 1st round of the presidential election: Bronislaw Komorowski (Civic Platform, PO) won 41.2% of the vote and Jaroslav Kaczynski (Law and Justice, PiS) 36.7%. The leader of the main leftwing party (Democratic Left Alliance, SLD), Grzegrorz Napieralksi came third with 13.7% of the vote. All of the other candidates were below the 3% threshold. Turnout was greater than in the first round of the presidential election on 9th and 23rd October 2005 and rose to 52% ie+2.3 points.People are impatient for the 2nd round.

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1 January 1970

The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani took part in a debate in Belgrade on 23rd June "European Wednesdays" organised by the Embassy of France in Serbia together with the Bureau for the European Integration of Serbia.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

On 15th June the European Commission recommended the launch of procedures for excess deficit against Cyprus, Denmark, Finland - three countries which until recently had budgetary surpluses. Although recovery measures were justified "it is now time to concentrate on re-establishing healthy public finances". The Commission suggested various deadlines depending on the country's situation, 2011 for Finland, 2012 for Cyprus, 2013 for Denmark. The Commission also concluded that the measures taken by 12 of the 20 Member States already included in this procedure were inadequate to achieve the goals set for 2010, but invited them to set out measures they plan to undertake over the next few years and stressed the need for "enhanced economic governance in Europe."

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1 January 1970

0n 16th June the governor of the Belgian Bank, Guy Quaden said that Belgium's economic growth was due to lie at 1.3% in 2010 and at 1.7% in 2011. In the hope of more vigorous recovery access to work must be "stimulated", notably with regard to those who are over 55 and to "maintain or enhance companies' competitiveness" by controlling the cost of labour and by enhancing the presence of Belgian companies in high growth countries. Given the measures that have already been decided upon by the Belgian government and the regions and approved by Parliament the deficit of public finances is due to reach 5% of the GDP in 2010 and 5.3% in 2011 said Mr Quaden. Public debt is due to fall below the 100% mark in 2011.

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1 January 1970

The motion of censorship presented on 15th June in the Romanian Parliament against the government led by Prime Minister Emil Boc was rejected since it failed to achieve the required majority of 236 votes. In spite of the wave of opposition that it is causing the austerity plan put forward by the Romanian govenment was adopted and is about to force Romania into a period of severe austerity. Mr Boc aware that the decision is not popular declared that this plan was the only solution to overcome the country's difficulties. Following the adoption of this project the IMF and the EU are to release rapidly new overall aid to a total of 20 billion euros originally granted in 2009.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June the Danish Parliament adopted by a narrow majority a vital part of the austerity plan put forward by the government; this is designed to bring the public deficit down to the minimum threshold of 3% of the GDP in 2013. This plan entitled "Recovery Measures Package" for the economy aims to save 24 billion crowns (3.2 billion euros) by 2013, then 31 billion in all to reach balance in 2015. These austerity measures focus on the reduction from four to two years the length of unemployment benefit payments, on a limitation of family allowance and on a delay in tax rebates until 2014. Other measures included in the plan will be approved on 2nd July.

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1 January 1970

MEPs examined the economic crisis. On 14th June they adopted new rules to put an end to a culture of risk taking by bankers; the directors of banks that have received help should not receive bonuses before having reimbursed public aid - bonuses must be capped at 50% of their total remuneration and paid only once profits have been made. MEPs also asked on 15th June for a stricter regulation of derivative products to reduce speculation. On 16th June they supported the need for enhanced economic governance which is based on the community method and on a "carrot and stick" approach; they demanded tighter goals for the EU2020 strategy for growth and employment. Finally on 17th June they asked for the enhancement of Eurostat's powers and to improve the quality of the data on budgetary deficits.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the British government announced the cancellation of twelve projects in various areas (culture, healthcare, employment aid) to a total cost of £2 billion (2.4 billion euros). It also suspended twelve others to a total of £8.5 billion. This decision is part of the fight against the budgetary deficit undertaken by the new government.

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1 January 1970

Public debt in Italy, one of the biggest in the world, rose to 1,812,79 billion euros in April - a level that has never been reached before - indicated the Bank Italy on 14th June. The Italian debt has therefore risen by 0.8% in comparison with 1,797, 734 billion euros in March. The Bank of Italy does not indicate what this debt represents in % of the GDP.

