The Newsletter43826 avr. 2010

La Lettre

Jean-François Jamet

26 April 2010



1 January 1970

Outgoing head of State, Heinz Fischer was easily re-elected for a new 6 year term in office as President of the Republic of Austria on 25th April winning 78.94% of the vote, far ahead of Liberal Party (FPÖ) candidate, Barbara Rosenkranz who won 15.62% of the vote. Rudolf Gehring, the Christian leader (CPÖ) won 5.44% of the vote.

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Schuman Report

1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published the fourth edition of the "State of the Union 2010, Schuman Report on Europe" with Lignes de Repères publishing. To understand the financial crisis the work offers a number of articles by Jean-Pierre Jouyet, Daniela Schwarzer, Stefan Collignon and Jean-François Jamet. This work that includes many maps and statistics has become a work of reference. It is available in bookshops and on the Foundation's site. Order it!

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1 January 1970

The Alliance of Young Democrats (FIDESZ) won its wager and achieved the 2/3 majority in Parliament after the second round of the general elections on 25th April in Hungary. It won 263 seats ie +5 more than the 2/3 majority. The Socialist Party (MSZP) in office for the last 8 years led by Attila Mesterhazy is the main loser taking just 59 seats. The far right party, a Movement for a better Hungary (Jobbik), led by Gabor Vona won 47 seats. The party Doing Politics Differently (LMP), an ecologist leftwing party, won 16 seats. Turn out was, in this second round, much lower than that recorded in the first on 11th April. Less than half of the 2.5 million of the voters registered for the election turn out to ballot (44.17% ie -20.12 points). Viktor Orban, leader of the FIDESZ, will become Prime Minister again.

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1 January 1970

The Foundation for Political Innovation together with the Robert Schuman Foundation has published the 11th edition of the European Opinion with publishers Lignes de Repères. This work accomplished under the guidance of Dominique Reynié is available on the Foundation's site. Order it!

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

On 20th April Greece succeeded in placing 1.95 billion euros in three month bonds. However although this request was large scale the rate offered 3.65%, is double that offered for the same operation on 19th January.

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1 January 1970

On 20th April the Austrian government decided to implement a federal law for a financial package spanning 2011-2014. Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said that "Austria was a forerunner in terms of budgetary consolidation in Europe (...)."

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1 January 1970

The financial indexing agency Moody's decided on 22nd April to reduce the Greek sovereign debt score taking it down from A2 to A3. This decision came after the European Statistics Office/Eurostat announcement of the revised Greek deficit figures for 2009: 13.6% of the GDP in comparison with 12.9% according to previous calculations. The agency also warned that it might reduce the Greek score again depending on the measures Athens intends to take to balance its public finances.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 21st April by the Belgian Statistics Institute industrial production (except for construction) rose by 0.1% in February 2010 in comparison with January 2010 and by 0.2% in comparison with February 2009. In the construction industry production declined by 0.8% in comparison with January 2010 and by 7.9% in comparison with February 2009.

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1 January 1970

Germany is due to experience a slight "decline" in its GDP in the first quarter mainly because of an exceptionally rigorous winter according to forecasts issued on 19th April by the Bundesbank. However in its spring growth forecasts dated 21st April the German government is expecting a 1.4% increase in the GDP in 2010. In 2011 the government is reckoning on additional growth of 1.6% per year on average.

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1 January 1970

The International Monetary and Financial Committee of the IMF Board of Governors published the conclusions of its 21st meeting that took place on 25th April. The committee stressed that in spite of encouraging signs the economic crisis was still the source of many challenges. It recalled its determination to forge a new regulation of the financial sector and said it wanted to discuss the various options put forward by the Fund to make the financial sector contribute towards bearing the burden of extraordinary government aid. The committee also said it was pleased with the economic recovery in developing countriues, a sign that the macro-economic framework had improved. Finally the committee promised to speed up its work on reform of the IMF to "improve the Fund's legitimacy, credibility and effectiveness."

