The Newsletter73828 nov. 2016

La Lettre

Chantal Poiret

28 November 2016

The European Union, which is the leading trade force in the world, is facing a constant rise in product smuggling and counterfeiting. The rise of illegal trade sets a triple challenge: sanitary, with the dangers caused by counterfeit products; security, with illegal trade contributing to the funding of crime and terrorism; and financial with the loss of tax revenue. The fight to counter illegal trade demands a series of political measures. It also means technological response, with the introduction of innovative, modern product traceability and authentication systems that can protect logistics circuits.

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17th Energy Meeting

27 November 2016

On 29th November the 17th energy meeting in taking place in Paris. Pascale Joannin, the Foundation's Managing Director will be speaking on the theme "What challenges are being made to energy issues in Europe?"

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Second Career Forum of Europe

27 November 2016

The Secretariat General of European Affairs is organising the 2nd Forum of Careers in Paris on 3rd December. Thierry Chopin, the Foundation's Studies Director will be hosting a workship. It is obligatory to enrol.

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"Europe: how to recover given the new challenges" in Rouen

27 November 2016

On 1st December together with the Association Savoirs et Perspectives, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, the Chairman of the Foundation is taking part in a debate in Rouen entitled "Europe: how to recover given the new challenges".

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European Union post-Brexit

28 November 2016

The Faculty of Law, Economy and Management at the University of Angers is organising a conference on 5th December with Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation, on the theme of "The EU after the Brexit".

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Reforms to strengthen the banking sector

27 November 2016

On 23rd November the Commission presented a reform of the banking sector. These include own funds requirements, as well as the recovery and resolution of banks, and aim to remedy the threats made to financial stability, whilst helping banks support the real economy.

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Proposal to tighten the Commissioners' code of conduct

27 November 2016

On 23rd November the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker suggested the reform of the Commissioners' code of conduct. He suggests that Commissioners be allowed to stand in the European elections without having to quit their post and for them to be able to extend the "cooling down" period which currently stands at 18 months, to two years for former Commissioners and to three years for the President of the Commission.

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Report on the implementation of the "Milk Package"

27 November 2016

On 24th November the European Commission published the second report on the implementation of the "milk package". It maintains that since the launch of measures in 2012 European milk producers have been using these instruments on a growing basis, thereby improving their negotiation capacities, and due to this, their position in the supply chain.

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Martin Schulz leaves the European Parliament

28 November 2016

On 24th November the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, announced that he would be leaving office as MEP in January to devote himself to German politics. Several candidates have already stepped forward.

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Mario Draghi speaks to the European Parliament

28 November 2016

The President of the ECB, Mario Draghi, was in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 21st November to present the ECB's 2015 Activity Report. It was adopted on 22nd November 437 votes in support, 121 against and 140 abstentions. MEPs believe that the monetary policy is not enough and that structural reforms are necessary.

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Greater pressure for more defence cooperation

28 November 2016

On 22nd November MEPs voted on a resolution that suggests that Member States devote 2% of their GDP to defence and that they establish multi-national forces. They also recommend the introduction of a European Chief of Staff for the planification and command of crisis management operations and also to enable the EU to act in place where the UN is not willing to intervene.

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Freezing of membership negotiations with Turkey

28 November 2016

In a resolution approved on 24th November 479 votes in support, 37 against and 107 abstentions MEPs asked for membership negotiations with Turkey to be frozen until the repression has stopped and the bill to re-introduce the death penalty has been rejected.

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Definitive VAT system and the fight to counter VAT fraud

28 November 2016

In a resolution adopted on 24th November MEPs responded to the action plan put forward by the European Commission regarding VAT fraud in a bid to reform the system in force which dates back to 1993. The resolution demands that the definitive VAT system be based on the principle of taxation in the Member State which is the final destination of the goods and services.

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Fight to counter propaganda

28 November 2016

On 23rd November MEPs adopted a resolution denouncing increasing disinformation coming from Russia and Islamic terrorist movements which are trying to cause division in the European Union.

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European Agreement on Conflict Minerals

28 November 2016

On 22nd November the European institutions concluded an agreement on conflict minerals. According to the agreement all European import companies dealing in tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and other minerals will have to comply with due diligence obligations regarding their suppliers.

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Results of the "Education, Youth, Sport and Culture" Council

27 November 2016

On 22nd November the Ministers responsible for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture adopted conclusions youth employment as well as the need to acknowledge and give value to their skills and qualifications at European level.

