The Newsletter4393 mai 2010

La Lettre

Philippe Etienne

3 May 2010



1 January 1970

Robert Schuman Foundation Chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani will take part in a seminar on 10th and 11th May on the 20th anniversary of the negotiations of the "National Round Table 1990, the founding act of democracy in Bulgaria?"

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"For Europe"

1 January 1970

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Robert Schuman Declaration, the Foundation has published the fifth French edition of Robert Schuman's only book: "For Europe". This work is available on the Foundation's site in French, English (1st Edition) and German (2nd Edition). Order it!

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1 January 1970

46 million Britons are being called to ballot on 6th May next to elect the 650 members of the House of Commons, the Lower Chamber in Parliament. The Conservatives who were for a long time forecast to win are no longer guaranteed an absolute majority in Parliament. The most recent YouGov poll, published in the Sunday Times credits the Tories with 35% of the vote, 28% for the Lib-Dems who are ahead of Labour (27%). Another poll by Com Res, published in the daily, the Independent puts the Conservatives in the lead with 34% of the vote, 29% for the Lib-Dems and 28% for Labour. Just a few days now before the election the question is this: will Labour succeed in retaining power by forming an alliance with the Lib-Dems? Will the prospects of a hung Parliament in which the Lib-Dems would play a key role scare voters and push them to vote Conservative?

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Czech Elections

1 January 1970

5,053 candidates, one quarter of whom are women, representing 27 political parties are standing in the general elections which will take place on 28th and 29th May 2010 in the Czech Republic. The Chamber of Deputies comprises 200 MPs elected for a four year period according to a plurinominal constituency election in which the distribution of votes is made according to the greatest remainder. All parties have to collate a minimum of 5% of the votes cast to be represented in Parliament. Five political parties are represented at present: the Civic Democratic Party (ODS) founded by present President Vaclav Klaus, has 81 MPs; the Social Democratic Party (CSSD) led by former Prime Miniter (2005-2006) Jiri Paroubek, 74 seats; the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM) 26 MPs; the Christian Democratic Union-People's Party (KDU-CSL) led by Cyril Svoboda, 13 seats and the Greens (SZ) 6 MPs. Just one month before the election everything is possible: an alliance between the CSSD and the KSCM or a grand coalition allying the CSSD with the ODS.

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1 January 1970

Robert Schuman Foundation Chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an editorial on his site entitled "Europe, the Crisis and Spending" in which he explains that the financial crisis is first and foremost one of public debt. In his opinion the only remedy to solve the matter is to call for the responsibility of all economic and social players who have to draw up more economic national budgets together together with more balanced social and retirement systems.

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Europe Day


1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation is putting on-line the declaration by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman for you to read or re-read ... he made this speech in which he announced the creation of the European Community of Steel and Coal (ECSC) on 9th May 1950. This text is considered to be the founding act of the European Union. After a decision by the European Council in 1985 9th May became Europe Day. This year we are celebrating the 60th annivesary of the Schuman Declaration. On 5th May the Foundation will put on-line on its internet site an information file (explanatory sheets, quiz, videos) on the history of the declaration and will indicate the main events organised on this occasion.

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1 January 1970

On 7th and 8th May Warsaw will be hosting the 17th Polish-European Talks organised on the initiative of the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation. This year the meeting will provide an opportunity to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. The Robert Schuman Parade will take place on 8th May.

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1 January 1970

On 6th and 7th May the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organising a conference in Berlin entitled "European Integration and German Constitutional Identity" which will be attended by European Commissioner Michel Barnier and Robert Schuman Foundation Chairman, Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Robert Schuman Declaration the European Parliament is organising its Open Day in Brussels on 8th May and in Strasbourg on 9th May. The Robert Schuman Foundation will be presenting a stand with a great wealth of information on Europe for the public in Brussels and in Strasbourg.

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1 January 1970

From 7th to 28th May the information bureau for France at the European Parliament together with the Robert Schuman Foundation is devoting an exhbition to th 60th anniversary of the Robert Schuman Declaration. Via 18 information sheets the exhibition reviews the life, work and ideas of the Founder Father of Europe. In addition to this the House of Europe is organising "Europe Days" on the esplanade of the Hôtel de Ville in Paris on 7th,8th, 9th May. The Foreign and European Ministry and the European Commission are organising on 8th and 9th May at the Quai d'Orsay, a unique exhibition on 60 years of European construction. Finally on its site Toute l'Europe lists all of the events organised on the 9th May in France and in all of the other EU countries.

