The Newsletter44010 mai 2010

La Lettre

10 May 2010



1 January 1970

The Conservative party won the general elections in the UK on 6th May taking 36.1% of the vote and 306 seats in the House of Commons ie +97 in comparison with the last general election on 5th May 2005 but they need 20 more to have the vital absolute majority to govern (326 seats). Labour led by outgoing Prime Minister Gordon Brown came second winning 29% of the vote and 258 seats –91). The Liberal Democrats (LibDems)led by Nick Clegg won 23% of the vote and 57 seats (-5). The other seats in the House of Commons will be divided between several regional parties and the Greens: the Ulster Democratic Party (DUP), 8 seats (-1); the Scottish National Party (SNP), 6 (=) ; Sinn Fein (SF), 5 (=); Plaid Cymru (PC), 3 (+ 1); the Social Democratic Party (SDLP), 3 (=) ; the Alliance Party (APNI), 1 (+ 1) and the Greens (G), 1 (+ 1). Turnout rose to 65.1%. The UK now has a hung parliament. The results therefore open the way to negotiations between the political leaders.

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1 January 1970

The Dutch are being called on 9th June to renew the 150 members of the Tweede Kamer (the chamber of the States General), elected every four years within 19 constituencies by direct universal suffrage according to a totally proportional system. Any party that wants to put candidates forward in the general elections has to collate a minimum of 30 declarations of support in each of the 19 constituencies in the kingdom ie a total of 570 signatures. At present 10 parties are represented: Christian Democratic Appel (CDA) led by outgoing Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, 41 MPs; the Labour Party (PvdA), 33 seats; the Socialist Party (SP), 25 MPs; the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), 22 seats; the Liberty Party (PVV), 9 MPs; the Green Left (GL), 7 seats; the Christian Union (CU), 6 MPs; the Democrats 66 (D66), 3 seats; the Reformed Political Party (SGP), 2 MPs and the Animals Party (PvdD), 2 seats.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Robert Schuman Declaration the Foundation has reprinted the only book written by Robert Schuman, "For Europe". This work is available on the Foundation's site in French, English and German. Order it!

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

The Commission's spring forecast confirms that economic recovery is ongoing in the EU. After experiencing the worst recession in its history the EU's economy is due to witness growth of 1% in 2010. In comparison with the Commission's autumn forecasts this means an increase of 1/4 of a percentage point due to the external economic climate which is more favourable and which EU countries are taking advantage of. However low internal demand continues to prevent more vigorous recovery. The pace of recovery is due to vary from one Member State to another depending on the specific environment of each and the policies undertaken. Labour market conditions have shown signs of stabilisation with an unemployment rate that is due to peak this year at a lower level than previously forecast, but which nevertheless is almost at 10% across the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 3rd May by the General Statistics and Economic Information Department Belgium had 4,421,000 workers and 380,000 unemployed in 2009; the employment rate rose to 61.6%, unemployment, 8% and activity 66.9%.

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Euro Area

1 January 1970

The leaders of the euro area approved a plan to help Greece on 7th May in Brussels - they decided to step up budgetary discipline in an attempt to control the financial turmoil which has spread across the globe. According to a joint declaration the European Commission is to offer "a stabilisation mechanism that aims to maintain financial stability in the euro area."

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1 January 1970

Aid to Greece and the situation of the euro area were the focus of debate between MEPs and the representatives of the Commission and the Council on 5th May.

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1 January 1970

On the eve of the Euro Area Summit on 7th May German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy addressed a joint letter to the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy and Commission President José Manuel Barroso.

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1 January 1970

Violence that took place during a demonstration against the Greek austerity plan led to the death of three people in Athens on 5th May. Demonstrators protested against the plan put forward by George Papandreou's government; this plan was drawn up in exchange for financial aid that will be given by the IMF and EU countries. "Our country is on the edge of a precipice," declared President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias in a press release on 5th May. On 6th May the Vouli (Greek Parliament) approved the plan 172 votes in favour, 121 against.

