The Newsletter8627 oct. 2019

La Lettre

Olivier Perquel

7 October 2019

The cryptocurrency launched by Facebook in cooperation with on-line traders and major stakeholders in the payment industry raises many practical, ethical and strategic issues. Some States like France and Germany have rejected the project, whilst others insist on the need for strict regulation. Olivier Perquel gives an enlightening analysis of mining, a strange process in the creation of this cryptocurrency, and congruence.

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Antonio Costa's PS wins the Portuguese general election

7 October 2019

The Socialist Party of outgoing Prime Minister Antonio Costa came out ahead in the general election on 6th October with 36.65% of the vote, ahead of the centre-right Social Democratic Party (27.90%). The PS will now have to find partners if it is to have a majority in the Assembly of the Republic. Turnout lay at 54.50%, one of the lowest rates ever recorded.

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The Big Shift - the 21st European Century

7 October 2019

Contrary to popular discourse, in the Big Shift published by Ecole de Guerre, Jean-Dominique Giuliani shows that the European Union has the means to address the new challenges of the 21st century. Europe has succeeded beyond the expectations of its founding fathers. It can still succeed in guaranteeing its place among the three greatest powers in the world by the end of the century.

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Launch of trade negotiations with East and South Africa

6 October 2019

On 2nd October the EU launched trade negotiations with East and Southern Africa - the Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and Zimbabwe - to deepen the present economic partnership agreement, that has been in place for the last 8 years. The Union hopes to stimulate bilateral trade and investment flows.

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Launch of inquiry into Boeing and Embraer

6 October 2019

On 4th October the Commission opened an inquiry into the project to create two joint ventures by the plane manufacturers Boeing (US) and Embraer (Brazil). It fears that an operation like this will reduce competition on the regional airplane market and lead to a rise in prices and a reduction in choice.

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Measure in support of workers in the event of a no-deal Brexit

7 October 2019

On 2nd October the Council adopted measures to protect wage earners and independent workers who might be affected by a no-deal Brexit. The draft regulation would allow those involved to benefit from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund.

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Conclusions of the Environment Council

6 October 2019

Meeting on 4th October the Environment Ministers adopted the Union's position for the UN Conference on the Climate (COP25) which will take place in December in Santiago, Chile. They also called on the Commission to put forward a new strategy for the circular economy and defined political guidelines for the Union's 8th action programme that the Commission is due to set out in 2020.

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Conclusions of the Justice Council

7 October 2019

On 7th October the Council adopted the directive on the protection of whistleblowers, which will enter into force in 2021. They also agreed on the need to draft of a new strategy to counter corruption and for the Union to join the Group of States against corruption of the Council of Europe (GRECO). On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, they re-iterated that the Union is based on values such as the respect of human dignity and democracy and it hopes to join the European Convention for Human Rights. They confirmed the importance of allocating adequate resources to the agency for judicial cooperation, Eurojust.

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Western Balkans: call for the launch of membership negotiations

6 October 2019

In a joint letter, the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk and the President of Parliament David Sassoli, the President of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and the President elect of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, called for the launch of membership negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia. Whilst the decision is to be taken by the Member States mid-October, they deem that this will be a test of the Union's "ability to fulfil its promises and look to the future."

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Court of Justice

The Storing of Cookies requires the active consent of internet users

6 October 2019

In a decision published on 1st October the Union's Court of Justice deemed that a pre-ticked box was not enough to establish the consent of an internet user and the use of cookies by the internet site that he is visiting. The Court deemed that consent to these files which collate information on the user must be specific.

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Platforms like Facebook must delete illicit content

6 October 2019

On 3rd October the Union's Court of Justice deemed that internet platforms are obliged to delete illicit content. It gave its decision regarding the case of an Austrian national who was slandered on Facebook and who requested the deletion of comments that tainted her honour. The Court stated that Union law allowed for the deletion of content worldwide.

