The Newsletter96714 févr. 2022

La Lettre

Ramona Bloj

14 February 2022

The 6th EU-African Union Summit, taking place on 17-18 February, is an opportunity to move towards a closer alliance in many areas, such as infrastructure, health, education, climate transition and migration.

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Frank-Walter Steinmeier re-elected German President

14 February 2022

Outgoing German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was re-elected for another five-year term on 13 February. In the first round of voting by the German Federal Assembly's electorate, he received 1,045 votes out of 1,425. He declared that he would be "above parties" but "not neutral with regard to democracy".

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The Permanent Atlas of the European Union is available

14 February 2022

To better understand Europe in 2022, the Permanent Atlas of the European Union, a unique work, offers a complete and easy-to-access view of the European Union, the euro zone and each of its 27 Member States. It is available in digital format.

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Unreservedly European

13 February 2022

In his book, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, President of the Foundation, openly addresses his fellow citizens, who must refuse to accept the lies about the European Union while at the same time contributing tirelessly to its improvement. For in Europe, it is always the ideas of the "Great Nation" that lead the way: Europe is something more, nothing less. This book, published by Marie B, is available in paper format on the Foundation's website and in bookshops. Order your copy now.

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Map of Health Measures and Travel Conditions in Europe

14 February 2022

In France, as of 15 February, the vaccination pass will only be valid for 4 months without a booster dose, and as of 28 February the mask will no longer be mandatory in places subject to the pass. In Italy and Spain, the mask is no longer mandatory outdoors. In the Czech Republic, the pass is no longer required, and from the 18th, testing in schools and companies will no longer be systematic. In Belgium, restrictions will be eased on 18 February for shows, bars and restaurants, and teleworking will no longer be compulsory. To follow developments and find out what measures are in place in the EU Member States, the Foundation provides a comprehensive map of the measures in place. An indispensable, regularly updated resource.

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Belarus: chronology of a revolution in progress

14 February 2022

On the occasion of the Day of Solidarity with Belarus on 9 February, the European Union reiterated its support for a "secure, sovereign, democratic and prosperous future" for the country, and reiterated its commitment to "ensure justice for the victims and accountability for those responsible". To follow the latest developments in the crisis opened by the rigged presidential election of August 2020 and the repression of the democratic opposition, the Foundation offers you a timeline of events.

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"Unreservedly European" Conference

14 February 2022

On 17 February, EuroDéfense-France will host Jean-Dominique Giuliani for a breakfast-debate by videoconference. The discussion will focus on his latest book "Européen, sans complexes" (Unreservedly European).

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Plan for the supply of semi-conductors

13 February 2022

On 8 February, the Commission tabled measures to ensure the EU's security of supply and resilience in the semiconductor sector. It suggests mobilising more than €43bn of public and private investment to anticipate and respond quickly to any future disruption in supply chains. It proposes the pooling of EU resources to fund research and innovation, the creation of a fund to help start-ups find financing, and a coordination mechanism between Member States to monitor supply and demand for semiconductors.

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Economic Outlook

13 February 2022

According to the economic forecasts published by the Commission on 10 February, the EU economy is expected to grow by 4% in 2022 and 2.8% in 2023, while the euro area economy is expected to grow by 4% in 2022 and 2.7% in 2023. Due to high energy prices and supply problems, inflation is expected to reach 3.9% and 1.9% in the EU and 3.5% in 2022 and 1.7% in 2023 in the euro area. GDP in the EU returned to its pre-pandemic level in the third quarter of 2021, and all Member States are expected to have reached this level by the end of 2022.

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HERA launches its first work plan

14 February 2022

On 10 February, the new European Health Emergency Response and Preparedness Authority (HERA) presented its first annual work plan, with a budget of €1.3 billion for the year 2022 to prevent, prepare for and respond rapidly to cross-border health emergencies.

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2022 Work Programme of the European Innovation Council

14 February 2022

On 9 February, the Commission adopted the 2022 work programme of the European Innovation Council. This adoption opens up funding opportunities of more than €1.7 billion in 2022 to help leading innovators grow and create new markets.

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Last session of the fourth citizens' panel

14 February 2022

The fourth European Citizens' Panel of the Conference on the Future of Europe met for the last time in Maastricht from 11 to 13 February to discuss issues related to the European Union in the world and migration. Its recommendations will be discussed at the next plenary meeting of the conference on 11-12 March. All Europeans can contribute to the debates on the conference platform.

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Presentation of the FPEU to the committees

14 February 2022

The French Ministers for Defence, the Interior, Education and the Sea, as well as the Secretary of State for the Digital Transition, presented the priorities of the French Presidency of the Council in their areas to the Parliament's committees and debated with MEPs.

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Informal Meeting of Health Ministers

13 February 2022

The Health Ministers, meeting on 10 February in Grenoble, underlined the positive effects of greater cooperation and intervention at EU level, particularly with regard to non-communicable diseases, rare diseases and mental health. The ministers stressed the importance of taking better account of the impact that other EU policies have on the health of European citizens.