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1 January 1970

As part of the 60th anniversary of the Robert Schuman Declaration, the Robert Schuman Foundation in partnership with the Goethe Institute are organising a debate on 10th May on the theme of the Europe of tomorrow. Joachim Bitterlich (former advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl), Jean-Dominique Giuliani (chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation), Christian Lequesne (Director of the Centre for Studies and International Research, Sciences-Po Paris) and François Scheer (Ambassador for France, advisor to the president of the board of AREVA) will take part in the debate that will be moderated by Henri Ménudier (Professor of Paris II).

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1 January 1970

From 8th to 16th May the Robert Schuman House at Scy-Chazelles is celebrating Europe Week. On 8th May four forums will be organised on the future of Europe. In the afternoon a debate will take place in Metz together with former Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. From 9th to 11th May the second series of Study Days will take place at the Robert Schuman House.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

According to figures published on 27th April by the Economy, Industry and Employment Ministry the number of unemployed registered with Pôle Emploi in mainland France dropped by 0.2% in March, ie 6,600 people less. Over one year the number of people registered (no work at all-even on a reduced scale) increased by 9.8%. At the end of March 2010 the number of people looking for work lay at 2,661,300 in mainland France. Although the figure has declined by 0.2% in comparison with the end of February 2010 it has grown over one year by 9.8%.

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1 January 1970

On 27th April the index agency Standard & Poor's reduced Portugal's rating expressing its concern with regard to Lisbon's ability to manage its high level of debt. Portuguese Minister Fernando Dos Santos said he was determined to implement the government's austerity plan to reduce the public deficit - a record deficit equal to 9.4% of the GDP whilst the debt totals 126 billion euros. The Portuguese Prime Minister said that his government and the parliamentary opposition were going to work together to foster an accelerated implementation of the budgetary austerity measures to guarantee that the goals to reduce the deficit would be achieved.

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1 January 1970

Standard & Poor's reduced Spain's long term debt rating on 28th April from AA+ to AA with a negative perspective. The agency explained that the country will experience a long period of low growth with an average rise of the GDP of 0.7% only over the period 2010-2016 instead of a previous forecast at 1%. It is concerned as a result of the worsening budgetary situation. Standard & Poor's will review the negative perspective to stable if the government achieves its fiscal goals in 2010 and 2011 and if growth is higher than forecast.

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1 January 1970

On 27th April the indexing agency Standard & Poor's reduced the country's rating from "BBB+" to "BB+". The agency justifies this decision due to a new assessment of the "political and budgetary difficulties which the Greek government is facing."

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1 January 1970

Greece announced on 2nd May that it would be apply austerity measures over three years, in exchange for large scale international aid designed to save Athens from bankruptcy and to avoid the spread of the crisis to other weak countries in the euro area. This austerity plan that includes the suppression of the 13th and 14th month of pay in the civil service and a VAT rise will make new sacrifices necessary for a population that is already suffering greatly. Savings of 30 billion euros are to lead to a reduction in the public deficit below 3% of the GDP by the end of 2014.

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1 January 1970

Greece is to benefit from a joint rescue EU-IMF plan to a total of 110 billion euros - this is unpredented in the world due to its size - however this is to be done in exchange for a course of treatment in the shape of austerity. An agreement on the payment of the package was agreed on 2nd May in Brussels during a euro area Finance Ministers' meeting. "We decided to activate a support plan for Greece," declared Jean-Claude Juncker.

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1 January 1970

According to data published by the European Commission on 29th April the European economic sentiment indicator had risen significantly in April and even rose above its long term average again. In the EU the Economic Sentiment Indicator rose by 2.1 points to 101.9 points. The indicator only declined in Greece, Portugal and Slovakia but improved in Germany, France, Italy and Spain. The Business Climate Indicator also published by the European Commission recovered +0.23 points in April in comparison with -0.32 in March.