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1 January 1970

On 14th June European Commission, Central European Bank and IMF experts spoke with the Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou during a visit that aimed to check on the State's accounts and the development of recovery nationally. This visit is part of a set of agreements concluded with Greece, the EU and the IMF that plan to grant a loan of 110 billion euros over three years in exchange notably of a return to a public deficit below 3% in 2014. This first assessment, before a more complete examination in July, was relatively positive with experts confirming that the reform engaged by Greece was on the right path.

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1 January 1970

The Head of the Spanish government José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero promoted on 17th June the solvency of Spain's financial system. He said that the Spanish state presented financial and monitoring systems that were trustworthy. The budgetary stability plan for the period 2010-2013 approved by the Council of Ministers on 16th June should also bring the public deficit below the 3% threshold of the GDP by 2013. The State's non-financial spending is being limited in 2011 to 122,256 million euros. The Spanish banking system has been strengthened since the grouping of seven national savings banks into one central company, this includes the Caja de Madrid and Bancaja, two of Spain's biggest savings banks.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the International Monetary Fund published its annual report on the economic situation in France. The IMF believes that French economic recovery is still "fragile" with an uncertain outlook because of the decline in national and European demand. The IMF fears an underestimation of the budgetary work that is necessary to emerge from the crisis on the part of the French authorities. According to the IMF the French economy must continue with policies to reduce the budget, for the sustainability of public finance and the reform of its social systems. French growth in 2010 is due to reach 1.5% and 1.8% in 2011 according to the IMF experts.

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1 January 1970

The Bulgarian parliament adopted on first reading on 17th June a revision of the 2010 budget forecasting a public deficit of 3.8% of the GDP according to calculation methods used by the European institution Eurostat. The total of this deficit equals 4.8% of the GDP according to the statistics method applied in Bulgaria whilst the parliament adopted a deficit of 0.8% in December for the 2010 budget. This first review of the Bulgarian budget in 14 years adopted 120 votes in favour, 51 against, is being followed closely by the European Commission.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June the chairman of the Luxembourg Central Bank in opposition to Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker criticised the automatic indexation of salaries in line with inflation in Luxembourg and said that the government's economic budgetary savings were inadequate. Deploring the "spectacular drift" of labour costs in the Grand Duchy in comparison with its main European partners and as he presentated the Bank's annual report Yves Mersch said that "Luxembourg's membership of a monetary union (...) makes it obligatory to show a great amount of responsibility with regard to competitiveness and public finances."

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European Council


1 January 1970

On 17th June the 27 Heads of State and government established the "Europe 2020" strategy for employment and intelligent, sustainable, inclusive growth that aims to enable Europe to emerge from the crisis by the enhancement of competitiveness, productivity, growth and social cohesion and economic convergence as well as by continuing the process of budgetary balancing. They confirmed the five goals of this strategy with regard to employment, R&D, climate change and energy, education and social inclusion. It is now up to the States "working closely with the Commission" to turn these into national goals according to national criteria. All of the Union's agricultural, trade, energy, industrial and cohesion policies must now be directed towards employment and growth.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the 27 Heads of State and Government supported the enhancement of economic governance in Europe, notably the monitoring of budgetary and macro-economic monitoring: enhancing of both preventive and corrective measures in the Stability and Growth Pacts, attaching greater importance to watching the development of debt, submitting national budgets to the Commission, guaranteeing the quality of statistical data and updating a control planel that enables an assessment of imbalance in terms of competitiveness with particular attention being paid to the euro area. They voted in support of a regulation of the financial markets, asking the Council and Parliament to adopt legilsative proposals as quickly as possible with regard to financial monitoring, alternative investment funds, ratings agencies and derivative markets. They invited the Member States to establish taxes on financial establishments to encourage them to restrict their risk taking.

