The Newsletter9306 avr. 2021

La Lettre

Eric Maurice

6 April 2021

While the European democratic system is subject to hybrid threats from outside, it is being challenged from within by the current governments in Hungary and Poland and their systemic undermining of checks and balances and guarantees of political alternation. Independent judges and an unfettered press remain the last two bulwarks against power grabs and authoritarian temptations. For the European Union, it is essential to act as a priority to preserve these checks and balances.

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Parliamentary elections reveal the extreme fragmentation of the Bulgarian political scene

6 April 2021

Prime Minister Boïko Borissov's Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria (GERB) party, which ran in coalition with the Union of Democratic Forces (SDS), came first in the Bulgarian parliamentary elections of 4 April, with 26.14% of the vote. Such a People Exist, a populist party created by singer and TV presenter Slavi Trifonov, came second with 17.73%, ahead of the Socialist Party (15.02%) which lost its status as the first opposition party. Boyko Borissov, who is leading for the fifth time, is expected to have difficulties this time in forming a government coalition as the vast majority of other parties have indicated that they will not form an alliance with him.

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Belarus: chronology of a revolution in progress

6 April 2021

While the repression continues in Belarus, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel reiterated the need for political dialogue and free elections in the country during a meeting with Vladimir Putin on 30 March. To follow the crisis since the August 2020 elections, the Foundation offers a chronology of events and links to European response and initiatives.

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Table of Health Measures and Travel Conditions in Europe

6 April 2021

France extended curfews, closure of non-essential shops and travel restrictions to the whole country for 4 weeks, and closed schools. Germany is strengthening land controls with France, Denmark and Poland. In Spain, travel between regions is banned until 19 April. Italy imposed a 5-day quarantine on travellers from other EU countries and placed all regions in a red or orange zone until 30 April. Portugal is reopening museums and colleges. To follow the evolution of the situation, the Foundation offers you a summary of the sanitary measures in place and the conditions for travel throughout Europe. An essential, regularly updated resource for a better understanding of the situation.

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Further disbursement by the SURE programme

2 April 2021

On 30 March, the Commission disbursed €13 billion in back-to-back loans to the Czech Republic (€1 billion), Belgium (€2.2 billion), Spain (€4.06 billion), Ireland (€2.47 billion), Italy (€1.87 billion) and Poland (€1.4 billion), as part of the SURE programme, which aims to support the financing of short-time working measures. It has also proposed an additional €3.7bn in assistance to Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania and Malta. SURE, with an overall envelope of €100bn, will provide a further €5.7bn in assistance after this additional funding.

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Financing of new migrant centres in Lesbos and Chios

2 April 2021

On 29 March, the Commission awarded a €155 million grant to Greece for the construction of new reception centres for migrants on the islands of Lesbos and Chios. The funding will provide accommodation facilities, medical containers for immediate health care, safe areas for unaccompanied children and adolescents, as well as playgrounds and educational spaces. A separate area will be dedicated to asylum processing and return operations.

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Rule of law: Poland referred to the Court of Justice

2 April 2021

The Commission referred Poland to the European Court of Justice on 31 March over the law on justice that came into force at the beginning of 2020. It considers that the disciplinary procedures against judges and the lifting of their immunity "seriously undermine" the independence of the judiciary and the legal order of the Union. Pending the final ruling of the European Court of Justice, the Commission calls on Poland to suspend immediately the Disciplinary Chamber of the Polish Supreme Court, as well as the effect of decisions already taken by this chamber and measures taken in Poland to prevent judges from applying certain provisions of EU law.

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Good conclusion to talks on data adequacy with Korea

2 April 2021

The European Union and the Republic of Korea reached an adequacy finding on 30 March to promote high standards of data protection worldwide. This agreement opens new possibilities for closer cooperation between the EU and Korea. The Commission will now launch the procedure for the adoption of this decision.

