The Newsletter4355 avr. 2010

La Lettre

Michel Barnier

5 April 2010



1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation and the CERI are organising a seminar on 12th April entitled "After the Crisis: what is the new economic approach in Europe?" The event will take place with Jean-François Jamet, economist, former consultant to the World Bank, teacher of political economy at Sciences Po. Jérôme Sgard, research director at the CERI-Sciences Po will join in the debate. It is obligatory to enrol.

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1 January 1970

Just a few days before the first round of the general elections on 11th April in Hungary the FIDESZ (present opposition) lies easily ahead in the polls. According to Szazadveg, it is due to win 59% of the vote whilst Jobbik (far right) is ahead with 17% over the MSZP which is due to win 16% of the vote. Nezopoint indicates that the FIDESZ is due to win 57% of the vote in comparison with 10% for the MSZP and 9% for Jobbik. The Hungarians opt for Viktor Orban (Fidesz) in the position of Prime Minister with 47% of the vote in comparison with 26% for Lajos Bokros, the Democratic Forum candidate (MDF) and 15% for socialist Attila Mesterhazy. Jobbik is rising again in the polls. Can the far right party pull ahead of the Socialist Party? Can it prevent the FIDESZ from winning a 2/3 majority in Parliament?

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Schuman Report

1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has just published the fourth edition of the "State of the Union 2010, Schuman Report on Europe" with Lignes de Repères. This edition offers original analyses, unique maps and vital data to find out everything you need to know about Europe. As an example there is an article by Stefan Collignon, economist, on the theme of "Does the EU have an external economic strategy?" This reference work is available in bookshops and on the Foundation's internet site. Order it!

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Europe Forum

1 January 1970

On the 60th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration the third Europe Forum is being held on 17th April in Strasbourg. The Robert Schuman Foundation together with New Europe and the Council of Europe is organising a debate on the theme of "The Neighbourhood Policy: which policy for the EU's borders. The Ukrainian Issue." Another debate together with Eurofi is devoted to "financial governance and new regulations."

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

According to figures published on 31st March by the National Statistics and Economic Studies Institute (INSEE) the French public debt rose to 77.6% of the GDP in 2009 totalling 1.489 billion euros. France's GDP rose by 0.6% in the fourth quarter of 2009 in comparison with the previous quarter said the INSEE on 30th March. Over 2009 as a whole the GDP did however fall by 2.2% ie the worst post-war recession.

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1 January 1970

The UK economy recorded growth of 0.4% in the fourth quarter according to final data published on 30th March by the National Statistics Office. This review upwards is linked to a rise in figures in the service, construction and agricultural sectors. The GDP in the fourth quarter contracted by 3.1% in comparison with the same period in 2008 said the Statistics Office. The GDP in 2009 declined by 4.9% in comparison with the previous year.

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1 January 1970

On 30th March the Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan revealed a bank rescue plan. He explained that total or partial nationalisation of the countries biggest banks - which this plan should lead to - was "the lesser evil in terms of a solution". To be more precise the State is to inject 8.3 billion euros of additional capital into the Anglo Irish Bank, an establishment which was nationalised at the beginning of 2009. The State will help the banking groups that are floated on the stock market - Allied Irish Banks (AIB) and Bank of Ireland (Bofi) to recapitalise - after already providing each of them with 3.5 billion euros. It is due to become the "main shareholder" in the AIB of which it already held 25% of the capital; it is due to remain "the minority shareholder" of BofI of which it holds 16% of the capital at present. The government will also recapitalise two building societies - the Irish Nationwide and the EBS.

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1 January 1970

The Slovenian Central Bank reviewed its growth forecasts upwards for 2010 raising it from 3.1% of the GDP to 3.2% because of a more "favourable development in local and foreign demand" declared President Jozef Makuch.