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1 January 1970

The 27 Heads of State and Government of the Union decided on 17th Union to take sanctions against Iran with regard to the nuclear issue thereby going beyond those decided by the UN and notably targeting the sensitive area of oil refinement. They detailed a series of sectors in which the EU will take new measures to sanction the lack of cooperation on the part of Teheran with regard to its civilian nuclear programme, which the major powers suspect of having military ambitions. The EU wants to prohibit any new investments, transfers of technology, equipment and services in the sector of oil and gas particularly associated with refining techniques and the liquification of gas.

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1 January 1970

On 14th June the European Commission adopted an action plan relative to GNSS applications (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) designed to attract greater attention to this market. It aims to put European industry thanks to its own satellite navigation system Galileo and EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System), in the global lead in terms of downstream applications estimated at some 100 billion euros. The plan includes 24 measures by which the Commission will coordinate work. The Commission announced its intention to invest 38 million euros in 2011, as part of the 7th Framework R&D programme for research on these applications.

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1 January 1970

On 15th June the high level group on milk created in October last finalised its report which includes seven recommendations to the Commission. The Commission is invited to take real steps to promote the use of written contracts in the supply chain of milk products and to put forward proposals in view of enhancing the collective negotiating powers of milk producers.

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1 January 1970

On 15th June the European Commission published its assessment as requested by Parliament and the Council, of the use of security scanners in the Union's airports. In the wake of the terrorist attempt to use explosives on the Amsterdam–Detroit flight on 25th December 2009, security scanners are being increasingly used. At present security scanners are not part of European regulations in terms of air safety and are governed by different standards depending on the Member States. The Commission is in favour of an EU approach to ensure that, where Member States decide to use security scanners, their deployment and operation is based on common standards, requiring basic detection performance as well as ensuring a harmonised level of compliance with European fundamental rights and health provisions.

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Electric Cars

1 January 1970

On 15th June the Commission proposed to guarantee that electric cars that enter the European market are safe and that consumers are protected against direct contact with car parts under voltage. These measures will speed up the introduction onto European roads of safe electric cars with a high potnetial to reduce CO2 emissions. The Commission also suggested a radical reduction in European legislation on car type approval thereby ending the duality between EC Directives and UNECE Regulations.

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Lorry Drivers

1 January 1970

MEPs rejected on 16th June 368 votes against, 301 in favour and 8 abstentions the proposal put forward by the European Commission that aims to exempt independent lorry drivers from the present legislation on working hours in the area of transport. Rapporteur, Edit Bauer (EPP, SK) as well as the majority of the EPP and ALDE MEPs support the Commission's proposal. After this vote the European Commission announced that it would analyse 'all possible options' including the withdrawal of the proposal.

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1 January 1970

On 15th June MEPs defined their priorities in view of upcoming negotiations on the 2011 budget: the fight against the financial crisis, budgetary reform, external action; programmes targeting youth and the Europe 2020 strategy. They stressed that the Lisbon Treaty had increased their responsibilities as well as citizens' expectations and therefore the means had to be provided to rise to this. They said they were concerned with their restricted room to manoeuvre in terms of external action and competitiveness. The 2011 budget is the first to be negotiated after the Lisbon Treaty which means that Parliament can have its say with regard to the entire budget - but this has to remain within "financial perspectives" ie the long term budgetary framework. On 16th June MEPs decided to establish a committee which, as from July, will define Parliament's long term budgetary priorities and will put forward proposals on the means to finance these.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June MEPs adopted, 637 votes in favour, 21 against, new rules to guarantee that European citizens who are prosecuted in another Member State have access to translation and interpretation services in their own language. The aim is to enhance "the right to a fair judgement and equal procedural rights" as soon as the person is informed of being under suspicion of having committed a criminal offence and until the finalisation of the procedure.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the European Parliament approved by 525 votes, 18 against and 54 abstentions a decision by the Council of the European Union indicating that Bulgaria and Romania satisfied the criteria for the protection of data necessary to joint the Schengen Information System database that enables the exchange of information to fight against crime and illegal immigration. This vote is the first stage in the lifting of border controls with Romania and Bulgaria.

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Open Sky

1 January 1970

In a resolution adopted on 17th June MEPs asked for the opening of the aviation market and the protection of passengers' private data. European and American aviation markets together represent 60% of the world's air traffic. At present the USA does not allow foreign investors to take major shares in their national airlines. MEPSs regret "that there has been no significant progress on the path to abolishing obsolete regulatory restrictions in the area of foreign investments" and says that "the present imbalance with regard to property restrictions and becoming majority shareholders by foreigners in the USA will continue."