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Authorisation for the recapitalisation of Air France

6 April 2021

On 4 April the Commission authorised the French State's €4 billion contribution to the recapitalisation of Air France. The Commission found that the aid was "necessary, appropriate and proportionate" and attached several conditions to its authorisation, including the transfer by Air France of slots at Paris Orly airport.

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Complaint to the European Ombudsman about the absence of Parliament sessions in Strasbourg

6 April 2021

The Collectivité européenne d'Alsace (CEA) announced on 26 March that it would refer the matter to the European Ombudsman concerning the absence of plenary sessions of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The CEA considers that the reason of the health crisis invoked by the Parliament is not tolerable, as a strict health protocol could have been put in place and the sessions take place in Brussels. The ECA calls for the return of monthly sessions as well as compensatory measures, such as holding additional or longer sessions in Strasbourg.

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Meeting of Transport Ministers

2 April 2021

Transport ministers and European Commissioner Adina Valean held a video conference on 30 March, the day after the launch of the European Year of Rail Transport 2021. They mainly discussed the need for investment in this sector.

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Agreement on the distribution of vaccinations

6 April 2021

Member States agreed on 1 April on the distribution of a stockpile of 10 million doses of bioNTech-Pfizer vaccine to be delivered on an accelerated basis. 19 Member States will receive doses in proportion to their population. Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia and Slovakia, which are behind in vaccination, will receive an additional 2.8 million doses in proportion to the quota of 19. Austria, Slovenia and the Czech Republic have refused to make part of their quota available to the 5 states.

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Meeting between Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin

2 April 2021

On 30 March, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. They discussed the health situation and possible cooperation on the Sputnik V vaccine. They discussed the fate of Alexei Navalny, asked Russia to commit to stabilising the ceasefire in Ukraine and called for an inclusive dialogue in Belarus. The three leaders agreed to coordinate their efforts on the Iranian nuclear issue.

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Conference on the future of Syria

2 April 2021

The European Union and the United Nations co-chaired the 5th Brussels Conference "Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region", which took place on 29-30 March and brought together more than 80 countries and international organisations. The conference addressed the current situation in Syria, mobilising support for Syrians inside the country and in neighbouring countries, including for host communities, with pledges totalling €5.3 billion for 2021 and beyond. The conference also highlighted the challenges faced by host countries and communities such as Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt and Iraq that are showing solidarity in the region.

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Operational capacity of Task Force Takuba

6 April 2021

The French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, and her Estonian and Czech counterparts, Kalle Laanet and Lubomir Metnar, visited Mali on 31 March to confirm the full operational capability of Task Force Takuba, the European special forces unit deployed to train the Malian army in the framework of Operation Barkhane. Takuba also includes Italian and Swedish troops.

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Document on strategic autonomy whilst protecting an open economy

2 April 2021

On 24 March, Spain and the Netherlands published a joint paper on strategic autonomy. This " non-paper " argues that it is necessary more than ever before to reach a consensus on how to strengthen Europe's open strategic autonomy with a view to making the continent a resilient global player responsible for its own future. Strategic autonomy does not mean isolation or withdrawal, but rather a reformulation of the way sovereignty is understood, moving towards operational sovereignty, i.e. the ability to promote its own agenda.

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Results of the emergency purchase programme

2 April 2021

In a blog, the President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, assesses the Emergency Pandemic Purchasing Programme (EPPP) put in place one year ago. She notes that the programme has helped to stabilise markets and preserve financing conditions for economic activity and stresses that as the outlook remains uncertain, the ECB remains ready to adapt the continuation of the programme according to needs.

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Women dominate after government reshuffle

2 April 2021

The president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez, announced on 30 March a ministerial reshuffle following the decision of the second vice-president of the government and leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, to leave the executive to run in the Madrid regional elections on 4 May. Nadia Calvino, Minister of Economy and Enterprise, has been promoted to second vice-president, while the Minister of Labour, Yolanda Díaz, has been promoted to third vice-president.