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1 January 1970

The head of the Danish government Lars Loekke Rasmussen announced on 20th April that there would be a 10 billion krona cut (1.34 billion euros) in public and community spending to transfer more resources over to hospitals and education. These savings, to be made over the next three years, will lead to the suppression of some 8000 jobs in local town councils in the Scandinavian kingdom said the Prime Minister to the press.

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1 January 1970

Greece, which is being crushed under record debt, decided on 23rd April to ask the EU and the IMF to lend it 45 billion euros urgently. The decision to pay loans to Greece "will be based on the programme that is being prepared by the Commission, the ECB and the IMF with the Greek authorities at present," said the European authorities in a press release. The Greeks seem resigned to making new sacrifices on condition that the effort required of them to meet the conditions set in the EU/IMF plan is shared out. To benefit from European aid and IMF support and to remedy some of the difficulties it is experiencing to pay back its enormous debt George Papandreou's government will have to apply new austerity measures. EU and IMF experts have been negotiating the savings programme since 21st April and this is due to be finalised at the beginning of May.

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1 January 1970

British economic growth only rose to 0.2% in the first quarter, a performance that is clearly not as good as expected just as the country is emerging from its most severe recession since the 1930's announced the Office for National Statistics on 23rd April.

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1 January 1970

The Finance Ministers of the G20 countries committed on 23rd April to establish post-crisis strategies which should protect growth starting with deficits that have been swollen dangerously by recovery plans. This commitment is new to the G20 which until now called for a continuation in emergency policies in the face of weak economic recovery. But these expensive policies have made public debts rise and the IMF has called on the major developed economies to draw up plans to reduce these deficits urgently. Finally given the need to regulate the financial sector better and to introduce taxes to compensate its costly salvage by public funds the IMF delivered the ministers with a report, advising on the establishment of two taxes on the assets of each financial institution, their profits and remunerations. "There was no agreement on taxes". In its press release the G20 asked the IMF to tune up its proposals that have to be discussed by the Heads of state and government at a summit planned in Toronto in June.

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World Bank

1 January 1970

186 shareholding countries in the World Bank gave their approval on 25th April to an injection of over 86 billion dollars in capital and an increase in the influence enjoyed by developing countries - moving forwards with historical changes to prepare the organisation, that aims to counter poverty, for the world that will emerge after the crisis.

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1 January 1970

Catherine Ashton, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy visited the HQ of the EU's anti-piracy operation, EUNAVFOR Somalia-Operation Atalante in the UK on 19th April. She met the operation's commander, Peter Hudson, and assured him of her full support in his work. The High Representative added that she was planning to travel soon to the region to see the operation for herself. EUNAVFOR is an important EU mission with regard to stabilising the region and protecting vulnerable ships against acts of piracy in Somali waters.

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1 January 1970

On 20th April the European Commission presented the European Parliament with its action plan for the creation of a single area of justice and security. In real terms this plan fulfills the "Stockholm Programme" adopted in December by European leaders. It includes improved cooperation regarding judicial, repressive, civil protection, crisis management and border issues, the implementation of a joint asylum and immigration policy, a more effective means to counter organised crime and cybercrime, the improvement of citizens' data protection in all EU policies and in relations with international partners (notably as part of the SWIFT agreement), the simplification of administrative procedures for citizens and companies together with the enhancement of European citizens' rights in other Member States, whether this includes travel, international marriage or penal procedures.

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1 January 1970

Andris Piebalgs, European Development Commissioner travelled to Haiti on 23rd and 24th April to launch the first reconstruction projects funded by the EU. This was the first EU visit since the international donors conference "Towards a new future for Haiti" that took place in New York on 31st March last. Commissioner Piebalgs signed five conventions to fund projects supported by the European Commission. These projects focus on the reconstruction of the State, school and road infrastructures and social services. The mission undertaken by Commissioner Piebalgs in Haiti highlights the European Commission's solidarity and marks the transition between humanitarian urgency and the reconstruction of the country.

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1 January 1970

Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for digital society indicated to Parliament on 20th April that the EU will invest 500 million euros into new IT technology and communication research (ITC). The Commissioner declared, "in this time of economic uncertainty Europe has to invest courageously in its future. The European Commission wants to double the research budget for emerging information and communication technologies." She called on Member States' government to work harder in this direction to make the EU the most competitive economy in the world.