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1 January 1970

The Adminstrative Board of the IMF decided on 9th May to grant Greece a loan of 30 billion euros at a rate of 3.26% per year over three years the biggest ever granted by the IMF to one of its members. This comes in addition to the 80 billion released by the euro area countries - this loan completes the aid plan of 110 billion to rescue the Greek public finances. The payment will be made in instalments after periodic monitoring by the IMF to see whether the austerity measures adopted by the government are being applied. Greece is due to receive the first payment on 10th May.

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1 January 1970

Spain emerged from recession in the first quarter of 2010 thanks to an improvement in world demand according to an estimate published on 7th May by the Bank of Spain. After seven consecutive quarters of contraction the GDP rose by 0.1% over the first three months of 2010 in comparison with the 4th quarter of 2009 indicated the Bank of Spain in its quarterly report. In annual terms the contraction of the GDP totals however 1.3%. In addition to this the number of unemployed in Spain declined by 24,188 in April after eight consecutive months of rising unemployment said the Labour Ministry on 4th May. At the end of April the total number of unemployed totalled 4,142 million according to a press release by this ministry.

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1 January 1970

On 5th May French Prime Minister François Fillon recalled that European solidarity towards Greece would be unfailing. He said that the speculative attack against the euro, ongoing for the last few weeks, would fail: "the euro area is strong. It is the least endebted of all the areas in the world." After the government seminar on 6th May that was devoted to countering public deficit with the Greek crisis as a backdrop, Mr Fillon said that there would be a freezing of State spending for the next three years, "not counting interest charges for the debt and spending on pensions." The government intends to bring the deficit below the 3% mark of the GDP in 2013, in line with a recovery plan sent to Brussels.

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1 January 1970

The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) decided on 6th May in Lisbon that the interest rates of the main refinancing operations as well as those in the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility would remain unchanged respectively at 1%, 1.75% and 0.25%. During this meeting the Chair of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet said with regard to fears of the spread of the Greek crisis that "Portugal is not Greece, Spain is not Greece" and said that non-payment by Athens was in his opinion "out of the question".

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1 January 1970

European Finance Ministers met in Brussels on 9th May for an extraordinary meeting. An unprecedented agreement was adopted in the night of 9th to 10th May by the EU's Member States with regard to the implementation of a rescue plan that may total 750 billion euros. Designed to reassure the stock markets and to help the countries in the euro area if necessary, the plan is an attempt to put a stop to another financial crisis. The total comprises 60 billion in loans provided by the European Commission and 440 billion euros in loans and guarantees by the euro area countries, ie 500 billion euros in all. The IMF will also provide additional funds in the shape of loans to a total of 250 billion euros. The European Central Bank has also taken steps and decided to intervene to relieve the debt market in the euro area, that has been in turmoil for weeks because of doubts on the part of investors over the ability of many countries to reimburse their debts.

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1 January 1970

The Bulgarian government decided on 5th May to decrease civil service spending by 20% to reduce the budgetary deficit. It adopted a draft law to update the 2010 budget in which spending on the part of State organisations, ministries and other public institutions is to be reduced by 20%.

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1 January 1970

The Italian government which reviewed its growth forecasts for 2010 downwards on 6th May and revealed that its debt would rise confirmed its commitment to reducing its public deficit whilst the markets fear a spread of the Greek crisis. The Italian public debt which is one of the highest in the world represented 115.8% of the GDP in 2009 will rise to 118.4% this year whilst the government was previously forecasting 116.9%. In 2011 it will reach 118.7% before dropping to 117.2% in 2012. This review is due to the "increasing burden of interest" because of the instability of the markets explained the Economy Minister.

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1 January 1970

Portuguese Prime Minister José Socrates announced on 7th may that he intended to tighten up his austerity programme and postpone certain public investmentts in order to speed up the reduction of the public deficit in 2010."The government has decided to reduce the deficit this year to 7.3% of the GDP," thereby improving the goal set at 8.3% by one point as it stood in the stability and growth programme he declared.

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Czech Republic

1 January 1970

The Czech Central Bank (CNB) reduced its main lending rate by a quarter of a point to 0.75% on 6th May - this is its lowest rate since the creation of the Czech Republic in 1993.

