The Newsletter80230 avr. 2018

La Lettre

Victoire d'Humières

30 April 2018

For geographic as well as historic, cultural and linguistic reasons, Africa, represented by the African Union (AU), and the European Union are both privileged partners. Europe, with its 28 Member States is still the most important foreign investor on the continent, the primary source of financial transfers and the greatest provider of development and humanitarian aid, not forgetting the many common security and defence missions and operations. The issue of migration flows between the two pervades all aspects of cooperation.

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The Schuman Report 2018 is available

28 April 2018

The Schuman Report 2018 on the State of the Union is available in both French and English. This edition analyses the challenges that Europe now faces, notably with articles by Nicole Gnesotto on EU-US trade relations. With the expert knowledge of the best specialists, an exclusive interview with Emmanuel Macron, original maps and commented statistics, this book offers a comprehensive view of the EU. It is available in bookshops, on our website and in digital version.

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Progress in artificial intelligence and data protection

28 April 2018

On 25th April the European Commission presented measures that aim to place artificial intelligence at the service of European citizens and to stimulate European competitiveness in this area. It also announced a series of measures designed to increase data availability in the Union by using previous initiatives to promote the free movement of non-personal data in the digital single market.

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Tackling on-line disinformation

28 April 2018

On 26th April the Commission put forward measures to tackle online disinformation including the drafting of a code of good conduct against disinformation and support to an independent network of fact checkers. It also announced a series of actions that aim to encourage quality journalism and to promote media literacy.

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Speech by J-C Juncker in Greece

28 April 2018

After having paid tribute to the "cradle of democracy" Jean-Claude Juncker, who was on a trip to Greece on 26th April said that the "country was one of the mainstays of stability in the Balkans". In a distant enlargement project for some of these countries he notably said that they "needed a European prospect (which Greece offers) so that there would be no more dramatic episodes" as in the past and that "the EU would not introduce any kind of instability" within its fold on their accession.

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Towards to new rules corporate law

28 April 2018

On 25th April the European Commission put forward new rules to simplify the task of businesses who want to establish in another EU country, whilst preventing "abusive" moves based on tax or social reasons.

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Reform to speed up the assessment of asylum requests

28 April 2018

MEPs from the Civil Liberties Committee supported the proposal for a new regulation on the common procedure in granting international protection in the Union which states how national authorities should manage asylum requests. This procedure will be faster, simpler and will include greater guarantees, notably regarding children.

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Healthcare Ministers Meeting

28 April 2018

The 28 Healthcare Ministers met in Sofia on 23rd April to discuss the issue of healthy nutrition for children, as well as the efficacy of and accessibility to medicines.

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European Travel Information and Authorisation System

28 April 2018

On 25th April, the Council confirmed the agreement with the European Parliament regarding the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) which will facilitate the prior control and if necessary the rejection of travel permission to citizens from third countries exempted of the visa obligation to travel in the Schengen area.

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Eurogroup: encouraging results for Greece

28 April 2018

The 19 Finance Ministers of the euro area met in Sofia on 27th April and were informed of the progress achieved by Greece as part of the fourth assessment of the financial assistance programme. They also addressed Banking Union and wage dynamics as a means to macro-economic adjustment in the Economic and Monetary Union.

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"Economic and Financial Affairs" Ministers' Meeting

30 April 2018

During the informal meeting of European Economy and Finance Ministers in Sofia on 27th and 28th April, ministers addressed the EU's economic convergence policy, the Capital Markets Union, corporate and digital taxation and the fight to counter tax fraud.

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Syria: donors mobilise 4.4 billion dollars in 2018

28 April 2018

International donors who met in Brussels for the second conference on aid to provide for the future of Syria and the countries in the region on 24th and 25th April gathered 3.6 billion euro for 2018. The co-presidencies of the EU and the UN said that the conference had led to the "renewal and strengthening of political, humanitarian and financial commitment on the part of the international community."

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Joint declaration on Customs Duties

30 April 2018

German, French and British leaders called on 29th April on the USA not to impose customs duties unilaterally. Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel and Theresa May deemed that the EU "must stand ready to respond, if necessary, efficiently and rapidly."

