The Newsletter8074 juin 2018

La Lettre

4 June 2018

Marc Lazar, Professor of History and Political Sociology, Director of the Centre for History, Sciences Po and Chair of the Scientific Council of the School of Government of the Luiss (Rome) decyphers the present Italian situation for the Foundation notably after the entry into office of the new 5 Stars Movement-Lega government.

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Front page!

Europe: the proof of strength

4 June 2018

Jean-Dominique Giuliani signed an editorial in which he reviews the challenges which for Europe mean an increase in power struggles in international relations.

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General Election Results in Slovenia

4 June 2018

The Democratic Party (SDS) led by Janez Jansa came out ahead in the general elections on 3rd June with 24.96% of the vote and 25 seats. The Marjan Sarec List (LMS) followed with 12.66% of the vote and 13 seats. The Social Democrats (SD) came 3rd with 9.92% and 10 seats (+4) followed by the Modern Centre Party (SMC) of outgoing Prime Minister Miro Cerar with 9.75% and 10 seats. The Left (Levica) won 9.29% and 9 seats; New Slovenia (NSi), 7.13% and 7 seats; Alenka Bratusek Alliance (ZaAB), 5.12% and 5 seats; the Democratic Pensioners Party (DeSUS), 4.91% and 5 seats and the National Party (SNS), 4.2% and 4 seats. In all 9 parties will be represented in Parliament, a record in the country's history. Turnout totalled 51.97%. The issue at stake is which parties will be able to join forces and form a government coalition.

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The European Parliament, the heart of European democracy

4 June 2018

Just one year before the European elections, a conference on the role of Parliament is being organised on 12th June at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation will be moderating the debate with MEPs regarding the role of the Parliament and its place in European democracy.

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Facts against fear - how to face up to populism

4 June 2018

The embassies of France and Germany in Sweden are organising a joint seminar in Stockholm on 5th June on populism in Europe together with the representation of the Commission in Sweden. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, the Foundation's Chairman is taking part in a round table devoted to the impact of populism on the European political landscape.

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"Europe between globalisation, empires and populism"

4 June 2018

The Robert Schuman Foundation is partner of the "Europe Kojève 2018" meeting organised in Brussels on 7th and 8th June. Whilst the EU is having to face multiple crisis, these meetings aim to understand better European integration in space and time via the work and career of Alexandre Kojève.

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Citizen Participation

4 June 2018

The Asko Europa Foundation and the European Academy of Otzenhausen are organising on 6th and 7th June the "Franco-German Dialogue" 2018. This year many participants including Charles de Marcilly, the manager of the Foundation's Brussels office will be debating citizen participation through the citizens' consultations.

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Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2018

4 June 2018

The "Schuman Report 2018 on the State of the Union" is available in French and English. This edition analyses the challenges that Europe is facing, notably from the trade point of view. An exclusive interview with French President Emmanuel Macron, commented statistics and maps offer a complete panorama of the European Union. You can order it on line from our site, find in digital format or in bookshops.

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European perspective for the Western Balkans in the Berlin process

4 June 2018

In support of the RYCO (Regional Youth Cooperation Office) initiative founded by 6 Balkan countries to promote the spirit of reconciliation and cooperation between young people from these countries, the Foundation is taking part in a conference on the Balkans' European perspective, organised by the Montenegrin Ministry for Youth and Sport and supported by the embassies of France and Germany in Montenegro on 8th June.

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Ban on single use plastic

4 June 2018

On 28th May the Commission suggested new rules to counter plastic waste. They will target ten single use plastic products most seen on the beaches and in the seas around Europe as well as fishing equipment that is lost or thrown away which represent 70% marine waste.

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Re-using water: facilitation and safer for agricultural irrigation

4 June 2018

On 28th May the Commission put forward new rules facilitating the re-use of water in the EU for agricultural irrigation. This regulation will help farmers use used water that is unfit for drinking purposes and attenuate water shortages whilst protecting the environment and uses.

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Pharmaceutical Products: refining the intellectual property rules

4 June 2018

On 28th May the Commission a targeted adjustment to intellectual property rules: export manufacturing waiver to Supplementary Protection Certificates.

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Modernising and digitising civil judicial cooperation in the EU

4 June 2018

On 31st May the European Commission announced measures that aim to modernise and digitise judicial cooperation for cross-border civil and commercial cases throughout the EU. The proposals will make it obligatory for courts to exchange documents electronically, and will promote the use of videoconferencing to hear witnesses based in another country.

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Proposal for an initial euro zone budget

4 June 2018

On 31st May the European Commission detailed its proposals for a budget aiming to strengthen the euro zone, that would be provided with a global budget of 25 billion €.

