The Newsletter7357 nov. 2016

La Lettre

7 November 2016

Brexit, populism and Euroscepticism have brought the theme of sovereignty back to the centre of debate. But what does the concept of sovereignty really mean in the 21st century? Indeed the term has to be defined and some theoretical ideas have to be introduced if we are to study and clarify the impact these ideas have on political decision makers, on their vision of the State and of the European Union. The variety of views about sovereignty in Europe is significant in terms of European policies, and the Union must take these into account so that it can move forward.

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Front page!

"No, we do not have to rebuild Europe!"

7 November 2016

In an editorial published on his site, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation challenges the idea of "rebuilding" Europe. He believes that it would be much better to try and adapt to new world realities, and to reform certain policies.

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Results of the 1st round of the presidential election in Bulgaria

7 November 2016

Ruman Radev, the Socialist Party (BSP) candidate came out ahead in the first round of the presidential election on 6th November in Bulgaria. According to still incomplete results, with 25.7%, he drew ahead of Tsetska Tsatcheva, the candidate of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov's party - the GERB - who won 21.97% of the vote. They will face each other in a second round on 13th November.

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Brexit: what will the impact be on Ireland and its relations with the EU?

6 November 2016

Paul Molac, an MP in Morbihan (France), Chair of the France-Ireland Friendship Group at the National Assembly, is organising a conference on 8th November on "Brexit: quelles conséquences sur l'Irlande et sa relation à l'Union européenne?" in which Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chair of the Robert Schuman Foundation will be taking part. Enrolment obligatory.

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Europe, an asset or a handicap?

6 November 2016

On 10th November the Journal du Dimanche, the University Paris-Dauphine and the Connecting Leaders Club are organising - an event that will bring together many major players from across Europe to discuss the future of the European project. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, the Foundation's Chairman, Jean-Paul Perruche, a member of the Foundation's Scientific Committee and Pascale Joannin, the General Director will be taking part.

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What kind of Europe is necessary to prevent it being ousted from history?

6 November 2016

On 14th November Pierre Pascallon, Chair of the Club Participation et Progrès is organising a conference at the Assemblée Nationale on the theme: "Quelle Europe pour lui éviter de sortir de l'histoire?". Pascale Joannin, General Director of the Foundation is taking part in this conference. Enrolment obligatory.

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Women's Leadership in Europe

7 November 2016

Pascale Joannin, the Foundation's General Manager spoke at the TEDxChampsElyséesWomen event in Paris on 4th November on the leadership of women in Europe.

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The Council provides 200 million euro in aid to Jordan

7 November 2016

On 4th November the Council decided to establish macrofinancial aid totalling 200 million € for Jordan. This is to be used to stabilise the country economically since it has been acutely affected by the migratory crisis.

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Financial Crisis

ECB reducees the emergency liquidity cap for Greek banks

6 November 2016

On 16th November, on the request of the Bank of Greece, the ECB reduced the emergency liquidity cap for Greek banks bringing it down to 51.1 billion €.

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Portugal adopts its 2017 budget

7 November 2016

On 4th November the Portuguese Parliament adopted on first reading the draft budget 2017, that is designed to reassure Brussels regarding the control of spending without ignoring the promise to ease up on austerity.

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OECD Report on Greece

7 November 2016

On 7th November the OECD published a report on which it deems that flexibility in terms of the economic restrictions pinpointed in a number of sectors would have positive impact on the Greek economy of around 414 million €.

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The Commission invests more than 220 million € in low carbon projects

6 November 2016

On 3rd November the European Commission approved investments to a total of 222.7 million € in view of supporting Europe's transition towards a more sustainable, low carbon future.

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2 years of Banking Supervision

6 November 2016

On 4th November, on the 2nd anniversary of the introduction of banking supervision in the euro zone, the European Central Bank published figures on the tools and goals of this measure.

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Growth outlook

6 November 2016

The Panel of Economic Advisors to the German government revised its 2017 growth forecasts downwards but raised those of 2016 and has asked the governments of the euro area to implement structural reform to take over from the ECB's expansionist policy.

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Lowest unemployment rate in 25 years

6 November 2016

German Employment Minister Andrea Nahles, announced on 2nd November that at the end of September 2016 the unemployment rate had reached its lowest rate in 25 years (5.8%).

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Tax revenues for the next few years

6 November 2016

According to analysts from the work group responsible for forecasting tax revenues that met on 2nd to 4th November the Federal State, (Länder) and the communities will be able to depend on tax revenues of 695.5 billion €.

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New Spanish Government

6 November 2016

After ten months of political paralysis Mariano Rajoy was invested on 31st October as President of the Spanish government. On 3rd November he unveiled the list of 13 ministers, of whom 5 are women, who will make up his new government.

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Government reshuffle

6 November 2016

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras undertook a limited reshuffle to his government on 4th November to boost the confidence of the country's creditors and to retain popularity.

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China-Central Europe Summit

7 November 2016

On 5th November in Riga (Latvia) the 5th Summit bringing together China and the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (16+1) took place, with the aim of creating economic and trade links.

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The Netherlands

Strengthening of German, Belgian and Dutch cooperation to counter burglary

7 November 2016

The German, Belgian and Dutch police forces are cooperating more closely together in a bid to counter burglary following an agreement signed in Germany on 31st October.

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House of Lords calls for closer relations with the UN

6 November 2016

On 3rd November the Foreign Affairs Committee at the House of Lords published its report on the UK's future relations with the UN in the context of the Brexit.

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British Parliament sovereign in the process of the UK's exit of the EU

6 November 2016

On 3rd November the British High Court ruled that only Parliament has the power to trigger the process regarding the UK's exit of the EU. This decision is a setback for the British executive which wanted to have the prerogative over the negotiations.

