The Newsletter43429 mars 2010

La Lettre

Alain Lamassoure

29 March 2010



1 January 1970

The Foundation's Chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani published an editorial on his site on 24th March just before the European Council with regard to solidarity and discipline in the euro area. With foresight he indicated the path to follow and anticipated the decision taken by the heads of State and government.

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Schuman Report

1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has just published the fourth edition of "The State of the Union 2010, the Schuman Report on Europe", with Lignes de Repères. This edition offers original analyses, unique maps and vital data to find out everything you need to know about Europe. As an example the articles by Jean-François Jamet, economist and Daniela Schwarzer, head of the European Integration Service at the SWP, on the theme "Which economic policy for the euro area after the financial crisis? The way to a new Franco-German compromise." This reference work is available in bookshops and on the Foundation's internet site. Order it.

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1 January 1970

The Austrians are being called to vote on 24th April to elect their president of the Republic. The Austrian President occupies a mainly honorary position and is elected for six years - his term in office is renewable once only. Any candidate winning more than half of the votes is elected in the first round. A second round is organised if none of the candidates achieves this result. Three people are running: Heinz Fischer, outgoing President (SPÖ), Barbara Rosenkranz (FPÖ) and Rudolf Gehring (CPÖ). An exceptional feature of this election is that the main opposition party, the People's Party (ÖVP) is not putting a candidate forward - an all time first since 1945. Heinz Fischer whose popularity rating lies at around 75% of positive opinions is not going to be the exception to the rule which traditionally means that to date in Austria all Presidents seeking a second term in office succeed in retaining their position.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

On 27th March in "Die Welt" German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble indicated that he was planning, with France, to extend a German project across Europe with regard to a bank tax to stabilise the EU's economies in the event of another financial crisis. The German government wants to introduce a tax on banks that should bring in at least one billion euros per year to fuel a rescue fund in the event of a financial crisis. French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde will attend the German Council of Ministers on 31st March - Wolfgang Schaüble will attend the French Council of Ministers in April.

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1 January 1970

On 24th March the European Commission looked into the updated stability and convergence programmes of the Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania and Slovenia. These assessments have to be put back into the context of the economic and financial crisis which has caused a serious deterioration in public finances since 2009 and forced the Council to start excessive deficit procedures against most Member States. Amongst the countries whose programmes have been assessed recently only Denmark and Luxembourg maintained their public deficit below 3% in 2009. Most countries will start budgetary balancing this year.

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1 January 1970

On 24th March the financial ratings agency, Fitch reduced Portugal's long term credit grade from "AA" to "AA-", with a negative perspective, quoting the country's counter-performance with regard to the budgetary plan a year ago. The agency warns that continuation in this direction this year and the next may cause another downgrading of the Portuguese sovereign grade. Fitch believes however that long term the budgetary austerity plan put together by Lisbon is credible in the main. It says however that it does not forecast any political instability in the country that might endanger the adoption of the necessary measures. However Standard & Poor's maintains its grade with regard to the Portuguese debt unchanged at A+ long term and A-1 short term after taking it down a notch in January.

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1 January 1970

According to data provided by the Ministry for the Economy and Employment unemployment in France increased slightly in February. The number of job seekers in the A category increased by 0.1% last month, after a rise of 0.7% in January. In mainland France the number of job seekers in the A category increased by 3,300 people ie a rise of 0.1% in Feburary to 2,667,900 people after a rise of 0.7% in January. However on an annual basis the number people registered with the unemployment office in category A is still up by 12.8% in February. Taking into account job seekers who work part time (categories B and C) the rise emerged at 0.2% over one month in February ie 7,800 additional people and at 14.1% in comparison with the month of February 2009.

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1 January 1970

On 25th March the Irish Statistics Institute, CSO, announced that the GDP contracted by 7.1% in 2009; this is an unprecedented collapse that follows the previous record of 3% in 2008.

