The Newsletter72120 juin 2016

La Lettre

Philippe Delivet

20 June 2016

The UK already functions according to a system that largely exempts it from the EU's policies in the area of justice and home affairs. If it decided to stay in the European Union following the referendum on 23rd June this specific system of exceptional arrangements would continue to apply. If the UK exits the EU it will have to settle its relations with the Union. But it would no longer be able to influence the content of the Union's laws.

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"The Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2016"

20 June 2016

The 10th edition of "The Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2016" has been published and is available in bookshops, on the Foundation's site and in digital format. Order your copy now!

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The return of violence in Europe

20 June 2016

In an editorial published on his site, the Foundation's Chairman, Jean-Dominique Giuliani expresses his concern about the return of violence in public debate, as illustrated in the referendum campaign in the United Kingdom.

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Financial Crisis

2015 ESM Report

19 June 2016

The ESM Board of Governors (European Stability Mechanism) met on 16th June for its 4th annual meeting and validated its annual report 2015 on this occasion.

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IMF report on the euro zone

19 June 2016

In its annual report on the euro zone economy published on 16th June the IMF indicated that an exit by the UK from the EU might cause a rise in euroscepticism and open the way to a "long period of financial uncertainty".

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ECB: economic bulletin and macro-economic previsions

19 June 2016

On 16th June the ECB published its 4th economic bulletin of the year which includes analyses on the most recent economic and monetary developments. At the same time the institution also published macro-economic previsions for the euro zone regarding growth, inflation and unemployment.

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Further action to counter the in-depth causes of illegal migration

20 June 2016

On 13th June the European Commission announced the launch of 6 actions in the Sahel and in the region of Lake Chad in view of helping towards stability and to remedy the in-depth causes of illegal migration and forced displacement.

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ECJ decision on restrictions of benefits granted to migrants

19 June 2016

The ECJ indicated on 14th June that the UK could limit certain social benefits granted to European migrants and demand that the beneficiaries of family allowance and tax credits for children have the right to residence in the UK itself.

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Commission recommendation to Greece on the refugee crisis

19 June 2016

On 15th June the European Commission adopted its 2nd recommendation regarding the measures to adopt by Greece in order to fully implement the Union's standards in terms of asylum for an improved management of the refugee crisis.

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UNICEF: 9 children in 10 who arrive in Italy are alone

20 June 2016

More than 9 refugee or migrant children in 10 arriving in Europe this year via Italy are alone revealed UNICEF on 14th June stressing that their number had doubled in comparison with the previous year.

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More illegal migrant arrivals in Italy than in Greece

19 June 2016

According to Frontex on 15th June migrant arrivals in Italy more than doubled in May in comparison with the previous month at 19,000. For the second month running the number of illegal migrants arriving in Italy coming from Libya and Egypt has risen above that registered in Greece.

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Refugee relocation and resettlement

19 June 2016

On 15th June the Commission adopted its most recent report on the progress of the EU's programmes in terms of the emergency relocation and resettlement of refugees.

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Further measures to counter terrorism

19 June 2016

On 14th June the Commission presented further measures to support Member States in the prevention and fight to counter violent radicalisation that is leading to terrorism.

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Commission: progress on endocrine disruptors

19 June 2016

On 15th June the European Commission presented a scientific approach enabling the identification of endocrine disruptors and suggested the approval of the WHO's definition of this.

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Report on the implementation of the EU/Turkey declaration

19 June 2016

On 15th June the Commission adopted its 2nd report on the progress achieved in the implementation of the EU/Turkey declaration stressing that Turkey still did not fulfill all of the criteria for it to obtain visa exemption for its citizens.

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6.7 billion€ for transport

19 June 2016

On 17th June the European Commission unveiled a list of 195 projects in the transport sector that will receive financing of 6.7 billion € under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

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Eurogroup Conclusions

19 June 2016

On 16th June the Eurogroup discussed inflation, exchange rates in the euro zone, the sustainability of the retirement pension system and IMF recommendations. The grant of a further tranche of European loans to Greece was also discussed.

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Agreement to control the trade of "conflict minerals"

19 June 2016

European institutions announced on 16th June that they had come to agreement after a year of negotiations, to control the import of "conflict minerals" which are contributing the financing of armed conflict in Africa.

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Employment, social policy, health and consumer Council

19 June 2016

On 16th and 17th June ministers discussed the results of the European Semester 2016 and the directive on posted workers. They adopted conclusions on gender equality, the fight to counter anti-microbial resistance and economic accessibility to medicines.

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Conclusions of the Economy and Finance Council

20 June 2016

The Finance Ministers adopted measures to counter tax evasion and to support banking union on 17th June as well as country specific recommendations drawn up under the European Semester.

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Conclusions of the Environment Council

21 June 2016

On 20th June the 28 European Environment ministers adopted a declaration on the ratification of the Paris Agreement (COP21) and conclusions on the circular economy.

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Extension of sanctions against Russia

20 June 2016

On 17th June the Council extended the restrictive measures adopted in response to the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sebastopol by Russia until 23rd June 2017.

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Economic partnership treaty with six countries in southern Africa

20 June 2016

The European Union and six countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) signed an economic partnership agreement on 10th June - this is the first of its type between the EU and a region of Africa which is pursuing a goal of economic integration.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

20 June 2016

On 20th June the 28 European Foreign Affairs Ministers exchanged views on the Arctic, the Sahel, Macedonia (FYRM), Myanmar and also on the peace process in the Middle East and the liberalisation of visas in view of EU-Georgia relations.

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European Agencies

Ariane 5 places two telecommunications satellites in orbit

19 June 2016

On 18th June the European launcher Ariane 5 placed two telecommunications satellites in orbit - the Echo Start XVIII for the operator Dish Network and BRIsat for the Indonesian bank Rakyat Indonesia said Arianespace.

