The Newsletter n°745 — 30 janv. 2017
La Lettre
Philippe Delivet
30 January 2017
"A new political roadmap for Europe"
30 January 2017
Presentation of the Albanian translation of Robert Schuman's book
30 January 2017
World Think Tank Ranking
30 January 2017
Further three month extension to border controls
29 January 2017
The Commission propose greater support to Libyan coast guards
29 January 2017
Unemployment increased in France in December
30 January 2017
Debt: the euro zone releases aid to Greece
30 January 2017
Amazon and competition in e-book marketing
29 January 2017
Commission report on the cooperation mechanism for Romania and Bulgaria
29 January 2017
The Commission sets anti-dumping duties on Chinese and Taiwanese steel
29 January 2017
Chairs of the European Parliamentary Committees appointed
29 January 2017
MPs of the International Trade Committee support the EU-Canada agreement
30 January 2017
Meeting of Economy and Finance Ministers
30 January 2017
Eurogroup Meeting
30 January 2017
Court decision on the ECB's scheme for the exchange of Greek debt instruments
29 January 2017
Presentation of the Annual Economic Report
30 January 2017
First trip by the new Foreign Affairs Minister to France
30 January 2017
Appointment of interim Prime Minister and snap election on 26th March
29 January 2017
Ariane places a Spanish telecommunications satellite into orbit
30 January 2017
The Estonian President meets his Ukrainian counterpart
30 January 2017
François Holland visits Berlin
30 January 2017
The Constitutional Court rules on the electoral law
29 January 2017
Reform of penal legislation will take place by referendum
30 January 2017
Parliament must be consulted before any exit by the UK of the EU
29 January 2017
Theresa May visits the USA and Turkey
30 January 2017
Sweden will host the Social Summit in November
30 January 2017
Nicos Anastasiades determined to settle the Cypriot question
30 January 2017
The Freedom of the Press seriously threatened in several European countries
30 January 2017
ECHR Annual Report
29 January 2017
Report on European Citizenship
29 January 2017
Record level of participants for the 30th anniversary of Erasmus
30 January 2017
Report on progress achieved by the action plan for the circular economy
30 January 2017
Report on the European Research Area
30 January 2017
Saint Blaise Festival in Dubrovnik
30 January 2017
Carnival of Viareggio
30 January 2017
London: "A Cabinet of Rarities"
30 January 2017
Festival of Political Photography in Helsinki
30 January 2017
Music festival in Nantes
30 January 2017
1st and 2nd February
Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Brussels)
3rd February
Informal Council of heads of State and government (La Valette)
6th February
Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)
7th February
General Affairs Council (Brussels)
António Costa, a Socialist from the South, to preside over the European Council
The path to controlled immigration
A review of the Von der Leyen I Commission (2019-2024)
Central Asia: a player still largely unknown in Europe
Digital legislation: convergence or divergence of models? A comparative look at the European Union, China and the United States
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Léa Degorre, François Frigot,Lucas Mehler, Benjamin Penassou, Athina Reuter
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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