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1 January 1970

Serbia's GDP contracted by 3% in 2009 which is in line with forecasts made by the IMF for this country said the Serb Statistics Institute on 31st March. The biggest GDP contraction of 4.2% was seen in the second quarter of 2009 whilst in the fourth quarter it lay at 1.6%. Serbia, which has been severely affected by the economic crisis signed an agreement with the IMF for nearly 3 billion euros of which it has already received three instalments to a total value of 1.5 billion euros. The IMF forecast a contraction of 3% in the Serb GDP in 2009 whilst planning for modest growth in 2010 and 2011 to a total of 2 and 3% respectively.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish economy is due to contract by 0.4% this year - finding itself penalised by the continued adjustment on the real estate market and by its effects on investments said the Bank of Spain on 30th March. The central bank, more pessimistic than the government since the latter is expecting a decline of 0.3% only in the GDP, also believes the government's budgetary austerity plan's goals "very ambitious". It believes the ratio of the public debt/GDP will reach 75% next year whilst the government believes it will only be 71.9%.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde took part in the German Council of Ministers in Berlin. She inaugurated the new cooperation format which the German and French governments decided to set in place when they last met together on 4th February. Christine Lagarde and Wolfgang Schäuble insisted on the importance of learning from the financial crisis notably with the establishment of an effective framework for the resolution of bank crises which will lead to rapid action on the part of the competent authorities in preventing risks of systemic contagion. In an interview published in the weekly Die Zeit on 31st March German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble called for greater coordination of European economic policies; he also said he supported the idea of a federal Europe.

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1 January 1970

After suffering the greatest recession in nearly a century Finland will recover growth in 2010 according to new government forecasts announced on 30th March. The Finnish Finance Minister is planning on 1.1% growth this year in comparison with 0.7% in its December forecast. Finland for whom exports decreased from nearly half of the national wealth to nearly one third had declared a net decline before Ireland. "Next year investment in the private sector will also start to grow again and exports and consumption will continue to rise," indicates the Finnish Minister. However at 9.2% in February unemployment is due to continue rising to 10.2% this year before falling again slightly in 2011 to around 9.6%.

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1 January 1970

The Hungarian public deficit reached 4% of the GDP in 2009 according to provisional figures published on 1st April by the Central Statistics Office KSH. At the end of 2009 the national public debt rose to 78.3% of the GDP against 73% at the end of 2008. Hungary was one of the most severely affected countries by the financial crisis which only avoided bankruptcy because of the rescue package of 20 billion euros granted in the autumn of 2008 by the IMF, the World Bank and the EU.

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1 January 1970

In a letter dated 25th and published on 30th March French and American Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Barack Obama and South Korean Lee Myung-Bak together with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Canadian Stephen Harper call on their counterparts in the other G20 countries to "coordinate" their economic policies - commitments that were made during the G20 in Pittsburgh in September 2009. The world's economic recovery "is still weak" they warn". The next two G20 meetings will take place in Toronto in June and in the autumn in Seoul.

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1 January 1970

In a press release dated 31st March the Portuguese Statistics Office announced that the overall debt of the Portuguese economy lay at 9.4% in 2009 ie 0.6% less than in 2008. This slight improvement can be explained by the increase in household and financial institutions' savings as well as a reduction in non-financial company debt. In addition to this on 30th March the Bank of Portugal reviewed its growth forecasts downwards in 2010 and 2011. According to its forecasts the Portuguese economy is due to grow only by 0.4% in 2010 and by 0.8% in 2011, whilst it was counting on growth of 0.7% and 1.4% respectively for those two years. The bank believes that growth may stagnate because of the government's austerity policy which is vital however for the country to be able to reach its budgetary goal : dropping below the 3% of the GDP in terms of public deficit in 2013.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March the financial ratings agency Moody's reduced the mark of the main Greek banks by five points because of their weakened financial situation. The agency warned that the perspectives were "negative" for these institutions which are suffering great pressure because of the country's financial situation. The agency believes that although the austerity measures adopted by the Greek government will have beneficial effects long term "the present stakes will weigh negatively on short and mid term growth," which will weaken the Greek banking institutions to an even greater extent.