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Growth forecasts revised downwards

6 October 2019

On 2nd October the five main German economic institutions published a joint report announcing the slowing of German growth, down to 0.5% of the GDP in 2019 - against a previous 0.8%. They explain that the slowing of industry recorded since the start of the year has affected the services sector.

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Emmanuel Macron visits the Council of Europe

6 October 2019

French President Emmanuel Macron went to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on 1st October on the occasion of the institution's 70th anniversary. In a speech delivered to the parliamentary assembly he recalled its major achievement such as the abolition of the death penalty, the creation of the European Court of Human Rights and standards to protect the rule of law and democracy. He insisted on the need for the "unity of our continent on the basis of our common values," and said he welcomed the upkeep of Russia in the "shared house".

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The Netherlands

Visit by Dutch Prime Minister to Germany

7 October 2019

German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on 2nd October on the occasion of the 3rd German-Dutch consultation. The two leaders worked on their joint European priorities in terms of energy, climate, immigration and preparation for a no-deal Brexit.

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Polls a week before elections

7 October 2019

According to a Kantar poll published 7th October the party in office, Law and Justice is due to win 42% of the vote during the parliamentary elections on 13th October. The Civic Coalition is due to win 29% of the vote and the left coalition, Lewica 13%.

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Czech Republic

Meeting of Presidents of the countries of the Visegrad group

7 October 2019

The heads of State of the four Visegrad countries (V4) - Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary - met on 2nd and 3rd October in Prague. They agreed on their European priorities such as the upkeep of the sums allocated to the Cohesion Funds as part of the Union's financial framework 2021-2027 and their common position regarding Brexit. The Slovenian and Serb presidents joined the summit under the V4's enhanced cooperation framework with the Western Balkans. The Visegrad Group have decided to support Serbia in its bid to join the EU.

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New draft agreement for Brexit

6 October 2019

On 2nd October British Prime Minister Boris Johnson submitted a new draft agreement for Brexit, which plans for the alignment of Northern Ireland with the European regulatory area but its upkeep in the British customs union. The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker noted "positive progress" and "problematic points". On 3rd October the Brexit steering group at the European Parliament deemed that the draft did not present the necessary guarantees to the European Union and Ireland.

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Victory for the opposition in the general elections

7 October 2019

The opposition came out ahead in the elections in Kosovo on 6th October, bringing down the PDK, the party of the former independence warlords, led by Hashim Taci, in office for over a decade. The left-wing party, Vetevendosje, led by Albin Kurti came out ahead with 26% of the vote, according to provisional results, ahead of the centre-right party LDK (25%). Because no majority was won a coalition between the two parties is being planned.

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Court of Auditors

Annual report on Union finances

8 October 2019

In its annual report 2018 the European Court of Auditors concluded that the EU's accounts reflected a "true image" of the Union's financial situation and that its financial management has improved for the third successive year. It deems however that difficulties persist in areas of high risk spending, such as rural development and cohesion.

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European Agencies

Agreement with Montenegro on the management of borders

8 October 2019

On 7th October the European Union signed an agreement with Montenegro for coooperation between Frontex (the European border and coastguard) and the Montenegrin authorities for the management of the country's border with the Union. The aim is to counter illegal migration and cross-border criminal activities.

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Council of Europe

Celebration 70th anniversary

7 October 2019

On 1st October the Council of Europe celebrated its 70th anniversary at a ceremony in Strasbourg. Given the challenges made to the institution's role, its new Secretary General Marija Pejcinovic Buric, recalled that the "Council of Europe" had been created to counter political extremism and remain steadfast when rights and individuals are threatened."

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Report on national minorities in Montenegro

7 October 2019

Montenegro is typified by a general climate of tolerance, the legal framework to counter discrimination is satisfactory and the settlement of the question regarding displaced people from Kosovo has progressed significantly, deemed the Consultative Committee of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCMN) at the Council of Europe in a report published on 2nd October. The Committee demands however "urgent" action to improve the socio-economic situation of the Roma, as well as the re-introduction of civic education at school.