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1 January 1970

In a press release published on 10th May the OECD said that the advanced composite indicators for March 2010 showed a slowing in the pace of economic activity; timid on the part of most OECD countries, stronger in France and Italy and the same signs of a possible halt to expansion are emerging in Brazil and China.

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European Council


1 January 1970

On 5th May during an EU-Canada Summit the Presidents of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, and the Commission, José Manuel Barroso met Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The European and Canadian leaders discussed on-going negotiations on a trade and economic agreement. The EU and Canada are against protectionism: both parties re-iterated their commitment in reaching an ambitious, balanced results as part of the Doha Round. Bilateral cooperation also covers foreign policy, security and defence; discussions started to enhance relations in terms of justice, freedom and security. European and Canadian leaders want to reach agreement on a visa exemption clause for all European citizens travelling to Canada. The summit was also the chance for discussions on the state of the world's economy, nuclear proliferation, climate change and development aid.

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1 January 1970

On 5th May the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy made the following comments about Greece and the solidarity of the euro area: "we are all affected by the economic and budgetary situation in Greece but right now our thoughts go the human victims in Athens." Mr Van Rompuy declared that an important, ambitious but credible agreement had just been made to save Greece. In addition to this the President of the European Council deplored "the totally irrational movements on the markets sparked off by some unfounded rumours," in reference to the speculation that targeted Spain and Portugal. The situation of these countries is totally different from the Greek crisis," he said.

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1 January 1970

The European Commission is pleased that five Member States, (Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Malta and Romania) provided their support on 4th May to the emergency in-car toll number eCall. This system automatically dials a single European emergency number (112) when a car is involved in a serious accident, and it could help save up to 2,500 lives per year in Europe if it is fully implemented. These five Member States signed a protocol agreement relative to the implementation of the eCall system in Europe thereby joining the group of 15 other Member States who have already signed.

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1 January 1970

On 6th May the European Commission approved two requests for intervention on the part of the European Adjustment Fund for Globalisation (EAF)for Spain. The economic crisis has severely affected the building industry in Spain leading notably to the dismissal of 2,157 workers in the sectors of ceramics, joinery and carpentry. The 8,548,732 euros requested are to be used to help workers find a job again. The requests are now to be transferred to the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union for approval.

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1 January 1970

On 6th May the European Commission adopted an action plan designed to enhance the protection of unaccompanied minors arriving in the EU - this includes common standards in terms of guardianship and legal representation. This plan aims to define a common European approach to guarantee that the competent authorities come to a decision as quickly as possible, within the next six months, on the future of each unaccompanied minor. Member States will have to find the family of the unaccompanied minors as a priority and ensure their reinsertion in their society of origin. If the higher interest of the child so demands then the Member States must find other solutions, for example providing international protection on re-settlement in the Union.

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1 January 1970

The EU-Albania Parliamentary Committee envisaged under the Association and Stabilisation Agreement held its constituent meeting on 3rd and 4th May in Brussels. During this first meeting MEPs and their Albanian counterparts notably addressed the political crisis that resulted from the elections in June 2009 as well as the issue of the liberalisation of visas. The Foreign Affairs Committee at the European Parliament is due to adopt a resolution at the beginning of June with regard to Albania's integration process into the European Union.

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Personal data

1 January 1970

MEPs adopted two resolutions on 5th May with regard to ongoing negotiations with the USA and Australia for agreements on the transfer of banking data (Swift) and those of air passengers (PNR) as part of a counter terrorism measure. With regard to the "Swift" agreement MEPs asked for a ban of "en masse" transfers to the USA whilst the Union processes the data. The new agreement should provide sound guarantees to citizens with regard to the use of their data and the length of storage. Parliament is also requesting reciprocity with the USA and access to documents.

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1 January 1970

MEPs of the Environment Committee at the European Parliament decided on 4th May - 42 votes in favour - 2 against, that foodstuffs are derived from cloned animals and their young be excluded from draft legislation on the authorisation of "novel foods". This regulation aims to simplify procedures for the marketing of these products by establishing a list of foodstuffs that can be marketed.