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1 January 1970

On 29th March the 27 Agriculture Ministers set down the conclusions on the way to improve the food supply chain in the EU. They exchanged views on the future of the CAP and notably on its role in the new European Employment and Growth Strategy. Ministers also agreed on a common position that the EU will defend during the Euromed conference on water that will take place on 13th April in Barcelona. Finally the Commission informed the Council of its latest quarterly report on the dairy products market. Most recent figures show that average milk production prices rose to around 28 cents per litre which is close to the long term seasonal average.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March the EU announced the effective launch of its training mission of around 2000 Somalian solidiers in Uganda starting on 7th April next. The aim of this mission called EUTM Somalia is to dispatch 100-200 European teachers to train around 2000 Somalian soldiers to enhance the fragile authority the transition government has over the country. The training programme will last six months. It has been agreed that Spain, as the framework nation, will lead the operaiton which infers that it will provide a significant share of the required instructors. France and Spain, the two countries which most vigorously supported the launch of the operation in December 2008 of the European naval operation Atalante against Somalian pirates are providing the greatest support to this mission.

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1 January 1970

The most recent weekly information letter in March with regard to the EU's common security and defence policy has been published.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March the 27 Culture Ministers pleaded for culture to be at the heart of the EU2020 strategy. In a document they acknowledge the economic and creative potential of European cultural industries. Given digital developments they suggest a series of initiatives associated with "innovation, competitiveness, the digital agenda and social inclusion", as well as the holding of a popular consultation rallying professionals and citizens in order to define the future of European Culture.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March the European Commission presented its proposals that aim to enhance the EU's role in terms of healthcare worldwide. The aim is to strengthen the efficacy of European work and to help developing countries better in making up for lost time in achieving the millenium development goals with regard to healthcare. The Commission presents four areas for action to improve healthcare worldwide: the establishment of more democratic, better coordinated world governance; incentives for collective work towards universal healthcare and access for all to these services; increased coherence between the various Union policies that are linked to healthcare; better coordination of European research with regard to world healthcare and greater access on the part of developing countries with regard to new knowledge and new treatment.

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Citizens' Initiative

1 January 1970

On 31st March the European Commission presented a draft regulation with regard to the European citizens' initiative. This innovation brought by the Lisbon Treaty will enable at least one million citizens from at least one third of the Member States (9) to invite the European Commission to put forward draft proposals for legislation in areas that are of its competence. The proposals state the number of signatures to collate in each country and it is suggested that the Commission investigates whether the initiative is valid as soon as it has 300,000 signatures from three different Member States. It establishes a time span of one year for the collation of signatures and four months for the Commission to look into the initiative. The Commission hopes that the Council and the Parliament will reach a final agreement before the end of the year so that the first citizens initiatives can be launched in 2011.

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Food Security

1 January 1970

On 31st March the European Commission adopted two new strategic frameworks to help developing countries face the problem of food security whether this is in emergency situations or long term. The aim is to make progress in the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals that are associated with the eradication of poverty and hunger. Food security supposes available, accessible, quality food supplies. The Commission is advising on a sustainable agricultural model that respects the environment, that is adapted to the reality of developing countries and their markets. Hunger and malnutrition have gained ground worldwide over the last few years endangering human development as well as social and political stability.

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1 January 1970

The EU is going to simplify and accelerate procedures to deliver short term visas in the Schengen area as from 5th April. The EU Visa Code involves short term visas, for a maximum three month period over six months." "Requests will still be dealt with by the Member States' consulates," stressed a Commission executive. The new code which came into force on 5th April plans for "the processing of a request within 15 days," and demands "that refusals be justified" and "the possibility of making an appeal" must be offered. The general tariff is maintained at "60 euros and 35 euros for children aged 6 to 12 years".

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Priorities 2010

1 January 1970

On 31st March the European Commission adopted its working programme for 2010. This document relays the Commission's determination to bring Europe out of the economic crisis and to implement policies that provide direct advantages to its citizens. The Commission adopted the 34 strategic priorities that will be implemented before the end of the year. It also established another list comprising 280 major proposals to be looked into in 2010 and beyond. The working programme set by the Commission establishes the framework of its main strategic commitments for the next few years.