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Negationism is not the freedom of expression

7 October 2019

The European Court of Human Rights deemed on 3rd October that the negation of the Shoah does not constitute the freedom of expression and cannot benefit from the protection of the European Convention of Human Rights. The Court was referred to in the case of a German regional far right MP which mentioned in a speech "the so-called Holocaust" and "propagandist lies".

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Downwards revision of growth forecasts

7 October 2019

The WTO reviewed its trade growth forecasts downwards until 2020 due to trade tension and the slowing of the world's economy. The volume of the world good's trade is only due to rise by 1.2% in 2019, against 2.6% forecast in April. As for the projected increase for 2020, it will rise to 2.7% against an inital 3%. The projection for 2020 is conditioned by the return of more normal trade relations.

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Airbus: the US allowed to penalise the EU

6 October 2019

On 2nd October the WTO allowed the US to impose customs duties on European products to a total of 7.5 billion $ (6.9 billion €). This will take immediate effect. The WTO's arbitrator deemed that the subsidies given by the EU to the plane manufacturer, Airbus, distorted competition. The Union said it was prepared to respond to all American sanctions. It is also waiting for a similar decision targeting Boeing, which might be delivered very shortly.

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Inflation falls in September in the euro zone

7 October 2019

The euro zone's annual rate of inflation lay at 0.9% in September 2019, against 1% in August, said a rapid estimate published by Eurostat on 1st October. This development is mainly due to a fall in energy prices (-1.8% in September, against -0.6% in August).

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Surplus in the balance of payments

7 October 2019

In the first semester of 2019 the Union recorded a surplus in its balance of payments of 40.9 billion €, i.e. 1% of the GDP according to figures published by Eurostat on 4th October. The balance of services has recorded a surplus of 25.7 billion €.

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BFI London Film Festival

7 October 2019

The London Film Festival, organised by the British Film Institute (BFI), is taking place until 13th October. This year 229 films, short works and documentaries are being screened, 40% of which are produced or co-produced by women.

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Bauhaus celebrates 100 years

7 October 2019

Until 27th January 2020, the Berlinische Galerie will be celebrating the 100th year of he creation of Bauhaus, a movement which has had long lasting influence over architecture, art and design.

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Brancusi in Brussels

7 October 2019

Until 12th January 2020 the Palace for Fine Arts (Bozar) in Brussels is running a retrospective of Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi, which inlcudes work by his contemporaries like Man Ray, Modigliani and Rodin. The exhibition is part of the Europalia festival which pays tribute to Romanian culture and arts.

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The new world of Charlotte Perriand

7 October 2019

Until 24th February 2020 the Louis Vuitton Foundation is paying tribute to Charlotte Perriand to mark the 20 years since her death. The exhibition covers the work of this visionary architect and designer, around the place of women and nature in society.

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Picasso, at the centre of the shadows

7 October 2019

The Grenoble Museum is running an exhibition until 5th January 2020 entitled "Picasso, at the centre of the shadows (1939-1945)", which covers the painter's work during his years haunted by solitude and death.

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Photographs by Thomas Struth

7 October 2019

The Guggenheim Musem of Bilbao is running an exhibition until 19th January 2020 of the work by German photographer Thomas Struth. The retrospective focuses on problems like "the importance of public space, the strength of the cohesion of family ties, the importance of nature and culture, as well as the limits and potential of new technologies".

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Nobel Prize in Medicine

7 October 2019

On 7th October Briton Peter Ratcliffe and Americans William Kaelin and Gregg Semenza were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their research regarding the adaption of cells to the variable provision of oxygen, enabling the fight to counter cancer and anemia.

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les 7th-8th October

Justice and Internal Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

9th October 2019

Eurogroup Meeting (Luxembourg)

10th October 2019

Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

13th October 2019

Parliamentary Elections (general and senatorial) (Poland)

14th and 15th October 2019

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)

14th October

Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

When sleepwalkers awake: German plea for a new European security architecture

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy ,Zélie Barbet, Cindy Schweitzer

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°862- version of 7 oct. 2019