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1 January 1970

The American Vice-President Joe Biden was guest at the European Parliament on 6th May.In his speech he recalled the strong links that united Europe and the USA saying that the Obama administration was open to Europe. He stressed how important the value of the respect of private life was in the American opinion but recalled for a joint effort to work against terrorism thereby referring to the transfer of banking data (Swift) that has been impeded by the European Parliament. In Afghanistan Europe and the USA have to train the army and the local police forces. He also showed concern about Iran and its programmes to enrich uranium. He welcomed European measures to help Greece and recalled that his country supported the Greeks via the IMF.

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1 January 1970

MEPs of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the European Parliament looked on 4th May into the proposals that aim to modify the Council's decision with regard to the European Union's External Action Service (EEAS). They are requesting that civil servants be paid by the community budget and that those seconded by the Member States be limited so that the service really is representative of the Union. The EEAS is due to answer to the Commission in terms of administrative and organisational matters and in terms of the budget it will answer to Parliament; it is due to be managed by a Director General, with the High Representative being represented by political deputies. Finally a policy coordination mechanism is to be established to ensure coherence of the work undertaken.

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1 January 1970

On 6th May the European Parliament adopted two resolutions opening the way to a modification in the Lisbon Treaty designed to enable 18 additional MPs to sit during the present legislature. The resolution on the modification of the treaty was adopted 479 votes in favour, 122 against and 15 abstentions.

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1 January 1970

Body scanners and other security measures used in airports and which are stricter than those planned for in European legislation will have to be funded by the Member States: this is what MEPs decided in a resolution adopted on 5th May 613 votes in favour, 7 against.

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1 January 1970

On 4th May the 27 European Transport Ministers approved the creation of a crisis unit to coordinate decisions on the closure and re-opening of European air space thereby preventing further chaos as witnessed with the ash cloud from Icelandic volcano Eyjafjöll. They decided to maintain, in the face of another ash-cloud, the measures adopted in April to allow traffic to continue in the less polluted zones. They also decided to speed up the full implementation of the Single European Sky in order to be able to appoint a single network manager by 2012 - this includes a technical chapter, the SESAR programme, although ministers did not want to look into the funding of the programme.

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1 January 1970

The 27 EU Fisheries Ministers who met on 4th and 5th May drew up some political options for the future common fisheries policy that will come into force in 2013. Amongst the priorities are the need to "seek out solutions in view of avoiding the dumping of dead fish" and the determination to give a more active role to regional fisheries management organisations and not to forget the "social dimension" of the policy. Everyone agreed to make the difference between small-scale and industrial fishing but there was no agreement on the definition of these ideas. The European Commission hopes to complete the reform of the common fisheries policy by the end of 2011 said European Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki.

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1 January 1970

The European Union's Court of Justice indicated on 6th May that airlines have a limited responsibility in the event of luggage loss to a maximum total reimbursement of 1,134.71 euro per passenger. This limit governed by the Montreal international convention covers both moral and material damage. Goods which are the subject of "special declaration of interest in delivery at destination" clause established by the passenger on check-in are not included in this. The Court of Justice looked into the case of a traveller, Axel Walz who took the airline Clickair to court two years ago after the loss of his luggage between Barcelona and Porto.

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1 January 1970

On 1st and 2nd May German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Mexican President Felipe Calderon hosted some 45 countries in Bonn during a "climate dialogue" that aimed to restore confidence after the Copenhagen conference. The informal exchange led to progress in international negotiations on the protection of the climate. In addition to agreeing on some major points with regard to the next formal sessions in the UN negotiations the various countries in attendance agreed on real joint projects. The goal of 2° set for global warming was re-iterated. The reduction of CO2 and the establishment an international system to monitor emissions reduction activities will comprise the major chapters that will be pushed to the fore in the next round of negotiations.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd May Germany launched a national "platform for electromobility" in cooperation with industrialists in Berlin. The aim is to mobilise energy to set one million electric vehicles on the roads by 2020 thereby making Germany one of the world's leading markets in this area.

