The Newsletter81617 sept. 2018

La Lettre

Constance Bommelaer de Leusse, Lucien Castex

17 September 2018

Hundreds of millions of people now use the internet on a daily basis in many different ways: shopping, on-line banking, social network etc ... On the web they communicate an exponential amount of data, some of which is of an eminently personal nature. The dangers inherent to this are also growing and range widely from the unauthorised processing of data, to fraud and even to the manipulation of public opinion, which is endangering modern democracy. For all of these reasons, the protection of private life and personal data has become a European priority.

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When the Europeans awake

16 September 2018

The Chairman of the Foundation welcomed the two votes made by the European Parliament on copyright and the situation in Hungary, as well as the speech "on the State of the Union" which reflects the awakening of Europe.

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General elections in Luxembourg on 14th October

17 September 2018

Luxembourgers are electing their 60 MPs on 14th October next. According to the most recent poll by TNS, the Christian Social People's Party is due to win 26 seats (+3 in comparison with 2013) followed by the Democratic Party, with 10 seats (-3), the Socialist Workers' Party 9 MPs (-4), the Greens/Dei Greng 7 seats (+1), the Alternative Democratic Reformist Party (ADR), 5 (+2) and the Left (LG/DL) 3 (+1). Many political observers are betting on the return of a coalition government led by the Christian Social People's Party. With whom? Anything is possible.

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Speech on the State of the Union, the hour of European sovereignty

16 September 2018

The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker advocated on 12th September that the European Union, already an economic heavyweight, strengthen its political aura in the international arena during his speech on the State of the Union to MEPs in Strasbourg.

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Macrofinancial assistance of 1 billion € to support reform in Ukraine

17 September 2018

On 14th September the European Commission signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Ukraine that involves macro-financial assistance to a total of 1 billion € in the shape of mid to long term loans. The next step is ratification of the memorandum by the Ukrainian parliament.

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The "America First" policy goes against the EU-USA partnership

16 September 2018

In a resolution regarding the state of relations between the EU and the USA, adopted on 12th September, 490 votes in support, 148 against and 51 abstentions, MEPs stressed that the transatlantic relationship is a vital part of world stability, but they regretted that the present US government has chosen a unilateral "America First" policy, which damages Europe's interests likewise those of the USA and challenges mutual trust.

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New rules on copyright in the digital age

16 September 2018

On 12th September Parliament adopted 438 votes in support, 226 against and 39 abstentions, its position on the revision of its rules governing copyright, adding guarantees to protect small businesses and the freedom of expression. Moreover MPs deemed that the giants of technology had to share revenues with artists and journalists, when their work is used by user platforms. Parliament should now negotiate with the Council to reach a final version.

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Triggering of article 7 against Hungary

17 September 2018

On 12th September MEPs voted, 448 votes in support, 197 against and 48 abstentions, to trigger article 7 of the TEU for the serious infringement by Hungary of the values on which the Union is based. Parliament asked the Council to take steps against a Member States which it deems to be acting against the Union's fundamental values. It now is up to the Council to decide on the issue.

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Alexis Tsipras presents his vision of the future of Europe

16 September 2018

The Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, spoke to the European Parliament on 11th September on his vision of the future of Europe. He took advantage of this opportunity to draw a picture of a country that has been a winner in terms of reform and which can be proud of having emerged from the European rescue plans. Stressing the Union's inability to provide functional solutions to the present crises, he called for an "improvement to justice and democratic transparency through audacious reforms."

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Final vote on the European Solidarity Corps

16 September 2018

European MEPs met in plenary session and voted on 11th September in support of 375.6 million € over the period 2018-2020 to fund the European Solidarity Corps. An initiative launched in 2017 it allows young people to do voluntary work in various solidarity schemes across Europe.

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European strategy on plastic in a circular economy

16 September 2018

MEPs adopted a draft resolution on 13th September 597 votes in support, 15 against and 25 abstentions that aims to ban micro-plastics in cosmetics and oxo-degradable plastic, the definition of quality standards for recycled plastic and measures to encourage the collection of marine waste at sea.

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Programme for the future of mobility in the European Union

17 September 2018

MEPs voted on 13th September in support of a resolution to improve European mobility. It advocates the development of safe means of movement, which is less pollutant and solutions using more developed technologies that are useful to the competitiveness of the European sector in this area.

