The Newsletter9435 juil. 2021

La Lettre

Clémence Pèlegrin

5 July 2021

On 14 July, the Commission is due to present measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% in 2030 compared to 1990, the target set by the climate law adopted in April-May by the Parliament and the Council. These measures, known as "adjustment to target 55", should both extend and deepen the current scope of the EU's climate action.

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Belarus: chronology of a revolution in progress

5 July 2021

While Belarus has suspended its participation in the Eastern Partnership in response to the latest EU sanctions, the EU says it will continue to support the Belarusian people. It is still calling for an end to repression, the release of political prisoners and the organisation of free elections. To follow the crisis since the rigged presidential election of August 2020, the Foundation offers you a timeline of events and links to European responses and initiatives.

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The Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2021

4 July 2021

The 2021 edition of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union", a reference work for European decision-makers, has just been published by Marie B. Articles by leading experts and personalities such as Josep Borrell and Margaritis Schinas offer an overview of European achievements and new forms of solidarity in the context of the pandemic, as well as a broad view of Europe's role in the world. It is available in hard copy in bookshops and on our website, and in digital version in English and French. Order it here.

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The Permanent Atlas of the European Union is available

4 July 2021

The new edition of the 'Permanent Atlas of the European Union' has been published by Marie B. This book reflects the latest political and economic changes in the European Union and its Member States. With over 50 maps, texts and thematic sheets, the Atlas summarises the essential history and political and statistical realities of the Union. It is available in paper version in French in bookshops and on our website, and in digital version in French and English. Order it here.

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Map of health measures and travel conditions in Europe

5 July 2021

The European certificate, designed to facilitate free movement within the Union, came into force on 1 July. In Sweden, masks are no longer recommended on public transport, stadiums can accommodate up to 5,000 people. Discotheques reopen in France on 9 July. Several Member States took measures to counter the variants: on 1 July, Portugal re-established curfews in 45 cities, including Lisbon, and Lithuania re-established a national state of emergency. Portugal, Spain, Poland and Malta are imposing restrictions on travellers from the UK. Germany has tightened controls for travellers from risk areas. To follow developments in the situation and to understand the conditions of entry into the different EU Member States, the Foundation offers you a comprehensive map of the measures in place. An essential, regularly updated resource, to help you understand the situation.

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Research, innovation and education as the main drivers in the recovery

5 July 2021

The Foundation organised a video conference with Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth on 28 June. The debate is available in full here.

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Strategic framework for occupational health and safety

5 July 2021

On 28 June, the Commission presented its strategic framework for health and safety at work for the period 2021-2027, with three objectives: to manage the change brought about by the green, digital and demographic transitions and changes in the traditional working environment, to improve the prevention of accidents and diseases, and to strengthen preparedness for any potential future crisis. The Commission calls on the Member States to update their national strategies to ensure that the new measures reach the workplace.

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Launch of Knowledge Centre on Cancer

5 July 2021

On 30 June, the Commission launched the Cancer Knowledge Centre, an online platform, which aims to gather, disseminate and harmonise knowledge and data so as to coordinate actions across the EU.

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Decisions for the circulation of personal data to the UK

5 July 2021

On 28 June, the Commission adopted two adequacy decisions vis-à-vis the UK allowing for a better flow of personal data from the EU. One under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the other under the Directive on data protection in the field of law enforcement. The UK's legal regime for the protection of personal data remained the same as in the EU, which allowed the decisions to be adopted. However, safeguards are provided for if changes occur on the UK side.

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Proposals to revise consumer protection rules

5 July 2021

On 30 June, the Commission proposed to revise the rules on product safety and consumer credit, with an update of the General Product Safety Regulation to address the risks of these new technological products and a revision of the Consumer Credit Directive.

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NextGenerationEU: first payment and second issuance

4 July 2021

On 28 June, the Commission made its first payments under NextGenerationEU, amounting to €800 million. 41 national and regional programmes in 16 Member States have been funded under "Supporting Recovery for Europe's Cohesion and Territories" (REACT-EU). On 30 June, the Commission issued €15 billion in bonds to finance NextGenerationEU. After a first issue in June, the Commission has now raised €35 billion and plans to raise a total of €80 billion in 2021.

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Long term vision of rural areas

5 July 2021

On 30 June, the Commission presented a long-term vision for the EU's rural areas. It proposes a rural pact and an action plan, which will involve actors at European, national, regional and local levels, with the aim of improving the resilience and prosperity of these areas. By the end of the year, the Commission will liaise with the Committee of the Regions to discuss the way forward to achieve these objectives.