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1 January 1970

On 27th April the outgoing Vice-President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Lucas Papademos, presented the ECB's annual report 2009 to the economic and monetary committee at the European Parliament. Mr Papademos justified the progressive reduction in non-standard measures established to face the most serious effects of the financial crisis on the part of the ECB. He said that the ECB was pleased in the firming up of the rules in the Stability and Growth Pact as well as the enhancement of economic surveillance. He said that Greece's budgetary balancing measures and the support plan set out by the other EU memberss and the IMF were welcome but Greece and the other countries in the euro area have to make a particular effort to restore investor confidence.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 30th April by the Spanish National Statistics Institute the unemployment rate in Spain rose above the symbolic rate of 20% in the first quarter to lie at 20.05% of the working population. The number of unemployed totalled 4,612 million ie 286,000 more than in the previous quarter and 602,000 more than a year ago. The Spanish unemployment rate has been rising continuously and is the highest in the euro area: it reflects the country's difficulties in recovering growth.

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1 January 1970

On 29th April the German Federal Agency for Employment announced a decrease in the unemployment rate to 8.5% in March in comparison with 8.1% in April and 8.6% in April 2009. In April 3,406 million Germans were looking for work. In addition to this on 28th April the German Institute for Economic Research (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftforschung DIW) said it believed that Germany's economic performance had improved by 0.4% in the first quarter of 2010. It might grow to 0.7% in the second quarter.

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1 January 1970

The European Central Bank (ECB) announced on 3rd May that it accepted the new Greek marketable debt instruments as a guaratee for its loans whatever the financial indexing, a unique measure that should relieve Greece and the euro area banks. The ECB lifted all conditions relative to loans indexing with regard to Greek marketable debt instruments until further notice which it accepts against the so-called "collateral" loans it said in a press release.

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European Council


1 January 1970

The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy took part on 28th April in the EU-Japan Summit. He declared that in the light of the development in relations with the USA, Japan and the EU should strengthen their links and go beyond a purely commercial approach to focus on climate, foreign policy, defence and network security issues (banks, energy, transport, telecommunications). He believes that non-tariff barriers that still prevent access to the Japanese market make the signature of a free-trade agreement premature. The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, met the Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada to speak notably of nuclear proliferation, piracy and joint training operations of policemen in Africa and Afghanistan.

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1 January 1970

On 27th April the European Commission launched a public consultation on issues of dual taxation within the EU. This consultation aims to define the nature of the problems facing EU taxpayers whether these are private parties or companies. The Commission is inviting those involved to present real cases of dual taxation that have occurred in their cross-border activities. The Commission would like to receive proposals on the means to settle these cases effectively and quickly. The consultation is open until 30th June and is to lead to the Commission's preparation of proposals for action.

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Aviation Security

1 January 1970

On 29th April the EU established new aviation security rules to simplify, harmonise and improve procedures. These measures come after those adopted in 2002 in the wake of the 11th September terrorist attacks. They intend to do away with the duplication of security checks and introduce joint standards between the various Member States. With regard to passengers the EU wants to negotiate security agreements with third countries via the introduction of a "one-stop" shop. Likewise new material for detecting liquids will be operational in all European airports by April 2013. Finally new measures hope to improve passenger travel, shorten transfer times in airports and reduce costs.

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Green Vehicles

1 January 1970

On 28th April the European Commission adopted a communication that defines the European strategy for encouraging the development and eventual widespread use of clean and energy efficient vehicles over the next few years. It delivers on the consensus between Member States and European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani's commitment to move on from short-term recovery measures to a medium-term orientation that strengthens the competitiveness of the European automotive industry by linking it to clean technologies. The strategy also contributes to the Europe 2020 objectives of smart and sustainable growth. It contains an Action Plan composed of concrete and ambitious measures to be implemented by the Commission.

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Budget 2011

1 January 1970

Supporting economic recovery, investing in Europe's youth and in tomorrow's infrastructures are the priorities of the 2011 draft budget that the Commission adopted on 27th April. Out of a total 142.6 billion euros around 64.4 are linked to work associated with economic recovery (+3.4% in comparison with 2010). Moreover loans devoted to leading initiatives in the Europe 2020 strategy (for growth and employment) represent some 57.9 billion euros ie 40% of the budget. In the new budgetary framework established in the Lisbon Treaty, Parliament now has equal power with the Council; the "Budget" Committee at the Parliament was quick to say how pleased it was with the increase in payments but asked for more funding for youth and the environment.

