The Newsletter43719 avr. 2010

La Lettre

Jean-François Jamet

19 April 2010


EU/ 60th anniversary

1 January 1970

The latest April-June issue of "Confrontations Europe" has just come out. In it, the President of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, publishes an article entitled "The Schuman declaration has enabled us to remain in history. What about tomorrow?" He explains that at a time when we are about to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the European Community, the Union needs to get back to its original dynamic: political will.

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Schuman Report

1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has just brought out the 4th edition of "L'état de l'Union 2010, rapport Schuman sur l'Europe" published by Lignes de Repères. This reference work is available in bookshops and from the Foundation's web site. Order it.

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1 January 1970

Following the closure of some of Europe's air space due to a cloud of ash from Iceland, the president of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean- Dominique Giuliani, publishes an editorial on our web site entitled "Europe, victim of the principle of precaution?"

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Election / Austria

1 January 1970

About 6.3 million Austrians will be called on to vote on 24th April to elect their Head of State. The presidential role is an essentially honorary position. There are three candidates Heinz Fischer, Barbara Rosenkranz and Rudolf Gehring. A week before the vote, only a very low turnout could affect the forecast victory of Heinz Fischer in the presidential election. According to the latest opinion polls, the outgoing president could collect about 70% of the vote, with 15% going to Barbara Rosenkranz and 5% to Rudolf Gehring.

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Financial crisis


1 January 1970

On 13th April Greece successfully issued six month and one year Treasury bonds representing an amount of 1.56 billion €, an operation that created very strong demand from investors, after days of uncertainty marked by pressure from the markets. Athens, which was returning to the markets after firming up the country's European aid plan, placed 780 million € in 26 week bonds at a rate of 4.55% and 780 million € in 52-week bonds at a rate of 4.85%, exceeding the objective it had set for itself of 1.2 billion €. Greece announced on 16th April that it intended to raise 1.5 billion € in Treasury bonds whereas the government is preparing to request a possible loan from European supplemented by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). "On 20th April the Greek Republic will issue 13-week treasury bonds (....) with maturity at 23rd July 2010" announced the Greek organisation in charge of debt management.

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1 January 1970

On 15th April the Swedish government presented its annual draft project on taxation in which it indicates the measures it plans to implement to bring the country out of the current financial crisis. It has announced an additional budget of 4.9 billion Swedish krona (503 million €) intended to help those people most affected by the crisis and to stimulate job creation. Amongst the measures planned are an additional income tax reduction for pensioners and an increase in family benefits for large families.

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1 January 1970

Consumer prices in Latvia increased by 0.5% in March 2010 compared to February, announced the Latvian statistics office on 12th April, but they fell by 3.9% compared to March 2009, a possible consequence of the contraction of public spending begun in 2009 to reduce the State budgetary deficit.

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1 January 1970

On 13th April the Austrian chancellor Werner Faymann confirmed that the discussion on Greece has highlighted the fact that the European Union needs its own financial architecture.

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1 January 1970

On 12th April the governor of the island's Central Bank, Asthanasios Orphanides, referred to the critical state of the economy. He declared that "the economy is still in recession and we cannot exclude contraction in 2010". The Cypriot economy risks a crisis without precedent if the government cannot succeed in stimulating growth and reducing debt; the budgetary deficit could reach 7% of GDP in 2010, massively exceeding the 3% contained in the Stability and Growth Pact.

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1 January 1970

European members of the Economic and Monetary Affairs commission at the European Parliament organised a hearing on the budgetary crisis in Greece on 14th April during which they questioned Olli Rehn, European Commissioner with responsibility for economic and monetary affairs, Walter Radermacher, Director General of Eurostat, Gerald Corrigan, President of Goldman Sachs in the United States and Richard Metcalfe, Director of General Policies at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association. During the first part of the hearing, MPs looked at the next steps to be taken in surveillance and economic governance in the European Union, as well as at means by which to improve the reliability of national statistics. The second part of the hearing was given over to management of the debts of member States and to reinforcement of the surveillance of derivatives markets.

