The Newsletter91323 nov. 2020

La Lettre

23 November 2020

The election of Joe Biden as President of the United States gives the European Union an opportunity to revive multilateralism and humanise globalisation, while at the same time developing its autonomy in the areas of defence and technology, explained Arancha Gonzalez Laya, Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, in an interview with the Foundation.

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Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2020

23 November 2020

The 2020 edition of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union", a reference work for European decision-makers, published by Marie B, is available in electronic format in French and in English. It contains contributions by leading personalities and experts and offers a comprehensive view of the European Union and analyses the challenges facing Europe. You can order it online.

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Table of health measures and travel conditions in Europe

23 November 2020

Curfews, shop closures, movement restrictions or confinement, European countries are taking steps to deal with the resurgence of the pandemic and are trying to coordinate their actions. The Foundation offers you a summary of the health measures in place and travel conditions across Europe. An essential, regularly updated resource to help you understand the situation.

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Belarus: chronology of a revolution in progress

23 November 2020

Since 9 August, Belarusians have been protesting against the result of the rigged presidential election and demanding the departure of Alexander Lukashenko, who the Union no longer recognises as president. To follow this crisis, the Foundation offers you a chronology of events and links to European responses and initiatives.

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Putin's four wars. Why does Russia want to be an empire again?

23 November 2020

The Foundation is organising an online debate on 1 December on Russia and Putin's political ambitions that go beyond Russian territory. The speakers will be historian Sergei Medvedev, author of "Les Quatre Guerres de Putin", Galia Ackerman, Associate Researcher at the University of Caen, and Philippe de Suremain, former French Ambassador and member of the Foundation's Scientific Committee. The discussions will be held in English without translation.

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European Council

Meeting of heads of state and government

23 November 2020

On 19 November, the European heads of State and government discussed the Union's future strategies to deal with the pandemic. They discussed the selection and placing on the market of the most effective rapid antigen tests and the establishment of a coordinated and gradual approach to the lifting of national restrictive measures. A communication campaign and a vaccination campaign will soon be established to help States communicate the importance of vaccines and to assist them in transporting, storing and making the vaccines available to all. They had a discussion on the blocking of the multi-annual budget by Hungary, Poland and Slovenia.

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Opinion on the euro zone's draft budgets

23 November 2020

On 18 November, the Commission presented its opinions on the draft budget plans (DBP) of the 19 euro area countries for 2021 and its recommendations for the euro area. Some of the measures presented by France, Italy, Lithuania and Slovakia are of concern. The Commission is calling on them to "redirect these fiscal policies once epidemiological and economic conditions permit it". Macroeconomic imbalances have been noted in 12 countries as part of the alert mechanism report. Recommendations for the eurozone give strategic guidance for recovery and resilience plans and call for completing economic and monetary union (EMU) and strengthening the international role of the euro. According to the recommendation, the unemployment rate is expected to rise from 7.5% to 9.4% in 2021.

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New complaints mechanism to counter trade barriers

23 November 2020

The Commission announced on 16 November the establishment of a new complaints mechanism to address trade barriers and violations of sustainable trade commitments. The possibility to lodge a complaint will be open to all EU citizens and complaints will be dealt with through a new centralised single entry point system within DG Trade to allow for an efficient process.

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SURE: second payment and 18th State participant

23 November 2020

On 17 November, the Commission paid out €14 billion to nine Member States (Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia and Croatia) under the SURE instrument to combat unemployment and the social consequences of the Covid-19 crisis. The day before, the Commission proposed to the Council to grant Ireland €2.5 billion, making it the 18th country to benefit from the instrument, which would increase the amount to €90.3 billion. The largest beneficiaries of the instrument are Italy (€27.4 billion) and Spain (€21.3 billion).

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Vaccine: signature of a contract with CureVac

23 November 2020

On 17 November, the Commission signed a contract with the European pharmaceutical group CureVac for the purchase of 405 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine. This is the fifth contract with laboratories, bringing the EU's order of vaccines to 1.2 billion doses. Negotiations are still underway with Moderna, which announced the day before that the phase 3 trial of its vaccine had provided proof of a 94.5% efficacy rate.

