
Prime Minister Victor Ponta and Klaus Johannis will face each other on 16th Novermber in the second round of voting that might be tighter than expected

Elections in Europe

Corinne Deloy


4 November 2014

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Deloy Corinne

Corinne Deloy

Author of the European Elections Monitor (EEM) for the Robert Schuman Foundation and project manager at the Institute for Political Studies (Sciences Po).

Prime Minister Victor Ponta and Klaus Johannis will face each other on 16th Nove...

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Prime Minister and Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Victor Ponta came out ahead in the first round of the presidential election that took place on 2nd November in Romania. The head of government won 40.33% of the vote and came out ahead of Klaus Sibiu (National-Liberal Party, PNL), Mayor of Sibiu and member of the Democratic Forum of the Germans of Romania (FDGR), who won 30.44% of the vote. He is supported by the Christian Liberal Alliance (Alianta Crestin Liberal, ACL), the alliance of the National-Liberal Party (PNL) and the Democratic Liberal Party (PD-L).

The leader of the Senate and former Prime Minister (2004-2008) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu (Liberal Reformist Party) came third in the presidential election with nearly 6% of the vote. He was followed by Elena Udrea (People's Movement), former Regional and Tourism Minister (2009-2012) who was supported by the outgoing President of the Republic Traian Basescu winning around 5% of the vote. Then came MEP and former Justice Minister (2004-2007) Monica Macovei, member of the Liberal Democratic Party (PD-L) who was standing as an independent candidate (4% of the vote).

Turnout was slightly lower (2.06 points less) than that registered during the first round of the previous presidential election on 22nd November 2009 and totalled 52.31%[1].

Victor Ponta and Klaus Johannis will face each other in the second round on 16th November.

"I am extremely proud and very happy that the Romanians expressed their confidence in my programme that aims to develop the country and bring disagreement to an end after ten years of lies and division," declared Prime Minister Ponta accusing, but not naming the outgoing president of the Republic Traian Basescu, with whom he has experienced a difficult period of cohabitation. "After 10 years of conflict and destruction the time for reconstruction has come," he again stressed.

"I am confident that 25 years after the fall of the communist regime we can finally bring transition to an end so that Romania will become a truly democratic, European country," indicated the head of government after placing his ballot slip in the box.

"I am calling on the Romanians who do not want to give all of the power to one party alone to support me. I am the only candidate running who is prepared to guarantee justice, independence and the rule of law," declared Klaus Johannis, who said he was confident that he would win the second round of voting.

According to a most recent poll Mr Ponta is due to win with 53.50% of the vote on 16th November. However he should remember that his predecessors Adrian Nastase in 2004 and Mircea Geoana in 2009 failed in the second round after having scored highly two weeks previously. "We have learnt enough not to lose the presidential election for the third time," declared the head of government.

"Nothing has been settled in the 2nd round, a great deal depends on the advice given by the candidates who were eliminated in the first round," indicated sociologist Mircea Kivu who thinks that Monica Macovei will call on her supporters to vote for Klaus Johannis whilst former Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu will call to vote for Victor Ponta.

"Everything now depends on the electorate turnout in urban areas and abroad who were appalled by the poor organisation of the election yesterday," stresses Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, a professor of Political Science at the Hertie University in Berlin. "If 4 to 5% more people turn out to vote in the urban areas in the second round, Klaus Johannis will win the presidential election," she concluded.


Prime Minister Victor Ponta and Klaus Johannis will face each other on 16th Nove...

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