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Launch of European Defence Fund

4 July 2021

On 30 June, the Commission adopted decisions to support the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the EU defence industry. The first annual work programme of the European Defence Fund (EDF) paves the way for the EU to support €1.2 billion in collaborative defence research and development projects. The Commission has selected 26 new projects, with a budget of over €158 million, through the European Defence Industry Development Programme (EDIDP), the precursor to the Defence Fund.

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Meeting of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers

5 July 2021

At the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 28-29 June, Ministers endorsed the provisional agreement on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and submitted a request to the Commission for a study on the introduction, evaluation, production, marketing and use of biological control agents. They reiterated the need for a new approach to protect bees and adopted general guidelines on the revision of the fisheries control system in order to modernise them.

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Start of Slovenian Presidency

4 July 2021

Slovenia began its six-month Presidency of the Council on 1 July by presenting its programme, which has four priorities: facilitating the Union's recovery and greater resilience, reflecting on the future of Europe, strengthening the rule of law and European values, and ensuring security and stability in the European neighbourhood. During the visit of the College of Commissioners, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen stressed the need for progress on climate, digital and migration issues, as well as the need to protect the rule of law.

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A further 11 countries to be exempted from travel restrictions

4 July 2021

On 1 July, the Council added 11 countries to the list of those for which travel restrictions at external borders can be lifted. These new countries include Canada, Qatar, Armenia, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

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Extensions of Union missions in Palestine

5 July 2021

On 28 June, the Council decided to extend the mandates of two of its civilian missions until 30 June 2022 as part of the Union's wider efforts to support Palestinian state-building, in the context of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP): the European Union Border Assistance Mission at the Rafah Crossing Point (EUBAM Rafah) and the European Union Police Mission for the Palestinian Territories (EUPOL COPPS).

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New Programme for the Eastern Partnership

4 July 2021

On 2 July, the Commission and High Representative Josep Borrell presented their proposals for cooperation with the Eastern Partnership countries in the coming years. The programme focuses on long-term recovery, resilience and reform, and would be backed by a €2.3 billion economic and investment plan in the form of grants, blended finance and guarantees and up to €17 billion in public and private investment. It aims to boost trade, growth and employment, invest in connectivity, and strengthen democratic institutions and the rule of law. Belarus suspended its participation in the Eastern Partnership on 28 June.

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Court of Auditors

Air passengers' rights were not sufficiently protected during the pandemic

5 July 2021

In a report published on 29 June, the Court of Auditors considers that the basic rights of air passengers were not sufficiently protected during the Covid-19 pandemic. It notes that few passengers were informed of their rights and many were not refunded. It calls on the Commission to better protect passengers' rights and to strengthen the coordination of national measures.

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The fight to counter capital laundering is overly fragmented

5 July 2021

On 28 June, the Court of Auditors published a special report on the fight against money laundering in the European banking sector. It notes that there is institutional fragmentation and insufficient coordination at EU level when it comes to preventing money laundering and taking action where risks are detected. It believes that the problem stems in particular from the lack of a single supervisory authority at European level.

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European Agencies

Appointment of the President of the European Research Council

5 July 2021

German Maria Leptin, Director of the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO), was appointed President of the European Research Council (ERC) on 30 June. She will take up her post on 1 October. The ERC, the body responsible for coordinating research in the EU, is expected to receive more than €16 billion from the Horizon Europe programme, an increase of 22% on the previous scheme.

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Provisional agreement on the European Asylum Agency

4 July 2021

Council and Parliament negotiators reached a provisional agreement on 29 June on the transformation of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) into the European Asylum Agency. The agency will provide support for cooperation between Member States and third countries, including a pool of experts ready to assist national structures faced with a high caseload.

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Negotiating mandate for new Europol rules

5 July 2021

On 1 July, the Council adopted its mandate to negotiate with the Parliament on the revision of Europol's rules on cooperation with third countries, the European Public Prosecutor's Office and other parties, as well as on the processing of personal data in support of criminal investigations and on the agency's role in research and innovation.

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Chancellor's visit to the UK

5 July 2021

In her last official visit to Britain before stepping down as Chancellor, Angela Merkel was hosted by Queen Elizabeth II before joining Prime Minister Boris Johnson to discuss the health situation. The Chancellor is pushing for the 27 countries of the European Union to agree to impose a quarantine on travellers from the UK to prevent the spread of the Delta variant on the continent.