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Meeting of the EUBAM Consultative Council

27 November 2016

On 22nd November the 27th Meeting of the Assistance Mission on the EU's border in Ukraine and Moldova took place in Chisinau, Moldova. Those involved lauded the cooperation between the two States in the conflict in Transnistria as well as the work being done to protect their borders.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council on Development

29 November 2016

On 28th November the Foreign Affairs Council met in Brussels to assess the revision of European consensus on development as suggested by the European Commission. This review aims to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Ministers also discussed future relations between the EU and the countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP), and the follow-up to the La Valette Summit one year after.

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European Agencies

Report on the quality of air in Europe

28 November 2016

Air pollution which damages the health of 85% of Europe's urban dwellers causes 500.000 premature deaths per year on the continent, said the European Agency for the Environment on 23rd November. It explained in its annual report that the situation was improving but that this was occurring far too slowly still.

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Launch of European Data relay system (EDRS)

27 November 2016

On 22nd November the European Data Relay System 'EDRS' was launched. It will enable the provision of a commercial service for to the Copernicus programme. It is the first initiative of its kind and has been set in place thanks to a public-private partnership between the European Space Agency and Airbus Defence and Space.

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Airbus inaugurates its biggest twin-engined jet, the A350

27 November 2016

On 24th November Airbus inaugurated its biggest ever twin-engine, the A350-1000, designed to compete with Boeing 777 with maiden flight of 3 hours over the airport of Toulouse-Blagnac.

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Visit by Iraqi Prime Minister to Berlin

28 November 2016

On 21st November German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier hosted his Iraqi counterpart Ibrahim al-Jaafari in Berlin. They first discussed the liberation of Mosul, the only town still occupied in by IS in Iraq. They also spoke of the regional conflicts that are raging in Yemen and Syria.

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Budget-more defence spending

27 November 2016

On 23rd November as part of the debate over the budget German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke to the Bundestag. In her speech she indicated that she believes that the fight to counter terrorism is part of German freedom and that said she wants to strengthen German investment in defence.

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Presidential: two candidates run neck and neck

28 November 2016

On 27th November there was lively exchange between the ecologist candidate Alexander van der Bellen and his far-right rival Norbert Hofer during a TV debate just one week before a new presidential election takes place - the polls are predicting a tightly run race.

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Deadlock over negotiations regarding the reunification

28 November 2016

Whilst negotiations over a possible reunification of the island of Cyprus were taken up again on 20th November in Switzerland a declaration to the press on 21st November announced a blockage in the talks due to a lack of convergence on both sides.

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New government coalition

28 November 2016

On 21st November Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen announced the integration of two new parties into the government coalition from the Liberal Alliance and the Conservatives. However this will now depend on the People's Party's support.

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New government led by Jüri Ratas

27 November 2016

Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid appointed the new government led by Prime Minister Jüri Jatas on 22nd November. It comprises 15 ministers four of whom are women. This new government was sworn in before Parliament (Rigikogu) on 23rd November.

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François Fillon - rightwing and centre candidate in the Presidential election

28 November 2016

On 27th November François Fillon won the second round of the primary elections for the rightwing and centre in France, taking 66.5% of the vote ahead of Alain Juppé who won 33.5%. The former Prime Minister will therefore be the rightwing and centre candidate in the French presidential election in April/May 2017.

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Long stay visas for Ukrainians

27 November 2016

On 24th November Hungary announced that it was making long stay visas immediately available at no cost to Ukrainians after a meeting between Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Groysman.

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Final campaign week before the constitutional referendum

28 November 2016

The last polls published two weeks ahead of the referendum, before the "electoral silence" deems that a majority of voters - 52%-54% - are against the constitutional reform that aims to simplify the political system and make the country more governable. However one quarter of the Italians have still not decided.

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The Lithuanian Parliament endorses Saulius Skvernelis as Prime Minister

27 November 2016

After having been appointed by Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite, Saulius Skvernelis, the candidate of the Union of Farmers and Greens (LPGU) was approved as Prime Minister by Parliament (Seimas). He now has 15 days to form his government and define his policy that has to be approved by the Seimas.

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What kind of relations with the US and its European partners?

28 November 2016

On 21st November as part of an interview given on, Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski gave details on the relations his country will have with the US and its European partners. He guaranteed that D. Trump would maintain security cooperation.

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Brexit - meeting between negotiators in Brussels

28 November 2016

British Minister David Davis was in Brussels on 21st November to meet Michel Barnier, the chief negotiator for the European Commission. On 22nd November Mr Davis travelled to Strasbourg and the European Parliament where he was able to speak informally to MEPs, notably Guy Verhofstadt, who is responsible for negotiating Brexit on behalf of the European Parliament.

