The Newsletter86818 nov. 2019

La Lettre

Léonard Colomba-Petteng

18 November 2019

Whilst the Dakar Forum for Peace and Security in Africa is meeting on 18th and 19th November, the EUCAP Sahel and the Emergency Trust Fund are under review. The EU has made Niger a vital place for its security and development policy in Africa, however the pursuit of immediate and quantifiable results relegates general thought about the long term effects of external support to the background.

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Front Page

Europe, gone with the .... NATO winds?

18 November 2019

After the declarations of the French President regarding the lack of strategic thought by the Atlantic Alliance, Europeans must think about how to strengthen their autonomy and acquire their independence, to encourage the respect of their interests and to defend their values, writes Jean-Dominique Giuliani. The draft treaty to reinsure the security of Europe between Germany, France and the UK put forward by the Foundation in 2016 might be a foundation for this.

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Parliament-Council Agreement on tyre labelling

17 November 2019

Negotiators in the Parliament and Council came to an agreement on 14th November on the improvement of tyre labelling in the Union which aims to help consumers to make choices fostering greater energy savings. The project is part of the clean mobility programme launched by the Juncker Commission. The agreement must now be approved by the Parliament and the Council.

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Approval of three commissioners

17 November 2019

On 14th November the Commissioners designate from France, Hungary and Romania were auditioned by the Parliament's committees responsible for their portfolio. The candidatures of Thierry Breton responsible for the Internal Market and Adina Valean responsible for Transport were approved by MEPs. The Foreign Affairs Committee decided to address additional written questions to Oliver Varhelyi, the candidate for the neighbourhood and enlargement portfolio. His responses satisfied MEPs who approved his candidature on 18th November.

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Modification of the title of the portfolios of the Commissioners designate

17 November 2019

After discussions with the political groups in the European Parliament, the president elected of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, decided to change the name of the portfolio of some Commissioners on 13th November. The portfolio of the Vice-President designate, Margaritis Schinas, has become "Promoting the European Way of Life" - in replacment of "Protecting" - that of Commissioner designate for Employment, Nicolas Schmit, is now called "Jobs and Social Rights", that of Virginijus Sinkevicius, will be called "Environment, Oceans and Fisheries". The Commissioner designate to the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, will be responsible for coordinating the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals under the European Semester.

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Defence Council Conclusions

17 November 2019

On 12th November Defence Ministers approved the launch of 13 new Permanent Structured Cooperation projects. They reiterated the importance of EU-NATO cooperation in view of the meeting of Alliance leaders on 3rd and 4th December in London. They also discussed the achievements and challenges facing the common security and defence policy particularly the EU's work in Sahel and the efficacy of coordinated maritime operations.

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Agreement on the Union's 2020 budget

19 November 2019

The Council, Commission and Parliament came to agreement on 18th November over the 2020 budget which will mainly be focus on climate change, employment, youth as well as security and solidarity in the European Union. It is set at 168.69 billion € in terms of commitments and 153.57 billion in payments. The 2020 budget is the last in the 2014-2020 budgetary cycle, so it paves the way to the transition for the multi-annual financial framework 2021-2027.

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Conclusions of the Agriculture Council

19 November 2019

On 18th November the Agriculture Ministers discussed the environmental and climatic aspects of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post-2020. Moreover the Commission presented its suggestions for the CAP's transitory rules with the aim of ensuring in 2020 the safety and continuity of support granted to European farmers.

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Court of Justice

The labelling of the source of Israeli products

17 November 2019

On 12th November the EU's Court of Justice indicated that all food products from the territories occupied by Israel or Israeli colonies must state their origin in addition to the country of origin. The judges deemed that the label stating the real origin would help consumer awareness and to make choices in the respect of considerations of an ethical, ecologic, sanitary, economic and social nature.

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Decision regarding the Polish Supreme Court's Disciplinary Chamber

19 November 2019

In a decision delivered on 19th November the European Court of Justice (ECJ) deemed that the Polish jurisdictions referred to in cases of the retirement of the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice should ensure the independence of the new disciplinary chamber of the Supreme Court before communicating the cases to them. The members of this disciplinary chamber are put forward by the National Council of the Judiciary and appointed by the President of the Republic, which might lead to doubt about its independence.