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Informal meeting of Agriculture Ministers

13 February 2022

The Ministers of Agriculture met on 7 and 8 February in Strasbourg to discuss low-carbon agriculture. They observed on the ground the practices deployed by farmers and structures setting up low-carbon systems, and noted that the market based on carbon credits constitutes both an opportunity for the economic valuation of these practices and a contribution to the fight against climate change.

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Summit on the oceans in Brest

14 February 2022

At the "One Ocean" summit held in Brest from 9 to 11 February under the French Presidency of the Council, EU Member States and 16 other countries committed to signing a treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in the high seas. Fourteen countries pledged to fight illegal fishing. Economic actors promised to step up efforts to decarbonise maritime activities and combat plastic pollution.

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European Strategy regarding world health

13 February 2022

European Foreign and Health Ministers met on 9 February in Lyon to reflect on strengthening the EU's global health strategy, integrating lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic, supporting low- and middle-income countries in their response to the pandemic, and drawing on Member States' expertise in the health field.

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Reform of Budgetary Rules

14 February 2022

The president of the Eurogroup, Paschal Donohoe, was hosted by the vice-president of the Spanish government, Nadia Calvino, on 7 February. They discussed the economic recovery, the European response to the crisis, and the labour reform recently adopted by Spain. The Spanish minister stressed that Spain supports a reform of the European budgetary rules that is "realistic and pragmatic" and that is adapted to the situation.

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Elections in Castilla-y-Léon

14 February 2022

In an early regional poll on 13 February in Castilla y León, the People's Party (PP) obtained 31.0% of the vote, ahead of the Socialist Party (PSOE) of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez (30%). The far-right Vox party came third with 17.6% of the vote. With 31 seats in the 81-seat regional parliament, the PP is far from achieving an absolute majority. The PSOE holds 28 seats. And Vox, 13 seats, while it had only one until now.

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Re-launch of the nuclear industry

13 February 2022

French President Emmanuel Macron announced on 10 February in Belfort the lines of the new French energy policy in the framework of the "France 2030" investment plan. In particular, he presented policies in favour of a 40% reduction in energy consumption, the massive development of renewable energies and the consolidation of the French nuclear energy sector with the extension of all nuclear reactors that can be extended and the launch of a programme for new nuclear reactors.

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Investments in start-ups and scale-ups

13 February 2022

French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire received German Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck on 8 February. On this occasion, France, Germany and 16 other Member States signed a joint declaration declaring their willingness to support a pan-European innovation initiative. Through the European Tech Champions Initiative (ETCI) fund, the two countries are committed to financing €1 billion each in support of European technology companies.

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Mario Draghi not candidate in 2023

14 February 2022

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi held a press conference with Justice Minister Marta Cartabia and Economy and Finance Minister Daniele Franco on 11 February. They detailed their plan to reform the Superior Council of the Judiciary, which aims to strengthen the independence of the judiciary and to upgrade careers. Mario Draghi announced a forthcoming reduction in utility bills and gave an update on Italy's macroeconomic situation. He also announced his intention to leave political life after the 2023 elections.

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Meetings to prevent escalation

14 February 2022

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky on 14 February, before travelling to Moscow on 15 February, and announced a further €150 million in aid. On 11 February, the leaders of France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, the UK, Canada and the US, as well as the Commission, the European Council and NATO, met to discuss the risk of a Russian attack on Ukraine. They reiterated their commitment to diplomacy, dialogue and deterrence. On 12 February, French President Emmanuel Macron held talks with his Russian and Ukrainian counterparts and with O. Scholz. On 10 February, High Representative Josep Borrell replied on behalf of the EU-27 to a letter from Russia. On 11 February, the Council approved the payment of €1.2 billion in aid to Ukraine.

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Council of Europe

GRECO report on Moldova

14 February 2022

On 9 February, GRECO published a report on the prevention of corruption of parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors in Moldova. The body had proposed 18 recommendations on transparency in public life and the creation of a parliamentary code of conduct. It reports that only four of them have been implemented, which it considers "globally unsatisfactory".

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Concern about the teaching of German in Poland

14 February 2022

On 9 February, the Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages expressed its concern about the reduction of the subsidy for regional and minority language education in Poland and the decrease in the number of hours of minority language classes, particularly German, which has been limited to one hour per week. The Committee recalled that Poland had nevertheless undertaken, in the framework of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, to provide teaching in German.

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Guidelines on technologies in the electoral process

13 February 2022

On 10 February, the Council of Europe adopted guidelines on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to ensure the integrity of electoral processes. It proposes that member states incorporate into their legislation and practices a set of requirements and safeguards related to the use of these digital tools during the stages of the electoral process.

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Survey into citizen support for democracy

13 February 2022

According to a Eurobarometer survey published on 8 February by the European Parliament, 32% of citizens surveyed consider democracy as the main value to be defended, followed by freedom of expression (27%) and the protection of human rights (25%). 42% consider that public health should be the Parliament's political priority, while 40% consider that the fight against poverty and social exclusion should be given priority.

