The Newsletter8143 sept. 2018

La Lettre

Julien Lebel

3 September 2018

Whilst the various political entities across the world support the development of a powerful aviation industry to gain influence and profile in the international arena, Europe seems to be lagging behind in this respect. In a competitive, expanding context of soft power on the part of ambitious third countries, the Member States and the Commission do however have every interest in guaranteeing the long-term of airline connectivity on the European continent, which contributes to the influence of EU players at international level. It is therefore vital for Europeans to be aware of the challenges they face and coordinate a true strategy together.

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General elections in Sweden: breakthrough expected by the populists on the right

3 September 2018

In Sweden, the Social Democrats (SAP) are due to come out ahead in the general elections on 9th September followed by the Democrats of Sweden (SD) and the Party of Moderates (M). Far behind these three parties, the Centre Party (C), the Left Party (Vp), the Liberals (L), and the Environment Party-the Greens (MP) are due win seats in the Riksdag but the Christian Democratic Party (KD) might not. The formation of the next government may prove difficult.

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Latvia - General Elections

3 September 2018

General elections will take place in Latvia on 6th October. According to the most recent poll the pro-Russian party Harmony (S) is due to come out ahead with 23% of the vote. The Union of Greens and Farmers (ZZS), the party of outgoing Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis is due to come second with 14%, followed by its government partner, National Alliance (AN), which is due to win 13% of the vote just like "who does the country belong to?" (KPV), founded in May 2016 by Artuss Kaimins.

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Additional measures for farmers following the summer drought

3 September 2018

The European Commission announced on 30th August measures to increase the availability of fodder resources for cattle, which is one of the main challenges that farmers face after the summer drought.

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Proposition regarding the change of hour

3 September 2018

Following a public consultation across Europe, the European Commission suggested on 31st August to give up the winter hour change. European Parliament already adopted a resolution in this sense in February. It is now up to Parliament and the Member States to adopt this proposition in a definitive manner.

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State of negotiations with the UK

3 September 2018

The EU's negotiator regarding Brexit spoke on 31st August of an extension of negotiations with London which are in stalemate at present indicating that they should be finalised "mid-November" in comparison with a previous 18th October.

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Digital investment: financing for the development of 5G at Nokia

3 September 2018

The European Investment Bank (EIB) signed a loan of 500 million € on 27th August with the Finnish telecommunications company Nokia as part of the Investment Plan for Europe. The business will use this loan to speed up its research and development on 5G technology, the new generation mobile telecommunications standard. The loan is secured by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI).

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Synergy and military assistance for civilian institutions

3 September 2018

The EU's High Representative, Federica Mogherini, took part on 30th August in an informal meeting of European Defence Ministers in Vienna devoted to cooperation with the countries in the Western Balkans. A document presents ideas for limited military assistance with regard to the protection of the external borders by the civilian authorities.

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Informal meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers

3 September 2018

On 30th and 31st August Foreign Affairs Ministers met in Vienna. Several issues were addressed, notably the present developments in the Middle East, transatlantic relations and the enlargement of the Western Balkans.

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Priority for Youth

3 September 2018

On 3rd September on the occasion of the informal meeting of Ministers for Youth, the Austrian Minister pointed to three priority issues: the Erasmus+ programme which will be coming to an end in 2020, the programme that will come into force after the European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027 and the new strategy in support of young people, the EU Youth Goals.

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Overview of European banking sector

3 September 2018

The ECB published a study on the entire European banking system. With nearly 386 banking groups and 2,855 independent credit establishments operating in the Union, this study covers nearly 100% of the banking sector balance sheet.

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Europe must play a greater role in guaranteeing "prosperity, peace and freedom" in the world

3 September 2018

In her televised interview after the summer recess, Angela Merkel called on Europe on 26th August to assume greater responsibility, notably in the area of defence given the unilateral policy implemented by American President Donald Trump.

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Condemnation of far right demonstrations

3 September 2018

Following the demonstrations by the far right which took place in Chemnitz the German government firmly condemned the violence that occurred there. "Violence like this cannot be tolerated in our streets and squares," explained Angela Merkel on 29th August.