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Court of Auditors

Report on migration crisis management

17 November 2019

In a report on the management of the migration crisis published on 13th November the Court of Auditors called on the Union to step its action in terms of relocation, the return of migrants and the duration of the processing of asylum requests. It notes that the goal of the emergency relocation programmes, to reduce pressure on Greece and Italy has not be achieved. It also stresses that despite a rise in funding and the means deployed by the EU the return of illegal migrants is still inadequate and problematic.

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New Funding Strategy for the Climate

18 November 2019

On 14th November the European Bank of Investment (EIB) announced the launch of a new strategy for the climate. It will cease funding projects linked to fossil energies as of 2022 and aims to achieve a 50% share of its work devoted to climate action and environmental sustainability by 2025. It plans to release 1,000 billion € in support of clilmate action and sustainable development and to align its financing activities with the Paris Agreement Goals by the end of 2020.

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Angela Merkel in Rome

18 November 2019

On 11th November German Chancellor Angela Merkel met her Italian counterpart, President Giuseppe Conte in Rome. This meeting provided an opportunity to address many issues such as Brexit, migration, the launch of membership negotiations with the countries of the Western Balkans, but also international trade relations.

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Coalition Agreement between the PSOE and Podemos

18 November 2019

On 12th November the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) came out ahead in the legislative elections on 10th November concluded an agreement of principle with the radical left party Podemos, to form a coalition government. The content of the government programme still has to be defined by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias. With 155 seats out of 350, the two parties do not hold a majority in the House of Deputies however.

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Paris Peace Forum

18 November 2019

The second Paris Peace Forum took place on 12th and 13th November. French President Emmanuel Macron, Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi, a guest of honour and the president elect of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen exhorted collective action at time when "nationalism" and "protectionism" is on the rise, to counter the challenges that the planet now faces.

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The IMF concludes its report on the economic state of Greece

18 November 2019

In a report on the economic situation in Greece published on 15th November, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) notes that the end of the crisis is continuing at a slower pace than expected, notably due to an inadequate level of investment and under implmentation of the public investment programme. The IMF has encouraged Greece to adopt policies to stimulate productivity and reduce the competitiveness gap.

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Mateuz Morawiecki reappointed as Prime Minister

18 November 2019

On 15th November Polish President Andrzej Duda appointed the new government led by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, during a ceremony that took place at the Presidential Palace of Warsaw. Morawiecki formally resigned on 12th November, the day when the new Polish Parliament held its first session after the general elections on 13th October.

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Czech Republic

30 year commemoration of the Velvet Revolution

18 November 2019

On 17th November the Czechs and Slovakians commemorated the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, which brought down the communist regime in 1989. In Prague, Prime Minister Andrej Babis organised a ceremony together with his Slovakian, Polish and Hungarian counterparts and with the President of the German Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble. A procession commemorated the demonstration by students whose repression triggered the revolution. The day before more than 200,000 people demonstrated demanding Mr Babis's resignation, since he is suspected of corruption and for having collaborated with the Communist political police. In Bratislava President Zuzana Caputova chaired a ceremony with his Czech, Polish, Hungarian and German counterparts.

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Infringement proceedings on the failure of the UK to appoint a European Commissioner

17 November 2019

On 14th December the European Commission launched infringement proceedings against the UK which has not name a candidate for Commissioner. The Commission, the guardian of the European treaties, sent a warning letter to the UK "for breaching its EU Treaty obligations by not suggesting a candidate for the post of EU Commissioner".

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New Government

18 November 2019

On 12th November the Moldovan government collapsed after the vote of no confidence on the part of 63 MPs of the possible 101. Relations in the coalition formed by the ACUM group led by the pro-European Prime Minister Maia Sandu and the socialists deteriorated following a proposed reform of the appointment of the Prosecutor General.

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Council of Europe

Report on the fight to counter corruption in Spain

17 November 2019

The Group of States against corruption at the Council of Europe (GRECO) published a report on 13th November in which it stresses the progress made by Spain in terms of countering corruption, as well as in the parliamentary and judicial areas. In a second report focusing on the integrity of the central governments and police forces GRECO calls on Spain to improve the transparency of its legal framework. It suggested strengthening the Office for the Conflict of Interest and the Council for Transparency and Good Governance.