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Report on Cohesion

14 February 2022

The 8th Cohesion Report published by the Commission on 9 February shows that cohesion policy has helped to reduce territorial and social disparities between EU regions, notably through the cohesion fund, which is expected to increase GDP per capita in the least developed regions by almost 5% by 2023. However, while convergence between Member States has accelerated, internal regional disparities within fast-growing Member States have increased.

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IMF study regarding European consumer savings

14 February 2022

In a study published on 10 February, the IMF notes that the savings rate of Europeans has increased due to the pandemic, rising to 19% in 2020-2021 from 12% previously. The organisation believes that the consumption of these savers should be boosted to stimulate growth, but notes that the uncertainty linked to the development of the pandemic is an obstacle.

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Photos by Andreas Mühe in Frankfurt

14 February 2022

The work of Andreas Mühe will be on show at the Städel Museum in Frankfurt from 16 February to 19 June. The photographer portrays sociological, historical and political themes in an often dramatic and ambiguous light.

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Vinterjazz Festival in Denmark

14 February 2022

Until 27 February, Copenhagen is hosting its winter jazz festival. Almost 600 concerts in 150 venues, ranging from large stages to independent bars, are on offer both in the capital and in the country.

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Photography and impressionism in Potsdam

14 February 2022

Until 8 May, the Barberini Museum in Potsdam will be exploring the gradual establishment of photography as an art form in the 19th century and its link with Impressionist painting. The exhibition shows the influences and competition between these two art forms through 150 works.

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Sorolla's "Adulthood" in Madrid

14 February 2022

The exhibition "La edad dichosa" (Adulthood), on show until 19 June at the Sorolla Museum in Madrid, highlights the works of impressionist painter Joaquín Sorolla (1863-1923).

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Emilio Tadini in Milan

14 February 2022

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Emilio Tadini's death, the Gio Marconi Gallery in Milan is presenting a retrospective of the artist's early works until 5 March. The Milanese painter, sculptor, essayist, poet, playwright and art critic worked on the creation of an artistic style, integral realism, inspired by the pop movement and surrealism.

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Whistler Exhibition at the Orsay Museum

14 February 2022

The works of the American painter James Abbott McNeill Whistler from the Frick collection in New York are on show at the Musée d'Orsay until 8 May. This is the first time in more than a century that these works, pastels, Venetian prints and paintings, have been shown in Europe.

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Text Art in Riga

14 February 2022

The Latvian National Art Museum in Riga is presenting "ES_TEXT" until 1 May, an exhibition of nearly 200 works by 70 Latvian artists who play with words to produce creations evoking social and political events.

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Munch at the Albertina

14 February 2022

From 18 February to 19 June, the Albertina in Vienna will be presenting the exhibition "Munch in Dialogue". The works of the Norwegian painter will be displayed in relation to the works of major 20th century artists who were inspired by his innovative painting.

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Sami Culture in Stockholm

14 February 2022

The Nordic Museum in Stockholm is presenting an exhibition on Sami culture until 20 February, with furniture, jewellery, clothing and other objects that highlight the links and mixtures that have been created between Swedish and Sami culture over the centuries.

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European sovereigns in Krakow

14 February 2022

The National Museum in Krakow is presenting an exhibition on "Memories of European and Polish Kings" until 29 May. Manuscripts, engravings and maps from the library of the Czartoryski princes are on display. Parchments of Pope Julius II, Charles V and Charles IX, or Emperor Maximilian I, all refer to Polish affairs, while genealogical documents testify to the links between European sovereigns.

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Vivian Maier in Pont-Aven and Quimper

14 February 2022

Until 29 May, the Musée des Beaux-arts de Quimper is joining forces with the Musée de Pont-Aven to present an exhibition dedicated to Vivian Maier, whose photographs represent the United States in the 1950s and 1960s.

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Danse l'Europe

14 February 2022

As part of the French Presidency of the Council, the participatory choreography "Danse l'Europe!", created by Angelin Preljocaj to music by Jeanne Added, was presented for the first time on 9 February at the ephemeral Grand Palais. It is accessible on an application specially created for this project, for those who want to test the choreography, alone or with others.

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les 14-17 February 2022

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

les 14-15 February 2022

Informal Meeting of Ministers for Labour, Employment and Social Affairs (Bordeaux)

14 February

Informal Meeting of Trade Ministers (Marseilles)

16 February 2022

Informal Meeting of Ministers responsible for Space (Toulouse)

les 16-17 February 2022

Meeting of NATO Defence Ministers (Brussels)

les 17-18 February 2022

EU-African Union Summit (Brussels)

21 February 2022

Foreign Affairs Council Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

A "commissioner" responsible for defence issues

European agriculture and Ukrainian agriculture complement each other

Ukraine's accession to the European Union brings added value and serves historical justice

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy ,Emilie Malivert, Ana Pasturel, Mélina Giraud, Luna RicciEditor-in-chief: Eric Maurice

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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The European Strategy for a "New Deal" with Africa


The Newsletter n°967- version of 14 févr. 2022