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1 January 1970

On 21st April the European Commission adopted an action plan to increase European contributions to the achievement of the millenium development goals. The Union is the most generous donor in the world but its contribution decreased slightly in 2009. The Commission is proposing measures that aim to increase the level of aid together with its efficacy via improved coordination, directing aid towards innovative funding and towards countries and sectors that are the most needy. It also adopted a communication on the fiscality of developing countries to increase revenues and counter fraud; it suggests that the ownership of these goals be taken up by these countries, that they enhance their regional integration and their influence in international governance.

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1 January 1970

According to estimates published on 22nd April by the European Commission the consumer confidence index recorded a significant rise across the entire euro area in April 2010. There was also improvement but to a lesser degree in the consumer confidence index in the EU globally.

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1 January 1970

On 20th April the European Commission adopted a regulation that exempts some categories of agreements made between producers and distributors in the sales of products and services. This regulation and the guidelines that go with it take on board that internet has become a major tool for on-line sales and cross-border trade over the last ten years - these are two types of sale that the Commission wants to foster because they offer greater choice to the consumer and enhance price competition. The basic principle remains unchanged: companies are free to opt for the mode of distribution of their choice on condition that their agreements do not include restrictions in terms of setting prices or other restrictions and neither the producer nor the distributor has a market share over 30%.

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1 January 1970

On 20th April MEPs debated the working programme of the European Commission 2010 with the Commission's President José Manuel Barroso. The latter is focusing on four priorities: the fight to counter the crisis, placing the citizen at the heart of European action, enhancing the Union's role in the world and modernising working methods. The European Commission's working programme in 2010 is a point of division in the European Parliament. The European People's Party is happy with the work achieved to boost employment and to regulate the financial markets. The S&D group regrets the lack of ambition and coherent vision for Europe.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd April the heads of the three main political groups in the European Parliament, Joseph Daul (EPP), Martin Schulz (S&D) and Guy Verhofstadt (ADLE) warned that they might veto the present project for a European external action service which "approves the return of intergovernmentalism" to the detriment of the common interest. The MPs accuse the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy, Catherine Ashton of granting too much influence to the States. They also criticise the organisation chart of this new joint diplomatic service which is the subject of negotiations between the Council, the Commission and the permanent Representatives of the States. Although Parliament has the right of veto over budgetary aspects it threatens to "use all possible means available to it by co-decision " to achieve an overall agreement.

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1 January 1970

On 19th April European Telecommunications Ministers unanimously approved the Grenada Declaration that lays the foundation of European digital future with the starting point being goals such as the complete coverage of the community's territory with broad band networks by 2013, the elimination of reglementary obstacles with regard to cross-obrder transactions and joint legislation against piracy.

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1 January 1970

Negotiations between the EU and Croatia with regard to the free movement of merchandise have been finalised. With the closure of the 18th chapter on 19th April there are now 15 other chapters to negotiate. The Croatian negotiator Vladimir Drobnjak said he was confident that although there were still three chapters to open, Zagreb can maintain the deadline it set itself and finalise EU accession negotiations by the end of the year.

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1 January 1970

The up-dating of the police database in the Schengen area, SIS II that is supposed to extend and enhance the SIS I+ database designed for a Schengen area limited to 18 countries "is the cause of great concern but most countries have decided to continue," said Cecilia Malmström, Commission for Internal Affairs after a meeting on 23rd April between the 27 Interior Ministers.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish Presidency of the EU, together with the Commission has convened an extraordinary meeting of the Transport Ministers Council on 4th May to encourage the establishment of a the "Single European Sky" in the wake of the recent air crisis caused by the volcanic ash cloud. This meeting will aim to "launch joint reflection to address improvements in European response mechanisms that will enable us to react rapidly and in a coordinated manner to crisis situations."