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"In is in, out is out"

20 June 2016

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble calls for "more integration" if the British decide to leave the EU deeming that it will not be possible to carry on as "before".

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Angela Merkel in China

19 June 2016

German Chancellor Angela Merkel undertook her 9th official visit to China from 12th to 14th June. Germany is the only western country with which China has held "intergovernmental consultations" every two years since 2011, which is equivalent to a joint council of ministers.

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Bulgarian/Romanian Economic Forum

20 June 2016

The Romanian and Bulgarian Presidents opened an economic forum on 15th June in Sofia and declared their countries were the proof of successful European integration.

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Vote of no confidence against the government and dissolution of Parliament

20 June 2016

The government led by Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic collapsed on 16th June just five months after its formation with a vote of no confidence adopted 125 votes against 1 and 2 abstentions. The Croatian parliament voted for its dissolution on 20th June, thereby opening the way for a snap election before mid-September.

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Spain: TV debate

20 June 2016

On 12th and 13th June two TV debates took place between the main economic leaders on the one hand and the main leaders on the other of the four main parties (PP, PSOE, Podemos and Ciudadanos) in view of the election on 26th June.

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Finnish government report on foreign and security policy

20 June 2016

On 17th June the Finnish government presented its report on foreign and security policy. This is part of a bid to prevent isolation and to prepare for certain environmental changes.

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Defence: Franco-Finnish declaration and Franco-German cooperation

19 June 2016

On 15th June French President François Hollande and Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipilä made a joint declaration on the strengthening of the EU's security and defence policy. On the same day German Home Affairs Minister Thomas de Maizière, who was guest at the Council of Ministers, spoke on Franco-German security cooperation.

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25th anniversary of German-Polish relations

20 June 2016

German President Joachim Gauck and German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted Polish President Andrzej Duda in Berlin on 16th June in joint celebration of the 25th anniversary of the partnership between the two countries.

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British MP murdered during the campaign

20 June 2016

A tragedy interrupted the campaign on the British referendum on 16th June: MP Jo Cox was murdered in the north of England. The House of Commons is sitting in tribute to her until 20th June.

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Council of Europe

Report on the rule of law in Poland

19 June 2016

On 15th June the Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe criticised "the undermining of the rule of law" and the "extended paralysis" of the Constitutional Court in Poland.

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Libya: resolution on the arms embargo

20 June 2016

On 14th June the UN Security Council gave the greenlight to the European naval operation patrolling off the coast of Libya to enforce the arms embargo imposed on this country in order to help the Libyan government of national union in its fight to counter the jihadists.

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Ministerial Meeting

19 June 2016

After announcing the strengthening of measures of deterrence on the EU's eastern border NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on 15th June for Russia to bring its support to the pro-Russian separatists in the East of Ukraine to an end and to "withdraw its military personnel and equipment" from the latter's territory.

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International good trade surplus

19 June 2016

According to Eurostat on 15th June the euro zone's trade surplus totalled 27.5 billion € in April (+6.6 billion € in comparison with April 2015) and that of the EU 5.6 billion € (-2.6 billion € in comparison with April 2015).

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Employment figures up in the EU and in the euro zone

20 June 2016

The number of people in work increased by 0.3% both in the EU as well as in the euro zone in the first quarter of 2016 in comparison with the previous quarter said Eurostat on 14th June.

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Annual Inflation at -0.1%

19 June 2016

The EU's annual inflation rate and that of the euro zone lay at -0.1% in May 2016 against -0.2% in April according to a Eurostat publication released on 16th June.

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Trade defence

20 June 2016

On 15th June the Commission published a summary of the trade defence measures taken by third countries against the EU in 2015.

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Glastonbury Festival

19 June 2016

The 34th Glastonbury music festival will be taking place between 22nd and 26th June with an eclectic programme to satisfy all tastes and styles.

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Exhibition "Coming Home" in Ljubljana

20 June 2016

Until 1st September the National Museum of Contemporary History of Ljubljana is organising an exhibition called "Coming Home" on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the battle of Isonzo (1915) and the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second War (1945).

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Music Day

20 June 2016

On 21st June Music Day will be taking place with events organised all day and evening in many towns and cities.

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The Tate Modern extended

20 June 2016

The new wing of the Tate Modern was opened to the public on 17th June. The extension of the famous London museum on the banks of the Thames is ten storeys high and has led to a 60% increase in its exhibition capacity.

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Walk on water with "The Floating Piers"

20 June 2016

The artist Christo is inviting the public to walk on Lake Iseo in Italy until 3rd July. His work called "The Floating Piers" is a 3km long walkway.

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6th biennale of photography in Brussels

20 June 2016

The 6th edition of the Biennale of Brussels is taking place until 4th September and is devoted to contemporary photography.

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Jacques Chirac or the dialogue of cultures

20 June 2016

From 21st June to 9th October an exhibition is taking place on the role played by the former French President Jacques Chirac in the founding of the museum on Quai Branly and his taste for civilisations outside of Europe.

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20th June

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

20th June

"Environment" Council (Luxembourg)

20th to 24th June

Parliamentary Session of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg)

23rd June

Referendum on the European Union (UK)

24th June

"General Affairs Council" (Luxembourg)

26th June

Parliamentary elections (Congress and Senate) (Spain)

les 27th-28th June

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Luxembourg)

les 28th-29th June

European Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Patricia Gautier, Emma Giraud,Guillaume Gorge, Morgane Mounier, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, Sanctions/Russia, Death/UK, Dissolution/Croatia, Defence


The Newsletter n°721- version of 20 juin 2016