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1 January 1970

On 25th March MEPs held their annual debate on the euro area together with Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank (ECB). MEPs insisted on the need for greater budgetary coordination and the respect of the stability and growth pact to reduce public deficit. They approved a resolution on the ECB's work which stresses that liquidities injected thanks to a reduction in interest rates might not have reached the SME's and that they had been used by the banks to improve their margins. The ECB must now avoid exaggerating the risk of inflation so that growth is not held back. A second resolution calls for greater discipline with regard to economic governance in the euro area, for better control of national statistics and it warns against keeping wages down too much. Finally MEPs approved the appointment of Vitor Constancio as Vice-President of the ECB.

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1 January 1970

According to data published by the Italian Statistics Institute (Istat) on 24th March in the fourth quarter of 2009 the number of employed dropped by 1.8% in Italy in comparison with the same period the previous year and by 0.2% in comparison with the third quarter. The employment rate totals 57.1% (-1.4 points in comparison with 2008), whilst the unemployment rate reached 8.6% in comparison with 7.1% in the fourth quarter of 2008. Istat also believes that in January 2010 the unemployment rate rose slightly in comparison with the previous month.

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1 January 1970

The Austrian economy should only recover weak growth in 2010 with a GDP rising by 1.3% according to forecasts published on 26th March by Wifo and IHS, the first having revised its figure downwards in comparison with the 1.5% forecast in December. In 2011 the GDP is due to grow by 1.4% according to Wifo and by 1.7% according to IHS. Wifo and IHS are forecasting that Austrian exports will rise by 5% and 6.4% respectively in 2010.

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1 January 1970

After a catastrophic year in 2009 the Finnish economy will recover growth but this will be slow according to new forecasts by the central bank published on 23rd March. Finland's exports, the only country of the euro area, will rise less than elsewhere in the world and public finances are due to worsen due to insufficient growth says the Bank of Finland in its semestrial forecast. Growth forecasts have been raised however in comparison with those set out in September when the bank was counting on zero growth this year and 1.6% in 2011.

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1 January 1970

For the first two months of the year the Greek budgetary deficit decreased by 77.3% in comparison with the same period in 2009 according to figures published on 22nd March. Net revenues increased by 13.2% to 8,745 billion euros over this period whilst spending decreased by 9.6% to 8,989 billion euros according to a press release on the part of the Finance Ministry. Spending on the public investment programme has also decreased by 58.2% to 793 million euros whilst revenues rose to 133 million (+3.9%).

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1 January 1970

The Swedish economy is recovering fast after the world economic crisis with a return to black on the part of the public finances and a decline in unemployment expected in 2011 according to forecasts by the Swedish National Financial Authority on 23rd March. The agency which is part of the Finance Ministry is forecasting strong growth at least within the next five years after a 4.9% GDP contraction in 2009.

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European Council


1 January 1970

In parallel to the European Council on 25th March the heads of State and government of the sixteen members of the Eurogroup met after dinner; after long negotiations German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy achieved the agreement of their partners. The plan adopted includes a mechanism of bilateral loans with "a substantial financial involvement on the part of the IMF with most of the funding coming from Europe." This mechanism will only be implemented if Greece no longer succeeds in funding itself on the markets; it can only be launched with the unanimous approval of the sixteen and will be subject to strict conditions." The Eurogroup members called on the European Council to "enhance economic governance of the EU" and the rules to prevent excessive deficits asking the European Council and the Commission to present the necessary measures to the Council "before the end of the year".

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1 January 1970

On 25th March the heads of State and Government agreed on the major guidelines of the new EU2020 strategy, notably an employment rate of 75% and an investment rate, both public and private, in R&D equal to 3% of the GDP. They repeated their commitment to energy and climate. The establishment of goals relative to social inclusion and education have however been postponed until June. Member States will have to transpose these general into national goals together with the Commission. The latter will monitor results together with the European Council; particular attention will have to be paid to the reliability of national statistics. The Council also pointed to the need to include all parties, together with all of the Union's policies for the success of this strategy.