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1 January 1970

In a resolution adopted on 16th June MEPs expressed their discontent with regard to the political situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina. They deemed that progress made by the country was limited and subject to internal political division that was typified by secessionist, nationalist discourse. MEPs asked the authorities to come to an agreement on an efficient, strengthened central State in which the political authorities respect the Dayton Peace Agreements. Bosnia-Herzegovina's progress towards the EU also depends on the respect of Human Rights. The country has to step up its reform work; MEPs are still not planning to grant the country candidate country status. They did however express their support to the proposal on the part of the Commission with regard to the lifting of visa obligations.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June MEPs approved 559 votes in favour, 54 against the obligatory indication of the geographic origin of all kinds of meat and milk products as well as the nutritional values on the packaging of food products - they rejected however the proposal to include "traffic lights" warning consumers of products that hold high levels of sugar and fat. These rules that aim to help consumers have the necessary information to choose healthy products will not inlcude products that are not pre-packed and handcrafted products, so that over strict procedures are not imposed on small producers. Finally products will continue to have their "beneficial" nutritional values checked and confirmed by the European Foodstuffs Safety Agency (EFSA) before they can announce these on their packaging and in their advertising.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June the European Parliament approved the European Commission's project that aims to allow 14 EU countries to apply rules giving international couples the right to choose by joint agreement the legislation which would apply to their divorce. The new solution will apply to couples of different nationality, to those living separately in different countries and to those living together in a country other than their home country. It is the first time in the EU's history that its member countries have used the so-called "enhanced cooperation" mechanism. In order to understand how this works better the Robert Schuman Foundation has published in its "Notes" series a study b Pierre Fauchon and François Sicard on "Voluntary Cooperation and Europe or how to provide Europe with new impetus." This paper is available on the Foundation's site.

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1 January 1970

The first EU-Montenegro Association Council was held in Luxembourg on 14th June. On this occasion Diego Lopez Garrido, the Spanish Secretary of State for the EU, responsible for representing the High Representative declared to the Montenegrin Foreign Minister Milan Rocen that he was quite satisfied with the progress of the reforms undertaken by the country. With regard to remarks made on the remaining progress to be accomplished Milan Rocen said that he did not take them as criticism but promised to follow up on the Union's recommendations to accomplish the last goals rapidly. Enlargement Commissioner, Stefan Füle added that the Commission was ready to give an opinion on Montenegro's candidature, with regard to the country's status as candidate by November this year. This opinion would be a response to the request made by the country in 2008 and confirms the commitments taken by the Union during the Sarajevo Conference.

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1 January 1970

During the 14th EU-Ukraine Cooperation Council on 15th June the European Union welcomed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's commitment to bring his country closer to the Union and maintained its support to the Economic Reform Programme put forward by the Ukrainian authorities on 3rd June. The Cooperation Council said it was happy with the progress in negotiations on the liberalisation of the visa system and on the new EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, pointing to the political and economic benefits that this will bring to both parties. The Union announced a certain number of recommendations that aim to enhance democracy and the rule of law in Ukraine. On the same day after a meeting between a Ukrainian government delegation and the leader of the European Investment Bank (EIB), a "foundation agreement" was signed that governs the presence and activities undertaken by the EIB in the country and facilitates its cooperation with local institutions and partners.

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1 January 1970

On 15th June during a EU-Moldova Cooperation Council the Union welcomed the European aspirations on the part of Moldova and its determination to progress towards political and economic integration. It also expressed its support to the constitutional and political reform process in Moldova, notably in terms of the fight against corruption and the country's commitment to progressing in negotiations on an Association Agreement. During the Council dialogue on the liberalisation of the visa system was officially launched.