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1 January 1970

According to a press release dated 15th April, issued by the Belgian statistics and economic information department, 978 businesses were declared bankrupt in Belgium in March 2010. This figure is down by 2.8% compared to 2009. The number of bankruptcies recorded over the past three months amounts to 2,584, which represents an increase of 0.7% compared to the same period in the previous year. At regional level, for the same three-month period, a 1.3% reduction in bankruptcies is observed in Flanders and of 0.9% in Walloonia. On the other hand there was a 10% increase in the number of bankruptcies in Brussels.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish government, which has adopted an austerity plan to bring public deficit down to 3% of GDP in 2013, compared to 11.2% in 2009, is willing to take additional measures to achieve this objective, declared Spain's Economy Minister.

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J-C Juncker

1 January 1970

In an interview published on 15th April in the Financial Times Deutschland, the President of the Eurogroup, Jean-Claude Juncker expresses his concern over Germany's "great reticence" regarding Europe, when it put the brakes on the aid plan for Greece. "That one takes as a priority a domestic policy view of European matters instead of a European view of domestic policy matters worries me", he declared. More generally he regrets that European leaders "denigrate Europe's successes". He also underlines the role of the single currency which "protected us all during the financial crisis" and pleads for strengthening of cooperation in Europe, in the form, for example, of a joint European army or a common tax.

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1 January 1970

For a better understanding of the challenges of the economic and financial crisis, the Robert Schuman foundation has set up a special page with details of all the articles it has published on this subject.

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1 January 1970

On 15th April the main German economic climate institutes proved to be more optimistic regarding the economy than just a few months ago, with growth forecast for this year reviewed upwards along with a slight reduction in unemployment. The five institutes, which published the first of their two annual reports, used by Berlin as the basis for it own forecasts, foresee an average unemployment rate of 8.1% this year, compared with 8.2% last year. Such a development would go against all the other forecasts available to date, which foresee a deferred reaction on the employment market to the crisis which impacted the German economy head on last year, with a clear increase in unemployment.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Economy and Finance Ministers met in Madrid on 16th and 17th April for an informal council meeting during which they debated ways of improving EU economic coordination.

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European Council


1 January 1970

Further to his meeting on 15th April with Sali Berisha, Albanian Prime Minister, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, declared that "Albania has a very clear political vision and ambition". Mr Van Rompuy repeated his wish to see the whole of the Western Balkans region join the European Union and said that he had discussed the development of Albanian policies and the liberalisation of visas with the Albanian Prime Minister. Mr Van Rompuy acknowledged the important role played by Albania in peace-keeping and security in the region.

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1 January 1970

On 13th April the European Commission indicated that a joint customs operation (Matthew II), has resulted in the seizure of over 16 million cigarettes, 241 kilograms of tobacco products, 6,400 litres of alcohol, 20 metric tons of counterfeit perfumes, 53,418 other counterfeit items, such as bags, coats, scarves and wallets and 1,515 kilograms of cannabis. During the operational phase, which ran from 24th November to 3rd December 2009, over 25 million cigarettes were also confiscated during additional seizures made in some European Union ports. The operation was coordinated at OLAF head office by a permanent operational coordination unit (POCU), made up of liaison officers from the customs authorities in 9 EU Member States, a liaison officer from Serbia and a liaison officer from Europol.

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1 January 1970

The European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission held a joint conference on 15th April in ECB premises in Frankfurt on financial integration and stability. This conference was an opportunity for economic and political decision-makers to discuss the implications of the crisis on the integration and stability of European and world financial markets. In his introduction, Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB, declared "This joint conference is a good illustration of the long standing cooperation between the ECB and the Commission in the field of financial integration". He also called for "coherent action on the part of all politicians, both at European and national level".

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1 January 1970

On 13th April the European Commission launched a call for proposals amounting to 35 million € for projects in eco-innovation that will be financed under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP).

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2009 budget

1 January 1970

Total expenditure in the European Union in 2009 corresponded to the amount of the budget voted. Figures published on 16th April by the European Commission show a surplus of 2.25 billion €, which corresponds to 1.9% of the 2009 budget (117.625 €). The surplus will be deducted from contributions by Member States to the 2010 budget.

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Volcano /continued

1 January 1970

President of the European Commission Barroso decided on 18th April to set up an ad-hoc group to assess the impact of the situation created by the cloud of volcanic ash on the air travel industry and on the economy in general.

