Area : 64,589 km²
Borders : 1,348 km: Belarus (141 km), Estonia (343 km), Lithuania (588 km), Russia (276 km)
Coastline : 498 km
Capital : Riga
Official language : Latvian

Population : 1,877,445 inhabitants (2023)
Crude natural change rate : -7.2‰ (2023)
Population repartition: 14.9% under 15 years old, 21.7% over 65 years old (2023 est.)
Foreign residents: 0% EU nationals, 13% extra-EU nationals (2021)
Crude net migration rate: 1.3‰ (2023)
First time asylum applicants: 1700 (2023)
Life expectancy: men 70.8 years, women 80.8 years (2023 est.)
Religions: Lutheran 36.2%, Catholic 19.5%, Orthodox 19.1%, no religion/unspecified 23.5%.
Ethnic groups: Latvian 62.7%, Russian 24.5%, Belarusian 3.1%, Ukrainian 2.2%, Polish 2%, Lithuanian 1.1%, other 1.8%, non specified 2.6% (est. 2021)
Source : Eurostat, The World Factbook
Currency: Euro
GDP: € 39,072,5 million (2023)
GDP per capita (PPS): € 13,300 (2023)
GDP growth : 1,7% (2023)
Inflation: 2.1% (October 2024)
Public debt: 46.4% of GDP (Q2,2024)
Unemployment: 6.9% (September 2024)
Stock of foreign direct investment from the entire world: 58% of GDP (2022)
Budget balance: -2.2% of GDP (2023)
Source : Eurostat, Trading Economics, World Bank
Political system
Republic, parliamentary democracy (Constitution of August 21st 1991) since it regained its independence - Latvia was annexed by the USSR in 1944.
Head of state: On 31st May 2023, Edgars Rinkevics was elected President of the Republic by the deputies of the Saeima.
Prime minister: Evika Siliņa (New Unity) since September 15th 2023. She leads a coalition government of three parties: New Unity (JV), Progressives (P) and the Union of Greens and Farmers (ZZS).
Unicameral parliamentary system: The Saeima (the Parliament) comrises 100 seats. Representatives are elected for a 4-year mandate through direct universal suffrage by proportional representation (threshold of 5%).
Political representation
Composition of the Saiema (since October 2022):
- 25 seats JV (New Unity, conservative)
- 16 seats ZZS (Union of Greens and Farmers, centrist)
- 14 seats AS (United List, regionalist political alliance)
- 12 seats NA (National Alliance)
- 10 seats ST! (For Stability)
- 9 seats P (Progressives)
- 8 seats LPV (Latvia First, populist)
- 6 seats Non-attached members
Women's representations
- in the government: 6/15
- in the parliament: 31/100
Next Elections:
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