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Recommendation regarding rapid antigen tests

23 November 2020

The Commission issued a recommendation on 18 November to encourage Member States to use rapid antigen tests. It advises on the selection of appropriate rapid tests and the persons authorised to carry them out and encourages mutual recognition of test results.

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The Union's strategy regarding renewable energies at sea

23 November 2020

On 19 November, the Commission presented a strategy to increase wind power capacity and other production systems such as wind and floating solar power in the EU. It sets a target of 300 GW of generation by 2050, up from the current 12 GW, and estimates that at least €800bn of investment will be needed to achieve it. To facilitate this investment, EU countries are invited to conclude offshore energy development agreements with the European Investment Bank. The Commission is proposing to relax the rules on state aid for environmental protection and energy.

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Agreement on the REACT-EU initiative in response to the crisis

23 November 2020

Negotiators from the Council and the Parliament reached an agreement on 18 November setting the amount of the React-EU initiative at €47.5 billion. €37.5 billion will be available in 2021 and €10 billion in 2022 for this instrument mobilising cohesion funds to help Member States' economies in the face of the Covid-19 crisis. Unlike other cohesion programmes, Member States can apply for a 100% EU grant rate. The pre-financing rate is set at 11%. Italy and Spain will be the two biggest beneficiaries, with €11.3 and €10.9 billion of funds respectively. The Council and Parliament must now approve the proposal.

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Continued blockade regarding the budget and the recovery plan

23 November 2020

After Hungary and Poland blocked the Council's approval of the multiannual financial framework and the Union's own resources on 16 November, Parliament's Conference of Presidents refused on 18 November to reopen negotiations on the conditionality of the rule of law, which was opposed by the two countries.

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Hearing with Christine Lagarde

23 November 2020

At her last quarterly hearing in Parliament on 19 November, European Central Bank (ECB) president Christine Lagarde urged Member States to introduce an economic recovery plan based on public investment. MEPs discussed the role of the ECB in the Green Deal, e.g. through the purchase of green bonds, the current scope of the ECB's mandate, the role of the Stability and Growth Pact in its current form or sovereign debt relief.

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Meeting of Competitiveness Ministers

23 November 2020

On 19 November, the ministers in charge of industry and the internal market discussed the recovery plan and ways of making European industry greener, more dynamic and competitive. They discussed the Annual Report of the SME Envoy Network, the Commission's new consumer programme and the industrial policy work programme of the upcoming Portuguese presidency of the Council.

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Meeting of Space Ministers

23 November 2020

On 20 November, research and science ministers discussed how the Union could strengthen the competitiveness of its space industry and play a greater role in the development of international regulatory regimes, such as space traffic management and cyber security. Ministers stressed the importance of the European Copernicus and Galileo programmes and the need to develop the Union's strategic autonomy in space.

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Meeting of Defence Ministers

23 November 2020

On 20 November, the defence ministers discussed the implementation of the Union's future "strategic compass" to define its security and defence objectives. An initial threat analysis has been carried out by the Member States' intelligence services and should help the Union to adapt its defence strategy. The strategic review of the permanent structured cooperation was discussed and the ministers set themselves concrete objectives so that the 26 projects can be completed by 2025.

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Development Ministers Meeting

24 November 2020

On 23 November, development ministers discussed investment, sustainable development goals (SDGs) and post-Cotonou negotiations with African countries as part of the overall COVID-19 response, the recovery effort and the issue of debt relief. They also discussed how best to promote gender equality and empower women.

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Meeting of Council of the European Economic Area

23 November 2020

The Council of the European Economic Area (EEA), which includes the EU and three countries of the European Free Trade Association (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), held talks by videoconference on 18 November. It reiterated its commitment to cooperation in the context of the Covid-19 crisis, to free movement within the EEA and to the integrity of the internal market. Representatives affirmed their commitment to eliminate remaining trade barriers, notably in the field of services, and to support the modernisation of the WTO.

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Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting

23 November 2020

On 19 November, the foreign ministers discussed the situation in Afghanistan, Belarus, Nagorno-Karabakh, the Eastern Mediterranean and Ethiopia. They also discussed the outcome of the US elections and multilateralism. The head of German diplomacy Heiko Maas presented the Council Presidency's proposal for a "Transatlantic New Deal" with the future US Administration, aimed at combating Covid-19 and climate change, the distribution of vaccines and the modernisation of the global multilateral system (WTO, WHO, UN). They approved the Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024, which contains the Union's main priorities on how to advance and defend human rights and democracy through its external actions.