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1 January 1970

On 12th April European members of the Agriculture commission discussed the future of the common agricultural policy after 2013, with European Commissioner, Dacian Ciolos. Any reform project has to be defined in cooperation with citizens, to ensure that the CAP benefits society as a whole, guaranteeing economic viability and the environmental sustainability of agricultural methods, as well as fair distribution of financial aid. Producing more quality food using less land, less water and less energy will be the challenge facing the new CAP, which will also have to guarantee the competitiveness of European agriculture and a fair balance between consumer prices and producer income. To this end the "current CAP financing level must be maintained after 2013". The Commission, which must present a proposal before the end of the year, has announced the launch of an Internet site to collect contributions from citizens.

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1 January 1970

The committee of the European People's Party group (EPP) met on 15th and 16th April in Kosice to define its position on the major topics of the day. Discussions concentrated on the impact of the economic and financial crisis on employment and social matters as well as on a long-term economic vision for Europe. Commission members took this opportunity to affirm their support for the EU 2020 Strategy and underlined their belief that education is the most important factor for future EU growth. They also discussed questions of enlargement, referring to the possible need to reinforce and supplement current membership criteria, known as the Copenhagen criteria.

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1 January 1970

On 18th April Elena Salgado, the Spanish Economy Minister, called for "better coordination of monetary policies" with Asia, following a Europe-Asia meeting on financial matters.

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1 January 1970

On 14th April the Council adopted on first reading a position on the draft directive on the energy efficiency of buildings, which clarifies and reinforces directive 2002/91/EC, and reduces differences in legislation between Member States. The new directive provides that the level of emissions from new buildings should be almost zero by 2020. This project is part of the "Energy Efficiency Packet" presented by the Commission in November 2008. Parliament had already accepted the amended text, in April 2009. Thanks to coordination between the two co-legislators, Parliament should vote for the text that has been approved by the Council at its next plenary session.

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1 January 1970

The 6th issue of the magazine on joint defence and security policy was published on 15th April.

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1 January 1970

The German government has presented a report on the Western Balkans ("Bericht der Bundesregierung über die Ergebnisse ihrer Bemühungen um die Weiterentwicklung der politischen und ökonomischen Gesamtstrategie für die Balkanstaaten und ganz Südosteuropa"). According to the German government, for these countries the prospect of joining Europe represents a "decisive driving force" for commencing reforms and stabilising their countries.

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United States

1 January 1970

On 12th April, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel made a statement concerning her trip to the United States, which took place from 12th to 17th April. She underlined the importance of the conference on nuclear security and particularly the security of nuclear equipment in view of the asymmetric threats of the 21st century. Angela Merkel also announced a bilateral meeting with the US President, Barack Obama, which will address strategy in Afghanistan, the continuation of climate conference talks and preparation of the next G20 meeting.

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The future?

1 January 1970

The former Belgian Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene, asked last year by King Albert II to work with a view to such a proposal, announced on 18th April that he was now ready to reveal it on 19th April to the main Belgian political parties. He indicated in a communiqué that he had asked the current head of government, Yves Leterme, to call a meeting on 19th of the chairmen of parties represented within the federal coalition, both Flemish and French-speaking, in order to present them with a "substantive proposal".

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1 January 1970

The French and Italian Foreign Ministers, Bernard Kouchner and Franco Frattini, have announced that they are in favour of liberalisation of visas for access to the Schengen area for Bosnians and Albanians, in a joint statement published in the "Le Monde" newspaper on 14th April.

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Carbon Tax

1 January 1970

In a joint letter sent to the President of the European Commission, published on 15th April, the French President Nicolas Sarkozy and the President of the Italian council, Silvio Berlusconi, request José Manuel Barroso to include a "carbon tax" mechanism on Europe's borders in the proposals he is expected to make in June on "carbon leakage". The two men write "We believe that it is essential that the Commission's report is used to specify the conditions under which such a mechanism for adjustment at the borders could be put into place".

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1 January 1970

In its combat to re-establish market confidence in its public finances, Greece has just adopted a new tax law, voted on 14th April by the Greek Parliament. This law aims to impose greater taxation on large incomes, the Church's real estate fortune and extra-territorial businesses. It does away with tax exemptions enjoyed by certain categories of tax payers. "The new draft law is a revolution for Greece, it is a breakaway in favour of everyone, in favour of a clean economy and against dirty money", stated the Greek Prime Minister, George Papandreou. This law should act as a strong signal to the markets of the Greek authorities' desire for recovery.