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Lorry Drivers

1 January 1970

MEPs of the Employment Committee decided on 28th April that self-employed lorry drivers were also to be subject to a limit of 48 hours work per week as their counterparts employed by companies; they rejected 30 votes against 19 the exemption supported by the Commission and the Council. MEPs of the Transport Committee adopted a report on the same day advising "clear, transparent, comparable punishment" - proportionate to the economic level of each State - for infringements to the rules of work on the road, more frequent controls and the establishment of an adequate number of safe parking areas

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Foreign Affairs

1 January 1970

The EU's 27 Foreign Ministers agreed on 26th April with regard to the establishment of a European External Action Service. The service will be managed by an executive secretary general assisted by two deputies. The text now has to be submitted to the European Parliament. Together with their colleagues from Defence they discussed on-going operations as part of the European Security and Defense Policy and future developments, notably following the establishment of a joint diplomatic service. The Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton put forward options for a world maritime security strategy.

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1 January 1970

During a meeting on 27th April in Bonn the Foreign Ministers of the three countries of the "Weimar Triangle", Guido Westerwelle (Germany), Bernard Kouchner (France) and Radoslaw Sikorski (Poland) announced that they wanted to set up a joint tactical military group until 2013. Mr Westerwelle said that "Europe must be able to respond to crises in the world not only with political but also military means." The Ukrainian Foreign Minister who was invited to the meeting said the Ukraine wanted to draw closer to the EU.

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1 January 1970

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble declared in an interview with the Handelsblatt on 27th April that the German government "would not let Greece down" and is planning to release financial aid rapidly for Athens. In his opinion there was no question of involving private banks in the aid plan. ECB Chair Jean-Claude Trichet, the General Directors of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the WTO, Pascal Lamy travelled to Berlin in 28th April notably to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel who wants to step up the pace in negotiations between the Greek government, the EU and the IMF.

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1 January 1970

Austria and Finland want greater EU coordination of the strategy for the Baltic Sea and in the Danube region. Austrian Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger and his Finnish counterpart Alexander Stubb announced this initiative on 28th April in Helsinki in a letter addressed to the states concerned.

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1 January 1970

On 26th April King Albert II accepted the resignation of the government which Prime Minister Yves Leterme presented to him on 22nd April. He asked the government to finalise current affairs. In principle the Belgians will go to ballot in June.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish government approved a plan on 30th April to do away with 32 ministerial organisations mainly directorate generals and to suppress 29 public companies as part of its austerity plan to reduce public deficits.

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1 January 1970

On 26th April French President Nicolas Sarkozy received European Commission President José Manuel Barroso. During discussions the French President told Mr Barroso that he wanted to study "in depth a border adjustment mechanism" for the EU. He insisted on the need for Europe to defend its interests better in the world and with regard to trade talks. Nicolas Sarkozy also stressed "his personal commitment to the maintenance of a strong European agricultural industry which would rely on an updated common agricultural policy.

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1 January 1970

French President Nicolas Sarkozy held a working meeting on May 1st on the implementation of the European support plan for Greece and the situation of the financial markets. He reviewed the parliamentary procedure to approve the finance law that will enable the establishment in France of a bilateral loan to Greece coordinated by the euro area States, the European Commission and the IMF. He recalled that the euro area Member States' support to the Greek government aimed to put an end to speculation and to guarantee the stability of the euro area. The German and French Heads of State want Europe to enhance surveillance mechanisms in the euro area and complete work notably on the fight against speculation.

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1 January 1970

On 28th April Hungarian President Laszlo Solyom asked FIDESZ leader Viktor Orban, the grand winner of the general elections on 11th and 25th April to form a new Hungarian government. On 3rd May the Hungarian Prime Minister designate, Viktor Orban, presented the members of his new government whose main goal is the country's economic recovery. He reduced the number of ministers to eight against fourteen previously. Viktor Orban took back Janos Martonyi as Head of Diplomacy, Sandor Pinter as Home Minister. Economy and Finances will be given to György Matolcsy and a new ministry "National Resources" encompassing Health, Education, Culture and Youth will be led by Miklos Rethelyi. Parliament will hold its inaugural session on 14th May.

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1 January 1970

President of the Italian Council Silvio Berlusconi hosted his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to discuss energy and economic cooperation issues. The Italian electricity company ENEL and Russian Inter Rao Ues signed a protocol agreement on cooperation in the nuclear, energy efficacy, innovation and distribution sectors in Russia and in Eastern European countries. Russia is one of the primiary suppliers of gas and oil to Italy.