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1 January 1970

Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition suffered a setback on 9th May in North Rhine Westphalia which places it in the minority in the upper chamber of German parliament - the Bundesrat. The CDU won 34.6% of the vote, the SPD 34.5%, the Greens seem to be the winners with 12.1% and the FDP the grand loser 6.7%. Finally Die Linke enter the regional parliament with 5.6%. The CDU and the SPD will have to negotiate alliances with the "small" parties to govern and even join together in a "grand coalition". Negotiations are starting now.

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1 January 1970

On 6th May the Belgian parliament pronounced its dissolution, thereby opening the way to early general elections on 13th June after which the Flemish and the French-speakers will have to negotiate the terms of their cohabitation under the threat of leading the country to collapse. These early general elections are the result of the political crisis started by the resignation of the government on 22nd April after the departure of the Flemish party from the ruling coalition. The Chamber of Deputies approved dissolution on 6th May because there was no possibility of finding a substitute coalition. The Senate did the same. Both Chambers of Parliament now have to be renewed in elections on 13th June.

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1 January 1970

On 5th May Spanish opposition leader and chair of the Partido Popular, Mariano Rajoy said that he had come to an agreement with Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero to speed up the reform of the banking sector in the country. This agreement will lead to a facilitation in the restructuring of banks and a proposal of reform in the legislation governing Spain's savings banks. Spain is now one of the main countries threatened by the spread of the Greek crisis, because of the extent of its budgetary deficit. The support of the opposition leader is therefore vital for the Socialist Party in power which only holds minority in Parliament.

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1 January 1970

On 7th May the President of Finland, Tarja Halonen decided in the wake of a government proposition to increase the number of Finnish troops taking part in the ISAF mission (International Security Assistance Force) in Afghanistan.

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1 January 1970

During a joint press conference with his Portuguese counterpart, José Socrates, French Prime Minister François Fillon spoke of economic governance and crisis management tools that the EU should set in place. According to Mr Fillon Europe has to be able to "fight against irrational speculation" because "there is no reason today to speculate against Portugal or Spain." A European economic government as well as tools to stimulate growth and to improve governance of the euro area are necessary because they "they are a guarantee of the credibility of our currency."

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1 January 1970

Italian Economic Development Minister, Claudio Scajola presented his resignation on 4th May. Quoted to have been involved in a corruption scandal with regard to the purchase of an appartment in Rome; he said that he took this decision in order to be able to defend himself declaring that "he knew nothing of this affair."

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150 years/unity

1 January 1970

On 5th May the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano launched the celebrations of the 150 years of Italian Unity in Quarto - a town near Genoa from where the "Mille" left to follow Garibaldi on 5th May 1860 thereby launching the military conquest of the rest of the peninsula and to form one State for the very first time.

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20 years/Independence

1 January 1970

On 4th May Latvia celebrated the 20th anniversary of its declaration of independence with regard to Moscow, an event which contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. "Freedom is not an automatic achievement in one of our dreams. Freedom demands that we take responsibility of our lives and our country," declared President Valdis Zatlers during a ceremony at the foot of an impressive monument to Freedom in the middle of Riga. He paid tribute to those who took part in the "Singing Revolution".

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1 January 1970

On 5th May Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker delivered his annual speech to the chamber of deputies on the state of the nation. He re-iterated his goal to bring public finance to balance by 2014, to avoid a dramatic scenario as witnessed in Greece. Fiscal consolidation "must be general and not rely on the reduction of public spending only," the Prime Minister declared adding, "A dual path has to be followed: saving as much as possible without however endangering economic recovery and adapting the fiscal system without impeding economic competitiveness and without damaging the basic principles of social equity."

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1 January 1970

Ten candidates have collated the necessary 100,000 voters' signatures in their support - a vital condition to run in the presidential election the first round of which is planned for 20th June according to the National Electoral Commission. Just six weeks before the vote the polls credit Mr Komorowski, the candidate of the majority in power with more than 45% of the vote against 30% for his main rival Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the conservative opposition.

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1 January 1970

The Romanian government and the IMF came to an agreement on a public deficit of 6.8% in 2010, higher by nearly one point in comparison with the rate initially planned, declared Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu on 9th May. Economic growth should be "around zero" against a rate that had previously been estimated at 0.8%, added Mr Vladescu after a meeting with IMF representatives.