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ECB: Council of Governors

28 April 2018

On 26th April the ECB's Council of Governors maintained its key rates at the lowest possible level and said that until September and "beyond that if necessary' its public and private debt purchase programme would continue, at a pace of 30 billion euro per month. The ECB said that it had observed a certain amount of "moderation" in euro zone growth and that it is concerned about "protectionist threats" which are worsening, painting a more pessimistic picture than previously.

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European Agencies

Agreement wit the European Medicines Agency on its HQ

28 April 2018

Following Brexit the HQ of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will be transferred from London to Amsterdam. On 23rd April the Dutch Council of Ministers accepted the text that finalises the agreement on the HQ of the Agency and which describes how its authorities and employees will be treated by the Dutch government.

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Launch of the campaign "Managing the use of dangerous substances"

29 April 2018

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work launched a pan-European in support of "Healthy Places of Work", on 24th April, devoted the theme of "Managing Dangerous Substances." This launch marks the start of a 2 year campaign of events and activities that aim to promote better ways of countering the risks to workers in their use of dangerous substances.

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Lunch of a European ocean observation satellite

28 April 2018

On 25th April a European satellite "Sentinel-3B" designed to observe the Earth to provide a series of data on ocean levels, their colour, the depth of the ice sheets and the temperature of the planet's surface.

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The Chancellor decides to host 10,000 UN refugees

29 April 2018

On 23rd April German Chancellor Angela Merkel defended her decision to take in 10,000 refugees designated as such by the UN High Commission for Refugees. She deemed the UN programme as a means to bring illegal immigration in Europe to an end and to replace this by legal migration.

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German President visits Switzerland

28 April 2018

On 25th April the Swiss Federal Council hosted the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier on a State visit. Discussions focused on bilateral relations, European policy and bilateral cooperation in the international context.

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Meeting between Angela Merkel and Donald Trump

30 April 2018

The German Chancellor travelled to Washington on 27th April for a working lunch with President Donald Trump. Amongst her priorities she pleaded for European exemption from customs duties on steel and aluminium beyond 1st May and for the upkeep of the nuclear agreement with Iran.

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General Elections in Greenland

29 April 2018

Greenland, a Danish autonomous territory attached to the EU, renewed its parliament on 24th April. The Prime Minister Kim Kielsen's party, in office since 2014 won with 27.2% of the vote ahead of the left-green party (25.5%). The campaign notably focused on the issue of independence, since six of the seven parties running have said they support it.

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Government prepared to increase its contribution to the EU budget post Brexit

29 April 2018

Finland has said that it is open to increase its contribution to the EU's multi-annual budget post Brexit (after 2020) in compensation of the UK's departure from the EU.

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Agreement between Airbus and Dassault on the future Franco-German fighter plane

28 April 2018

During an aviation fair in Berlin. Airbus and Dassault Aviation announced on 25th April that they had reached an agreement of principle regarding the development and production of the future European air combat system (Scaf) on the horizon of 2040.

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Seven European countries co-sign a joint declaration on the climate

30 April 2018

0n 25th April the European Environment Ministers of Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, France, Portugal and Luxembourg made a joint call for the introduction in all countries a long term, ambitious strategy in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

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State Visit by Emmanuel Macron in the USA

28 April 2018

The President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron made a State visit to the USA from 23rd to 25th April. This visit which celebrated the friendship between the two countries ended with a speech by the French President before the American Congress.

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Final declaration of the conference on the combating the financing of terrorism

28 April 2018

On 25th and 26th April the Member States of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), of FATF-Style Regional Bodies (FSRBs), of the G20 and of the Global Coalition against Daesh, in the presence of international and regional organizations and agencies, met in Paris on April 26, 2018, to discuss the ways and means to strengthen the efficiency of our action against terrorism financing. They stressed that an integrated approach was vital with this objective in mind.

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3rd Quadrilateral Meeting in Bucharest

30 April 2018

On 24th April Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă hosted her Bulgarian, Greek counterparts, Boyko Borissov and Serb President Aleksander Vučić in Bucharest to discuss regional interconnection and progress in Serbia's work towards joining the Union.

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Anglo-Welsh Agreement on Post-Brexit legislation

29 April 2018

On 24th April the English and Welsh governments came to an agreement over their respective legislative competences after Brexit. Conversely the Scottish government is rejecting the compromise put forward by London.