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EU-China relations

17 September 2018

On 12th September MEPs adopted a report that noted the state of relations with China. It is recalled that this partnership is one of the most important for the EU, but it reasserts the need to promote the rule of law and the principle of reciprocity in its trade relations.

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Speech by the Prime Minister of Macedonia, Zoran Zaev

17 September 2018

During his speech in Strasbourg to the European Parliament, which met in plenary session on 12th September, Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, advocated his country's European future whilst stressing the progress made by Macedonia in its effort to join the EU, as well as the "historic agreement" over the country's name with Greece.

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Informal meeting of Healthcare Ministers

16 September 2018

On 10th and 11th September an informal meeting of Healthcare Ministers took place in Vienna. At the heart of discussions were medicine supply security and the use of modern e-communication channels in the area of healthcare.

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Extension of restrictive measures linked to the Ukraine crisis

16 September 2018

On 13th September the Council extended the restrictive measures linked to the "action that either compromises or threatens Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty or its independence. These measures comprise the freezing of assets and travel bans - they are presently applicable to 155 people and 44 entities.

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Signature of a Prüm Agreement for South East Europe

17 September 2018

As part of the Austrian Presidency, the Interior Ministers of the Western Balkans, five countries of the EU and Moldova signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a Prüm Agreement that will help towards greater cooperation and an automated exchange of data in terms of the fight to counter organised crime, smugglers, extremism and terrorism in this region.

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Federica Mogherini visits Skopje

16 September 2018

"Our doors are open, your place is within the European Union, you hold the keys," this is message that the EU's High Representative Federica Mogherini sent out to the citizens of Macedonia during her visit to Skopje on 13th September and before the referendum on 30th September.

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Court of Justice

Confirmation of restrictive measures against Russian banks and businesses

16 September 2018

The EU Court of Justice confirmed restrictive measures on 13th September adopted by the Council against several Russian banks and oil and gas businesses as part of the crisis with Ukraine.

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Court of Auditors

Report on air pollution

16 September 2018

According to a report on air pollution published by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) on 11th September, the latter is still a main factor in terms of the environmental risk to health in the EU with 400,000 premature deaths per year.

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Decisions by the Council of Governors

16 September 2018

The European Central Bank reduced its growth forecasts slightly for 2018 and 2019 on 13th September. It will also halve its massive assets purchases on the markets, the final stage before they are stopped completely at the end of December.

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The 2019 budget presented to Parliament

17 September 2018

German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz presented his draft federal budget for 2019 to the Bundestag on 11th September, which is balanced and does not need debt despite higher spending (+13 billion €) over one year to 356.8 billion €. The use of a surplus of nearly 30 billion promises for intense debate.

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Visit by the German chancellor to the Baltic countries

17 September 2018

Ms Merkel met the heads of State and government of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and visited the NATO forces stationed in Lithuania on 14th September. She also visited the NATO force stationed in Lithuania. They discussed the priorities of the Summit of Salzburg, trade related issues, security, the EU's multiannual financial framework, migration and Brexit.

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New healthcare minister

17 September 2018

Maria Luisa Carcedo succeeded Carmen Monton on 13th September as Spanish Healthcare, Consumption and Social Well Being Minister. Following this appointment, women remain the majority in Pedro Sanchez's government (11 out of 17), which comprises the most women in the world.

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The new maritime routes proposed by the Commission deemed unacceptable

17 September 2018

The French government deemed the Commission's project that aims to adapt the maritime corridor between Ireland and post-Brexit Union. The Commission suggested that French ports be excluded from the trans-European North Sea/Mediterranean corridor.

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Informal Arraiolos Group Meeting

16 September 2018

On 13th and 14th September Riga hosted the 14th informal meeting Arraiolos (Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Estonia, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Finland and Germany) to discuss the future of Europe.

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Visit by Luxembourg Prime Minister to Vienna

17 September 2018

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz met his Luxembourg counterpart, Xavier Bettel on 13th September. They discussed Brexit, immigration and the taxation of digital giants.

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The Netherlands

Brexit: visit by the Article 50 working group to Rotterdam

16 September 2018

On 10th September the members of "article 50 working group" visited the port of Rotterdam in preparation for Brexit. The aim is maintain the fluidity of trade as much as possible and to limit any possible border delays.

