The Newsletter7506 mars 2017

La Lettre

Pascale Joannin

6 March 2017

Europe is the continent in which women's status is the best in the world. This is where women's place in society is the most developed, even though everything is not yet perfect. From this point of view Europe has a lead over many other places. In terms of promoting women and gender equality the European continent is an example for many other countries, and everywhere in the world women look to Europe as a model to follow. This is one way to counter the sceptical languor that now seems to be affecting European integration!

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HCR Report on Migration

5 March 2017

On 28th February the HCR published a report on the refugees and migrants trying to get to Europe. In all more than 181,400 people arrived in Italy in 2016 via the sea, 90% of whom had travelled by boat from Libya.

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Sanctions against the countries that do not take in refugees?

5 March 2017

On 2nd March the European Commission warned that it would "not hesitate" to take out infringement procedures against countries that refused to take in refugees from Italy and Greece whilst calling for tougher national measures to be taken against illegal migrants.

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Entry and Exit system for the Schengen Area

5 March 2017

On 2nd March the Council adopted its mandate in view of starting negotiations with the European Parliament on a proposed entry/exit system for the Schengen Area for citizens of third countries crossing the area's external border.

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Financial Crisis

Italian public deficit reduction in 2016 is not strong enough

6 March 2017

The figures published by the Italian statistics office ISTAT on March 1st indicate that the Italian public deficit lay at 2.4% of the GDP in 2016.

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Whitepaper on the future of Europe

5 March 2017

On March 1st the European Commission presented a Whitepaper on the future of Europe. Five scenario are presented regarding the way that the Union might develop by 2025 according to the choices it makes to rise to the challenges it faces.

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Committee report on car emissions

6 March 2017

The Member States have not implemented European legislation on cars to establish adequate monitoring of the market; this is the conclusion of the report published by the inquiry committee on car emissions measurement adopted on 28th February.

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Visa obligation for Americans?

6 March 2017

In a resolution adopted on 2nd March MEPs exhorted the Commission to take the necessary legal steps "within the next two months" to reintroduce temporary visa obligations for US citizens given that Washington is refusing reciprocity to citizens of five EU Member States.

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Extension of the EU's financial audit and reporting programme

6 March 2017

On 27th February the Maltese Presidency the representatives of the European Parliament concluded an agreement that will increase the financing of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG).

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Revision of the emissions trade system

6 March 2017

On 28th February the 28 Environment Ministers came to an agreement on the reform of the European emissions trade system enabling the launch of negotiations with the European Parliament on the biggest carbon market in the world.

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Enhancing women's and men's skills on the labour market

6 March 2017

On 3rd March the 28 ministers responsible for employment debated the coordination of social security systems. The new text updates and modernises the rules in force and aims to facilitate workers' mobility.

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Journey by Federica Mogherini to the Western Balkans

6 March 2017

The head of the EU's diplomacy Federica Mogherini undertook a tour of the Balkans from the 1st to 4th March to speak of the region's stability and the integration process.

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Implementation of the EU's global strategy for security and defence

1 January 1970

On 6th March Defence Ministers adopted conclusions on the implementation of the EU's global strategy in the area of security and defence. They committed to improving military missions. They re-iterated their interest in the EU in terms of cooperation with the Western Balkans. Whilst power struggles are destabilising the region the EU recalled that it is prepared to counter illegal trafficking and terrorism in the region.

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Court of Justice

Decision against Chinese dumping

6 March 2017

On 28th February the Union's Court of Justice confirmed the validity of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures on solar panel imports from China.

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France must recover aid granted to the SNCM

6 March 2017

On March 1st the EU's Court of Justice confirmed that France had to recover aid totalling 220 million € granted to the Société Nationale Corse-Méditerranée in virtue of certain maritime transport services ensured between Marseilles and Corsica.

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Consumer rights

6 March 2017

In a decision published on 2nd March the EUCJ confirmed that the cost of a call to a an after sales telephone number must not exceed that of a standard call.

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Cyprus inaugurates the "Zenon Coordination Centre" to manage crises of the Middle East

5 March 2017

On 2nd March Cyprus inaugurated the new Zenon Coordination Centre that should help European countries manage the crises in the Middle East.

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Estonia has the highest carbon footprint in the OECD

6 March 2017

According to an OECD study released on 1st March Estonia must reduce its dependency on oil shale reliance to ensure growth that is more respectful of the environment.

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Europe of Social Rights

6 March 2017

11 of the EU's Member States came agreement on 2nd March in Paris to implement a "Europe of Social Rights" against social dumping which notably proposes a "minimum salary" and a European student card.

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Germany, France, Spain and Italy support a two-tiered Europe

7 March 2017

During a meeting of the French, German, Spanish and Italian heads of government on Monday 6th March in Versailles the four leaders spoke out in support of the idea of a two-tiered Europe with the aim of reviving the European project.

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Polish government against a second term by Donald Tusk

6 March 2017

The Polish government officially put forward its alternative candidate for the post of President of the European Council in replacement of Donald Tusk, whom it does not want to support. The other candidate is MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski.