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European Agencies

Decrease in migrant arrivals in the Union

23 November 2020

The Frontex Agency announced on 18 November that illegal crossings of the Union's external borders fell by 21% in the first 10 months of 2020 compared to the first 10 months of 2019. Over the same period, the number of migrants coming through the Balkans, estimated at 19,700, has doubled, while arrivals from the West and East of the Mediterranean have fallen by 37% and 75% respectively.

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Europol Report on the risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence

23 November 2020

In a report published on 19 November in cooperation with the UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and Japanese researchers, Europol explains how artificial intelligence (AI) is both the vector and the target of attacks. The report calls for the development of secure frameworks for AI design, and for seizing the opportunities of AI by using it to combat organised crime.

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European Medicines Agency (EMA) might approve the deployment of a vaccine by the end of the year

23 November 2020

The European Medicines Agency (EMA), which is currently reviewing applications for licences from three applicants, said on 20 November that it might approve the first Covid-19 vaccines by the end of the year or early 2021.

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A no deal Brexit would weaken post-COVID recovery

23 November 2020

A study published by the independent audit firm KPMG on 18 November forecasts a weaker economic recovery in the UK if there is no agreement on Brexit, of around 4.4% in 2021, compared with 7.2% if the EU and the UK reach a minimum agreement that excludes services. The absence of an agreement particularly threatens the manufacturing sector, whose production would be 6 to 12% less at the end of 2021 than at the end of 2019. KPMG stresses that Brexit, even with an agreement, will penalise the British recovery because GDP growth would be 7.2% in 2021 against 10.1% if the United Kingdom had remained within the single market.

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Report on the management of the health crisis

23 November 2020

On 19 November, the OECD published a report produced jointly with the European Commission comparing the management of the Covid-19 crisis by 35 countries, EU Member States, members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the 5 EU candidate countries. The report considers that Norway and Finland are the two countries that have best mastered the pandemic thanks to the rapid implementation of a screening and tracing strategy and a high level of public confidence in the institutions.

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Report on the state of trade in the G20 economies

23 November 2020

On 18 November, the WTO released a report on the effects of the pandemic and the international trade-related measures adopted by G20 countries. It notes a 21% contraction in trade in goods and a 30% contraction in trade in services in the second quarter of 2020 compared to the previous year. It stresses that of the 133 measures to regulate international trade adopted by G20 countries, 63% were trade facilitation measures.

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Report on the implementation of competition rules

23 November 2020

In a report on the implementation of competition rules by the Commission published on 19 November, the Court of Auditors highlights progress in merger control and antitrust procedures, but calls for accelerated procedures and increased staff resources to deal with new anti-competitive trends.

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G20 Meeting

23 November 2020

At a virtual summit on 21-22 November, G20 leaders reaffirmed their commitment to develop and distribute a vaccine against Covid-19 that is accessible to all and to increase their cooperation to better prepare for future pandemics. They also reaffirmed their commitment to fair and open international trade and their willingness to reach agreement on an international tax on multinationals by mid-2021. They confirmed the establishment of a debt restructuring mechanism for certain poor countries and announced a possible 6-month extension of the freeze on interest payments until June 2021.

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Report on the functioning of the European carbon market

23 November 2020

Greenhouse gas emissions regulated by the European carbon market fell by 9.1% last year compared to the previous year, the European Commission said on 18 November in a report to the European Parliament and the Council.

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Europeans are breathing purer air

23 November 2020

Air quality has improved significantly in Europe over the past 10 years but large numbers of Europeans continue to die prematurely due to pollution, the European Environment Agency (EEA) noted in a report on 23 November.

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Council of Europe

Cyprus must do more to prevent corruption

23 November 2020

In a report published on 17 November, the Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) calls on Cyprus to take steps to increase transparency in the tax returns of elected representatives and to establish a code of conduct for parliamentarians to prevent conflicts of interest. While the report notes progress, particularly in terms of transparency of judicial appointments, it is also concerned about the scandal of "golden" Cypriot passports sold to non-Europeans.