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1 January 1970

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel who was on an official journey to Turkey on 29th and 30th March defended her proposal for a privileged partnership as an alternative to this country's membership of the EU. Turkey has only opened 12 of the 35 "chapters" of the community acquis since the launch of accession negotiations in 2005. With regard to the Cypriot issue Ms Merkel asked Turkey to open its ports to Cypriot ships as part of the Customs Union which Turkey belongs to.

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1 January 1970

The gross unemployment rate in Germany decreased in March over one month according to figures published on 31st March by the Federal Employment Agency. The gross rate dropped to 8.5% in March in comparison with 8.7% in February. In all nearly 3.57 million people were looking for work ie 75,000 less than a month previously.

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80th Birthday/Helmut Kohl

1 January 1970

Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl (1982-1998), "father" of the German Reunification twenty years ago granted an interview to the daily Bild newspaper on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 3rd April.

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1 January 1970

On 1st April German Chancellor Angela Merkel met her British counterpart Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The two heads of government notably discussed the next G20 and decided to coordinate work within the EU and internationally to take a new regulation of the international financial markets forwards. They discussed the issue of climate change as well as progress in the peace process in the Middle East. Finally they discussed Iran and its nuclear programme since both support the idea of adopting of sanctions against this country.

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1 January 1970

On 30th March the Cypriot and Turkish leaders said they were determined to reach agreement on the reunification of Cyprus. "We have been encouraged by the progress made to now with regard to chapters of governance, power sharing, issues relative to the EU and the economy," declared Cypriot President Demetris Christofias and the leader of the northern part of the island (TRNC - acknowledged by Ankara only), Mehmet Ali Talat. Both sides, who are still in conflict notably over issues such as security, property rights and territorial adjustments, hope to find an agreement before the end of the year.

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Tax Fraud

1 January 1970

On 29th March the Spanish government announced that its plan to prevent tax fraud had led to the recovery of 8.1 billion euros in 2009 and over 35.5 billion since it was established in 2005. This plan focuses on improved cooperation with organisations responsible for tax control in order to improve the efficacy of their work. In 2009 the tax office had to adapt to the financial crisis which led to an increase in "black" work and to a parallel economy. In all in 2009 control operations led to the collation of 7 billion euros to which can be added 1.1 billion in voluntary settlements.

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1 January 1970

French President Nicolas Sarkozy undertook a visit to the USA on 29th and 30th March. During a speech at the University of Columbia he asked the USA to work with Europe to enhance economic regulation and to establish a new world governance. The following day during a joint press conference at the White House the American and French Presidents spoke of the common firm position they would take with regard to the Iranian nuclear programme. Speaking on another less consensual subject, the supply tankers for the American army contract which EADS would like to win, the two leaders came to agreement. With regard to Afghanistan the French President said he supported the American president's strategy. Finally the French president asssured the American president of his "solidarity" in "condemning the Israeli colonisation process."

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1 January 1970

According to Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Dimitris Droustas Greece may accept the name "Northern Macedonia" to settle the dispute that has brought it into conflict for the last 19 years with its neighbour which it does not want to allow the use of the name Macedonia. "The name 'Northern Macedonia' is in line with the settlement envisaged by Athens," he said according to a text distributed by his ministry on 5th April.

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1 January 1970

The unemployment rate rose to 8.5% of the working population in Italy in February remaining stable in comparison with the January level said the National Statistics Institute, Istat on 31st March. The first estimation for January recorded an unemployment rate of 8.6% but Istat revised this figure downwards. The unemployment rate is still at its highest rate since January 2004. In February the number of people looking for work rose to 2.127 million which means a slight rise of 0.2% in comparison with January and by 16.2% in comparison with February 2009, a month when the unemployment rate rose to 7.3%. The unemployment rate of the 15-24 year olds rose to 28.2% however in February in comparison with 27.4% in January.

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Central Asia

1 January 1970

Luxembourg Foreign Minister, Jean Asselborn travelled to Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan where he met his counterparts in view of increasing Luxembourg's relations with these countries and also to discuss regional issues.

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1 January 1970

The Polish Central Bank announced on 29th March in a press release that Poland's economic situation no longer required the extension of the flexible loan of 21.8 billion dollars granted to it by the IMF last year. This announcement comes at the same time as the visit by Dominique Strauss-Kahn in Warsaw. The IMF extended this loan by six months at the beginning of November - given originally to Poland in May as a safeguard - but which the country has never used.