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1 January 1970

On 22nd April German Chancellor Angela Merkel reiterated her support of the German army's mission in Afghanistan before the Bundestag. She called on Bundestag MPs to support this mandate.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd April the German Parliament voted in favour of Iceland's membership of the EU. The government coalition CDU/CSU and FDP approved a resolution in this sense; the opposition parties (SPD, Greens and Die Linke) also delivered texts in favour of the island's full membership of the EU.

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1 January 1970

German Chancellor Angela Merkel set her conditions on 23rd April with regard to aid for Greece which would be activated only if "the stability of the euro as a whole" is threatened and if Athens presented " programme of credible savings". German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said in an interview with the Bild am Sonntag on 25th April that aid to Greece is conditioned by the implementation of a "strict austerity policy". He said that "the government (German) will take a decision only after the approval of the EU Council."

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1 January 1970

The third international conference devoted to a strategy to develop the Danube basin opened on 19th April in Vienna with a call on the part of Austrian Environmental Umbrella Association (UWD -Unweltdachverband) to place this meeting under the banner of ecology. The aim is to find sustainable solutions for the use of the Danube in a respectful manner not only with regard to river navigation requirements but also for the regional economy, tourism, protection of nature, ecology and also for the protection of drinking water reserves," said the Federation's chair, which is responsible for the Danube Basin, Gerhard Heilingbrunner. "The strategy will be one for the Danube region and not just for the river Danube and is must include the interests of the wealthiest and the poorest entities in Europe," stressed the Austrian Foreign Minister.

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1 January 1970

The outgoing head of the Austrian state, Heinz Fischer, (SPÖ) was re-elected on 24th April during the presidential election - he won 78% of the vote against the FPÖ candidate (far right) Barbara Rosenkranz, 16% and Christian Party leader CPÖ Rudolf Gehring, 6%.

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1 January 1970

Austria and Russia signed an agreement in Vienna on 24th April with regard to the construction of the Russian-Italian gas pipeline South Stream - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann were present.

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Political Crisis

1 January 1970

On 22nd April the Belgian government led by Yves Leterme presented its resignation following a linguistic conflict between French and Flemish speakers and the departure of the ruling coalition led by the Flemish liberal party, Open VLD. In the name of territorial and linguistic homogeneity of their region, the Flemish are questioning the special linguistic rights granted to some 100,000 French speakers living in the Flemish suburb of Brussels. Belgium has given itself until 29th April to try and settle the dispute between French and Flemish speakers and to avoid the organisation of early general elections. King Albert II is trying to nurture dialogue and announced on 24th April that he had asked Finance Minister Didier Reynders to undertake work in this direction. According to a press release Mr Reynders will have to "guarantee quickly that conditions are fulfilled for the rapid resumption of negotiations," with regard to French speakers' linguistic rights in the Flemish speaking suburb of Brussels.

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1 January 1970

The Bulgarian parliament swept aside a veto imposed by the Bulgarian President Gueorgui Parvanov against amendments to the Penal Code and adopted on 21st April a series of measures that aim to make the legal system simpler. According to the Constitution President Parvanov is now obliged to sign the amendments so that they can enter force.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish Secretary of State for Energy, Pedro Marin presented the 2009 energy results for Spain on 19th April. This confirms the Spanish government's determination to foster renewable energies and energy efficacy. In 2009 renewable energies represented 12.3% of the total energy production in Spain.

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1 January 1970

Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen announced on 21st April that the Finnish government wanted to build two new nuclear reactors in the country. "The decision (...) will help Finland become 100% self-sufficient in electricity," declared the Finance Minister, Jyrki Katainen. The project has to be approved by Parliament by the end of 2010. Areva is the favourite is terms of winning the call for tender on the part of the Finnish government.

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1 January 1970

France included in its 2010 budget 3.9 billion euros in aid for Greece out of the 6.3 billion planned as part of its contribution to the European aid plan.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 25th April by the National Electoral Bureau (OVI) the opposition party FIDESZ won the 2/3 majority of the seats in parliament after the second round of general elections. FIDESZ will have 262 seats according to the OVI whilst the 2/3 majority is 258 seats of the 386 in the Hungarian Parliament. The Socialist Party (MSZP) in office now only has 59 seats. Jobbik, far right, enters parliament with 47 seats. Finally a fourth party also makes its debut, the LMP, (ecology leftwing) with 16 seats.