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Pollinating insects: first EU steps to stop their decline

4 June 2018

One pollinating insect in ten is about to become extinct. This is why the Commission suggested on 1st June the very first initiative to counter the decline of pollinating insects.

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Final MEP vote on posted workers

4 June 2018

MEPs voted on 29th May on the status of posted workers closing a debate that has divided Europe for a long time. The text provides that workers posted temporarily in another Member State must receive equal pay for equal work in the same place. Postings cannot go beyond 12 months with a possible 6 month extension of the period. Finally the text promises to provide better protection against fraud and exploitation.

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Multi-annual plan for fishing

4 June 2018

A new multi-annual plan aiming to prevent overfishing and to offer greater security the fishing communities in the North sea was adopted by MEPs on 29th May. This plan helps define deltas within which ministers can set admissible total annual captures and to establish measures regarding the "best scientific opinions available."

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Condemnation for infringements to the free movement of people

4 June 2018

On 30th May MEPs condemned the extension of internal border controls in the Schengen Area, which are infringing the free movement of people between the 26 Member States. In a resolution they "condemned the continued reintroduction of internal border controls due to lacuna in the common European asylum system and the lack of political will, solidarity and the sharing of responsibilities."

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Avoiding any "renationalisation" of the CAP

4 June 2018

MEPs voted against any "renationalisation" of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on 30th May and defended the upkeep of a budget that is at least equal for this policy, 468 votes in support against 123 and 89 abstentions. Although they agree with greater flexibility for the States to adapt the CAP to their needs, they rejected any type of "renationalisation" that might in their opinion distort competition.

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European Parliament Open Days

4 June 2018

As each year, the Robert Schuman Fondation is present during the open days at the European Parliament which takes place on 10th June in Strasbourg. Many events are on the programme and we hope to see you there!

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European Youth Meeting 2018: "a breath of fresh air" for Europe

4 June 2018

The 3rd European Youth Meeting hosted more than 8000 participants as they engaged in various activities, debates, performances and workshops at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 1st and 2nd June.

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Conclusions of the meeting of Ministers responsible for competitiveness

4 June 2018

On 28th and 29th May the Ministers responsible for Competitiveness debated the future financial framework for research and innovation in 2021-2027. They also spoke of Euratom post 2020, and adopted a general guideline on a draft regulation aiming to improve mutual recognition of goods marketed within another Member State.

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Justice: citizens' data at the heart of debate

5 June 2018

The Member States' Justice Ministers met on 4th June in Brussels in Council. The agreement concerns debt relief, measures to improve the efficacy of procedures and the collation of data during these procedures. Conclusions were adopted on the generalisation of the use of electronic evidence Europe wide and the new European strategy in terms of Justice 2019-2023.

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Agreement on elections on 10th December in Libya

4 June 2018

On 29th May France organised an international conference bringing together the four main actors in the Libyan crisis, under the aegis of the UN. In the political declaration they committed to working "in a constructive manner with the United Nations" to "introduce their constitutional base for elections and to adopt the necessary electoral laws by 16th September, as well as holding parliamentary and presidential elections on 10th December."

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American decision to tax certain European products

4 June 2018

On 31st May the American administration announced the introduction of additional customs duties on European steel and aluminium imports. In response to this announcement the President of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and Cecilia Malmström, the European Trade Commissioner declared that the Union no longer had any other choice but to trigger a WTO dispute settlement procedure and to impose additional customs tariffs on a certain number of American imports.

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Meeting of G7 Finance Ministers

4 June 2018

The meeting of the G7 Finance Ministers ended on 2nd June with the USA more isolated than ever before, since Washington's allies unanimously berated the Trump administration's trade policy. Indeed the Ministers exhorted Washington to give up imposing extra customs duties.

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EU Council-ACP (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific)

4 June 2018

The EU Council-Africa Caribbean Pacific (ACP) met in Lomé on 31st May and 1st June to discuss the ACP-EU agreement and its possible extension beyond 2020. They also discussed climate change.

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Court of Justice

Visiting rights also involves grandparents according to the European court

4 June 2018

Visiting rights generally mentioned for parents who want to continue seeing a child of whom they are no longer the guardian after a divorce also concern grandparents deemed the Court of Justice in a decision on 31st May.

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Angela Merkel visits Portugal

4 June 2018

On 29th and 30th May German Chancellor Angela Merkel was in Portugal to meet her counterpart Antonio Costa. Discussions focused notably on economic cooperation, the reform of the euro zone, the multi-annual financial framework and refugee integration.

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Future of the euro zone

4 June 2018

In a long interview in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on 3rd June German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was prepared to accept limited mechanisms of aid between countries in the euro zone.