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Czech Republic


1 January 1970

Former Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek announced on 1st April that he was quitting as head of the ODS and that he was also retiring from political life. He announced that an executive council would meet on 12th April to appoint Petr Necas in his place. Mr Topolanek already announced in March his intention not to run in the elections and that he had already relinquished his place in the ODS's electoral campaign to Petr Necas.

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General Elections

1 January 1970

Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced that general elections would be held on 6th May - this will be the most closely fought battle in the last twenty years. "The Queen accepted the dissolution of Parliament and general elections will take place on 6th May," he said after meeting the Queen at Buckingham Palace. In a brief speech given outside his office at 10 Downing Street the head of government again placed the economy at the heart of the campaign.

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Refuelling Tankers

1 January 1970

On 31st March the Pentagon said it was prepared to delay the closing date for the call for tender for its aerial refuelling tankers by 60 days - until 9th July on condition that the European group EADS formally showed its intention to compete against Boeing. The delay put forward by the Pentagon is less than the 90 days demanded by EADS to put an offer forward as the main contractor - for a contract that totals an estimated 35 billion dollars. This announcement came after the meeting between American President Barack Obama and his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy when Mr Obama promised that the selection process for the tankers would be "free and fair".

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1 January 1970

In the night of 30th to 31st March the Serb Parliament approved a resolution (127 votes out of 173) condemning the massacre of some 8000 muslims in Srebrenica in July 1995. This bloody chapter in the war in Bosnia is the only event that was qualified as genocide by the ICTY. The declaration adopted by the Serb parliament presents its "condolences and apologies to the families of the victims because not everything was done to prevent the tragedy." According to the declaration "Parliament entirely supports cooperation with the ICTY granting great importance to all work that will lead to the arrest of Ratko Mladic." His arrest is one of the main conditions set by the EU on Serbia for the continuation of the stabilisation and association agreement that will enable the country to pursue its rapprochement with the EU.

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1 January 1970

The European Organisation for Nuclear Research, the CERN, announced on 30th March that its particle accelerator, the LHC, based in Geneva had achieved its first proton collisions at an all time record speed of 7 teraelectonvolts, three and a half times the power used by the biggest American recorder. "It is the start of a new era," declared Paola Catapano, the CERN's spokesperson, since the data recorded by the LHC opens the way to new means of understanding physical phenomena that have been impossible to study to date.

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1 January 1970

On 29th March the European Court of Human Rights delivered a decision in the "Medvedyev and Others vs France" affair - condemning France for the detention of a ship's crew that was arrested as part of an anti-drugs operation on the high seas. However several observers were expecting the court to take a decision with regard to the magristrates status in the French court. Indeed the applicants had raised the issue that the State Prosecutor could not be considered "a judge or other officer authorised by law to exercise judicial power" because it was not independent with regard to the executive. The Court considered it adequate to recall the demands established in article 5§3 of the European Convention for Human Rights declaring that: "The magistrate must present the guarantees of independence with regrd to the executive and the parties involved which notably excludes action on its part as a consequence against the applicant in the criminal procedure..."

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1 January 1970

The Western European Union (WEU) a military alliance that was created during the Cold War, was dissolved on 31st March. The WEU, its interparliamentary assembly based in Paris and its Brussels based HQ with some 60 employees and an overall budget of 13 million euros will be phased out by the end of June 2011. This institution comprised 10 members (Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, UK), more than 18 associate countries, observers and associate partners all members of the EU and NATO. In a joint declaration the 10 Member States associate the WEU's dissolution to the "entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty" in December which heralds the "start of a new phase for the security and defence of Europe." Given these conditions "from a budgetary point of view the upkeep of the WEU had become difficult to defend."