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1 January 1970

On 15th April the Greek Finance Minister, George Papaconstantinou, sent a letter to Olli Rehn, European Commissioner in charge of economic matters, Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) and Dominique Strauss-Khan, Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), requesting the opening of discussions to develop a multiannual economic policies programme, as provided for in the 11th April agreement made between the 16 Eurogroup Finance Ministers. This programme should define which economic policies would be supported by joint EU and IMF aid, "should the Greek authorities request such aid", states the letter.

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Elections / Analysis

1 January 1970

The opposition party led by Viktor Orban (FIDESZ) won a resounding victory in the 1st round of general elections in Hungary. The "Szazadveg" Institute has published a series of tables and graphs on this 1st round. The 2nd round will be held on 25th April.

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1 January 1970

The Italian Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini, and the Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, signed a new triennial protocol on 12th April in which Italy undertakes to invest 51 million € in support to small and medium businesses, agriculture and social policies in Albania. Franco Frattini recalled the friendship between the two countries and underlined the large-scale integration of the Albanian community in Italy (20,000 students are registered with Italian universities). He mentioned the possibility of cooperation in the renewable energies sector and reaffirmed Italian support for the liberalisation of visas for Albanian and Bosnian nationals.

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Foreign Trade

1 January 1970

According to data published by the National Statistics Institute (Istat) on 15th April, in February 2010, exports rose by 7.3% on an annual basis (+11% for exports to countries in the Union, +2,3% for other exports) and imports by 12.9% (+14.9% for imports from the Union and +10.4% for other imports). The trade deficit amounts to 2 332 million €, compared to 895 million in February 2009. On the current economic basis, Istat records an increase of 3.6% for imports (+2.7% for Union countries and +4.7% for the rest of the world) and of 2.5% for exports (no difference between the two geographic zones).

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1 January 1970

The Luxembourg Finance Minister presented governmental proposals on 14th April aiming to reduce public deficit in the Grand Duchy. The aim of Jean-Claude Juncker's government is to achieve a balanced budget by 2014. The State's debt is set to rise to 12 billion € by 2014, i.e. 27% of GDP. The Minister explained that it would be "irresponsible" to go beyond 30% debt in a very open, small economy such as the one in Luxembourg. The reduction in deficit will happen both by means of a reduction in expenditure and by means of an increase in income, a twofold development framed by the principles of joint efforts and social justice.

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1 January 1970

On 17th and 18th April Pope Benedict XVI made an apostolic journey to the very devotedly catholic European island of Malta, in the footsteps of Saint Paul. The trip was an opportunity for the Pope to praise the defence of Christian values, to talk about immigration and also to make important gestures such as his meeting with a group of victims of sexual abuse committed by members of the clergy.

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1 January 1970

On 14th April the interim President of Poland, Bronislaw Komorowski, agreed with the opposition party that the first round of the early presidential elections, following the death of President Lech Kaczynski, would be held on 20th June, postponing to 21st April the official announcement of this date. To choose a successor to Lech Kaczynski, the electoral calendar is extremely tight. 55 days from the election potential candidates must have each collected 100,000 signatures in their favour.

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United Kingdom

Elections / Campaign

1 January 1970

The three main political parties in Britain, (Labour, Conservative, Liberal-Democrats) have now presented their programmes for the general elections to be held on 6th May. The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, leader of the Labour party was the first to present his party's manifesto on 12th April. He was followed on 13th by David Cameron, leader of the Conservatives and by the Liberal-Democrat leader, Nick Clegg, on 14th April. The three candidates faced one other during a televised debate screened on ITV on 15th April. In view of the fact that results are set to be extremely tight between the Conservative and Labour candidates, the Liberal-Democrat candidate could well find himself acting as arbitrator. The difficult economic situation and a very morose political climate means that the three candidates' margin for manoeuvre is extremely limited. Each of them promises economic measures to get the country out of the current crisis, along with political reforms that aim to restore confidence in the political class.

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1 January 1970

On 12th April David Ford, head of the Alliance Party, a non-confessional party, was appointed as Justice Minister in Northern Ireland by the regional assembly, on the day of devolution from London to Belfast of justice and policing powers.

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Programme / Stability

1 January 1970

On 14th April the European Commission examined the stability programme that was submitted to it by the Portuguese government on 29th March. The Commission recalled the fact that the road to budgetary equilibrium will be full of pitfalls, particularly with regard to adoption and implementation of the projected measures. It also qualified post-2010 growth forecasts as "somewhat optimistic" and considered that this may not contribute as much as planned to stabilizing of the budget.