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Mariano Rajoy is replaced by Pedro Sanchez who is to form a government

4 June 2018

On 1st June the motion of no-confidence against Mariano Rajoy's government initiated by the opposition won a majority of votes in Parliament (180 votes against 169). Mariano Rajoy (PP) is to be replaced as President of the Government by Pedro Sanchez, leader of the PSOE, who was sworn in on 2nd June.

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OECD Ministerial Meeting

4 June 2018

On 30th and 31st May the OECD ministerial meeting took place in Paris and was chaired by Paris. The theme was "Reshaping Multilateralism for the Most Responsible, Effective and more Inclusive Outcomes."

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Formation of a M5S-Lega government

4 June 2018

On 31st May the 5 Stars Movement (M5S) and the Lega came to agreement for a new government led by Giuseppe Conte. The 20 new members of government, of whom 4 are women were sworn in on 1st June.

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The President signs the OECD membership agreement

4 June 2018

On 30th May the Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite signed Lithuania's membership agreement of the OECD. The country will officially become the 36th member after the ratification of the document by the Seimas (parliament).

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Luxembourg Prime Minister speaks to the European Parliament

4 June 2018

"Let's step up the pace towards Europe," declared Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel during his speech to the European Parliament on 30th May. With this he is following the path set by the French President and his Belgian counterpart, amongst others, to speak of the future of Europe in view of the European elections. He said he that he believed that only a European answer could guarantee the well-being of people on the continent and respond to world challenges.

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IMF Economic Outlook

4 June 2018

On 29th May the IMF published its "Staff Concluding Statement of the 2018 Article IV Mission" regarding Portugal. This declaration states that Portugal's near-term outlook remains favourable.

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Dismissal of the head of the anti-corruption tribunal?

4 June 2018

On 30th May the Romanian Constitutional Court asked the President of the Republic Klaus Iohannis to lift his veto on the dismissal of the head of the Romanian anti-corruption court (DNA) Laura Codruta Kövesi. The Social Democratic government which lauded the decision, asked for her dismissal for having criticised the country's projects to reform the legal system. Several thousand people demonstrated before the government HQ to denounce this decision.

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"Saber Strike" Exercise

4 June 2018

Some 18,000 soldiers from 19 countries, mainly members of NATO, are taking part in the Saber Strike exercise until 15th June in Poland and in the Baltic countries. This annual exercise piloted by the American army is one of the biggest deployments in Europe for the American forces since the end of the Cold War.

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Inflation up to 1.9%

4 June 2018

According to a Eurostat communication on 31st May the euro zone's annual inflation rate is estimated at 1.9% in May 2018, against 1.2% in April.

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Unemployment at its lowest in 9 years

4 June 2018

In the EU the unemployment rate lay at 7.1% in April, stable in comparison with March. In the euro zone it lay at 8.5% in April announced Eurostat on 31st May. The lowest unemployment rates in April were recorded in Malta (3%) and in Germany (3.4%). The highest were noted in Greece (20.8% in February) and Spain (15.9%).

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Scoreboard 2018 Justice in the EU

4 June 2018

On 28th May the Commission published the 2018 scoreboard of justice in the EU which provides a comparative overview of the independence, quality and efficiency of the legal systems in the Member States.

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WTO Report 2018

4 June 2018

On 31st May the WTO published its annual report 2018 which suggests that trade growth in 2017 was the strongest it had been since 2011. Forecasts are also optimistic for 2018 and 2019, which indicate that trade will play a role in world economic recovery.

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"Move" at the Pompidou Centre

4 June 2018

Until 24th June the Pompidou Centre is launching its annual event called "Move", situated at the intersection of dance and performance and the moving image.

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Download Festival

4 June 2018

From 8th to 10th June the Download Festival will be taking place at Donington Park in the UK. Guns n' Roses will be playing in this year's concert.

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Prague Museum Night

4 June 2018

On 9th June the museums and cultural institutions in Prague will be opening their doors to visitors at night, after the usual opening hours. This event offers visitors a unique opportunity to see the cultural treasures of the Czech capital in a totally different ambience.

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4th and 5th June

"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

7th and 8th June

"Transport, Telecommunications and energy" Council (Luxembourg)

8th and 9th June

G7 Summit (Charlevoix (Canada))

11th to 14th June

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

A "commissioner" responsible for defence issues

European agriculture and Ukrainian agriculture complement each other

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Eva Gerland, Salomé Hénon-Cohin, François Henry-Segura,Lily Lajeunesse, Kémi Quinio

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

"Decyphering the political situation in Italy" and "Europe: the proof of strengt...


The Newsletter n°807- version of 4 juin 2018