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1 January 1970

On 29th April Lithuanian Foreign Minister Audronius Azubalis travelled to Finland. He met his Finnish counterpart Alexander Stubb. The ministers discussed the eastern partnership, Russia and Ukraine; they also discussed energy and the Lithuanian presidency of the Council of States of the Baltic Sea. With regard to nuclear security, the Lithuanian minister guaranteed that the surveillance and expertise system with regard to nuclear energy will guarantee regional security.

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1 January 1970

The head of the conservative opposition (PiS) in Poland, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, twin brother of President Lech Kaczynski who died on 10th April last in an air crash in Russia, announced on 27th April that he would be standing for the Presidential Election on 20th June. Aged 60 he will be facing Bronislaw Komorowski, 57, interim president and candidate for Civic Platform (PO) in office at present.

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1 January 1970

On 26th April the Romanian government approved a draft law re-establishing the prerogatives of the National Anti-Corruption Agency. According to Prime Minister Emil Boc this draft law aimed to guarantee the upkeep of MP's and civil servants' obligation to declare what they owned. The government planned to create two types of property declarations, one which will be public and the other confidential which will be checked by the NAA.

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1 January 1970

On 27th April Romania and Moldova signed a declaration to create a "strategic partnership for the European integration" of Moldova said Romanian President Traian Basescu during a conference with the Moldovan interim President Mihaï Ghimpu. The declaration which aims to deepen bilateral political, economic and cultural cooperation will go hand in hand with "action plans" signed soon by the Prime Ministers of both countries, he added. Both countries also signed a non-reimbursable financial assistance agreement of 100 million euros for Moldova designed for infrastructure and education projects.

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1 January 1970

A third and final TV debate involving the three main candidates running in the general elections on 6th May took place on BBC1 on 29th April. It was devoted to economic issues. The first polls published just after the end of the programme revealed that the Labour leader was the major loser - with 25% of favourable opinions Gordon Brown lagged behind Nick Clegg (32%) and David Cameron (41%) according to YouGov.

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1 January 1970

The Russian and Norwegian Foreign Ministers signed a joint declaration on 28th April in Oslo which finalises an agreement between the two countries for the definition of the continental shelf in the Barentz Sea. From now on the 175,000 km2 that have been a point of contention for the last 40 years and which might hold major reserves of oil have been shared out equally between Russia and Norway.

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1 January 1970

On 28th April the Russian State Archives put on-line, on the orders of Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, a series of documents on the massacre in Katyn of Polish officers in 1940 by Stalin's political police, the NKVD. A memorandum on the part of Lavrenti Beria, the NKVD chief in which he suggests the execution of the arrested Polish officers is amongst the on-line documents. "These documents were declassified in September 1992 and on the order of the Russian President Boris Yeltsin copies were transferred to the Polish authorities," indicated a press release on the part of the Russian archives.

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1 January 1970

On 27th and 28th April Russian President Dmitri Medvedev made a state visit to Denmark. After a press conference on 28th April with Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, the two leaders published a joint declaration on the establishment of a modernisation partnership. They also signed various agreements with regard to the fight against cross-border crime, the accomplishment of climate projects and energy cooperation. Trade was also at the heart of debate. With regard to the agreement on the gas pipeline Nord Stream that is to cross Danish waters Mr Medvedev said that both parties might take advantage of this since it involves a great amount of technological research and development. Both leaders qualified the visit as 'historic', the first of its kind on the part of a Russian president to Denmark since 1964.

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1 January 1970

The agreement on the extension of the Russian fleet's anchorage in the Black Sea in Crimea signed last week by the two Heads of State from Russia and Ukraine was ratified by the Rada (Parliament) in an extremely turbulent atmosphere. 236 MPs (for a qualified majority of 226 votes) approved the agreement in spite of protest on the part of the opposition. According to the police nearly 7000 opponents and supporters of the agreement rallied around parliament.