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1 January 1970

The Union's heads of State and government believe with regard to climate change that it is now necessary to provide new impetus to negotiations. In their opinion a worldwide legal agreement will be the only effective means to achieving the goal to keep world temperature increases below 2° in comparison with the pre-industrial era. The next meetings that will take place in Bonn should lead to the definition of a roadmap in view of taking negotiations forwards. Focus should be turned to integrating political orientations as set out in the final document in Copenhagen. The Cancun meeting is due to give rise to real decisions that will lead to a final Copenhagen document in the negotiation procedure undertaken under the guidance of the UN and issues that continue to be a problem should also be addressed.

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Foreign Affairs

1 January 1970

On 22nd March the 27 Foreign Ministers asked the Iranian authorities to put an end to censorship and restrictions imposed on satellite broadcasts, internet access and mobile communications. They also asked the High Representative Catherine Ashton to present a common position on the part of the Union at the international conference on Haiti to give an overall view of the collective worked accomplished. An EU house will be set up in Haiti to coordinate this work. After appointing Vygaudas Usackas as the Union's representative for Afghanistan ministers debated the country's situation stressing the importance of a reconciliation process led by the Afghans themselves and the holding of "credible" general elections. Ms Ashton criticised developments in the situation in the Near East recalling that the Union's aim is to reach a settlement between the two States for them to live peacefully alongside one another within the next two years.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd March European Foreign Ministers modified the regime applicable to long stay visas (over three months) as part of the Schengen agreement. Holders of these visas can now travel freely to other Schengen states under the same conditions as the holders of a valid residence permit. The validity of these visas cannot extend beyond one year after which time they have to be replaced by a residence permit. To guarantee the security of the Schengen area the States which plan to deliver long term visas will have to consult the Schengen Information System beforehand.

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1 January 1970

Croatia and the EU held the 6th Session of the Stabilisation and Association Council in order to review progress achieved in view of membership. The Council issued an positive opinion overall but stressed the need to make greater progress in terms of judicial power, civil service, the fight against corruption, minority rights, war crimes, border differences and economic reforms. If the same pace is maintained as last year negotiations might be concluded in 2010, which would be a positive signal for the entire region. Since the start of negotiations in 2005, 30 of the 35 chapters have been opened and 17 finalised. However some of the most difficult of these still have to be addressed such as the judicial and fundamental rights chapters, competition and the security and defence policy.

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1 January 1970

The Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy, Catherine Ashton gave her views on 25th March with regard to the organisation and running of the "European External Action Service" (aftering consulting MEPs on 23rd March). This new organisation created by the Lisbon Treaty is supposed to represent the Union in the world more coherently, by merging the competences that were hitherto shared between the States and the Commission. The stumbling block that remains between the High Representative and Parliament is still the appointment of the most important positions. MEPs reject the idea of a secretary general with the profile of a civil servant advising rather on the appointment of deputies who are "politically responsible" to replace the High Representative if necessary. Ms Ashton did not respond to the MEPs questions on this point nor on the calendar for the establishment of the Service but she said that geographical balance would be respected.

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General Affairs

1 January 1970

The 27 Foreign Ministers debated on 22nd March the preparation work for the European Council highlighting the establishment of a new European strategy for growth and employment, the Europe Strategy 2020, and on climate change as a follow-up to the Copenhagen conference.

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1 January 1970

Young people, economic recovery and research were the main budgetary priorities pinpointed by MEPs on 25th March. Amongst the suggested measures were the promotion of the study of languages, a "first job Erasmus" programme and pilot projects in support of SME's in rural areas. Thanks to new measures included in the Lisbon Treaty, Parliament will decide jointly with the European Council on the entire budget including agriculture. MEPs stressed the need to review the Union's pluriannual budget as soon as possible and again asked to be included more in the establishment and control of the budget as part of the European External Action Service. The European Commission will adopt the draft budget - the first formal stage in the budgetary procedure on 27th April.