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Foreign Affairs

1 January 1970

The 27 European Foreign Ministers discussed the situation in Kyrgyzstan on 14th June and called for a return to public order and for the establishment of democratic institutions; they also offered emergency humanitarian aid. They asked for the launch of an inquiry into the operation undertaken by Israel against the pro-Palestinian activist flotilla and asked for the end of the blockade against Gaza; they also called on the Hamas to put an end to violence and for them not to block work done by NGO's. Ministers debated the issue of piracy in Somalia; the Atalanta mission was extended by 2 years and is scope was broadened. They welcomed the new sanctions against the nuclear programme in Iran. Finally in response to progress made by Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina they said they were prepared to lift the visa obligation as soon as the Commission had given its opinion. Serbia and Albania are the focus of specific recommendations. Serbia is being encouraged to work closely with the ICTY and Albania is being asked to find a solution to guarantee the stability of its political regime.

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General Affairs

1 January 1970

The 27 Foreign Ministers came to an agreement on 17th June with regard to the launch of two new innovations included in the Lisbon Treaty: the Common External Action Service (CEAS) and the citizens' initiative which enables 1 million citizens to ask the Commission to put forward a proposal on a subject that lies within its competence. The signatories have to represent at least 1/3 of the Member States with a specfic ratio for each country. The Commission will decide whether an initiative is valid as soon as it has collated 100,000 signatures. They also adopted conclusions on economic and social cohesion, outermost regions, consular assistance and maritime policy; they approved the signature of an agreement that modifies the partnership agreement between African, Caribbean and Pacific countries and the EU.

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1 January 1970

On 14th June German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy confirmed in Berlin that they were both determined to learn from the euro crisis by enhancing economic coordination within the EU. They said they supported the strengthening of the European Stability and Growth Pact. They suggest the launch of sanctions against States in the euro area that are in chronic deficit: these would take the shape of a temporary withdrawal of the right to vote in the European institutions. Showing their "pragmatism" they supported the idea of a "European economic government" including 27 members. Finally they announced a joint initiative in view of the G8/G20 in Toronto on 26th and 27th June next. They said in a joint letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, they intend to demand faster progress in terms of regulating the financial markets. They plead for a tax on banks and for the creation of a tax on financial transactions.

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End of the Crisis?

1 January 1970

Several indicators show that the German economy seems to be emerging from the crisis. Industrial orders and production are being pulled along by exports. The perspective of an explosion in unemployment figures finally seems to be diminishing. According to official figures in May 2010 unemployment was at its lowest level since 1992 for this period of the year (3,242 million unemployed). However the ZEW index that measures investor expectations has just dropped from 45.8 points to 28.7 points. Whilst remaining positive the ZEW institute is expecting that the present rise will slow down.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June Belgium established the prioties of the future Belgian presidency of the European Union during a joint meeting with the other governments. The programme is based on five pillars: a socio-economic pillar, that aims for sustainable, continued growth, a social pillar, an environmental pillar that aims to develop a carbon free economy and finally a pillar of freedom, security and rule of law. The pillar "external action" intends to provide the EU with a more important role as a player for peace and security in the world.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June King Albert II asked the Flemish independence leader, Bart de Wever, who does not want to become Prime Minister, to undertake preliminary discussions in view of forming a government coalition.

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1 January 1970

In its annual report 2009 presented on 16th June the governor of the Bank of Spain, Miguel Fernandez Ordonez spoke of the need to implement economic adjustment measures as quickly as possible in Spain. Echoing this declaration the Council of Ministers adopted the law relative to the reform of the Spanish labour market on the same day. It aims to "boost the labour and employment" market.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June MEPs approved the recommendation on the entry of Estonia into the euro area. Rapporteur Edward Scicluna (S&D, MT) stressed that this new membership was a sign of credibility of the euro area and added that the construction of a strong Economic and Monetary Union necessarily passes via the creation of economic government. For Wolf Klinz (ALDE, DE) this entry symobilises the importance of and the interest in what the Union has constructed. Thanks to the work achieved by the government and the population Estonia would transfer over to the euro as from January 1st 2011; it now has to prepare for this change and guarantee the stability of prices.

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1 January 1970

On 18th June Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen who had been in office since 2003 handed in his resignation to President Tarja Halonen. Mr Vanhanen and his centre-right government coalition will remain in office until 22nd June when Parliament will appoint a new Prime Minister. The position of head of government may well go to Mari Kiviemi who was elected on 12th June as head of the Centre Party.

