The economic and financial crisis has affected investment severely since 2008: at the end of 2014 investment levels lay at 16.9% below that of 2007. However investment is an important lever for growth. In this context the European Commission chaired by Jean-Claude Juncker has made the recovery of investment a priority. On 31st of January 2015, the Commission announced a recovery plan (the so-called Juncker plan) which wanted to lead to the mobilization of 315 billion euros by 2018. This plan was extended with an extension of the investments to 500 billion euros by 2020. This file on investment as a means to revive growth, brings together all of the documents published by the Foundation on this issue.
New challenges for the European Union's trade policy
The Capital Markets Union, supporting the European project and the revival of investment
The Juncker Plan: a real opportunity for Europe
The Juncker Plan: a real opportunity for Europe
« The Juncker Plan - the vehicle for revived European ambition? »
« Circular economy and resource efficiency: a driver of economic growth in Europe »
« For the recovery of investment in Europe »
« Competitiveness and climate, what should Europe’s priorities be? »
« Entrepreneurs at the heart of economic recovery in Europe »
« For a credible growth strategy for the euro zone: the obligation to produce results »
« Mastering energy transitions: a Franco-German project for growth »
EI n°267 - 11/02/2013
Jean-François Jamet, lecturer on European economic policy at Sciences Po, & Emmanuel Lefebvre, Former marine officer, strategic affairs with the Defence Ministry.
« Trans-European Network Policy and European Growth Investments: Lyon-Turin, it's happening now! »
EI n°245 - 25/06/2012
François Lépine, Regional Prefect (Honorary), Lawyer at the Bar of Paris, Deputy Chairman of the Transalpine Committee – European Link Lyon-Turin (Comité pour la Transalpine Lyon-Turin), and Marc Lavédrine, Delegate General of the Transalpine Committee – European Link Lyon-Turin (Comité pour la Transalpine Lyon-Turin).
«Can Finance be used to help European Integration? »
« How do we re-create a predictable European economic environment? »
EI n°191 - 17/01/2011
Jean-François Jamet, lecturer on European economic policy at Sciences Po.
State of the Union 2018

State of the Union 2017

Investing in Europe : a Comprehensive Strategy
Alessandro Giovannini, Jean-François Jamet and Francesco Mongelli
State of the Union 2016

State of the Union 2015 : Schuman Report on Europe.

« Mobilising European Savings: an Integrated Capital Market?»
Jean-Jacques Bonnaud (independent administrator of industrial and financial companies in France and Europe, former advisor to the executive committee of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations).
State of the Union 2014: Schuman Report on Europe

« Investment in and the financing of the European Economy »
Maystadt Philippe (chair of the European Policy Center and Special Advisor to the European Commission, former president of the EIB).
State of the Union 2012: Schuman Report on Europe

« An Investment Strategy in EU: A Means to Compensate for the Lack of Fiscal Transfers »
De Corte Stefaan (Senior Research Officer of the Center European Studies).