The Newsletter94519 juil. 2021

La Lettre

Nicolas Blain

19 July 2021

The ability to travel, a pillar of European integration, has been challenged by the pandemic and is undergoing profound transformation. From urban mobility to travel between Member States, transport policy is now linked to the dual digital and climate transition.

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Front page!

Human Rights' Black Summer

19 July 2021

From Belarus to China, the exercise of human rights is increasingly difficult. Human rights, an inalienable value guaranteed by our constitutions and the European treaties, deserve a resolute commitment from Europeans throughout the world, underlines Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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The Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2021

19 July 2021

The 2021 edition of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union", a reference work for European decision-makers, has just been published by Marie B. The articles written by the best experts and leading personalities, such as Josep Borrell and Margaritis Schinas, offer an assessment of European achievements and new forms of solidarity in the context of the pandemic, as well as a broad view of Europe's role in the world. It is available in hard copy in bookshops and on our website, and in digital version in English and French. Order it here.

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The Permanent Atlas of the European Union is available

19 July 2021

The new edition of the 'Permanent Atlas of the European Union' has been published by Marie B. This book reflects the latest political and economic changes in the European Union and its Member States. With more than 50 maps, texts and thematic sheets, the Atlas summarises the Union's history and political and statistical realities. It is available in paper version in French in bookshops and on our website, and in digital version in French and English. You can order it here.

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Belarus: chronology of a revolution in progress

19 July 2021

The European Union and the Council of Europe have condemned the recent raids on human rights organisations and independent media in Belarus. They have again called for the release of all political prisoners. To follow the crisis since the rigged presidential election of August 2020, the Foundation offers you a chronology of events and links to European responses and initiatives.

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Map of health measures and travel conditions in Europe

19 July 2021

In response to the increase in cases due to the Delta variant, Catalonia and the Valencia region in Spain have reintroduced curfews and limited gatherings to 10 people. In France, a health certificate will be required from 21 July in cultural and leisure venues, and from 1 August in cafés, restaurants, shopping centres and hospitals, as well as for air and long-distance travel by train and bus. To keep track of the situation and the conditions of entry into the different EU Member States, the Foundation offers a complete map of the measures in place. An indispensable, regularly updated resource.

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Package of measures to reduce CO2 emissions by 55%

19 July 2021

On 14 July, the Commission presented a number of measures to achieve the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990. The Commission is proposing to lower the overall emissions cap of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), to abolish free allowances for aviation, and to include maritime transport emissions. A second trading scheme will be created for road transport and buildings. The Commission is proposing a border carbon adjustment mechanism that will put a price on carbon for imports, as well as ending the use of internal combustion engines for cars and vans by 2035. The share of renewables is to reach 40% by 2030, and energy taxation will be reviewed.

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New strategy for the forests

19 July 2021

On 16 July, the Commission presented the EU's New Forest Strategy for 2030 as part of the Green Deal for Europe. The aim is to promote new forest management and ensure the multifunctionality of Europe's forests. In particular, the proposed measures should enhance carbon sequestration by improving sinks and stocks.

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Civil Protection Mechanism to counter the floods

19 July 2021

At the request of Belgium, faced with terrible floods which have caused many victims, the Commission activated the EU's Civil Protection Mechanism on 15 July. A rescue team and a helicopter were mobilised from France to support local rescue operations, mainly in the flooded areas around the city of Liege. Italy and Austria have also offered to make their specialised rescue teams available. The Commission is coordinating the aid and financing up to 75% of the transport costs. According to a provisional assessment, the floods have left 36 dead and around 100 missing in Belgium, and 160 dead and several hundred missing in Germany. Luxembourg and the Netherlands were also affected.

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New industrial alliances on microprocessors and the cloud

20 July 2021

On 19 July, the Commission launched the Alliance for Processor and Semiconductor Technologies and the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud. The two new alliances aim to advance the next generation of chip and industrial technologies and strengthen the EU's critical digital infrastructure, products and services. They are open to the participation of all public and private entities with a legal representative in the EU, provided they meet certain security requirements.