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1 January 1970

On 14th June during a joint press conference in Oslo French Prime Minister François Fillon and his Norwegian counterpart Jens Stoltenberg defended the idea for the need not to impede growth with over restrictive budgetary policies. Norway is not a member of the Union but is nevertheless heavily dependent on its exports to Europe which might suffer a sharp decline because of excessive reductions in public spending that will weaken consumption. The French Prime Minister warned the States against budgetary austerity that will lead to a "catastrophic" recession from a social point of view and which would threaten the future capacity of the States to pay off their debt.

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Retirement Pensions

1 January 1970

On 16th June the French government presented its project to reform retirement pensions, which is justified by the probability that the deficit will constantly increase to reach 45 billion euros by 2020. The reform plans for a gradual delay of the retirement age to 62 and a convergence of the public and private regimes. In addition to this and according to the government document there would be a freezing of the State's financial investment thereby aiming to balance the pension regimes of civil servants.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of a visit to Saint-Petersburg French President Nicolas Sarkozy called on 19th June Europe and Russia to step up their cooperation. In a speech that ended the Economic Forum in Saint-Petersburg Mr Sarkozy said that Europe and Russia should work together on financial regulation and the reform of world governance. "I believe that Europe and Russia must work together strategically, closely and in confidence," he declared. "The Cold War is over. The Wall (of Berlin) is no longer. Russia is a major power - we are neighbours, we are destined to be friends and we should draw closer," he added.

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The Netherlands


1 January 1970

On 21st June Uri Rosenthal, who was asked by Queen Beatrix to look into the possibilities of a coalition met the heads of the liberal, labour and centrist parties, Mark Rutte (VVD), Job Cohen (PvdA), Alexander Pecthold (D66) and ecologist (Groenlinks), Femke Halsema. These meetings are "an intermediary step to see whether negotiations in view of forming a government between the VVD, PvdA, D66 and Groenlinks makes sense." Mr Rosenthal had announced on 17th June that a government coalition between the Liberals (VVD), far right (PVV) and the Christian Democrats (CDA) was 'impossible'.

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1 January 1970

Bronislaw Komorowski, leader of the Diet, the lower chamber in Parliament and in this capacity, interim president, candidate of Civic Platform (PO) came out ahead in the first round of the presidential election on 20th June with 41.22% of the vote against Jaroslav Kaczynski, former Prime Minister and twin brother of the deceased outgoing President, candidate for Law and Justice (PiS) who won 36.74%. The scores of both candidates are tighter than forecast in the polls. They will face each other in a second round that will take place on 4th July.

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1 January 1970

British Finance Minister, George Osborne revealed some of his projects to enhance the role of the Bank of England in financial regulation on 16th June - this intends to replace a system that "failed spectacularly" in his opinion in preventing the financial crisis. Speaking to Parliament Mr Osborne confirmed the project mentioned by the Conservatives during the electoral campaign in the spring: the government wants to give the Bank of England the responsibility, both of the macro-prudential" and "micro-prudential" regulation (ie of the companies themselves) of the financial institutions.

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1 January 1970

The acts committed by British soldiers on "Bloody Sunday" that led to the death of 14 Catholics in the repression of 30th January 1972 in a demonstration in Londonderry (Northern Ireland) was neither "justified nor justifiable" believed Prime Minister David Cameron on 15th June. "What happened on Bloody Sunday was not justified and it was not justifiable. It was bad," declared Mr Cameron to the House of Commons, the lower Chamber of Parliament, as he announced the conclusions of a public inquiry with regard to Bloody Sunday. The responsibility of the drama lies with the soldiers who lost control of themselves," explained Mr Cameron. "On behalf of the country,I am deeply sorry", declared the Head of Government.

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1 January 1970

The Swedish GDP rose by 3% over the first quarter of 2010. This rise is linked amongst other things to an increase in household consumption (+3.1%), foreign trade and manufactured goods (+6.8%).