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1 January 1970

On 12th April the World Bank and Croatia signed an agreement for a 26 million € loan to finance reforms intended to make Croatia's legal institutions more efficient, in step with Croatia's bid to join the European Union. The Croatian Justice Minister, Ivan Simonovic, stated that the judicial reforms would be amongst Croatia's "top priorities". The amount allocated will be used to modernise I.T. systems in several courts, to train management staff and to improve infrastructures, he added. The World Bank decided to allocate this loan to Croatia at a 2% interest rate, to be reimbursed over 18 years.

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EU membership?

1 January 1970

Croatia is doing everything to conclude EU membership negotiations between now and the end of 2010 and hopes that an agreement will be signed in 2011, said Croatia's Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor on 13th April, during a trip to Helsinki. "That is our main aim, both in terms of domestic and external policy" she declared, saying that Croatia considered the European Union as "its home". Jadranska Kosor underlined the fact that Croatia was ready to open negotiations on the chapter on legal power, coming under chapter 23 of the 35 included in the EU membership negotiation process. Chapter 23 is causing a stumbling block to Croatian negotiations with some Member States, including the Netherlands, believing that Croatia did not cooperate sufficiently with the international criminal tribunal on former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Since the chapter on the environment and fishing was opened in February, Croatia now has only 5 theme chapters to open.

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1 January 1970

On 14th April the Croatian President Ivo Josipovic issued a strong message of reconciliation to Bosnia-Herzegovina, expressing his "regrets" for the role played by his country in the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia. "I sincerely regret that Croatia, with its policy (...) contributed to that", declared Mr Josipovic before the Bosnian Parliament, referring to the war that tore Bosnia-Herzegovina apart.

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United States


1 January 1970

On 12th and 13th April, 47 States took part in Washington in the first nuclear security summit. They committed to secure, over a four year period "vulnerable nuclear materials" so as to reduce the threat of nuclear terrorism. They believe that this will involve "responsible national action and sustained, efficient international cooperation". In a 12 point text they call for "international cooperation" which does not encroach on "the rights of States" to use nuclear energy peacefully. They reaffirm their support for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) based in Vienna, underlining "its essential role". Leaders encourage cooperation at all levels (bilateral, regional and multilateral) with a view to reinforcing nuclear security, including by means of technical assistance provided by some countries to others.

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Northern Zone / Cyprus

1 January 1970

On 18th April Dervis Eroglu won the election in the northern zone of Cyprus, a victory liable to compromise the island's reunification process, which is currently on-going under the aegis of the UN. According to final official results, Dervis Eroglu, head of the National Unity Party (UBP), collected 50.38% of votes cast, compared to 42.85% for outgoing Mehmet Ali Talat.

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Karadzic / ICTY

1 January 1970

On 13th April the former political leader of the Serbs in Bosnia, Radovan Karadzic, faced at his trial in the Hague the first prosecution witness, a Bosnian Muslim who told of the atrocities he suffered during the Bosnian war (1992-1995). Mr Karadzic, 64, who has chosen to defend himself, cross-examined the former prisoner of the Serbian detention camps, Ahmet Zulic, 62, before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Arrested on 18th June 1992, Ahmet Zulic, who has already been a witness in three trials at the ICTY, was detained for five months by Serbian forces.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 14th April industrial production increased by 0.9% in the euro zone and by 0.7% in the European Union in February 2010 compared to January 2010. In January production increased respectively by 1.6% and 1.7%. In February 2010, compared to February 2009, industrial production increased by 4.1% in the euro area and by 3.5% in the European Union.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 16th April, the annual inflation rate in the euro area was 1.4% in March 2010, compared to 0.9% in February. A year previously, it was 0.6%. The monthly inflation rate was 0.9% in March 2010. The annual inflation rate in the European Union was 1.9% in March 2010 compared to 1.5% in February. A year previously it was 1.3%.

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External trade

1 January 1970

According to initial estimates published by Eurostat for the month of February 2010, the euro zone recorded a foreign trade surplus of 2.6 billion € with the rest of the world, compared with -1.2 billion in February 2009. The balance recorded in January 2010 was -9 billion, compared with -12 billion in January 2009. In February 2010, compared to January 2010, exports increased by 2.7% and imports by 1.5%.

