The Newsletter n°825 — 19 nov. 2018
La Lettre
Marianne Thyssen
19 November 2018
European elections 2019: for whom, for what are we going to vote?
19 November 2018

Is the new EU's multiannual financial framework adapted to the next decade?
19 November 2018
Permanent Atlas of the European Union
19 November 2018
Reports on the judicial reforms in Bulgaria and Romania
19 November 2018

Preparations in the event of a "no deal"
19 November 2018
Draft Agreement on Brexit between the EU and the UK
19 November 2018
Parliament approves ambitious energy goals for Europe
19 November 2018

Angela Merkel's speech to the European Parliament
19 November 2018
Deep concern about the situation in Romania
19 November 2018
For a more ambitious budget
19 November 2018
Capping of cost of telephone calls in the Union
19 November 2018
Czech MEP Jan Zahradil heads the ECR list
19 November 2018
Greater protection for rail travellers?
19 November 2018
Draft Agreement with the UK and the 2021-2027 budget
19 November 2018

Final adoption of the reform of the Schengen Information System
19 November 2018
Franco-German proposal for a euro zone budget
19 November 2018
Agriculture and Fisheries
20 November 2018
Conclusions of the Defence Council
20 November 2018
Conclusions of the Eurogroup
20 November 2018
Failure of 2019 budget discussions
20 November 2018
EU-South Africa Summit
19 November 2018

Foreign Affairs Ministers' Meeting
20 November 2018
Spain, the main port of entry for illegal immigration in Europe
19 November 2018

The USA allows the use of Galileo on its territory
19 November 2018
Cyprus: opening of two new crossing points
19 November 2018

Towards the creation of a Franco-German Assembly
19 November 2018

Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech at the Bundestag
19 November 2018
The government requests flexibility regarding its budget
19 November 2018

Appointment of a new European Affairs Minister
19 November 2018

Theresa May faces internal opposition over Brexit
19 November 2018

Annie Lööf asked to form a government
19 November 2018

Stabilisation and Association Council EU-Albania
19 November 2018

Russia condemned for the repeated arrests of Navalny
19 November 2018

Slowing of growth confirmed in the third quarter
19 November 2018

Employment up
19 November 2018
International goods trade
19 November 2018
Inflation at 2.2%
19 November 2018
Icelandic film "Woman at War" wins Parliament's Lux Prize
19 November 2018

Rodin drawings
19 November 2018
London Jazz Festival
19 November 2018
Fernand Léger Exhibition in Liverpool
19 November 2018
International surrealism in Coimbra
19 November 2018
19th November
"Foreign Affairs" Council "Agriculture-Fisheries" Council "General Affairs" Council (Article 50) (Brussels)
19th November
Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)
20th November
"Defence" Council "European Economic Area" Council (Brussels)
25th November
Extraordinary meeting of the European Council (Brussels)
26th November
"Development" Council (Brussels)
26th and 27th November
"Education, Youth, Culture and Sport" Council (Brussels)
When sleepwalkers awake: German plea for a new European security architecture
Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Thomas de Robiano, Helen Levy ,Victoire Bortoli, Chloé Hellot, Natasha Hroneska, Sophie van der Heijden
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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