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1 January 1970

The Swedish Parliament approved a government proposal on 17th June which enables the relaunch of nuclear power - they only just approved the replacement of the existing nuclear reactors at the end of their life span, in spite of criticism on the part of the opposition and the ecologists. The plan was approved 174 votes in favour, 172 against.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June the Croatian Parliament amended its Constitution for the fourth time to bring it in line with European requirements. Parliaments approved the application of the European arrest warrant on Croatian soil, the possibility for EU member state citizens to vote in Croatian local elections and the relaxation of the rules to adopt a referendum decision that would affect the country's membership of the EU. These new amendments mention the independence and the autonomy of the legal system and a better representation of the minorities within the Croatian parliament. A new major chapter on the Union's institutions and the legal status of Croatia as a future Member State was added to the Constitution. With these amendments Croatia has taken another step towards joining the EU.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the EU signed an agreement with Georgia to relax the visa system that is applicable to Georgian citizens. European Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Cecilia Malmström believed that this agreement would encourage interaction between citizens and so that there would be better cooperation in the fight against illegal immigration. This agreement aims to reduce deadlines and even abolish the payment of fees and the need for certain categories of people to procure a visa to visit the Union. It sets a certain number of rules and means for the return of illegal immigrants and will enter into force at the same time as the visa agreement.

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1 January 1970

On 17th June the European Council examined the Icelandic candidature to join the European Union. Less than one year after the delivery of its membership request the 27 Heads of State and government of the European Union welcomed the candidature of Reykjavik stressing that the country fulfilled the "criteria" so that it could move forwards. They decided to open membership negotiations. Icelandic Foreign Minister Össur Skarphédinson thought that it was a "good day" for his country.

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1 January 1970

The conflict between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (ARYM) seems to be moving towards a compromise. Greece which is against the name "Macedonia" for this neighbouring Republic that has been independent since 1991, is blocking the Republic of Macedonia's accession to the EU. The name of Republic of Macedonia of Vardar" at present in discussion, may be the solution to settle this conflict and enable this Balkan country to start membership negotiations with the EU and NATO. The qualification "Vardar" refers to a river that crosses the Republic's territory, it will make it possible to distinguish it geographically from the Greek region also called Macedonia as requested by Greece.

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1 January 1970

The Secretary General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen met Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on 18th June in Skopje. During this visit Mr Rasmussen called for the end of the conflict that opposes Macedonia and Greece over the acknowledgement of the name Macedonia by the Greek authorities. NATO is calling for "courageous decisions" from both sides so that Macedonian goals of joining NATO and the EU can become realities as fast as possible. The Secretary General said he was pleased with the country's capacity to guarantee security, notably thanks to its participation in the International Assistance and Security Force in Afghanistan.

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1 January 1970

On 16th June NATO's Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen received the Foreign and Defence Ministers of Montenegro, Milan Rocen and Boro Vucinic. This visit provided an opportunity to assess the country's hopes to integrate the Atlantic Alliance. Mr Rasmussen declared that the country had made progress with regard to the reform of defence and institutions and welcomed its work to guarantee the stability in the Balkan regions. Montenegro, which has been a member of the Peace Partnership since 2006 shows great interest in a future membership of NATO. NATO's Secretary General expressed his support and recalled that he is determined to help Montenegro with regard to its integration of the Euro-Atlantic structures. This visit mirrors that of the Montenegrin Prime Minister to Brussels where he received the support of European decision makers.

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1 January 1970

On 16th and 17th June the 6th administrative council of ITER bringing together China, the EU, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the USA provided an opportunity for the 7 delegations to renew their commitment to the project to build an international experimental thermonuclear reactor in Cadarache (France) which is able of satisfy energy requirements via nuclear fusion and their determination to complete work by coming together for its success. Kaname Ikeda, the ITER director general said he was pleased with ITER's entry into its building phase in July next. A meeting will also take place on 20th July next with regard to the issue of funding and the next stages.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 16th June annual inflation in the euro area lay at 1.6% in May 2010 in comparison with 1.5% in Apirl whilst it lay at 0% a year earlier. The monthly inflation rate was 0.1% in May 2010. The annual inflation rate in the EU lay at 2% in May 2010 unchanged in comparison with April in comparison with 0.8% last year at the same date. In addition to this the montly inflation rate in the EU lay at 0.2% in May 2010. The lowest annual rates were observed in Latvia (-2.4%), Ireland (-1.9%) and in the Netherlands (0.4%) and the highest were in Greece (5.3%), Hungary (4.9%), and Romania (4.4%).