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Studies / Reports


1 January 1970

According to a report published on 13th April by the independent institute "European Climate Foundation", the development of renewable energies in the European Union will require an average investment of 52 billion € per year through until 2050, and two countries, France and Spain, will be preponderant in this action. Solar energy and wind power are the two main sources of renewable energy set to replace oil, gas and coal between now and 2050. The report indicates that Spain should become the main EU producer of solar energy. Its network will carry most of solar energy production from North Africa via the Gibraltar straits. France will play a double role. It should produce a substantial share of wind power in the EU and, in view of its central position, it will be the hub for transit of electricity produced in Spain and the United Kingdom, to the north and east of Europe.

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1 January 1970

The report produced by the Parliamentary enquiry commission on the causes of the collapse of the Icelandic banking system in October 2008, was published on 12th April. In this 2300-page report, the Commission is particularly scathing of the "extreme negligence" of former conservative Prime Minister Geir Haarde and of the former governor of the central bank, David Oddsson. The report, which has been sent to the Icelandic prosecutor, goes back over the history of the collapse, whilst analysing the weaknesses of the Icelandic political system. The authors spoke to 147 witnesses and benefited from a suspension of banking secrecy. The story starts in 2003 with the privatisation of modest Icelandic banks, whose liabilities increased by 20 in seven years. Their short-term debt quickly became 15 times greater than reserves held by the central bank.

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1 January 1970

In April the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) published a report entitled "Prospects of a Triangular Relationship ? Energy Relations between the EU, Russia and Turkey" directed by Kristin Linke and Marcel Viëtor.

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1 January 1970

According to the annual report on the RAPEX system published by the European Commission on 15th April, the number of dangerous non-food products notified by the community rapid alert system increased by 7% compared to 2008. This increase proves that the capacities of the RAPEX system increased again in 2009 thanks to more efficient surveillance of the market by Member States. The number of notifications has more than quadrupled in six years, increasing from 468 (in 2004) to 1993 (in 2009). European companies are also showing proof of a greater sense of responsibility and are less reticent about withdrawing their dangerous products from the market. They have also started to use the rapid alert system for business more systematically ("Business Application"). The most frequently notified products in 2009 were toys, clothing and motorised vehicles.

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1 January 1970

The Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI) has just published a book entitled "Radioscopies de l'Allemagne 2010", directed by Louis-Marie Clouet and Hans Stark. This book analyses current German political and economic challenges and addresses, amongst other things, German management of the recession, new directions for foreign and security policies, social justice, family policy and "German-German" relations, 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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Museum / Paris

1 January 1970

The Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits, founded by Gérard Lhéritier, opened on 15th April in Paris with an exhibition devoted to a major literary figure, Marcel Proust (1871-1922). With some 160 documents, several of which have never been published, the new Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits will present an exceptional collection, given over to Proust. Letters and manuscripts will be on show, along with drawings, photographs and original editions, covering almost the entire adult life of the author, from 1894 to his death in 1922.

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1 January 1970

On 15th April the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy and the Israeli President, Shimon Peres, launched a "joint Europe-Israel house" that includes foundations and friendship associations from the Hebrew State and ten European countries, with the aim of "bringing civil societies together". Simone Veil will act as President of the "joint house" and the vice-presidency will be held by the Spanish author Jorge Semprun.

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Festival / Copenhagen

1 January 1970

The Copenhagen International Film Festival, CPH PIX, opened on 15th April with some 180 films for viewing from the world over and an official selection devoted to new talents in the film world. "Our ambition is to offer new directors a chance, allowing them to show their work and to act as a springboard for budding new talent from every continent", says the Festival's director, Jacob Neiiendam.

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Art / Brussels

1 January 1970

The 28th Art Brussels event, to be held from 23rd to 26th April, will welcome over 30,000 professionals, collectors and art lovers from the world over. Art Brussels is the European platform for burgeoning talent in the contemporary art world.

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Art / Lille

1 January 1970

The Lille Art Fair will be held for the 3rd time this year from 22nd to 25th April at the Grand Palais in Lille. For the 4-day fair, 60 galleries will be showing in 8000 m2 exhibition space - come and be surprised by the original programme on offer: Print Art Fair, prestige exhibitions, special events, performances and signature sessions.

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Newsletter Archives

General elections 26 October in Georgia: a referendum on Europe

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°437- version of 19 avr. 2010