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The Slovenian Presidency of the Council presents its priorities

19 July 2021

From 12 to 15 July, the Slovenian Presidency of the Council presented its 14 priorities to the European Parliament committees. The priorities include fisheries to make the aquaculture sector more sustainable, development through support to partner countries to recover from the impact of the pandemic on education, gender equality, food security and health, and industry, research and energy to create a more stable European energy sector to prepare for a stable, cost-effective and equitable transition.

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Interim agreement on access to justice in environmental matters

19 July 2021

The Council and the Parliament reached a provisional agreement on 12 July on a proposal for a revision of the Aarhus Regulation, which sets out how the EU and the Member States implement the international Aarhus Convention, which aims to ensure access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters. The aim is to ensure that the Union fully respects the Convention concerning the public right of review of non-legislative administrative acts adopted by a Union institution or body which may, by reason of their effects, infringe environmental law.

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Economic and Financial Affairs Council

19 July 2021

Finance ministers adopted 12 national recovery plans under the NextGenerationEU programme on 13 July. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain can now sign the grant and loan agreements to receive the EU funds. The Council also approved conclusions on the 2021 in-depth reviews for 12 Member States within the framework of the European Semester. In addition, the Slovenian Presidency presented its work programme in the field of economy and finance.

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Adoption of the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking

19 July 2021

On 13 July, the Council adopted the regulation establishing the European Joint Undertaking for High Performance Computing, which should help strengthen research and innovation capacities and broaden the use and development of an ecosystem of supercomputing infrastructures. The Joint Undertaking will be able to use budgetary funds from EU programmes.

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Position on the 2022 Budget

19 July 2021

On 14 July, the Council adopted its position on the 2022 budget proposal. It is asking to set appropriations at € 167.7 billion in commitments and € 170 billion in payments.

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Informal Meeting of Ministers of the Interior

19 July 2021

The Ministers of the Interior met on 15 July to exchange views on the EU's common migration policy and to discuss the new pact on immigration and asylum. They recalled the importance of responsibility, solidarity and closer cooperation with countries of origin and transit to ensure effective returns. They expressed their concern about the situation in Lithuania and reiterated their support for the management of migration pressure.

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Informal Meeting of Justice Ministers

19 July 2021

The Ministers of Justice, meeting on 16 July, stressed the importance of having legislation on artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure the protection of fundamental rights and to regulate the development and use of AI in a uniform manner within the Union. They discussed the protection of children and their rights in legal proceedings. They discussed the challenges of identifying and accessing the content of digital assets.

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Extension of sanctions against terrorists

19 July 2021

The Council has extended the Union's sanctions in the fight against terrorism by six months. 14 persons and 21 groups and entities are subject to the freezing of their financial assets in the Union. EU operators are also prohibited from making funds and economic resources available to them.

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Informal Meeting of Research Ministers

20 July 2021

On 19 July, Research Ministers discussed how to make the EU more competitive by improving the efficiency of the research sector. They discussed with Commissioner Mariya Gabriel her proposal for a pact for innovation and research. The ministers also discussed international cooperation with representatives from the EFTA countries and the Western Balkans.

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Agriculture and Fisheries Council

20 July 2021

The Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers met on 19 July to discuss the action plan for the development of organic production, the evolution of trade relations with the United States, as well as the ongoing negotiations for new free trade agreements with Australia, Chile and New Zealand. They discussed the ban on the caging of farm animals and the slaughter of chicks, as well as issues related to extreme weather conditions and other problems affecting European agriculture. In addition, the Slovenian Presidency presented its priorities in the field of agriculture and fisheries.

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Chinese Cyberattacks

20 July 2021

On 19 July, High Representative Josep Borrell called on the Chinese authorities to respect international standards and act against cyber attacks from their territory on government institutions and political and business organisations in the EU. He called on behalf of the EU for a programme of action under the auspices of the United Nations to effectively advance and assist States to behave responsibly in cyberspace.

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Court of Justice

EU law allows ban on religious symbols at work

19 July 2021

The Court of Justice ruled on 15 July that a ban on wearing any visible form of expression of political, philosophical or religious beliefs in the workplace may be justified by the employer's need to present itself in a neutral manner to customers or to prevent social conflicts. However, it stressed that such a decision must meet a genuine need of the employer and that national courts may take into account national provisions that are more favourable to freedom of religion.