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 14th June industrial production rose by 0.8% in the euro area and by 0.5% in the EU in April in comparison with the previous month. Year on year industrial production has risen by 9.5% in the euro area and by 7.8% in the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to estimations published by Eurostat on 15th June the number of people employed in the euro area remained stable during the first quarter of 2010 in comparison with the previous quarter whilst the number of people in employment in the EU declined by 0.2% (455,000 people). In the 4th quarter of 2009 employed had declined by 0.2% and 0.3% respectively. Year on year employment had declined by 1.2% in the euro area and by 1.5% in the EU in the first quarter of 2010. 220.5 million Europeans were in work in the EU of which 144.3 million in the euro area says Eurostat.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 15th June the euro area recorded an external trade surplus of 1.8 billion euros with the rest of the world in April, in comparison with 2.6 billion in April 2009. In comparison with the previous month exports decreased by 2.4% and imports by 3.5%. However the EU recorded an external trade deficit of 10.2 billion euro 2010, in comparison with 7.8 billion last year.

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Public Finances

1 January 1970

The 2010 report on public finances presented by the European Commission on 16th June looks into how Member States' budgetary policies have developed in the face of the economic and financial crisis. It presents the most recent budgetary developments together with the progress made in terms of budgetary monitoring; it draws on the lessons learned from the various strategies employed to reduce the debt. It also looks into the link that exists between macro-financial and budgetary risks.

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1 January 1970

The Institute for International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) has just published a paper by Pierre Verluise entitled "The Union for the Mediterranean: an intermediary assessment"

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1 January 1970

In a report published on 15th June in the wake of the world economic recession "a two-speed recovery" may primarily be of benefit to the major emerging countries say the FAO and the OECD that are forecasting a rise in agricultural prices by 2019. "We can see a two-speed recovery, typified by weak, hesitant growth and a high rate of unemployment in many OECD countries and by more vigorous growth and faster recovery by the major developing countries," concludes the report by the two organisations with regard to the agricultural outlook up to 2019. Recovery "is gathering pace slowly in the rest of the developing countries and will enable growth in world revenue" continues the report by the OECD and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation.

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1 January 1970

In its series "Refléxe Europe" Documentation Française has published a paper by Florence Chaltiel entitled "The decision making process after the Lisbon Treaty (2nd Edition). This paper describes the institutions, the non-institutional bodies and the representatives of civil society who are increasingly involved in the decision making process. This second edition integrated all of the modifications introduced by the Lisbon Treaty since it entered into force on 1st December 2009.

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1 January 1970

The Pompidou Centre in Paris is putting on show 160 works by fifty original artists from Central and Eastern Europe until 19th July. "Promises of the Past, a discontinued History of art in former Eastern Europe" reveals the former East-West opposition via the view of artists such as Pole, Edward Krasinski, Croat Sanja Ivekovic and Slovak Julius Koller. This exhibition pays tribute to those on the other side of the wall who made their mark on the history of art.

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1 January 1970

The American search engine and the Austrian National Library (ÖNB)signed a 30 million euro contract for the digitisation of copyright-free works in the library totalling 400,000 volumes announced the ÖNB on 15th June. The project that would not have been possible without the library's own funds involves the ÖNB's collection from the 16th to 19th centuries, one of the biggest collections in the world, ie some 120 million pages indicated the ÖNB in a press release.

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1 January 1970

The "Turner and the Masters" exhibition established at the Prado Museum in Madrid from 22nd June to 19th September shows work that has not been presented before. It is the first major retrospective ever organised in Spain of the 19th century English painter - a symbol of British Romanticism none of whose major works feature in any Spanish museums.

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1 January 1970

The Medicis Villa is presenting an encounter between French painter Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867) and the American abstract painter Ellsworth Kelly. It is not an intellectual encounter, but more of a mental confrontation that uses the eye as a means to look back: the memory of the painting lives on in the vision of the other," explains Eric de Chassey, Director of the Academy of France (Villa Médicis) and curator of the exhibition.

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Newsletter Archives

General elections 26 October in Georgia: a referendum on Europe

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°446- version of 21 juin 2010