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Citizens' Initiative

1 January 1970

The citizens' initiative, one of the innovations of the Lisbon Treaty was the focus of debate in the European Parliament on 24th March. The rules governing this tool of direct democracy that enables a million people to ask the European Commission to put forward a legislative proposal must be more detailed. It remains to define how many Member States have to be represented in the signatures (the treaty only speaks of "a significant number"): MEPs suggest that this should be one quarter of the Member States, the Commission one third. Other issues still have to be determined such as the possibility of internet petitions, the checking of the signatures and the moment of checking to see whether an initiative is valid - before or after the collation of signatures. In the Parliament's opinion the legal checking should be undertaken before hand with political considerations being taken into account afterwards.

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1 January 1970

On 25th March MEPs adopted a resolution on more restrictive legislation with regard to food quality, notably via the strengthening of protected designation of origin labels (PDO's) and obligatory labelling of agricultural products. These measures aim to increase competitiveness of European producers and boost regional rural economies. To protect producers against counterfeit products MEPs are requesting the strengthening of the role played by consortiums and the inclusion of geographical indications as part of the application of the WTO's anti-counterfeiting trade agreement. Finally MEPs asked the Commission to work on drawing up an EU quality label.

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1 January 1970

According to forecasts in March 2010 the European Commission communicated on 22nd March that the consumer confidence index had not changed significantly in comparison with the previous month. It now lies at -13.8 (-13.5 in February) for the EU and -17.2 (-17.4 in February) for the euro area.

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1 January 1970

On 24th March the European Commission suggested that the States who so wish could use the enhanced cooperation tool to protect the rights of some 300,000 international couples that live in the Union. The latter may now choose the country whose laws would apply in the event of divorce - on condition that the spouse has links with that country. The aim is to protect the children and the most vulnerable spouse. The proposals also include a joint method to apply when couples do not agree. Ten member states have decided to use the enhanced cooperation mechanism to progress on this point without waiting for a unanimous agreement. The measure is now to be authorised by the European Parliament and other Member States who reserve the right to join the mechanism when they want to.

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1 January 1970

In a report on the reforms started in Bulgaria and Romania to improve their judicial system the European Commission denounced on 23rd March the lack of results in both countries in terms of the fight against corruption and organised crime demanding that both countries which entered the EU in 2007 to now make this issue a "national priority".

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1 January 1970

On 24th March the European Commssion adopted a draft mandate to start negotiations on the transfer of banking data with the USA as part of the Terrorist Financing Tracking Programme (TFTP. It hopes to come to an agreement this summer in view of limiting any gaps in security.

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Open Skies

1 January 1970

On 25th March the USA and the EU came to an agreement to complete their air agreement, "Open Skies" by committing to "bringing down access barriers to their respective markets." Washington welcomed the results of the eight rounds of negotiations which enhanced "EU-USA cooperation in aviation security, competition and facilitated travel." The American State Department believes that the "agreement provides greater protection to American transporters against arbitrary restrictions on night flights in European airports." The Americans were given the guarantee that there would be a 150 day notice before any new restriction was placed on their night flights that mainly affects DHL, Fedex and UPS cargo flights. Both parties have not however established a calendar to enable future airline takeovers.

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1 January 1970

According to a survey published on 24th March by Ifo in Germany the business climate index in rose to 98.1 in March, its highest level since June 2008 thereby confirming the German economic recovery. This index lay at 95.2 in February. The industrial sector is due to remain morose however. Kaï Carstensen of Ifo believes "that we cannot say we are out of danger when we see the labour market or the reticence to lend on the part of the banks (...) But the major crisis is over and recovery has clearly started."