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Declaration by 16 nationalist parties on the future of the Union

5 July 2021

Sixteen European nationalist and far-right parties signed a joint declaration on 2 July calling for a "profound reform" of the Union. In particular, they believe that the competences of the European institutions have expanded to the detriment of the Member States and want to restore "consensus" as "a fundamental means of achieving a common position in the Union".

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Donald Tusk takes over as leader of the Civic Platform (PO)

5 July 2021

Donald Tusk, President of the EPP and former President of the European Council, who co-founded the Civic Platform (CP), wants to carry the progressive torch high in the face of Poland's ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) by taking over the leadership of the main opposition party.

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Jersey gives go-ahead to extend fishing licences

5 July 2021

Jersey agreed on 28 June to a three-month extension of fishing licences for European vessels in its waters. The fishing restrictions had caused much discontent among fishermen in Brittany and Normandy in recent weeks.

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Measures for the implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol

5 July 2021

On 30 June the Commission announced measures on the implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol. The transitional period for the shipment of chilled meat from Great Britain to Northern Ireland will be extended until 30 September to allow businesses to adapt their supply chains. The Commission also adopted an implementing act to facilitate the movement of livestock and will present a text on the movement of medicines in the autumn. On the same day, the High Court in Belfast ruled that the protocol "conflicts" with the Act of Union, but that it is part of a process of "constitutional evolution" and therefore in accordance with the law.

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Council of Europe

Report on the Warsaw Convention

5 July 2021

In a report published on 30 June, the Committee of the Warsaw Convention on Laundering and Financing of Terrorism recommends that Member States reverse the burden of proof to allow confiscation in serious offences. If this measure were adopted, the alleged offender would have to establish the origin of the confiscable proceeds. The Committee justifies the reversal of the burden of proof on the grounds that it would increase efficiency in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.

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Report of the fight to counter online child abuse

5 July 2021

On 28 June, the Council of Europe published a report which aims to help policy makers develop a comprehensive and balanced approach to the use of automated technologies to detect online child sexual abuse material. Prepared by a group of independent experts, it includes recommendations and calls for the establishment of a "public interest framework", based on the Lanzarote Convention and other Council of Europe conventions, enabling service providers to automatically detect, remove and report relevant content in a way that respects data protection and privacy.

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Poland condemned for the dismissal of judges

5 July 2021

The European Court of Human Rights condemned Poland on 29 June for violating the right of access to a court after the Minister of Justice dismissed two judges in 2018. The Court found that the compatibility of the law allowing the government to dismiss judges with the requirements of the rule of law" was "doubtful". It stressed that such a procedure should be subject to review by an independent judicial body, which was not the case.

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France condemned for rejecting anti-nuclear complaint

5 July 2021

The European Court of Human Rights condemned France on 1 July for disproportionate restrictions on the right of access to court, upholding the claims of associations opposed to a planned radioactive storage facility at the Bure site, one of which had been ruled inadmissible by a court. On the other hand, it rejected the associations' complaint for violation of the right of access to information.

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Agreement on the reform of world taxation

4 July 2021

130 countries and jurisdictions agreed on 1 July on a global tax reform, with the aim of limiting the opportunities for tax optimisation and evasion by large multinationals. The reform is based on two pillars: a global minimum corporate tax of 15% and a reallocation of the taxing rights of multinationals, including digital companies, by reallocating part of the taxing rights of these companies to their home countries. Three EU Member States did not join the agreement: Estonia, Hungary and Ireland. The reform, which is due to come into force at the beginning of 2023, is due to be finalised in the autumn.

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Generation Equality Forum

5 July 2021

From 30 June to 2 July, the Generation Equality Forum was held in Paris, organised by UN Women, France and Mexico. The Forum announced a series of groundbreaking investments, programmes and policies on gender equality. It marks the beginning of a five-year action plan and a compact on women, peace, security and humanitarian action.

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Report on the Belgian Economy

5 July 2021

On 29 June, the International Monetary Fund published its assessment report on the economic situation in Belgium. It considers that Belgium's rapid response to the Covid-19 pandemic has mitigated its social and economic impact. It expects Belgian growth to reach 5% in 2021 and 3.5% in 2022, but recommends that the government strengthen its adjustment plan to build up reserves against future pressures and new shocks.