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Meeting of the Visegrad group on the future of Europe

5 March 2017

On 2nd March the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic) asked for reforms being made to the Eu to take on board all of the interests of all Member States and declared that they would accept no division within the Union.

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The House of Lords assesses the draft bill on Brexit

5 March 2017

The British House of Lords adopted an amendment that will affect the 3 million European citizens living in the UK on March 1st 358 votes against 256. The amended text is to be re-examined by the House of Commons.

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European Ombudsman wants Brexit transparency

6 March 2017

European Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly asked on 2nd March for negotiations over the Brexit to be undertaken in a transparent manner.

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Elections in Northern Ireland

6 March 2017

Early elections on 2nd March in Northern Ireland put the pro-British Democratic Unionist Party ahead. The DUP drew ahead of the nationalist party, Sinn Fein, by one seat.

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Sweden re-introduces obligatory military service

6 March 2017

On 2nd March the Swedish government announced that obligatory military service would be re-introduced as of 1st January 2018 due to the deterioration in security in Europe's neighbourhood.

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The Council's Conclusions on relations with Switzerland

6 March 2017

On 28th February the Council stressed its attachment to Switzerland as a partner and invited it to continue its alignment with the restrictive measures taken by the EU against Russia.

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Joint visit by Boris Johnson and Witold Waszczykowski to Kyiv

6 March 2017

On March 1st the British and Polish Foreign Ministers maintained in Kyiv that they supported Ukraine's pro-European trajectory as well as the country's sovereignty and its territorial integrity.

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End of visa obligations for Ukrainians

6 March 2017

Ukrainian citizens will now be able to travel to the European Union without a visa in line with an agreement concluded between Parliament and the Council on 2nd March.

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The assets of 15 people continue to be frozen

5 March 2017

On 3rd March the Council extended until 6th March 2018 the freeze of assets of 15 people identified as responsible for the embezzlement of funds from the Ukrainian State.

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Visa exemptions for Georgians

6 March 2017

On 27th February the 28 Member States completed the last stage in the procedure granting Georgian citizens visa exemptions for their short stay trips to the Union.

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EU-Armenia Partnership

6 March 2017

On 27th February the President of the Council Donald Tusk met with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan in Brussels. They concluded negotiations over a new partnership agreement between the Union and Armenia announcing enhanced cooperation in sectors like energy, transport and the environment.

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Unemployment rate down

5 March 2017

According to a Eurostat study published on 2nd March the unemployment rate in the EU lay at 8.1% in January 2017. This was the lowest rate recorded in the EU since January 2009. In the euro zone the rate lay at 9.6%, ie the lowest rate since May 2009.

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Inflation Rate at 2%

5 March 2017

According to a Eurostat study on 2nd March the annual inflation rate of the euro zone is estimated at 2% in February 2017, against 1.8% in January. Inflation of 2% is deemed to be a sign of good economic health by the European Central Bank.

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Regional Competitiveness Index 2016

6 March 2017

On 27th February the Commission published the third edition of the regional competitiveness index for the 263 regions of the EU, a study which provides useful information to the regions in view of stimulating their economic performance.

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BusinessEurope advocates greater reform in the European Union

6 March 2017

The federation of major European businesses published its reform barometer 2017 on 2nd March. Only 17% of the recommendations made to the States have been adopted.

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Europe's Digital Gap

5 March 2017

According to the Digital Economy and Society Index published on 3rd March the European Union is progressing but more effort and investments are required to be able to take best advantage of the digital single market.

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TEFAF Fair in Maastricht

6 March 2017

From 10th to 19th March one of the biggest international art and antiques fairs of Europe is taking place in Maastricht. It is organised by the "European Fine Art Foundation". Visitors can view design objects, sculptures, medieval manuscripts, prints and even rare photographs.

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"One World" Festival Prague

6 March 2017

From 6th to 15th March the international documentary film festival is taking place in Prague and will be focusing on Human Rights. It is the biggest festival of its kind in Europe.

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Borealis Festival Bergen

6 March 2017

From 8th to 12th March the experimental music festival "Borealis" will be taking place in Bergen, Norway. Concerts but also films and debates are will be taking place in the towns various concert halls, art galleries and other venues in the town.

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Exhibition De Zurbaran to Rothko at the Jacquemart-André Museum

6 March 2017

Via an exhibition from the Alicia Koplowitz collection the Jacquemart-André Museum is hosting 52 works of various old and modern masters like Zurbarán, Tiepolo, Canaletto, Guardi, Goya, Rothko, Giacometti, Bourgeois and Richier.

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6th March

"Foreign Affairs" Council "Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Brussels)

6th March

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

7th March

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

9th and 10th March

European Council (Brussels)

9th March

ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt/Main)

Newsletter Archives

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

A "commissioner" responsible for defence issues

European agriculture and Ukrainian agriculture complement each other

Ukraine's accession to the European Union brings added value and serves historical justice

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Hanna Létang, Béatrice ManoleElise Mathevon, Lorène Weber

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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Future/EU, Northern/Ireland, Defence, Digital


The Newsletter n°750- version of 6 mars 2017