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1 January 1970

The Bundesrat, the Upper Chamber of German Parliament which represents the regional states approved the 2010 budget on 26th March (adopted on 19th March by the Bundestag) which covers a new record debt of 80.2 billion euros to help growth recover. This is the first budget of the new coalition and it can now enter force. "It bears the mark and is the consequence of the most serious post-war financial and economic crisis," stressed Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. The minister repeated his intention to have a more virtuous budget next year and called on the Länder (regional states) to "help in the difficult task to consolidate" German finances.

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1 January 1970

In 2009 Germany moved into a new stage in the renewable energies sector since these provided more than 10% of the energy used in the country for the first time ever said Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen on 24th March.

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1 January 1970

On 25th March in the Bundestag German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a general policy declaration. She welcomed the priorities of the new European growth strategy "EU2020". She insisted however that in no way must this strategy be associated with a debate over the stability pact.

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1 January 1970

The governor of the Central Bank of Denmark, Nils Berstein, pleaded in Copenhagen on 22nd March for the accession of the Scandinavian kingdom to the euro area which will help to bringing interest rates down and to increasing growth from 0.5% to 1%.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd March the President of the Spanish government José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero attended the funeral of the French gendarme killed by a member of the Basque terrorist organisation ETA, before having a working lunch with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The French President assured that France would provide its total cooperation "with Spain in its fight against ETA", whilst Mr Zapatero said "those who have to be worried are the members of ETA because they will be pursued non-stop by two major police forces in order to put an end to the existence of ETA." During lunch the two men also addressed the aid plan for Greece and the EU2020 strategy which will include "a policy for agriculture, for the farmers and for rural development."

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1 January 1970

The head of the Spanish government, José-Rodriguez Zapatero indicated on 28th March as he closed the fifth "Spain-Africa Women for a Better World" conference, notably which witnessed attendance by the presidents of Liberia, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Finland, Tarja Halonen, that he wanted to integrate the idea of male/female equality in the EU's future economic strategy, the so-called "EU-2020 strategy". He mentioned two goals he wanted to include in the new European economic plan : "reduce as much as possible" wage differences between men and women and "increase female rates of employment to 70% in Europe by 2020."

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Carbon Tax

1 January 1970

On 23rd March French Prime Minister François Fillon announced the postponement "sine die" of the carbon tax which was due to enter force on 1st July; he highlightd the need for a European measure so as not to damage the competitiveness of French companies. This is why the French government will ask the European Commission to step up the pace in producing a report in view of harmonising ecological fiscal measures in the EU.

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1 January 1970

The Eurodistrict of Strasbourg-Ortenau said that it is "totally available" to "implement various measures decided upon by the Franco-German Council of Ministers" (CMFA) which met on 4th February in Paris in a letter addressed to the French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on 24th March. In this letter Roland Ries and Frank Scherer, Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the cross border organisation are offering support for the projects adopted at the 12th Franco-German Council of Ministers. Economy, employment, research, defence and security, education and the climate were also areas in which Franco-German cooperation find particular resonance within Eurodistrict. Eurodistrict is a European group for territorial cooperation that includes the urban community of Strasbourg and the surrounding area as well as the German towns of Ortenau including Offenburg.

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1 January 1970

On 29th March Greece launched an obligatory seven year benchmark aiming to raise several billion euros announced the Greek Public Debt Management Organisation - a loan that will be a test for a country that is suffering a deep crisis and which has shaken the entire euro area. The government mandated the French banks, Société Générale, Crédit Agricole, Dutch ING, American Bank of America-Merrill Lynch and the Greek banks Alpha Bank and Emporiki, a Greek branch of Crédit Agricole. This annoucement came just four days after the approval by the euro area countries - after great discussion -of an aid plan for Greece funded by European loans and the IMF, a unique mechanism since the launch of the single currency.

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1 January 1970

On 24th March the IMF published its fifth report on Hungary as planned by the agreement dating back to 2008 between the country and the international institution. The IMF indicates in the report that "the firm implementation of careful economic policies for the last year and a half have helped strengthen investor confidence and have led to a significant improvement in funding conditions abroad thereby helping economic recovery." The IMF did however announce the release of an additional 2.4 billion euros made available to the country if it had to face unforeseen circumstances and if it decided as a result to change its decision, announced in November 2009, not to call further on the institution for loans.