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Assessment Report on the Hungarian Economy

5 July 2021

The International Monetary Fund published its conclusions on Hungary's economic response to the Covid-19 crisis on 29 June. It notes that the response of the Hungarian authorities has been particularly strong, but stresses that Hungarian fiscal policy needs to strike a more flexible balance between supporting the economy and preserving medium-term fiscal sustainability. The IMF forecasts GDP growth of 6.2%, unemployment of 4.1% and inflation of 4.1% for 2021.

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Meeting of Foreign Ministers

4 July 2021

The G20 Foreign Ministers, meeting in Matera on 29 June, discussed global governance and the sustainable development of the African continent. They called on the international community to "build inclusive and resilient food chains and ensure adequate nutrition for all" in line with the "Zero Hunger" goal set for 2030, as well as achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

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Beuys and Lehmbruck in Bonn

5 July 2021

The Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn is hosting an exhibition dedicated to the sculptors and designers Joseph Beuys and Wilhelm Lehmbruck until 1 November. The exhibition addresses their progressive vision of social and political reorganisation expressed in their art.

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Line of Wit at the Guggenheim

5 July 2021

The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao is presenting "The Line of Wit" until January 16, 2022, an exhibition that explores the experimental nature of contemporary art through works dating from the 1950s to the present. The exhibition brings together artists from several generations, reflecting the diversity of artistic practices.

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Anna Blinska in Warsaw

5 July 2021

Until 10 October, Polish artist Anna Bilinska (1854-1893) is being honoured at the National Museum in Warsaw. The exhibition brings together a large number of paintings and drawings, including unpublished works, from museums and private collections.

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Fede Galizia in Trente

5 July 2021

The Castello del Buon Consiglio in Trento is presenting the first monographic exhibition dedicated to the Milanese painter Fede Galizia (1578-1630) until 24 October.

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Francofolies de La Rochelle

5 July 2021

The Francofolies de La Rochelle music festival is taking place from 10 to 14 July. Many French artists and musicians will perform on the festival's 9 stages, including Jane Birkin, Alain Souchon, Jeanne Cherhal, Jean-Louis Aubert, les Rita Mitsouko and Grand Corps Malade.

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Cannes Festival

5 July 2021

The 74th Cannes Film Festival is being held from 6 to 17 July. 24 films are competing and the jury is chaired by American director Spike Lee. Actress and director Jodie Foster is the special guest of the opening ceremony and will receive a special Palme d'Or.

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Avignon Festival

5 July 2021

Avignon is hosting the 75th edition of its theatre festival until 25 July, with no limit on the number of spectators but with health measures in place. More than 100 shows are on offer as part of the off-festival, and the official programme includes a variation on Hamlet by director and festival director Olivier Py.

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Dante at the National Library of Spain

5 July 2021

The National Library of Spain is presenting an exhibition dedicated to Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy until 2 October, on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the poet's death. By means of 10 manuscripts, the exhibition evokes the three parts of this reference text in the thought of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise.

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Napoleon's Bicentenary

Exhibition and Festivities on the Isle of Elbe

5 July 2021

Elba, the Emperor's first place of exile, is organising a series of events in Portoferraio. Until 10 October, an exhibition at the Pinacoteca Foresiana is being held in conjunction with the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. A photographic itinerary traces Napoleon's life on the island. Film screenings and meetings with historians are also being organised in July and August.

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Napoleon, Flight of the Eagle

5 July 2021

From 7 July to 26 August, the Hôtel des Invalides is organising the 9th edition of the Nuit aux Invalides, which this year celebrates the 200th anniversary of Napoleon's death with its new show entitled "Napoleon - The Flight of the Eagle". This performance offers visitors the opportunity to explore the Emperor's life and his civil and military legacy. After the show, the evening can be extended with a night walk in the Dome church.

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Napoleon Superstar

5 July 2021

From 9 July to 5 September, a thematic tour created in partnership with Paris Match in the centre of Ajaccio presents photos of film shoots dedicated to Napoleon, notably with the actors who played the emperor.

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les 5-8 July 2021

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

les 8-9 July 2021

Informal Meeting of Employment and Social Policy Ministers (Kranj)

les 9-10 July 2021

Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers (Venice)

11 July 2021

General Elections (Bulgaria)

12 July 2021

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

12 July 2021

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

A "commissioner" responsible for defence issues

European agriculture and Ukrainian agriculture complement each other

Ukraine's accession to the European Union brings added value and serves historical justice

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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Fit for 55: towards the achievement of an ambitious European political compromis...


The Newsletter n°943- version of 5 juil. 2021