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1 January 1970

The Italian car manufacturing group Fiat announced on 21st April an operation to enter the stock market which will lead to a separation of car activities from other types of activity - and it has demonstrated ambitious objectives to be achieved by 2014 thanks to its alliance with Chrysler. Iveco (lorries and buses), CNH (agricultural and building machines) and industrial activities of the FPT division will be part of a new group called Fiat Industrial that should be floated in Milan by the end of 2010. Car activities will rally the marks Fiat, Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Ferrari and Maserati - components will also remain within the present group. Fiat holds 20% of the American Chrysler at present but this figure is due to rise to 35% before it possibly takes over a majority of the capital long term. John Elkann, grandson of Gianni Agnelli, was appointed as head of the Fiat group.

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1 January 1970

The interim Polish President, Bronislaw Komorowski has set the date for the presidential election for 20th June. The election that was initially planned for the autumn has been brought forward after the accidental death of Lech Kaczynski on 10th April in an air crash. According to Polish legislation a possible second round will take place on 4th July. The Polish Democratic Left Alliance (SLD, opposition), the third political force in parliament appointed its head Grzegorz Napieralski on 22nd April as presidential election candidate for 20th June. The Civic Platform candidate (PO) is the interim President. It remains to be seen who the Law and Justice Party (PiS) will appoint as candidate to replace Lech Kaczynski.

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Czech Republic


1 January 1970

the leader of the lower chamber of the Czech parliament Miloslav Vlcek who according to the press has been involved in several suspicious affairs will resign on 30th April said the head of the Social Democratic Party (CSSD), Jiri Paroubek on 22nd April. Mr Vlcek "told us that he had decided to leave the post of leader of the lower chamber and not to stand in the general elections (28th and 29th May)", said Mr Paroubek, during a press conference.

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1 January 1970

Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi met his Italian counterpart Franco Frattini in Rome on 20th April. The two ministers expressed their desire to enhance cooperation in the Balkans, the Southern Caucasus and Central Europe. They agreed to step up work on the liberalisation of visas for Moldovan citizens and to support European membershiup hopes on the part of Western Balkan countries. The Italian minister recalled that Italy wanted to become the leading investor in Romania: 28,000 Italian companies are already present in the country. The two ministers also discussed issues of European security, saying they wanted to enhance the ESDP such as the additional pillar to NATO including the creation of joint brigades.

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1 January 1970

In an open letter published in the "Financial Times" on 22nd April the main British business leaders called on the future government to work closely with the EU to reduce the public deficit and to recover growth. The next government should in their opinion commit firmly to the main political trends in the EU because "it is there and not on the edge of Europe, that debates are taking place with regard to vital issues," they maintain.

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1 January 1970

A second televised debate on the Sky News channel brought together the three main candidates in the UK general elections on 22nd April: Gordon Brown (Labour), David Cameron (Tories) and Nick Clegg (LibDems). The discussion focused on foreign policy issues. The place of the country in Europe was the heart of the debate. An average of five instant polls broadcast immediately after the debate declared Mssrs Clegg and Cameron were running neck and neck (33.8% and 32.8% respectively of favourable opinion), ahead of Mr Brown (27.6%).

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1 January 1970

The German railway company Deutsche Bahn is to purchase the British transport operator Arriva for nearly 2 billion euros - which is sufficient to satisfy its ambitions for growth on the European market. Deutsche Bahn announced on 22nd April that it had agreed with the Arriva Board with regard to a friendly public purchase offer. Deutsche Bahn stressed the strategic importance of this acquisition, the most important in its history, which will enable it to enhance its hopes for growth internationally, especially in Europe where opening to growing competition is sharpening the appetite of both public and private operators.

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1 January 1970

On 19th April the Slovenian Parliament ratified the proposed agreement planning to settle the border dispute between Slovenia and Croatia by way of mediation. The vote was boycotted by opposition MPs who had previously achieved Prime Minister Borut Pahor's agreement to the organisation of a referendum on this agreement which is due to take place on 6th June 2010. The border dispute between the two countries is the main impediment to Croatia's accession to the EU. However although the parliamentary vote was positive the result of the referendum is less than certain.