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1 January 1970

In February 2010 in comparison with the same month the previous year exports rose by 2.3% and imports by 10.4% according to forecasts published on 22nd March by the National Statistics Institute (Istat). Italy recorded a trade deficit with countries outside the EU to a total of 1,622 million euros whilst in February 2009 this deficit only lay at 733 million euros. On a monthly basis exports have risen by 2.6% and imports by 4.7%.

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1 January 1970

The President of the Diet, the Polish lower chamber of Parliament, Bronislaw Komorowski became Civic Platform's official candidate(PO) for the presidential election on 27th March. During the primaries Mr Komorowski beat present Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski winning 68.5% of PO members' votes in comparison with 31.5% for Mr Sikorski according to results announced by the party led by Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

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1 January 1970

On 25th the Portuguese parliament approved a resolution in support of the budgetary recovery goals established by the government - it was approved thanks to the abstention of the centre-right opposition - the measures put forward to achieve the goals were not approved. The text adopted thanks to the vote of the socialist minority alone maintains parliament's "support of budgetary consolidation", acknowledging "the need for a reduction in the deficit down to 2.8% of the GDP by 2013 in comparison with 9.3% in 2009. However all reference to any type of support on the part of the assembly for the "strategy" and for the "goals and measures" included in the stability and growth programme that the government intends to implement until 2013 were removed.

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1 January 1970

The Romanian government is maintaining its goal to adopt the euro in 2015 according to the convergence programme 2009-2012 it said on 22nd March last. The government said that "the commitment to the adoption of the euro on 1st January 2015 is maintained and represents a key element in promoting budgetary and structural reform vital to increase the flexibility of the Romanian economy." This fourth edition of the convergence programme shows Romaniann determination not to rise above the 3% GDP limit of the budgetary deficit and not to reach 7.3% again as in 2009. To enter the euro area Romania will have to respect five criteria notably that of controlling inflation and to adhere strictly to discipline in its public spending. In the wake of the economic crisis the European Commission is allowing Romania time until 2012 to bring its public deficit down to the limit of 3% of the GDP.

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United Kingdom


1 January 1970

The UK announced on 23rd March that it was creating its first ever national space agency to represent a booming industry that may create 100,000 new jobs in the next twenty years. This agency named "UK Space Agency" will take responsibility for all British activities associated with space which until now were the reserve of several ministries and various research organisations.

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1 January 1970

British Finance Minister Alistair Darling presented a "reasonable, serious" budget on 24th march "drawn up in accordance with the time we are living in" and focused on growth" and on "recovery" at a time when the country is just emerging from six semesters of recession. Even though the budgetary year is due to end at the end of March with a public deficit lower by 10 to 12 billion pounds than forecast - (12.2 to 13.4 billion euros), it remains however that this public deficit is equal to 12% of the GDP. He announced a series of temporary measures to aid growth totalling 2.5 billion pounds (2.8 billion euros). This budget is designed to "guarantee recovery, reduce debt and invest in the future of British industry" and "it will define the path towards long term prosperity for the country, with a focus on a series of growth measures totalling 2.5 billion pounds."

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1 January 1970

Slovenia and Croatia are about to settle the border dispute which has brought them into conflict over the last twenty years. Indeed the Slovenian constitutional court confirmed the validity of the mediation agreement made between the two countries which defines the method to follow to set out the final border which separates them. Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor decided to consult the court given the criticism raised about constitutionality on the part of the centre-right opposition. This dispute comprises at present the main impediment to Croatia joining the EU.

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1 January 1970

On 25th March the European Investment Bank granted two loans to fund the small and medium sized projects in Slovenia: 25 million euros in Banka Celje dd and 25 million euros in Gorenjska banka dd. These two loans are designed to co-fund projects undertaken by SME's as well as priority investments implemented by local communities particularly in the area of environment associated infrastructures. Each of these loans aims to reduce the impact of the present economic crisis by improving access to funds mid and long term according to favourable financial terms.