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1090 migrants and refugees drowned in the Mediterranean

18 November 2019

According to the most recent figures published by the International Migration Organisation, more than 1090 migrants and refugees have died as they tried to cross the Mediterranean since the start of 2019. The figure is down in comparison with 2018 when more than 2117 deaths were recorded in the same period.

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Inflation rate decreases

18 November 2019

The euro zone's annual inflation rate has decreased to 0.7% in October against 0.8% in September, according to figures published by Eurostat on 15th November. In the Union it has dropped from 1.2% in September to 1.1% in October.

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GDP increase in the third quarter

18 November 2019

According to figures published on 14th November Eurostat estimated the GDP increase at 0.2% and the rise in employment in the euro zone at 0.1% for the third quarter in comparison with the previous quarter. Likewise a GDP increase of 0.3% and 0.1% in employment have been recorded in the European Union.

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Euro zone trade surplus

18 November 2019

According to the first Eurostat estimates the euro zone recorded a trade surplus of 18.7 billion € in September 2019 in its international goods trade with the rest of the world. The EU recorded a deficit of 5 billion € in September 2019.

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Report on G20 countries' action to counter global warming

17 November 2019

CO2 emissions in the G20 countries increased in all areas of their economy in 2018, notes the NGO Climate Transparency in its report, "Brown to Green: G20 transition to a net-zero emissions economy", published on 12th November. According to the experts there is still a long way to go before the goals set by the Paris Agreement are achieved.

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Report for the completion of industrial transition

17 November 2019

The OECD and the Commission published a report on 14th November to help strengthen long term development strategies. They suggest focusing on five pillars: preparing for the jobs of tomorrow, broadening and diffusing innovation, promoting entrepreneurship and private sector engagement, transitioning towards a climate-neutral economy, and finally promoting inclusive growth, notably regarding inequality between urban and rural zones, as well as digital connectivity and digital services in remote regions.

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Bremen Kunsthalle Masterpieces in Bilbao

18 November 2019

The exhibition "Bremen Kunsthalle Masterpieces: from Delacroix to Beckmann", on show until 16th January 2020 at the Guggenheim in Bilbao highlights the close links between German and French art of the 19th and 20th century.

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European Book Prize

18 November 2019

The European Book Prize was awarded on 13th November to British novelist Jonathan Coe for "Middle England" and French writer Laurent Gaudé for his essay "Nous l'Europe. Le Banquet des Peuples". The prize award ceremony will take place on 4th December at the European Parliament. The jury was chaired by singer Barbara Hendricks.

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Flemish painting in Budapest

18 November 2019

Until 16th January 2020 the exhibition "Rubens, Van Dyck and the Splendour of Flemish Painting" is running at the Budapest Museum for Fine Arts. It is an opportunity to rediscover the Golden Age of Flemish painting with more than 120 pieces of work from prestigious collections of the Prado and Hermitage.

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Luca Giordano - the triumph of Napolitan painting

18 November 2019

For the very first time until 23rd February 2020 the Petit Palais in Paris is running a retrospective devoted to Napolitan 18th century painter, Luca Giordano. The exhibition presents nearly 90 pieces of work, monumental paintings and drawings.

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Independent Cinema in Rome

18 November 2019

Until 22nd November the 18th Rome Independent Film Festival is taking place until 22nd November. In competition are Italian and international filmsn documentaries and short films.

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Dora Maar at the Tate Modern

18 November 2019

The Tate Modern in London is devoting an exhibition to Dora Maar from 20th November 2019 to 15th March 2020. This artist of the start of the 20th century was known for her Surrealist photomontages and her relationship with the Spanish painter Pablo Picasso.

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19th November 2019

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

19th November 2019

European Economic Area Council Meeting (Brussels)

les 21st-22nd November 2019

Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Council (Brussels)

21st November 2019

Trade Council (Brussels)

24th November 2019

Presidential Election (second round) (Romania)

25th November 2019

Development Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy ,Zélie Barbet, Camille Boulat, Myriam Benallaoua

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

The Common Foreign and Security Policy under test in Niger


The Newsletter n°868- version of 18 nov. 2019