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1 January 1970

Sweden decided to put an immediate end to the monopoly enjoyed by the public railway company SJ in order to increase the number of trains in operation afer the paralysis of air traffic that occurred in the wake of the volcanic ash cloud that came from Iceland. Sweden, which progressively opened its rail transport system up to competition starting in the 1990's, was initially due to end the public monopoly on October 1st with regard to passenger travel on major lines - the last area reserved to SJ. "The decision enters force as from today," declared the press release on the part of the Infrastructure Minister, Aasa Torstensson on 22nd April.

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1 January 1970

In a speech to the nation delivered on 22nd April Armenian President Serge Sarkissian confirmed the freezing of the ratification of the agreements made with Turkey in October last year which heralded the start of rapprochement between the two countries after nearly a century of tension and hostility. Tens of thousands of Armenians walked in the streets of Erevan on 24th April on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the massacre of the Armenians under the Ottoman Empire to the background of more tension with Turkey. Turkish Human Rights defenders, intellectuals and artists publicly commemorated the Armenian massacre of 1915-1917 for the first time in Istanbul on 24th April thereby breaking a taboo in Turkey, a country which denies the theory of genocide defended by the Armenians. Insan Haklari Dernegi – the leading Turkish NGO on human rights (IHD) organised a commemoration of the arrest of 220 members of the Armenian intelligentsia on 24th April 1915 - which marked the start of the massacres.

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1 January 1970

On 21st April Russian President Dmitri Medvedev travelled to Ukraine. It was the first visit on the part of a Russian head of State since 2006. The meeting between Dmitri Medvedev and his Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yanukovich completed Russian-Ukrainian reconciliation with regard to two contentious issues: gas and the presence of the Russian fleet in the Crimea - Black Sea. Ukraine will pay Russian gas cheaper (230 dollars/1000m3 instead of 330 dollars) and in return the Russian fleet will be able to anchor in Sebastopol until 2042.

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1 January 1970

European Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood Policy Commissioner Stefan Füle travelled to Ukraine from 21st to 23rd April. This visit aimed to enhance bilateral relations between the EU and Ukraine. In a speech delivered on 22nd April at the University of Kiev he spoke of the EU's desire to enhance its links with Ukraine to the greater benefit of its citizens and the future generations of both Ukraine and the EU.

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1 January 1970

In the labyrinth of European law travellers who fell victim of the ash cloud have not won their battle to achieve reimbursement. Former Vice-President of the European Commission, Jacques Barrot, did a great deal with regard to European air passenger rights. The regulation that entered into force on 17th February 2005 established common rules in terms of compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of refusal to embark, cancellation or major delay in a flight. However a Court of Justice decision (joint affairs C-402/07 and C-432/07 dating 19th November 2009) explains that passengers who suffer a lengthy delay in their flight and who reach their destination with a delay of three hours or more after the hour of arrival are entitled to financial compensation. But delays such as this do not give the right to compensation if this was caused by extraordinary circumstances.