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1 January 1970

46 million Britons were called to ballot on 6th May to elect the 650 members of the House of Commons, the lower chamber in the British parliament. The Conservatives, led by David Cameron, came out ahead (306 seats) but did not achieve an absolute majority of 326 seats. Labour, led by outoing Prime Minister Gordon Brown came second with 258 seats. The Liberal Democrats came third with 57 seats but are now in the position of kingmaker since the results have led to a hung parliament. Negotiations to establish a coalition between the Conservatives and the LibDems have now started.

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1 January 1970

Slovenian voters will decide during a referendum on 6th June whether they approve the agreement signed between their government and that of neighbouring Croatia to settle their border dispute after a decision approved unanimously on 3rd May by the parliament in Ljubljana. This referendum was approved by 78 of the MPs present in Parliament which comprises 90 deputies in all.

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1 January 1970

The centre-right coalition in power in Sweden presented an electoral programme on 8th May in view of general elections on 19th September - their programme is based on budgetary "responsibility".

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1 January 1970

Aleksandr Milinkevich, the leader of the most important opposition movement and winner of the Sakharov Prize announced on 3rd May that he would be running in the presidential election in 2011 against the "dicatatorship" of Aleksandr Lukashenko. "I will be a candidate in the next election," he declared during a press conference. "Some are resigned to the dictatorship, but the majority do not want to live under this regime," he continued.

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1 January 1970

On 5th May the European Commission proposed to complete an agreement with Georgia that aims to facilitate the issue of visas and together with a readmission agreement. Both draft agreements are the result of negotiations between the Union and Georgia. They aim to develop relations with this country by facilitating the movements of its citizens in view of a short stay in the EU whilst fighting simultaneously against the danger of illegal immigration.

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1 January 1970

On 5th May on the sidelines of the Military Committee Meeting between the Defence Chiefs of Staff Ukraine and Turkey (a NATO country which plays a facilitating role) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with regard to the "air situation data exchange" (ASDE). This agreement aims to prevent conflicts in airspace by two means: reducing the danger of cross border incidents to a minimum and optimizing responses to renegade situations with civil airplanes.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 4th May by Eurostat the EU recorded nearly 261,000 asylum seekers in 2009 ie 520 seekers per million inhabitants. Asylum seekers were mainly citizens from Afghanistan (20,400 ie 8% of all seekers), Russia (20,100 ie 8%), Somalia (19,100 ie 7%), from Iraq (18,700, ie 7%) and from Kosovo in virtue of Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council (14,200 ie 5%). France, Germany and the UK recorded the greatest number of asylum seekers.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd May during the EU-Canada Summit Eurostat published data indicating that between 2000 and 2009 exports of goods from the EU to Canada increased from 21.1 billion euros to 22.4 billion whilst imports by the EU from Canada decreased from 19 billion to 17.8 billion. As a result of this the EU's external trade surplus with Canada increased from 2.1 billion in 2000 to 4.7 billion in 2009 and Canada's share in the EU's total external trade declined. In 2009 Canada counted for 2% of EU exports and 1.5% of its imports and it was the EU's 11th most important trade partner.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat figures published on 7th May employment in the agricultural sector in the EU decreased by 25% between 2000 and 2009 which corresponds to a loss of 3.7 million full time jobs. In 2009 the five member states with the most jobs in the agricultural sector represented nearly two-thirds of the EU's total. These countries are Poland (20% of employment in the EU in the agricultural sector ie the equivalent of 2.2 million full time workers), Romania (19% and 2.1 million), Italy (10% and 1.2 million), Spain and France (8% and 0.9 million each).

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1 January 1970

Eurobarometer has published a study devoted to the opinion of European citizens with regard to the quality of life in 75 major cities. In this period of economic difficulty, employment and the cost of housing remain the two predominant concerns. Although the answers seem to reveal major disparity, the quality of service in the sectors of transport, health and education is generally graded highly. Of course the quantity of information provided by the survey is useful to urban developers and decision makers but also for citizens who want to know which towns are reputed to be pleasant to live in.