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Command of American Task Force 50

2 April 2021

On 31 March, France took command of Task Force (TF) 50, one of the components of the US naval forces deployed in the Arabian Gulf region. It will remain in command while the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is present in the area. The TF50 is currently integrated into Operation Inherent Resolve, which is fighting the Daesh terrorist group.

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New government led by Eduard Heger

2 April 2021

The government of new Prime Minister Eduard Heger was sworn in on 1 April. He was appointed the day before by President Zuzana Caputova to replace Igor Matovic, who resigned after his coalition government challenged his decision to buy 2 million doses of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V. Igor Matovic remains in government and succeeds Eduard Heger as finance minister. All ministers in the outgoing government will remain in office, except for the Minister of Health.

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Resignation announced by the Prime Minister

2 April 2021

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian announced on 28 March his intention to resign in April, while continuing to serve as interim Prime Minister until the early parliamentary elections scheduled for 20 June. On 25 February, the army general staff called for his resignation, blaming him for the military defeat against Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh in autumn 2020. Although supported by President Armen Sarkissian, the chief of staff had to resign. But opposition demonstrations had also called for Nikol Pashinian's resignation.

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Vjosa Osmani enters office as President

6 April 2021

Vjosa Osmani was elected President of Kosovo by the Parliament on 4 April with a simple majority of 71 votes out of 120 members in the third round of voting. This is the second time a woman has become President of Kosovo. The 38-year-old Vjosa Osmani, a member of the centre-right Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), formed an alliance with Prime Minister Albin Kurti's left-wing reformist movement Vetëvendosje (VV).

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Council of Europe

Call for the re-establishment of freedom of the press in Hungary

2 April 2021

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic, called on Hungary on 30 March to restore journalists' freedom. She said that media pluralism is eroding in Hungary, due to a politically controlled media regulatory authority. To counter this, the Commissioner urged Hungary to change the legislation so that the competences of the Media Council are shared between several bodies. She recalled that "Hungary must comply, in law and in practice, with the Council of Europe's standards on media pluralism". Finally, she stressed that Hungary should ensure freedom of political debate in view of the 2022 parliamentary elections.

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Recommendation to strengthen national human rights institutions

2 April 2021

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted on 31 March a recommendation to Member States on the development and strengthening of national human rights institutions with a view to enhancing the promotion and protection of the latter.

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Guidelines to counter terrorism

2 April 2021

On 1 April, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted guidelines to help the competent authorities in the Member States to better detect links and cooperation between organised crime groups and terrorist organisations and thus better combat and prevent terrorism.

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2020 report of the European Defence Agency

2 April 2021

The European Defence Agency (EDA) published its 2020 Annual Report on 30 March, giving a comprehensive overview of the work carried out in the different areas of activity. The report takes stock of the implementation of the Union's defence initiatives as well as the launches of new instruments and incentives for defence cooperation with the EDA's role in the Union's wider policies.

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2021 Report on the gap between men and women

2 April 2021

The Gender Gap Report 2021, published by the World Economic Forum on 30 March, highlights that gender inequality has increased with the pandemic. The gender parity index has fallen to 68%, a 0.6 point drop from 2020. According to the World Economic Forum's calculation, it would take 135.6 years to close the gap, four years longer than before the crisis.

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Short term outlook for the agricultural markets

2 April 2021

On 30 March the Commission published a report on the short-term outlook for EU agricultural markets. The first edition of 2021 concludes that the agricultural sector has shown resilience throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Moreover, the outlook is favourable with dynamic global demand and the expected reopening of food services (restaurants, bars, cafés) once the vaccination campaign is sufficiently advanced. Recent trade developments, particularly with the US, are reducing the uncertainty surrounding the EU's trade relations, which will benefit the agricultural sectors.

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The name of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing associated with the Orsay Museum

2 April 2021

On 29 March, French Culture Minister Roselyne Bachelot announced that the name of former President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, who died on 2 December 2020, will be added to the name of the public establishment of the Musée d'Orsay and the Musée de l'Orangerie. This decision, she explained, "pays tribute to President Giscard d'Estaing's commitment to the creation of this great museum institution". It was Valéry Giscard d'Estaing who decided in 1977 to convert the former Orsay station into a museum of the arts of the second half of the 19th century.