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

On 22nd April the Council of Europe expressed concern with regard to the inability of the Bosnian authorities to amend the Constitution believed by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to be discriminatory with regard to Jews and Roms. "Bosnia-Herzegovina is the cause for concern on the part of the Committee of Ministers," the executive of the pan-European organisation, said its chair, Micheline Calmy-Rey, Swiss Foreign Minister. "This is a serious problem for the Council of Europe. This situation is not a comfortable one," added Ms Calmy-Rey to the press in Sarajevo.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd April the 28 Foreign Ministers of NATO looked into the modernisation of an alliance that is still affected by the Cold War; this would imply a lightening of its structure and an additional nuclear anti-missile defence system. They debated a reform of the civilian and military structures within NATO then nuclear and anti-missile defence issues. They agreed that none of the 240 American nuclear arms that are still stored in Europe will be withdrawn unilaterally without prior agreement of all of the allies. They also discussed the conditions of the progressive transfer over to Afghan authorities both in civil and military terms to allow the disengagement of foreign troops. Finally they granted, under reserve, Bosnia-Herzegovina's inclusion as partner in the Plan in view of membership thereby enabling it to hope long term to be able to enter the Atlantic Alliance.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 22nd April the public deficit and the public debt grew in 2009 in comparison with 2008 both in the euro area and in the EU, whilst the GDP declined. In the euro area the public deficit/GDP ratio increased rising from 2% in 2008 to 6.3% in 2009 and in the EU from 2.3% to 6.8%. The public debt/GDP ratio increased in the euro area from 69.4% at the end of 2008 to 78.7% at the end of 2009 and in the EU from 61.6% to 73.6%.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 22nd April the EU's current account with third countries recorded a deficit of 9.2 billion euros in the fourth quarter of 2009, in comparison with a deficit of 54.8 billion in the fourth quarter of 2008 and a deficit of 23.1 billion in the third quarter of 2009.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 23rd April in the euro zone the new industrial orders index rose by 1.5% in February 2010 in comparison with January 2010. In January 2010 the index declined by 1.6%. In the EU new orders rose by 1.1% in February 2010 after a rise of 0.3% in January 2010. Excluding naval construction as well as railway and aviation equipment whose variations tend to be more volatile new industrial orders rose by 2.5% in the euro area and by 1.9% in the EU.

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1 January 1970

A Eurobarometer survey published on 21st April revealed that alcohol consumption in the EU lies at a similar level to four years ago. Three people in four interviewed said they drank up to three times per week, young people aged 15 to 24 were more likely to drink at least five glasses of alcohol in any one particular situation. Excessive, frequent consumption of alcohol is a widespread phenomenon in the EU whilst awareness of the dangers it causes for health vary. Although that it is well known that alcohol abuse can lead to liver disease much less is known about its ability to cause cancer. Since 2006 the European Commission is working towards countering the damaging effects of alcohol together with national authorities, various NGOs and the wine and spirits industry.

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1 January 1970

The French Institution for International Relations (IFRI) recently published a study entitled "The German-Russian Economic Partnership: accepted interdependence" written by Christian Meier.

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1 January 1970

The Center for European Policy Studies published a paper by Daniel Gros on 21st April entitled "The Programme for Greek Fiscal Adjustment: an assessment." Pessimistic with regard to the adjustment plan the author believes that the growth hoped for on the part of the Greek government for recovery will not be achieved. The necessary fiscal adjustment to bring Greek pubic finances into a viable situation is due to be more difficult than initially announced.

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1 January 1970

The "One World International Documentary Film Festival" and the "Watch Docs Film Festival" together with the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic at the EU and under the patronage of Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, presented the fourth edition of "One World in Brussels" that took place from 12th to 19th April. The best documentary prize on Human Rights was given to Nancy Heikin for her film on North Korea, Kimjongilia.

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1 January 1970

Commission President José Manuel Barroso announced on 21st April the establishment of a Reflection Group on digitisation, comprising Maurice Lévy (CEO of Publicis), Elisabeth Niggemann (Chair of the German National Library) and Jacques De Decker (Writer). These experts will put forward recommendations to step up the pace of digitisation, on line access and the preservation of cultural works across Europe. They will look into issues of funding, copyright, digital distribution and accessibility. These recommendations will lead to the further development of Europeana, the European digital library launched in November 2008. The aim of this initiative is to help the cultural sector in its transition towards the digital age.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the 50th birthday of the modern German painter Neo Rauch the Museum of Modern Art in Leipzig and the New Pinacothèque of Munich are jointly showing around 60 of his paintings until 15th August. Neo Rauch invented an original pictural language that brings together abstract elements and surrealist design.

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1 January 1970

The cinema festival "Crossing Europe" in Linz ended on 25th April. During the six days of the festival "Crossing Europe" offered audiences both full feature and short films. The prize was given to Croatians Zvonimir Juric and Goran Devic for their film (Crnci/The Blacks).

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Newsletter Archives

General elections 26 October in Georgia: a referendum on Europe

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°438- version of 26 avr. 2010