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Central Europe

1 January 1970

The German foundation Bertelsmann has just published a study on the economic situation of the States of Central and Eastern Europe after the financial crisis ("The Economic Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe"). Author Cornelius Ochmann looks into the outlook of these States in terms of joining the euro area.

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1 January 1970

A report on the future of Europe ordered by the 27 Heads of State and Government of the EU, published on 8th May warns of a "marginalisation" of the continent in the face of Asia if ambitious reform in terms of the economy, policy and even from a military point of view is not taken. Without new impetus "the Union and its Member States may sink into a marginal position and become an increasingly insignificant western peninsula of the Asian continent," stresses the document written by a group of personalities under the chairmanship of former Spanish Prime Minister, Felipe Gonzalez."The hour is resolutely one of globalisation (...) If we do not want to join the losers' then we must act with determination right now," highlights the report. It was revealed on the eve of the 60th annivesary of the Robert Schuman Declaration considered to be the founding act of the EU and celebrated on "Europe Day".

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1 January 1970

The IMF has published the spring 2010 edition of its Report on the world's financial stability. It stresses that in spite of signs of economic recovery fears with regard to States' sovereign debts are weighing heavily over the world economy. IMF economists advise on three priority types of action: balance public finance; continue the ongoing deleveraging process and complete the regulatory agenda for progress towards a safer, more resilient, and dynamic global financial system.

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1 January 1970

La documentation française has published an edition entitled "Europe, Europes" under the guidance of Michel Foucher, geographer and member of the Robert Schuman Foundation's scientific committee. This study shows that the tension that exists between unity and diversity is the very thing which defines Europe. The authors look into this unique regional space which is also the world's leading trading power.

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1 January 1970

The Austrian institute for European Integration Research (Institut für europaïsche Integrationsforschung) has just published a paper on the EU's energy policy entitled "Die Energiepolitik der EU". It analyses the Member States' interests, the structures, the players, the procedures and the instruments in terms of energy policy within the EU and also includes a comparison with the energy policies of the USA and Russia.

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European Instinct

1 January 1970

Jean-Paul Bayol publishing have released a book by Yves Labat entitled "European Instinct - Manifesto for the citizens, companies and ordinary craftsmen of Europe."

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1 January 1970

The Pompidou Centre in Metz will open its doors to the pubilc on 12th May with an inaugural exhibition entitled "Chefs-d'oeuvre?" presenting 780 paintings by Matisse, Picasso, Kandinsky, Miro, Léger on display covering an area of 5,000m2. Designed by Japanese Shigeru Ban and Frenchman Jean de Gastines, the Pompidou Centre Metz is being inaugurated by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

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1 January 1970

The "Martin Gropius Bau" Museum in Berlin is devoting a retrospective to Mexican artist Frida Kahlo until 9th August - she was one of the greatest figures of Latin-American art. The exhibition brings together 150 of her works (paintings and drawings). This is the most comprehensive show of Frida Kahlo's work ever staged. For the first time the two largest Kahlo collections will be on display in toto and together.

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1 January 1970

The Fine Arts Museum of Lille is exhibiting for the first time in France and until 12th July ten paintings by Paolo Domenico Finoglio (1590-1645). Finoglio was one of the most important Baroque painters of Naples influenced by Caravaggio's dramatisation of light.

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1 January 1970

The museum "Topography of Terror" in Berlin stands in the same place where the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police, and the SS established their HQ at 8 and 9 Prinz Albrecht Strasse. "We want History to be visible," explains the director of the new museum, Andreas Nachama, a rabbi and historian. The new museum built above the former Gestapo cellars, the only remains of the old buildings, gives the impression that it is "floating" above the site.

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1 January 1970

The most famous Belgian baritone, José Van Dam, celebrated the world over, is retiring from the world of opera in Brussels with a series of shows of "Don Quichotte" by Jules Massenet, until 19th May.

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Newsletter Archives

General elections 26 October in Georgia: a referendum on Europe

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°440- version of 10 mai 2010