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1 January 1970

The Foreign Ministers of the G8 who met in Canada on 29th to 30th March raised pressure on two captials - Teheran, threatened with more sanctions, and Kaboul, treated with greater indulgence but which has been requested to assume its responsibilities. They called on the international community "to put pressure on Iran". With regard to Afghanistan G8 Ministers asked Kaboul to "clarify the Afghan government's vision for the country" on the occasion of an international conference in May and to guarantee that Afghanistan "would not become a haven for terrorists again". At the same time as these warnings the G8 announced "an initiative" to develop the economy in the border areas between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The G8 Ministers adopted a declaration providing their "unconditional support" to the Non-Proliferation Treaty on Nuclear Arms in view of a conference to look into this agreement in May as well as the creation of a nuclear free area in the Middle East.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March nearly 10 billion dollars were promised by donors at the Conference for Haiti which took place at the UN in New York to help reconstruct this country after the devastating earthquake that struck on 12th January. Haiti is due to receive 5.3 billion (around 4 billion euros) over the next two years. The EU took the lead becoming the most generous donor with a total commitment of 1.235 billion euros ie 1.6 billion dollars. The USA committed for a total of 1.15 billion dollars.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 31st March in the euro area the unemployment rate lay at 10% in February 2010 in comparison with 9.9% in January. It lay at 8.8% in February 2009. In the EU the unemployment rate rose to 9.6% in February 2010 in comparison with 9.5% in January. It lay at 8.3% in February 2009. This is the highest rate in the euro area since August 1998 and in the EU since the start of data collection in January 2000. Amongst the Member States the lowest unemployment rates were recorded in the Netherlands (4%) and in Austria (5%) and the highest in Latvia (21.7%) and in Spain (19%). Between February 2009 and February 2010 the male unemployment rate rose from 8.5% to 10% in the euro area and from 8.2% to 9.8% in the EU. The female unemployment rate rose from 9.2% to 10% in the euro area and from 8.4% to 9.3% in the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 31st March the annual inflation rate in the euro area lay at 1.5% in March 2010. In February it lay at 0.9%.

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1 January 1970

According to a Eurobarometer survey devoted to citizens' attitudes with regard to agriculture and the Common Agricultural Policy, an overwhelming majority of European citizens believes that agriculture and rural areas are vital for the future of Europe (ranging from 96% in Greece to 80% in the UK). A great majority (82%) agree that the EU must help farmers to change their working methods in order to fight climate change. This acknowledgement of the vital role played by agriculture in our societies explains the strong support of those interviewed with regard to the upkeep of subsidies granted to farmers (83%). In addition to this most of those interviewed (68%) believe that the budget devoted to the CAP is sufficient or insufficient in comparison with only 12% who think it is too high.

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1 January 1970

According to a Eurobarometer survey on sport and physical activity 40% of EU citizens do sport at least once a week and 65% do some kind of physical activity, but 25% are nearly totally inactive. The Irish and the citizens in the Nordic countries are the most assiduous whilst only 3% of Bulgarians, Greeks and Italians say they do sport regularly. In the EU men do more sport and exercise than women. This difference is particularly visible amongst the 15-24 year olds.In addition to this the survey observes that there is a link between socio-economic situations and physical activity: although 64% of those who have left school at the age of fifteen at the latest say they never do sport 24% of those who finished their studies after 20 years of age say they never do any sport.

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1 January 1970

According to a study published on 31st March European subsidies granted to fishermen have in part encouraged the overfishing of fish stocks and the upkeep of excessive fishing capacities in comparison with available resources. This study undertaken by the NGO Pew Environment Group and the British consultancy Poseidon in ten EU States focused on some 93% of 4.9 billion euros paid as part of the Financial Orientation Instrument for Fisheries between 2000 and 2006. "The link between subsidies and fishing and overfishing is clear," deems Tim Huntingdon, a consultant with Poseidon. Although more than half of the funds paid out (54%) had a neutral effect some 29% helped to increase fishing capacities (modernisation of ships and the construction of new ones in the main), whilst only 17% was effectively used to reduce capacities (scrap bonuses notably) says the study.

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European Patent

1 January 1970

On 31st March the Bruegel Institute published a report by Bruno van Pottelsberghe entitled "Europe shoud stop taxing innovation". The author calls on the EU to step up work to create a European patent, the lack of which weighs heavily at present on the innovation capacity of European SMEs in a global environment. The 'Schuman Report on the State of the Union' presents many statistics which reveal real gaps between the EU, the USA and Japan.