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1 January 1970

On 26th April the European Organisation for Astronomy announced that it had chosen Chile as the site for the future giant European E-ELT telescope. Five countries (Spain, Morocco, South Africa, Argentina, Chile) were candidates to receive the telescope the cost of which is estimated at one billion euros and which is due to be completed in 2018 after seven years of work. E-ELT (European Extremely Large Telescope) which is being looked forward to with enthusiasm on the part of the scientific community will have a mirror of an unprecedented diameter of 42 metres and it will make it possible to observe the universe and its galaxies as never before. The telescope will be set up in the North of Chile at an altitude of 3,060m in the desert of Atacama.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 27th April by Eurostat from 2000 to 2009 manufactured goods exports from the EU to Japan decreased by around 20% declining from 45 billion euros to 36 billion whilst EU imports from Japan declined by about 40% dropping from 92 billion to 56 billion euros. As a result the EU's external trade deficit with Japan declined by 47 billion in 2000 to 20 billion in 2009 and Japan's share in the EU's overall manufactured goods trade decreased significantly. In 2009 the Japan counted for 3% of EU exports and 5% of imports. It was the EU's 6th most important trade partner. Germany, the Netherlands, UK are Japan's most important trade partners in the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat figures published on 30th April unemployment rates remained unchanged at 10% in the euro area in March as in February. It lay at 9.1% in March 2009. Across the entire EU the unemployment rate lay at 9.6% in March 2010, unchanged in comparison with February. It lay at 8.5% in March 2009. According to Eurostat estimates 23,310 million people were without work in March 2010 in the EU, of whom 15,808 million were in the euro area. In comparison with February 2010 the number of unemployed increased by 123,000 in the EU and by 101,000 in the euro area.

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1 January 1970

According to a rapid estimate published on 30th April by Eurostat the annual inflation rate in the euro area lay at 1.5% in April 2010. In March the rate was 1.4%.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat data published on 30th April in the fourth quarter of 2009 household saving remained almost stable in comparison with the previous quarter both in the euro area and in the EU whilst household investment rates declined. In the euro area the revenue available to households declined by 0.2%. In the same period the business investment rate dropped in comparison with the previous quarter whilst the share of the profit in added value increased both in the euro area and the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to a Eurobarometer survey on Europeans and nuclear security 82% of European citizens believe that the processing of radioactive waste should be regulated at European level. This feeling is expressed right across the EU. Hence it is almost unanimous in Cyprus, (93%), Hungary (90%), Netherlands (90%) and in Slovenia (90%). Whilst Europeans are also worried that nuclear matter can be used for the wrong reasons and terrorist aims a wide majority (59%) think that a safe use of nuclear power stations is possible. The average for the EU remains stable in comparison with a survey undertaken in 2006.

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1 January 1970

According to a report published on 27th April by the European Organisation for Police Cooperation, Europol, the number of terrorist acts registered in the EU, except for in the UK, had decreased by 33% in comparison with 2008 to lie at 294 in 2009. "Most of these acts were prepared by separatist groups above all in Spain and France," declared Soren Petersen, Europol's spokesperson. A terrorist attack is intentional, it is executed or prepared - it can "seriously affect a country or an international organisation" if it aims to destabilise the structures, intimidates a population or exerts pressure said Europol. The UK is not included in the figures published by Europol because it uses different criteria from other EU member states to establish what terrorist attacks are.

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1 January 1970

The Institute for International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) has published a study by Pierre Verluise entitled "Corruption is still a challenge for EU27. A multiscalar, dynamic study."

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1 January 1970

The German Institute "Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) has just published a work on the origin and development of the European Neighbourhood Policy entitled "Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Europaïschen Nachbarschaftspolitik. Akteure und Koalitionen", written by Katrin Böttger.

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1 January 1970

The TRANSEUROPA Festival is taking place from 24th April to 10th May. It is a transnational festival that takes place at the same time in London, Paris, Boulogne and Cluj-Napoca. It is both an artistic, cultural and political festival; it invites intellectual, artists, politicians, militants and citizens from all countries in Europe to each of the Festival towns and on the internet.

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1 January 1970

The Palace of Fine Arts in Brussels is dedicating an exhibition from 29th April to 20th June to "El Angel Exterminador: A Room for Spanish Contemporary Art". This joint exhibition on Spanish contemporary art presents the creations of 28 Spanish contemporary artists on the theme of experimenting with limits. This exhibition is part of the Spanish Presidency of the EU's cultural activities.

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1 January 1970

The British Museum of London is dedicating an exhibition to the Italian Renaissance until 25th July. This exhibition entitled "From Fra Angelico to Leonardo: drawings from the Italian Renaissance" brings together the collections of the Museum of Florence and the British Museum. The exhibition presents around 100 drawings by Bellini, Botticelli, Carpaccio, Raphaël, Michael Angelo, Mantegna and Ghirlandaio.

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Newsletter Archives

General elections 26 October in Georgia: a referendum on Europe

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°439- version of 3 mai 2010