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Concert by the National Orchestra of Spain in Madrid

2 April 2021

The National Orchestra of Spain is holding an extraordinary concert on 9 April at the National Music Auditorium in Madrid. The programme includes Felix Mendelssohn's Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in E minor, the overture to The Marriage of Figaro and Mozart's Symphony No. 41.

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Bayeux Tapestry on line

2 April 2021

The Bayeux Tapestry Museum offers an exploration of the work in high definition to admire it in all its details. Created in the 11th century, the 70-metre long tapestry, listed in UNESCO's "Memory of the World" register, tells the story of William the Conqueror's invasion of England in 1066.

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City and Landscape in Vienna

2 April 2021

The Albertina Museum in Vienna is hosting the exhibition "City and Landscape. Between Dream and Reality", devoted to key artists of romantic landscape painting over five centuries, such as Bruegel, Rembrandt and Canaletto. The exhibition is complemented by Austrian watercolours from the 19th century, featuring the Viennese cityscape by Jakob Alt.

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On line concert at the Milan Scala

2 April 2021

On 11 April, the La Scala Theatre in Milan is offering an online concert on its Facebook site and on Youtube at 8 pm. Soprano Aleksandra Kurzak, accompanied by Tomasz Wabnic on violin and Marek Ruszczynski on piano, will perform works by Frédéric Chopin, Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms and Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

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Concert by the Philharmonic of Krakow

2 April 2021

The Krakow Philharmonic Orchestra and its Capella Cracoviensis Choir are offering several concerts in April, including Acis and Galatea by Georg Friedrich Handel on 8 April. The concert will take place at 19:30 and will be available online and live. The orchestra will be conducted by Marek Toporowski, and the choir by Piotr Piwko.

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ENTRE, a new European media

2 April 2021

France Médias Monde and Deutsche Welle, in partnership with media outlets in six European countries, are launching ENTR, a new digital medium aimed at 18-34 year olds. From now until the summer, ENTR will cover topics that affect young people through reports, portraits, features or videos on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook in six languages: French, German, English, Polish, Portuguese and Romanian.

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Virtual Day for Families at the Comic Opera

2 April 2021

The Opéra comique de Paris is organising a special family day online on 11 April. Activities, workshops and musical moments are on the programme for children and their parents.

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Living Abstraction in Basel

2 April 2021

Until 20 June, the Kunstmuseum Basel is presenting the Living Abstraction retrospective on the artist Sophie Taeuber-Arp, known for illustrating the 50 Swiss franc note. The exhibition, organised in cooperation with the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Tate in London, is dedicated to this pioneer of abstraction, one of the great figures of the modern avant-garde.

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"Paroles citoyennes" online

6 April 2021

From 6 to 28 April, the Théâtre Antoine and the Théâtre Libre are organising the 4th edition of "Paroles citoyennes", a festival where the voices of contemporary authors meet those of great witnesses from civil society. This year, the meetings can be followed live on Facebook.

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Napoleon's Bicentenary

Napoleon as novelist

6 April 2021

This brilliantly original study uncovers a side to Napoleon Bonaparte which has hitherto been ignored by biographers - that of the aspiring novelist and man of letters. In this illuminating, witty and elegantly written book, Andy Martin reveals how this neglected aspect of Napoleon's remarkable life actually provides the key to understanding it.

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les 6-11 Avril 2021

IMF and World Bank Spring Meeting (Videoconference)

Newsletter Archives

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

A "commissioner" responsible for defence issues

European agriculture and Ukrainian agriculture complement each other

Ukraine's accession to the European Union brings added value and serves historical justice

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Publishing Director: Pascale Joannin

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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Protecting the checks and balances to save the rule of law


The Newsletter n°930- version of 6 avr. 2021