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Decisions regarding the illegal nature of the disciplinary regime in Poland

19 July 2021

The Court of Justice ruled on 15 July that the disciplinary regime for judges introduced in 2017 does not comply with EU law. It found that the disciplinary chamber of the Supreme Court, created by the law, does not offer all the guarantees of impartiality and independence and that it is subject to political influence. The previous day, in an interim order, it ordered the immediate suspension of the provisions relating to the powers of the disciplinary chamber of the Supreme Court with regard to the lifting of immunity and the employment of judges. The court considered that the independence of the disciplinary chamber was not guaranteed and that the provisions threatened the independence of Polish courts.

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Clarification of the Working Time Directive for the military

19 July 2021

In a ruling handed down on 15 July, the Court of Justice, seized by Slovenia, clarified the conditions under which the working time directive would apply to military personnel. It considers that time spent on guard in barracks can be considered as overtime, but that the directive does not apply to the activities of military personnel in the context of their initial or operational training or operations involving a military commitment of the armed forces in a theatre (OPEX), including on national territory.

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Launch of the digital euro project

19 July 2021

The European Central Bank launched its digital euro project on 14 July to adapt to the increase in paperless payments that has increased with the pandemic. The study phase will last 24 months and will aim to solve problems concerning design and distribution. The aim is to allow households and businesses to deposit this money directly into an account at the Central Bank, access to which has so far been restricted to commercial banks. The ECB assures that no technical obstacles have been identified during the preliminary testing phase.

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European Agencies

Already more than 1,000 investigations for the European Public Prosecutor's Office

19 July 2021

The European Public Prosecutor's Office announced on 16 July that since it became active on 1 June, it has dealt with more than 1,000 reports of fraud affecting the EU's financial interests and has seized assets worth €7 million.

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Visit to Washington

19 July 2021

Following their meeting at the White House on 15 July, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Joe Biden stressed the strong bonds of friendship between the two countries. They called for stronger transatlantic cooperation, especially in the fight against pandemics and global warming. They discussed their disagreements over the Nord Stream gas pipeline project, which the United States fears could be used by Russia as a weapon to pressure Ukraine. The Chancellor raised the possibility of European sanctions against Moscow.

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Adoption of the Recovery and Resilience Plan

19 July 2021

The Commission approved on 16 July Ireland's Recovery and Resilience Plan. The €989 million grant will help Ireland emerge stronger from the Covid-19 pandemic by supporting the implementation of key investment and reform measures as described in country's Recovery and Resilience Plan. Ireland will devote 42% of its total allocation to ensuring the green transition and 32% to supporting the digital transition. The plan still needs to be formally adopted by the Council.

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Growth forecasts by the Bank of Italy

19 July 2021

On 16 July, the Bank of Italy revised its growth forecasts for 2021 upwards to 5.1%, thanks to a significant acceleration from the third quarter onwards, despite the uncertainties surrounding the evolution of the pandemic.

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The Constitutional Court rejects the primacy of European law

19 July 2021

The Polish Constitutional Court ruled on 14 July that the EU Court of Justice had exceeded its powers by ordering the suspension of the Polish Supreme Court's disciplinary chamber in 2020, and ruled that EU law in this case does not take precedence over Polish law. The European Commission said it was "concerned" about the decision. It recalled that EU law takes precedence over national law and that "all decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, including interim orders, are binding on all national authorities and courts of the Member States".

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Czech Republic

Approval of the Recovery and Resilience Plan

19 July 2021

On 19 July, the Commission approved the Czech Republic's €7 billion EU-funded Recovery and Resilience Plan. It devotes 42% of its budget to the climate and 22% to the digital transition. It still is subject to adoption by the Council.

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Stabilisation and Association Council with the Union

19 July 2021

The 4th EU-Bosnia and Herzegovina Stabilisation and Association Council was held on 13 July to discuss the pre-accession process with the political and economic criteria, the acquis and pre-accession assistance. The Council also discussed the situation in the Western Balkans.

