The Newsletter n°878 — 10 févr. 2020
La Lettre
Gilles Lepesant
10 February 2020
Nuclear in Europe: Trump or Macron, you have to choose!
9 February 2020

Sinn Fein comes out ahead in the general elections
10 February 2020

Competition Policy and Industrial Policy: for a reform of European law
10 February 2020

The Enlargement of the European Union to the East
10 February 2020
Proposal for the reform of the accession process
9 February 2020

Reassessment of economic governance
9 February 2020
Launch of the BlueInvest Fund
10 February 2020
Debate over the reform of the ECB's policy
10 February 2020

Informal meeting of competitivity ministers
9 February 2020

Standards for safe, drinking water
10 February 2020
Report on the EU-Georgia Association Agreement
9 February 2020

Report on the use of pesticides
9 February 2020

Launch of Solar Orbiter
10 February 2020

Political earthquake after the elections in the Land of Thuringia
10 February 2020

Legislative amendment in preparation to join the euro
10 February 2020

Purchase of European Missiles
10 February 2020

Visit by Emmanuel Macron to Poland
10 February 2020

Speech on defence and deterrence
9 February 2020
Visit by Viktor Orban to Berlin
11 February 2020

Promulgation of controversial law against judges
9 February 2020

Vote of no-confidence against the government
9 February 2020

Report on police detention and prisons in Catalonia
9 February 2020

GRECO Report on Montenegro
9 February 2020
Visit by the Secretary General to the Union's institutions
10 February 2020
Report on Belgium
10 February 2020

Robert Schuman Prize 2020
10 February 2020

A certain idea about Europe
10 February 2020
Art Fair in Karlsruhe
10 February 2020

Georges de la Tour, Europe of Light
10 February 2020
Art Capital at the Grand Palais
10 February 2020
William Kentridge in Villeneuve d'Ascq
10 February 2020
Olafur Eliasson at the Guggenheim Bilbao
10 February 2020
les 10-13 February 2020
Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)
13 February 2020
Employment, social policy, healthcare and consumer Council (Brussels)
16 February 2020
Informal EU-Western Balkans Summit (Brussels)
17th February 2020
Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)
17 February 2020
Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)
Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy ,Zélie Barbet, Camille Boulat, Myriam Benallaoua
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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