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Visit by Dutch Prime Minister to Bucharest

17 September 2018

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte met Romanian Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă on 12th September during a visit to Bucharest. He promised that the Netherlands would help constructively in preparation for the upcoming Council to be presided over by Romania. Discussions also focused on trade issues, security and defence.

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The consequences of a possible no-deal Brexit

17 September 2018

On 13th September the British Minister responsible for Brexit published a second round of technical notes on the consequences of a no-deal Brexit for British citizens and businesses. In the event of no deal with the EU some of the most relevant problems, notably the invalidity of the British driving licence, mobile roaming fees, and numerous legal and administrative issues have been identified.

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Appointment of new government

16 September 2018

On 13th September the new Slovenian government led by Prime Minister Marjan Šarec was appointed. The government comprises 17 ministers, four of whom are women. It should be noted that outgoing Prime Minister Miro Cerar will be Foreign Affairs Minister and that former Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek, will be Infrastructure Minister. The government is a coalition between the parties of Marjan Šarec (LMŠ), Alenka Bratušek (SAB), the Centre Party (SMC), the Social Democrats (SD) and the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS).

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International surplus in the euro zone's goods trade

17 September 2018

According to a study published by Eurostat on 14th September, in July 2018, the euro zone recorded a trade surplus of 17.6 billion € with the rest of world, against +21.6 in July 2017. In the same period the EU registered a surplus of 0.1 billion €, against +7.8 billion in July 2017.

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Regional Yearbook 2018

17 September 2018

The 2018 Regional Yearbook published by Eurostat was published on 13th September. It provides a detailed picture of a wide range of statistical areas regarding the regions of the EU's Member States as well as the EFTA regions and the candidate countries.

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Increase in illegal arrivals via land routes

17 September 2018

The international organisation for migration (IOM) indicated in a report published on 14th September that more than one migrant in five arrived illegally in Europe via land, i.e. six times more than last year at the same period, as they relinquish the maritime route. The most frequent itinerary is the one linking Turkey to Greece in authorities have registered 12,166 arrivals over land since the beginning of the year.

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Consensus on the need to reform the WTO at the G20 meeting on trade

17 September 2018

The Trade Ministers of the G20 countries, who met in Argentina, unanimously recognised on 13th September the need for the reform of the WTO for the improved management of conflicts, whilst a trade war is threatening the economy.

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Music festival in Warsaw

17 September 2018

The Warsaw Autumn of contemporary music is taking place between 21st to 29th September.

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Giacometti Exhibition at the Maillol Museum in Paris

17 September 2018

Until 20th January 2019 the Maillol Museum in Paris is showing more than 50 sculptures by the Swiss artist Alberto Giacometti, together with nearly 25 works by other major artists.

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18th Dance Biennale Lyon

17 September 2018

The 18th Dance Biennale of Lyon is taking place until 30th September. Unrivalled in France or elsewhere in the world the Biennale is designed for all types of audience - amateurs, passionate dancers, professionals - since it offers a programme that is both audacious and creative.

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66th International Film Festival San Sebastian

17 September 2018

The 66th International Film Festival of San Sebastian is taking place from 21st to 29th September. The prestige of the "Concha de Oro" which is the prize won by the best director or actor is a major venue in the world of cinema. It is also an opportunity for the discovery of a wide selection of international films.

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Balthus Exhibition at the Beyeler Foundation

17 September 2018

The Beyeler Foundation in Basel is showing the unusual work of the figurative painter Balthus until 1st January. The latter is one of the greatest master of the 20th century. In his complex work with multiple facets, Balthus continues an alternative artistic route to the trends of modern avant-garde.

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Oktoberfest in Munich

17 September 2018

The 185th Oktoberfest of Munich, one of the biggest beer festivals in Europe, is taking place from 22nd September to 7th October.

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17th and 18th September

Informal meeting of Energy Ministers (Linz)

18th September

"General Affairs" Council (Brussels)

19th and 20th September

Informal Summit of heads of State and government (Salzburg)

les 23rd-25th September

Informal meeting of Agriculture Ministers (Hof)

Newsletter Archives

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

A "commissioner" responsible for defence issues

European agriculture and Ukrainian agriculture complement each other

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Thomas de Robiano, Helen Levy ,Victoire Bortoli, Natasha Hroneska, Sophie van der Heijden

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Thomas de Robiano

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°816- version of 17 sept. 2018