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First budgetary statement after the 23rd June referendum

27 November 2016

On 23rd November Philip Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer, presented the British government's economic forecasts to the House of Commons. Although the economy is due to grow by 2.1% in 2016 this is due to slow to 1.4% in 2017. Moreover the hypothesis of a surplus in 2020 has been relinquished.

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Two former Prime Ministers do not rule out a new vote

28 November 2016

Former British Prime Minister John Major deems the idea of holding a second referendum on the Brexit "a perfectly credible" idea. His successor to Downing Street, Tony Blair, even believes that preventing the Brexit might be possible "if the people decided so".

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First meeting of the Association and Stabilisation Council EU-Kosovo

27 November 2016

On 25th November the first Association and Stabilisation Council met in Brussels between the EU and Kosovo to discuss reforms that the country has to introduce as a priority in view of drawing closer to European standards in many areas.

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EU-Ukraine Summit

27 November 2016

On 24th November during the EU-Ukraine Summit the EU confirmed its support to the promotion of an accountable, transparent government in Ukraine. Over 300 million € will be disbursed to counter corruption, to reform the civil service and to support the rule of law.

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Study on trade of EU goods with Ukraine between 2005 and 2015

27 November 2016

On 23rd November during the 18th EU-Ukraine Summit Eurostat published a study on the goods trade between the EU and Ukraine between 2005 et 2015, before the application of the association agreement.

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The OECD publishes its global economic outlook

28 November 2016

On 28th November the OECD published its "Global Economic Outlook". The organisation notably calls notably for advantage to be taken of accommodating monetary policies in order to take fiscal initiatives and to revive economic growth.

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World Bank: low growth in Eastern Europe

28 November 2016

On 22nd November the World Bank published its most recent report on Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It forecasts that economic growth will be low in 2016 in Eastern Europe.

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OECD publishes Healthcare at a Glance: Europe 2016

27 November 2016

On 23rd November the OECD together with the European Commission published the OHealthcare at a Glance: Europe 2016. It emerges that the EU's population lives longer but not necessarily in better health. The OECD advocates greater access to healthcare.

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Sustainable development: overview of the situation in the EU

27 November 2016

On 22nd November Eurostat published a study that reviews Europe's position in terms of the goals included in the "sustainable development programme 2030" adopted by the UN General Assembly.

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Saatchi Gallery: from one generation to another

27 November 2016

From 30th November to 28th February 2017 the Saatchi Gallery in London is organising an exhibition entitled "Painter's Painters" in celebration of the works by modern painters who have inspired a new generation of artists.

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"Toni Erdmann" winner of the LUX 2016 prize awarded by the European Parliament

27 November 2016

On 23rd November during a ceremony organised by the European Parliament in Strasbourg the President Martin Schulz announced that the German, Austrian and Romanian co-production "Toni Erdmann" had won the 2016 LUX Prize.

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The Palazzo Braschi is hosting an exhibition on Artemisia Gentileschi

27 November 2016

From 30th November to 8th May 2017 the Palazzo Braschi in Rome is hosting an exhibition devoted to 17th century Italian painter Artemisia Gentileschi.

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Prado Museum: Master Mateo and the Santiago de Compostela cathedral

28 November 2016

From 29th November to 26th March 2017 the Prado Museum in Madrid is hosting an exhibition on Master Mateo, a 12th century sculptor and architect. For the very first time all of his work and notably that undertaken for the Santiago de Compostela cathedral will be on show.

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We Jazz in Helsinki

27 November 2016

From 4th to 11th December the 2016 annual jazz festival, We Jazz, is taking place in Helsinki.

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Brussels Cinema Days

27 November 2016

From 30th November to 4th December the Brussels Cinema Days are taking place at the BOZAR Brussels. The festival is offering the screening of around twenty films and is bringing together around 30 personalities as it pays tribute to European cinema.

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Christmas Markets in Europe

28 November 2016

The Christmas Markets have now opened across Europe. From London to Bruges, Strasbourg and Geneva, Nuremberg, Bologna, Warsaw and Salzburg.

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28th November

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)

28th and 29th November

"Competitiveness" Council (Brussels)

1st and 2nd December

"Transport and Telecommunications" Council (Brussels)

4th December

Presidential Election (2nd round) (Austria)

4th December

Constitutional Referendum (Italy)

5th December

"Energy Council" (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

De Gasperi-Schuman: the origins of the European Project

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Ester Bonadonna, Léa Degorre, François Frigot,Lucas Mehler, Benjamin Penassou, Athina Reuter

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Defence, Bank, EU-Ukraine, Airbus A350, Estonia/Government, Turkey


The Newsletter n°738- version of 28 nov. 2016