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Hungary not active enough regarding MPs' corruption

23 November 2020

The Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) regrets, in a report published on 17 November, the lack of measures in Hungary to prevent conflicts of interest of parliamentarians and the absence of adequate and proportionate sanctions. It criticises the shortcomings of the Parliament's committee on mandate control, the lack of proportionality of sanctions, and the lack of independence of the two judicial appointment bodies.

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Report on Migrant Reception Centres in Greece

23 November 2020

In a report published on 19 November, the Council of Europe's Anti-Torture Committee (CPT) calls on Greece to address "structural shortcomings" in its migrant reception system, in particular as regards overcrowding, hygiene and accommodation conditions. It warns that conditions in the Evros region and on the island of Samos can be seen to constitute inhuman and degrading treatment. The CPT calls upon the Greek authorities to put an end to the detention of unaccompanied children. However, it recognises the challenges that the country faces and stresses the importance of a coordinated European approach.

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Germany takes over the chair of the Committee of Ministers

23 November 2020

Germany took over the six-month chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 18 November. Its priorities are strengthening the implementation of the rights and obligations enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, setting standards in the field of artificial intelligence, combating hate speech on the internet, as well as the Roma and young people.

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Increase in agricultural output in 2019

23 November 2020

EU agricultural output rose by 2.4% in 2019 compared with 2018, according to the economic accounts for agriculture published on 16 November by Eurostat. France and Germany contributed most to agricultural output in 2019, accounting for 18% and 14% respectively of the EU total.

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Stabilisation of inflation

23 November 2020

Annual inflation in October was estimated at -0.3% in both the EU and the euro area, according to figures released by Eurostat on 18 November. It was therefore stable compared with September.

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Citizens survey on the Union's management of the pandemic

23 November 2020

On 20 November, the Parliament published the results of its third Eurobarometer survey of the year on citizens' views on the coronavirus crisis and their attitudes towards the European Union. 41% of respondents have a positive image of the EU, up from 31% in the first survey in April. 66% believe the EU should have more powers to deal with the pandemic and 77% want only member countries that respect the rule of law and the EU's democratic values to be eligible for EU funding.

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Mondrian and De Stijl in Madrid

23 November 2020

The Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid is presenting an exhibition dedicated to Neoplasticism, an artistic movement founded in 1917 by the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian, until 1 March 2021. On display are the works of Mondrian and those of other artists who contributed to this movement, based on the relationships between rectangular shapes, colour planes and straight lines.

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23 November 2020

The Louis Vuitton Foundation, available online, is offering a number of cultural events until December 1st and offers you the opportunity to rediscover an exhibition, a concert and a masterclass.

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e-Film Festival in Turin

23 November 2020

This year, the 38th edition of the Turin Film Festival will be held exclusively online until November 28th. More than 133 films are presented on the MYmovies streaming platform. On the Festival website you can also find presentations and content to learn more about the selected films and their authors.

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Documentary film in Amsterdam

23 November 2020

The 33rd edition of the Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival (IDFA) is taking place in more than 40 cinemas and online until 6 December. This year, IDFA is presenting 257 films and media projects from 72 countries and hosting 136 international premieres.

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Dance online

23 November 2020

From 23rd November to 4th December, London's Sadler's Wells Theatre is teaming up with the "Candoco" dance company and offering their online show "Lets Talk About Dis", directed by Hetain Patel, as well as dance classes with the group's dancers. The theatre offers other online content, including a short film about the National Youth Dance Company and how its dancers had to innovate to work in 2020.

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National Opera of Vienna online

23 November 2020

During its closure, at least until 6 December due to the pandemic, the Vienna State Opera is broadcasting an opera from its online archives on its website every evening at 7 pm. The video remains online free of charge for 24 hours.

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les 23-26 November 2020

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Brussels)

27 November 2020

Meeting of Research Ministers (Videoconference)

30 November 2020

Eurogroup Meeting (Videoconference)

30 November 2020

Meeting of Youth Ministers (Videoconference)

30 November 2020

Meeting of Education Ministers (Videoconference)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy ,Jérémy Cottrez, Thomas Hinzelin, Florian Da, Julian ParodiEditor-in-chief: Eric Maurice

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

"Europeans have learnt that they have to build their strategic autonomy"


The Newsletter n°913- version of 23 nov. 2020