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Meeting of Prime Minister with Angela Merkel

3 September 2018

German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on 28th August. This visit provided the opportunity to commit to closer economic cooperation between Germany and Croatia. Ms Merkel also promised to support Croatia during its presidency of the Council of the European Union planned for 2020.

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The French President hosted on a State visit

3 September 2018

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark hosted French President Emmanuel Macron who was on a State visit on 28th August. After speaking with the Queen, Mr Macron gave a press conference alongside the Danish Prime Minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen. The three issues on the agenda were the migratory crisis, taxation of the major digital giants and the reform of the euro zone.

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Official visit by the French President

3 September 2018

Finnish President Sauli Niinistö hosted the French President Emmanuel Macron on 30th August as he paid Finland an official visit. The two heads of State notably discussed issues of security and defence to make Europe "one that is safe and whose voice is heard across the whole world", insisted Mr Niniistö.

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Europe as a foreign policy priority

3 September 2018

In a speech delivered to French ambassadors who met in Paris on 27th August the French President, Emmanuel Macron reasserted his wish to revive the European Union. He notably insisted on the fact that Europeans should "assume their responsibilities in terms of Defence and ensure their own security and therefore the sovereignty of Europe." He also advocated for a strengthening of the euro zone.

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Official end of the financial aid plan

3 September 2018

On 20th August the financial assistance programme in support of Greece came to an end eight years after its launch. Greece completed its third and final programme of economic adjustment thereby confirming the official return to the country's full economic sovereignty.

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Visit by the Hungarian and Czech Prime Minister

3 September 2018

On 28th August Matteo Salvini, the Italian Home Minister and Vice-President of the Council hosted the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the HQ of the Liga in Milan. This meeting aimed to prepare a future alliance between their two parties in view of the European elections in 2019. For his part the President of the Italian Council, Giuseppe Conte hosted the Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis on the same day to discuss the European migratory policy.

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We do not want a "no deal" Brexit with Europe

3 September 2018

British Minister, David Lidington spoke on 29th August about the negotiations regarding Brexit. According the Theresa May's second in command, negotiations with Brussels can still lead to a "wide-ranging and ambitious" agreement.

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Theresa May wants no compromise over Brexit

3 September 2018

In an article in The Telegraph on 1st September, British Prime Minister Theresa May explained that she would not give way in the negotiations with the EU, preferring no deal rather than make concessions in terms of the positions expressed in her White Paper. At the same time the British government published a guide on the possible effects of a no deal.

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General elections on 8th September

3 September 2018

Whilst the general elections are to take place on 9th September next the latest polls announce that the Social Democrats will come out ahead with 25.7% of the vote, followed by the Swedish Democrats with 19.8% and by the Moderates which continue to lose ground with 17.1%. Amongst the small parties the major surprise is the Liberal Party which has risen by 2 points to reach 6.8%.

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Informal meeting of Prime Ministers of the Western Balkans

3 September 2018

On 27th August an informal meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Western Balkans took place in Durrës, Albania. The Commissioner for the European Neighbourhood and Enlargement policy, Johannes Hahn took part in this meeting devoted to the region's economic integration. On this occasion he recalled the potential of a greater integration between these countries and the progress already achieved, but also the amount of work that still needs to be done.

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Council of Europe

The fight to counter capital laundering and the financing of terrorism

3 September 2018

In a report by the Council of Europe published on 23rd August on Latvia, Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL) took note that massive financial flows transiting through the country comprises a significant risk in terms of capital laundering.

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65 years of the European Convention of Human Rights

3 September 2018

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the European Convention of Human Rights that entered into force on 3rd September 1953, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, declared, "the European Convention of Human Rights is a unique safety net that protects more than 830 million people." He also recalled that this had "helped to promote stability and security in Europe over the last 65 years and in a period in which the continent is facing many challenges, the protection it provides maintains its usefulness."