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1 January 1970

After a review of the economic performance of Bosnia-Herzegovina demanded by their stand-by arrangement, the Board of the IMF announced the release of 138.4 million euros. Since the introduction of the agreement on 8th Juy 2009 the IMF has given an estimated 345.9 million euros to Bosnia.

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1 January 1970

The Serb and Croatian Presidents, Boris Tadic and Ivo Josipovic promised on 24th March to improve relations between their two countries which are still suffering due to the 1991-1995 war - stressing that they both hoped to join the EU. "We have set a new path towards European partnership. We support the same European values and (we hope) to settle the problems between the two countries," declared Mr Josipovic.

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1 January 1970

Deemed "obsolete" by its 10 Member States and 18 associate members the Western European Union "will be wound down as an organisation within about a year," said the Chair of the WEU interparliamentary assembly, Briton Robert Walter on 24th March. Left behind by the progress made by the EU in terms of external action and defence the WEU has gradually been deprived of its means to act and on 13th March David Miliband, head of British diplomacy informed the organisation that his government wanted to reounce the organisation's founding treaty. However since the other members preferred "a collective and orderly" dissolution this was delayed and is due to be notified officially on 30th or 31st March opening the way for a year in which the effective dissolution will be undertaken.

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1 January 1970

On 27th March Anders Fogh Rassmussen, NATO's Secretary General pointed to the major role played by the Atlantic Alliance and the EU in the consolidation of the European continent as an "area of united democratic security." But after this success, " we must not rest on our laurels" he commented, "on the contrary, free of internal conflict Europe must now take greater responsibility with regard to external challenges." He hopes to esatblish a common missile system with the Alliance members. "A true common missile defence system for the Euro-Atlantic Alliance would show our collective determination, not only in terms of defending ourselves against new threats now and in the future but also in terms of assuming our responsibilities.

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1 January 1970

World trade is due to rise in 2010 by 9.5% after having contracted by 12% in 2009 announced the WTO Director General Pascal Lamy on 26th March. In addition to this China became the world's leading exporter in 2009 beating Germany for the first time with total exports rising to 1.202 billion dollars. In 2009 Germany exported 1.121 billion euros and USA, was the biggest importer, reaching third place with 1.057 billion dollars according to the most recent statistics on international trade 2009/2010.

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1 January 1970

On 24th March Eurobarometer published a survey undertaken on the request of the European Commission with regard to the social effects of the crisis. More than half of Europeans believe that poverty increased in 2009, in Europe, in their country and their region. However although in Latvia, France and Portugal more than 90% of the population feels that the situation has worsened nationally this percentage drops below the 60% mark in the Czech Republic, Poland and the UK. Bulgarians, Hungarians and Romanians are the most pessimistic with regard to the extent of poverty in their country: less than one in five of them think that poverty concerns under 10% of their fellow countrymen. 20% of European citizens find it difficult to pay their bills or their daily expenses and 30% have problems covering their medical costs. Finally 77% of those interviewed are confident in their ability to retain the jobs and only 45% think that they would be able to find another job quickly if they were made redundant.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat data published on 24th March in January 2010 the new industrial orders index decreased by 2% in the euro area and declined by 0.2% in the Union in comparison with December 2009. In December this index increased respectively by 0.8% and 0.9%. The most important decreases were recorded in Greece (-11%) and in France (-10.8%) the highest increases were seen in Ireland (+31.3%). Year on year new orders increased by 7% in the euro area and by 6.3% in the EU. The highest rises were recorded in Slovakia (+21.3%), Romania (+16.3%) and in Germany (+15.3%), the biggest decreases were seen in Ireland (-13.2%) and Estonia (-10.3%).