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The Lords make further amendments to the withdrawal bill

28 April 2018

The Lords inflicted a further defeat on the British government on 23rd April, by voting 316 in support 245 against the retention of the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights in British law, on the occasion of the assessment of the Brexit bill. They also, by a clear majority, refused to give the government greater power in terms of amending legislation after the UK's exit from the EU.

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Resignation of the Home Secretary

30 April 2018

British Home Secretary Amber Rudd presented her resignation on 29th April after several scandals involving the treatment of immigrants by the Home Office.

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New Minister of the Interior

29 April 2018

Denisa Sakova was appointed Interior Minister on 24th April by Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini. A member of the SMER party, (centre left) she will replace Thomas Drucker, who resigned in the wake of the demonstrations following the murder in February of journalist Jan Kuciak.

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South East Europe Cooperation Process Summit

29 April 2018

On 24th April the Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar hosted his counterparts from Croatia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo for the South East Europe Cooperation Process Summit in Brdo.

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Transport Ministers Meeting

29 April 2018

On 26th April in Ljubljana during the "TEN-T Days" on transport, European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc met with ministers to discuss cross-border rail, road and maritime transport projects.

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What future relations with the UK?

28 April 2018

On 25th April the Swiss Federal Council issued a statement about future relations between Switzerland and the UK after Brexit. It intends to guarantee mutual rights and obligations that link the two countries beyond the UK's withdrawal from the EU. Moreover regarding the transition period the Federal Council has adapted its "Mind the Gap" strategy adopted in 2016: during this period the present rights and obligations must continue to apply in bilateral relations between the two countries.

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Deficit and Public Debt down in 2017

29 April 2018

Deficit as well as the public debt declined in 2017 in comparison with 2016 in the EU and in the euro zone. The ratio public deficit/GDP dropped in the Union from 1.6% to 1% and from 1.5% in the euro zone in 2016 to 0.9% in 2017. The public debt/GDP ratio dropped in the Union from 83.3% to 81.6% and in the euro zone from 89% to 86,7%.

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World ranking of press freedom 2018

28 April 2018

Reporters Without Borders published its annual ranking for 2018 on the freedom of the press in the world on 25th April. Europe is still the place where the press is relatively free, particularly in the Scandinavian countries which are in the lead. However certain African and South American countries are ahead of France, which comes 33rd and Italy, 46th out of 180 countries.

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"Water Lilies" at the Orangerie

29 April 2018

The Orangery Museum of Paris is running a unique exhibition until 20th August. Through a selection of some of Monet's late works and around 20 large canvasses by some American artists, this exhibition focuses on the crossroads between the rediscovery of some of the Master of Giverny's most important decorations and the recognition of the New York School of Abstract Art.

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Martha Stettler Exhibition in Bern

30 April 2018

The Kunstmuseum of Bern is running a retrospective from 4th May to 29th July devoted to artist Martha Stettler (1870-1945), who was part of the late Impressionist movement. The artist notably co-founded the Paris Academy of La Grande Chaumière that she directed for 40 years. She was also the first Swiss woman to show her work at the Venice Biennale in 1920.

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Bacon-Giacometti Exhibition at the Beyeler Foundation

30 April 2018

The Beyeler Foundation, together with the Giacometti Foundation, has brought together around 100 works by Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) and Francis Bacon (1909-1992) in an exhibition until 2nd September Riehen. The exhibition lends expression to these two major artists of the 20th century who, as different as they might seem, offer surprising points in common.

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Gabriele Münter Exhibition at the Danish Museum of Modern Art

30 April 2018

The Louisiana Museum is running an exhibition on German 20th century artist Gabriella Münter from 3rd May to 19th August. 130 of her works from the German Expressionist period are on show, several of them never having been seen by the public before.

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5th May

European Institutions: Open Doors (Brussels and Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

A "commissioner" responsible for defence issues

European agriculture and Ukrainian agriculture complement each other

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Eva Gerland, Salomé Hénon-Cohin, François Henry-Segura,Lily Lajeunesse, Kémi Quinio

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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Africa: the externalisation of the European Migration Policies


The Newsletter n°802- version of 30 avr. 2018