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Study of inflation in the euro zone

3 September 2018

On 28th August the IMF published a study devoted to inflation in the euro zone. After five consecutive years of economic recovery, inflation remains low, despite an overall rate that has been temporarily high due to energy prices. The study concludes that after a period of low demand and weak inflation a much longer period of sustained demand will be required to bring inflation back up to its goal.

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The Mediterranean: "deadlier than ever" for migrants according to the HCR

3 September 2018

The Mediterranean Sea was "deadlier than ever" for migrants in the first months of 2018, with more than 1,600 people drowning since the start of the year said an HCR report published on 3rd September. Between January and July 2018 "more than 1,600 people disappeared trying to reach Europe," explained the UN's High Commissioner for Refugees.

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A slight decline in unemployment in July

3 September 2018

According to statistics published by Eurostat on 31st August the unemployment rate in the EU lay at 6.8% in July 2018, down in comparison with June. This is the lowest rate recorded since April 2008. In the euro zone it lay at 8.2% in July, stable in comparison with June. This is the lowest rate recorded in the euro zone since November 2008.

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Decrease in annual inflation rate in the euro zone to 2%

3 September 2018

According to a Eurostat study published on 31st August the euro zone's annual inflation rate was estimated at 2% in August 2018, against 2.1% in July.

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Lollapalooza Festival Berlin

3 September 2018

The Berlin version of the best know rock festivals is taking place from 8th to 9th September. Radiohead, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, Kings of Leon, Major Lazer, New Order and Sam Smith feature amongst the main artists in the line up. Apart from concerts the "World of Lolla Berlin" also includes open air galleries, art shows, acrobatics, street theatre, of the sustainability of the Der Grüne Kiez (The Green Quarter), and a world of adventure for children, Kidzapalooza.

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Paris Design Week

3 September 2018

The Paris Design Week is taking place from 6th to 15th September. Visitors can attend many events in which designers of world renown are showing their work.

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The Venice Mostra

3 September 2018

The 75th International Film Festival of Venice is taking place until 8th September. The Festival's goal is to raise awareness and promote international cinema as an art form, entertainment and an industry. The Festival is also organising retrospectives and tributes to personalities contributing to a better understanding of cinema history.

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American Film Festival of Deauville

3 September 2018

The 44th American Film Festival of Deauville is to take place until 9th September. With nearly 60 films presented, 14 of which will be competing against each other, this year the festival promises to be a delight for many cinema goers.

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500th anniversary of Tintoretto

3 September 2018

For the 500th anniversary of the birth of the Venetian painter, his place of birth is paying tribute with a series of exhibitions. From 7th September 2018 to 6th January 2019 Tintoretto will be celebrated in two prestigious places, from his first successes as a young man (Gallerie dell'Accademia) to the creative vitality of his later years (Palazzo Ducale), with a journey through the works from major private and public collections across the world.

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Art on Paper in Brussels

3 September 2018

The Fine Arts Museum of Brussels is hosting "Art on Paper" the drawing fair for contemporary art from 5th to 9th September. Whether it is figurative, abstract, monumental or minimalist, the potential of drawing is infinite. Art on Paper sets out around 20 solo exhibitions selected from Belgian and international galleries.

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Festival Visa

3 September 2018

The International Photojournalism Festival of Perpignan is taking place until 16th September. It awards prizes to the best photo journalistic subjects from the world over. It is an opportunity for exhibitions, screenings, and meetings to review the best photo-reports of the year.

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Development of digital Arte

3 September 2018

Arte intends to become "a digital group above all" within the next three to five years with a European audience, declared Véronique Cayla, Chair of Arte France on 28th August, stressing that the channel "is already independent" "unfettered and free" of traditional television channels that are "archaic" and which will disappear in the end.

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7th September

Eurogroup Meeting (Vienna)

7th and 8th September

Informal meeting of economy and finance ministers (Vienna)

9th September

General elections (Sweden)

10th to 13th September

Plenary session at the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

A "commissioner" responsible for defence issues

European agriculture and Ukrainian agriculture complement each other

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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Developing a common civil aviation strategy


The Newsletter n°814- version of 3 sept. 2018