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Partnership regarding raw materials

19 July 2021

On 13 July, the EU and Ukraine launched a strategic partnership on raw materials, with the aim of achieving closer integration of raw material and battery value chains. The partnership aims to diversify, strengthen and secure both sides' supply of raw materials, which are essential for the dual green and digital transitions, and to develop industrial resilience.

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Report on cross-border regions

19 July 2021

In a report published on 14 July, the Commission proposes to extend the "b-solutions" initiative, which helps border regions tackle very concrete obstacles and support the production and analysis of cross-border data. It encourages the development of cross-border public services and recommends more support for EURES cross-border partnerships or raising awareness of the European Qualifications Framework to increase labour mobility. It calls for greater regional cooperation in the development of national climate transition strategies.

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Wibracje 4.0 Festiwal

19 July 2021

From 21 to 25 July, the Wibracje (Vibrations) festival in eastern Poland offers music, readings, workshops and meditations on the theme of ecology and spirituality.

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Beaune Festival

19 July 2021

The 39th Beaune International Baroque and Romantic Opera Festival is running until 31 July in the town's Hospices and the Notre-Dame Basilica. Handel's triumph of Time and Disillusionment will close the festival.

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Women and Sculpture in Milan

19 July 2021

Until 5 September, the Palazzo Reale in Milan is hosting the exhibition "Sculpted", organised by the Association of Women Photographers. Through the eyes of 35 women, the exhibition aims to contribute actively to the creation of an open and critical vision of the figure of the woman in the collective imagination and to stimulate reflection on the weak presence of women in sculpture.

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Vivian Suter in Madrid

19 July 2021

Until May 2, 2022, the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid is celebrating nature in painting with an exhibition dedicated to Vivian Suter. The exhibition brings together almost 500 of the artist's paintings, most of which were painted in the Guatemalan jungle, where the environment and nature play a fundamental role.

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Europa Cantat Festival

19 July 2021

The Europa Cantat International Music Festival is taking place in Ljubljana until 25 July. Singers, composers, conductors, instrumentalists and choirs from all over the world, both professional and amateur, are taking part in over 100 events

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Eurockéennes in Belfort

19 July 2021

The Eurockéennes festival in Belfort takes place from July 20th to 24th in "second home" mode. Five afternoons and evenings are programmed for a reduced audience of 1000 people.

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Photography from the 1920s and 1930s in Frankfurt

19 July 2021

The Städel Museum in Frankfurt is honouring the photography of the 1920s and 1930s and its influence on the art world in an exhibition that runs until 24 October. Various themes are discussed, such as the use of photography in science and research or its use in advertising and propaganda.

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Winners of the Cannes Film Festival

19 July 2021

The film "Titane", by French director Julie Ducournau, was awarded the Palme d'Or at the 74th Cannes Film Festival. The jury, chaired by director Spike Lee, also awarded the Grand Prize to Iranian director Ashgar Fahradi's "A Hero" and Finnish director Juho Kuosmanen's "Compartment 6". Frenchman Leos Carax won the director's prize for "Annette". The Norwegian Renate Reinsve and American Caleb Landry Jones won the male and female acting awards.

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Napoleon's Bicentenary


19 July 2021

Napoleonica, the Fondation Napoléon's channel, regularly posts explanatory videos, interviews and conferences on the Napoleonic period. The Foundation looks back on the events that have marked history.

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Concert in Fontainbleau

19 July 2021

As part of the American Schools Festival, which runs until 31 July, Gabriel Fauré's Second Sonata for Cello and Piano, dedicated in 1921 to the centenary of Napoleon's death, will be performed on 24 July, at 3 pm and 4.30 pm in the English garden of the Château de Fontainebleau.

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les 20-21 July 2021

Informal Meeting of Environment Ministers (Kranj)

22 July 2021

Informal Meeting of Industry and Research Ministers (Kran)

les 22-23 July 2021

Informal Meeting of Ministers for European Affairs (Kranj)

22 July 2021

Meeting of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (Frankfurt)

26 July 2021

Meeting of Economy and Finance Ministers (Videoconference)

Newsletter Archives

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Publishing Director: Pascale Joannin

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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Covid-19 crisis and European mobility: What lessons? What future?


The Newsletter n°945- version of 19 juil. 2021