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Social Europe

1 January 1970

The European Trade Union Institute (Etui) published a study by Lars Magnusson entitled "After Lisbon-Social Europe at the Crossroads?" According to the study social equality and justice must be top of the list in the new EU2020 strategy.

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British Conservatives

1 January 1970

Just a few weeks before the British general elections the Foundation for Political Innovation has published a study by David Hanley entitled "What about the Right? Great Britain?" Author, professor emeritus in European Studies at the University of Cardiff Mr Hanley looks into the origins and ideology behind the British Conservative Party, how it is organised, its networks and working methods.

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Death Penalty

1 January 1970

In its annual report published on 30th March Amnesty International said it was pleased with the progress made by the abolitionist cause - which has been impeded however by countries such as China, Iran and Saudi Arabia. The number of countries which have given up the death penalty for all crimes has risen to 95. Nine other countries abolished the death penalty for ordinary crimes. According to the report at least 714 people were executed in 18 countries in 2009 mainly in Asia, the Middle East and Northern Africa. At least 2001 have been condemned to death in 56 States.

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1 January 1970

On 31st the Commission published a report on the first estimate of the implementation of the European Cohesion Policy. 93 billion euros ie 27% of the EU funds available in this area were allocated to investment projects in employment and growth in Europe over the last three years according to the report's conclusions. Presented by Commissioners Johannes Hahn (regional policy) and Laszlo Andor (employment, social affairs and inclusion), the report estimates the rate of progress of each country on the road to achieving the goals set by the EU. The report shows how the Member States have managed to implement their programmes in line with the EU's goals in terms of employment and growth and contributes to the debate over the cohesion programmes' policy result and the challenges to rise to.

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1 January 1970

The Centre for Strategic Analysis has published a report by Vincent Chriqui, Director General of the Centre for Strategic Analysis and Christian Stoffaës on "Gas Security in Europe, dependency and interdependency." Gas security in the EU has reached a critical level. By 2025 its gas imports, which represent 60% of its consumption at present, might increase significantly to reach a figure nearing 80%.

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1 January 1970

Unemployment in Central and Eastern Europe is due to rise above 10% of the working population this year although these countries were spared more than those in Western Europe before the economic crisis indicated the Viennese Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (WIIW). Before the economic and financial crisis the average unemployment rate in these countries lay at around 6.5% ie less than the rates recorded in Western Europe.

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1 January 1970

Publishing house "Non lieu" has released a book by Florent Parmentier entitled "Moldova, advantages of Francophonie". This essay shows that belonging to the French speaking community has its advantages for the emergence of a democratic, European and prosperous Moldova. Thanks to a framework set out by the International Francophone Organisation, to the aid networks, and European cooperation Moldovan citizens are freeing themselves gradually of their Stalinian legacy and are hoping for better days.

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1 January 1970

Until 19th July the National Museum of the Imperial Palace in Compiègne is devoting an exhibition to Marie-Louise, Empress of the French. This exhibition entitled "1810, Napoleon 1st and Marie-Louise's love policy in Compiègne" aims to celebrate the bicentenary of Napoleon 1st's second marriage with the young archduchess of Austria. Over 200 works have been brought together : paintings, drawings, engravings, sculptures, works of art, costumes, silks and jewellery ... The exhibition has been granted exceptional loans from national (Louvre, Versailles, Fontainebleau, Napoleon and Thiers Foundations)and international galleries (Italy, Switzerland, Germany ...).

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Exhibition/Christen Købke

1 January 1970

The National Gallery in London is putting on a show of the works of 19th century Danish painter, Christen Købke until 13th June. The exhibition presents 40 of the most famous paintings and focuses on the most innovative aspects of his work.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the Normandy Impressionist Festival in 2010, the Impressionist Museum of Givery is putting on an exhibition until July 18th "Impressionism along the Seine" which brings together a selection of fifty paintings undertaken exclusively on the banks of the Seine.

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Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°435- version of 5 avr. 2010