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Boris Johnson meets Frank-Walter Steinmeier

6 November 2016

On 4th November German Foreign Affairs Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier met his British counterpart Boris Johnson in Berlin to discuss the situation in Turkey and Syria as well as the UK's departure from the European Union.

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European Strategy Forum for the Danube region

6 November 2016

The ministers responsible for research and innovation of the countries taking part in the EU's Strategy for the Danube adopted a declaration on 3rd November that aims to increase their regional cooperation.

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Bjarni Benediktsson asked to form a new government

6 November 2016

On 2nd November the Icelandic president Gudni Johannesson asked the leader of the Independence Party, Bjarni Benediktsson, to form a new government since it came out ahead in the elections that took place on 29th October.

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Norway presents its programme for the Presidency of the Nordic Council 2017

6 November 2016

On 1st November during a session of the Nordic Council Erna Solberg, Norway's Prime Minister presented her country's programme for the presidency that it is to assume in 2017.

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Meeting between the German Chancellor and the Swiss President

6 November 2016

German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted the President of the Helvetic Confederation, Johann Schneider-Ammann on 2nd November in Berlin. After this meeting Ms Merkel said she was confident that a settlement could be found regarding the delicate issue of free movement between Switzerland and the EU.

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Council of Europe

The Secretary General warns Turkey

7 November 2016

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe,Thorbjørn Jagland condemned the raid against the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet as well as the closure of 15 press organisations declaring that the country might be brought before the ECHR if the state of emergency is used excessively.

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Czech Republic has to improve its corruption prevention measures

6 November 2016

In a report published on 2nd November the group of States against corruption at the Council of Europe (GRECO) called on the Czech authorities to undertake in-depth reform to strengthen the prevention of corruption amongst judges, prosecutors and parliamentarians.

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Criticism of treatment and conditions of detention of migrants in Hungary

6 November 2016

On 3rd November the Committee for the Prevention of Torture at the Council of Europe (CPT) published a report which criticises the treatment and conditions of detention of migrants and refugees in Hungary.

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Eurogroup Meeting

1 January 1970

On 7th November the 19 euro zone Finance Ministers assessed the situation in Greece, Spain and Cyprus. They also discussed Banking Union and the Member States' 2017 budgets.

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The IMF published a report on the economies in Central, East and Southeastern Europe

6 November 2016

On 2nd November the IMF published a report on the economies of Central, East and Southeastern Europe. Although most of them are experiencing growth, structural reform remains necessary to ensure that this continues.

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Entry into force of the Paris Climate Agreement

6 November 2016

On 4th November the Paris Climate Agreement came legally into force, thirty days after its ratification by the European Union and less than a year after the adoption of this agreement, and just a few days before the next UN Conference on the Climate which will be taking place in Marrakesh (COP22).

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Euro area annual inflation rises by 0.5%

6 November 2016

According to Eurostat estimates published on 31st October, the annual inflation rate of the euro area was estimated at 0.5% in October 2016 against 0.4% in September.

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GDP rise in the European Union and the Euro Area

6 November 2016

According to data published by Eurostat on 31st October, during the third quarter of 2016 the GDP increased by 0.4% in the EU and by 0.3% in the euro area in comparison with the previous quarter.

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Unemployment down in the EU and the euro area

6 November 2016

According to Eurostat data published on 3rd November the unemployment rate lay at 8.5% in September 2016 in the EU, the lowest rate since February 2009 and at 10% in the euro area, the lowest rate since June 2011.

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Sarajevo 1995: mission impossible

7 November 2016

In his book published on 3rd November General Jean-René Bachelet, head of the sector of Sarajevo as part of the UN's protection force in 1995, reviews the role played by France in lifting the siege on Sarajevo.

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British Library: the science of cartography in the 20th century

6 November 2016

Until 1st March 2017 the British Library will be running an exhibition "Maps and the 20th Century: Drawing the Line" which throws light on a century of cartographic technology.

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Paris Photo

6 November 2016

From 10th to 13th November the Grand Palais, Paris is hosting 153 art galleries and 30 publishers from the world over to celebrate the world of photography.

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Biennale de l'image en mouvement in Geneva

6 November 2016

From 10th November 2016 to 29th January 2017 the Centre for Contemporary Art in Geneva will be hosting the 15th Biennale de l'Image en Mouvement. This year 27 unique pieces of work (installations, shows, films) produced or co-produced especially by the Centre for the occasion will be open to the public.

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New Van Gogh Alive experiment in Rome

6 November 2016

A Van Gogh exhibition is taking place at the Palazzo degli Esami in Rome until 27th March 2017.

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57th international film festival Thessaloniki

6 November 2016

The 57th international film festival is taking place in Thessaloniki until 13th November with the screening of over 17 films.

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Guggenheim: private collection of Hermann and Margrit Rupf

6 November 2016

From 11th November 2016 to 23rd April 2017 the Guggenheim of Bilbao is running an exhibition on the abstract art collection of Hermann and Margrit Rupf notably with the presentation of works by Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and Fernand Léger.

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7th November

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

8th November

Economy and Finances Council Meeting (Brussels)

11th November

Meeting of the "Foreign Affairs" Council (Trade) (Brussels)

13th November

2nd round of the Presidential election (Bulgaria)

14th and 15th November

Meeting of the "Agriculture and Fisheries" Council Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Ester Bonadonna, Léa Degorre, François Frigot,Lucas Mehler, Benjamin Penassou, Athina Reuter

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, Government/Spain, Election/Bulgaria, Parliament/Brexit, Climate


The Newsletter n°735- version of 7 nov. 2016