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1 January 1970

Although trade on the internet is developing in Europe Europeans are still reticent about buying on-line outside of their own country announced the European Commission regretfully on 29th March - re-stating its determination to lift barriers to on-line cross border trade in the EU. According to data published by Brussels one third of Europeans (34%) made on-line purchases nationally in 2009 - slightly more than 2008 (28%). But very few - only 8% did so in a country other than their own (in comparison with 6% in 2008).

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1 January 1970

Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, researcher at the Robert Schuman Foundation has published an article entitled "A new president and 6 months for a gas revolution" (Новий президент і півроку на газову революцію) in the Ukrainian daily Dzerkalo Tyjnya. Reviewing the gas policies undertaken by Ukraine over the last few years he observes that in fact there has never been any reform which has led the gas sector into a catastrophic financial and economic situation; it has also fed tension between Russia and the EU. He sets out a list of reform priorities that the new President Viktor Yanukovich might set in place over the next six months: increase domestic gas prices, increase the production of gas, enhance transparency and reform state regulation.

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1 January 1970

On 25th March the European Commission published a report entitled "More women in senior positions-the key to economic stability and growth" showing that women remain greatly under-represented in the economic decision making process. Only one member in six of the boards of the biggest European companies floated on the stock exchange is a woman, whilst all of the governors of the central banks in the EU countries are men. Norway distinguishes itself as the only country in which a degree of equality between men and women has been reached: the boards of the biggest companies on the stock exchange comprise 42% of women thanks to a quota planned for by law. In parallel to this several studies show that the balance between men and women pays and that there is a positive link between the share of women who occupy posts of responsibility and company results.

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1 January 1970

The Bruegel Institute has published a study entitled "Two crises, two answers". The authors Benedicta Marzinotto, Jean Pisani-Ferry and André Sapir analyse - using the Greek crisis as a gauge - the financial crisis management mechanisms made available to the EU but also the means it has to fight against issues pertaining to competitiveness encountered by other countries that are under pressure.

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1 January 1970

The Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) of Berlin has published a study by Daniela Kietz and Nicolas von Ondarza "Willkommen in der Lissabonner Wirklichkeit - Welcome to Lisbon Reality."

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1 January 1970

The Louvre Museum will be hosting the first exhibition devoted to Meroï, capital of a powerful empire on the banks of the Nile until 6th September. Two hundred pieces of work illustrating the majesty of this ancient civilisation in which African, Egyptian and Greco-Roman influence merge together will be on show. Lying in Sudan two hundred kilometers north of the present Khartoum, the town of Meroï, capital of the kingdom is known for its pyramids designed for the kings and queens who dominated the region between 270 BC and 350 AD. This exhibition mainly comprises loans from the Khartoum museum (including the famous golden bronze statue of the archer king), from the British Museum, the World Museum and the Garstang Museum of Liverpool.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish Culture Minister, Angeles Gonzalez-Sinde presented the Hispana project on 25th March; this is a portal to the Spanish digital collections of archives, libraries and museums. The minister announced that the content of Hispana "which is already the world's fourth biggest collector of digital resources," will be increased over the next few months. This intiative which falls in line with the European Commission's recommendations in terms of the digitalisation and on-line access to cultural material, also feeds the Spanish contributions to 'Europeana' the European portal to digital cultural material whose working methods is repeated on a national level by Spain.

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1 January 1970

Richard Wagner is on the programme of the Easter Festival in Salzburg until 5th April. This time in 2010 the organisers have programmed two showings of the Götterdämmerung, the last chapter of the Nibelungen Ring. The first of these shows will take place on 27th March, the second is planned for 5th April. Bach, Verdi, Berlioz are also on the programme together with Joseph Haydn.

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1 January 1970

The Herbert von Karajan Music Award was given to pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboïm on 25th March announced the foundation at the Festspielhaus in Baden-Baden. The musical director of the Staatsoper of Berlin will receive his prize during a concert that he will be giving on 4th November in Baden-Baden.

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Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°434- version of 29 mars 2010